Dominated by Boss Son

By John Smith

Published on Jun 6, 2004


Note: All Characters are 18 or over. Do not read this if it is illegal where you live, or if you are offended by gay sex.

Coach had said "The boy has a big job tomorrow. We can't wear out his holes tonight."

I guess they did not really wear my holes out even though it felt like they had at the time. After a good nights sleep, I felt good, not sore. I guess my throat and ass were accustomed to frequent use. Damn, I was horny though. At work on Friday I don't think my cock went soft for more than 15 minutes at a time. Paul gave me my marching orders during lunch. I had my mouth full with his cock of coarse.

Paul: "You are taking a half a day of vacation today. Jake filled the vacation request out for you a month ago. Your going to leave right after you finish servicing Jake's cock. Jake has pics, names, and personality profiles for all your guests. Memorize all that shit before the bachelor party. The caterers will be at the house at 2:00. The food, drinks, decorations, and party favors are all arranged and will be delivered by the caterers, so you do not have to do much for the party. Oh, you do have to blow the caterers. They are providing their services at cost, and you are going to service them any way they like for 45 minutes after they set things up. Coach says your are now a real ball and cum coinsure, so I was sure you would want to sample the caterers' cocks."

When I got home, I read through the profiles and looked at the pictures of the frat boys who were my guests and masters tonight. If these guys ever form a band, they will have to call themselves the Bleach Boys. Almost all blond, all fresh out of college, mostly athletic, 22-24 year old, SS types. More than half had the word aggressive in their personality profile. I except the word PRICK should have been in every profile. But still, I was just about to start jacking my cock while looking at the pics when the caterers showed up.

As always, Paul had been right. Watching the three caterers work did make me hungry for their cocks. They were Iranian I think. Medium build, olive skin, dark thick hair, thick mustaches, very hairy chests. The lead guy was in his late thirties, the other two in their late twenties. Totally professional while they were working. Fast and efficient. Or maybe they were just in a hurry to finish the set up, so they could fuck me. I was more than ready when the lead man came over and told me they were finished. Told me to get naked and get on my knees.

The dudes must have been working together for a long time. They used the same organization and team work on me that they had used when setting up the party. One dude would use my ass while another would used my mouth. The third guy would teased my tits or cock, so my ass mussels would be extra tight on his buddy's cock. They extracted maximum pleasure from me in the 45 minutes they had. No verbal abuse or domination, just three Men enjoying my ass, throat and tongue. Their cocks were uncut and longer and fatter than average. Thick hair from their ankles up to their cum filled nuts. Their cum tasted unique. Can't really describe it, not too many words in English to describe the subtle taste & texture variation of a Man's jizz. I had licked all the sweat off of their cocks, balls, and ass holes before the 45 minutes was up. I was suppose to be resting up for my big night, but I had already sucked off 5 Men today and had three fresh loads in my butt. To add insult to it, the lead Man gave me a note from Paul before they left.

The note said " So how did you like your Middle East treats ? How dose it feel to have your twat and pussy mouth given away to a couple of buss boys for a tip? I'm guessing it gives you a warm full feeling in your belly and a sloppy wet feeling in your butt. Be sure to wash their cum out of your twat before the party. I want you clean and dressed in your best preppy clothes at 9 PM. Roger will be there then to take charge. He is your master for the night. Get the sling clean & ready, but do not hang it up yet. Put fresh batteries in your butt toys, but keep them out of sight. Set up several raunchy straight DVDs in the living room & master bed room. Oh, and remember to lube up your twat before he gets there. Now go take a nap."

After my nap, I did as I was told. Everything was ready. I looked good, and my ass was packed with long lasting silicone lube. Roger was right on time. I was expecting to get fucked & verbally abused first thing. But I was surprised to find he was not an ass hole. He was pleasant to be around actually. He checked out the party supplies. Then we sat down and had a drink, and he began to ask me questions. Friendly tame questions at first, My guard was down when the conversations started to seem more like a job interview or maybe like psycho analysis. It felt good really, that someone was taking a real interest in me rather than my orifices. As dumb as it sounds, I was shocked when he asked in neutral tone:

"You are a handsome, athletic, normal acting guy. Is it true you will take any Man's cock & load anyway, any where, any time Paul tells you to?"

I looked at the floor. I wanted to sink into the floor. Roger put his hand under my chin and forced me to look at his face, and I said


"Do you enjoy being his sex slave? Or should I say, a sex slave for several Men?"

"Yea, most of the time. Even when it is humiliating, there is an excitement. Almost like a drug fix."

"You are hard right now aren't you? You want me to feed you my cock right here right now?"

Again he made me blush somehow when I answered "Yes"

"Tell me how it happened. Tell me the story of the first time Paul used you."

