Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on Sep 19, 2000


Dominated by Doug

Chapter 11


The rest of the weekend with Mike visiting passed quickly in a series of blowjobs and quickie fucks. Mike really got a kick out of watching me take his cock. I had blown all three studs right before Mike was to leave and Mike had finished packing his bags as I took care of Johnny's hot latin cock. I looked over at him and could see he was getting a hard on just standing there watching me on my knees. Doug noticed as well.

"No way, Mikey. You've blown enough loads in Clay that he should be leaking cum. Time for you to go." I could see the look of disappointment on Mike's face, but he did what his brother told him, picked up his bag, shook hands with Doug and Johnny and left the room, giving me one last arrogant look. After Mike had left, I got to my feet since Doug did not protest. Standing naked in the room, cock hard and dripping, I looked at the two studs whose cum I had just swallowed. They were both obviously turned on again, their cocks rising as they looked at me.

"You want mouth or ass, John?" Doug asked. He turned to look at his buddy.

"Back door for me. I haven't used that hole near enough and he seems to like it up his ass." I dropped my gaze to the floor not looking either young man in the eye. "Doggie style, I think." He continued. "Your bed."

Knowing what was expected, I climbed onto Doug's bed on my hands and knees. Johnny was quickly on the bed behind me and Doug was kneeling in front of my face an instant later. Johnny wasted no time and after just spitting on his cock a few times, rammed it into me. I gasped at the quick penetration and Doug used that opportunity to slide his cock into my mouth. While I should have been expecting it, he caught me by surprise and I choked on his thick dick as it pushed into my throat. I heard Doug and Johnny laugh.

"Damn, man. Don't choke him to death with your cock, buddy. I'm not finished yet, and I don't do dead guys," he panted. His hips were pounding into me. I was getting rocked back and forth between the studs as their cocks slammed into me. Doug was every bit as rough in my mouth as Johnny was in my ass. I adjusted my head some, even with Doug's hands clamped down hard on it, and managed to open my throat. His cock plunged deeper. I had taken almost more cock than I could handle after the weekend I had spent with all three guys, but I had no choice but to take more. I felt Johnny's thin moustache and goatee scrape along the back of my neck, then he put his mouth close to my right ear.

"Damn, Doug, look at his lips stretch around your meat!" he said to Doug. Then he spoke to me. "You like it boy? You like my big cock up your pussy and Doug's down your throat?" He smirked. "I can tell you do, faggot." He emphasized this by pulling his cock completely out of me, then ramming it home again. I moaned around Doug's cock, still soaking deep in my throat. Finally he pulled it back, allowing me to breathe. I sucked in a breath, licking at the bottom of his shaft with long swipes of my tongue. I heard him moan in appreciation and smiled to myself.

"Yeah, cocksucker, you sure have learned your job in life." Doug held my head tightly and slid back in until my nose was in his pubes. Johnny kept up his quick jabs into me, shaking my body, but Doug held my head tightly in place. Slowly, he pulled the length of himself out of my mouth. "Lick the slit, boy. Lick the slit and taste my juices, cocksucker. Taste me!" I obeyed, still happy to be sucking off this teen college jock. "Oh, fuck yeah, that feels good, dicklicker." He sank in deep again.

I realized that Johnny was now getting close. His hips were pounding into me like a jackrabbit. His hands were under me, wrapped around my chest now. His chest was against my back and I could feel his nipples hardening and sweat making his chest slide over my back. His breath was hot against my ear as he panted with his thrusting. "Take my dick, pussyboy. Take it fucking hard and deep. Yeah, boy, I'm gonna fucking fill you with my hot cum, faggot. How do you like that?" His hand suddenly wrapped around my cock. I moaned again, deeply in my chest, and all three of us responded. Johnny suddenly rammed his cock in completely and held it there. I could feel his body tense on top of mine and his teeth stabbed at the back of my neck.

"Oh fuck yeah! Take it, pussy!" His cock began to pulse deep inside me and his fist clamped down harder around my cock. "Take my fucking juice, you dumb faggot!" he yelled.

