Dominated by Best Friend

By Derek Ryder

Published on Jan 23, 2012


This story is for the purpose of entertainment. It depicts no real life people.

This is also my first ever story so please enjoy.

Day Five

'Field trip!' Zac said as he came into the room. Tyler hadn't slept which was becoming a habit which he didn't particularly like. Then again there were so many things he didn't particularly like. 'Good news Tyler were going out into the real world for the first time we can go to the beach and park playing crazy golf if we like'

`There are some rules that you're going to follow. Zac walked over to his bound naked friend. He had a yogurt and started to feed Tyler the yogurt using his fingers. 'If anyone asks what you're doing then you have to say you last a bet and try to escape and he will fail. Then after you are recaptured you will be in this place for the rest of your life'

The thought of being in this place for the rest of his life terrified him. He had no intention of trying to escape. 'Yes Sir, I want the money man' Zac was initially angered by him finishing the sentence with man but since it seemed friendly he thought he would let it go.

Tyler finished the yogurt it felt humiliating to be fed and not have the right to feed him. Zac untied him and dragged him to his feet. He was still naked while Zac was dressed. I can't go naked sir we would get arrested Sir' Zac dragged him through to the bathroom and sat him in the bath tub and started the water.

'I know don't worry you have cloths to wear I picked them out the other day. Look don't fight me on this we are making so my much money.' The bath had filled and Tyler was about to be washed for the first time.

Tyler realized that he was about to be washed like a child and started to sob. 'Please let me wash myself Sir please' the sobs fell on deaf ears and Zac lifted his arm and started washing his arm pits.

When finished he lifted him out and dried him off. 'Ok man I'm going to have a shower why don't you make two coffees.' Zac got into the shower and watched the water roll down his tanned body and was eager to get to see other people.

The message was simple they would be watched and wouldn't realize by whom. If they mentioned the experiment they would forfeit the money. Simply say it's a bet if people see stuff that's weird. They had four hours and a credit card to do with what they wanted.

They sipped there coffee and Zac went into his room and came out with Tyler's cloths. Tyler's face dropped ... 'come on man' it was two pieces of clothing a pair of Ben-10 pyjamas. 'I can't wear this in public man'

'I'm in a good mood bitch so I'm going to ignore that now put these on' Tyler squeezed into the tiny pyjamas. They looked so tight on him his shins were showing as was his belly button. Tyler was humiliated and knew that four hours seemed like a lifetime now.

The timer buzzed and the original door opened. They stepped through and got into to a waiting car. There was a black tinted window so the driver could not be seen. 'Look mate it won't be too bad relax. But brace yourself this place is going to be crowded.'

'When they arrived at the town Tyler's face went bright red. The place was surrounded by teenagers and people in their early twenties. They were all drinking. 'I can't wait until this is over and were back at the science place?'

'Don't worry' they got out of the car and started walking by the beach. Both taking in the first new sights in four days. People were already partying. Tyler felt very embarrassed but as not too many people seemed to be staring he relaxed a bit.

'Ok let's get some breakfast' they sat by a small cafe and ordered bacon and egg sandwiches. They came promptly and Zac started to eat his. A bit of egg seeped out and fell on to Zac's bare foot. 'What are you waiting for lick it up? 'What here?' That hesitation quickly changed and he bent down and licked it as quickly as he could. Some noticed and laughed.

Tyler got up and continued to eat his bacon egg sandwich. 'Thank you sir' They quickly finished and decided to go for another walk. Zac knew he had an opportunity to earn some serious extra cash with some very public humiliation. 'Oh Tyler might don't you crawl beside me'

Tyler was crawling beside his friend totally humiliated. Some of the passer-byes cheered and jeered him. Tyler knew that this would make for some good money but he just wanted it to end so he could get out of the humiliation. Four Hours is going to feel like a long time.

'Ok ... Ok, let's play some crazy golf, I'll tell you what every time you beat at a hole I'll let you off scot free if you lose than I'll punish you' They went in and start playing and Tyler was relieved to see that nobody else was around.

They played the first hole and it was a draw. Neither was very good but as Tyler didn't win Zac thought a punishment was necessary. He grabbed the back of his pyjamas and pulled them up, wedging them. 'Now stay like that until the next hole is over. Tyler walked very uncomfortably.

He tried to concentrate on his shot but was very uncomfortable he took the shot and it went straight in .He jumped up and cheered and could see the look on Zac's face was of anger. 'Zac tried to play it cool my turn' but his shot bounced of the wind mill and almost came back.

At the end of the hole Zac pulled out the wedgy and patted his ass 'good boy' Tyler was really surprised at how good the praise from his friend felt. He was determined to minimise his humiliation and had full concentration. He took his next shot and got it in two.

