Dominated by Boss Son

By John Smith

Published on Dec 24, 2003


How did my life get like this in 6 months? I had the good job, the big country house, and pussy anytime I wanted. I had moved out to this little hole in the wall town for to for a promotion and to move up in the company. I splurged and bought a resort house on the lake, so I could do some entertaining. Not much else to do way out here. The house was great, right on the water, so I had to buy a ski boat, right? Things went just as I planned all summer. The house and boat were great for making new friends and attracting easy pussy. No t that I needed help getting laid, 28, 5'10", swimmer's build, thick brown hair and a face that's so handsome it's almost pretty.

Was one hell of a summer. Partied hard and fucked for 3 great months. All that did take a toll on my job though. Probably the reason one of my buddies got the bosses job when he retied instead of me. I was disappointed, but it would still be cool. Paul was my new boss and he was one of my new drinking buddies. It was not cool. I still can't figure out how or why it went down like this, but I was the Bosse's new whipping boy from day one. I may not have been the most dedicated employee for the first few months, but I got better real fast. What else could I do? Big house payment, big boat payment, no other job like mine for 100 miles. I needed this job and I new it. I worked my ass off to finish my assignments on time and deliver what the Boss wanted. But, when the assignment was complete, it never was what he wanted. I got my ass eaten out no matter how much money I made the company or how carefully I followed my instructions. I finally figured out that the Boss was playing head games with me, but by then it was too late.

I was on probation at work, but that is not the part that worried me most. The little talks I had been having with the Boss for the last couple of months were the worst. Paul was an impressive man 6'2", broad shoulders, naturally fit, dark thick hair, about 40. 12 years older than me and 5 " taller. In our "coaching sessions" in that little office he reeked of masculinity. All this was part of the fun for him I think. He sure made the most of it to intimidated me. My pulse began to race the second he would push the door closed. My one and only goal from that point on would be to get through this without getting in any more trouble. But I'm lying to myself now. My one and only goal was to please HIM. I had been turned into an eager ass kisser. Part of me at least got off on it. How else can I explain why my pulse began to race and my dick got rock hard the second he pushed the door closed to his office.

All this sounds bad for a young straight man like me, but it got so much worse last week. At the end of the last closed door "coaching sessions". Paul asks me to do him a favor. At this point I had been trying to hide a 8" hard on for an hour. I had been convinced I was a dumb fuck with no focus who's only hope was Paul's help and guidance ...I want his approval so bad. 10 minutes after one of these lessons, I would remember that I am a good-looking smart man who had a bright career 7 months ago. But somehow while that office door is close, the spell was complete. When he ask me to give little Paul an after school job doing landscaping, I was so happy to say yes. Little Paul was not little in anyway. 18 year old senior, 6'1" lean hard body, size 13 shoes. Same easy confidence and masculine presence as his father, rare in a man so young. There was plenty of work to do at the lake house, but I did not have the money and I was pissed off later. Not only did I have to kiss this guy's ass to keep my job (house, car, boat, etc.), but now I have to give his kid spending money?

Paul came by the house on Sat. morning. I was pissed off, but it was impossible not to like this kid. Said he was working to pay his Dad back the money he spent on the prom which was tonight. We talked as I showed him what I wanted done. I tried to cut the conversation short when my 8" cock decided he liked this kid too. There was no good way to hide my thick meat in my short pants, and I was panicked to find myself uncontrollable hard around another man. His Dad was bad enough, but what gives... I'm straight and I have a string of well fucked cunts to prove it. Little Paul just would not let the conversation die, so I could get in a cold shower. When he asked if I would get him a bottle of tequila for the prom tonight, I agreed just to cut the conversation off before he saw my bulging shorts and wet spot. My cock was back to normal by the time I got back from the liquor store. Little Paul was sitting on the deck rather than working, but I didn't care. I handed him the sack and he did something odd. He pulled the half gallon out of the sack by the neck and turned to the oleanders at the foot of the deck. I look that way too; in time to see the flash. Little Paul called out " You get a clear pic of the label and this face?" Someone called out "you bet. See you after the prom for my payback." I was really pissed off now "what the fuck are you doing and who the fuck is that." Little Paul did not even seem to notice I was angry.

He said in his usual likable voice " You'll meet him later. He was here to take a digital pic of you corrupting a minor. I came out here to make some cash. I'm going to get it out of you, but I'm not pulling weeds for some fagot. You'll give me what I want or go to jail. Which is it fagboy?

Neither my brain nor my mouth would work for a few seconds. What finally came out was "Sure I'll pay you and you don't need to work....just please don't tell your Dad."

That brought a crewel grin to his face and melted way any hint of a boyish appearance. " Yea, I knew you were a fag the first time I saw you at the office, kissing Dad's ass. You should have worn baggy pants while you sucked up. I might not have seen your boner. I asked Dad to get me this "job" cause I knew you were a cooperative ass licker. If I hadn't let you go the liquor store, you would have creamed your shorts, just from being near a real MAN. You such a dump fag, you think all I want is pocket change. Your biggest worry isn't your fag ass in jail, it is disappointing my Dad."

I tried to recover some dignity " Little Paul, you got it all wrong, yea get horny and hard at embarrassing times but, I'm no queer. I get lots of pussy and I've never fucked around with guys. I give you money for the pic I just want to save my job, have a heart kid."

His grin disappeared and he began to look way too much like his Dad " Do not ever call me little or kid again. You call me Sir. Your a fuck fag. Do not ever lie to me again or your fag ass will be working in jail. You will never be fucking around with guys, you'll be servicing MEN. Now get your ass in the house and drop to your knees unless you want the skiers on the lake to watch while I take your mouth cherry."

