Dominated by Alpha Teen Next Door

By Kyle Smitj

Published on Aug 27, 2019


Note: This story is about Kyle, a young man currently 17 years old, and Tom, an older man, in his late 40s. Overt sexual activity between them will not be depicted for now (but Kyle won't be 17 for that much longer!). If this is illegal in your area or is objectionable to you, please don't read it.

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Dominated by the Alpha Teen Next Door - Part 2

His words hit me like a punch in the gut, as I realized that he now had me completely under his control. I was nervous but also excited.

Kyle flexed his biceps again. I tried to look away.

"Don't look away from me, homo. Tell me how much you like my muscles."

"Kyle, you have a good body as you obviously know, but..."

"That ain't what I said, fag. I told you to tell me how much YOU like my muscles. And from now on, you don't get to call me Kyle. It's Sir to you now. Got it?"

"Yes, Sir."

"What the fuck are you waiting for, tell me you how much you like my muscles."

I felt really embarrassed but I had no choice but to obey him.

"You have such awesome muscles Sir, they're so big and well-defined."

I paused for a moment.

"Did I tell you to stop?"

"I love your big biceps Sir, they are so amazing. You have the muscles of a real man, not a wimpy fag like me. They're just perfect in every way Sir. No wonder all the girls want to go out with you, your body is just perfect."

"You wanna feel `em?"

"No Sir, I mean...."

"Tell me the truth, faggot."

"Yes Sir, I want to feel your biceps." "Beg me."

"Please, Sir let me feel your biceps, they're so amazing I just have to, I'll do anything you say I promise I want to touch them so bad, please let me just for a minute."

"Okay, that's enough. If you want to touch them so bad, go for it."

I sat there. I really did want to feel his muscles, but I felt weird about it on several levels.

"That wasn't a suggestion, faggot. Get over here and worship `em, now."

I walked over toward him. He made a muscle with his left arm. A bit tentatively, I started to squeeze it. It was firm and solid, and looked even more impressive from close up. I could smell his body odor now. It wasn't bad, it just smelled very masculine. It hit me like a drug and for a moment I lost awareness of what was going on around me. My world was reduce to his left bicep and his scent. I could feel my dick getting hard. I tried to fight it but there was no use.

"Turn around and smile pretty for the camera, faggot."

I whipped around and saw that he was holding his phone in his right recording the whole thing. Shit. I was really fucked now. If this alone got out, it would be a huge embarrassment at best, and would ruin my credibility if I had to defend myself against any accusations I might make.

"Let's sit down and see how this turned out," he said. He walked over to the sofa and sat down. My dick was still hard and I didn't want to turn around and allow him to see that. I was trying to think of some way to get out of it.

"Jesus, are you paralyzed or something? Get over here NOW."

I turned around. I was wearing gym shorts and it was totally obvious that I had an erection.

"Jesus," he said. "Did you get a fucking boner from feeling my biceps?"

"Yes Sir," I said. I felt a blush coming on.

""Fuck," he said. I couldn't tell if he was pissed off or amused. Probably some of both.

"Get a move on."

I quickly sat down on the couch keeping as much distance between as possible. He unconsciously spread his legs out, taking up at least 3/4 of the available space. He fiddled with his phone for a bit and then I heard my words being played back to me. He had recorded the whole part where I was talking about his muscles and begging to feel. "Do I really sound that faggy?" I thought. Then he played the video of me feeling his biceps. He caught the part where I turned around revealing my obvious erection.

"You're a star," he said, sarcastically. "I wonder what my parents would think if they heard and saw all of this."

I sure didn't want to find out. I figured if I just went along with Kyle for now, he would get tired of this little game and things would be back to normal.

"Well, I gotta go get ready," he said. "I have a date with Alyssa tonight. That bitch has been holding out on me, but I have a feeling that tonight's gonna be the big night and she's gonna let me fuck her. Course if she doesn't, I'll dump her."

I was really shocked at the way Kyle was talking about his girlfriend. I know his parents didn't raise him like this.

"And by the way, don't jerk off. The though of some old fag getting off thinking about me makes me wanna puke."

With that, Kyle got up and walked out. He had forgotten to take his shirt with him. I picked it up off the floor and almost without realizing I was doing it, I put it up to my nose and started sniffing it. The musky scent was intoxicating to me. I was so horny and my dick had been hard for so long my balls were already starting to ache. He had told me not to jerk off, but I figured he wouldn't know if I did. I didn't want to disobey his order but I couldn't help myself so I started playing with my dick while still sniffing his shirt. I was lost in fantasy, when I heard footsteps.

