Dominated by Doug

By Percxyz

Published on Feb 2, 1999


Dominated by Doug


I had always had sex with females through high school. Only one time had I done anything with a guy and that was just jack off with him in the showers after gym one day. We had never touched each other or ever spoken about it after that. When I started college I was looking forward to expanding my sex life as much as possible. I just didn't foresee how it was going to expand. I moved into a dorm room that I shared with one guy and found out we shared a bathroom with six more. It connected in the middle of our rooms, so only the guys from our four rooms could access it. The eight of us got to know each other very quickly, and I liked all of them. My roomie was my age, a bit shorter than me and a really great guy. He was into basketball and working out and we partied a lot with the other six guys. I dated some of the co- eds and was pretty popular as I had played sports in high school and had a good body. I stood an even six feet tall, had sandy brown hair and blue eyes that all the girls seemed to like. While I wasn't all beefed up like some of the guys in the gym where I worked out were, I had plenty of definition to my muscles.

One of the guys in the room across the hall was named Doug. He and I had gotten to be more of acquaintances rather than friends. He just seemed kind of standoffish. He was drop dead good looking and he knew it. He always seemed to be the center of attention when he was in a group because of his looks, but he never seemed to take much of a liking to me. I didn't know why and just tried to treat him like a friend. Doug was the stereotype "surfer dude". He had the blond hair, the tan and all the right muscles to fit the bill. He wore his hair a bit long in the back and wore a thin strip of leather around his right ankle which I thought was really cool. One morning Doug and I both arrived at the shower in the morning at about the same time. There were two shower heads behind a single curtain that were separated by a fiberglass type divider mounted on the wall. It only stuck out about a foot from the wall and ran from about shoulder height down to my knees. I had showered with a few of the guys before, including Doug, and it was never any big deal.

I had just gotten wet and was standing under the left shower head when he arrived a few seconds later. I thought he would walk away when he saw me already under the showerhead, but he just turned the water on next to me and seemed to ignore me. I couldn't seem to ignore him though. He had almost no hair on his chest, but had a thick bush around his cock. A quick glance showed me that he was well endowed and almost certainly bigger than me. Suddenly I realized that he was watching me as I looked over his body. I felt myself blush everywhere.

"I know you are staring at me, Clay. You a fag or something?" I didn't know what to say and just stared at him stupidly for a few seconds. He had a smirk on his face as I tried to stammer out a response. He looked me up and down and said "Thought so." I realized that my cock was getting hard! I turned away from him a bit, but it was too late, he had already seen me getting hard. I didn't know what to think. I had been fucking all the chicks, just like the other guys, and now here I was getting hard in the shower with another naked teenage male. Doug paused for a second. "I can tell ya dig my body. That's cool. I get off on being admired. But remember, you can look, but if you touch, I'll kill ya."

With that, he turned and faced me. I ran my eyes from his face down his body slowly. His dark blond hair looked almost brown since it was wet. His green eyes seemed to penetrate mine. My eyes drank in the sight of his well formed chest and tight stomach. He played lacrosse in a league and the exercise paid off. I was in good shape from my time spent in the gym, but he seemed to have just a natural good build along with his incredible good looks. It seemed every muscle in his body was well defined. I admired the sparse hairs across his chest in the valley between his pecs and around his nipples. Then my eyes reached his cock. I had never had a chance to get a good look at it before. Soft, it looked about four or five inches long and pretty thick. Before I had a chance to really feast my eyes, Doug turned back under the water. I let my eyes linger, taking in his lean, lithe form and the firm mounds of his ass before I turned away. I knew I would throw a full boner if I kept looking at him.

