Dominant Fucker

By phoenix1985gr .

Published on Feb 4, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a story containing sexual relations between males from early teens to adults, it's a mix between real personal experiences and fictional events, I 'll leave it to the reader to decide what's what... Names and places are changed though just to be on the safe side.

It will contain humiliation and bondage acts, blackmail even some rape (further down the line though in future chapters since I plan this to be a long one) so if any of these aspects bother you, you shoudln't read it

It's also my first attempt to ever try to write anything, plus english isn't my first language so any comments critisism maybe even suggestions are welcome in my email

This story is gonna contain bareback sex! Remember to use a condom when you have sex in your lifes.

Last but not least, please remember that Nifty is counting on donations to keep going. You should support as much as you can with a donation at


Dominant Fucker 03

The first thing i noticed was that Alex's building was pretty close to the centre of the city since the ride to his place wasn't long. Still I didn't recognise the street or any landmarks to understand exactly where I was. I was pretty sure though that if needed, getting directions back towards the park we came from I would manage getting there on my own. His apartment block looked a bit old but it was well preserved and clean. I noticed from the entrance's doorbells that it housed a small number of apartments around only 10. We went up on the second floor which had only two apartments.

As soon as we entered inside Alex ordered Mark to strip and go prepare himself in the bathroom. He gave him directions to the bathroom and he obeyed immediately, leaving the two of us alone. He asked me if I wanted to show me around his place while we waited for the bitch to get ready and I agreed. His apartment was what you would expect from a jock who lived alone. An in a bit messy moslty from clothes deserted here and there, and a musky man's strong smell.

It was a big apartment consisting of a hall, living room, kitchen, bathroom and 3 other rooms. His bedroom, a gym, and for last he showed me a room made to be like a sex dungeon. The first thing that got my attention was the smell. It smelled like cum, sweat, piss and leather. It's floor and walls were made from stone, which made me think that he must have payed a good amount of money to build it like this. There was a table which had its surface padded, and with straps attached to it, as well as an X shaped cross thingie with straps for the hands legs and waist. There were tons of sex toys stacked in shelves on the left side of the room, and in the far right corner there was a cage, big enough to fit an adult. It also had a tv with a vcr on the right wall.

I couldnt believe the sight in front of me. The though that I would probably see Mark restrained, while I would get to use even a single of the many toys I saw, made me feel like I was in a candystore!

"We can have our fun here, or in the bedroom. I 'll leave it for you to decide what you prefer, but I'm guessing I already know the answer"

At that point he told me that he should know what did I expect to see or do with Mark. Actually he said

"How hard or mild you want things to go? It can be from just vanilla sex to full on brutal plowing, with stuff you might not be ready for."

I wasn't sure how rough he could be, but I was sure the rougher things got the better it would be, and even if I didnt enjoy everything I saw I still wanted to experience the situation to its maximum potential, so I told him to bring his very worst with a smile.

He asked me if I wanted a drink, a coke or some juice, or even a beer. I had never tried one before and I told him I'd like one. He led me to the kichen and he grabbed one for himself and handed me one as well. It tasted awful, but I slowly managed to get it all down. I was getting impatient and asked why it was taking Mark so long to come out, and he told me that guys who take it up the ass have to clean their holes inside and it can take some time. We sat on the couch in the living room and he actually came over to me and started fondling me. After seeing how he had treated Mark it made me worry he might expect to make me his bitch too, but he was really gentle only caressing me. I got more relaxed and I started feeling up his muscled body too. Every part of him was rock hard and in addition to his smell, made me start to moan.

He positioned me so I sat on top of him facing him. I could see in his eyes that he lusted after me, just as he leaned in to kiss me. His kiss was far more agrresive than John's, pushing his tongue deep in my mouth as far as he could. It was literally breathaking: I had to push him off me to catch my breath. He didnt give me a chance to relax and went in again, after a few seconds I had to catch my breath once more. He dove lower at my neck kissing me gently while simultaneously one hand pinched my nipple softly, while his other went inside my shorts jerking me off. The triple assault was so arousing that I almost came on the spot. I told him so, and he immediately stopped, lifted me up, got down on his knees and took my shorts off.