"What the FUCK?"

It was Kyle. He must have realized he had forgotten his shirt and come back to get it.

"Give me my shirt now. And take your hand off your little dick. I really gotta go now, but you are going to pay for this."

"I'm sorry Kyle, I couldn't help it, you're just so--"

"Shut up faggot. I don't want to hear excuses from you. I'll deal with you tomorrow. I wasn't fucking kidding when I told you not to jerk off."

He turned around and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

I felt really upset then. It probably sounds weird, but I really missed his shirt. It was like somebody had taken away my special blanket. I felt humiliated by being discovered jerking off, and ashamed for having disobeyed his order. I was afraid of his anger and what he would do to punish me, yet I longed to be in his presence again. I couldn't stop thinking about what it was like to feel his magnificent muscles. I thought about him and his girlfriend and felt jealous of her. I wanted to jerk off more than ever but this time I was determined to obey Kyle's order. And it wasn't so much because I was afraid of him, although I was. It was because I wanted to please him.

It was still light out so I decided to go for a long walk, hoping that would take my mind off things. I walked for about an hour and then watched TV until it was time to go to bed. It took my a while to fall asleep - I couldn't stop thinking about Kyle and his girlfriend and whether he was getting laid tonight. Finally I drifted off around midnight.

Day 2 - Saturday

I woke up from a sound sleep and realized my phone was ringing. I looked at the clock. Who would be calling me at 5am? I answered it, wondering if it was some emergency with my family or one of my friends.

"Hello?" "It's Kyle. Get over here now. You're gonna cook breakfast for me. And make it quick. I have football practice this morning and I need to be there by 6."

I could tell from the tone of his voice that he wasn't happy. I guessed that Alyssa didn't put out last night. I threw on some jeans and a sweatshirt as quickly as I could, put on the first pair of shoes I could find and ran next door. I knocked on the back door and Kyle opened it without saying anything. I followed him into the kitchen. I stood there waiting for a minute feeling awkward. I figured he'd tell me what he wanted for breakfast, but he didn't say anything.

"Um, what would you like for breakfast, Ky-I mean Sir?" It still felt a little weird calling a guy 30 years younger than me Sir.

"Bacon and eggs, and a glass of orange juice."

"How many eggs and how would you like them cooked, Sir"

"Three, scrambled."

I opened the refrigerator to get the bacon and eggs out. There was one little problem. There weren't any. There was a carton of OJ, but definitely no bacon or eggs.

"I don't see any bacon or eggs in here, Sir."

"And how is that my problem? I told you I wanted bacon and eggs. You figure it out. And don't forget, I have practice at six."

I started to panic. I didn't have any bacon or eggs at home either. And I didn't really know any of the other neighbors well enough to wake them up and ask if I could borrow some bacon and eggs because the 17 year old jock I was taking orders from had asked for them. There was a 24 hour convenience store about 10 minutes away. I was pretty sure they carried basic groceries so I figured if I hurried I might be able to get there and buy the stuff and get back with just enough time to cook Kyle's breakfast and get him to practice on time.

"I'll be right back Sir, I'm going to run to the store and get some bacon and eggs."

Kyle kept looking at his phone and gave me a teenage boy grunt.

I ran out to my car, hopped in and drove off as fast as I could. I got to the store in 10 minutes. Fortunately, they did have both bacon and eggs. I grabbed a dozen eggs and a package of bacon and hurried up to the front. Unfortunately there was a little old lady in front of me, buying cigarettes and trying to pay with a check. I don't think the sleepy kid working the register had ever seen one before. Cigarettes? At 5:15 in the morning?? With a check??? The transaction seemed to take forever but finally they got it done. He rang me up and the total came to $7.32. I pulled a twenty dollar bill out of my wallet, slammed it down on the counter, told the cashier to keep the change and raced out to the car. It was almost 5:30. I drove home as fast as I could and got there at 5:39. We lived 15 minutes away from the school, so that gave me 16 minutes to get Kyle fed. I must have looked panicked because when Kyle saw me, he started grinning.

"Chill out homo. I totally forgot, Coach changed the practice time to 7am this week."

From the way he drew out "totally", I knew he hadn't forgotten. He just told me it was 6 to fuck with me. Or did he? I was so discombobulated by this situation I didn't know which end was up any more.

I took a deep breath to calm down and got to work making Kyle's breakfast. I relaxed a bit, knowing practice wasn't until 7 and focused on making sure everything was perfect. Kyle ignored me while I cooked, glued to his phone.

When the eggs and bacon were done, I plated them, poured him a glass of orange juice and set them in front of him. At this point I was really hungry and I was hoping Kyle would invite me to make some food for myself. He just told me to sit down.

