Dominated by a Fem Twink

By Manly Man

Published on Nov 27, 2017


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John: Irish/English, 44, 5'11", 190, Musc, Hairy Chest, Trimmed Beard, Beefy ass, 6c

Jordan: Asian, 25, 5'6", 135, smooth, stunning, 4.5c

Brad: 35, 6', 170, married, all-American athlete type, dark/wavy hair, high, tight ass.

Tristan: Jordan's friend/love interest. Very fem, 22, 5'7", 135, pale, smooth, 7c (long and thin)

Alex: Doorman in John's building, Black, 37, 6'1", 225, smooth, 8.5uc


"Jordan told me I could come up on my break a couple times a week if I needed some head. He said not to interrupt you if you had guests, but any other time was fine. He also made me promise not to ask for your permission. And he told me to text him if you gave me any resistance. So I guess he's the boss, huh?" Alex grinned as he said this. I simply nodded. "Well I'll be damned, Mr. Davis. I never saw that one coming", Alex said. "But I sure look forward to doing this again!'

I smiled and locked the door as Alex went back to his post. Yet another interesting twist courtesy of Jordan. He never stopped surprising me....

Chapter 10:

The next few weeks were a blur. Alex stopped by at least 3 times a week and I never denied him. I'd grown to enjoy the bigger man and he loved having an outlet. Besides, I could make him cum in as little as 90 seconds, so he wasn't taking too much of my time.

Work was busy and I couldn't complain that I wasn't getting laid. I dragged Brad home from the gym at least once a week and fucked his brains out. Tristan and Jordan had stopped by a couple times, too. Tristan was developing a very dominant streak, which was confusing at times because he was so feminine. But he became very comfortable issuing orders and administering punishment. Jordan no longer called the shots for me in Tristan's presence - we were both Tristan's subs. He used us separately, he used us together. He seemed to enjoy making one of us watch while he defiled the other. I would always belong to Jordan on some level since he was the first to "break" me. But Tristan was the star of my fantasies these days, regardless of whether he was in the room.

I was doing chores one Saturday morning when the desk called to announce Tristan's arrival. I greeting him at the door and craned my neck looking for Jordan down the hall. "It's just us today", Tristan said as he poured a cup of coffee. "Get naked".

For some reason, I hadn't envisioned this possibility. I had begun to see Tristan and Jordan as a couple the past few weeks, with me as their occasional third. I expected that Jordan might want a 1:1 with me at some point, but Tristan's solo appearance flustered me. I paused and was about to question Tristan when he slapped me the first time. Hard. Before I could recover, he'd backhanded me again. When I saw him winding-up for the 3rd slap the shock wore off. I scrambled out of my wife-beater and shucked my shorts. We both noticed my thick cock starting to fill-out at the same time. "Liked that, huh?", Tristan smirked. I nodded my head and dropped to my knees. I suddenly wanted Tristan out of those designer shorts ASAP - eager to see that beautiful cock of his. I looked up as I unbuttoned them and he grinned. "Good boy", he said.

But I didn't succeed at getting him out of the shorts. He shoved me down, onto all fours, and began to circle me like a predator. He reached into his bag and tossed me the padded cuffs we used the first time. I clicked one of them onto my right wrist and waited. He pulled my left arm behind my back and locked them. I watched and waited, my hard dick throbbing beneath me. Tristan took his time....he was in no hurry. He circled...once, twice...SMACK!. My right asscheek was on fire. SMACK....left. Then I heard his zipper go down. I tried to turn and look but he forcefully shoved my head until I was facing forward. He was behind me and I was totally exposed. On my knees, face on the hardwood floor, getting my ass spanked and waiting for Tristan's next move. He cock-slapped my ass a couple times before he did it. Given the shock, it took several seconds for the pain to register. He had knelt behind before he slapped my ass with his cock. Then in a swift move, he used his knees to forcibly kick my knees apart...wide. His left hand grabbed my shoulder and he shoved all 7 inches into me dry. No prep, no lube. When the pain hit me, it was excruciating. I screamed and lurched forward but Tristan was ready for me. The 135lb twink held on tight and moved forward with me, grabbing the cuffs and shoving so hard I thought my arm might break. My left cheek skidded across the floor as I tried to crawl away. He thrust again and I lurched into the kitchen island just as he planned. Trapped. The verbal assault had begun immediately when he entered me, but I was just starting to hear the words. "Cunt, DaddyCunt, PussyBitch, Whore, miserable excuse for a man, etc". With every insult, he thrusted. Tristan's cock felt huge without any lube, but he was clearly turned-on by what he was doing. Tears were streaming from my eyes and I begged him repeatedly to stop. He had me pinned against the island with my arms cuffed cruelly behind me. He paused thrusting and said, "shut up and listen closely". I continued to howl so he slapped me hard - my head banged against the kitchen island and I saw stars. I tried to calm down and relax. Tristan yanked my cuffed wrists high on my back and leaned forward, close to my ear. In this position, I was fully impaled on him. "Things are going to change", he said. "From now on, this is my cunt. I own it. No one fucks it without my permission. U don't suck another man's dick or share your cunt with anybody. Understood?", he said. "Yes sir", I whispered. He continued, "I'll claim it anywhere, any time I want. In a restaurant, a public restroom, at the gym or in the lobby of this building with your neighbors watching. Are we clear?", he asked. "Yes sir", I whispered again, painfully aware that my cock was starting to thicken again. His skinny hips began a circular motion and I groaned out loud...I couldn't help it. "I'm just giving you what you need, John. We both know it.". Was he right?

