Dominated by Best Friend

By Derek Ryder

Published on Nov 29, 2011


This story is for the purpose of entertainment. It depicts no real life people.

This is also my first ever story so please enjoy.

Day Four

Tyler awoke looking at his naked body completely void of any hair. He felt like a boy like he wasn't a man any more. He remembered that he and Zac were once good friends now he was his bitch and Zac was enjoying it too. He loved it. He realized that he was terrified of disappointing Zac and was just going to submit.

Zac walked into the room drenched in water. He had just showered and the water made him glisten under the lights. He was wearing just a towel. He walked over to Tyler and asked how he was. Tyler replied saying Yes sir which made Zac smile.

For probably the first time Tyler noticed how beautiful Zac's smile was. His straight white teeth and dimples really made him glisten more so than the water. Zac walked over to Tyler he jumped on him and startled him so his legs were either side of his arms.

Tyler noticed this brought the towel down a bit and he could see the top of pubes now. 'Were going to have fun today Bitch' Zac said as he was slapping Tyler's face. At first Tyler tried to resist but he stopped when it was apparent that it didn't make a difference, he couldn't defend himself.

'Come on bitch are you going to take this shit out of me' he said as he continued to slap him. Tyler was wiggling to get out but his hands were still tied and with the Leverage Zac had over him it was useless. 'Please just let me go' whimpered Tyler this made Zac angry and he spit in his face 'Shut up bitch'.

'I'm sorry' he said as he took his towel off and wiped his friends face. Zac was now naked and still straddling his friend. He was wet and beginning to sweat. His dick was inches away from Tyler's mouth and now rested on his upper chest. He looked into his friends eyes. 'I'm making us lots of money you know, we will laugh about this in years to come'.

Tyler said nothing the heat of Zac's dick on his chest felt surprisingly good. Zac moved his body up to the point of were his balls and dick were in Tyler's face. 'Lick my balls bitch' Tyler couldn't believe it, it seemed like Zac was beginning to mellow but now he was taking it to even new lows.

He didn't hesitate and start licking his balls as he did he noticed Zac's dick started to grow. Zac's eyes were on the money counter which started to really pick up speed. He had never seen it go this fast before. 'Keep going bitch were about to be really rich. `He let it go until the money had raised a thousand dollars.

He rolled of him and wrapped his towel around himself. 'Ok bitch you're going to be in real pain today.' He pulled him of the bed and Tyler fell to the ground. 'For now on every morning I want you to kiss my feet as a thank you for waking you up' Tyler crawled over and started to kiss his feet.

He hated kissing his feet, he found it so degrading and the fact that he couldn't fight it made it even worse. He kept kissing until Zac stepped way. Ok follow me. Trying to crawl with his hands tied behind his back was very difficult. His shoulders were hurting and when he got through the room he noticed the door that was always locked was now open.

As he crawled he wondered what was behind the door. Zac's comment about pain worried him and when he got through the door way he was terrified. Chains cages and ropes hung from the wall. This goanna suck he thought as he awaited further instructions. Zac pulled him to the center of the room and untied him.

It felt good to be untied even if knew his rest would be brief. He looked around the room and seen the cage door was open they were about two feet away from it. Without thinking he grabbed Zac and pushed him into the cage and slamming the door shut. He turned and went to run out of the room when the door slammed shut.

He knew the doors were computerized and felt good knowing he now had a bit of power of over Zac. He turned around and to his disbelief had noticed that Zac's towel had stopped the door of locking. Zac opened the slightly ajar door and walked over and slapped Tyler across the face. They were both standing there naked. Zac was almost shaking with anger.

Instinctively Zac got down on his knees and start kissing his feet. I'm sorry Sir please forgive me Sir, I wasn't thinking properly'. Zac left him kissing his feet for a full two minutes. Tyler wasn't sure if this was because he was trying to calm himself down or he wanted him to stew in the fear of what was coming. You really shouldn't have done that'.

Zac grabbed Tyler's hair and pulled him to standing position. He got thick rope and tied his hands behind his back. He also tied another rope around his chest. He dropped down one of the chains and connected it to the chest around rope and elevated it slightly. Tyler was almost on his toes. He was straining a bit but knew not to complain. He could tell Zac was still pissed.

He grabbed his left foot and was surprised and how smooth it felt. He lifted his foot back and looped a rope around it. He tied it to his hands so Tyler was now hoping on one foot the strain could be seen in his eyes. Zac toke a step back and examined his handy work. How do you feel bitch... no wait don't answer I don't care. I was going to go easy on you today but you're going to suffer now'

Tyler was trying to stop himself from spinning. He could tell from his tone that he was still pissed. Tyler wanted to say something but after his attempted escape he wouldn't dare. He steadied himself and watched as Zac walked over to the side of the room he took out a small metal stick. 'What is that Sir?' Zac walked over he was still naked in his anger he hadn't bother to reapply the towel.

It's a nice little shocking weapon, get it shocking ... No?' at that he pressed the stick into Tyler's chest it sent a shock through his body. Tyler now understood that when he said shocking weapon' he was trying to be funny. Tyler's standing foot went flying in the air and he swung around which made him dizzy. He tried to compose himself but every time he gathered himself he got another shock.

All the shocks had being on his chest and tiny red marks were appearing. Zac steadied him and he managed to get back on his foot. Zac circled him and came back around. `I know how to make this a little more fun. When you can't expect it, it makes it even worse.' He walked over and to cabinet and took out a blindfold. He put it on him and gave him a slap on the ass.

