Dominated by Boss Son

By John Smith

Published on Jan 15, 2004


"Sir, May I beat off while I can still taste your cum, Please? ... I need it so bad Sir."

"No time, Paul Case, my Dad, you remember him, your BOSS. He wants to see you in 30 sec. If you run, you might be on time. Here take the bag. It has the rest of your lunch in it. You got to keep up your strength, Cal. "

"Why did they did they do this shit to me. They know I'm on thin ice with the Boss. I do every thing I'm told as best I can. Now I have to meet the boss with cum breath, a boner, and a wet spot."

Mr. Case's office was at the other end of the building, so I did have to trot to make it on time. Mr. Case does not like to be kept waiting. He had not been pissed off at me in a while, and I wanted to keep it that way. Wanted to stay out of trouble, and even though he is an ass hole, I wanted to please him for some reason.

"Cal, right on time, good. You're out of breath. You're flushed. Are you sick?"

"No I'm fine, just had an errand to run at lunch. Had to run to make it here on time."

"Well... If that is all it is. If you are having some kind of problem, I need to know now. You have been making progress. You don't have a problem with drugs, do you, Cal? "

"No Sir, just a little winded, that's all."

He had a strange look on his face, I think he spotted the bulge in my pants and the cum stain. I was so embarrassed, I wanted to die.

He went on "Well, let me know if you need help or are not up to an assignment. We have a chance to get a large new account. Jake is taking the lead on this one. He asked that you assist him with the technical details. This account is very important to this office. He will fill you in on the way to the airport. You two are flying to Dallas this afternoon. Go home and pack for two days. Jake has checked out a car. He will pick you up at your home. If you are up to it that is?"

"No, Problem, I'm on my way."

I was packed and ready when Jake pulled up. Wondered if he would use me again before we left? I was kneeling when he walked in.

"Hey, you know your place or do you just want more cum?"

I did not know what to say, but he went on "Get out of your clothes. You'll be naked for the ride down. If you are a good little slut, I'll let you wear clothes in the airport."

I did as I was told, even though it pissed me off . Soon we were headed down the road.

"Get down on the floor board. Put your face in my crotch. Yea, love looking down at my crotch and seeing your pretty face. Now take my dick out and hold it in your mouth. Going to soak my cock in your spit for the next 90 miles. Hurry up bitch. You're hard again, cool. What a horny slut. Finger your pussy while I drive. Suck gently, I'm not ready to feed you another load yet."

This was degrading, so what else is new? But I did get hotter and hotter as we drove on. I was becoming addicted to this Man's smell and the taste of this cock and cum. This was not right, I know, but my brain could think of nothing else. My tongue was on auto pilot as it massaged his over sized head and frenched his piss slit for miles.

The car pulled to a stop, and Jake pulled me off his cock. I though we would be near the airport and was looking forward to getting dressed. But NO, HO NO. We were at Bill's Bookstore and Novelty Shop"

"Mr. Robins left you a tip. Wants you to buy yourself some nice toys. Master Paul also wants me to finish punishing you for servicing dick without permission. We will do both things here. Now put these on."

The clothes he threw at me were not mine. A pair of "Daisy Duke" shorts and a white mussel tee shirt that was too small. It was too cold for this stuff, and besides, no one but a cheap hooker would wear this stuff.

"Yea, I know you do not like it and you embarrass easily. That is the point. If you want to be a bookstore whore, I'll show you what its like. See if you still like it when were done."

I put on my costume.

"Now that you are dressed, here is your tip money and a list of toys you will buy. Spend an hour looking at vibrators, but plugs, gags, the works. Hold them and study them the way you did the day I first fucked your mouth. Give the Men a good look at the new chicken. Watch every guy that goes to the arcade. I'll have questions later. I'll follow you in a minute to watch the fun."

My whole body blushed as I walked in. The guy behind the counted looked at me like I was trash that he should throw out, but he did not say anything. The place was busy. Mostly older guys. On a scale of 1 to 10, these guys averaged a 3. I started picking out things on the list. Mostly butt toys, a few bondage items. The sling and penis gage were expensive. I would have to put some of this on my credit card. I watch a steady stream of Men go in and out of the arcade. Some went in and out several times, cruising. Others were in and out only once, bust a nut and go I guess. None of them interested me much, not compared to Master Paul or Master Jake. Several of the Men made eye contact with me, but I had to look away. Could not look them in the eye dressed like this.