Zac took three and it was clear that he did not like losing. Tyler smiled as he walked to the next hole. Zac seen the cheeky grin and had a rush of anger go through him. The next whole ended with Zac winning and he spun Tyler around grabbed his legs and pulled him onto his back.

With one very efficient pull he grabbed the trousers down leaving Tyler's bottom half naked. Tyler jumped up and his eyes darted around. Some of the drunks passing by noticed and shouted and cheered. Zac felt the best and most satisfied since the experiment began.

Tyler began rushing to try finishing the hole and lost again. This time Zac bent him over his knee and start spanking him. Nobody noticed and despite being sore he was relieved to get his bottoms back on.

He lost the next hole as well and was instructed to lick the bottom of Zac's feet which had built up a thick layer of black dirt. The next hole he won leaving the score at three all going in the penultimate eight round.

The eight rounds was a draw and Zac said that he avoids a punishment as the last draw he received. one. 'OK bitch here's how it goes winner takes all and we redo the hole until somebody wins. 'You win and the rest of the day will be order less and we will grab a few beers'

'If I lose?' Tyler asked not really wanting to know. Then were going to jump up on that stage were the band is about to go on and you're going to announce that you lost a bet and then you're going to kiss my bare ass, in front of 2000 people and live TV.

Tyler began to cry and nervously put the ball down. His first shot was awful compared to Zac's. His second one was much better and it stopped a millimetre away. Zac gave him it and he finished with a three. Zac stepped up with his second shot which went way too hard but somehow hit the back wall and went in.

Tyler fell on his back and started crying with his hands in head. He got up and begged please he crawled over and without even caring who saw started kissing Zac's feet 'please no, please' Zac just picked him up hugged him and said it would be ok'

They walked over to the stage looking for an opportunity to get on stage before the band came on. Tyler was beginning to tremble and he felt his legs might go from under him. he was going to protest but was afraid it would lead to punishment.

They waited and saw an opportunity so they took full advantage. As they walked Zac said if this doesn't work the next two hours will be awful for you. Zac got over to the Microphone and urged Tyler to start Tyler didn't hesitate. He switched on the Microphone and began. The crowd started to pay attention.

'Hello guys and girls I lost a bet so I have to kiss my friends bare ass live on stage' the whole crowd began to cheer and some booed. Tyler turned to hide the tears rolling down his face. He looked at Zac who stood with ass out. Tyler saw security starting to gather.

He got on his knees and hesitated for just a second then he kiss both ass cheeks. The crowd erupted into laughter and start chanting fag. Zac pulled his shorts up and picked up Tyler who seemed to be frozen in place. They got off the stage and through the crowd just before security got them.

Tyler wanted to get as far away as possible from the crowd and hoped that no one would recognise or say anything to him. Zac told him what a good job he did. Tyler did feel good at the praise but felt as though Zac had gone too far.

They were walking to a less crowded part of the town a little on the out skirts. There were about 10 people drinking in a park. They got a good distance from them and sat on the grass. 'I'm going to sunbath for a bit' Zac took off his shirt and lay on his chest.

He lifted his back foot up and Tyler knew exactly what to do. He went to Tyler's foot and started to massage it. After a few moments Zac lifted up his other foot and Tyler begun and that. A bunch of girls walked by and sat near them. 'Hey man take the sun cream out of the back please'

The girls were watching but after what he had being through he didn't care this was nothing in comparison. He poured the cream on his back and started to rub it in evenly. His back shone in the sun and he moved onto the back of his arms and down his legs and finally finishing with his feet.

The girls were giggling as Tyler was starting to turn bright red. Zac pull down his shorts over his bubble butt. 'But man you're wearing the shorts' Zac gave him a look over his shoulder and Tyler quickly start rubbing the cream over Zac's bare ass. This brought screams of laughter.

He finished and Zac turned over. Tyler didn't even hesitate he had almost completely submitted to Zac. He poured the cream on his chest and started to run it in. He straddled Zac and looked into his eyes and considered kissing him. He never really felt gay but did feel as though he was falling in love with Zac.

He finished by doing his legs and the front of his feet he secretly hoped Zac would make him do his balls but as the girls walked of Zac just turned over on his back. 'Tyler use my T-Shirt to fan me down, its fucking hot'.

Zac noticed two college students walk over to them. 'Hey guys what you doing' Zac leaned up and Tyler stopped fanning him. 'Not much mate just relaxing while my bitch for the day cools me down'

The taller of the two college boys walked over and sat beside Zac. 'You know we had a bet about the game last night. Loser has to be the other guys slave for a day... I won. Do you wanna have a bit of fun with our two bitches for a while? A huge grin came across Zac's face.

