Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on Jul 9, 2000


Dominated by Doug

Chapter 10


I was thankful when Mike untied my wrists from the bed rail above my head. I sat up, rubbing at them and watching Mike as he moved to sit on the other bed. God, he was a hot young stud! Just watching the muscles rippling under his smooth skin was making me horny again. I found that hard to believe after the session I had just had with Mike, but he reminded me a lot of Doug and thoughts of Doug always made me horny. He leaned back against the wall, facing me. His cock still shone with my spit and was throbbing slightly with his heartbeat. I finally managed to tear my eyes away from his meat and look up at his face. Mike was staring directly at me. His face was still flushed from his exertions, which made him even sexier.

"So, faggot, I guess you enjoyed that." He waited for a reply.

"Yes, sir, that was wonderful," I replied.

"Like I said, you took it well, boy. Doug's good at breaking in fag boys like you. I'm just surprised he hasn't made you a locker room slut. You have all the makings for it. How many dudes has he shared you with?"

I told Mike about Doug's pledge brothers, my roommate Seth, Johnny and Lyle. I didn't tell him about sucking off the guy in the library. Mike listened and his cock grew harder and harder as he pressed me for details of what I had done to me and how I had felt when the guys were up inside me. Admitting to him how much I had liked what the guys had done to me got my own cock hard. I could tell that Mike was ready for some more action but then I heard the sound of a key in the door. I almost panicked for a second, but realized that it was just Doug returning. A glance a Mike showed me that he was completely calm, hard cock and all. The voices coming from the hallway told me that Johnny and Doug had both returned. In seconds, they were in the bedroom with Mike and me.

Johnny looked at both of us then let out a loud chuckle.

"Looks like your little bro wasted no time, Doug." He turned to look at me. "So how did you like being a pussy to a high school punk?" I blushed but said nothing as Johnny laughed again.

"Well, you had your fun, little bro. How was he? A good enough pussy?"

"Fuck yeah, Doug," Mike replied. "You broke him in but good. Damn fag took every inch of my meat and shot his wad twice while I screwed him." Mike laughed. "Haven't seen a guy do that since you and I double teamed that kid in camp a couple years ago." Mike reached down and lewdly began to stroke his cock.

"Well, I am in the mood to shoot a load or two," Doug said. "How about you, Johnny? You horny?"

"Well, I wouldn't mind a quick blowjob, but I gotta meet up with some guys for a basketball game in about fifteen minutes." Johnny looked over at me. He was wearing jeans, slung low on his hips and a white t-shirt, which emphasized his dark good looks. His eyes seemed to bore into mine as he looked at me. "Why don't you take care of me, faggot, and I will leave you to play with the brothers."

I didn't try to or even want to resist. I climbed off the bed and walked to Johnny, dropping to my knees in front of him. He just stared down at me as I undid the buttons of his 501's and reached into the flap of the boxers he was wearing. I pulled his dark cock out. It wasn't even fully erect as I opened my mouth and let the head slide across my tongue. I tasted his salty sweat as well as some precum that he was starting to leak as I wrapped my lips around the shaft. As I added suction, Johnny's hands, which had been at his sides, grabbed my head tightly. He began to fuck his now steely hard cock into my mouth. I didn't know if it was the presence of Doug and his brother or if the latino stud was just very horny, but it was obvious he wanted to blow his load as quickly as possible. I tightened my lips more around his thrusting cock, taking the head into my throat as Johnny began to long-dick my mouth.

"Damn! What a cocksucker!" It was Mike speaking. "You didn't even have to order him to do it. He just got on his knees and took your cock!" Mike sounded amazed.

"He's had it before," Johnny panted, "and he loves it. He also loves it when I cream his mouth. And I'm gonna do that here in just a few seconds."

With my eyes watering, I tilted my head back, so I could look up at the stud's face. Johnny's looks were now a real turn on for me and I wished that he had taken off his shirt so that I could see the mounds of his pecs covered with the dark hair he had on his chest. But I had to make do with the form of his body which showed nicely in the tight white cotton. Then my eyes reached his handsome face. His thin moustache and goatee, always a turn on for me, made my cock ache. I reached for it with my right hand, but an order barked out by Doug stopped me from stroking my cock. I was extremely frustrated, but obeyed Doug's command.

At the time I saw a few beads of sweat appear on Johnny's forehead, I felt his balls, which had been slapping my chin begin to draw up to the base of his cock. Staring me down at me, Johnny let out a loud moan and began to cum. He pulled his cock so that the head only remained in my mouth and the spurts of his cum covered my tongue, then began to fill my mouth.

