Dominant Fucker

By phoenix1985gr .

Published on Feb 18, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a story containing sexual relations between males from early teens to adults, it's a mix between real personal experiences and fictional events, I 'll leave it to the reader to decide what's what... Names and places are changed though just to be on the safe side.

It will contain humiliation and bondage acts, blackmail even some rape (further down the line though in future chapters since I plan this to be a long one) so if any of these aspects bother you, you shoudln't read it

It's also my first attempt to ever try to write anything, plus english isn't my first language so any comments critisism maybe even suggestions are welcome in my email

This story is gonna contain bareback sex! Remember to use a condom when you have sex in your lifes.

Last but not least, please remember that Nifty is counting on donations to keep going. You should support as much as you can with a donation at


Dominant Fucker 05

I was all alone waiting for John to make his way here for quite a bit. I spent my time watching some tv, surfing the web and read some of my favorite comic books, essentially wasting a few hours and still no sign of him. I got bored and was still tired and in pain from last night's adventures that I decided to relax and take a nap. I wanted to enjoy the freedom I had being alone and feeling secure from the walls that surrounded our home, I lied down naked in the backyard under a tent and dozed off there.

I woke up about two or three hours later hoping that I would feel a bit better. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. My head still acked, and it was accompanied with a bit of dizzyness, as well as feeling my whole body numb. My "special" parts though were the most alarming ones. From my jaw and throat feeling stiff, to an intense pain in my nipples, ass and hole, even some soreness in my balls and dick. I couldn't understand why... Did I really exert myself that much?

It was already afternoon by now and I was hungry and not being in the mood to prepare yesterday's leftovers I ordered a pizza, and went to prepare the tub with some warm water to soak in and relax, until the food came over. Living in a kinda remote area, deliveries took a bit more time than what you'd expect to arrive, and I was able to soak in the warm water, waiting, for about 40 minutes feeling much better in the process.

As I heard the doorbell ring, without really thinking about it much, I went and answered the door completely naked! I had already started to enjoy showing off my body, as well the reactions due to my boldness. I mean I knew I wouldn't get the option to try this often with my parents around so I wanted to try it now that I had the chance! During my way from the second floor bathroom till all the way to the front garden and the house's gate, my decision excited me and by the time I answered the door my dick was half hard.

I was so glad that I had the balls to go through with it! Just from the surprised reaction I got, it was worth it! The fact that I also had in front of me a cute looking guy helped too I guess. Medium height, with short light brown hair and a slim athletic body, tanned, dressed in a grey tanktop and red cargo shorts. His look was accompanied by two emerald green eyes which started to sparkle with playfull interest after the initial shock passed, and full lips that were smiling in the same playful manner.

The little exhibitionist I had inside was elated that I got the cute guy's full attention and my semi grew up rapidly in full mast. I had intetionally not carried with me any money so we would have to spend at least a minute in this situation, until we got inside to pay him. I led the way through the garden inside the house and I could feel his eyes staring my backside. Once inside and while I was fetching the money for the pizza, I caught his eyes and this time he had a worrysome look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Huh? What do you mean?

"You look like something is bothering you"

"Ah... Well... I know it probably isn't my place to say this, but I can't help it..."

"Can you be more specific? I don't understand what's wrong..."

"I don't know who did this to you, but you should probably report the abuse."

"What abuse? What are you saying?"

"From my point of view it's pretty obvious that someone hurt you really hard recently. The fact that you show it off too, gives me the impression that it's a cry for help."

"No one hurt me! What gives you this impression?"

"So you mean that your backside is a natural deep red colour like that? I don't know who you 're covering for, but anyone seeing that ass would understand someone gave you a beating"

I had no idea what he meant, but since things went this way I tried to think of a way to difuse the situation the best way I could.

"Oh... That isn't anyhing! Just teen stupidity! It doens't even hurt one bit" I said smiling... "I kinda lost a bet with a few friends and this was my punishment... And athough being naked for the day is part of it, I must admit I kinda like that this was part of the deal, as you can obviously see from my "situation"" I said while touching my hard dick.

"Me and my friends always do these kind of things, today just happened to be me" I said beaming this time.

