Dominated by Alpha Teen Next Door

By Kyle Smitj

Published on Aug 2, 2019


This is my first story on Nifty. I welcome constructive feedback. You can e-mail me at

Dominated by the Alpha Teen Next Door - Part 1

I've lived next door to the Mike and Cindy Johnson for almost 20 years now. Although we've never been close friends or anything, I've always been friendly with them. They are both very liberal and active in local Democratic politics so we've always enjoyed discussing politics as we have very similar views. They've also always been very supportive of gay rights and even fly a pride flag every year during June. They have one son, Kyle who is now 17 and a senior in high high school. I've watched him grow up into a fine young man. He gets top grades, excels in several sports and is very popular. He's never seemed to have any issues with living next door to a openly gay man and always greets me respectfully. We don't have a whole lot to talk about but when I see him, I'll ask how school is going or how things are going with whatever sports season it is currently, and he'll always give me a genuine answer, unlike so many teenagers who act like adults are some alien species from another planet. His mom has even gone out of her way to mention that he has gay friends and how nice it is that that doesn't seem to be any big deal for kids today. I guess I should mention that in addition to being smart, athletic and popular, he is devastatingly good looking and he's dated a series of the prettiest girls in school. He's very mature for his age, both physically and behaviorally and could easily pass for a 19 or 20 year old college student.

A couple of weeks ago, Mike and Cindy informed me that they were going to have to be out of town for a month due to a family situation in another city that they had to help deal with. They asked me if I would be willing to keep an eye on Kyle while they were away. They said that since he was such a good kid it was unlikely I would have to do much of anything but they wanted at least some minimal adult supervision for him. I agreed without thinking twice about it. We agreed that Kyle would check in with me once a day after I got home from work to let me know how everything was going, and that of course, he could call me any time if he needed any kind of help.

The first day that Kyle was home alone, he knocked on my door at around 6:30 pm. He walked right in and sat down in my favorite chair. I thought that was slightly rude, but didn't think much about it.

"Hey Kyle, how's it going." I said.

"It's going fine. But there is something I need to talk to you about."

"OK, sure, what's on your mind, Kyle."

"Get me a beer first, Tom."

He had never addressed me by my first name before - it was always Mr. O'Malley. I figured maybe it just meant that he was comfortable with me.

"Sorry Kyle, no can do. You're not old enough to drink."

"I didn't ask your opinion about it, Tom. I told you to get me a beer."

All of a sudden I had a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. Kyle has a very deep, masculine voice and a very authoritative presence. Against my better judgment, I went and got him a beer, grabbing one for myself too. I mean, kids are gonna drink if they want, one way or another, and at least this way there was an adult around to watch over him.

I came back and handed Kyle his beer. He took a swig, not bothering to thank me.

"I didn't say you could have one, Tom. You can just set that down for me and I'll have it when I'm done with this one."

I was so taken aback, I just did what he said.

"So anyway Kyle, what did you want to talk about?"

"I want to talk about how you're a dirty old faggot who's always perving on me."

"Alright Kyle, that's enough. I don't know what's going on with you tonight, but you can't talk to me like that in my own home. Besides, I know this isn't who you are. You're Mom told me you have plenty of gay friends and that it wasn't any big deal to you."

Kyle sat back in my chair, spreading his legs slightly, smirking at me.

"You're gonna find out exactly who I am, faggot. And for the record, the guys my Mom are talking about aren't exactly my friends. They're just fags who I bully and who do things for me. How do you think I manage to get all As on top of everything else I do? It's because those fags do half of my homework for me."

I was speechless at this. For one thing, I have to admit that Kyle was right. I do perv on him, sort of. I would never lay a hand on an underage guy but let's face it. Kyle might be 17 but he's all Man and any woman or homosexual male who would say they don't find him attractive would be lying.

"It's kind of hot in here, fag. Mind if I take my shirt off?"

"No but please stop calling me fag. I don't mind if you call me Tom, but it's hurtful when you use homophobic language like that."

He just smirked at me and said "Yeah, whatever faggot."

He took his shirt off. I tried not to stare but I couldn't help it. He could have been the model for Michelangelo's David.

He flexed his biceps and said , "Like what you see faggot?"

Of course, I liked it, and he knew it, and I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of saying it out loud.

"Look Kyle, I'm not comfortable with what's going here. Do you have any idea how much trouble I could get into if there was even a suspicion that something sexual happened between us?"

"Yeah, I do. I know exactly how much trouble you could get into. If I told my parents that you made a pass at me, it would be my word against yours. And who do you think they would believe? That's why you're going to be a good fag and do whatever I tell you for the next month."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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