Dominated by a Fem Twink

By Manly Man

Published on Oct 10, 2017


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Brad didn't say anything and neither did I. I simply stroked his head and held him until he calmed down. Then we napped. I awoke an hour later to Brad's talented mouth on my cock. The man had some mad oral skills and 2 minutes later he was swallowing my load, the first of many he would swallow in the coming weeks....

Chapter 7:

Brad left shortly after naptime and I cleaned-up from our football afternoon. I was spent - tired and satisfied. I had really enjoyed Brad and felt a bond with him.

Around 9p, the doorman called to say that Jordan and a friend were here to see me. No text, no call, he just showed-up? With a friend?? Fuck. I had showered after Brad left and was wearing a pair of jersey shorts and a long-sleeve T-shirt. I opened the door to find Jordan (clearly buzzed) with one of his fem, twink friends. This kid was probably 21, white, 5'7, 125 and giggly. He was one of those girly-twinks that enjoyed looking and sounding feminine. He had a lip-ring/stud and long eyelashes. His hair was blond and he had one side of it closely-shaved while the other side was long. While Jordan was stunning with his smooth, Asian looks, this kid was simply pretty. And giggly. Jordan introduced his friend as Tristan. Tristan was carrying a small shopping bag, which he put on a bench by the front door.

After the pleasantries, I asked the boys if they wanted something to drink. Both asked for cosmos (of course they did). Jordan chattered about how they smoked some 420 and decided to come hang with me for a bit. They made themselves at home while I mixed drinks for them.. After a suitable toast, I looked at Jordan and said politely, "I'm glad you and Tristan stopped by, but I have to work pretty early in the morning. Maybe you can take him to one of the neighborhood bars in a bit? My treat?? Jordan's demeanor changed immediately. He glared at me and said firmly...."Nah...I don't think so". Tristan giggled a bit while I looked at Jordan in confusion. Jordan stood, walked the 3 feet to where I was standing, grabbed my balls firmly in his left hand and began to squeeze. Hard. When I groaned and reached for his hand, he squeezed harder. "Got your attention now?", he said quietly as Tristan looked on in shock. "Yes", I groaned. He twisted harder and I felt sick to my stomach as I doubled over. "Yes SIR", I croaked. "That's better", Jordan responded. He relaxed the pressure a bit and I gasped as the pain started to ease. "You have 15 seconds to strip and get my cock in your mouth".

He didn't need to tell me twice. I might have gotten my alpha mojo back earlier today, with Brad, but Jordan took it from me again in a span of 30 seconds. He was the alpha in this room and I knew it. I dropped my shorts and pulled off my T-shirt to hoots of delight from Tristan. I immediately hit my knees and undid Jordan's fly. His cute, little cock popped out of his underwear as soon as I lowered them and I devoured it to the root. I was embarrassed to be dominated by Jordan in front of this femboy, yet I was incredibly turned-on. I needed it. And I also knew the situation could get much worse if I didn't placate Jordan quickly. So I focused on his beautiful dick and soon heard him murmur his appreciation. Meanwhile, Tristan moved closer and stood beside Jordan, watching me intently.

As I serviced Jordan's cock, I realized how much I have come to need him. He balances me and I lose myself when we are together. I didn't realize it at the time, but my cock boned-up immediately when I got him in my mouth. Now that the pain had passed, it was pulsing in front of me. Tristan noticed and pointed....Jordan simply smiled. "I told you he's my slut. And when you said you have never fucked a guy, I brought you here. John will be your first.", he said to Tristan. "There is nothing like fucking a hot daddy." I simply groaned as Jordan began to face-fuck me and reached down to pinch my right nip. Tristan giggled, watching my cock leak a steady stream of precum and enjoying the show.

Jordan stepped-back abruptly and ordered Tristan to take out his cock. I watched intently as Tristan unzipped his skinny jeans. I should have been disgusted, revolted. Instead, I was actually wondering what he packed. I found-out quickly. Tristan was the stereotypical skinny kid. He whipped out an impressive 7-incher (longer than mine) that was slim and smooth like him, an impressive cock for such a girly-boy. I moved toward it without thinking, but was met with a hard slap from Jordan. I stared up in shock as he said, "Ask him. Politely." I looked at Tristan, who was giggling again, and said "May I suck it, please?" Tristan giggled harder, stepped forward and started cock-slapping me over and over. I was lost in the moment. This nelly, girly boy was slapping me with his big cock in the middle of my living room and I was moaning and enjoying the abuse. WTF? Eventually he stopped and stepped back. "What do you say?", he said to me. "Please?", I replied. He smiled and stepped forward. He placed his palm on top of my head, tilted it back slightly and slid his cock between my lips and all the way into my throat. His thin cock fit perfectly in my throat without a struggle. As I was adjusting to the sensation (and leaking more precum), I realized that this wasn't Tristan's first experience getting blown. The boy clearly knew how easily his cock fit into a throat. He'd tilted my head perfectly to put it there in one thrust.