I believe my lie was successfull as he relaxed instantly and his playfull behaviour slowly crept back in. Watching me play with myself openly in front of him must have awakened some sexual feelings for him too cause he asked me in a flirty manner:

"Any other "punishments" you have to endure?

"Like what?"

"...I don't know... maybe puting a show for a stranger, or servicing someone?

"No I haven't got any "orders" of this kind sorry" I said while being flirty and giving him the money. "...Besides... I don't need any orders for these things, I'm happy to do them on my own free will! So let's just add to my punishment any way you want!"

"Well unfortunately, I don't have much time today so I think your "punishment" will be to get painted with my cum! Get on your knees!"

I would prefer to have the control myself, but with the story I had created I figured it was best to let him do his thing. I went on my knees in front of him, and I saw him unzip his pants, move aside his underwear and pull his cock free from the fly. It was a nice size, probably around 18cms or so, and it pointed straight at me. I thought he wanted a blowjob but instead he begun jerking off in front of my face. I copied him and went on to play with myself giving him a show. Still when I saw some of his precum ooze out from his piss slit I lashed my tongue out to taste him. Feeling my tongue on his cock he picked up his pace and soon his breathing became erratic and short and seconds later he was shooting his load drenching me with his cum! He shot a lot! My face was painted white from his thick load and I even got to taste some. It tasted good more on the sweet - salty side.

Feeling him cum for me like that, and by like that I mean without a blowgob or sex or something, just him pleasuring himself and me being an object to plaster his paint on was highly erotic amd a bit kinky so it wasn't hard for me to cum being "used" like that.

He then gave me his cock to clean before pulling it away and zipping his pants. The whole thing only lasted a few minutes but it was really hot! Before leaving he dared me to let his cum on me for the duration of the day. With that he left, as he was expected to make more deliveries probably. As soon as I was left alone I went to my bedroom to check myself on the mirror. I admit I looked really sexy with my face covered in cum like this. I also remembered the "abuse" notion the delivery boy had made and checked my body thoroughly for the first time since I got home.

I immediately understood what he meant! My ass had a deep crimson red color like I was spanked viciously. I got confused mostly, as I didn't remember receiving any slaps on my butt yesterday, but I was pretty wasted by the end of the night so maybe I did and didn't remember it? My mind went to overload trying to think what happened last night but I couldn't remember anything. I called Alex to see if we could meet to get some answers and he told me to meet him in the park in a few hours.

I called John telling him I was still at my friend and I wouldn't be home early and that I would inform him with a second call when I would return home, so he could to come over. I took a shower to get rid of the delivery boy's load, sad that I coucn't honor his dare, but not willing to go downtown though a bus with my face plastered in his cum. I got dressed in a t-shirt and and some tight short shorts, that showed offf my butt nicely. I spent a few hours just goofing around until it would be time to meet Alex. It was late evening by now and it was starting to get dark, but I figured I had at least an hour before night fell completely. When I arrived at the bsketball court I spotted Alex waiting for me.

He was dressed casually with a t-shirt and some shorts which began feeling up as soon as he laid eyes on me. After we exchanged the typical hello how are you etc(is pleasantries the word for it?), he told me that since we were here he wanted to get a slut home as the woods deeper in the park were a well known gay cruising area. We walked in the park off the trails deeper in the woods for about half an hour until we reached a really secluded area. I had no idea the park was this big, It was more like a grove than a park, and by now all the lights and the noise from the streets were gone.

As we went deeper I hadn't seen a single other person and when I asked Alex about it he said they usually started gathering later in the night and to be patient. Once we arrived close to a public restroom I saw Mehdi and the tattoed buff guy I had seen playing basketball pop out from behind the wall, while at the same time Alex went on to silence me with one of his hands while grabbing me firmly from behind. Without getting a chance to realize what was happening Mehdi came over and ripped my shirt off. He leaned close to me and in a low threatening voice he said:

"My buddy is gonna remove his hand now. If you make a single sound I 'll rip your tongue off you got that?"

I now realized what was about to happen and started to cry. That got me a hard smack on my face which hurt like hell.

"Shut the fuck up! No crying, no begging and no objections! I'm not a man with a lot of patience so do as your told and you 'll get to go home eventually. Got that in that small brain of yours?"