He had me seat on the couch, grabbed my legs and bended me over in half exposing my hole. I felt his mouth cover both of my balls together sucking them firlmy. Then he moved lower at the space between my ass and balls and he started licking there. These sensations were new and amazing bringing me close to orgasm without touching my cock. After a few minutes going back and forth between my balls and perineum, he grabbed one ass cheek with each hand and pulled them apart to expose my virgin hole completely. I felt pretty vulnerable in that position but I was so horned up and in addition to the effects of the beer in my system I managed to relax. As soon as his wet tongue touched my never before touched hole I went to 7th Heaven. I could have never imagined that a tongue licking and sucking an asshole could feel this good! He kept at it for a few minutes before I started to feel more pressure in my hole until his tongue slipped inside!

Not even 3 seconds passed before I had my orgasm. I'm pretty sure I was moaning like a little bitch, but the feeling was so intense I didn't care. He didnt stop tongue fucking me

and I tried to push his head away but he wouldn't budge. He kept going for about five more minutes all the while I was thrashing and screaming from the intense pleasure I felt. Needless to say my dick didn't deflate for even a second. He eased up on me as I relaxed, and with a smirk he asked how did that feel. I didn't bother answering him as I was pretty sure he knew exactly how it felt and I needed to catch my breath. I heard him comment that I taste great and that he could get used to eating me out. I blushed to a deep red color.

As he rose to stand up I saw that during the time he was attacking my senses he slipped off his shorts, and was completely naked too. My earlier assesement that during the basketball game had a hard on was wayyyyy off! In front of me was poking straight ahead the most massive cock I had ever seen! It was over 24cm and it was glistening from his precum. I observed with a look of mixed fascination and horror!

"Yeah I get that a lot" He said with an arrogant smirk, that told me how much he loved my reaction.

"How does this" I said pointing at the monster centimeters away from my face, "manage to get into an ass?"

"There are ways to relax a guy's hole to take it. If it's an inexperienced one it will hurt, but if the guy is used to taking dick up the ass it isn't a problem at all."

"Have you ever fucked a virgin before?" As soon as I asked and saw his expression change and it made me regret asking. He was looking at me like saying you want me huh? or something...

"Yeah, many times actually. They always come back for more" He said again with that arrogant smirk of his.

My curiosity got the better of me and I had to learn more. "How old was the youngest?"

"Well it was ages ago when I was a bit older than you but I did het to fuck a nine year old cousin of mine..."

"And ever since you got at this size?"

"After I prepped him for a long time, a few weeks actually, I fucked a 13yo... It still hurt a lot at first but in the end he came back for more..."


I saw him looking at me with a face that said, and now I 'll get to fuck an even younger boy... Well I guess a guy can dream right? There was no way I was gonna let a monster like that inside me. I was certain of it! I could only silently nod. I was more interested now to see how Mark would manage to get this monster inside him. Thanfully I didn't have to wait long, since just at that moment Mark finally emerged from the bathroom. The moment his eyes came into contact with Alex's tool, his relaxed demeanor changed immediately and his eyes glinted with lust. Alex didn't waste a second, grabbing the slut from his hair and leading him to the sex dungeon. The moment he entered and came into contact with all the toys and the furniture, but what I'm sure affected him the most: the smell of the room, his small cock went fully erect.

Before we started Alex asked Mark the same kind of question as he had asked me earlier but in a different manner:

"Im going to ask only once and you should consider your answers carefully. I am a full fledged hardcore master as you can figure out from the setting, and I want to know before hand any limits you want to set. Once you give your answer it will be set to stone so even if you change your mind later I will not care. Am I understood?"

"Yes master, I completely understand"

"Have you had any experience as a sub?"

"Yes master, but only a bit"

"Good. What about your limits then?"

