Dominant Fucker

By phoenix1985gr .

Published on Feb 2, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a story containing sexual relations between males from early teens to adults, it's a mix between real personal experiences and fictional events, I 'll leave it to the reader to decide what's what... Names and places are changed though just to be on the safe side.

It will contain humiliation and bondage acts, blackmail even some rape (further down the line though in future chapters since I plan this to be a long one) so if any of these aspects bother you, you shoudln't read it

It's also my first attempt to ever try to write anything, plus english isn't my first language so any comments critisism maybe even suggestions are welcome in my email

Last but not least, please remember that Nifty is counting on donations to keep going you you should support as much as you can at

Hope you will enjoy this one!

Dominant Fucker 02

I woke up about two hours later, wrapped in my new lovers arms feeling his slow breath in my neck. I was already hard once again and wanted to play some more, but I knew we had to get at least a shower first since from all the fun we had earlier, were too exhausted to do so, and from the summer heat and my neglection to turn on the ceiling fans I had in my room was making things even worse. There was a pretty strong smell of sweat and cum floating in the room... I remembered that even though John did get to clean the cum he shot on my body with his tongue, I hadnt returned the favor and by now most of his body was covered in a layer of dried cum.

It was around 5pm and even though I was still a bit tired I decided we had gotten enough rest for the afternoon. Turning around I started kissing him on the lips while caressing his body to wake him as sweetly as possible. After a few moments he started moaning softly and returned my kiss.

Seeing I had managed to wake him up, I got up from the bed and turned on the water heater so we could take a shower (even during the summer I would never get shower without warming up the water at least a little). After five minutes I told him to get up and join me.

We got to wash each other feeling eachother while doing so. I got to explore more of his body paying more attention than before on his toned swimmers body, and I decided that it suited him more than the huge muscles that guys who were in my schools wrestling team were (in my country middle and high school are usually housed together in the same buildng, while elementary schools are usually by themselves... However since I wasn't in a public school but a prestigious private one they managed to house all grades from elementary to high school in a group of buidings with shared recess halls, cafeteria etc... We also had more activities than public schools like a drama club, swim team, wrestling team etc... All the students had the opportunity to attend games and competitions so I had seen many highschoolers to know how they were built.) So yeah I came up to the conclusion that his more lighter but still defined body suited him better.

He washed me first and I did him second. Even though I was completely hard he only washed me like he was supposed to, without any kind of sexual movement on his part. After he finished soaping me up it was my turn.

I made sure to clean up all the dried cum on his front before moving on his backside. After I finished with his back I saw him leaning against the shower wall, arching his back and sticking his ass out, inviting me to clean him and probably play with his hole once again... I deicided that I was going to leave his ass for last so I got down on my knees to lather up his hairless legs. My face was inches away from his hole in this position enjoying the view, so I stayed like that even after I cleaned up his legs. I could see his hole twiching, as in to invite me, and I happily indulged pushing two of my fingers inside at once. This time I didnt just finger fuck him though, I wanted to explore his insides too. I started probing trying to stretch him, pulling my fingers apart and in general trying to get a good feel of his insides... He was moaning pretty loud by now like the slut I slowly realized he really was.

He even started to urge me on more by saying stuff like "fill my hole more baby" or "fuck yeah that feels good" and stuff like that. It made me get more assertive and rough with his hole realizing that he liked it a lot. I also saw his hands grabbing his cock to begin to jerk off, but I told him to stop touching himself. He wasnt keen on listening to me though and it made me mad that he thought he could defy me. I wanted to feel the control I had when I put the sunscreen on him earlier, and to make him understand that I wasnt just suggesting for him to stop, it was something that he had to do just because it was what I wanted. The spoiled boy in me that always gets his way woke up.

"When I ask for something you better learn to do it fast!"

I slapped away his hands from his cock, and to show him who was the boss I squeezed fairly hard his balls. The answer I got was everything I wanted to hear.

"Im sorry, Im sorry, I promise I ll behave please leave my balls alone"

"Good boy"

Being called boy made his deflated dick harden and jerk a bit. I returned my attention to his boy hole which I could see had become a bit moist, and after a few minutes I found a numb towards the base of his cock and as I pressed on it I saw his body spasming a bit violently, and he started to scream - speak incoherently. Alarmed I had somehow hurt him I removed my fingers at once getting up and trying to check if he was ok. After he calmed down I saw he had shot his load.

"What the hell happened? Are you ok?"

"Yeah sweetie dont worry, you just gave me a mindblowing orgasm."

"I though you were in pain! What did I touch?"

"I thought you had already taken a Sex ed class? That's my prostate silly, and I wasnt in pain it brought me only pleasure."

