Dominated by Best Friend

By Derek Ryder

Published on Oct 30, 2011


This story is for the purpose of entertainment. It depicts no real life people.

This is also my first ever story so please enjoy.

Part One

Zac and Tyler had being friends for a couple of years at this point and had travelled to over five countries together. Their dream was if they won the lottery to try and visit every capital city in the world. Money really started to become a problem when neither of them was working and eating had become difficult to afford. They were both far from home and broke.

Their day's consisted of surfing and desperately looking for work. Zac was 22, 6 ft. and about 160 pounds. He was slim but had a very noticeable six pack with broad surfer shoulders. Tyler was the exact same size but weighed a little more they both had blonde hair and blue eyes and constantly picked up at bars.

It was Tyler who found the Ad and couldn't believe it when he read it. 2 weeks work and get a 100,000 dollars. Well it wasn't really work per say basically it advertised for two participants to take part in a science experiment.

That was all it said it didn't go into the specifics of how the experiment worked. Zac and Tyler didn't care how it worked and they filled out the application immediately. Two weeks later they found they had being successful and that their dreams were going to come through.

Day One

They walked into the room not sure what to expect they had arrived at the address on time and were given cloths to put on and directed into a room. The room had a foam mat covering the entire ground and a closet in the corner and a TV on the wall. There were two doors the one they walked through and another by the TV.

The TV suddenly turned on and an older man appeared on the screen. 'Hello for the next six months you will be willing participants in our science experiment. Before we begin we have to find the alpha male of your group. The alpha male will have certain benefits over the next 2 weeks so I recommend that both of you try hard in the following competition.

The competition is simple it's a wrestling match. It's a strip wrestling match, meaning that the only way to win is to strip your opponent naked. Once a winner is declared further instructions will be given. They were both wearing matching cloths that were just given to them. The cloths were a plain t shirt boxer shorts and shorts. They were both barefoot.

Tyler shook his head 'this is bullshit there's no way' but before he could finish his sentence he was tackled to the ground. Tyler was shocked he never expected Zac to go through with it. Zac had him in a headlock; Tyler's face was stuck in Zac's armpit. Tyler could smell the overwhelming scent of Zac's sweat it made it all the more difficult to escape.

'I'm stronger than you so just give up and get this over with. As he said that Tyler flipped him over and grabbed the back of Zac's neck. They both Climbed to their feet and Zac went to try and take Tyler down as they both went down Tyler grabbed the back of Zac's T shirt pulling it over Zac's head.

Tyler tried to use Zac's attempts to put the T-shirt back on and started to pull at his shorts. Zac kicked him away and pulled his T-shirt off. Zac was now shirtless sweat was pouring down his tanned body and he was breathing heavily. Tyler knew he had the upper hand and went in for the kill.

He grabbed Zac's legs to take him down and as he did it Zac got him in another headlock and the both fell to the ground. Zac had complete leverage over Tyler and held him in the headlock for a few seconds.

Tyler could feel Zac's body heat on his face and both were now completely drenched in sweat. Tyler's was completely trapped and unable to get out. His face was completely buried in Zac's armpit Zac's sweat was soaking his face. Zac had a free hand grabbed the back of Tyler's underwear and started to pull it upwards.

Tyler got his face away from his armpits 'what are you doing' as he said that Zac re adjusted him back and he got a mouthful of his sweat. He could taste the salty slim and felt like gagging. The more he tried to get out the worse it was.

He was defenceless he couldn't escape the grip and was tiring himself out he realized that Zac wouldn't be able to do any more damage other than the wedgie so he decided to let it go and then hopefully release the grip to try something new.

Zac though had other ideas and kept the wedgie going. Despite the pain Tyler was feeling he had no escape and came to realize that he was more embarrassed than anything else. The waist band went further and further up his back to the point where it was almost touching the drape of his neck. The boxers snapped straight off. Zac hadn't expected them to rip so soon and the surprise gave Tyler the chance to wriggle free.

Both were now on their knees about a metre apart panting and trying to catch their breath. 'Tyler you're going to lose just give-up safe yourself the embarrassment'. Tyler seemed to be more sluggish the headlock had taken more energy out of him and he felt like he couldn't go on but was determined not to lose.

He charged Zac taking him by surprise and managed to take him down. The momentum was with Tyler for a slight moment but Zac over powered him again. He was now leaning directly over Tyler who was on his back pinning his shoulders down.

Tyler tried to get up but Zac who is normally stronger than him any way had leverage again and the struggling was just lowering his energy. Zac removed one hand from his shoulder and started slapping Tyler in the face come on bitch just give-up.

I could just beat you by stripping you but I want you to give up, submit to me bitch' Tyler blocked a slap and used almost the last of his energy to kick Zac of him, Zac went tumbling over his shoulders and Tyler slowly got up

He charged Zac but he was easily taken down Zac trapped him in a leg lock and Tyler s face was inches away from Zac's crotch. This made him feel even more uncomfortable and he started squirming and pulling trying to escape.