"Anything goes except pernament damage, wax play, drawing blood and not any visible markings on body parts that are exposed in the summer. Legs hands etc..."

"Is that all?"

"Yes master, thank you master"

Alex didn't say anything else. He just aproached the shelves and starting picking up some weird looking objects, some which I knew what they were for, and others that I couldn't figure out their use. I would see them soon in action and understand. The first one was a leather mask that covered most of the head leaving only the nose and mouth exposed. He secured it in the slave's head and strapped it on. Next one was a bit tricky for me to understand. It was a belt kind of thing made of metal with a hole in the middle (for anyone that doesn't know what I mean it was a spider gag). Alex ordered the slave to open his mouth and went on ŃÍ fasten it on his head too. The next one was even more peculiar. It was a metallic, tube shaped resembling a cage pattern, with a padlock attached to it. Alex went on his knees and started slaping the slaves ball really hard. As I saw this happening I got mixed feelings. Both a trepadition in my gut, as I was also in pain, but also a sadistic glee at the sluts torment. He on the other hand was whimpering in pain. Once his cock had soften up, Alex fiddled with the sluts cock and the device. When he stood up I saw the slaves cock inside the metal tube without any room to grow and I understood the device's use. He would not be able to get an erection with the cage around it.

After he was done he stepped back to admire his creation. He also asked me what did I think about the "view" and that I would get to pick up the next item. He told me to browse the shelves and pick anything I wanted to, and considering what he had in mind for the night he would decide if we could use it or not. I told him it sounded hot and I went to browse the sex toys. There were a large colection of dildos, vibrators and butt plugs in various sizes and shapes. I didn't want to use any of them since I knew what they were for, although there was one huge dildo both in length and width, and weird shaped it ended up resembling more the dick of a horse or donkey than a human. There were also some anal beads, whips, paddles and a big number of clamps. There were more things that I didn't know what they were for, but I decided I wanted to try the paddle.

"Here. Will this one do?"

"Yeah dude! its perfect! You 're all about inflicting pain huh?"

Im pretty sure that he said that only to get in the slaves head, since he coulndn't see what I chose.

"Oh yeah! I cant help get excited from the screaming, what can I say?" I said trying to scare Mark a bit more.

"Ok, Lets prep him then. Actually we need one last touch first."

He went once more back to his collection of sex toys, and picked up a black leather collar, adorned with some spikes and attached to a chain. He proceeded to wear it on the slaves neck, and he started yanking him from the chain towards the table. He made him lie down face down on it, and proceeded to tie up his arms and ankles on the lower end, with the straps at each of the legs of the table.

"How many paddles you think he can take from you?"


"I think thats good enough yes."

"Why dont you get this" I went and picked up a whip "So you can give him some too?"

"I like the way you think" He said smiling.

We took our positions, me on his behind as I was gonna use the paddle on his ass, and Alex near his upper body.

"I want to "hear" you count" I said smirking. I knew he wouldn't be able to speak clear with the gag in his mouth, but I still wanted him to try. "So just count up to 50, We will go one after the other ok?"

A muffled "Yes sir" was heard in the room.

Alex then said "I think he should ask for more after each strike too"

Again came out of his mouth what seemed to be a "yes master". Alex gave me a nod which was all the encouragement I needed to begin. I raised my hand in the air, and brought it down with as much force as I could muster, and landed the paddle on his left cheek. I guess it wasn't as strong as I thought, cause his reaction was pretty mild. He kinda groaned softly, and went on to try and count and ask for another one. I have to say I was dissapointed I didn't hurt him more. Next went Alex's turn and he brought the whip down on his upper back. His groan was louder than when I hit him, but still he didn't seem to be in that much pain. He went on to count and ask for more.