One guy, I think he was 100 years old, hit on me. "Have not seen you before, I would remember a nice ass like that. Come on back with me. I'll give you something better than that plastic cock your holding."

"Thank, but I'm .... just buying some gag gifts, not into the arcade"

"Come, on boy. No one wears that shit in here unless they are cruising or selling. How much cash does it take to put you on your knees."

"No thanks, it's flattering, but...."

"Fucking cock tease, why don't you get the fuck out of here if you don't put out.

The old guy moved on without making a big scene.

There was this one Man, he never went to the booths, just looked at straight magazines and DVDs. The kind of stuff I bought before Master Paul & Master Robins made me a cunt boy. The dude looked to be 25-30. Tall, dark haired, lean, redneck in cowboy boots. No urban cowboy, this was the real deal, 100 percent REAL MAN. His wrangler jeans were skin tight on his fine ass. I could see the out line of his balls and cock through the denim fabric. When I noticed him, I got hard again. My cock was running down my leg and out of my shorts. There was no room for my hard cock in these shorts. Had to do some quick rearranging. Sill an obscene bulge running sideways over to my lip, but at least it was all covered.

When the hour was up, Master Jake came over to me. I was so relieved that my punishment was almost over. Would be humiliating to buy all these but toys, but then it would be over. Master Jake had other more crewel plans.

"You been watching the Men cruse the arcade? Any of them turn you on ?"

Yes Sir, I've been watching, but none of them do anything for me. There nothing compared to you and Master Paul"

"Good answer , boy. So, why is your dick busting out of your girlie shorts if no one made you hot.?"

I thought about lying, but I didn't. I told the truth "The Man over by there, he has not been to the booths, and he is still nothing compared to my Masters, but my dick went hard when I saw him."

"You're aiming pretty high, boy. But you have good taste. At least you do not get wet over every dick you see. Go over to him and find a way to get him in a booth. Then lick his ass hole & suck his cock. If you can get him to but fuck you, I'll give you a treat."

I thought he was kidding, he could not be serious. He was. My head was pounding. I half hoped I would pass out before I finished walking over to the cowboy. No such luck. He was holding a DVD with a bleach blond whore on the cover sucking cock. I actually owned a copy of the DVD.

My voice actually broke as I tried to make conversation. " That's a good one, second scene is the best."

He looked me over, then spoke, "You don't look like the type who would watch women, you look like you want to be one. "

"Got a good collection at home, seen that one lots of time, Chick on the cover sucks like a hover, 4 guys at once."

"So, you got straight porn, and you talk normal, why are you wearing a slut outfit, you renting out your holes?"

My pulse raced, but I kept talking "NO, no, I just been in a strange mood lately, trying new things...."

"What kind of new things?"

Master Jake gave me a "hurry the fuck up" look, so I spit it out " Can I suck you off, please"

"You look clean.... for an arcade cum dump at least. Have any of theses guys dumped in you to day?"

No, I've only done this here once before, last week. I don't usually do this kind of thing.

Right, sure, but you are asking me, a total stranger, to cum in your mouth. I don't buy it, but you are the only half way decent cum sucker here this afternoon and I want to blow a load before I leave. Go put some money in the last booth.

Seemed like my cowboy was a real asshole, made me feel like shit, but I was still hard. I put 20 bucks in the machine. Cowboy opened the booth door about a minute later. I guess he did not want to be seen going into the booth with me. I was hot and wanted to get this over with, so did he. His dick was out before I got all the way on my knees. Was about 5" soft. He skimmed through some straight porn channels while he dick whipped my face. He was half hard when I caught his cock in my mouth and started to suck. He leaned against the wall & watched porn. I did all the work, sucking and bobbing. I did not like this guy much, but I loved his cock. Steady flow of precum and just the right size to deep throat without gagging. Took my own cock out and beat off while I service him. He was getting close after only a couple of minutes. Had to do what Master Jake said.

"Your cock is great Man. Can a I rim you too?"

"No way, I'm not into that fag shit. Just suck me off"

I gave him another minute of oral, then tried again, Please Mister, it will feel great, I'm a great ass kisser, Please, let me kiss your ass."

