Dominated by Boss Son

By John Smith

Published on Dec 28, 2003


Warning this story is about sex with teen boys and adult men if you are offended by this or it is illegal where you live or if you are under 18 then leave now. Dominated by the Boss's Son , Chapter 2

I'm going to go now and get ready for the prom. You do the yard work before I get back tonight. Have my pay ready and some margaritas and beer cold too My girl does not suck cock. Luckily you do cause I'm going to be real horny after the dance. One more thing, be naked except for a jock, and have your pussy hole clean and lubed You are going to loose your cherry ass tonight. If your a good fuck boy, I might even let you shoot your fagot wad while you get fucked. I had several long hours to think about what just happened and what was going to happen tonight.

Doing the yard work helped me clear my head. I have always been a pragmatist, so I looked for a way to make the best out of the situation. I had never been interested in D&D much less gay D&D, but there was no denying my steel hard on this morning. Not bad really, A whole new kind of sex for me to enjoy, and the best looking big dicked senior in high school to give to me. Decided to go with the flow and enjoy it. Young Paul would probably get tired of me fast enough, and even if he didn't, he would soon be off to college.

I did not own any but lub, and I just could not bring myself to buy KY at the drug store in a town of 8000 people. I drove 90 miles down to a bookstore I knew near St. Louis. I had been there a few times to by raunchy straight porn tapes and mags, Being there today had a whole different feal. For the first time in my life I was embarrassed walking in a bookstore. I was afraid that somehow the Men in here could tell why I was here. I skipped the section with lub and went straight to the videos of chicks getting gang banged like a "real man" would. I tried to get back into a "normal" frame of mind looking at the cunts on the covers. But my eyes kept going over to the cocks. This one jacket really got my attention. 3 massive cocks shooting into this bitch's open mouth and on her face. My face must have looked a lot like that when young Paul took pics this morning. I suddenly wished he had shown me the pics before he left. I must have looked like this worthless cunt letting these MEN use her face for a cum dump. My best friend betrayed me again and started to grow. Why the hell did I wear tight pants. I had to know this could happen.

This was too much. I headed over toward the lub section, but got caught dead in my tracks by a dildo. There it was at eye level and looked to me to be a dead ringer for the cock I sucked off this morning. I had to pick up the package and stared. "This is the dick that's going to fuck my ass in just a few hours. One just like this, in and out of my ass hole. It's too fucking big. In and out. Its too big. In and out, in and out till it fill my ass with jizz just like my belly." Not sure how long I held the dildo with thoughts like this running through my brain. A familiar voice brought me back.

" Hey Cal, buying a special toy for one of you playmates? Looks too big for the pretty little ladies you date She must be special though, thinking about her has you boned up."

I turned to see Jake ...a guy from work and a sometimes drinking buddy. What the fuck was he doing here? I'm over 90 miles from work. What are the fucking odds? And he just had to spot me holding an ass toy with a tent in my jeans.

I recovered quickly and lied "Yea, this one is special. Going to try some new things out on her soon. Can't wait. Good seeing you, but I got to run "

And run I did. Had to get away from Jake before he asked too many more questions about my new girl. He might put two and two together and figure out that the rubber dong in my hand belongs up my cunt not in some chick. "Did I just call my ass a cunt? What the fuck am I thinking?" I moved away in the opposite direction from Jake. I would like to have run out of this store, but I still had not picked up any lub and I was not about to let Jake walk behind me while I am shopping for butt grease to go with my ass toy. Made it to the door to the arcade, looked over my shoulder, no Jake in sight. Slipped in to the cool darkness and rank smell of the arcade. I do not do arcades, I've enjoyed my porn in the privacy of my dorm room or home. Arcades are for losers and the fags who blow them. But I knew enough about how they work to find a nice safe booth and feed 20 bucks into the machine. Should last till the cost is clear. Skimmed through the channels, looking for young cock, not even pretending I wanted to see pussy...unless it is full of big young dick. Luckily I found a flick with a fine young star that sort of looked like Paul. He was pumping in and out of this blond boy's mouth . Boy was on his knees, hands at his sides. Found myself licking my lips and wishing I was at that Man's feet. My pants fell to my ankles as I stroked my meat to match the Man. My mind was still centered on the dick that would soon be taking my virgin hole. I lubed my fingers with precum and began to rub my ass lips while I stoked to the video. Damn it felt good, including my ass. I might have busted a nut, but my concentration was broken by a noise in the next stall.