"Don't swallow, faggot." Johnny ordered. I let his cum collect in my mouth, enjoying the salty smoky taste of the latino stud's sperm. With a shuddering sigh of pleasure, Johnny finished cumming and slowly pulled his cock out of my mouth.

"Hold it right there, John my man." I was surprised to hear Doug's voice so close to my ear. "Now turn his head a bit towards me. That's good. Keep your mouth open, faggot!" Doug demanded as I started to close it.

The flash caught me in the eyes, blinding me for a second and leaving me with spots in my vision. Another flash burst across my face just after Johnny released his grip on my head. "Look up at me, Clay," Johnny ordered quietly. I obeyed. "Swallow me."

Looking up at the hot Latin stud, I swallowed, letting his cum slide down my throat to my belly. A pleased smile broke across Johnny's face, his bright white teeth gleaming in his dark skinned face. I could still taste his sweat and his cum and swallowed again, watching his grin get bigger.

"Damn! I just love watching this big white muscle boy, this Mr. Jock, swallowing my seed. Fuck that is just the best!" Johnny turned from me and opened his closet. I stayed on my knees, unsure what to do as Johnny pulled out a pair of shorts. He shucked off his jeans and his boxers. My eyes felt drawn to his exposed meat and Johnny caught the direction of my gaze. He laughed.

"That's all you get for now, Clay." He pulled on his jock and shorts, then added, "At least from me." He gave me a wink and walked out of the room. I was left on my knees with Mike, still stroking his cock, and Doug, standing now and waving the two Polaroids to dry them out and help them develop. After a minute he stopped and looked at them. He let out a low whistle, raising his eyebrows. I could feel the blood rising in my face.

"These have got to be the best yet," Doug commented. He handed a photo to me and one to his brother.

"Holy shit!" Mike exclaimed. "You can see the cum in his mouth!" I looked at the picture in my hand and saw it was true. The photo I was holding must have been the second picture that Doug had taken because Johnny's hand weren't holding my head. The picture showed me, mouth open and full of pearly cum, just inches from Johnny's softening dark cock, a matching bead of cum on the head. My eyes were open and their blue showed clearly in the picture. I lowered my head as Doug took the picture from me.

"I will just add these to my collection, Clay. You are turning into quite the model." He chuckled.

"You have more of him? Can I see them?" Mike asked.

"Shut up little brother. These pictures are mine. You have plenty of that fag you have back home. I just gave you more than an hour with Clay here. Don't push your luck!"

That apparently was enough to subdue Mike. He settled back against the wall, still stroking his cock, but didn't ask anything more about the pictures. I wondered what pictures he had at home and what they showed. Were they as incriminating as the picture Doug had of me? I figured that they were and wondered what guy was in the photos. I only had a second or two to think before Doug roughly pulled me to my feet.

"I told you I was horny, Clay. Now be a good faggot and get these clothes off me." I was more than happy to oblige, first pulling his shirt off, exposing his almost hairless muscular chest, then undoing his belt and the button of his jeans. As I lowered his zipper, I felt Doug's hand on my shoulder, pushing me downward. I sank to my knees at Doug's feet as Doug wanted, my face now level with his crotch. Doug's jeans slid down his legs and I saw that he was wearing no underwear. This turned me on even more. Doug kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his jeans. Now both of the brothers were naked along with me. Mike stepped up next to Doug and both of their hard cocks pointed at my face.

"Start with mine, faggot," Doug ordered. "I will tell you when you can switch to Mike's." I eagerly moved my head forward, taking Doug into my mouth and tasting him again. While I enjoyed sucking Johnny and Lyle and even Mike, no one tasted as good as Doug. I didn't know if this was because he was the first man who I had tasted, the way in which he had established his authority over me or simply that I was infatuated with everything about this hot young man and his incredibly sexy body. I decided I didn't care as I felt his hands on my head, forcing my mouth down the shaft of his cock, further and further. I let my throat open, as Doug had taught me to do that first day only a few weeks before and soon my nose was in his pubes. I inhaled the scent of him, and my cock grew even stiffer. I wanted so badly to stroke my meat, but knew that I needed to wait for Doug to allow it before doing so. My hands clenched and unclenched with stifled desire. Doug noticed.

"You can use your hands on me, boy. You can feel me up some. That is, if you want to." The last was said with a smirk that I could hear in his voice. Of course I wanted to feel his hot muscular body! It was one of the things I dreamed about at night. Having hours on end to simply feel and stroke his soft skin and feel his tight, hard muscles was becoming a fixture of my nightly dreams. My hands went immediately to the firm mounds of his ass. I grabbed them and pulled him even closer to me, if that was possible. Doug and I together ground his cock into my face. I let my hands run up his back, from the small muscles at the base of his spine to his large, broad shoulders. It seemed that Doug was enjoying my attention to his body as much as to his cock. I stroked the skin of his back, and let my hands drop down to his legs. His thighs were thick with muscle from hours of jogging and basketball and his calves were each mounds of muscle as well. I even enjoyed feeling the soft hairs which grew on his lower legs.