I couldn't understand what was happening. I thought I wasn't probably strong enough to hurt the 18yo boy, at least not with a paddle on his butt, but there was no way that Alex couldn't. I was sure that with his muscled body using his full power would make any guy howl... I must have zoned out, cause I noticed Alex gestured me that my turn was up. Well I though whats the point, but went on anyway. I used my full force this time too on his right cheek this time. His reaction was the same as first. Alex brought the whip down on the exact same spot he had hit him earlier, and this time he showed a bit more distress than before. After a few more rounds I at last figured out that the pain was accumulating with all the previous strikes and by the time we reached number 10 his ass had started to get a pretty pink color, and his back showed the lashes from the 5 times the whip had come into contact with his skin.

I decided that I would only focus only on his left cheek so the pain wouldn't be divided, same as Alex, who always aimed for the same spot. By the time we had reached 20 strokes he was sweating and bucked every time the toys touched his body. His ass or more specifically his left asscheek had now a nice red color. His back showed many marks from the whip, which were also red. The nicest change though was the slave's reaction. His voice was getting louder with each strike. After 30 strikes I was sure I could hear him weeping softly. I was sad that he had the stupid mask on as I wanted to see how he looked with tears on his eyes. As I hadn't paced myself in any way and went full force from the start, I was getting tired and my strikes started to lose their strength, still I did inflict pain even with less force.

From the 30nth strike onwards he started losing focus on counting, or even worse he might had gotten the idea that by counting slower, he could get some breathing time and get a short respite. On the 35th strike he must have waited for over 15 seconds to count, which caused Alex to bring his bare hand and slap him hard on his ass.

"You either count, or you ll get more free slaps when you delay."

To emphasize his point he brought his hand down on the same ass cheek I was hitting 3 times in quick succesion. That seemed to get his attention,and he continued to count almost even before we had time to lift the toys in the air. At this point his cries were loud, like a young kid who gets swats from his parents for being naughty.Every now and then he wuould try to get up from the table or move a bit left or right to make us miss the spot we wanted to hit, but he was restrained pretty securely so that didnt work. At one point I wanted to exchange toys with Alex, but he told me that whips used without a bit of experience can cause real damage, like cutting the skin, so he told me he didn't think it was a good idea. I was a bit bummed, but I respected his knowledge and I was having fun with the paddle anyway so it was ok to keep on with it. We continued like this until we reached the 50 strikes we had agreed on. Even after we were done he couldnt stop crying for more than 5 minutes. His ass had a dark red almost purple color, and it looked awesome. I started to feel it up, caressing it gently and I could feel it really hot to my touch. His back on the other hand was full of markings, and only in one area of his body.

"How come you didn't expand to other areas?"

"I just went for the part that will be most likely covered by a tanktop or a t-shirt since he will have these" He started using a finer to trace the markings from on side to the other, "for a long time"

After he finally calmed down, I saw Alex getitng a good look down at the slave and his expression changed. I could see that since we finished our task and he got a good look at the results of the slaves abuse, it made him take an expression of a predator ready to go in for the kill, but filled with lust instead of murder. His cock leaked a lot of precum now and I knew we would get a move on the next phase of the night. He started to unfasten the straps on his arms, and I copied him and went on to untie his legs. He then flipped him on his back, making him groan by the contact on his abused back. He proceeded to tie his hands, this time on the slaves side, on the same level the table height was. He told me to leave his legs free so we could maneuver him as we liked.

"Which hole do you want first?"

I wasn't sure which to pick, and I hadn't thought of losing my virginity to a random guy. My thought went on John's ass so I said I would take his mouth. Besides I wanted to see how he would manage to put his whole 24 and a half centimeters monster cock of his in the slut's hole. With that he left me to do what I wanted I guess, cause he didn't say anything else. I saw him go for the sex toys again, and picked up some gel, and 2 dildos. One was about 18cm and the other around 22 and thicker. I expected to see him just dive in I guess but that wasn't the case. He poured some of the liquid on the smaller dildo, and some more on the slave's hole, and without any delay, he started pushing the sex toy slow and steady up the slut's fuck hole all in one go, until he had it all inside.