I was shocked by how viscious he was so I tried to do as I was told and just nodded. Alex removed his hand from my mouth, and I made the first (and last) mistake of the night trying to get them to let me leave, and that if they didn't hurt me I could get them a lot of money since I was wealthy (i now realize that I probably shoudn't have said that last part but at that age I didn't think clearly). That caused me a punch in my guts which knocked the wind out of me. If it wasn't for Alex holding me I would have fallen on the ground.

"Not a word faggot! The only thing you re allowed to say from here on to us is YES"

With that I got another slap on my face along with a gob of spit. I also realized that they had planned this! They had two backpacks full of equipment for the night. They started by taking me to a nearby picnic table and proceeded to take off my shorts and laid me on top of the table. The three of them went on to remove their clothes also, with each of them sporting a full hardon. The new guy had the shortest but thickest dick of them and was completely hairless or more accurately shaved his cock and balls. They also tied my hands behind my back and secured a spider gag in my mouth as they said my teeth would be a problem without it.

They got me on fours, with Mehdi on my front, the new guy on the back, and Alex picking up a videocamera to record me. Mehdi grabbed me by the hair and immediately started to throatfuck me, pushing into my still sore throat, making me gag. On the other hand the new guy started prepping my hole with his fingers lubing me up and opening it up. I still thought I was a virgin and was pretty scared of the pain from the cocks my former "friends" turned to rapists had, but the conversation that ensued between them finally gave me the answers I went looking for in the first place.

"Think I can go as hard as I want or he might tear up?" Asked the new guy.

"Don't go full force Anthony... You can go a bit harder than you 'd fuck a virgin, as we fucked him already after I drugged him yesterday but he is still tight so be carefull"

"Yeah it was hot watching the rape he got in the video! You went on forever too! But really how did you think of that?"

"Well I know we usually start the training with younger boys, "supplied" to us from orphanages and turn them to sex slaves slowly through manipulation mostly, but since he was older, and had a more aggressive personality, and from the moments I laid my eyes on him I wanted to fuck him, I decided he needed a different approach. Actually if he had been a good boy yesterday and opened his legs up for me willingly, I wouldn't have resorted to drugging him, and he 'd probably get away from being turned to a sex slave for our profit too cause of his age..."

He turned to me: "Hear that bitch? I wanted to ask you really how was you hole this morning? Taking your virginity while you were passed out was a bummer, but it led you right where I wanted you! If only you stayed away from your sweet new boyfriend Alex, we 'd never get our hands on you again. But of course I knew you wouldn't... After all Alex did an amazing job tricking you into thinking he was your hero right?"

I was devastated. My mind went numb both for the fact that they had abused me after they drugged me, from the betrayal from Alex who I really did idolize, but mostly cause it seemed this wasn't some random thing. They had done it before and this night wouldn't be the end from the looks of it. That's when I felt the fat cockhead splitting my hole open. I was now glad that I lost my virginity passed out, as the pain was the most horrible thing I had ever experienced in my life by that time! He went in slowly but firlmy without giving me a chance to get accustomed to the intrusion. I started screaming my lungs out, the voice muffled a bit from Mehdi's member pistoning in and out of my mouth, but still it was pretty loud.

"You know... This really is a cruising area that gathers a lot of teen whores... Which in turn attract perverts who are willing to pay good money to fuck a young boy hole, so even though you might think that being caught might save you, it probably will end up being one more dick for your hole. And it's starting to get late enough for them to start gathering up. So if you don't keep your voice to a minimum and attract attention it is probably going to mean that more dicks will get to fuck you... I mean you might like it so go ahead and scream as much as you like but I warn you that if we get caught chanced are you 're getting more dicks up your holes than being rescued." Mehdi told me.

That managed to shut me up of course, or at least I tried to. I wasn't able to remain completely silent but I did manage to lower my screams as much as I could. The rape went on for a long time, as each time one of them was getting close to cum he would take over the filming and be replaced by the third one. The tattoed guy whose name I learned was Anthony was one of those guys who only cared about his pleasure without giving a shit about me. As a result he was fucking both my holes hard but he didn't try to inflict me more pain than necessary. Alex was the most considerate and tender, being the most gentle one of the three, except when he went on to facefuck me where he was relentless until he made me puke one time, and then he eased up. Although he had the biggest dick length wise he was really gentle when he fucked my ass and gave me time to get used to him and don't cause me any excess pain. He was also the only one what tried to return some pleasure, either by kissing me a bit, caressing me etc...

