Dominated by a Fem Twink

By Manly Man

Published on Sep 24, 2017


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I parked in the loading zone and jogged happily to the door of my dry cleaners. I had a spring in my step - I felt like a kid. The young, Korean guy behind the counter eyed me warily, even though we had seen one another dozens of times. He logged my suit and gave me a ticket. I thanked him and turned to leave when he said, "You might want to wipe your face, Mr Bradley"....

Part Five:

I froze for 3 seconds, then bolted out the door without acknowledging his comment. I could feel his satisfied grin from behind me, adding to my shame. I'd completely forgotten that Jordan's cum was still splattered on my face (and in my beard) for all to see.

I headed home, poured a drink and tried to relax. Shortly after I settled on the sofa, my phone buzzed with a text from Jordan. "Text me a selfie." His intention was clear, of course. He wanted to see if his cum was still on my face where he left it. So I took a selfie and hit send. A few minutes later he responded..."U can wash it off, unless you like it?" I replied "thank u". But it didn't stop there.

"U were good to Neal and I will reward u for it", Jordan typed. My anal response to him, "My goal is to please u but discretion is really important to me - must discuss". Silence followed....several minutes. Then he responded...."Discretion is earned. On my way home and there is one more load with your name on it. Be ready in 15. Ass up, face down". "Text address & leave door unlocked".

Once again, I was scrambling to please Jordan. I called the front desk to make certain they knew he was coming. I could almost hear the doorman chuckling...they always know when it is a hookup. Jordan wanted me ass up so I stripped down to a jock, grabbed some towels and lube and got the bed ready. My bedroom was a dark, manly room with a couple of well-placed mirrors that could be used to observe as I was having sex. I knelt in profile to one of these mirrors and turned to admire myself. I looked hot in my jock with my muscle ass sticking out. I was amazed at how quickly I had accepted my fate. I didn't even hesitate today - either time. When Jordan texted earlier, I made a beeline for his place and never questioned his intent. Not only did I let him use me for a quickie (with no regard for my needs), I obeyed when he told me to service his roommate, Neal. How quickly I've become Jordan's sub, his own, personal toy. And I wanted more.

I heard the front door close and lock, followed by the sound of voices. Voices? WTF? Jordan brought someone to my home without asking me?? I grabbed a pair of shorts and moved to investigate. This was Jordan's first time at my condo so I found him in the living room, admiring the decor. Standing next to him was a man in his late 30's, Latino, well dressed, very handsome. He stood 6'2 and weighed maybe 200. He was muscular with wavy black hair and a beautiful smile. Instinct took over I began to walk toward this man with my hand extended to shake. I got halfway across the living room when Jordan coughed and made eye contact. I froze. "How did I tell you to greet me?", he asked. Huh? He brought a friend so he certainly couldn't expect me to greet them on my bed with my ass in the air. Could he? I recovered...

"Mmm..I didn't realize you were bringing a friend, so I thought I should come say hello - offer you guys a drink". There. I had kept my voice steady and a smile painted on my face. It was important that this newcomer understands he is in MY home and I am his host. Jordan stared at me with a neutral expression while his friend looked slightly amused. Then Jordan said cooly.."John, this is Guillermo. Guillermo, this is John." Once again I started to move toward Guillermo with my hand extended. But before I could take a step, Jordan spoke again looking directly at me. "Now that we finished with the pleasantries, tell Guillermo how you were supposed to greet us." Oh God, I had never anticipated anything like this. My mind raced and I tried to think of something funny to say. I had to deflect. I couldn't let this newcomer find out that I wasn't the top in this relationship. As I stalled, Jordan began to unbuckle the belt on his skinny jeans. My eyes got wide. He said, "There is only one correct answer. Look at Guillermo and explain my instructions. NOW!" I flinched when he raised his voice and panicked when he suddenly pulled the belt from his jeans. Jordan had that look in his eye again, the one that frightened me despite the difference in our sizes. I lowered my head and said, in a whisper, "Face down, ass up". This time Guillermo's deep voice, which I was hearing for the first time, spoke. "What did he say? And what's with the belt?"

Jordan responded to me in his fem, even voice. "Look up and speak clearly to Guillermo". I raised my head and stared at Guillermo, who was clearly confused. "Face down, ass up. Jordan told me to be waiting face down, ass up". As it registered, Guillermo's shock was evident. He grinned and turned to Jordan. "You said you had a 3rd, but this wasn't quite what I expected". Jordan smiled his brilliant twink smile at this handsome man and stated the obvious. "I'm YOUR bottom, he's mine. Of course I'll be happy to share his skills if it turns you on." I could see Guillermo processing this information. Jordan must be a hookup for Guillermo - they clearly didn't know one another well. Guillermo was probably a business traveler since I'd never seen him around town before. He was mulling it over - we tops normally dictate the terms of our encounters, right? But I could tell he was intrigued. "Sure...." was the only thing he said.