Tyler stood there on his tippy toes waiting for the next blow .It was the waiting that was the worst, he knew it was coming, just not when or where. Zac looked at his dominated best friend and wondered were to deliver the next shock. He quietly moved behind him and gave him a shock on the ass. The pain sent Tyler flying forward and spinning uncontrollably.

Zac circled him and watched as he spun. Eventually Tyler controlled himself and was able to get back to his standing foot. Tyler zapped his nipples which was even worse than the ass pain and sent him again spinning. Zac's dick completely stood up and he started to relax after Tyler's show of rebellion. Tyler finally spoke, please man just do it ... I can't take the waiting'

Zac knew that he was driving Tyler crazy but the thought of teaching him a lesson was more tempting than making him wait. He zapped his balls and this sent him flying harder than anything before. Zac decided to use the spinning Tyler as target practice. He starts zapping him trying to get his balls each time. Each zap sent him spinning in a different direction.

Zac stood back and watched him spin and struggle .The pain of the zapper wasn't huge pain it was just a little shock that lasted for a split second. Like the pain from ripping of a plaster. Tyler felt dizzy and just wanted this to end. He didn't know where Zac was so he didn't which part of his body to tense up. Then he felt it, Zac's knee ramming into his crotch.

He screamed and screamed and before he could catch his breath he felt his body fall it to the floor. He wasn't hanging any more. He lay there sweating in the worst pain of his life. Zac walked over and lit two candles and sat and watched his prey struggling to compose himself. He seen the pain in his friend's eyes and started to feel guilty.

He picked up his friend and untied him. Tyler knew it wasn't over but the gentle touch of Zac made him feel good. He walked him over and laid him on a table. He tied each of his limbs to the corner of the table and once again he was spread like an eagle. He removed the blindfold. Zac seen tears roll down his face when the blindfold was removed.

Don't cry bitch' He walked over a picked up the candle and brought it close to Tyler. Please no ... don't do this shit, please sir' Zac's dick grew even harder with the begging. He picked the candle up and poured it over his chest. The melt wax hit Tyler's shaven chest and he wriggled but he could barely move.

The pain was bad but quickly disappeared and the wax hardened. He picked up the second candle but this time the wax went over his cock and balls and he screamed. Zac started caressing Tyler's hairs don't worry its almost over bitch. He finished by giving his a hair a hard pull. The candle produced more wax and before he could say anything more was poured over his legs.

Tyler tried to struggle but it was useless. The feeling of Tyler untying him gave him hope that it was coming to an end but he knew better. Zac rolled him off the table and Tyler was close to hitting his face on the way down. Zac was about to apologize but knew it would slow the down the money counter. He pushed his foot onto his mouth and stuck his toe into his mouth.

He grabbed Tyler's feet and began to tie them. Tyler could see that he was still near the chain that hung him earlier. He also noticed that Zac's dick was standing to attention. Zac grabbed the chain and connected it to the chain. Tyler knew he would be hanging upside down in a matter of seconds and just hoped that the pain would stop at least for a little bit.

Zac pressed the button and the chain raised him up. He was swinging in the air and his hands were almost touching the ground. Zac grabbed his arms and tied them behind his back. He started to swing him around and Tyler was getting very dizzy. Zac stopped him from spinning his hard dick was throbbing. He looked into his friends eyes and thought for a second.

He grabbed the back of Tyler's head and pushed his crotch towards it. `Open your mouth bitch' Tyler wasn't sure what was happening but he knew he wasn't going tom enjoy it. He opened his mouth and Zac shoved his 8 inch cock straight in. Tyler had never had another person's cock in his mouth and it felt weird.

Zac start thrusting he ordered Tyler to suck and he didn't disappoint. It looked like the R rated version of the upside down kiss in Spider-Man. Tyler was hanging upside down giving his best friend a blow job. Both were naked, Zac was dry now his tanned toned body was flexing. Tyler was helpless being forced to suck on his friends cock.

If Tyler was to claim this was rape he would have a tough time. His dick was standing up straight leaking pre-cum. Zac started to moan the only thought going through his mind was his growing pleasure. After five minutes he finally came bursting a huge load into Tyler's mouth. He tried to pull away but Zac pulled him back saying `swallow bitch'.

Tyler swallowed the whole of Zac's load he felt ashamed. He tried to spit a bit out but he had swallow most of it. Zac noticed him spit a bit out but decided to ignore it. He dropped the chain and noticed Tyler was going to fall head first. He grabbed his head protecting it and then let him ay down. `Thanks man' Tyler was relieved he didn't hit his head.

Zac spat on his face I'm still your master bitch I'm just not going to kill you' He untied his feet and arms and picked him up. He led him back into the common room and pushed him on the ground. You need to eat bitch' He walked into the kitchen and came back with a can of dog food. He emptied it on the ground. `Eat bitch no hands'

Tyler looked up and noticed the look in his friend's eyes. He started to eat the taste was awful but was nowhere near the extent of the humiliation he was feeling. The chunks at the top weren't so bad it was when it got to the point of where he was eating parts that were touching the ground. He finished all the chunks but was immediately ordered to lick the juices up.

Please man let me sleep, give me a break' Zac picked him up and dragged him into his room. He hog tied him and looked at his worthless bitch on the ground. He noticed the counter started to slow. He stepped over and gave him a kick to the ribs. He pulled out his now floppy cock and pissed all over him. When he was finished he turned out the light and said goodnight ... Bit ...' he cleared his throat Man'

I can't believe we used to be friends' Zac turned around were still friends' he picked him up and threw him on the bed. `Tomorrow will be another interesting day'. Tyler felt degraded and broken he tried to get comfy but new it was impossible. He started to cry praying it would come to an end.

Email me at with feed back and your thoughts please.

Next: Chapter 5

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