His voice was soothing and compelling. I found I wanted to tell him the whole story. Answer his questions truthfully. Like he was going to take all the information and somehow make sense out of it for me. It was almost 11 PM when I finished the story up to the point of sucking off the caterers.

"Exciting few months for you. Tonight will add a few more twists. Go freshen up. Pack some more lube up your cunt. My brothers will be rough. Then hurry back, I'll tell you what you are going to do, or what is going to be done to you when the Men show up in about 30 minutes.

Roger went from a DR Phil personality to a sexual drill instructor without missing a beat. He had my gang bang DVD playing while he gave me my orders for the evening. I thought I would cum in my pants while he talked. He put a straight DVD back in the player just before the door bell rang. I wanted to take the Dudes' cocks as soon as they walked in, but that was not the plan.

Jell-O shots, Yeagermister shot and beer went down while the frat brothers watched the first stag DVD. Some of them were obviously rock hard and stroking their cocks through their pants. Our bride groom was getting inpatient.

"Where are the whores at. Its a stag party. You did line up at least one hooker didn't you?

"Oh Yea, Got a great slut for you, but you can't see her, you promised Christine you would not lay eyes on a whoring cunt tonight, she made me promise the same thing. I keep my word. So put this blind fold on and get ready for the best blow job of your life. Going to be like a basket fuck, but this whore is young and good looking. Will fucking do anything too. I promise."

As soon as our bride groom put on one of my blind folds, I dropped my pants and dropped to my to all fours. No one seemed surprised. I guess everyone was in on the joke, but Mark. He did not seem to mind being blown by an invisible stranger. I could feal his heart beating like a metronome with every throb of his fat mushroom head. He pumped out more precum than any dude I'd eaten so far. I kept his piss slit licked clean and loved every drop he feed me. I spent a lot of time tongue working his head because that seemed to keep him on the edge and pumping. Damn I loved this guy's dick honey. I had almost forgotten the Men watching, Almost forgot the blind fold. I was going to take him all the way and get the full taste, full thick load from his balls. Then he put his hand on the back of my head.....felt my short butch hair cut.

"WHAT THE FUCK. You bastard you set me up with a FUCKING FAG. I'll beat the faggot and your ass when I get loose. LET ME GO, and get that faggot off my cock."

I would have gladly gotten the hell away from the Man, but one of the frat rats was holding my head down on the still hard prick. I guess some of the others were also holding Mark's arms, because he was not pounding my face. I did the only thing I could to save myself from a beating. I sucked the dude like my life depended on pleasing this dick.

"Come on Mark, Ease up. We did not set you up. Where're all going to use the whore . See?

Some frat rat punctuated the last statement by sliding a bone up my ass. I moaned on the cock in my mouth as it slide into my cunt. I just could not help myself.

" And it feels good right.? A good little hungry pig boy to use anyway you want? Best blow job you ever had, wasn't it? Besides, I've seen you spooge on a guy's face before. You did it to those three freshmen who wanted you to sponsor them into the fraternity. You told them it was a trust test. Made them kneel in front of you, blindfolded , hands tied. You unloaded like a gallon on that little guy from India. Then a two days later you did it to a guy from Texas Tech. But the best one was the shy baby face guy from U of I. You made him open fucking his mouth. Got Pics of him talking your jizz on his face and on his open lips. Posting his pics on the Internet was fucking crewel Man.

"Fuck no, it was not crewel. I made sure he had lots of new friends back in the dorm. The fag wanted to be in a jock fraternity. I bet he get to see lots of jocks now. Got to see 'em up close and real personal. Close enough to taste. Bitch owes me for setting him up with all those cocks he's been getting and for giving him his first taste of MAN CUM."

Mark lost his load and his anger while reliving "the good old days". His cum blasted and coated the roof of my mouth before he pulled out to mark my face. He did not leave his art work on my face, but made me suck every drop off his fingers. He definitely liked the idea of fag whore for his party now. His buddy came in my ass while I ate my first load of the night.

All the rats were horned up big time. I serviced them with abandon. Most of the dudes had average sized tools or a little smaller than average except for Sam. Sam had a monster, 8" or 9" long, shaft was normal width, but a HUGE mushroom head flaring at the end. His dick felt awesome pistoning in my ass, but I got off on servicing all the dudes' cocks. They used me like a blow up doll. Dumping quick loads into my hungry holes to satisfy themselves for the moment. I was so hard & horny, it hurt.

Mark "Go clean out your cunt. I'm going to fuck you later. Not sticking my dick in all that jizz. You can keep all that cum we shot down your throat."