"Fits really well in your throat, doesn't it?" I grunted my response since I was impaled on Tristan's cock. His hand moved to the back of my head to hold me in place as he sunk it to the pubes and began to thrust over and over. It was erotic. I was trying to breathe through my nose as I enjoyed the sensation. I noticed Jordan watching me intently, a smirk on his face. I was worried he might be angry at my enjoyment, but he smiled and said, "It's hot, isn't it? I've sucked it once or twice - fits really well in my throat." Tristan's trigger was quick and he pulled out completely 3 times to recover. But finally it was too much. He thrust hard and slammed his pelvis against my face. 2-3" of his cock was in my throat, maybe more, when he began to unload. He pulsed and I tried to relax and not gag. He had a death-grip on my head and I knew he wasn't letting go until he was finished. I tasted nothing because it was going straight down my gullet. After 6 or 7 pulses, he appeared to be finished and slumped forward. HIs cock slipped from my mouth and his hands went to my shoulders for support. Before I realized it, I was cleaning his cock, trying to get a taste of his juices. He was sensitive and pulled away from me. Jordan took my arm and said, "Bedroom". I rose and led the way.

I knew from the earlier conversation that Jordan planned to let Tristan fuck me today, but I had no idea how it would unfold. We entered the bedroom and Jordan said to me, "I think we need to start with a spanking. Your attitude sucked earlier and there are consequences." I was momentarily taken aback. I didn't want to be punished in front of Tristan. But I also knew that Jordan had the potential to get very angry (and abusive) if I resisted. Jordan noticed my hesitation and ordered me to bend over the bed. As I jumped over the edge, I realized how hard my cock was. As I was processing this, my closet door slid open and Jordan began to rummage for something. Tristan had disappeared to the living room and returned with the shopping bag he was carrying earlier. I started to get anxious when each of them arrived next to me. I was looking toward Tristan curiously when the first blow landed on my bare ass. Jordan had a of mine. Fuck....this wasn't going to be a simple spanking. I hated...."CRACK", the belt crashed in exactly the same spot again and I saw stars. Tears streamed down my face as he hit me the 3rd time and I knew there would be blisters. Tristan, meanwhile, had backed up and he was looking-on in horror. "Please Jordan", I whimpered. "I promise to be good. I'm sorry for earlier", I said, as tears continued to stream from the pain. "Two more", he stated as the next blow landed. I jumped this time and stood straight-up involuntarily. When I realized what I'd done I slammed my chest immediately back onto the bed. Jordan said nothing, but the last blow was the hardest. I looked behind me and saw the reflection of my ass in the and raw. Damn. I was trying to stop the tears when Tristan pulled my left arm behind me and clamped-on a padded cuff. My right arm followed and I found myself balancing myself on the bed with my head and chest. "The restraints are Tristan's idea", Jordan said, "But I like them." I stayed silent as I felt Tristan start to slap his lengthy cock on my ass.

As a bottom (until now), Tristan seemed eager to try some of the things that had been done to him, or else some of the things he enjoyed HAVING done to him. My cock was limp as I smarted from the pain. But I was also enjoying Tristan's experimentation. He seemed fascinated with my muscular ass and spent a lot of time pulling, prying, inspecting and teasing it. He clearly wasn't an ass-eater, but there were several times he spit and watched while it drizzled into my crack. His long cock always followed, sliding up and down the crack. Eventually, he began to tease my hole and that's when I noticed my boner for the first time. Tristan noticed it too...."Someone likes it when I play with his pussy", he giggled. I was mortified, and also very turned-on. Jordan, meanwhile, had decided to relax and chill on the bed in front of me while Tristan explored. He was naked and so fucking beautiful. I looked at him with pure lust and adoration, and he stroked my head occasionally. With my hands restrained I couldn't touch him, but it was enough to simply look and enjoy. And I shivered every time he put his hand on my head.

But things behind me were beginning to get serious. While I was enjoying my reverie with Jordan, Tristan suddenly did a little more than poke. I felt him spit again and then I felt half his cock enter me. I was surprised, but my cock throbbed and I moaned. Loudly. "Like that, huh?", he asked. "Yes....", I said as I attempted to back-up on him. He giggled again and let me impale myself fully on his long, thin cock. Spit was enough since he was so thin, and I loved how far he slid into me. It was different than being fucked by Jordan. Tristan was able to really stimulate my prostate. I realized that I wouldn't last long and tried to distract myself.

I couldn't really see Jordan's face since my head and chest were on the bed, supporting my weight since my hands were restrained behind my back. But Jordan must have sensed the change and he decided to take a more active role. I felt him lift me up and scoot under me so that my head was in his lap. His cute cock was rock-solid and I slid it into my mouth immediately as my head rested against his abs. Jordan moaned and rubbed my head. "You seem to be getting the hang of it", he said to Tristan while I sucked. "Yeah...this was a great idea", Tristan replied. "I've always been so intimidated and I have never tried to top a guy. But watching John obey you earlier gave me confidence. I couldn't believe he let you beat him like that, but I also realized how he craves your control. And the restraints are kinda hot - it's nice knowing I can treat him however I want."

