Dominant Fucker

By phoenix1985gr .

Published on Feb 11, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a story containing sexual relations between males from early teens to adults, it's a mix between real personal experiences and fictional events, I 'll leave it to the reader to decide what's what... Names and places are changed though just to be on the safe side.

It will contain humiliation and bondage acts, blackmail even some rape (further down the line though in future chapters since I plan this to be a long one) so if any of these aspects bother you, you shoudln't read it

It's also my first attempt to ever try to write anything, plus english isn't my first language so any comments critisism maybe even suggestions are welcome in my email

This story is gonna contain bareback sex! Remember to use a condom when you have sex in your lifes.

Last but not least, please remember that Nifty is counting on donations to keep going. You should support as much as you can with a donation at


Dominant Fucker 04

The doorbell made us stop what we were doing, trying to figure out what happened. Alex stopped his fucking, and everyone kept silent. The doorbell rang for a second time, and we also heard someone calling out in broken Greek

"Hey Alex you in here bro?"

Geez I thought, like there was a chance someone standing right outside the apartment to have any doubt if anyone was in and what he was doing lol. Thats why I broke the silence giving my snide remark:

"Like he has any doubt you are here or not"

"What do you mean?" Alex asked.

"Are you really without a clue? You were both moaning, the bitch much louder of course, that probably everyone in your block knows what's happening in here"

"I guess you 're right... I was so abosorbed that I didn't think about it... Plus I make a lot of bitches scream often, never been bothered before so I wonder what he wants..."

"You know who he is?"

"Yeah his one of my best friends actually, who lives next door..."

"Well you either are keeping him awake and he want us to quiet down, or to join us! I don't think he would bother us for any other reason..."

I said smirking trying to get in the fag's head. Don't know what I wanted to get out of him but I saw him hoping what I said was true!

"But he wouldn't want to join... He's as straight as they come!"

"Either way you should probably check out what he wants..."

He knocked on the door this time, and starting making some more noise... I guess he was getting impatient. Alex pulled out from the hole he was wrecking, put on some shorts and went to meet his friend. I crept towards the entrance but stayed out of sight from it to hear what was about to happen. I told the slave to follow me too.

Alex's dick wasn't in the least concealed in the loose shorts he chose to wear. They were white blue tennis shorts, showing off an obscene tent in them. He answered the door and I tried to get a look on Alex's friend. He was an Arab guy, around Alex's age, a bit younger though with dark skin, tall and very hairy. He was toned showing off a nice body resebling a runner's build. He had black hair and eyes, with a beard and a mustache. He was clad only in a pair of white tight shorts that showed off a big package going down his left thigh. He was sporting a boner and you could actually see a big wet spot were his cock head was, making his shorts transparent and the cock head visible. I estimated it to be about 19cm.

"Heyyyy friend!" He said in a drunken stutter...

"Hey Mehdi, are you ok?"

"Yeah man... It's just you know..." He replied grabbing his hard on. "I was out with Stella tonight, but instead of getting in her pants, she kinda broke up with me... I figured I would get a load off wanking but I couldn't help but hear you out... Anyone I know with you?"

"No I just met them today... But wait let me get this right, what exactly are you implying?"

"Well you know... Care to share? I mean a hole is a hole right?

I could see Alex was intrigued. I guess he didn't expect his friend to want to fuck a guy, but still he seemed also a bit hesitated before replying.

"Well today is kinda a weird case mate... I first have to ask the young one I have here if he wants too or not."

"Like you have more than one? How young are we talking about?"

"Well... Just wait here."

Before he had the chance to leave his friend's side, I pushed the slut out in the open while ordering him to go and there and drop to his knees.

"Is that him? He doesn't seem much younger than your usual dates..."

That brought Alex's attention to the slut who was behind him... I saw him smile

"Nah... he isn't the one actually, but this slut here is here because of him" He answered laughing

By this time Mark was already on his knees licking the new guy's cock over his shorts.

"Huh? what do you mean? Fuck this feels good"

"You 'll se soon enough..."

Stepping in they closed the front door and Alex started moving toward the bedroom motioning both of them to follow him. I went inside the bedroom put a beaming grin in my face and lied down on the bed waiting for the 3 guys! First one to arrive was Alex grinning back at me

"You little fuck! I know, to even think I wanted to consider your thoughts if Mehdi should join or not... You little sex crazed devil!"

I knew he would figure out that Mark woudln't have the balls to take initiative, so by pushing the slut out in the open he got the signal that I was behind it. He got his shorts off right as the 2 of them entered the room. Mehdi's eyes fell on my young body spread in the bed, and I could see he liked what he saw very much! He looked at me like a wolf ready to pounce!