After that encounter, things seemed to go back to normal between Doug and me. We hung out with the rest of the guys and were if anything, better buddies than we had been before. I was kind of preoccupied with him for a few weeks, but his steady stream of girlfriends impressed even me. I was still scoring with a few girls on campus, but not many as Doug. Then, I got stuck over a long weekend because my car had broken down. I planned on a boring weekend spent alone in the town. I was very pleasantly surprised to find that Doug was also there for the weekend. I found him alone at the dorm Friday evening when classes ended. He suggested we go get a few beers and we went to a local bar that evening. Usually it was packed, but with the holiday, there were only a few others there. Over pitchers, we talked and he brought up the subject of the time I checked him out in the shower. We discussed the fact that we had both been fucking girls and he wanted to know what was up with me. Was I gay? I told him that he was just a really good looking guy and I had just been horny that morning. He just stared at me with a smirk on his face then moved on to talk about his latest girlfriend. Later we staggered home and each collapsed in bed. We were a bit hung over the next morning, but a long jog took care of that.

After the run we showered again, and I took several covert looks at his body, but I kind of knew that he knew I was looking at him. I even got half hard watching him soap his crotch. He saw it and put on a small show for me, clearly enjoying being admired. We both laughed a bit and my cock got even harder, so I quickly rinsed off and left the shower. While I shaved, he stayed in the shower, but kept the curtain closed. I was in my room toweling off when Doug came through the door. He was dry, but still naked like me. He sat on my bed. I looked at him.

"I gotta problem." he said.

"What's wrong?"

He grabbed his cock and stroked it a bit. I watched as it grew in his hand. Within seconds, he was holding about eight thick inches of hard cock. I knew my mouth had dropped open, so I closed it. He looked up at me from where he was sprawled on my bed. "This is what's wrong. Any time I wake up with a hangover, I am horny as hell for the rest of the day. Usually it's not a problem, but all the chicks are gone. I know you dig my body. Hell you just got hard watching me. Figured I'd give you a thrill."

"Well, I... I do think you are hot, Doug, but what about the fact that you will kill me if I touch you?"

He chuckled. "I will unless we do it my way. I order, you obey. Got it?"

"But..." I began.

He began got up and started back towards the door. "No problem dude. If you aren't interested I'll just go jerk off."

"No, wait!"

He turned to me again, the sexy smirk I had seen before back on his face. He looked very masculine and sexy with a day's worth of stubble on his cheeks and chin. "Yeah, that's what I figured, fag. You won't let my big dick get away. Why don't you get on your knees?" I looked at him for a second. I knew that if I did what he wanted and submitted to him, our relationship would change, but looking at his hard, toned body and thick cock was too much. I slowly dropped to my knees. My own cock was rock hard, jutting out from between my legs. Doug just stood there looking at me. He looked so sexy, his hair was still damp, but much lighter now since it was only damp. It was uncombed, but he kept it very short, except for the long locks in the back and it looked very sexy. I waited on my knees. He was near the door and I was scared to death he would turn and leave, but as I watched, his eyes narrowed.

"You look good on your knees, faggot. You a cocksucker, boy? You already been on your knees for a real man? You sucked a guy's dick before, boy?"

I told him that I had never done anything like this before.

"Bullshit. You've probably had a dozen guys' dicks in you mouth, haven't you?"

"No, honestly Doug, I can't even believe I am here doing this now." I dropped my eyes from his and to the floor, but then the sight of his hard cock drew my gaze again. Damn! He looked so hot standing there! He saw where my gaze had settled.

"You like my big meat, boy?" I admitted to him that I did. "Well, crawl over here and kneel at my feet, cocksucker."

I did as he ordered, my knees hurting on the hard floor. But I ignored the pain and the humiliation of crawling on the floor to get closer to this handsome teenage stud and his throbbing hard cock. He just grinned and watched me as I did it. When I got in front of him, my face only inches from his cock, I stopped and looked up at him. He was staring down at me. His cock bobbed just in front of my lips and I began to lean forward to take him in my mouth, but his hand grabbed a fistful of my hair stopped me. He pulled my head back until my eyes met his.

"I told you that we do this my way, pussyboy. You got that? You do what I say when I say, or I'm outta here. Understand?"

I was kind of shocked to hear him call me that name, but just replied, "Yeah, Doug."

"You call me Sir, cocksucker."