A knock on the door brought me out of my reverie. "It's unlocked", called Tristan to the guest. I was still pinned against the island, hands cuffed behind my back with Tristan enjoying a leisurely rut in my unlubed hole. I couldn't see who entered, but I heard heavy footsteps. "Alex....right on time.", Tristan said. Alex abruptly stopped, perhaps when he saw me, and asked "Mr Davis, are you alright?" "Tell him, John", Tristan said. "I'm fine", I croaked, barely above a whisper. SMACK....again on the right side of my face as my left slammed into the island. "Where are your manners, John?", Tristan asked. "Yes sir, I'm fine", I said again, this time more clearly. There was a pause before Alex said quietly, "Are you sure?". Before I could respond, Tristan looped his elbow around my neck, spun me away from the island and pulled me up onto my knees. My shame was on full display for Alex, the doorman at my building. My cock was hard, throbbing and dripping precum onto the hardwood floor. I was ashamed, turned-on and very frightened. "What do you think, Alex? Mr. Davis looks fine to me. At least he seems to be enjoying himself.", Tristan smirked. I had experienced this on occasion with Jordan, but something was different with Tristan. Tristan would hurt me without blinking an eye. I knew it in my gut. And I believed he would follow-through on each and every threat. So I needed to be careful.

"Strip", Tristan ordered. I began to react before I realized he was speaking to Alex, who was 6 inches taller and outweighed Tristan by almost 100 pounds. And Alex was straight (or at least I thought he was). Alex looked like a deer in the headlights, glancing nervously from Tristan to me. "Did you hear me, Alex?", Tristan asked calmly. "Yyes sir", Alex replied softly. "Then I suggest you get out of your clothes. If I have to strip you myself I guarantee it won't be pleasant", Tristan stated. Alex was frozen. Shocked. Unsure. The 35yo black man was being ordered to strip naked by a pale, fem, 22yo twink. It would have been laughable if not for the circumstances. As those thoughts were going through my head, I felt Tristan begin to withdraw his long cock from my sore ass. I should have felt relieved, but I already wanted him to put it back in. I stayed perfectly still and quiet, though. I wasn't sure what was about to happen, but I knew this was between Tristan and Alex. I stayed put.