"Lucky bastard you got inside that kid's ass too? He looks so hot I would consider changing to bi for him" He said grinning at me.

"Well believe it or not the kid is a still a virgin actually! The only hole that gotto be fucked here is this one's."

He said and started rubbing his precum on Marks face...

"Well anyway you kinda interrupted so I 'll go back to it..." Get back in the bed bitch!"

With that Mark went on to lie on his back again and Alex didn't wait a second before getting his rythm on again filling the room with sex moans once more. Mehdi removed his shorts, and before my eyes was a nice thick hairy cock, that was even darker than the rest of his body to the point of being almost black. I also saw that he was cut (most guys in Greece aren't only a really small percentage choses to get a circumcision and usually in adulthood).

Seiing me eyeing him with lust and curiosity, he came and sat beside me. He was also giving me a look full of lust. He started placing his hands all over my body caressing me softly making moan in the process... I did the same feeling his curly body hair between my fingers... He started being more aggressive after I returned his initiation, moving to pinch my nipples harder than anyone ever had before, making me moan in a girly pitchy voice. It was a bit painfull but it felt good too so he kept going at it seeing I didn't move to stop him... He stared intently on face studying my face.

"Shit I never thought I would do this but I can't help it."

He dove in and kissed me on the lips passionately, like a man possesed. It felt more like he was attacking my mouth than a kiss. His breath smelled and tasted full of alcohol. I felt him shift to get on top of me pinning me down with his weight, and resting his throbbing erection on top of my recent new erection, humping me and moaning in my mouth. He had pinned both of my hands over my head with only one of his own, continuing to pinch my nipples one after the other with increasing force making me moan even louder. I was getting out of breath from his attack, but I couldn't use my hands to push him away.

I started feeling light headed, but managed to just turn my head on the side catching a breath. I caught Alex's stare on me as he was fucking. It gave me the impression that he was more interested in me than Mark to be honest, or maybe he was just fantasizing that he was fucking me or something... Mehdi was now tonging the side of my face and expecially my ear sending shivers to my body. Feeling a bit uneasy from Alex's stare I returned my face towards Mehdi locking lips with him again. This time I tried to push some of my tongue in his mouth resulting in a tongue battle.

He finally let me enter his mouth for a few seconds before returning the favor with more force than before. I felt his cock twiching, all the while leaking his precum like a faucet. It had made a big pool of juices in my tummy. He opened up my legs, bringing them up exposing my hole a bit. I felt him reposition his dick to the entrance of my hole still kissing and licking my face. He started slowly applying pressure just to get a feel making me feel hot to be honest. We stayed like this for a few minutes enjoying eachother. Now though his precum had wet my hole substantially making it slick and wet. He started aplying real pressure now, and his dick head started opening me up. Figuring out he was going to push it in I told him to stop.

"Come on babe It will feel good I promise."


He finally eased up from my hole. He had managed to get just the tip of his cock inside me, and it hadn't hurt like I thought it would, but still I didn't want to get fucked especially not in front of the other two guys. He moved his cock back up on top of mine, and replaced it with the hand that he was using to pinch my nipples. He attacked my mouth once more, and went on to start tracing my hole with with his fingers. After cirlcing it for a bit just feeling it, I relaxed seeing he wasnt trying anything except caressing it. The second he felt me relax the bastard pushed his middle finger inside! But not before grabbing my head with his other hand and securing it straight up locked to his mouth.

That freed my hands which up to that point were pinned over my head, and I immediately went on trying to push him off me... He was so strong that I didn't have a chance... I started trying to speak but with his tongue buried inside my mouth only some muffled noises managed to get out. He went on to fuck my virgin hole faster and faster with his finger. I wasn't feeling any pain but I hated his sneakiness and that he took advantage of his weight. It was obvious that I wasn't locked like that by accident.

I started thashing madly trying to maybe bring some attention to us from Alex, until I felt him touch a special "button" inside my hole. I figured that it was my prostate and it brought on extreme pleasure more intense than anything I had felt so far. He had won... I couldn't control my actions anymore and my moans and thrashing changed from trying to get attention to be "saved" from the hunk on top of me, to those of pleasure leaving him have his way with me... After he saw that I wasn't pushing him anymore he finally eased up on my head and the kiss giving me a victorious grin as he pushed a second finger inside. I was moaning in a slutty voice now that grabbed Alex's attention

"Peter? Are you ok? What's wrong?"