I imagined it would hurt a lot to get 18cm of dick like that, but that wasn't the case for our fuck boy. He moaned in appreciation from the start. Alex went on to fuck the slut's hole with slow and steady strokes using the full length of the toy. I figured I should make some use of the bound slave too, and moved to where his head was. There was a slight problem though as the table was secured at the exact right height for Alex's dick. I was too short too reach his mouth with my cock, so I just climbed up on the table getting on top of him, and giving Alex an embarassed smile. I aimed my cock in his mouth and pushed in all in one go. I immediately felt his tongue licking my member as it sunk in him trying to pleasure me. It was a different experience from getting blowed, since at this position I had all the control. Still with the gag in his mouth, he couldn't close his mouth so until I reached deep inside his open mouth I felt almost nothing. I knew it was cause my dick wasn't that big yet, but still I prefered the nice sucking I got from John in contrast to this. I had to move my hips up and down to get any stimulation at all, essentially fucking his mouth.

I was leaning on my hands at first, but I started getting tired having the full weight on them, so I just lied down my whole body on top of him. My hips were pistoning extremely fast essentally fucking the wet hole with fast short strokes. On the other hand my eyes now got a close up view on his lower end, getting a first hand show of the penetration to his hole. By now Alex was fucking the sluts boy hole hard making him moan on my cock, adding to my pleasure, as his mouth vibrated. After a few minutes he took out the 18cm dildo and picked up the larger one, lubing it too, but this time he didn't ease it up his fuck hole slowly, choosing instead to shove it with one hard, fast push all the way in! This caused some pain in the slave but after only a few seconds he resumed his lustful moaning.

Watching the scene this close in combination with the feeling on my cock from the hot mouth made me once again orgasm. I was starting to feel a bit frustrated at how fast I seemed to cum every time, but on the plus size I usually could go again almost immediately. I left my cock in his deep mouth, catching my breath, and just rested since fucking his mouth tired me a bit. I just left my boy dick inside the warm wet hole and enjoyed the show in front of my eyes. After a bit I felt the need to release myself again so I started to fuck his mouth once more. Alex was fucking the slut's hole with full strokes, using the full 24cm of the dildo hard and fast, making him moan like a bitch in heat.

"I see you are ready to cum again, don't you want to try this hole too? I got him wet and ready for you" He said smirking.

Since I wasnt sure exactly what the deal with John was, as in would he want to get fucked? I was almost sure that the answer to my first question was yes, but would he want me to fuck him? Did he feel anything for me like the way I did? And more thoughts of this wave length (is this a correct expression? it would please me to get an answer if anyone knows), I decided that I wouldn't let the opportunity pass. So I agreed. Alex knew that it would be my first time so he told me to just relax, enjoy it and do whatever feels natural. He told me to wait while he went to the room to bring me a condom.

"Want one?

"Umm, yeah I guess."

"Ok. Know how to put it on?"

"I'm not sure... They showed us in school, but I ve never actually put one on before."

"Try it, and let me know if you need any help"

I did try, but it was more difficult than I thought. He saw me struggling and put it on for me. I was really excited and nervous at losing my cherry. I once again couldn't reach his asshole so I had to climb on the table. Before I did though Alex pulled the slave towards the top of the table (the restrains on his wrists didn't need to come off as they had some leniency in length, in opposition to the ones on the lower part of the table near it's legs). He pulled him to the point that the slave's head was now hanging from the edge of the table. He then proceeded to grab both of the sluts legs, bringing them towards him, essentally folding him in a 45 degree angle exposing his hole to me. I climbed on top of the table and aimed my dick to his opened up hole. I drove my full length in one sharp, fast and hard push.