"Come on, Doug! Let me get some." Mike said. Doug ignored him for a moment, slowly plugging my mouth, letting me savor every inch of his cock, then he slowly pulled out. Mike eagerly took his place, roughly shoving his cock between my lips. While larger than his older brother in the cock department, Mike's body was not as well developed. While my hands explored his body, I made mental comparisons between the brothers. Without a doubt, I preferred Doug regardless of Mike's larger dick. Mike was pummeling my mouth, punishing it with the force of his fucking. My eyes were watering again before Doug pulled his brother away and plunged back into my mouth. The two of them alternated, each spending about two minutes in my mouth before switching, though I could tell it was Doug who was controlling the timing. As I alternated between the two, I gave an inward sigh each time Doug pulled out and an audible moan of pleasure when Doug put his dick in my mouth again. Finally, Doug pushed his brother away and took over my mouth completely.

He began to pound my mouth furiously. I simply opened my throat and took his fucking as best I could. I wanted this, I knew. I wanted to feel him cum, to hear him moan in pleasure as he shot his load into my mouth. I was surprised by my own thoughts. I knew that I was liking this all-male action more and more as the weeks progressed, but I was still surprised at my own desire to taste Doug's cum again. As I ran my hands up his back, feeling his body moving under my touch, Doug began to shoot. He let out a moan that I thought could be heard across campus and blast after blast of his hot cum shot into my mouth. I savored the taste of this stud's cum. It was better than Johnny's. It seemed to me, in the heat of my sexual high, that it was the best taste I had ever had in my mouth. I used my lips to milk his cock some more, getting every drop before Doug stopped me. I knew what Doug liked so I looked up at him. As I expected, his eyes were waiting to meet mine.

As our eyes locked together, I swallowed his load. His green eyes seemed to be the most awesome things I had ever seen as I did it. I knew that these guys not letting me cum was part of my psychological reaction to everything that was going on, but I was too caught up in the moment to care. As Doug stepped back, Mike moved right in and took his place. Apparently, Mike had been playing with his cock while I had sucked Doug because I could tell he was ready to cum immediately.

"Damn, I am just about there!" Mike announced. Both Mike and I were shocked when Doug stepped up behind me, grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my mouth off of Mike's cock. "What the hell..." Mike started to say.

"Shut up little bro. Clay, get up on the bed, on your hands and knees, like the doggie that you are." I was quick to obey, climbing up onto Doug's bed and assuming the position he had commanded. Mike was quick to climb on the bed in front of me and as his cock slid into my mouth again, I could tell he was back from the edge of cumming. The break had cooled him off some. As I felt him slide into my throat, I could feel Doug climbing onto the bed behind me. Doug used his knees to spread my legs a bit. I could feel his cock rubbing up and down the crack of my ass.

Doug lowered his chest onto my back, putting his mouth next to my ear. "Gonna put it in you, boy. Gonna make you my faggot pussyboy again." His voice was not much above a whisper and was incredibly sexy. "You want it, boy? You want me to put my big dick up inside you while you suck Mike's cock? Just moan twice if you do." I moaned twice quickly around Mike's cock and heard Doug's chuckle right against my ear. "Yeah, pussyboy, I knew you did. It's what you live for, isn't it? You want to be penetrated." I moaned twice again.

Without warning, Doug's cock stabbed into me almost completely unlubed. I let out a groan of pain, which was muffled by Mike's choking cock. I felt completely stuffed from both ends as the guys both pounded me furiously. Fortunately, Doug's cock was quickly lubed by the loads his brother had filled me with just twenty minutes earlier. As the friction eased a bit and the pain subsided, the pleasure grew. I realized that my cock had gone half limp with the pain of Doug's penetration, but now was growing again. That word itself was part of it. Hearing him whisper into my ear "You want to be penetrated" had been a major turn on itself.

"Yeah, take it, pussyboy. Take my big dick up that tight little hole. Fuck yeah! That boypussy was made to be penetrated by real men like me." There was the word again. I didn't know why, but hearing Doug say "penetrated" got my cock leaking. "Fucking feel me! Feel my cock in you, boy. Feel me way up deep inside you. Ahh, yeah, you've got a tight hole, boy, even after a good stretching by Mikey's big dick." Doug moved his hips in circles, probing inside me at all different angles.