"The way you screamed gave me the impression you got a seizure or something, and yeah I did take the class, but getting a lecture or reading about stuff doesnt live up to what the real thing is. I mean we were told it can bring pleasure to most guys but I didnt expect anything like that."

"Well now you know" he said smiling. "Feel free to do that anytime you want"

From the shock and fright I got my dick went completely limp, so we just rinsed up and got out. He went on to put some clothes on but I told him he didnt have to if he didnt want to when we are alone, but he went on and put some briefs anyway.

I realized that we hadnt eaten anything since breakfast and were both really hungry. We left the cooked meal that was prepared for us for the night and decided to go out and grab something. Instead of going in a restaraunt or a diner and sit there to eat, we decided to get something from a junk food chain stores we have and are really popular in our country, while also getting the chance to go downtown since because of school I didnt get the chance to go during the rest of the year often. We would have to get a bus to get there, and It would take at least 30minutes in the road, but it was worth the effort and the time we would spent, as the area I lived in was more isolated with less options for having fun. After we took our orders from the diner we sat on a nearby park to eat. There was a basketball court in the premises of the park were we could spot a few guys playing a game.

We sat on the benches of the court in a shaded area and got to enjoy our meal and the game. There were 8 guys playing consisting of two teams of four players each. The guys were ranging from 16-17 years old to at least 23 - 24, most of them on the older side. All had their shirts off except for one boy who seemed to be the youngest at 16. They must have been playing for a long time since everyone was very sweaty. The spectators were pretty much non existant never getting over 10 persons at any time.

Although I had seen plenty of times adults shirtless, from my dad and coaches even to soldiers when I went to visit dad at work, (at this point I'd like to point out that the armed forces in Greece were I'm from, are mandatory for all boys, and except for the guys and women who decide whey want to pursue a career in the military, all men are required to service for a year. It has gotten less in later years.) Watching all these half naked dudes with their hot glistening bodies, and at this close range at that, you could smell their musk all over the court, and when they got close to were we were sitting, if they made any sudden jerking moves I would often feel drops of sweat landing on me. The whole situation was highly erotic for my senses and caused immediately a stiring in my loins. I had also opted to freeball, so I was sure anyone paying attention could see the bulge I had in my shorts.

Thankfully (or sadly) the game was so intense that I dont think anyone payed attention to anything else. From the bunch of the guys playing three guys got my most atention, and thats cause from what I could gather they were going commando too. That excited me even more.

The first one was around 18 years old, blond, tall and on the skinny side. He was hairless except for a happy trail leading down to his shorts his armpits, and a light coating in his legs. He was also very pale, and that seemed kinda odd since he was playing shirtless in the summer so I figured he didnt do this often or he would had gotten a tan. I figured he didnt have any underwear on, cause in quite a few instances from the game his loose shorts would come lower making his pubes and top of his asscrack visible. It seemed he spent half of the time playing lifting his shorts to cover himself up. On one instance in particular his shorts went even lower that I could see very clearly the base of his dick. It didnt seem to be big though. what I liked about him was that he didnt seem to mind at all or get any embarrased by this (at least up to that point). The other two were complete opposites. They were on the opposing team, the oldest of the bunch at 24 give or take.

One was tall over 1.90 with dark hair cut short in a buzz. He sported a few days old stubble on his face, prety tanned to the point of having almost a milk chocolate skincolor, with a trimmed chest that grew thicker on the way down to a nice and thick happy trail. His legs were also very hairy and the whole appearance gave a rough sexy look. His biggest asset though was definetely his muscles. He had to lift weights to get a build like that and with each and every move you could see them bulging. His other asset was his dick which seemed a bit inflamed, or it just had to be a huge one. I thought and hoped that he was probably a bit aroused though from all the contact he had with the other guys. He was so sweaty that his shorts clung to his body so much that you could see real good both his muscled glutes, and the outline of his big dick. Even though it wasnt fully aroused and it only hanged down a bit plump, it was bigger than John's full 15cm. It was also on the fat side and I was mesmerized by it as it swinged freely around with every run, jump or shove he would make.

The third guy was one of the shortest guys playing, at around 1.70 maybe a bit lower. He had a punk - goth style (im not sure actually since it isnt something im familliar with). He sported a mowhawk that at its base was black and towards the tip got a dark green color. He also had quite a few piercings. At least three in his ears, one on his left and two on the right, as well as one on his left brow. There was also one on his left nipple. His body was also tanned but not that much, and he also had a well built body, which on his short stature made it look more stocky. His upper body was hairless except for armpits, and he was covered in many tattoos. Most were abstract or tribal with a few writings in a language I couldnt recognise, but he had one that caught my eye as it depicted something resembling a drawing. Sadly it was only partly visible though. On his lower back on the right side there was a nude male angel being grabbed from behind by a male red demon with horns. One hand was pulling the angel's long blond hair, while the other one went lower towards the angel's crotch. The tattoo showed only till their mid-section as the rest was covered by his shorts, so I couldnt see what it depicted under the angels navel. It was really well made and it intrigued me both for its artistic nature as well for it's clearly homoerotic content, Which made me wonder about his sexuality of course, and also on how he didnt care about it since as a society we could be considered largely homophobics.