Feeling his insides engulfing me wiih warmth felt incredidble, and I started pushing in and out of him immediately. Hearing him moan from my actions made me feel proud and pushed me to fuck even harder. Whenever I would come close to cum (it happened many times, and faster than I liked) I would slow down or lay completely still inside him to try and prolonge my orgasm. I wanted to see if I could hold on for at least until Alex came in the sluts mouth. Meanwhile while I was fucking the slave's hole, Alex was making the slut gag on his 24 and a half cm dick. He was being relentless on his assault, reaching without a doubt inside his throat. It was the hottest thing I had ever seen. I kept watching with what I'm sure was the most ridiculous grimace. Alex on the other hand had a focused full of lust look in his eyes.

Also for the first time since we started the night at his place, he started calling Mark with some pretty degrading comments. Stuff like "Yeah bitch suck this big dick", or "you fucking faggot how you 're liking my dick down your throat choking you", "Im gonna fill both your holes with my liquids you fucking whore" and more filled the room. I would have loved to be able to hear the slave response but that wasn't possible of course. The fucking Alex gave to this guy made me both see him like a god that I could learn a lot from, and scared shitless at waking up this kind of lust from him towards me. I mean he was going so hard and fast that I was scared he would choke the boy to death and we would end up with a corpse! He on the other hand of course knew exactly what he was doing and he relished every single moment. The slaves ordeal went on for a long time, and after the first 5 minutes he was really struggling. Alex became even more horned up by his struggling breathing, pushing in and out even faster and with increased aggressive thrusts in the slave's throat. That caused him convulsing a lot more, and he started making sounds like he was vomitting. At that Alex would give a little breathing room only to rerurn with more fervor seconds later.

I was glued on the sight in front of me, having completely even forgotten that I had my dick inside an asshole for the very first time. I was mesmerised to the point I couldnt even move! After a few more minutes the poor boy passed his limits I guess and puked! The liquid was thick, a mix between vomit and saliva, and it started driping and bathing the poor slave's face. I was sure he got to be really thankfull for the mask he was wearing! I also expected due to the "accident" for Alex to stop and go wash themselves or something. I was dead wrong! The guy got a high from making the sub puke on from his cock that he didnt slow down one bit! He even started moaning!

Me on the other hand wasn't sure if I was grossed out or more horned up than ever before... (At that age I guess it was a mix of the two evenly spread. As I grew older It has become the thing I love doing more than anything else to a willing throat. Too bad it isn't that easy to get someone to accept it...) The smell was awful but still it had a sexual afterthought. I guess thats why I didn't also get my insides out by the sight in front of me, since if I ever got in a situation where someone would vomit in front of me, I had to immediately leave the sight to avoid doing the same. In this situation though I just stayed hard and continued watching.

Alex kept the throatfucking for over half an hour, making the sub choke and puke on his face over 5 times! At the same time he was moaning in a deep raspy voice tha was making him even sexier! And the stuff he started saying everytime he could see the sub approaching the inevitable! I knew then this wasn't some accident! He wanted to see him puke from his throatfuck! He relished it! Listening his sexy voice saying stuff like "yeah you filthy whore! how do you like it now huh?" or "choke on you fucking vomit you piece of shit!", "God yeah this throat feels good this sloppy!" The more I saw this happening the more I liked it too... Finally after almost 35 minutes his breathing became rugged and short, and with a final deep thrust he roared like a beast and came down his throat.

"Fuck yeah eat my load you fucking punk! Take it all down your stomach!"

I was sad that he emptied deep in his throat, as I would have like to see his cum. It seemed it was a big load too, as his howling ent on for ages! His orgasm sent me to auto drive: all this time I was hard inside the slut's ass, but completely still,with just some twiching here and there. As soon as I saw this hunk shoot his load nature took over and I started to get a pace fucking his hole. I only lasted about a minute before orgasming too. We both eased up from him leting him rest for a few minutes before untying him, removing the mask and collar so he would get to clean himself up.

"So how do you like it so far?"

"Best experience of my life! I can't imagine getting a better chance to learn than with you." I said smiling

"Hehe. It was fun watching you fuck too. You have a lot of potential little guy! Especially once your dick grows to it's full size! You might even get to be bigger than me!"