Zac felt happy knowing Tyler was wasting the last of his energy. He also felt slightly turned on by the thought of another dudes face inches away from his dick. Zac left Tyler struggling for almost four minutes then let him go. Zac stood up and looked at Tyler. He was trying to get to his feet but was exhausted.

Zac circled him and when Tyler stood up he put him in another headlock taking him down and wrapping his legs around Tyler's body. Tyler let out a gasp 'come one man let me go'... `It's easy dude just submit get up and take your cloths off and as you do say your my bitch'

Tyler tried for a good 2 minutes to break free and realized he wasn't able to. 'Okay dude Okay' Zac released the neck hold and pushed Tyler Away. He walked away and watched Tyler try to get to his feet. Zac was starting to get pissed off with how long it was taking.

'Come on man just get up, Okay fuck it another neck hold' Zac stormed towards Tyler and as he got to him Tyler grabbed both of Zac's legs sending him falling to his back while quickly grabbing the waistband of his shorts and pulling them off. Tyler then fell to his knees trying to catch his breath.

Zac couldn't believe it despite totally dominating he found himself in his boxer shorts and pretty close to losing. He sprang to his feet and decided that it was time to finish this. Tyler despite his burst of energy was still exhausted. Zac circled him. Tyler was feeling more confident and decided one last attempt and went for the waste of Zac. Who grabbed him and easily took of his T-Shirt.

Tyler fell to the ground and finally conceded to himself that this it was over. Zac walked over and grabbed the bottom of his shorts and with one strong pull reefed them off. Tyler was lying on the floor completely naked in front of his friend. His smooth body was covered in sweat from head to toe making him tanned body glisten. His 5 inch cock was semi hard the thought of being dominated by his best friend seemed to be turning him on.

The TV turned on again but this time a different man was talking. Well done Zac you did well. You're the Alpha male. Now I need the loser to be chained to the wall open the closet. Zac walked over and opened the closet. There was a chain and two pairs of hand cuffs.

Ok now do you see the Hook on the wall pull the chain through it and handcuff one to each end then chain Tyler to the wall. Zac quickly complied. 'Come on dude its time, the money is on the line come over here'

Tyler just lay there panting and trying to regain his breath. Zac walked over to him grabbed his feet and dragged him to the wall. He chained both hands to the wall. The hook was about a metre of the ground. Tyler was sitting there still breathing heavily with his arms out stretched.

Now Zac please walk through the door and you will be given your next task. Zac walked into the room which was very similar to the earlier room despite the closet. The TV turned on. `Congratulations Zac you are now in control of your own fate. The way the next 2 weeks will work is simple.

Tyler and you will live in the space we have provided for you. They are comfortable living arrangements. If you want to eat, drink and have electricity you need to earn money. This is done simply by you controlling and telling Tyler what to do.

You must completely control him though. There is an electronic pad with how to earn money for example if he gives you a foot massage you earn 2 dollars, more examples are in the pad. If you think of your own idea we will rate it an assign a price to it

To make things easier we are now inserting a chip into Tyler. He will be forced to follow your orders he will do whatever you say. The only catch is you have to keep him broken if he doesn't believe you are going to go through with this his mind will overpower the device.

You need to break him immediately do something that will ensure he knows you're not being his friend anymore but his master good luck Zac. The key is in the closet when you're finished doing what you have to do unchain Tyler then brings him into this room and through the door. He is somewhat aware of what is coming. He is not happy about it.

Zac walked back through the door and noticed Tyler's arm was slightly bleeding `you hear this shit, they just injected me with something come on man this is some weird ass shit let's get out of here' Zac walked over to him Tyler leaned forward trying to get up but Zac put his bare foot in his face forcing him down.

Tyler sat there with Zac's barefoot sticking in his face trying to protest but was struggling to get any coherent words out. Shut the fuck up bitch, this money is what were here for, you're going to do exactly what I say understand?' Zac took his foot away a few inches so Tyler could talk Man get your foot away from my face'

Zac put his foot down and walked closer to Tyler I'm sorry Man but I have to show you whose boss' Zac put his hand down his pants and pulled out his floppy 6 Inch dick. Wait what the fuck' but before Tyler could finish a stream of piss hit him in the face and he swallowed a full mouthful.

Zac continued to piss and what must of being a full bladder now drenched Tyler. `Anyway bitch now you won't need a shower tonight.' Zac took the key from the closet removing the hand cuffs and chain. He used one pair to cuff his hands behind his back and the other pair to cuff his feet. He wrapped the chain around his feet. He begun dragging him through the two rooms to the start of the experiment.

Email me at with feed back and your thoughts please.

Next: Chapter 2

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