I was also sure he was freeballing since he wore his shorts pretty low, showning off the top of his ass (and the tattoo) and his hairless pube area. He also sported a really fat dick which juggled around in his shorts. It wasnt really long, but im also sure from the way it moved that it wasnt in the least inflamed.

Even after we finished eating we stayed to watch the hunks playing basketball. I was mostly focused on the three guys I mentioned, and especially on the two oldest ones. The game was close with both teams playing good and scoring regularly, and it was pretty intense and rough too. The trash talk among the players was beginning to creep in during the game too. both teams were evenly divided from an age standpoint and on both teams the older guys seemed to play the hardest and being rougher especially towards the younger boys. After some fouls that the opposing team wasnt standing up to (there wasnt a referee so they had to decide among themselves), the two guys who I were watching became extremely irritated, and started trashtalking the two youngest members of the opposing team the sixteen year old and the blond guy with gay insults. Things like "faggot, pussyboy, cocksucker, suck my dick" and more words like these were flying out almost every time they opened their mouth.

This started having some effect cause I could see that the boys started to make more mistakes, getting the wrath of their teammates too after a while. The game in general started being more physical with rougher markings, shoves and even some shorts pulling. Both teams chose to direct most of their aggresion towards the young members of the opposing teams. In one instance which happened really close to were we were sitting, the tall hairy tanned guy was marking the skinny blond guy and you could clearly see that he had grabbed him from the hips grinding his groin in the blonds ass, and said in a low voice but loud enough for me to hear "you showing off that ass, is that so I can take it home and detroy it with this when we win the game?" as he pressed his crotch even harder on him. "Is that my prize? All you needed to do was ask me slut".

The blond guys face became flustered, and he immediately passed the ball to a teamate probably thinking that he was going to leave him and go after the ball. The stud held him on though and just as I saw him lock eyes with me, I gave him a smirk as in saying "well done", and then saw him observing the obscene bulge I had from my hard on. "You even gave the little guy here a hardon, I guess he can smell a faggot bitch too". I saw the blonds eyes go down to my dick too and saw his face redden and his cock jerk a bit! And I thought, damn the stud was right he is a bitch boy! I gotta learn to spot them out too...

With that the stud moved his hands towards his nipple pinched it once and said in his ear

"I ll give you a chance to get my tool up your hole"

"Uh huh..."

"I dont usually go for skinny bitches like you, but I ll make an exception, if you show me right now how much you want this" Once again he pushed his crotch in the boys ass."

"Yes sir... Please, I do"

"Ok slut good enough..." turning to me he said

"If you re interested you can join us too"

The poor blond guy took an expression of horror at his, then he saw first my smirk and then again my crotch and blushed even more. I knew he wanted me to be there too. I could also clearly see during the conversation that his cock grew fully hard. It was on the small side though but it still managed to tent his shorts obscenely. He realized he couldn't play like this, so I saw him squeezing his balls to become soft again. From the look on his face he had to be squeezing really hard but in the end he accoplished his goal. I was a bit sad that he thought of that and nobody caught him with a full boner except me and the guy direclty behind him. Not even John did, as he was completely absorbed in other things, mostly some other players that I was certain he hadn't heard or saw anything. I considered telling him what had transpired but I wasnt sure what I was going to do with the studs proposal so I kept him in the dark, cause I wasnt sure how he would react.

The guys were playing for at least two hours, maybe even more before we arrived. By the time they finished the game it was already dark. I saw the blond guy go immediately to the restroom, the muscled stud though took a bit time to chat with the tattooed hunk

"Hey dude ready to head out?"

"Nah man, you go on a head I have to take care of some chores anyway so we cant hang tonight. Same time tomorrow for another game?"

"Yeah sure catch ya later."

With that the tattooed hunk left, and I saw the tall guy smiling at me mischievously before heading to the restroom. By now I had decided I wasnt going to say anything to John about what was about to do, so I told him that I was going to spend the night at a friend's place and that I just remembered it. So he should just go to his home tonight. He wanted to walk me to my friends house but I said it wasn't nacessary as I would get a ride from his dad. He said he would wait with me until the car came. I was bummed about it but understood his place so I didn't say anything as I didn't want to raise any suspicions.

I told him I got to use the restroom and to wait for me at the diner we picked up our food, since they would come to pick me up there, and thank god he didnt raise any objections. I tried to think of something on my way but by the time I arrived I hadn't and was sad that I would have to just cancel everytthing and just go home with John.