I couldn't even answer him... I just met his eyes gave away an embarassed look and immediately looked away. All the time building up my dominance was gone just like that, but I still couldn't help feeling good.

"Mehdi what are you doing to him?"

Instead of answering he moved a bit to the side giving him a clear view... I heard Alex moan as the sight of me getting finger fucked made him shoot his load, with caused a chain reaction for both me and Mark, orgasming together with him. I felt crushed... The thought that I had the same reaction as the slave, made me start to cry silently. I went to use the restroom to get back my emotions on check. When I returned on the room I saw they had prepared some drinks for all of us.

It was a clear liquid much stronger than the beer, but it tasted a lot better even though it burned a lot more... A few minutes later I was totally buzzed and completely forgot my earlier sintimentallity. That's when I heard Alex adress Mark

"Ever had two up your ass?"

"Yeah" He got a slap for that.

"Yeah what bitch?"

"Yes master"


Even though he sucked me for a bit, I was't in the mood that much for sex at that point, as I already had cum 4 times during the night. So even though Alex asked me if I wanted to get my cock inside his hole together with Mehdi I said that I 'd prefer to watch. He said prepare to be amazed!

They got in position, Mehdi lying down on his back with Mark on top facing him. Alex went on to use plenty of lube this time on both his cock, as well as Mehdi's and the hole he was already fucking. He started pushing a finger alongside the Arab's dick, until he could slip three of his... He placed his dick on the entrance of the already filled hole and starting pushing slowly until he had his full 24.5cm inside. They were all moaning in pleasure, Mark with a bit of mixed pain too, but he still seemed to enjoy being double dicked.

It was a bit akward at first but they finally managed to get a good rythm going. Watching the hot scene managed to get me going again, so I went to at least get some head from the bitch, essentially giving him 3 cocks to handle. Seeing I was back ready for action Alex said that I should get the chance to try to double fuck too, so we all changed positions.

I was now the one on my back with Mark riding me, and the one that got behind him was Mehdi shoving his dick along side mine. Getting to feel the hole tighten around our two members, and Mehdis dick rubbing along my own was amazing. Alex on the other hand instead of giving his cock to the slut he gave him his ass and ordered him to eat him out. In this position his monster dick was all over my face smearing his precum on me.

Alex must have liked the riming he was receiving, as well as having his huge dick on my face as he went on to grab it and started jerking off. I was almost certain that soon I was gonna get his full load in my face, and if im completely honest I really wanted to feel his cum on me! Mehdi was now pistoning in and out of the hole we were fucking with full force bringing me closer bit by bit, and making me moan uncontrollably. My inhibitions completely gone from my drunken state I let my tongue out trying to lick the dick on top of me.

I saw Alex giving me a lustful look once more during the night, and went on to place the head of his cock on my tongue. I licked the wet mushroom head with fervor, letting my tongue encircle it's huge size, and tasting his rich salty flavor. I even went on to grab his huge nuts in my small hands squeezing them gently.

Feeiling that I was willing to take the next step, Alex removed all his inhibitions, and just started to ease up his length deep inside my hot wet small hole. I had to keep my mouth wide open, wider than I ever had, as he was really thick, and I coudln't get more than a third of him before I started to gag. Every time I would gag he would immediately back away, only to return a bit later trying to go further inside. It was like he was having an internal battle: the considerate side of his would back away on the first sign of hitting the back of my throat and hearing me gag would ease up, and then his dominant side was like I'd love to push it all inside and hear him gag until I cum. At least that's how it seemed to be in my mind.

At that ponint I felt Mehdi pull out of the sluts ass, come near my face and started to jerk off aiming his dick at me. He came a few seconds later drenching me in his hot cum. He shot a huge load being his first one for the night feeling at least 6 ropes of cum landing on me. The sight of my facial was the trigger for Alex too, and keeping only his cock head inside my mouth started shooting too. He gave me his first five ropes inside my mouth to taste and swallow before removing his cock to paint my face with the rest of his big load.

As they finished and stepped away a bit, Mark leaned over and started to eat the cum of my face. My mind said that it was degrading to get cum on my face from the two older guys, but my dick must have liked it as I got to orgasm with my dick inside the ass that rode me. By now I was exhausted completely, and I needed to get a shower. Alex took me and got inside with me sharing it with me. He was the one who did all the work cleaning both himself and me. As he was touching me his dick started to plump once more and his caresses began being more erotic.

He started sesnually but forcefully groping my body pinching my nipples jerking my dick groping my ass, kissing and nibbing at my whole body too. I was so sensitive by now but he still managed to give me one more erection. After he got me hard he focused his actions on my butt and hole which was the point when Mehdi interrupted us. Getting caught with two fingers up my hole and a tongue circling around with a hardon gave Mehdi a full erection too.