"Yes, Sir," I replied. That wasn't too much to do if it got me the chance to suck this stud's cock. I had accepted now that I wanted nothing more than to feel it slide into my mouth.

Still holding my head by the hair, Doug grabbed the base of his cock and began to slap my face with it. I could feel the precum which was flowing from the had smearing on my cheeks. I opened my mouth and tried to lick his cock, but he just rubbed it all over my face at first, avoiding my mouth. I was looking up at his handsome face staring down at me as he did it.

"Damn! I can't believe that you would let another guy dick slap you, Clay. Big jock stud like you acting all macho with the rest of the guys and now look at you. Practically begging me to let you suck my dick. Go ahead, cocksucker. Beg me."

"Please, Sir. Please let me suck your cock. I am begging you, Sir. Please let me lick your cock and suck it, Sir. I want your dick so bad!"

He released his grip on my hair and I captured his cock in my mouth. I could taste the salty precum which was oozing from his slit. My tongue danced over the head and I listened as he moaned in pleasure.

"Yeah, that's it cocksucker. Work my cock with that tongue. Make me feel good, faggot."

I reached up and ran my hands along Doug's calves, feeling the sparse hairs that grew there.

"No hands, bitch! You just use your mouth.

I dropped my hands to my own cock and began to stroke it as I slid my lips down the length of his hot cock.

"Dammit!" he said, yanking his dick from between my lips. "I said you couldn't use your hands, faggot. Didn't you hear me? That means not on me or on your pussyboy cock!" He turned and walked to my closet. I just knelt on the floor as he opened the closet door and searched it, pulling out my clothes and dropping them on the floor. Finally he turned around with a silk necktie in his hands. As he walked back to me he told me to stand. I did. He stepped behind me and grabbed my right wrist. Doug pulled it behind my back and then reached for my other wrist.

"Doug, please..." I began, but he interrupted.

"Shut up faggot! I told you. My way. You want me to stop and I walk out of here."

I let him move my left wrist behind my back. He whispered in my ear as he bound my hands behind me. "You didn't obey my order, boy. I told you not to use your hands. Now I'm gonna make sure you don't." I felt the knot tighten and my wrists were tied, crossed over my spine at the small of my back. I felt Doug's arms wrap around me and pull me back against him. His hard cock slid along my ass as he humped me some.

"I'm gonna get me some of your boy pussy, bitch. I'm gonna ram my cock up inside you and turn you into my pussy. Any man ever made you his pussy boy?"

"No, sir. I've never even sucked cock before just now, sir. Please let me suck your cock." I had never even thought that he might want to fuck me and was now worried. But Doug moved back in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders. He pushed me to my knees and again I found myself with my mouth just inches from his hard dick. Another drop of prcum had formed and I lened forward and licked it off eagerly. I heard him laugh.

"Damn. What a fucking faggot! So hot for my juice you can't even wait for me to shove it in your mouth." As he said that, he thrust his hips forward and several inches of his thick cock slid into my mouth. I was in heaven, sucking greedily on his thick juicy cock. I pushed my head further, working my way down his shaft. Doug began to thrust back and forth slowly. He pulled the head of his cock back to just inside my lips and then thrust back in, a bit deeper each time. The head of his cock reached the entrance to my throat and as I gagged, he held my head firmly between his hands and forced it in deeper. Soon, my nose rested in his black pubic hair. He held there, his cock cutting off my air and I fought the urge to gag. "Yeah. Soaking my cock in your throat, boy. Feels good!" His hands held my head more tightly. After a few seconds I began to struggle, needing to get air. Doug held his dick completely down my throat for another few seconds, until I began to get desperate, then he let go. I quickly dragged my head back and inhaled deeply through my nose. I could hear Doug laughing. He thrust in again. Soon, he had set up his pace and was roughly fucking my face.