That is when I noticed the glory hole. I must have put on a good show for someone because a cock came through almost immediately. I should have pulled up my pants and left; I was too hot and the dick looked too good. About 6 " cut, huge strawberry head on a very white stalk growing out of a wiry red fire bush covering his ample nuts. My hands seemed to know what they wanted and went back to stoking dick and feeling up my hole. My knees lost all will as I sank down to the dick only an inch from my face. This was the only cock I had seen up close except for Paul's. It wasn't as big or as nice as Paul's, but it was here now and it wanted me to suck it. The smell coming off the balls, strong and irresistible. Moved my face to the nuts to get more. I tongue washed this Man's nuts like it was purpose on earth. The Man pulled back a little and used his cock to club my forehead a couple of times, leaving it marked with precum and signaling me to move up. I don't even know what his face looks like, and I'm letting him wordlessly direct my mouth to his slimy cock head. But, if I did not want it, I would not be leaking precum on the floor. The dick juice did not taste as good as this morning, but I lapped and sucked as fast as the Man could make it. He set a steady pace in my mouth, and I matched my ass fingering and stroking to his beat. For the 2nd time today I felt a piss slit open and fire in my mouth. Spicy ropes of thick half dried elmer's glue. Sticky like glue too. I swallowed as he shot, but lots of cum clung to my tongue pallet and taste buds. My swallowing motions must have milked that extra big head. He moaned loud as he shot one final time. I was still sucking when it was pulled from my lips.

I was ready to shoot with the stranger's jizz in my mouth when I remembered Paul's instructions ."don't even think about cumming. Want you horny & full of cum tonight".

It wasn't easy but I dropped my cock and pulled my pants up over my hard fat one. I was delighted to see that my dick had not been dripping on the floor after all, but had been oozing on my jeans the whole time. So, now I get to pick out some ass lub, pay for it along with my dildo (had to have it) with a big spot of precum over the bulge in my pants. Great, just fucking great. To top it all off, I'm sure my breath smelled like cum, I could still taste the stranger. "O shit. I wanted to get a look at his face." Booth was empty, Dump and go. "How did I get so low? " I did not know his name or even see his face, but I could still taste his cum....and I liked the fucking taste.

I got my stuff and got out without being seen by anyone else I knew. Left the bookstore with ass hole grease, a stranger's load in my stomach, and a dildo that looks just like my new Master's.

The hours dragged by. By 10 PM & was sitting in a white jock strap, my ass hole packed with silicone butt grease. The jock pouch would not cover the meat that would not stay soft. Every few minutes I would look at my new dildo and think "No way that big thing is going up my hole without tearing something", so I would try to pack in some more grease. I was at the door every time I heard a car. Scared shitless, eager, and humiliated all at once. About 1 AM a car finally pulled up the long drive way. "Should I open the door before he gets here or wait for the bell? Will he expect me on my knees? Fuck my dick is leaking precum again. That sounds like 2 voices, no 3 voices what the fuck?" My thoughts finally stopped racing when my brain froze as 3 handsome tuxedoed young Men walled through my front door.

"On your knees fag boy, your Master just entered the room."

The other young men just rolled with laughter as I dropped to my knees.

"Looks like the fag is hungry for my dick meat, can I fuck his face now" you owe me for taking the pic this morning" I'm horny enough to drown the bitch in spunk."

"No, You'll get your turn after Jimbo. I need you to run the video camera when Jimbo does him. After that video the real fun starts. But I think some introductions first. The slave kneeling at my feet was Cal Clark when he woke up this morning. Now he is fuckboy Cal, my hole. Fuckboy, this is Joe, Master Joe to you. He is our photographer. He doses a great job on the school yearbook and with a video camera. He will be saving your performances on digital media. This is Jimbo, He is going to be your leading Man in your first video performance. I can see you excited to hear that. I will be film director tonight. The rest of our little corporation will be here in less than an hour. Get off your knees and help Joe setup the lights. "

As I trotted out to the van to get lights, my brain began to think. "Little corporation ?" Then I remembered I was naked in my drive way. The lights were setup in no time.

"Lets film this. Jimbo lean up against the mantel and sip your beer. Look casual. Fuckboy get over here by me on your knees. When I say Action, crawl over to Jimbo and beg to suck his cock. Make it good and make it real, unless you want Dad and the police to find out you gave me booze to get into my pants. Jimbo, treat him like the cum rag he is. It'll look great on film. Action".

I crawled to the leading Man. Tall, blond, beefy, arrogant face, perfect for his role tonight. I started begging, not sure how much was acting " Sir, can I service your dick, you look so good in that black tie tux, I want to make your dick feal good, Want to make you cum"

Jimbo started his lines as he pushed me over" Get the fuck away queer boy, you think I'll let you touch me just because you buy me beer and weed. FUCK YOU. I'm no fag and your not tuning me. You got that cunt."

Wasn't expecting these lines, Kid is a real ham. Had to convince him to fuck my mouth. " No Sir, you're no fag, I know that, that's why I want to service your cock Sir. Man needs and deserves to be treated right. Please let me.... make your dick feal great."

"Yea, my cock deserves first class service, I get that from my girl, Why should I let you have a taste."

"Please Sir, I'll do it better, do things no girl would ever do."