With a whoop of pleasure, Doug pulled his cock back some and shot his wad all over my tongue, the spurts hitting the roof of my mouth, filling my cheeks and sliding into my throat. I started to swallow, knowing I needed to keep up with Doug or his cum would be running down my chin. His whoop trailed off into a moan that matched Johnny's as he milked the last of his load into my mouth. Satisfied, at least for a moment, he sat back against the pillows, and watched as Johnny finished in me. My own cock, still in the tight grasp of Johnny's hand unloaded onto the sheets of Doug's bed. Johnny raised himself off my back and I felt him pull his cock out of me.

"Get your mouth on my dick right now, boy," he ordered. I turned on the bed, taking his cock deeply. As soon as he was clean, he yanked his dick from my mouth and climbed off the bed. Doug rose to stand next to him, both of them looking at me and leaving me there on the bed, on my hands and knees, mouth open and ass stretched, full of their cum. Johnny grabbed his towel and Doug's from their hooks on the closet doors. Handing Doug's to him, he turned for the shower. "Strip the bed and wash the sheets, Clay. Then make it up for Doug." They both left the room and I heard the water start. I got off the bed and pulled at the sheets.

It was more than a week before Doug knocked on my door for anything more than my notes from a class. Even Seth had found a new chick and was skipping the morning blowjobs he normally demanded. Johnny had walked into my room and pushed me to my knees once for a slow blow job on Wednesday evening, but other than that, there was no sex going on, at least for me with them. Doug and Johnny still walked around with no shirts, and sometimes in just their boxers or briefs, knowing they were driving me crazy, and Doug would give me a wink now and then when we were all out drinking, but nothing else would come from it.

By Sunday, I was starting to think I had imagined everything, or that they had tired of me, but I now craved more dick. I called up Lyle, but he said he was busy and to leave him alone.

"I'll call you when I need my dick sucked," he said simply, and hung up the phone. I didn't know what to do. I called up my last girlfriend, who was happy to hear from me, but when we met for dinner, it just didn't seem the same. I kissed her goodnight outside her apartment and started to walk home.

I had too much pent up energy and since it was still early, I hit the dorm room for some shorts, a t-shirt and my gym shoes, another set of clothes to change into and went to find a pick up basketball game. The main gym for the downtown campus was open until 11 PM. It was only 9 when I got there. As usual, there were several games going on and I saw a guy standing against the far wall. He was obviously waiting for some guy to get tired and take his place, but since I was there, the two of us could join any game that was shorthanded. Fortunately, there was a 4 on 4 game going and we joined it. He stripped off his shirt to join the skins team. I left mine on, but got plenty of chances to innocently feel guys' chests and backs during the course of play. None of the guys seemed to notice as it was a pretty physical game, with plenty of fouls. Two guys dropped out and we went on with just eight until we noticed we were the last group still playing.

As we called it quits, I looked at my watch and saw it was now 10:30. Half the guys just grabbed their stuff and headed out the main door, but Mike's words came back to me. "Locker room slut," was what he had said. I wasn't sure if he had just been kidding me or if he had been serious, but I watched as three guys made their way into the locker room and the showers. I took my time, unsure of what to do. My cock was telling me to get in the locker room with them, but my brain was asking if that was a good idea. This was a public building. By the time my cock won the argument and I walked into the locker, one of the guys, a goodlooking blond, was walking out of the shower with a towel around his waist. He nodded to me as I began to strip. I tried to catch a glimpse of more of him, but he made his way to the next aisle and out of my view. I grabbed a towel and walked into the showers.

There were ten shower heads along each of the walls. On my left, two of them were occupied. At the first shower head, a muscular white guy stood, soaping his chest. Three down from him was a tall black guy, washing his hair. I took the second shower head on my right and hung my towel on a hook out of the way. By force of sheer will, I managed not to get hard immediately. I adjusted the water to a bit colder to help. As I started to soap up, I would turn a bit, discreetly checking out both of the guys. The white guy was one against whom I had just played and I had gotten several good feels of his body. As I watched him run the soap over his muscles, I knew how hard they were beneath the skin.