His praise embarassed me a bit, but I managed to reply while smiling, "You really think so? I get embarassed from it at school sometimes though... I wish is wasn't that big. its like I'm a freak..."

"You 're still in elementary right? Which grade?"

"Fifth..." (In Greece the school system consists of six grades in elementary, and three for both middle and high school, not counting preschool or college).

"Well when you get to middle school, with all the boys reaching puberty, you 'll be really happy about your size trust me. It will make you really popular and you 'll make a lot of them really jealous too. Just make sure you show it off with confidence!" He said smiling.

"You think so?

"Im 100 percent sure dude! Ok so... I still wanna have a go at his other hole are you up for more fun?"

"Well I'm kinda spent for now, but I wouldn't mind watching at least."

"Wanna see something a bit extreme? I'm 90 percent sure you will like it though. If you 're in follow me to the bathroom if not just wait in the living room I guess since we aren't gonna use the dungeon anymore."

Of course I followed him! Mark had just finished showering and looked... I think the correct word is abused... I mean everyone in his position would be too. His face was like a boy who's been crying for ages! Red eyed from all the abuse his body had gotten both from the beating and the trhoatfuck. His voice was hoarse too. I coudn't figure out how did he manage to accept 35 minutes of Alex's meat brutal facefucking. Alex walked closer to him.

"On your knees fag."

He obeyed immediately. Alex put his semi hard cock in his mouth and said drink up bitch. I didn't understand what was happening, but Marks face betrayed his disgust. He dropped the cock of his mouth.

"No master, please no..."

"Shut up and do as I say!"

"Master please..."

"Come on! why the hell you think I asked for your limits? You should have said from the start bitch that it isnt something you 're up for! I'm ready to go, and in the mood for you to drink, so either get on with it, or just get dressed without feeling me up your fboy pussy. I planned to fuck you, but if you re gonna be like that you can get the fuck out!"

I guess that seemed to do it, cause with a defeated look he took the cock back inside his mouth.

"Well look at that! You 'll sure do pretty much anything to feel me up your ass huh slut?"

Mark just moaned softly. Alex's expression changed to that of concetration and relief as I saw Mark starting gulping... He was swallowing... It couln't be cum since Alex wasn't hard... After a bit a white yellowish liquid escaped from the corners of Mark's mouth and it hit me! Alex was making the bitch drink up his piss! Who would let anyone do that to them? And for getting a chance to take a dick up their ass no less! I lost complete respect for the blond slut right at that point. I mean, in my mind at least, up to that point, it was one thing to have sex, just being fucked or sucking a dick, and the throatfucking wasn't something that Mark had any control over, but to degrade yourself like that was z cmpletely different thing! It was something I knew I would never do! I mean yes Alex was the hottest guy I had ever met, and if he hadn't that monster that scared me shitless I would consider bottoming for him as it was something I knew I wanted to try in the future to see if I liked it or not. But it would be on my terms, and on equal footing, as two persons who have sex or make love. This was something totally different. I could clearly see that he hated it but still he let another guy use him just to get fucked...

I knew then the difference between a gay guy and a fag... And it made me want to humiliate him and degrade him too! I didn't even wait for them to finish, I only stepped closer and started pissing on his face! I took them both by surprise. Alex starting laughing loudly, and bumped me in my shoulders in a buddy kind of gesture, while the faggot took a look of horror and started choking, spitting out Alex's piss in the process. Alex told him in a low and authoritarian voice to snap out of it and keep swallowing or he 'd get in serious pain. He calmed down and started gulping down once more while I drenched his face with my yellow stream. After we were done I saw him move to get to get his face cleaned up, I wasn't gonna have it though. Taking some pointers from Alex i said:

"What do you think you re doing you stupid bitch? Did I tell you you have the right to get my piss of your slutty face? You re gonna stay with it for the rest of the day fag!."

Again two different experiences from the older guys. Alex seemed like a proud big brother whose liitle brother followed his steps. The faggot on the other hand was on the verge of crying... I instantly thought fucking pathetic...