"You were saying you were straight, now you say you are a great ass kisser. You a fucking whore and a liar. My ass is hairy and nasty. You want to french kiss my stinking butt hole ? Is that why you came here, so you can clean out every Man's ass hole?"

This guy had a talent, made me feel lower than shit when I answered " Yes Sir, want to kiss and clean out your hairy ass...PLEASE....please.

He did not answer, but did turn around and present me with his beautiful ass. I pried his muscular cheeks apart and dove in face first. It was extremely hairy, but not nasty. Clean, spicy, musky all in one. I fucking loved it.

The dude could tell I was getting into it. "You love the taste for my butt, you are a fucking nasty whore. You did tell the truth about one thing, you are a great ass kisser. In and out, bitch."

I remembered my other goal and stopped licking out his hole long enough to beg to be fucked. "My ass is real tight too. Clean and tight. I can do things with my ass that can really get you off."

"I told you I don't do fag shit. I won't stick my cock in your dirty hole. My load goes in your mouth"

"I'm clean man, please give it to me up my ass, you can still get off in my mouth. Pull out of my ass and I'll suck you dry and clean at the same time. Please give it to me up my butt."

"Nasty is the only word for you bitch. Do anything to get fucked. Kiss my ass some more, I'll think about it."

"I knew he would fuck me. I kissed and licked and sucked his hole. He was getting off on this as much as I was. I think I could have made him cum with just my tongue fucking his ass.

He spun around and bent me into position without a word. Slammed his cock in with brute force. The pain was the worst yet. The fucking was fast and hard. The pain never stopped but some pleasure had begun just before he pulled out of my ass.

"Knees bitch, I'm nearly there. Suck me off. NOW."

He came in one huge long spurt. ¬ cup in one long gushing stream of cum. Dude was pulling out and buttoning up his jeans before I finished licking him clean. He had busted a nut, and now was eager to get away from me, the nasty whore. This guy had a talent.

I was so glad to see Master Jake. He was in the booth before I got my pants on. "I watched through the glory hole, Stay down, you did good, but you're not done. You wanted to be a book store whore, get your fuck face by the glory hole, some Man will feed you some more. My heart sank, I the cowboy had used me like toilet paper. I wanted to be anywhere but here.

Over the 50 minutes, 5 more guys used me through glory hole. One was the guy I had turned down earlier. Two guys took turns with my mouth for a while. 3 just wanted quick blow jobs, but 2 wanted to be rimed too. My jaw and ass both ached.

"You have had enough fun. We have a plane to catch. Go checkout and meet me at the car."

All my toys were still in my basket. The clerk gave me a knowing look as I checked out. He knew what and who I had done for the last hour.

Back at the car, Master Jake make me drop my pants and lean over the seat. Any one in the parking lot could see as he pushed one of my new toys, small black butt plug, into my pussy.

"That's your treat. Will feel good to you when the plane bounces or I hit a pothole. "

I said without much conviction "Thank you, Sir."

"Now you know what it is like to be a glory hole slut. Did you like it? If so, I'm sure Master Paul will cut you loose or sell you to a pimp. He does not want an undisciplined whore filled with who knows who's jizz. You decide, do you want to be good boy for Master Paul. Service Master Paul, me, and a few select customers, or do you want to be a fucking hole for every guy you saw tonight. Master Paul broke you in and made you a cock hungry boy. You will always find a way to feed your thirst for cum, either from us, or cruising places like this, what is it going to be?

I was so low at this point, worthless. "I want to be Master Paul's boy & your boy, please don't ever make me come here again. I'll be good. Please."

"Yea, I know you will. Put these regular clothes on."

The rest of the trip to Dallas was uneventful. The security guards did not strip search me and find my butt plug, like Master Jake had joked. Our rooms at the hotel were connected. My room was just for show. Master Jake let me take a long hot shower before coming to his bed. He filled me in on the business plans for tomorrow till it was time to crash, then turned out the lights.

"The front desk will ring at 7:00, but I expect one of your special wake up calls."

Master Jake pulled me close and spooned me. It was very good end to a very bad day. I slept like a baby till 6:55. My internal clock worked perfect. Started my day with Master Jake's piss hard on in my mouth.

Next: Chapter 6

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