The black dude had been on my team and I checked him out as well. As I was doing so, he turned towards me and I saw a pretty good sized cock hanging between his legs. I turned my back to the wall to rinse my back, which also gave me a good view of the white guy across from me. As I was looking him over, he suddenly turned around and caught me staring at him. As naturally as I could, I turned back to the wall and grabbed the soap from the holder on the wall. I heard the shower head down the room turn off and glanced to see the black guy grab a towel and wipe himself down. Then he made his way up the center of the room. I looked back to the wall as he stopped to talk to the white stud for a second or two, but I couldn't hear what they said. Then he was out the door. The thoughts of these guys and their hard bodies was making it nearly impossible for me to keep from getting hard.

Suddenly the other shower shut off and I waited to hear the footsteps of the guy leaving. I figured I had missed my chance, unless I could catch one in the locker. But then what to do? I was debating this when I realized that the guy hadn't left the room. When I turned my head to look, he was standing just a few feet away, staring at me. I still didn't know what to do and just looked at him dumbly.

"So, dude. What's up with all the hands during the game? You trying to cop a feel of me for free?" I tried to form an answer to that, but he interrupted me. "Don't try to deny it, dude. The answer is all over your face, and elsewhere. Nobody gets a free feel, dude, so what are you gonna do to pay me for it?"

"I..I...what do you mean?" I managed to say.

"Come on dude. I'm not stupid and even if I was, watching you check me out, not to mention the black guy," he nodded towards the locker room, "here in the showers would have painted a picture for anyone. Plus, your hard dick is a dead giveaway." I looked down and saw that he was right. My cock had risen to full length and was pointing at him. "I think you'd look better on your knees with that thing, dude. Then we can work on that repayment." He stepped forward and reached out with his right hand, clamping it onto my shoulder. I watched, fascinated, as the muscles in his arms flexed as he began to push me to the floor. I submitted and sank to my knees.

"Now, you look much better in that position." He grinned down at me and his handsome features had me almost drooling. His hair was a dark brown, was pushed back from his forehead and held in place that way since it was wet. His brown eyes twinkled with amusement at watching me kneel at his feet. I watched as he widened his stance and his left hand went to the base of his cock. His muscular chest and abs were almost free of hair, but what was there seemed dark because it was wet. Holding his soft cock, he stepped forward, aiming it at my mouth. "Open up cocksucker."

I let my mouth drop open and saw his grin widen. He slid his cock between my lips and I immediately attacked it with my tongue. He let out an appreciative moan and his cock quickly began to harden. In seconds flat I had a nice mouthful of about six to seven inches of uncut cock. I felt his hands grab the sides of my head and knelt there, letting him fuck my mouth any way he wanted. Then he pulled back until just the head was in my mouth.

"Use your tongue on the head, faggot," he said quietly. "Get it up under the skin."

I did as he asked and tasted the juices his cock was already leaking. I tilted my head back, to look at his body and his face. His skin glistened with drops of water. The spray from my shower was hitting me on my upper back and splattering onto his chest and tight belly. My eyes continued up his body, taking in the curves of his muscles and the power in them until I reached his face. His head was tossed back a little and I could see his eyes were mostly closed. I guess he had enough of the attention to his head because he thrust back in deeply and began to fuck my face again. After about ten jabs, he looked down at me.

"Yeah, I knew you'd be a good cocksucker, faggot. You've obviously done this before. Fuck yeah, take my meat. Just think what a show anyone would get if they walked in right now. Big jock on his knees getting his throat reamed out. Fuck yeah, you are a helluva sight, faggot, with your hard dick showing how much you are liking it."

He didn't give me time to really let his words sink into my brain as he started to fuck my mouth harder. He kept this up for a few minutes, then his grip on my head changed. His hands grabbed my hair and he pulled upwards. His cock popped free and bobbed in front of my face. I took several deep breaths as the jock pulled me to my feet. I only got to see him for a second, but I recognized the look on his face. This man wanted to fuck me. He spun me around facing the wall and pushed me up against it, trapping my own cock between my abs and the tile of the wall. I felt the heat of his body as he moved in close behind me.

"Spread `em some, faggot." He kicked at the insides of my ankles until I spread my legs, giving him better access. "Now you're mine, fag boy. Hope you've taken it up the ass before, or this is really gonna hurt. But I wouldn't mind taking your cherry if you haven't."