The guys moved on to drinking games. At first, all I had to do is wait on them hand and foot, and keep fresh porn DVDs running. A hour & a half into the fun, Roger decided I needed to play too. He made up new rules. Viagra & Jell-O shots for losing hands for the Men. Viaga, Jell-O shots, and big butt toys were in the game for the fag. Giving me Viagra was putting gasoline on the inferno. I lost too many hands, the results were inevitable. Soon a 12 horny drunk young Men were stroking their Viagra fortified cocks while watching the faggot fuck himself with a variety of butt toys. I fucked myself with any toy they put in my hand.

Mark: "Put him in the sling. Strap his hands and ankles to the sling. Give the fag what he needs so bad, Top grade meat. Blind fold him too".

I was afraid when they strapped me in. I had been strapped in before of coarse, but being helpless and at the mercy of drunken frat rats was scary. These dudes were not caring sensitive types. A cock found my ass even before the blind fold was completely on. Mark was taking first shot. I could not see who was using my mouth.

"Fucking tight ass, even after you guys fucked it and all that shit he shoved up it, it's still tight. Milking me. This cunt is in love with my cock."

"Yea, sucking like a hover too. Bitch probably lost count of the loads he sucked down tonight, still sucking like he is starving. Starving for my cum."

I did lose count of how many cocks I serviced in the sling. Most of the time I did not know who was using my willing holes. I could always tell when Sam's monster was hitting the back of my throat or bottoming out in my ass. I know some of the dude's were double dipping because I could taste the unmistakable flavor combination of lube, cum, and my own ass hole. Once my mouth got stretched wide with too cocks at once. Simply not enough room to properly suck off two cocks at once , but I did my best, tonguing the heads and making my lips tight. Was good enough I guess. One guy came. I finished sucking his buddy off solo. My ass and mouth were sore long before the Men ran out of steam and cum. I was not so much servicing the last couple of Men, more just a warm passive hole they were fucking.

Then the Men ignored me for a few minutes, and the party was getting quieter. I though with a mixture of relief and frustration that it was just about over. I still had not busted a nut. Damn I needed to cum.

Someone put a semi soft cockhead in my mouth and pulled my blind fold off. It was Mark.

"No bitch. Don't suck. You already sucked my nuts dry, you cum hungry cunt. I'm going to crash soon. I got just one more thing to do before I crash. You thirsty?"

I panicked, I had only taken piss once in my life from Master Jake. I did not want this blond ass hole to use me for a fucking toilet. Like an idiot, I violently shook my head no. Like that was going to stop the rat. He just got a shit eating grin on his face.

"Now I am going to ask you again. You are going to give me the right answer, nice and loud so everyone can hear, or I'll beat your fag balls till you beg for my piss."

He slapped my nuts hard to make his point. I let out a loud groan of pain.

" Are you thirsty fagot. Want to drink from my tap?"

He pulled his almost hard cock out of my mouth.

"Yes Sir, Please give me your piss to drink. Want to drink your piss right from the hose. Please Mark, give me a drink, please."

Mark's hose was completely hard. I had to tilt my head up to get his head in my mouth again. Dude's head pulsed in my mouth before opening the flood gates. It was like taking a drink from a plastic sports drink bottle, but this salty warm fluid was not Gatorade. I could taste the Yeagermister he had drunk earlier. The ass hole was pissing as hard as he could. I think he was trying to overload me, but I kept up. I was not going to give this ass hole the satisfaction of seeing his piss overflow my lips.

"Fuck, the bitch is really doing it. You are pissing in his mouth and he's gulping it down. Hurry up dude, I got to do that when your done. Want to feal the piss bucket suck me dry."

"No way your going next, I get next crack at toilet lips."

Roger: " Take it easy guys, well all get to have some wet fun with the pig after Mark drains his lizard in him. But we can't do it like Mark. The cunt probably has a gallon of cum in his belly now plus a pint of Mark's pee. We can not let the thirsty bitch suck 11 more pints of piss, even though he wants to suck our taps dry. It just won't fit. But we can all watch the fag guzzle our piss and practice our aim too. Look, Mark is giving his cock a final shake over the fag's teeth now. Get every drop piss boy. OK fag, if you want our piss in you, open wide, stick out your tongue. Drink fast."

I knew I had no choice. I was tied to the sling, and Mark was looking for an excuse to beat my balls. I opened wide like a good little pig. Pee streams hit me almost at once. Either the dude's had poor aim, or they just wanted to soak my face and hair in their piss. More than enough hit my open mouth. I could not swallow fast enough and the piss rolled over my lips and down my chin. Some prick, I could not see who, hosed down my body to my rock hard cock. I wanted so much to go soft. My piss wet boner made it all too clear and humiliating. I was getting off on this shit. The dudes soaked my whole body in stinking piss. I was so full, I thought I might barf.