"Like what fagot, you want to lick my nasty ass too? "

"YES SIR, Please Sir, I want to lick your ass , and your balls, and suck the load straight form your balls."

"Get over here, get my cock out and start sucking, If you do a good job, maybe you can kiss my butt"

It was strange unzipping the tuxedo fly and pulling out Jimbo's cock. This was probably happening all over the country tonight. High school girls doing almost the same thing I was on their prom night. I was no high school girl, just a cum rag for Jimbo. I could see why they picked Jimbo to star. Beer can thick and about 10". I had been worried about Master Paul tearing my insides with his tool. This monster made me panic. I gave the best head my inexperience mouth knew how to give. I wanted to make him cum fast in my mouth and leave my ass alone. As a plan B, I reached down to loosen up my ass.

Master Paul directed" That's good fuckboy, rub your fuck hole but leave your fingers outside your pussy. You're going to be virgin tight when you get raped tonight. Jimbo grab his head, use it like a fuck toy for a minute then move his mouth to your nuts. Cool. Make him take it to the root or gag to death trying. Excellent."

Jimbo did not need any more direction, He knew what he wanted. He grabbed my skull & jacked off with it. I just concentrated on breathing and trying not to gag. It was not working, I continued to gag and failed to gulp enough air between thrusts. I was so grateful when he moved my lips to his nut sack. I sucked and licked as I drank in the wonderful smell from his balls. All three Men had a different smell and drove me crazy. When Jimbo tuned around and put his ass in my face, I was not acting as I devoured his crack.

"That's it, clean out my hole with your tongue. You love the taste of my ass don't you. Fuck your one eager ass kisser. Did not even ask permission, just stuck your tongue up my hole. Fucking Hot. Now eat my sperm fagot, that's why you invited me out here isn't it? Answer me if you want fill your face with my cum."

I did not know what he was talking about, but I did want his cum, Master Paul had been right. I got one taste of his cum, now I can't get enough cum. " Yes I want you to fill my face that's why I invited ya'll out here Please let me eat your load."

I must have said the magic word. Jimbo opened my mouth with his fingers and fired away. Most hit my face, but there was plenty for my mouth. He put the head back where it belonged for the last spurt as I sucked his jizz form the source.

Paul called "Cut. Great video, damn shame we can't sell it, but it was a good rehearsal for the videos we will sell. Joe set up the play back on the big screen TV so we can all watch it. Crawl over here bitch, I want you to meet your two new guests. My face was covered in Jimbo's cum as I looked up to see an attractive Man in his mid 40s in a suite and tie. He had an evil grin as he looked down at me. Next to him was a familiar face that set my already foggy head spinning. For the second time today I looked into Jake's face.

Jake spoke up" Cal already knows me. So Cal Tell me again about your new girl and what you are going to do to her with that big plastic cock."

No words would come out of my open mouth as I moved over to the three Men.

Master Paul: "So the fuckboy did head down to Bills Bookstore for his pussy lotion. I thought he would. Did you fuck with his head in the book store?"

Jake was trying not to grin, but couldn't quite manage it. "Yea, till the rabbit got scared and ran away. Do you mind if I try an experiment?" As he said this he pushed down the waist band of his shorts to expose his cock and grabbed my hair. I was opening up for a new invader when I recognized the dick I had sucked off in the arcade.

"OH SHIT" came out of my mouth . Master Paul will kill me went through my head.

"SO, you didn't know it was me when you were servicing my cock at the arcade. You turned cum whore real fast, but that's good for the business I guess. Paul, this whore sucked me off in the arcade, was rubbing his twat the whole time, Swallowed every drop. Don't think the shot his wade though. Training must be working. Cal, I'll be using your mouth at work anytime I need to relieve a little stress. You'll like all the cum I'm going to feed you. Call me Sir or Master Jake" .

Paul looked down at me" You only service the cocks your told to service, what you want does not mater. What matters is doing what your told. I'll punish you later. Right now meet Mr. Robins. He is our first paying customer & guests. He bought your cherry over the Internet, paid extra to have Joe film the deed. You'll have new paying guests every weekend from now on. Your going to provide lodging, fishing, skiing, and extra special services. Jake has already listed available services and prices on Corp.'s web page. Those pics I took this morning are on the web wage too. That's how we could find a buyer for your cherry so fast. That and Jake is one hell of a marketing and communications director. The Corp. is going to make us rich, and you get an endless supply of new cocks and cum. I can see by the expression on your face that you do not think this arrangement is fair, too BAD. Did you think Jimbo was the same age as Joe and I? Should have asked for his ID before you begged for his cock. Jimbo is a big boy. A big 15 year old boy. Child molestation is a felony in this state. Buying booze for an 18 year old would have got you a slap on the wrist, and Dad wouldn't have cared. I was just bluffing this morning. But I own you now. Now lets watch your film debut. You can lick Mr. Robins' cock while we watch.

Authors Note. E-mail and suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

Next: Chapter 3

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