I felt his cock rub along my ass. He used one hand on the back of my neck to hold me pinned against the wall, at his mercy. I felt his chest pull away from my back as he leaned backwards to aim his cock, then his cock head found my hole. Without any preparation, he moved inside me in one smooth movement. I let out a moan of pain and pleasure. His body was tight against mine again and I could feel his breath on my right cheek and the cold tile against my left. My hands were on the wall on either side of my head.

"Oh fuck yeah. You've been fucked before, boy. You took that way too easily for this to be your first time. Too bad. I would have liked to see if your scream would have brought anyone to investigate. You made a sight on your knees with my dick in your mouth, but this is even better. Now whoever walks in will see that you are a pussy to be fucked. How do you like that, faggot? You like being my pussyboy?"

"Oh, fuck yeah," I admitted. "Your cock feels great."

"I know it does, shithead. I've fucked dumb jock fags like you before and they all love my cock up their pussies. Now, keep it tight!" he demanded. I clamped down more tightly on his cock, using my ass muscles to milk him. "That's right faggot. Keep it tight for me and you'll be full of my load in no time." He started to pound into me faster and moved his hands to mine, pinning them against the wall above my head. "Uhn! Uhn! Uhn! Uhn! Take it boy! Take this man's cock, you fag! Oh fuck yeah! Keep it tight for me, bitch. Show me how good a pussy you are. That's right. Milk my dick with your tight boy pussy. Ahhh yeah. That's it you dumb faggot. Treat my cock right. Alright. Gonna fill you with my cum, dude. Gonna shoot my wad in your tight pussy! Ahhh fuck! Here it comes!" He let out a loud moan, then yelled "Take it, take it take it!"

I was worried his shouts would bring somebody, but was too far gone in his fuck to care too much. I could feel his cock swelling and knew he was pumping me full of his load. He kept saying "take it" with each spurt from his cock, his body pressing me tightly into the wall. I was straining, trying to use the force of his thrusts which were moving my body up and down the wall to get my own cock to spurt, but then he rammed in deeply and held there. I felt the last few shudders run through his body as he finished cumming. Still he didn't pull out of me.

"How'd you like that, fag?" I felt him twitch his cock inside me.

"That was great, man. You fuck like a champ." I was being truthful. Also, the danger of possibly being caught by some other guy had me almost out of my mind with lust.

"Yeah, I know I do, boy." His cock still up inside me and only slightly softening, he asked me what my name was.

"Clay," I told him. When he asked, I told him my dorm room number and the name of the hall where I lived. Slowly, he let his cock slide out of me, but still held my hands pinned to the wall. He put his mouth mext to my ear again.

"I'm gonna do that to you again, faggot. In your own pussyboy bed. You got that?" I nodded. "You want me to do it to you again?" he demanded.

"Yes," I admitted. He laughed quietly in my ear.

"I know you do." Releasing my hands, he stepped over and into my shower spray. I turned and leaned against the wall, watching him soap his crotch and body quickly, then rinse himself clean. He looked at me as he stepped over to get his towel. "Rinse off and follow me, cocksucker."

I quickly rinsed our sweat from my skin and grabbed my own towel. I wrapped it around my waist to hide my still hard cock somewhat and followed him into the locker. He led me past my aisle and into the next one, letting out a quick sharp whistle as he did so. Within seconds, the black boy who had been in the shower with us came around the end of the row of lockers.

"Judging by how much time you spent in there, you got him." The black guy said to the man who had just fucked me.

"Did you have any doubt?"

"Not really, I saw him checking us out too," the black stud laughed and let his towel drop to the floor. I could see his hard cock now, thick and purply black, fully erect. "Mouth and ass?"

"Of course. Now I'll keep watch. You have about ten minutes before the janitors show up."

"I know," he said and walked towards me. "Straddle the bench and sit, whiteboy," he ordered. I obeyed and sat, putting my head at the level of his crotch. He wasted no time stepping up with one leg on each side of the bench, and lining his cock up with my lips. As I opened for him, I saw the white guy disappear around the lockers, apparently to watch the door to the locker room. I refocused my attention on the job in front of me as the thick head slapped my face. Mouth open, I let the black guy slap my cheeks with his dick. He seemed to enjoy this the way Doug did.