Jordan spoke next. "As for the belt, John was a top until last week when I took him down. He is still getting used to the rules. There are consequences for disobeying me, especially when I made myself very clear. Guillermo was listening, but he was still processing and didn't speak. He looked from Jordan to me, expecting me to protest. I stood quietly until Jordan's voice broke the silence.

"We don't have all night, so let's get your punishment out of the way and have some fun. Drop the shorts." I didn't hesitate. I was already humiliated in front of this stud, my rival, and I was in no mood to drag it out longer. I dropped the loose gym shorts to reveal the black jock I was wearing underneath. In the mirror, I noticed Guillermo's obvious approval as my muscular ass made its appearance. Hmm...apparently twinks weren't Guillermo's only food group! :)

"Bend over the arm of the sofa", Jordan ordered. I dreaded it since I'd been on the receiving end of his belt during our first encounter. He might be a twink, but he could swing a belt with fury. I bent over and the first blow came immediately "Whack!". It landed on my left asscheek and I yelped. The next blow hit my right asscheek and I yelped again, but stayed in place. Then Jordan paused to glance at Guillermo, who had just unbuckled his slacks and freed an impressive, 7.5-in uncut cock. As Jordan raised the belt for a 3rd time, Guillermo moved in front of me, knelt on the sofa and presented his dick to me. I accepted it just as Jordan's 3rd blow landed square in the middle of my ass. I couldn't see either of their faces, but I felt Guillermo lean forward and I could tell that they were making out. I used the opportunity to swirl my tongue around Guillermo's ample cock and slid it down to the root. He moaned in appreciation, although I'm not sure if it was my efforts or Jordan's that caused it. Jordan dropped the belt and moved his small hand onto my asscheeks, massaging them and smacking me occasionally. His hand still stung, but not nearly as much as the belt. I continued to savor Guillermo as he made-out passionately with Jordan. Jordan's hand left my ass for a brief moment. When it returned, he slid a spit-soaked finger into me . I couldn't help it - my entire body vibrated and I backed up onto it. He swirled his finger around inside me as I continued to work Guillermo's fat dick. I hadn't sucked many uncut cocks and I was enjoying the sensation. Guillermo was making constant noise and I noticed that one of his big hands had snaked its way down the back of Jordan's jeans. If anyone had walked-in, they would have witnessed quite a sight.

First there was me, the oldest, hairiest and most muscular of our 3-some. I was bent over the sofa arm with my beefy ass in the air. It was red from the spanking I'd just endured and my forearms were supporting me on the arm of the sofa. Guillermo was kneeling in all his glory, shirtless and beautiful in a model-esque sort of way. It was clear that Guillermo lived well and took great care of himself. He smelled amazing. He was smooth and muscular, although leaner than me. His tailored slacks were unzipped and his big, smooth cock was buried in my mouth. Guillermo had one hand on the back of the sofa for support, the other was firmly clamped to Jordan's ass. He and Jordan were locked in a passionate kiss. And then there was Jordan. Beltless and shirtless by now - slim and lithe. His skinny jeans were unbuckled and Guillermo's big hand was gripping Jordan's ass, one of his fingers digging at Jordan's boypussy. I was on sensory overload and my cock was throbbing beneath me. As hot as this moment was, Guillermo decided it was time to move things along.

Jordan had 3 fingers working my hole by the time Guillermo yanked his cock free from my mouth. I missed it immediately - his was the finest cock I'd ever sucked. And he might have been the finest looking man I'd ever seen. But Jordan was a beautiful twink, so it made sense that they hooked up. I digress....

"Lube!", Guillermo barked. This Latin was on fire!

Jordan's fingers vacated my DadPussy and he smacked my right asscheek hard. "You heard him", Jordan said. I jumped and headed for the bedroom, where I kept supplies in my bedside drawer. My legs were cramped and I was glad for the respite. But I was as eager as them to take it to the next level. I'd never been so goddamned excited. I was fumbling for the lube when I heard them enter the bedroom. Guillermo was completely naked, which caused me to do a double-take. My God he was stunning! I tossed the supplies on the bed with a towel and awaited instructions. It didn't take long.