"Should I join too?" He said smirking

"I think we should stop I'm getting really tired" I answered back.

"Ok I'll go prepare some drinks then"

Being alone once more, Alex went on to continue playing with my body, but I was really tired and told him if we could stop. We finished our shower and went to the living room where Mehdi giving a conspiratory wink to Alex handed me my "special" drink as he said. Although I didn't really want more alcohol in my system I didn't also want to be seen as a wimp, and seeing how both Alex and Mehdi downed their drinks fast in big gulps I copied them doing the same. My drink was vodka mixed with some orange juice, and it tasted a bit weird, I thought it was probably the juice.

Seconds after I finished my drink I was getting drowsy, so we all decided it would be best to spend the night. Alex got me ready to his bed while he left me alone to sleep. I was passed out moments later.

I was on my back with Alex on top of me kissing me, and my legs on his shoulders. He had his cock at the entrance of my hole and started to press on it, sliding in. My dick was rock hard and the feeling on my ass was really good! There was zero pain and he was fucking me with slow but deep thrusts. After about five minutes I felt his hot cum shooting inside me, giving me an orgasm too. I woke up from my first ever sex dream, alone in the bed with my hole body in tremendous pain. My head especially was about to burst. I also felt my hole extremely sore which I though was probably from all the fingering it had taken the night before.

I tried to get some more sleep, but I was hearing the guys from the hall moaning and that got my attention. As I peeked in the living room I saw they were watching some porn on the tv, and they had Mark on his knees servicing them. Before I had a chance to figure out what exactly they were watching I saw Mark giving them a signal that I was there and Alex immediately turned off the video. Alex got up too and went to prepare some breakfast. I was curious about the porn but Mehdi dismissed me by saying that it wasn't something I was meant to see yet. That pigued my interest some more, but Mehdi got really angry and told me to stop bothering him.

I didn't know him well, and although yesterday he was a bit cunning he was also nice enough, so his reaction scared me a bit. Even though I would have liked to get in the action with Mark I decided to give him space and went to join Alex in the kitchen. A few minutes later Mehdi and Mark joined us with Mark having some cum on his lips. I also noticed he had the cock cage back on. We all went to eat breakfast and eventually started gettting ready to leave, as Alex said he got some errands to do. Mehdi was the first one to leave since he only lived in the same building. He was a bit cold towards me still and as he left he thanked Alex for the slut he provided looking at me. I couldn't figure out what he meant, maybe he just wanted to see my reaction?

As a parting gift he also gave his piss to Mark's throat, which was followed by Alex too. Mark was totally obedient this time and swallowed both "drinks" dutifully. He then gave Mark some news I'm prerry sure he hated.

"Ok now about you. Although you were a pretty good fuck, but don't expect to get my dick again since like I said I don't go for skinny sluts. Also as a parting gift you get to keep that thing on"

Mark was a bit bummed and shocked. We all went to get dressed and as we were ready to leave the apartment Mark finally spoke.

"Excuse me sir, you seem to have forgotten to give me they key for the cage" he said blushing.

"No I didn't"

"When or how am I supposed to get rid of it?"

"I'm guessing a locksmith could remove it for you, or if you prefer I can get you the adress were I bought it. They can remove it for certain"

The look on the slave's face was indescribable! I'm sure he thought Alex was only joking but that wasn't the case. I saw Alex hand him a piece of paper and he went on to leave the house. Mark was glued like a statue not moving a muscle.

"You 're a big boy i'm assuming you can find your way to whatever the hell you need to be right? Get the hell out now I'm kinda losing my patience"

Mark had now a few tears on his face and I have to say I felt a bit sorry for him. Still I would love to see what he would do to remove the cage from his cock. I mean going to a sex store and asking to have a cock cage removed must be a pretty humiliating thing to do. I told Alex to drop me downtown as I didn't want him to know were I lived exactly, in large part cause I was from a good neighbourhood with fancy houces and for some reason I felt it safer for me to keep that information a secret. We said our goodbyes telling me that if I ever wanted to I could reach him on the phone (he handed me his number) or in the court I met him as he played a lot there during the summer, and went on to take the bus home.

Since it was a Saturday the house keeper wouldn't come today so I just stayed home watching some tv or reading some comic books while I waited for John to come home. I realized I hadn't told him what time I was gonna return from my sleepover (since I didn't even know when we parted ways) but I was hoping he would come home soon!

Next: Chapter 5

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