The two Masters stood up and said that they were going to go for a walk and that they would be back after careful consultation. They left the two slaves at the grass and told them to get to know each other.

Tyler looked at his new friend and realized that he would be getting more acquainted with him. He was little taller than Tyler himself with brown neat hair. He was wearing a tank top and tight shorts and was also barefoot.

'So ... my names Tyler. What has he made you do so far?' Tyler felt urged to break the ice after two minutes. The new slave blushed and looked away rubbing his legs. 'My name is Kyle ... and ... he did quite a bit to me.

'He made me streak by the beach and buy some beer in my underwear. That's about it so far but we only woke up about an hour ago so he hasn't had too much time. I hope they don't get carried away it's just a bit of harmless fun. What have you had to do?'.

Tyler blushed and realised that what Kyle had to do was minor compared to what he had to do. He was hoping that Kyle's friend would influence Zac to relax a bit on him but feared it would swing the other way.

Zac was listening to Brandon talk an explain ideas for punishments and thought they were all too juvenile. He thought that Brandon was very handsome and pretty but had no question that he would beat him in the experiment strip fight. 'Actually I have some better ideas'.

Zac and Brandon walked back to their slaves and Zac could see Tyler's face was apprehensive whilst Kyle's was relaxed .He thought he would use his remaining 90 minutes to break him as well. If not break then at least humiliate him.

'Ok guys were going to the beach'. They started to walk and Brandon suggested they hold hands. Kyle protested but Tyler did it immediately and Kyle flinched his hand away. `Are you going to let him get away with that dude?' Zac asked.

'Ok bitch get over here' he dragged Kyle over and said 'don't struggle you lost the bet' He dragged him over his knee and started to spank him. There were people walking by and Kyle felt humiliated and when he was let go despite being sore he walked over and took Tyler's hand.

Tyler felt good he could see that Zac was taking a bigger interest in Kyle. He felt that this was his chance to relax somewhat. Many of the drunken people had left the beach and it was relatively quiet.

'Ok boys push ups, who ever does the most wins. Shirts off' Tyler's shirt was removed immediately. Kyle looked around and quickly removed it. Tyler was in position and they started it. A few push ups in both boys were slapped hard on their back.

Both boys had huge red hand marks on their back and they continued to go. Kyle fell first and Tyler with a little smirk stopped and caught his breath. He knew a punishment is coming. 'Get up Kyle. Ok come here'

Brandon took a thick permanent sharpie pen from his pocket and started to write on his face. The word bitch was written on his forehead in big writing. He turned him around and wrote on his back. Tyler couldn't make out what it said when he turned around. The words in huge writing read 'Spank me'.

They walked over to one of the benches and told them to sit across from each other. 'Bitches lets arm wrestle' Tyler and Kyle looked at each other and put their hands together for the second time today.

'Go' Said Zac. Both boys were struggling determined to win. Tyler seemed to be winning. Kyle summoned up a burst of strength and the tables turned. Kyle smashed it down and jumped up cheering. Zac slapped him on the back making a loud smacking sound.

`Ok Kyle lie on your back on the table'. He lay there terrified and Brandon pulled his shorts down to his knees. He opened his bag and pulled a tin of dog food out. He poured it over his chest and the juice rolled over his cock.

Zac walked over and put his hand on Tyler's shoulder. 'You hungry' The thought of eating dog food never mind licking and eating it off someone disgusted him but he was too afraid to hesitate and walked straight over.

He straddled Kyle and started licking up the big chunks and then start licking the juice that was rolling down his chest. Kyle's Dick was now erect which made the two masters smile. After a few minutes he was finished and started to get up.

As he tried to push off he felt Zac's hands grab his shoulder and then felt his hair being pulled. He could feel tears roll down his yes and Zac pushed his face into Kyle's Dick. 'Suck it bitch' Kyle was uncomfortable and tried to struggle but Brandon held his shoulders down.

He slowly massaged Kyle's manhood with his tongue and before long he could hear light moaning from Kyle he continued until Kyle eventually shot his load straight into his mouth. He swallowed it all and could hear the beeping alarm coming from Zac's watch and was relieved.

'We've to go mate it was nice meeting you' Tyler and Zac walked back to the meeting point were the car was waiting for the they arrived back at the experiment building and Zac was delighted to see the increase in money and was quite proud of how things had went.

Zac decided to take it easy on Tyler for the rest of the day and even let him sleep unchained. The only thing he did was make Tyler give him a foot massage just before bed. 'Goodnight Tyler you did well today' Tyler felt very happy with the compliment.

Email me at with feed back and your thoughts please. If anyone is reading from Sydney let me know.

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