"Fuck yeah, I love to see those white cheeks get all nice and red." Finally, he slid his dick in my mouth and I clamped down on it, wanting to give this guy a good time. His cock was about the same length as his buddy's but a lot thicker. Still, after taking Mike's monster cock, this was easy. "Shit, you suck like a Hoover, whiteboy. If I had known that, Troy wouldn't have gotten first go."

I redoubled my effort, using my tongue on the length of his shaft, feeling the thick veins in his cock as I did so. He rested his hands lightly on my head, not holding it and I took the initiative, bobbing my head up and down the length of his cock. He moaned in appreciation. I bobbed up and down for a few minutes more when he pulled me off his dick. I expected he wanted to fuck now, as Troy had wanted.

"My balls, faggot. Suck my balls." I moved my mouth a bit lower and lapped at his hairy ball sack. He had large balls and one at a time, I sucked them into my mouth, using all of the tricks that Doug, Johnny, Seth and the others had taught me. The black stud obviously appreciated it. I felt his nuts starting to draw up and knew I was close to bringing him off. He pulled my face from his crotch and looked down at me.

"Where do you want it, whiteboy? Where do you want me to cum?" Without even thinking, I replied, "My ass."

"Ass, boy?"

Feeling my face turn red, I responded the way he wanted, "My pussy."

"That's better, faggot." He put his hand in the center of my chest and roughly pushed me onto my back, then reached down and grabbed my legs behind my knees. He rolled me onto my shoulders. I looked up at the black stud towering over me as he prepared to fuck me. He looked down and our eyes met. "You had black cock before, whiteboy?"

"Just in my mouth," I told him. He grinned.

"Good. Then I am the first black man to get to do THIS!" As he said it he rammed into me.

"Oh God," I moaned loudly as his thick cock stretched me open wider than Troy's had done and I let out a loud gasp of pain. I heard Troy chuckling from not far away.

"Fuck him til he can't walk right, Marshall," Troy said loudly.

Marshall ignored him and concentrated on his fucking. We both knew he was close to cumming from the blow job. His entrance had been painful, but Troy's cum lubed his cock quickly and we both settled into the rough fucking. He lowered himself more and more as he fucked, until his face was just an inch over mine. Then his lips were on mine and I felt his tongue probing. I opened to this penetration and Marshall moaned loudly in my mouth. I felt his body tense for a second, then spasms ran through every muscle, shaking us both. Tongue down my throat, Marshall shot his load deep inside me, mixing his sperm with Troy's. After about thirty seconds, he had shot all his cum and he collapsed onto me, chest to chest. His tongue still roamed around in my mouth. Finally, he raised himself off me and sat back, pulling his cock out of me.

My hard cock was almost painful, straining against my tight belly. Marshall looked at it, then looked me in the face. "Jack it off whiteboy. I wanna see you cum after I just finished drilling your pussy." Needing no other permission, I grabbed my cock and with just two strokes, brought myself to orgasm. I moaned loudly as I shot my load all over my chest and abs. As I finished cumming, I opened my eyes to see both Troy and Marshall watching me. I suddenly felt acutely embarrassed, the words "locker room slut" suddenly coming back to me. Troy had a wide grin on his handsome face as he looked at me, spread on the bench and covered in cum.

"You two better rinse off quick. You got about two minutes." I followed Marshall into the shower, noticing now how much taller than me he was. He was easily six foot four. His ass muscles were incredible and I wondered what it would be like to fuck him. He turned on a shower and pushed me under it, then joined me. Soon we were clean and back in the locker room. We had almost finished dressing when we heard voices.

As I finished tying my shoe, I heard Troy say, "Clay, we're outta here." I looked up at them, sheepishly. I knew I was blushing again.

"Damn, he's a cute one," Marshall whispered. "I want more."

"I've got the info, bro. Let's get outta here." He winked at me and they both turned and walked away.

Trying to calm down, I finished tying my shoe and started to pack my things in my gym bag. Suddenly a young man, not more than 21 or 22 came past the aisle where I was sitting. He saw me and stopped, looking at me. I took him in quickly. Hot lanky body, stubble on chin and cheeks, sandy blond hair down to his shoulders, jeans that were full of holes and a tight shirt. He was hot for a janitor. I tried not to think of that or I would be hard again.