Mike, by now, was panting like he had run a marathon and I knew that he was close to cumming again. His long cock was sliding deep into my throat, then pulling back until I held just the head between my lips. Then Mike would slide his entire length into me again. I felt Doug's cock pull out of me completely, then penetrate me once more. I was lost in heaven between these two studs. I had not had such a hot experience since the time Doug had set me up with Seth, my roomie. Mike and Doug were double teaming me just like Seth and Doug had done that other night. Mike was holding his cock deep inside my throat now, not moving. I could tell he was holding off his orgasm by sheer force of will. Doug's cock continued to pull out of me completely, then plunge back into me.

"Fucking penetrating you, faggot. Fucking pulling out and shoving back in and you are loving it. You are loving it and taking it like the cockslut that you are. You fucking faggot. You were put on earth for this, boy. You realize that? You were put on earth to take cock. Ohh, yeah. That's it, boy. Keep it tight for me. Yeah, you know how to treat a man's cock right!" I was clamping down onto his cock, milking it as best I could. Mike was moving in my mouth again, and I was grateful because it allowed me to breathe again. But now he could no longer hold back. With Doug still long dicking me doggie style, Mike blew his load into my mouth. He let out a series of yelps as he did it, each punctuating a blast of his cum. I swallowed it greedily as quickly as he could pump it into my mouth.

Exhausted, Mike fell back against the pillows at the head of the bed. I saw that his cock was finally softening. Now that my mouth was unoccupied, I let out a moan of pleasure at Doug's next penetration.

"Oh god, Doug! God, that feels so good!" Doug's arms wrapped around my chest and I supported both of us as his hips drove his cock into me with small short rabbit-like strokes. His cock was deep inside me, moving back and forth by just inches. I was moaning loudly and I arched my back into Doug's thrusts. I heard him laugh.

"That's it boy. Open up for me. You fucking slut! Doing everything you can to get my dick deeper and harder. You like what I'm doing to ya, boy? Tell me how much you like it."

"I love your cock fucking me, Doug. God it feels so good! Please don't stop fucking me." I heard Mike laughing and looked at him. He was relaxed against the pillows watching his big brother fuck me into utter submission. "I want to feel you cum in me again, sir!"

"Yeah, bitch. You are gonna feel that real soon. Keep that hole tight on my cock, boy! Keep it tight and you will get your reward. Ahhh fuck yeah! That's the way, that's the way to treat my big dick. You take dick better than any faggot I've ever had, pussyboy. You take it like you were built for it. Tell me why you are on this earth, faggot!"

"I am here to take your cock, sir. I was put on earth to have you fill me with your cum. Ohh, god, that is so good!" Doug was back to long dicking me again, pulling completely out and then penetrating me. It felt so good I would have told Doug anything to keep him going. Then Doug did something he rarely ever did. His hands wrapped around my cock and squeezed. His chest was still on my back and I heard him whisper into my ear.

"I'm gonna cum, Clay. Gonna cum up inside you. I wanna feel you shooting your load when I do, boy. That's an order. I'm almost there. You ready to cum too, Clay?" I nodded my head and told him that I was ready. Hearing him say my name, together with his hand on my cock was too much for me to resist. Doug yanked his cock out of me, then savagely thrust as deeply into me as he could go. I was clamping down hard on cock as he did so and felt the start of his orgasm through his entire body, which was draped on top of me. "Take it, boy! Take my cum in your hot little pussy!"

As Doug's cock expanded deep inside me and he pumped me full of his cum, my own load exploded out of my cock. I only had enough cum left for three large spurts before I was drained, but Doug's load pumped into me for a good fifteen or twenty seconds. It seemed he must have shot a gallon of cum into me. I moaned as I came, enjoying the feeling of his cumming as much, if not more than my own orgasm. Then my own exhaustion overtook me and I could no longer support both of us. I collapsed onto the bed, Doug staying on top of me. I could feel his chest expanding against my back with each gasping breath his took. His heart was pounding in his chest and I could feel that too. Laying on the bed with Doug still inside me, my face between Mike's outstretched legs, I decided that this must be heaven. Doug's breath was hot against the back of my neck and my ear and his sweat mingled with mine as we recovered.

Mike climbed off the bed and headed for the shower, leaving Doug and me laying on it. Doug made no move to pull his cock out of me or to roll off of me. He seemed content to use me as his cushion. I had no problem with this stud using me in any way he wanted. I loved the feel of his skin against mine so I just laid under him, catching my breath and wondering what Doug had in mind for me next.

*** Author's Note: As always, thanks to all of you who have sent me email encouraging me to continue the story and offering suggestions. I would not have continued it this long without your encouragement. As it is, I had planned to end the story with this chapter, but am considering one more. Please email me if you would like me to continue.

Next: Chapter 11

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