Mehdi on the other hand was the most sadistic and cruel of the bunch. He raped me brutally and went off his way to inflict extra pain by slapping me hard either on my face or ass, whatever hole he was abusing at the time. He also pulled on my hair, spat on me often, pinched my nipples with so much force that the pain was excrutiating. He also fucked me after Alex had and seeing that I was pretty open by then he fucked my boihole the hardest, making me cry from the pain. I think he was trying to get me riled up to scream some more so that he would be true on his threat that if we got caught I was gonna raped by more guys. Thankfully I managed to keep my screams and cries low enough (or there just wasn't anyone around), that o one approached us.

I also figured out he was the leader of the gang as he gave "orders" to both the other guys or telling them to mind their business if they told him to ease up on me or something. The rape and abuse lasted for at least three quarters of the hour before Alex became the first one to reach his limit and fill my hole with his sperm directly inside my hole breeding me, after which Mehdi whispered something to him and he left us.

"Listen up slut! Since no one is coming on his own and I really want to see you some more in action, Alex is gonna bring to you a few guys to service, and you better make sure they see you eager and willing if you know what's good for you!"

They went on to clean my face a bit from the tears snot and the vomit, on my end I tried to relax as much as I could so when the time came I could give the impression that I was enjoying myself. They removed the spider gag from my mouth and went on to be more gentle while we waited for Alex to return, with Mehdi starting pleasuring me for a bit mostly kissing me licking my body and jerking me off. I was so terified of him though that my body couldn't respond in the way he hoped for, so he made me suck Anthony on my own pace without any force, until I was "rewarded" with his cum in my mouth and they made me swallow everything, before Alex showed up with two young boys around 16 both of them. The sun had set by now, and there weren't any lights in the woods, so I couldn't see them very well, but they both looked kinda cute, on the slim side and from what I could tell they where probably gipsies.

From the exchange they had I realized they were poor boys "forced" to whore themselves out for a bit of money. I was pretty sure they were straight, and from what they said they only let older guys suck them having never done anything more either of them. They were offered around 150euros (in drachma as we still didn't have euros then) for both of them to fuck me and be filmed. They were reluctant I could see probably for the filming mostly, maybe even my age (i'm not sure about that to be honest as over the years a lot of rape incidents involving teen gipsies or raping young boys have surfaced in my country so maybe they weren't bothered by my age but who knows?) and the fucking a guy-boy part, but still the money they were offered was a lot, so they agreed. In order to be able to have light for the videotaping they decided that it would be best to go inside the restroom. They were offered triple the amount if they would be willing to go all the way and make it more than just a fuck, as in, to kiss, blow me even rim me to make it seem like three young boys making "love".

I could see they were thinking about, it so Mehdi whispered to me to do my best to accomplish what he wanted, and be as eager and seductive as possible. I wasn't sure if I wanted them to agree or not, as If they did it would possibly be a bit fun at least for me, but on the other hand it would probably take more time and I just wanted for the night to be over. Sill being scared shitless of Mehdi I wasn't gonna give him the slightest doubt that I wasn't gonna do what he needed me to do. Alex and Anthony went on to try to secure the door locking it up with some chains they had for us to not be interrupted. I went over to the teens and triied to relax them. I started playing with their cocks caressing them over their jeans, and I was glad to see they were already starting to bone up. I helped them remove their shirts and went on to lick gently and sensually their chests, paying more attention to their nipples, while still fondling their hardening members.

They were frozen like statues for about two minutes probably, thinking if they should accept or not the new offer, when I just went for the bullseye and brought my lips in to kiss the shorter of the boys. That snapped him out of his deep thoughts, and in the end he just went on with the flow (probably thinking about the amount of money he was going to get) and he kissed me back. When the other boy saw what happened he made his decision too, and started getting in his "role". After the horrible earlier events it was good to feel some kind of sensual connection, without any pain, and although it was forced upon me, and I knew in the end I would have to get both their dicks up my ass it made me feel a bit better, and my body for the first time during the night started to react in a positive way giving me a boner.