Jordan was in the lead with Guillermo mauling his ass. Jordan's cute little cock was bricked-up and I could tell he was in heaven. They came to the side of the bed where I was standing and Guillermo's left hand reached for me. He grabbed me by the jock and literally pulled me into position, facing the side of the bed. Then, Guillermo shoved me over the edge of the bed face down. He simultaneously kicked my legs apart and pushed my ass lower. I was dazed, excited and confused. But it became clear an instant later when he moved Jordan into position behind me. Jordan was only 5'6" and Guillermo needed my ass to line up with Jordan's cock. The realization was very erotic.

Guillermo handed the lube to Jordan and said "Get him ready". The mirrors in my bedroom allowed me to see what was happening behind me and damn it was quite a sight. As Jordan squeezed lube onto his fingers, Guillermo dropped to his knees and grabbed two handfuls of prime Asian ass. Jordan's voice was soft and feminine by nature. But when Guillermo's tongue connected with his hole, Jordan moaned like an Asian girl. I watched as Guillermo assaulted Jordan's hole like a starving man. It was porn material and G clearly enjoyed eating ass. Once Jordan caught his breath, I felt his hand move to my quivering hole. Yep, you heard me. Mr Former Top was waiting for it. My hole felt empty the past couple minutes and I was jealous of the attention Jordan was getting. While Guillermo tongue-fucked my boy to new heights (as proven by his crescendo of moans), Jordan started working my ass like a pro. When a bottom guy tops, he knows exactly how to get a man's ass ready. Jordan was no exception and I was making plenty of noise myself. My low moans mixed with his high pitched squeals (and Guillermo's slurping) were sex tape in the making.

I felt them change positions before I saw it, my eyes had been closed, enjoying the sensations. Guillermo literally lifted Jordan into place, his cock in the crack of my ass. G moved the boy up and down and let him rut me for a few strokes while he lubed Jordan and began to finger fuck him. Jordan slid his cock up and down my ass crack, blissfully grazing my hole each time, while he fucked himself on Guillermo's fingers. This might have gone on for several minutes except that Jordan announced "Oh God, I'm so close". G wasn't about to let Jordan cum, at least not yet. So he yanked his fingers out and moved into position behind Jordan.

My ass had risen a bit during the past couple minutes and G shoved it back down firmly. Then he took Jordan's cock in his hand and lined it up with my hole. "Easy, very easy", he said to Jordan, who entered me with care to avoid prematurely ejaculating. My ass was tight, but Jordan's slim cock was easy to take. If someone was going to turn me into a bottom, I'd definitely picked the right guy! After I was fully impaled on Jordan's cock, Guillermo took a minute to admire his work. "I have so many questions about how you two hooked-up, especially how Jordan ended-up on top. But this is one of the hottest scenes I've ever witnessed.", G said. Jordan and I both smiled, each of us recalling the night in question. Then Jordan flexed his cock a couple times inside me, reminding me who my master was. He giggled. A moment later, Jordan's chest landed flat against my muscular back and his hand grabbed my shoulder for support. Given Jordan's height, his head was between my shoulder blades and I could see Guillermo's reflection in the mirror, slapping his beautiful cock on my boy's ass. I felt Jordan wriggling impatiently, buried to the root inside me. Then he went rigid. Guillermo was slowly, steadily easing his cock into Jordan. And from the sound of it, my boy was in heaven.

Guillermo took a couple of easy strokes while Jordan adjusted and moaned his obvuios pleasure. Then, with the suddenness of a lightning bolt, G's big cock hit Jordan's boynut. Jordan started writhing like an epileptic having a seizure! If Guillermo hadn't held him in place, Jordan would have disengaged involuntarily. But G was a man who knew what he was doing. And I recognized immediately what was happening since I'd felt this before. Jordan was cumming like a freight train, flooding my insides. Guillermo rode him through the entire thing, hitting his boynut over and over until Jordan was spent, exhausted. He went limp on my back and 10 seconds later, his cock slipped out of me. Jordan might have been the youngest of us, but he was done for now. That didn't deter Guillermo in the slightest.

He gingerly wrapped his hands around Jordan, lifted him from my back and picked him up with great care. My horniness was momentarily overcome by my admiration for Guillermo, and I found myself in dad-mode, happy that my boy was being treated so well. G kissed Jordan passionately and then laid him back on the pillows, making sure he was comfortable. Jordan was in a blissful, trance-like state. It was clear that this was one of his best sexual experiences ever. And I found myself proud to be part of it. But then Guillermo turned back to me....