I wanted to run, but what good would that do, going to jail was not an option. Besides, my meat was harder than it has ever been, so I walked in and drooped to my knees.

My young blackmailer must get off on the power trips, he wasted no time. "Get my meat out fag boy"

My hands were slapped away form his blue jeans. "Who told you could use you hand , bitch? Use you nasty mouth. "

Lucky for me the button fly came open with out too much pulling, but it was humiliating. His cock was too big for his jeans and 9 "of fat uncut dick jumped out to hit my lips. Never giver head before, and my lips were already covered in dick slime.

"Lick it up, I know you want to, you got another wet spot in your shorts just thinking about sucking my jizz."

He smeared my lips good and then watched with that grin., while I ate my first taste from his cock. His hand was like a vise in my neck when he pushed his first inch of cock in my mouth.

"Lick it clean, now that you have tasted my jiz, you won't ever get enough. I've been hard and dripping for an hour. Lick out my cock sock. Taste great right?"

I did not try to answer, just kept rolling my tongue under his foreskin and around his fat cock head and frenching his piss slit. I felt a pain in the back of my head when he whacked my skull.

" I asked you a fucking question dicklicker."

I was instantly panicked because I fucked up and mumbled " Yes Sir, your jiz taste great" as best as I could with my mouth full.

He laughed his ass off and pushed his cock in to the lilt. I knew I was going to die. I gagged and choked and tried to pull off while he taunted me

" Get use to it, Relax, Just keep swallowing, feels great. Get this right before you pass out or we'll start all over."

I never stooped gagging completely, but I did avoid throwing up and gagged less. I guess it was good enough. The cock head came back out to my mouth long enough to breath. My own dick went soft while I choked. But having that cock head pump dick honey on my tongue brought me back to rock hard. This did not go unnoticed.

"You like that best huh? Bet you like the taste of my sweaty balls even more. I want to see both my nuts in your mouth."

The smell of his nuts did things to by brain, I wanted to lick em clean. Leaning my head back I opened as wide as possible and let the left ball fall in. Rolled it around with my tongue then open up for the other. Little Paul was not little anywhere. His right nut would not go in no matter how hard I sucked. He helped me out and push it through my wide stretched lips. His smile was huge as I washed his nuts with my tongue. They both got jerked out with a pop.

"You love the flavor of my nads too, but you think your not queer, You could cum in you pants right now if I let you. Get your pants off and lay on your back."

Little Paul pulled his jeans the rest of the way off too. "You been brown nosing Dad for weeks, so I 'm sure you want to lick MY ass. We'll see which you love best. Sucking by precum, or licking my sweaty nuts, or licking my ass clean ."

Seeing this beautiful young man squat over my face was the strangest thing in my life up to then. His but was covered in dark curly hair, right up to the brown hole. I did not have long to look before contact.

"Get that tongue out. Want to land right on it" lick it up and down, long slow licks. That's it asslicker. Now make tight circles around the hole. This is the hardest your dick has been so far . Now show me your a real ass kisser. French that hole. Clean out my ass. "

I felt fucking low, but I had to do it. I pushed the tip of my tongue hard against his tight ass and felt it sink home. The moan from above told me he loved it. My raging boner told him I did too.

"Jack you dick but don't even think about cumming. Want you horny & full of cum tonight. In and out butkisser. Nice. Stop kissing my ass long enough to tell me how much you love licking my hairy ass. Lets hear it"

Yet another new humiliation, but here goes. "Love it Sir, Feal of your silky buthole hairs when I lick your but. Musky smell and taste drives my crazy kissing your hole...."

"Yea I know it does, your fat hard on don't lie"

The next 15 minutes were spent alternating between licking young Paul ass or getting mouth fucked or sucking his big nuts. He would fuck my mouth till he was close, then let me work on his ass or balls till he was ready to feed me some more dick honey. I was not allowed to touch my dick unless I was servicing his ass and never allowed to cum. When young Paul was ready to cum

"Here comes the tastiest part for you. Going to fill your hole with Cum. Don't swallow a drop till your told. "

I was still on my back as he sat on my chest and fuck my mouth. I ran my tongue over his cock head every time he pulled back. It was like a fire hose when he shot. He cums harder than I piss. The taste of his cum was even more spicy and intoxicating than the flavor of his balls and ass had been. I was lost in the moment.

"Going to pull my cock head out, keep your mouth open wide so I can see my load"

He left his still dripping cock on my chine. I should have seen this coming, but had no clue till I saw the camera flashes. I could not move with him on my chest and did not even try. Hard to be assertive when a man is sitting on your chest, his dick on your chine, his cum over flowing your mouth.

"Since this was your first time I was sure you would want a pic of the dick that took your mouth cherry and first load of cum to go in your belly. Swish it around slowly then slowly swallow while I take some more pics. Good boy. Now lick my cum off your lips. That's a great shot. There is a little more jizz on my piss slit. Lets get a shot of you licking my cock head clean. Real Nice. Now one with you cleaning under my foreskin. One or two pics of your hard dripping dick so all your new friends will know you fucking loved your first time. I'm going to go now and get ready for the prom. You do the yard work before I get back tonight. Have my pay ready and some margaritas and beer cold too My girl does not suck cock. Luckily you do cause I'm going to be real horny after the dance. One more thing, be naked except for a jock, and have your pussy hole clean and lubed Your going to loose your cherry ass tonight. If your a good fuck boy, I might even let you shoot your faget wad while you get fucked"

I had several long hours to think about what just happened and what was going to happen tonight.

Next: Chapter 2

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