The boys either really wanted the money (as they were told that if they weren't convincing they wouldn't get the whole amount), or they genuinely enjoyed my young body. They played mostly with my upper body except for a few strokes on my dick and ass, having full control, the two of them alternating between my mouth nipples and neck. I was now moaning in pleasure and that made them more assertive in their actions. After awhile they removed their clothes and pushed me on my knees in the dirty tiles of the restroom, and urged me to give them blowjobs. They had both good cocks for their age one at 15cm and the other at 17cm, both with full thick black bushes and nuts. I went on to lick and suck both of them alternating between the two dicks and each pair of balls. I heard Mehdi instruct them to fuck my face hard and feed me their first load before moving to the main event, as I loved being treated like a whore. He even offered more money if they throatfucked me until I puked all over their cocks, and just in general treat me as hard as they could.

That was of course the end of the fun for me... Being extremely horny, and in the prospect of earning more money, and probably angry that they had to whore out themseves day after day to old guys and be treated like whores themselves, they let all their anger and frustration on me. One guy went behind me restraining my hands with his own behind my back, while the other one grabbed me by the ears and thrust deep in my throat. The first one who was on my throat was the guy with the smaller cock, and although I did gag some, having gotten the monsters the others guys had I was able to take it easilly enough until he came down my throat. They changed positions and this time it wasn't as easy... In part cause the guy who was now behind me also distracted me either my slapping my already abused bum, or worse shoving his fingers up my hole. Seeing it was already well fucked, (it still had Alex's huge load inside) and that he had met zero resictance from his slim finger he starting pushing three of them at the same time, hurting me and making me lose all the concentration I had trying not to choke on the 17cm dick that was plowing my throat.

In the end I coudn't manage to hold it anymore and I once again puked on the dick that was raping my throat. The idiot on top of me got mad that I got him messed up (what the fuck did he expect?), and started slaping me on the face angry that I puked on him... He also deflated some from the realizition that he had vomit all over his body and that made him last much longer 'til he emptied his seed down my throat. We then went on to take a break for a bit giving us the chance to clean up some, when I heard Ahmed say to Alex to use me instead of the toilet. (obviously I only caught the end of their converastion).

"I'm not sure he is ready for that yet..." Alex replied

"Let's ask him then shall we?" he said in a menacing and once again threatening voice...

"Hey slut, Alex here wants to take a piss. You don't mind right?"

I knew what he wanted me to say, but I couldn't... I was on the verge of crying trying to think of something when he got closer and he whispered to me while clenching his fists...

"Do I need to remind you maybe?"

I was defeated... Even if I could manage to avoid drinking Alex's piss for now, the punishment wasn't something I was prepared to confront. He had made it clear that he was the boss even between the three of them, so even if Alex wanted to save me he probably couldn't - wouldn't. And Mehdi made it clear that he might even kill me if I didn't comply. It wasn't even a choice really, unless I was willing to bet my life on it, and I wasn't. So I dropped on my knees in front of Alex, who gave me a somewhat compassionate look before getting his cock in my mouth. The two teens were looking with curiosity at the whole situation probably not picking up the subtle threats, or worse, not caring. I felt his hot stream enter my mouth and it was the most foul thing I had ever tasted! Still I knew what Mehdi wanted so I steeled myself and went on to down it as quickly as I could so that the foul taste would not linger in my mouth, at least not that much...

"Bathe him" Mehdi commanded with a sinister voice, and Alex went on to follow his "suggestion", removing the cock head from my mouth and aiming his yellow liquid all over my body, and especially on the face. He had a lot to give, and by the time he finished I was sitting on a pretty big puddle of his urine, and I probably smelled like his piss too... When I rose up I saw that four of the guys sported full erections. The teens wore a disgusted look on their faces but their cocks said they enjoyed what they saw, as did of course Mehdi and Anthony. Alex didn't though, at least he wasn't getting boned up to be more precise, which was kinda odd as he enjoyed doing it a lot on Mark... They cleaned me up a bit, as the teens said they weren't touching my with piss on my body, and we went on for round two.