Right as soon as I aproached the restroom I saw both guys outside waiting. The blond looked embarassed and the hunk cocky. They had their backs on a wall, and I observed that the hunks left hand was inside the back of the shorts of the blond. He had a t-shirt in his hands covering what I imagined to be a full mast. As I aproached them we started introductions

"Hey sport. Wasn't sure you would show up. Whats your name?"

"Hello. Im Peter"

"Well im Alex, and this one here is bitch, fag, slut or I guess just Mark" he said smirking

"So listen we have the option to do something quick inside, or if you can you can join us at my place"

"Well you see I'm kinda in a bad spot actually... My parents are away at this week but I'm with my babysitter and in order to ditch him I said that I would sleepover to a friends house, and now he is waiting to see me get in the car of my friends dad, so he can take me to their place..."

"Ok we re in luck then! I am here on wheels so we re gonna drive by, saying I picked you up for him."

"But he saw you playing at the court, how are we gonna explain that we didn't exchange a single word during the game?

"The car has tainted windows so he wont be able to see me or the slut. Just wave from the window and you should be ok"

"Ok cool"

I was both excited and scared at what was about to do. Still my lower head made all the decisions at that point so it never occured to me what could go wrong. We walked towards the Alex's car making small talk, and from where he had parked until the diner. Everything went as planned and I managed to relax seeing I didnt get caught. On the rest of the ride Alex asked my stuff about my experiences and stuff since he thought it was odd that I was able to spot the sexual tension during the game at my age and that I was willing to follow them. I told them about my experiences without revealing when they started, or with who. Just in general the sex acts I had done up to that point.

Mark seemed more nervous then me for a reason I couldnt figure out, and he was silent all this time. After a few minutes of driving and moving away to a more secluded are Alex pulled over, dragged Mark out of the car had him strip and get back in the car this time in the back seat beside me.

"I would usually leave the windows open in a situation like this, but since you are this young its best to be safe." He said to me.

"Slut lower the damn window"

"Yes sir"

"Ok now. Peter you can do anything you want with his body while I get us to my place just make sure he doesn't cum. Think you can do that buddy?"

"Hell yeah!"

As the car started up again, I pounced on Marks body with fury. I started with his nipples twisting and pinching them hard making him whimper in the process. I wanted mostly to show how rough I could be for Alex's benefit rather than Mark's. Since Mark had submitted totally to Alex, I figured that he wasn't posing any threat to me, unless Alex pointed him in that direction. Alex intimidated me a lot, so I wanted him to see that I wasn't a wimp so I was going pretty hard on poor Marks body.

I was certain I caused more pain than pleasure, but as soon as I saw the approving stare I got from Alex though the mirror I honestly didnt care if he was hurting. Besides Marks cock was still completely hard pointing straight up to the sky, and it was leaking like a faucet. In mere seconds my hand was drenched in precum, it was like he had pissed on my hand. Every few seconds I would use one hand to scoop up his juices and made him lick my hand off so he could clean it as I was afraid Alex might get angry if I let the slut mess up his car. He was eager to lick and suck my fingers and drink all his juice, and it made dick jerk with anticipation as I was sure his tongue would give the same treatment on my dick. All the while my other hand never stopped torturing his nipples.

His cock was smaller than average for his age at 13cm which made me feel more dominant towards him. For fucks sake he had the same length as my own 10 and a half years old cock. He was half moaning in pleasure half screaming in pain, and after only three minutes he starting begging me to ease up on him. He figured right away that wasn't the right idea as I did relent on his puffed and extremely red nipples, only to deliver more pain and pleasure at a more sensitive part of his body. Not giving him any time to rest I grabbed his dick and his balls with both of my hands and starting squeezing.

His starting screaming even louder from the new torture he was being submitted into. In an idea that came really out of nowhere I wanted to see his reaction as I scraped my fingernails at his glans. He started howling and I could see his eyes start to water, but unfortunately my fun had to end a bit soon.

"Ok little guy the point with us closing the windows was to be more discrete, not give everyone in the area the impression that we are commiting a crime" He said chuckling

"Sorry got carried away."

I got an idea next though, picking up Marks shorts which had been left in the passengers seat, I picked them up and shoved them in his mouth. I could feel them being all wet from his sweat and they smelled terrible but that gave me a muffler of some sorts to continue what I was doing. His voice intensity was now at a good enough point so it wouldnt gather any more attention so I returned my hands at his boy cock. The ride didnt last long so I didnt get the chance to try anything other though. After we arrived and Alex parked the car I removed the shors from his mouth, now also wet with spit, and have him wear them. We walked towards the apartment were I was about to get an eye opening experience that would change me even more.

Next: Chapter 3

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