"You're still pretty red in the face, buddy. Shoulda cooled off more in the shower." Then his eyes narrowed. "Unless you're worked up over something else."

"Just hot from playing," I managed to say and got up and walked past him. As I got to the door, I glanced back and saw him still looking at me. I couldn't be sure, but it looked like there was a bulge now in his jeans. Then I saw the other janitor down the first aisle and pushed out of the locker room door.

I got back to my dorm room and thankfully, Seth was out with his girlfriend. I didn't think I could take any more action that night. I quickly stripped down and put on some boxers, then slid between the sheets. As I drifted towards sleep, images of the scruffy, sexy face of the janitor right over mine, ready to cum, filled my mind. Finally, I fell asleep.

The next morning, Seth still wasn't back, which wasn't unusual. I got up and hit the bathroom, wondering if Doug was behind the door to his room, or if Johnny was in there. My cock hardened at the thought and I slipped back into my dorm room. I didn't have class that day until late, my early class having been canceled. I lay on my bed on my back, reliving what had happened the night before with Tory and Marshall and the look the sexy janitor had given me. I wondered if he knew what had happened. He had to have passed the two studs as they left. My cock stiffened and I let my hand move to it. I had just started to stroke it lightly when there was a knock on the bathroom door. Stuffing my cock into the boxers, which did nothing to hide it, I opened the door a bit. It was Doug. I opened the door to let him in the room.

He walked in and sat on my bed, then looked at me. He let out a smirk to see my hard cock, which, if anything, was even harder at seeing him in just a pair of white jockeys. I shut and locked the door to the bathroom and looked at Doug. His eyes ran up and down my body, inspecting me. I just stood there, nervously shifting from foot to foot, waiting for him to speak.

"Unlock the door, boy. Johnny may want some service and I don't want to be interrupted by having to let you go let him in the room. Silently, I complied, then turned to look at him again.

"So, you had a date last night," Doug said. "But then you came home carrying a gym bag. So I guess she didn't put out for ya. Or did you figure out that she wasn't what you wanted, cocksucker?" I felt myself blush furiously.

"I decided that she wasn't what I wanted," I managed to say and watched a satisfied smile spread across Doug's incredible face. Just seeing it, I wanted to kiss him, lick him, do anything he wanted me to do. My cock grew even stiffer, if that was possible.

"So, what is it you decided you want?" he asked casually, pulling up his feet up onto my bed and resting his forearms on his bent knees. This made his pecs bulge out even more and I could barely tear my eyes away from his crotch.

"I want you," I managed to whisper.

"What was that, faggot?" He demanded.

"I want you," I said more clearly.

He was obviously pleased and gave me a grin. "So what did you end up doing about it?"

"I went to the gym to work it off playing basketball," I told him. Suddenly, I knew what he was going to ask.

"So, you just played some ball, boy? Or did you do more?"

I dropped my eyes from his staring at his muscled legs. Hell, even his feet were sexy! "No, sir, I did more."

"Yeah, I kinda figured that much. I wondered how long you could hold out without any cock. The fix that Johnny gave ya on Wednesday carried you a bit longer than I thought you would go, but he was horny that evening, so we agreed you could blow him."

I listened to this, not understanding at first. "What do you mean, sir." I had automatically reverted to addressing him as "sir" as he expected when we were in sexual situations.

"I mean, you dumb faggot, that Johnny and I decided to see how long you could go without our cocks before you went in search of more dick. You made it almost a week, but you had a fix of John's cum. We were both impressed, but we knew you would cave in. Johnny saw you come back last night early and followed you down to the gym. He said you played ball awhile, then disappeared in the showers with two guys and it was a good half hour before you left. He also said they left together about a minute before you. So, I know you got some cock last night." I stared at him, not knowing what to say.

"You even won me a bet, faggot. Johnny paid me a buck last night. He thought you'd go back to the bookstore for more dick or maybe to that bar for fags next door to it, but I told him that Mike had planted the seed and you'd be in the locker room. Besides, the quality of meat is best there, isn't it? You like jocks, as we all know." He chuckled. "So you made me a buck by doing the locker slut thing. Both guys get both holes?" he asked.