I was still bent-over the side of the bed in my jock, ass exposed, Jordan's cum dripping from my hole. But I had risen to my elbows as I watched Guillermo gently place Jordan on the pillows. When G turned back to me, I noticed two things. His cock was throbbing up and down steadily with his heartbeat - the man was consumed with lust. And when he looked at me it was not with longing. I was prey, pure and simple. It scared the shit out of me. Getting dominated and used by Jordan, all 135 pounds and 4.5 inches of him, was one thing. But Guillermo was quite another. At 6'2", 200 pounds and a 7 ½" substantial cock, he was all man. And he looked determined to finish what he'd started. As this realization sunk-in, I quickly looked past Guillermo to Jordan. He nodded slightly, so my fate was sealed. Two things occurred to me in that moment. First, I was about to get long-dicked by a man who was on a mission. Second, I had actually looked to Jordan for permission. WTF?

But I didn't have long to consider these things. Guillermo grabbed me around the waist and lifted the rest of me onto the bed. "All fours", he growled, and I jumped into position. We were perpendicular to Jordan (who was relaxing like royalty) and I felt G move behind me and start slapping my ass with his big cock. I was scared, but I was also in heat. So was he. Guillermo was mauling my ass with his hands and teasing my hole with his tool. I was lubed with Jordan's huge load, which seemed to excite G even more. He kept teasing me with the head while his hands explored my muscular body. He squeezed and poked, slapped and poked, spanked and poked. I groaned with lust and flexed every muscle in my body. I wanted to show-off for this man. I wanted him to want me. I wanted him to know he was about to fuck a MAN, not a boy. I glanced sideways at Jordan and saw this his cock was hard again. Instinctinvely, I moved to take it in my mouth. As I engulfed Jordan's cock, Guillermo slid his dick into me. I screamed.

It wasn't as much the pain as the surprise of it. Jordan had already fucked me, so my ass was lubed, open and ready. And Guillermo had been teasing my hole for several minutes with the head of his cock, giving me a chance to adjust to his size. But now that he was inside me, I realized just how big he really was. I was full, and he reached nerve endings I didn't know I had. I was struggling to cope with sensations when it happened. He suddenly stopped exploring my ass and started to fuck me for all he was worth. At first he grabbed both hips and pounded me hard for 15 or 20 strokes. Then he shifted to one knee and grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back onto his cock over and over. I had to give up Jordan's cock in this position, but it was okay. Jordan leaned forward, wrapped his hand around my neck and stuck his tongue in my mouth. Each time G pulled me back onto his cock for another stroke, Jordan went with me.

After another 20 strokes, G pulled out. Jordan was still kissing me passionately but I felt empty. Guillermo rolled onto his back and ordered me to ride it. It looked massive, glistening with a combination of lube, Jordan's cum and my ass juices. I straddled him and started to sit on it when he stopped me. I was facing him, but he wanted me in reverse. He laid his head back against Jordan's stomach while I turned around. I'd never sat on anyone's cock. Ever. But I sunk slowly onto his and moaned my appreciation. "Ride", he said. And I did. His hands continued to maul my ass cheeks and spread them so he could see his big cock go in and out. Jordan gently tweaked G's nips and rubbed his pecs while I rode the man like a cheap whore. Fuck, it was nice. Really nice. I started to rub my cock through the fabric of the jock when Guillermo spoke. "Time to finish up", he said.

G lifted me off his cock and ordered me onto my stomach. Jordan moved to stand beside the bed. He shoved his cute little cock into my mouth and started going for broke - Jordan was wound-up again. At the same time. Guillermo spread my cheeks with his hands and slid his dick back into me. He grabbed an ass cheek with each hand and got down to business - the business of his orgasm. He pumped me about 10 times when I felt it. My cock, still trapped in the jock, was wedged against the bed and I was starting to cum. I groaned loudly around Jordan's cock as it began and my hole clamped down tight on Guillermo. "Fuck!", I heard him growl, "Mother fuck!". It felt like his cock doubled in size and he went into overdrive. "Fuck, fuck, fuck", he chanted with each thrust of his cock. This man was breeding me, planting his seed. I was underneath him squirming on the bed and dumping my own load into my jockstrap. It was indescribable. I was 44 years old. I'd only been fucked a handful of times before this. And I had never cum with a cock up my ass. But here I was, spewing buckets without even touching myself.

Jordan was the last of us to cum (his 2nd time, of course). He said "Oh shit" as I tasted the first spurt of his load. Damn, he tasted so good. But in true Jordan fashion, he pulled out quickly and painted my face with the rest of it just as Guillermo's big cock slipped from my hole....


Next: Chapter 6

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