"Yeah, bitch. Take my dick. None of the chicks will let me fuck their throats raw, but you've got no choice, do you boy? Fucking eat my meat. Yeah, cocksucker, you were born to suck a man's dick. You need a rough fuck in the mouth real bad and I'm the man to give it to ya!" The speed of his hips had increased. My eyes were watering and my lips and throat were starting to go numb from his pistoning cock. Still, my own dick throbbed and twitched between my spread legs. My arms pulled at the tie around my wrists and I could tell that Doug liked watching me struggle, but there was no way I could get free. I felt him twist my head back, managing to get even deeper in my throat. I could now look up at him. His lips were parted as he panted with the effort of his fucking. He was looking right down at me and my eyes met his.

"Gonna cum in your mouth, cocksucker. Fill you up with my cum and watch you drink it, faggot. Damn, a guy swallowing another dude's fucking sperm. I can't wait to watch you drink my cum, boy. Yeahhh! Almost there! Ahh yeah! Fucking cumming in your mouth! Swallow it, Clay, swallow the cum right out of my balls!"

I had no choice but to swallow. His cock was buried deep in my throat when the first spurt shot forth and I never even tasted it. But the force of Doug's orgasm jerked his hips back and two large salty spurts covered my tongue. He then plunged in again, emptying more of himself down my throat. Then he pulled back and held the head on my tongue. Another larger spurt of his hot cum shot out, then he milked the shaft with his hand for a second. I flicked my tongue over the head, lapping up the large drop of sperm he had squeezed out. Then the palm of his left hand pushed against my forehead and knocked me back onto the floor on my butt.

I looked up at Doug. His chest was covered with a thin sheen of sweat and his face was flushed. He was still taking deep breaths from his exertions which gave me a great view of his magnificent chest expanding and contracting. My own cock was leaking precum and in desperate need, but there was no way I could give it any attention. Doug caught his breath, staring down at me almost contemptuously and moved back to the bed. He sat on it again, his legs spread wide. I saw that his cock was still hard. Looking at him, sweaty and his hard cock throbbing and covered with my spit had me even more turned on. I definitely wanted to suck this stud again!

I didn't realize that his plans were a lot different. After a couple seconds to compose himself, he stood and grabbed my hair again. He pulled me over to my bed and pushed me face down onto it. I felt him working at the knot in the tie around my wrist and sighed in relief. When I was free, I pulled my arms forward to rub my wrists. That was exactly what Doug wanted. He pinned both of my wrists to the bed above my head and I felt his weight settle on me.

Doug used his knees to force my legs apart and then I felt the warmth of the skin of his chest against my back. I could feel his hard nipples scraping across my shoulder blades as he slowly ran his cock up and down along the crack of my ass. I knew what he planned to do. Doug was mounting me. He was going to fuck me!

"No, Doug, please. I don't take it up the ass. Please, let me suck you again!"

"You don't take it up the ass? Hell, all fags take it up the ass. You're a fag, so you should know that. Don't worry, pussyboy, I've busted a couple cherries before." Doug's lips were right up against my right ear and I could feel his warm breath as he spoke. "Of course those were chicks. They all wanted it nice and soft and slow and I always had to be real gentle with them as I opened them up. It's gonna be great to bust you wide open fast, hard and rough. You're gonna take it from a real man. I'm gonna make you my bitch, Clay"

I felt him raise up a bit. Doug slid his muscular forearms up under my arms and locked his hands across the back of my neck putting me in a headlock. I could feel the head of his cock, lubed only by the last of my spit and some of the precum he was leaking lodged at my entrance. I didn't want him to do it. Sucking off Doug was one thing. I had even swallowed this dude's whole load of cum. I had figured that would be it. Or maybe a second blowjob when he was still hard. But to feel another male mount me and shove his cock up into me was something I had never planned on. I had submitted to his dominant attitude when he took over my mouth and fucked my face, but that was nothing compared to the ultimate in submission: allowing another teenage guy to fuck me up the ass and cum inside me, making me his bitch to use his words.

"Please Doug. Stop. Don't fuck me. I will suck you again! I will do anything you want, but please don't fuck me in the ass, Sir!"