Roger: " Great job men, but our fuck toy is too nasty to play with now. Fagot, I'm going to let you loose to clean up this mess. Get a shower and brush your teeth too."

I cleaned the piss up off the floor and sling before cleaning myself. A cold shower finally make my cock go soft. I took my time in the shower. Now that the sexual excitement was gone, I did not want to see the Men who had just pissed down my throat. The Men seemed to all be crashed when I came out to the living room, except for Roger.

Roger: "I have more work for you Cal. Go to the master bedroom, Mark is in there. You are going to service him again."

I groaned out loud. Could not help it. Tonight had been too much. My ass and jaw was sore & my throat was raw. I was still a little sick and full of pee & cum. I did not want to suck another dude, and I damn sure did not want to suck off Mark. But like a good little solder, I marched to the bed room. Joe was there with the camera. It must be time to make the souvenir video of the pig losing his load while riding a real Man's rod. At least I would get to cum. Mark was naked & dead to the world. I guess I'd have to wake him up to suck & ride him. I was getting hard again despite myself. I wanted to cum so bad, and this was a great looking Man.

Roger: "Flip him over. Start rimming him."

I figured he would wake up when my tongue slipped up his ass hole, but he did not. I went right for his blond furry ass hole and frenched kissed it. No teasing it or playing, just a deep rim job. Mark started to hump the bed some, and his ass definitely liked the attention, but he never said a word. I had a "cat-can't-scratch-it" hard-on. As sore and tired as I was, I loved rimming this guy.

Roger: "That is good enough. Flip him back over. Put his legs up on you shoulder. Lube your cock up with some of that spit. Your going to bust this Mark's cherry. Put your cock up to his ass and push it in real slow for the camera."

I stood there like an idiot. What the fuck did he say?

Roger: "You heard me right. Joe is going to film you fucking Mark. I can't wait till he sees the DVD. Sees himself loosing his virginity to the party's piss bucket. Going to be the best blackmail DVD ever. Don't worry. He won't wake up when you fuck him, and his dick will stay hard. The drug cocktail I bought from Paul will make sure of that. Now hurry up. I know you know how to fuck. You were a straight Man before Paul broke you down to a cum junkie. Ease your cock in nice and slow till he is opened up then fuck him hard. Dump your load in his ass, but pull out and put the last squirts on his hard cock. Play with his dick too, but do not make him cum. I'm saving that for me."

His ass was the warmest, smoothest, most pleasurable thing my dick head has ever felt. It was hard not to ram the rest of my ample meat into him all at once. It would have felt great to me and hurt him. Both very good things. But, I let my head soak and throb in him till his ass ring started flexing, trying to pull in more dick meat. I thought I might cum before I finished the long slow plunge into Mark's pleasure hole. The only thing that would have made it better would have been if he was awake. He started today with a ass hole, now he had a cunt. I wish he could see me while I make him a bitch. No matter what happens later, his cock is rock hard now, and his hole is milking my cock like a any good cunt. The hole between his legs will always be a fucking twat from now on. I wished he was awake, so he would know that it was MY COCK that made a bitch. His dick stayed blue steel hard, even when I pounded him hard. I even made him open his mouth and moan out loud. That sent me over the edge. I kept fucking while I shot, coating his fuck hole form one end to the other. I still had more than enough jizz to cover his cock and balls.

Roger: "Great, even better than I hoped for. Cal, can you work up another load before I bust my nut in him? If you can you can spooge on his face while I dump in his cunt."

The answer was as obvious as my still hard cock. I played with Mark's nipples & dick whipped his face while Roger plowed his no longer virgin pussy. Roger had good control. He made the fuck last. He jacked Mark's cock while he fucked him. Made Mark moan and writhing like a 2 dollar whore.

I was more than ready when Roger told me to "Get close. I'm going to make the bitch cum. Shoot on his face when he cums. I'll be dumping in his cunt." Even though I had just cum, I covered his face with my jizz. His open mouth made a perfect target. Mark came hard enough to send jets of sperm onto his own face and into his own mouth. Roger added some of his own cum to what I had already deposited on the new fuck toy. It had been an awesome thing. It ended too soon.

Joe: "Do you want to video anything else, or can I take my usual payment.?"

Roger: "Go for it. Been a great night. Everything according to plan. Cal, after Joe takes his payment, lick the cum off of our bride groom, but leave his cunt full of cum. I wonder what he will think of the butter balls in his twat? Clean up his outside. I will let him enjoy his honeymoon before I show him the DVD."

I sank to my knees to suck Joe off.

Joe: "Not You. I've fucked you more than enough. I want a piece of straight Frat Boy ASS."

I did not tell Joe, but his was no longer, maybe never was, straight boy ass. Was fucking warm and tight though.

Next: Chapter 10

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