While he ate started talking about his date with Alyssa.

"Girls, man. I don't understand them. I mean if you're not gonna sleep with a guy fine, but then don't lead him on. Anyway she told me she was saving herself for marriage but she said could give me a handjob. A fucking handjob? If all I'm gonna get is a handjob, I'd rather stay home and jerk off and not have to spend the money on dinner and movie. So I told her if she didn't at least give me a blowjob I was gonna break up with her. At first she resisted but eventually she gave in. She wasn't very into it though and acted like it grossed her out. I don't get that either. I mean if you like a guy, shouldn't you like the thing that makes him a guy? So she puts her mouth on it like she's being made to try something that tastes bad and licks the head a little and then pulls back. I started out gentle, sweet-talking her and trying to get her more comfortable with it. She started relaxing a bit and taking a little more of it in her mouth. It was getting better but she was still going a lit slower than I wanted and she could barely get more than the head in. I hate to brag but I have a huge dick and I haven't met a girl yet who could more than about half of it. Anyway, I'm really horny and getting frustrated so I started pushing her down on it. I wasn't being too rough or anything but I swear she started flailing around like she was drowning, and next I know she pukes all over me. It was fucking gross. She got all hysterical and started crying and said she hated me. She told me to take her home so I did."

The whole time he was telling this, his legs were sprawled wide and he lazily reached down and rubbed his crotch when he wasn't taking bites of his breakfast. If he was trying to torment me he couldn't have done a better job. I don't think I need to tell you what I was thinking about.

He had stopped eating but there was still a strip of bacon and a little bit of scrambled egg left on his plate.

"Hungry, faggot?"

I nodded yes.

"What's that, I didn't hear you?"

"Yes, Sir, I'm hungry." I said.

He spit a couple times on the plate, and then put it on the floor.

"There's your breakfast. Now eat up, we're going to have leave soon."

I knew that he expected me to get down and eat it off the plate on the ground, like a dog. If I had any self-respect, I would have walked out then and there.

But that's not what I did. I got down on all fours and started eating. I glanced up and saw that he was taking a video. I lapped up the eggs, which were cold and slimy by now. And covered with a big glob of his spit. Then I picked up the strip of bacon and chewed it down a bite at a time, trying not to drop it.

"Lick your plate clean."

I bent over and licked the plate clean with my tongue.

"Now say thank you."

"Thank you Sir."

"That's not how doggies say thank you. Do it right."

I barked a couple of times. He started laughing.

"That's better, doggie."

He stopped recording and said, "It's almost 6:45, time for you to drive me to practice."

While I drove him over to the school, he explained that while he was at practice, he wanted me to do his laundry, clean up the house and mow his lawn.

"I'm sorry Sir. I'll be happy to do all that this afternoon but I'm supposed to meet some friends for brunch at 10."

"Stop the car." He said.

"What? We're gonna be--"

"I said stop the goddamned car."

I pulled over.

"Look at me."

I turned toward him. Out of nowhere, he slapped me hard one cheek and then backhanded on the other.

"I wasn't giving you a suggestion. You seem to have a hard time understanding that when I tell you to do something, it's an order and you don't get to question it. I don't give a shit about your brunch with your faggot friends. Call them up and tell them you can't make it. And you've now got two strikes against you. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Sir."

My ears were still ringing from the slaps and I felt humiliated. I thought I was going to start crying, but I managed to get a grip on myself and drive him the rest of the way.

"Let me out here," he said when we were about a block away from the school. "I don't want any of the other guys to see me getting a ride from you. I'll catch a ride home from somebody and I'll be home by noon. I want all of the chores done by then."

Kyle got out of the car and strode off toward the football field. I sat there watching him for a minute and then drove off. I stopped off to get some coffee on the way and then went directly back to his house to get started on my chores. I texted my friends, making up some lame excuse for why I couldn't make it to brunch and got to work. I tried not to think about Kyle, but I couldn't help it. I thought about him and Alyssa last night and imagined her trying to suck his big dick, feeling both jealous of her and oddly angry that Kyle hadn't gotten what he wanted. I thought about him slapping me in the car, again feeling the sting of physical pain and emotional humiliation. His power also turned me on and I was beginning to, to understand that I deserved to be treated that way. I knew that it was wrong to think that my brunch plans were more important than serving him. I thought about him at football practice, wishing I could be there to see his strength and athletic prowess on display, but knowing that my place was here, gathering his dirty laundry. And I thought about the punishment I had coming to me for disobeying him twice.

Next: Chapter 3

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