Tristan rose, his long, thin cock swinging in front of his pale, hairless body. His features were so feminine, yet his eyes were all control. I looked at Alex, still unsure. Tristan approached him confidently and, in one smooth motion, he unbuckled Alex' belt and pulled it from his khakis. And then he immediately began to whip Alex with it. We aren't talking a whack or two, oh no. He swung the belt with a vengeance, over and over. The first couple landed on Alex' ass. As Alex moved forward to escape the blows, Tristan moved upwards. He landed the next several on Alex' head and face. Alex moved his arms up to block the blows and began to cower, which fell right into Tristan's plan. He swung and swung and swung with surprising strength. When Alex went to his knees Tristan doubled-down. "STRIP", Tristan howled. That's when I noticed a huge wet spot appear on Alex' khakis and I realized at once that this battle was over. Alex was crying now, either in pain, shame or both. He had clearly pissed his pants in fear and Tristan would take full advantage of it. "Scared of a little white boy, bitch?", Tristan snarled. "Just look at you - pissing your pants because a white boy beat you with your OWN BELT. What would your friends think, huh?" At that point, Tristan picked up his phone, hit video and began to beat Alex again. Alex moaned and cried and pleaded with Tristan to stop. Tristan responded by beating him harder, calling him a stupid pussy and berating him for allowing a white twink to beat his black ass. After Tristan had enough footage, he put down the phone, walked over to a sniffling Alex and pulled his head up with a healthy handful of hair. Tristan leaned into Alex' face and said, "Strip, bitch. And do it now". Alex scrambled out of his wet clothes and stood with both hands covering his crotch. Tristan was amused, but said nothing. He got the keys to the handcuffs he had placed on me earlier and unlocked one side. He nodded and I unlocked the other. Then Tristan looked at Alex and said "Hands behind your back". Alex didn't hesitate and did as he was told. As I locked the cuffs in place, Tristan ambled over to Alex and closed his hand around Alex' stiff 8 ½ incher. He smiled as the tears ran down Alex' face.

"Appears that Alex has a new master, huh? And based on his hard cock, he likes it when his master beats him." Tristan was cold when he said it, but the proof couldn't have been clearer. "Who's your master, boy?", Tristan asked. "You are", replied Alex. "Who is?", Tristan asked again as he raised the belt. "You are, SIR", Alex squeaked. "Please don't beat me again", begged Alex.

Tristan stepped back and told us to kneel side by side. His hard cock was still waving in the air and my mouth was salivating. He'd effortlessly broken a man twice his size in a matter of minutes and I was so turned on I thought I might cum without touching myself. I glanced at Alex and noticed two things. First, his huge cock was still rock hard and throbbing. Second, his eyes were glued to Tristan's cock. I was pretty sure that one was having an effect on the other.

Tristan moved nearer to us until his cock was standing straight, between us. "Alex, have you ever sucked a cock?", Tristan asked? "Tell the truth". Alex responded, "Yes, but only once."

"Tell us about it", ordered Tristan. Alex sighed deeply and answered in a quiet voice. "My younger brother was a high school football jock - wide receiver. One time after a football game he came home really drunk. His girlfriend left him with blue balls when they had a fight at the after-party. I was asleep when he got home, but we shared a bedroom. He banged shit around the room until I was awake, then he stripped out of his jeans and hoodie. He was 2 years younger than me and skinny - 6' 150lbs. Once he was naked his cock was super hard. He saw me watching him and just walked over to me and slapped my face with it. I don't know why, but I didn't resist. He said "Open up" and I did. It didn't take long before he pulled it out and shot all over my face. Neither of us said a word. He walked over to his bed and passed-out. Never mentioned it again and neither did I."

Tristan stepped up to Alex and said "Open up, boy". Alex did and Tristan repeated the maneuver he'd used on me the first time. Within seconds his long, slim cock was buried in Alex' throat. He used his palm to tilt Alex' head to the perfect angle and sighed as the tight throat massaged his swollen prick. Alex had his eyes closed and seemed to be concentrating on breathing. "Teeth", growled Tristan. Alex immediately redoubled his efforts and got a satisfied groan from Tristan.

Meanwhile, I needed something to do. I decided that Alex' cock looked pretty tasty, so I leaned down for a lick. It was definitely tasty, but Alex was on the edge of an orgasm and he almost lost it when my tongue connected with his cock. Tristan smacked me hard and I was sorry I let my lust get the best of me. "Get back", he barked. "Let's move to the bedroom so I can chill".