Mehdi reminded them that they were supposed to suck me and eat my ass out if they wanted to get the full amount they had agreed on, but seeing me used like this changed their minds. It also contributed the fact that my hole was recently fucked and neither boy was willing to put their tongues there. Mehdi relented, and told them that they could suck him and Anthony instead then, or the whole deal would be off and they wouldn't get payed even the third of the amount they had agreed on. Again money must have been the factor for these boys as they relented to finish what they had agreed in the first place, which was to suck and rim me instead of the two adults. They asked for me to clean my hole of all the cum at least though, but Ahmed wasn't going to make it easy for them.

The boys started to argue who was going to do what first, until they decided to let "fate" be the factor with a game of rock-paper-scissors. The boy I puked on lost, so the other one chose he would have to eat my hole first. My front still had a strong smell of piss, and probably some taste too as I had only been "cleaned" with some wet towels only and no soap. Mehdi reminded them that they had to be convincing for the film, but you could see in both of their faces how much they hated it. They both got on their knees, one on each side of me, and started to give small half hearted licks with the tip of their tongues. This went on for over five minutes, not getting any more zealous in their actions until Mehdi gave the ultimatum that unless they did their jobs properly we should just stop here and end this farce...

That snapped them out, and they started doing what they were supposed to do with determination. The teen in front of me probably figured out he made the wrong choice to get on my front, as piss is definetely worse than cum! I could see that the taste must have been strong on my body still as well as the smell, as when he engulfed my member his face contorted in disgust... On the other hand the teen on my back was doing a better job, as I felt him eating me out thoroughly. Ok he might not enjoyed eating another guys load, but still, the finger job the other teen had given me had removed some of it, and secondly most guys try at least their own during puberty and Alex's didn't even taste bad, so as time went by he was doing a better job. In fact even though I had my dick inside the other teen's mouth for awhile now, I only started to get hard once the boy eating my hole pushed his tongue deeper inside.

After a really good rimjob and a pretty horrible blowjob that lasted for around ten minutes they switched it up. The one good thing that guy "sucking" me did was at least to remove the invisible layer of piss on my skin, as the guy now sucking me didn't seem to find anything weird about the taste. I was also sure that contrary to his earlier statements this wasn't the first dick he had sucked as he knew what to do, and he wasn't even aproaching the whole task like a curious teen, but more like an experienced cocksucker. The guy now on my ass did a better job than he did when he was sucking my dick, tonguing my well fucked, or more accurately, severely raped hole eagerly not tasting any residual cum as it was cleaned out completely. They went on like this until a few minutes later they brought me off the edge to my first dry orgasm of the night.

That was their cue that they were done and both stopped pleasuring me. One boy had a full hardon (the one sucking my cock second), while the other was deflated. Mehdi then told them how he wanted to see me get fucked, and the teen with the erection followed his instructions, lifting me up to face him, while he lined his erect throbbing 17cm dick with my hole and pushed it inside. Me on the other hand had to steady my self by essentially hugging him and resting my body on his, and my head on his shoulders. So I was literally in the air, hanging from his body. Having been up close earlier to my hole he knew how "loose" I was so he didn't need to hold back anything. And being a lot smaller then my three rapists (especially width wise), it was starting (much to my dismay) to feel good. It wasn't that much pleasurable, but it didn't hurt even a bit. As long as it was up to the sadist Mehdi though, he wasn't going to let the teens bring me pleasure.

As soon as the other boy got his erection, Mehdi said that he didn't have to wait for his turn, as I was so used to take big dicks, that I could get them both together. I loathed that guy so badly right there that I fantasized if I ever got the chance I would torture him for days before killing him... The teens seemed eager to try that, and I heard Alex asking if Mehdi was sure about it, with Mehdi replying to stop having a soft spot for the slut already... The truth is though that Mehdi was right... Even with both of them inside, the fuck I got still felt better than any of the three guys that proceeded. It was painful yes, but it was mostly cause of the abuse I had gotten earlier, and how sore I was than the teens themsleves... After a while one of them started (probably accidentally) poking my love button and that had me going and giving me a second orgasm in mere seconds. The convulsions my ass sent to their dicks was probably a new experience for the two of them, as well as rubbing their dicks against each other, that both came fast, after only five to ten minutes since they started, emptying their loads deep in my bowels.

That was it with them they grabbed the money they were promised, 500 euros in analogy give or take, 50 extra for making me puke, cleaned up and left. I thought that would be it for me too but as I realized moments later the night for me was at the beginning...

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