I heard him laugh. "You want this, bitch. Don't try to deny it. You get off on me on top of you, using your body for my own pleasure." He unlocked his hands and ran the left one down my body to my crotch. His fingers encircled my hard cock and I gasped in pleasure. "See, pussyboy? Here I am laying on you with my dick head ready to slide into you and you are hard as a rock and leaking precum. So don't tell me you don't want this. You were fucking put here on earth to be fucked by my big dick, bitch!" He locked his hands behind my neck again putting me into a headlock from which I couldn't break free. He used his knees to spread my legs even further, opening me up for his penetration.

I felt his hips begin to push forward. He showed no mercy, just forced his cock deep into me in one fast, unrelenting thrust.

"Ahhh! No!! Please Doug! Please stop! It's too big, Doug. I can't take it!"

"You are taking it faggot! And before I cum up in your pussy, you'll be loving it. So just shut your mouth and take it like cock loving punk that you are. You're getting your cherry busted wide open, boy. Of course it's gonna hurt. But before long you'll see I was right. You gotta take it rough and hard. I am the first man up your hole, faggot. I am making you into a pussy. But I won't be the last man to use your hole, bitch. I am gonna make sure you are wide open and ready for the men who get here after me!" He thrust a bit more and the whole length of his cock was now buried up inside me.

I felt violated, both physically by the huge cock inside me and also mentally as his words sunk in. His huge cock seemed like an arm had been shoved up inside me. There were tears in my eyes again, this time from the pain. The words that Doug was saying into my ear penetrated my head even as his cock penetrated my body. He had done it. He had busted my cherry. His dick was up inside me moving around in small circles, probing as he ground his hips.

"Feel it fucking you, bitch," he whispered into my ear. "Feel my big cock sliding up inside your pussy, faggot. Oh yeah! You are fucking tight, pussyboy. Tighter than any bitch I've fucked before. Oh fuck yeah. Squeeze my big cock with that ass, boy. Work my cock! Oh fuck yeah. Fucking faggot. Fucking faggot!"

He kept saying that with each thrust in and and I couldn't tell if he was calling me names or just telling me what he was doing. He words turned to moans and grunts after his thrusts began to increase in speed. The pain of his penetration was subsiding, and with it, the humiliation of being mounted by another teenage male. His cock began to feel good moving inside me. I liked the feel of the weight of his body on me and the sliding of his skin against mine as he humped my pussy. I could feel his sweat dripping onto my back and then his teeth on the neck of my skin. He bit and nipped at my neck, just as I had done to girls that I had fucked before. I knew I would have marks there the next few days. His hot breath against my skin drove me crazy. He began to pound into me even harder fucking me like a two bit whore.

Doug's hands unlocked from behind my neck and began to explore my body in a way no one had ever done before. Doug pulled me up onto my hands and knees, taking me doggie style now. I was no longer resisting him. I loved the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of me. I heard moaning and realized that I was making the noise. Each time Doug thrust in, he forced out a moan from deep in my chest. Doug's hands felt all of my intimate areas, even stroking my cock for a second. As his fingers slid into my mouth, his cock pounded into me and I sucked on his fingers like they were his cock. Then Doug wrapped his arms around my chest and pulled me upright onto my knees. I could feel his cock probing at a different angle now as he thrust up into me. I ran my hands over his arms, then down my sides and behind me. I grabbed his ass cheeks for a second, feeling the powerful muscles which were driving his cock into me before he ordered me to stop. I turned a bit when he forced me to the side and I could see our reflection in the mirror on the closet door. There I was, on my knees, the blond stud pressed up against my back with his arms around my chest and his hips thrusting his cock into me. All of my muscles stood out as my body tensed with the force of taking his cock. All the time I had spent in the gym, working out, making myself look good was now for the benefit of giving pleasure to this dominant teenage male. Doug let me fall forward and I was back on my hands and knees.