I could only nod. Doug laughed again. "That's what we both figured. How do you like black dick, cocksucker? Better than white, better than Latino?"

"No, sir! I like yours best!"

"I know you like mine best, faggot. You always will. This cock," he slid one hand into his briefs and grabbed the growing log I could see under the white material, "made you into the cock crazy faggot that you are today. It will always be your favorite piece of meat. I just meant in general."

I thought for a second. "Well it was different, but not that much. The guy was hot and liked to fuck, but so did the white guy."

"So when are you seeing them again?"

"I don't know."

"You don't?" Doug raised his eyebrows. "How's that?"

"I only got their first names. But they know I live in this room. Troy, the white guy, told me they would stop by for more when they wanted it." Doug laughed at me again, then turned serious. "And what if I tell you that you aren't to let them touch you again?"

I didn't even have to think about it. "Then I will turn them away at the door," I told him. I was rewarded with a smile.

"Good little fag. But, I want you to see them when they want. I have some plans, especially for the black dude. Never fucked a black guy before. He may be my first. He look like he's got a tight hole?" I thought again of the tight ass I had watched as I followed Marshall into the shower and knew that Doug would like it. I told him so.

"Good. Well then, fag. What do you want to do? You said you want me. How do you want me?"

"Any way you want, sir."

"Good answer. You can start by stripping off those boxers and getting that mouth over here on my chest. He laid on his back on my bed, his hands under his head. The sight was just too much for me and with a moan, I stripped off my boxers and dropped to my knees beside the bed. My mouth went straight for his nipple and I began to lick and suck it.

"That's right, boy, get me all hot and bothered and then I'll put it to ya, nice and hard. Suck my nip, faggot." I didn't need any encouragement. I worked my tongue across his chest, down through the valley between his pecs and to the other nipple. I teased it with my tongue, then started working my way down his body. But Doug had other plans. He used his right hand to push my face into his armpit. I didn't even hesitate, using my tongue to lick him clean there too. I had tasted plenty of his salty sweat and by now it turned me on as much as his cum did. I cleaned both pits before he allowed me to go back to his chest and start working my way towards his crotch. I licked across the tight abdominal muscles and into his navel, then followed the thin line of hair to the top of his white briefs.

"Use your teeth, cocksucker," he growled.

I grabbed at the waistband with my teeth, losing my grip three times before I was able to pull it down. I used my whole head to move the material, exposing first his dark pubes, then his rod, which sprung up and slapped me in the face. I felt him raise his hips a bit and used that to pull the briefs down to his thighs, then I went back for his cock. My mouth was just about to engulf the head when his palm against my forehead stopped me. I let out a whimper of frustration, which made him laugh.

"You really want that cock, dontcha, fag?" I turned my head to look at him, pleading with my eyes for him to let me have his cock. "Well?"

"Yes, sir, I want your cock. Please sir." I knew I was whining, but I couldn't help it. I was so damn horny I would have done anything, and the blond teen knew it. He grinned again at my response. I was saying what he wanted to hear, but I wanted to say it. I actually did want his cock. I wanted to feel its heat when it slid into my mouth and taste the precum that I could see leaking from the head. Instead, Doug continued to hold my head just out of reach of his cock. I ran my eyes from his face down along his tight body to his cock. I tried to push my mouth down but his hand was firm. I wasn't getting his dick until he was ready for me to have it.

"You've turned into a eager beaver there, Clay. You must really want my dick badly." I didn't know what to say to that. We both knew I wanted his dick. I looked him in the eyes again.

"Please sir, please let me suck your cock," it was pure begging and it did the trick. Doug pulled his hand away and my mouth dove for his dick. I lapped at the head with my tongue, tasting the familiar salty taste of his precum and then got my lips around the head. Using my mouth, I pulled his cock upwards and sank down on it. My tongue wrapped around it, getting it wet for my lips and I took him more deeply. I heard a low moan come from him and my cock throbbed in response. I was totally in tune with Doug's body now. My mouth reached his pubes and his hand dropped onto the back of my head, holding me down. I was ready for this though and had taken a deep breath. I used my tongue on the side of his cock since I was bent over the bed at his side, but he seemed pleased by that.