Alex told us to follow him. We went to his bedroom and he ask me in which stance I would prefer to see him fuck. I wanted to get a look both at the action of his dick going up the hole, as well as on the faggot's face during the fuck he was gonna get. After some thinking I came to the conclusion that on his back would be best. Alex took a videocamera from one of his drawers got it ready and handed it to me... He gave me some instructions and told me to film whatever I wanted without any worry about getting them full in the frame, or hiding faces. I had the freedom to film them however I wanted. Again the fag took a worrying look on his face but remained silent, probably figuring out it wouldn't change anything to express any objections.

I was mad at the slut, don't even know the reason to be honest, I just knew I wanted to see him suffer. So before Alex had the chance to even get in position I started urging him on.

"I wanna see you rape him stud! Make him beg to pull out make him cry!"

I stopped paying attention to the slut since I was certain I would see the same old look of worry or horror on his face as when I was pissing on him. Instead I had my focus on Alex. Seeing the genuine shock in his face made me extremely proud! I saw him thinking a bit before replying.

"Sure stud! Happy to oblige."

I heard the bitch whimper in fear, and it made me mad with lust and power! Alex left the lube on his side without using it. Not on his cock and not on the bitch's hole. I also saw that he wasn't going to use a condom like I did. I wanted to ask why, but I would wait until I got the chance without the slave present. Alex started stroking his dick to get back to his full length, he was almost there but not fully hard yet. I was happy that my presence and attitude made him hard, since I had observed that he started getting his hard on back on once I started urging him to rape the ass in front of him. He started slaping his dick at the hole he was about to rape, once he was happy with his hardon he lifted the fags legs, setting them on his shoulders. He plunged his full length with one hard thrust commenting how warm and tight it felt.

The slut was howling both in pain and pleasure! (I was pretty sure it was from the huge dildos he got earlier inside him that he wasn't in more painful situation). Still it was like music in my ears. Alex fucked with abandon like it would be the last fuck of his life or something. I watched them through the lens of the camera feeling like a director, trying to get all the action, and their expressions. Whenever Mark would catch me filming his face he would blush and moan sexilly! The slut enjoyed it! I wondered what would happen to the video later on... Would I get a copy? Would Alex keep it for himself or show it around? The thought that the fag's friend's or worse his family would get to see him getting plowed was really exciting! That's why I was carefull not to get Alex's face on the video at all, as I figured that would increase my chances of at least getting a copy for myself! Three minutes later the painful moans evaporrated, leaving him moaning only in pleasure. He started begging to remove the cage from his cock and Alex just kept going not replying, but giving me a look and then one at Mark that told us both It would be my decision. As soon as he figured out what it meant he started begging me to release him!

"Master please! I 'm begging I wont ever dissobey or show any disapproval towards you, just please remove it! please!"

I didn't give him an answer and he kept begging to be released for over five minutes... All the while I was only filming his face... I thought it would be hot to see him shoot his load while being raped so I relented and asked Alex for the keys. Im pretty sure that if I said jump at thhat pont he would reply how high? Thats how much gratitude was written all over his face. Alex told me he left them in the shelves were he took the cock cage from, so I went to fetch them. I also picked up a pair of handcuffs with me. I handcuffed his wrists to the bedpost so he wouldn't touch his little cock and removed the cock cage. It went hard in a second making him moan harder and he began to beg to be fucked... Alex hadn't slow down even one bit all this time!

The stud could fuck! the strength he put behind each thrust was so strong, giving way a loud slapping noise each time his pelvis smashed on the faggots ass! Plus he seemed to have a limitless amount of stamina, fucking him as hard as he had started without slowing down for even a second for over 20 minutes, and he still didn't show any signs that he was close. The bitch was moaning so loud that I was sure everyone in the area must have known that a faggot was being fucked around. That's when we all heard the doorbell ring... Who the hell could be at this time?

Next: Chapter 4

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