"He's my bitch, for sure. And now he's yours to use when you want to top.", Jordan stated. "Really?", Tristan giggled. "Because I like this a lot more than I thought I would", he said as he thrusted hard, eliciting a yelp from me.

Jordan laughed. "I always thought you would be a great top. You have the cock for it. So this works well for both of us!", Jordan said. I was both shocked and intrigued. Apparently, there was a deal for Tristan to fuck me whenever he pleased. And from the sound of Jordan's comment, he was hot for Tristan, too. Interesting....I thought Jordan's type was ME...older/hairy/manly. Hmm.

While I was processing their discussion, I realized that Jordan had begun making-out with Tristan while Tristan continued to fuck me. I felt Tristan's cock get rigid inside me and his excitement grow. Jordan's cock was also throbbing and I was struggling to hang onto it with my mouth as he moved to kiss Tristan. Then I felt a hand on my own cock....a smooth, long-fingered hand stroking me so slowly. Tristan. He broke the kiss with Jordan, leaned forward and said, "You really like this, don't you". "Oh yeah....", I agreed. Tristan pulled out completely - just the head resting against my hole. I was confused and I wanted him back inside me - back where he belonged! I thrust backwards and Tristan pulled his cock back at the same time, denying me his dick. I whimpered and tried again, but he thwarted me. This time he slapped my ass....hard! I yelped from the pain, especially since Jordan had whipped me so hard earlier. Finally, Tristan said "You really like this, don't you?" "Yes SIR!", I replied enthusiastically. As soon as he heard it Tristan impaled me on his cock in a single stroke. I moaned and felt my orgasm begin to build. He started long-dicking me and hitting my nut every time with the head of his cock. It was amazing...phenomenal. I began to gasp and said, "I'm cum-ming". Tristan doubled-down ...pulling out completely each time and slamming his cock back into me. One, two....on the third thrust I lost it. My mouth was clamped on Jordan's cock as I began to unload on the edge of the bed. Tristan whooped and thrusted, whooped and thrusted. Each time he drove his cock back into me I fired, until I went limp underneath him. Jordan's hand was rubbing my head and I realized he hadn't cum yet. Had Tristan cum? I wasn't sure. For once I was first.

Tristan slid his long, thin cock out of me and slapped it against my ass a couple times. I felt him undo the restraints and move onto the bed. I raised-up to see him roll Jordan over onto his stomach. I was shocked (and turned-on) to see Tristan spread Jordan's beautiful, smooth cheeks and drop a big wad of spit onto his hole. Jordan gasped and raised his ass. Tristan spit again and began to finger Jordan quickly. Jordan responded by raising his ass again. Tristan might be new at topping, but he moved quickly and sunk his cock into Jordan. Jordan groaned in pain/pleasure but Tristan didn't make any attempt to take it easy. He impaled Jordan on his cock and laid flat on top of him. It was incredibly hot to see the two smooth twinks together like that. Jordan's olive skin and model good looks. Tristan, the pale, pretty twink with the amazing cock on top. Tristan wiggled around a bit, getting Jordan's ass adjusted to his length. Then he rose up, grabbed Jordan by the hair and started riding him like a bronco on a bull. He fucked Jordan hard and it was clear that Tristan was only concerned about one thing....his own orgasm. He was treating Jordan like a piece of meat, fucking him hard, selfishly. And Jordan seemed to love it. My boy was getting used and he was in heaven.

It happened so suddenly that I jumped and moved away. Tristan roared a high-pitched roar and pulled Jordan's hair so hard that his head was straining backwards. Tristan jammed his cock hard into Jordan and buried it all the way to the pubes. He was cumming buckets in Jordan's hole while he held onto Jordan's hair and rode him. Jordan was thrashing about on the bed and I realized he was cumming into the sheets. It was the hottest thing I'd ever seen. I was both jealous and incredibly turned-on. When Tristan finished unloading he collapsed for a full minute and caught his breath. Then he pulled his still-hard cock from Jordan's well-used ass, turned to me and raised up on his knees. The look he gave me was was the look of a boy who expected to be served. Something had changed in Tristan over the past 30 minutes and it looked good on him. He didn't need to tell me what he wanted. I dove for his cock and cleaned him thoroughly with my mouth and tongue. He stayed hard the entire time and seemed to relax and enjoy the attention. Then he moved and crawled to Jordan's head, lifted him by the hair and presented his cock. Jordan eagerly continued my efforts. Jordan was seriously into Tristan and it showed. He was laser-focused on his task as I watched in amazement.

But, finally, Tristan was ready for the next phase. "On your back, legs in the air Daddy", he barked at me. I was already hard and moved quickly to comply, locking my elbows behind my knees. "I'm going to be using your pussy a lot", Tristan said, as he slid into me and leaned down for a kiss....

Next: Chapter 8

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