I followed them down the hall and watched as Tristan settled back in the middle of my king size bed, propped-up on pillows like the Lord of the Manor. He ordered Alex to massage his feet while he snapped at me and pointed to his cock. He didn't need to tell me twice....I wanted my turn. Tristan had a perfect cock and I enjoyed every inch of it. What he lacked in thickness he made-up for in length. And it was one of those beautiful, perfectly smooth cocks. Before long he was fucking my throat like a pro, thrusting his hips up and down while his tiny hand held the back of my head in place. "John needs some attention, boy", Tristan said. I was confused and he never stopped thrusting into my throat. But a moment later, I felt a mouth on my cock. Tristan was making Alex suck ME. After I'd taken so many loads of Alex' cum, I found myself shocked to have the bulky doorman slurping my dick. But it felt damn good. He needed some work on his skills, but he seemed intent on pleasing. Pleasing Tristan, that is. I suddenly realized this wasn't about me at all. He wanted to please his new master - I was simply the beneficiary. Tristan maneuvered us until he could reach Alex' ass. He grabbed the lube from my bedside table and poured a generous amount onto Alex' crack as he began to penetrate Alex with his finger. Alex went completely rigid and his mouth left my dick. "Please sir, please no.". "SUCK, boy", ordered Tristan. Alex stayed still. "Get back to work or else I'll get the belt and we can start over again",Tristan explained calmly. Alex took my cock back in his mouth. But when Tristan's finger penetrated him again, he pulled off and began to protest. Tristan slid out from under me and walked to the living room. I looked at Alex and saw true fear. Tears had formed in his eyes and his cock was limp. He knew what was coming. Tristan returned with the belt and the whipping began immediately. I scrambled out of the way as blow after blow rained down on Alex. He was screaming and pleading with Tristan to stop. I knew this was going to be bad - Alex had pushed too far. Tristan was on a mission and the welts began to appear on Alex' back and ass. He rolled onto the floor in a fetal position trying to cover himself with his arms. Tristan paused and said, "Get up, lower your arms and bend over the bed. The more you resist, the longer and harder I'm going to whip you. Understand?"

"Yyyes sir", sniffled Alex as he rose from the floor. He bent over the bed as instructed and presented his ample ass, which was already purple in several spots, for punishment. "Please master...." was all he got out before Tristan started whipping him again. He shrieked and wiggled, but somehow managed to stay in place. His ass must have been on fire and I felt sorry for him. Tristan began to slow after 10 blows and Alex' shrieks turned to pleas. "Please master, please don't whip me anymore. Please...I promise I will do whatever you say from now on." Tristan whacked him a couple more times before stopping. He ordered me to get some cream or lotion from the bathroom and I scrambled to do it. I didn't want to make him angrier.

Alex was still sniffling when I returned. Tristan took the cream and began to rub it onto Alex' ass gently. He circled the left cheek, then the right. Alex stopped sniffling at some point and by the time Tristan finished with his right cheek, I thought I heard a quiet groan. Tristan squeezed another large glob onto his hand and moved into Alex' crack. He ordered me to spread Alex big ass cheeks while he circled Alex hole with his fingers. Alex was squirming, and this time it wasn't with fear. I looked down to see his cock leaking profusely against the comforter on my bed. Tristan was all business as he breached Alex with two fingers. Alex grunted, then moaned. As I held Alex' asscheeks apart, Tristan used those two fingers to stretch and prod Alex. At first, Alex was trying to hold-in the moans. But soon he was moaning loudly and whispering "yes". "You like it when I play with your pussy, boy?", Tristan asked. "Yes master", Alex replied without hesitation. Tristan circled and stretched a few more times before pulling his fingers out. Alex groaned with disappointment. "Master?", Alex asked questioningly. "Yes, boy?", replied Tristan. "Please, master. Please put it back in", Alex said.

"Ask me specifically", Tristan said. "Please master, please put your fingers back in my pussy", replied Alex softly. Tristan grabbed an ample handful of Alex' nappy hair and pulled his head up painfully from the bed. He stared at Alex as he said, "This is MY pussy from now on, boy. Just like YOU are mine from now on. I own you. And I own your pussy. And everything you do from this point forward is going to be about pleasing me."

"Yes sir, master. I understand. And I need it. I need to please my master", Alex said sincerely.

Tristan responded by shoving THREE fingers into Alex, who roared with pain. Tristan fucked him with the 3 fingers while I held his asscheeks apart. He berated Alex and called him a whore and a pussyboy and explained that his entire world was about to change. Alex whimpered and groaned, but he eventually began to back-up onto the 3 fingers, enjoying the brutal finger-fuck. After a couple minutes of this treatment, Tristan stopped again and pulled his fingers from Alex, who was panting and writhing on the bed.

"In a few minutes, I am going to breed you like a cheap whore, boy. When I unload my nut inside you I want you to thank me for it. My seed is valuable and I am choosing to give some of it to you today. And once I breed you, I will own you. You're mine to control, mine to fuck, mine to use and mine to share with anyone I choose. You are no longer a man, you are simply my boy, my fuck toy. Do you understand?"