Doug's hands slid under my chest, finding my nipples and pinching them. He squeezed them harder and harder. I moaned now in a mix of pain and pleasure. The feelings from my ass as he fucked me were incredible now. I was in ecstasy. This straight boy had put me on my own bed, mounted me, taken my cherry and was making me love it. I knew that there was only one step left to complete my submission to him. He was not long in demanding it.

"Come on, pussyboy. Tell me how much you love what I am doing to you! Tell me what I am doing to you, faggot, and tell me how much you love it."

"Oh god, Doug! I love it! You are fucking me up the ass and I love it. Fuck me! Fuck me harder Doug. Please! Please fuck me harder up the ass!"

"I'm fucking your pussy, bitch. Get that straight. I am a man and I fuck pussy. I took your cherry and made your hole into a pussy. Now I am gonna fill you with my seed, just like I would any other pussy. Oh yeah! Gonna cum deep up inside you baby! Gonna cum real soon!"

"Oh god, Doug. I am gonna cum too. I'm about ready to shoot my cum. Oh shit. Your fucking me is gonna make me shoot my wad."

"Catch it in your hand, bitch. I want you to catch your fucking faggot load in your hand!"

I felt his cock throbbing in my ass and his roar of pleasure confirmed that he was filling my guts with his cum. The force of his thrusting brought me to the edge and with a loud moan, I began to cum. As Doug emptied his balls into my body, I emptied mine into my cupped hand. Doug's rough fucking continued through his orgasm, then he collapsed onto me. This drove his cock deep into me one last time. He lay on top of me, two fingers sliding into my mouth as I held us up with just one arm. My other hand full of my own hot load. I felt his dick begin to soften. After a few moments, Doug lifted himself up and his dick slid from my abused ass. He knelt back and told me to turn around. I slid around on the bed to face him. I was blushing, I knew, as I looked at Doug again. He was covered in sweat and breathing heavily still. The rush I had been feeling as he took my virginity and made me submit to him had dissipated when I had cum. Now I was just feeling embarrassed. But Doug's domination had not ended when he pulled his cock out of me. He reached forward and grabbed my right wrist. He forced my hand, covered with my own cum, to my face.

"Lick it up, bitch." he ordered. I looked at him, hoping he was kidding, but the look in his eye told me he wasn't. I obeyed and licked my own cum from my hand as he watched. His face broke into a smile as he saw the power he had over me. I cleaned my hand completely then reached back and felt my hole. It was stretched feeling and Doug's cum was everywhere.

"Now you've got me in both ends, Clay. And now I own your cherries, both mouth and pussy. I took them from ya and every time you look at me, you're gonna remember that I was the first man to fuck you, to make you his bitch." He walked back into the bathroom and I heard the shower start. I climbed off the bed and followed him in. I needed to clean up too. In the shower, Doug was not at all shy. He gave me every view of his body that I wanted, showing off. I watched for a few minutes working up my courage.

"Doug, will you fuck me again. Please?"

Doug looked at me and laughed. "I'm gonna fuck you, mouth and ass, ten times before the guys get back Sunday. When my chicks are back, I'm gonna be fucking them. But I will always want some of your ass when there aren't any girls available. And don't worry, I know that the other guys will be more than happy to keep you full of cum when I am busy once I tell them about your talents. But before that you gotta earn the right."

"What do I have to do?"

"Just what you begged me to let you do earlier, before I showed you what a pussy you are. Suck my dick." He pushed me to my knees under the cascading water.

Doug was true to his word. We spent the weekend with me taking his cock in every position he could think of. When the guys came back, one by one he let them in on the secret and I took all of their cocks within the next two months. But for the most part I only got Doug's dick when none of his current chicks were around or he was between girlfriends. There were certain times when he just wanted to dominate me, show his power over another male, and those were some I enjoyed the most. But I got a lot of action from my suite mates and my roommate in the meantime. Still, every time I looked at Doug, I remembered the feeling of his cock ramming into me that first time and busting my cherry open. I would see him walking to class or out at a bar and the thought of his first penetration would flash through my mind and make my cock stir. He made me his bitch and showed me how much I needed to be fucked by a real man.

Next: Chapter 2

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