I felt a small spurt of juice onto my tongue when he let my head up again. Also, I noticed that his breathing was getting deeper and faster. He was really getting into this blow job. I dropped my nose into his pubes again, then pulled back up. I could feel his cock throbbing with his heartbeat. I wanted to feel his body and moved my hands upward slowly. He didn't stop me, so I rubbed one hand across his chest, feeling the hard nipples. The other I let slide to his thighs and then to his balls. He let out a gasp when my hand slid against his sack. The hand on my head grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my mouth upwards. I felt the ridge of his cockhead slide out of my grasping lips then his cock, shiny with my spit, slapped down against his taut belly. Doug pushed my face to his balls.

I sucked them just as eagerly, enjoying each time he moaned his pleasure at my efforts. Soon I had them both in my mouth, big as they were. I sucked at them together trying not to use too much suction and hurt him. Doug suddenly spread his legs, the left hanging off the bed.

"Get on the bed, cocksucker." His voice was a hoarse whisper. I climbed onto the bed, moving around so that I was between his legs, on my knees. I kept his balls in my mouth as I moved. When I was in place, Doug's left hand grabbed his shaft and he put the heel of his right hand against my forehead and pushed, forcing me to release his balls. I looked up at him along the muscled curves of his chest. His eyes met mine. "Lower."

I let my tongue slide down to the skin between his balls and his hole, lapping at it. His body twitched a bit as I did so. Doug raised his legs and I suddenly had access to his hole. I knew what he wanted and let my tongue slide lower. He let out a long shuddering sigh as my tongue stabbed at his hole trying to work inside. I lapped at it, making him moan some more. He let me continue.

"Slide that tongue inside, asslicker. I wanna feel that!" I did as he commanded, giving him the best tongue fucking that I could. He writhed on the bed with my tongue doing its work for about five minutes. Then he pulled me by the hair back up to his cock. It slid in smoothly and I could tell from its heat that he was ready to cum. I slid down it, sucking hard and with my lips like a vise around it. I heard Doug groan and his cock twitched in my mouth as he lowered his legs.

"Oh fuck yeah, cocksucker. Drink my jizz!" His cock let loose and the first spurt shot straight down my throat almost choking me. The next three came quickly, splattering against the roof of my mouth before his musky taste coated my tongue. "Ahh yeah!" he yelled. Two more smaller shots followed and I looked up at his face again. He was watching me and our eyes met. I knew what he wanted and obeyed the order he sent from his eyes. As he watched I swallowed, letting the salty taste slide down my throat. Doug's grin returned and I felt glad to have made him feel so good.

Knowing how sensitive his cockhead sometimes got, I carefully pulled up the shaft. Then I grabbed the base with my right hand and let it slide free. It was coated with my spit and I milked it gently with my hand until a pearly drop appeared. I looked again at Doug. He gave me a nod, so I lapped it up. His body twitched but he seemed to enjoy it. I wanted nothing more than to grab my cock and shoot my cum with the blond god in front of me, but I knew better. Slowly releasing his cock, I leaned back. I could still taste him. I looked at Doug's face again. He was still grinning at me.

"Good job, cocksucker," he said matter of factly. "Well, I gotta get a shower." He pulled his legs up and sat up on the bed in front of me.

"What about me, sir?" Doug looked at my cock.

"You were gonna jack off. Go ahead. Now you got some more memories to use." He stood up, grabbed his shorts and walked into the bathroom. Not able to stop myself, I grabbed my dick and was blowing my load almost immediately. I drenched my sheets in seconds. Suddenly completely exhausted, I collapsed face first onto the bed.

"Yeah, go for it man. He just blew his load after blowing me. You can probably do anything to him that you want." I froze on the bed, then slowly turned my head. Johnny and David, Doug's pledge brother, stood in the doorway. Both were naked, and hard.

Author's note: Well, the email convinced me to continue with another chapter. That is, if the story meets with your approval and you want me to go on with it. Let me know if you do and I will try to get chapter 12 to you a bit more quickly if the consensus is in favor. Thanks to all who have written before and I hope to hear from you about this and the next chapter.

Next: Chapter 12

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