"Yes, master. I understand", replied Alex softly, like a man in a daze. Tristan stood and ordered me onto the bed, still holding Alex' asscheeks apart as Alex leaned over the bed. Tristan's cock was swollen to its longest, hardest state. He slathered some lube onto it. Alex' hole was twitching and Alex was clearly nervous, trying to see what Tristan was going to do next. Neither of us had to wait long. Tristan walked forward and impaled Alex onto his cock in one motion. Hard and fast. Alex screamed and the cum began to shoot from his untouched cock, dripping down the comforter of my bed. As he shot, Tristan long-dicked him, pulling completely out and slamming his cock back into Alex over and over. I'm not sure how many times Alex shot but Tristan continued to fuck him long after it was over and he was crying softly into the sheets. After a couple more minutes, Tristan began to shake all over. He clamped a hand onto my shoulder for leverage and buried his cock to the hilt inside Alex as he roared with pleasure. I could see his balls pull up and his cock swell as he began to breed Alex. It seemed to last forever, but it was probably 30 seconds. When he was finished, Tristan literally collapsed onto us (Alex and me). I gently rolled him over onto the bed next to Alex and propped him up on some pillows to make him comfortable. Alex crawled until his head was on Tristan's chest and laid his head there briefly. Tristan's eyes were still closed, but he got a handful of Alex hair and pulled him down to his sloppy, slime-covered cock, which had flopped onto his pale leg. Alex sighed, not relishing this task. Then he went to work licking and sucking Tristan's cock until it was clean. Afterwards, he crawled back to Tristan's chest and laid his head there again. "Good boy", Tristan said quietly as he drifted off to sleep.

I felt like a third-wheel in my own bed. I hadn't cum and I wasn't part of this cuddle session. I stayed there for a few minutes before moving to get off the bed. "Stay", Tristan ordered. I stopped and waited. Tristan pulled Alex' head from his chest and said, "Make John cum".

I lay facing the two of them and Alex scooted to my cock and started sucking. Meanwhile, Tristan's eyes were locked on mine, communicating silently that we were entering a new phase, one where he was calling all the shots. I was enjoying Alex' ministrations, but Tristan was about to make me cum just by looking at me. He held up a finger as I struggled to hold back. "Please?", I asked, my need to cum growing more urgent each second. "Respect", Tristan responded. "Oh please, please SIR", I gasped. He nodded slightly and my load began to pour into Alex' mouth. He gasped and sputtered as I realized it was his first time to swallow cum.

"Don't you dare pull off his cock, boy", Tristan barked. Alex gagged, but he stayed put until I was finished unloading. "Swallow. All of it", Tristan ordered. Alex struggled, but he managed to keep it down. He cleaned my cock and moved back to be near Tristan, who actually allowed it.

I rose and went back to the kitchen for a drink and continued my chores, still trying to wrap my head around the events of the past hour. This was a big shift, and I knew it was profound. I checked my phone and found a message from Jordan. He wanted to know if Tristan was with me. I replied "Yes - my place". Jordan arrived 15 minutes later. He took one look at me and asked, "are you okay"?

"I think so", I replied.

"He's out of control", Jordan whispered. Before I could respond we heard a grunt followed by a low moan. The grunts continued as the pace picked up. Jordan and I made our way slowly to the bedroom. Alex was splayed over the corner of my bed face-down, legs spread wide, propped up on a pillow. Tristan was behind him, one asscheek in each hand and his long prick plowing Alex' ass at a healthy pace. Alex was grunting and trying to raise his ass each time Jordan had a down-stroke.

"Whose pussy is this", taunted Tristan as he continued rutting the big man. "It's your pussy, master. All yours.", Alex gasped.

Jordan looked at me as I shrugged. "It's been a big morning", I whispered. Tristan looked over his shoulder and grinned. "Get over here", he ordered.

Jordan and I moved toward the bed. "John hasn't been fucked yet today. Take care of it", Tristan said casually, as if everyone was just a pawn in his game.

Jordan didn't need to be told twice. He hauled out his cute, little, rock-hard cock, yanked my shorts down and splayed me over the other corner of the bed. Surprised, I looked back but he shoved my head down and kicked my legs apart. I felt the lube and then the head of his cock at my entrance. "Back up on me", he ordered. And I did....

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