Dominant Fucker

By phoenix1985gr .

Published on Jan 30, 2023


Disclaimer: This is a story containing sexual relations between males from early teens to adults, it's a mix between real personal experiences and fictional events, I 'll leave it to the reader to decide what's what... Names and places are changed though just to be on the safe side.

It will contain humiliation and bondage acts, blackmail even some rape (further down the line though in future chapters since I plan this to be a long one) so if any of these aspects bother you, you shoudln't read it

It's also my first attempt to ever try to write anything, plus english isn't my first language so any comments critisism maybe even suggestions are welcome in my email Enjoy!

A Dominant Fucker's Recollections Part One

First things first: I am now 31 years old, European and this is my story... How it all started and how it progressed to make me what I am today... So lets go back about 20 years... I grew up some would say very privilleged... My parents were very wealthy (actually my mom was) I was very loved to the point of being extremely spoiled, there was nothing I would want that I wouldn't get. That's how I grew up and that's how I went on with my life... Anything I want I will get no matter the time or the effort that is required.

My mom was a successfull lawyer, and she also came from a wealthy background, and my dad was in the military. They were pretty happy together and they both shared the same principals. They raised me to be myself, and were both pretty liberal people so I never had to hide stuff from them. We lived in a pretty big house in the suburbans, with two stories an attic and a basement many bedrooms study rooms etcetera... In general it was a mansion style house you see in tv series with rich people residing in them... We had two swimming pools one indoor and one on the backyard a garden, backyard with a small playground, and we had always help around one or two days a week. Both of them had to travel a lot so from a young age I learned to be as self sufficient as possible and always had a babysitter of some kind until I could be old enough for them to trust me to be alone.

Still even though I had everything I ever wanted and more and was raised like I was the most precious thing for my parents and especially fom my mom for whom I was the whole world, I became arrogant egoistic and have always worn a smuf expression on my face, I was never raised to be a snob, or a mean person. I was always kind hearted and well mannered I just developed some perverted sexual needs that I need to fulfill and through my good looks and confidence I got what I wanted without ever having to resort to forcing myself on unwilling participants.

My name is Peter I am an only child, blond with green eyes and have always been extremely good looking from just a cute little kid that would get the attention with a smile, to a muscled stud making guys and girls give a hard on with my body and my arrogant smirk. I also am really gifted in the dick department more details later though when the time comes, I'm also a shower and not a grower and that was one of the only things that made me feel embarassed when I was young in school, until of course I learned that it was a gift too.

I always knew I was gay, and always knew I would be a top (at the time I started didnt of course know the term)... I now realize I was always also kinda exhibionistic, as when at home I was always in as little clothes as possible and since it was going on forever my parents learned to be ok with it and let me be... I was ten years old when I had my first connection to anything remotely sexual, and it was from my then teenage female babysitter who had to watch me for a whole weekend since my father was stationed away at the time and my mom had to be away for a business trip.

So after I was put to sleep in a saturday night I woke up during the night and went to get some water, but as I passed from the guestroom were my babysitter spent the night I heard weird noises and being the curious little being I was I crept into her room and before me was my 16yo babysitter with a boy I had never seen before on top of her thrusting his hard dick in her pussy! I knew what sex was from school but I had never given it more thought to be honest, my dick went instantly super hard but since I wasn't being sneaky or anything the lights from the hallway went into the room and they knew they were caught...

Maria was distraught at the sight of me (probably afraid of losing her well paying job I guess) the guy whose name I didn't even know was angry, as he probably figured his fun was over... I on the other hand was completely unfazed by their reactions I had my eyes glued to the first ever young naked male body that was more developed than my own by a lot... he was good looking, black haired, same age as Maria probably so around 16 too with a hairy body and a good build and for that time in my mind a huge cock pointed staight at me... He decided to intimidate me I guess and seeing my hardon as it tented through my undies he told me to go back to my room "little faggot"... Well that made it for me, and for him of course... I told him in a very calm voice to pack get dressed except for his underwear which I was gonna keep and to get the hell out of my house or I would call the police and my mom... I think he considered hiting me or something but Maria's reaction was what I expected and started almost crying and apologising and stuff I was elated! With a smirk i picked his underwear (blue boxer briefs) and as I left the room I told him to live my house Immediately after 10 minutes max he was out of my house and i never saw him again...

I went to sleep after that extremely happy for how I handled the situation. To be honest the bravado I put in front of him was only a facade since I was scared of what the hunk might do but I learned from a young boy that I was a "little prince" as my mom used to call me and I could have anything I wanted so I tried to think how I could get the situation to have the best possible outcome for me... Next morning Maria apologised again and asked me, actually begged me not to say anything to my mom about the incident and that it would never happen again... Hell I knew it wouldn't, since I told her that she would either quit on her own or my mom would know everything that happened... That was the last time she babysat me, dont get me wrong she wasnt bad and we got along nice but I wanted something different and I knew I would get it.

My next babysitter was John, a 15yo boy after my suggestion to my mom so I could have more in common with a guy. She agreed immediately after all she almost never said no to me. I was ecstatic about him! He was good looking, tall around 1.80cm with brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. He also had a beautifull smile that made me melt... I guess I was infatuated with him from the very first time I met him and it developed in a huge crush. Also after the recent events my sex drive had awaken and I would start learning things about sex from the internet and I would try to see my hunky new friend without his clothes on as often as I could... Around that time I also started being more provocative with my nudity sometimes when it was just me and him at home I would be completely nude, he didn't seem to mind and after some time passed he got to be more relaxed around me too that would give me the opportunity to see him most of the time without his shirt on only in shorts. His body was amazing! It was obvious he worked out a lot, he also was in the swim team and he was completely hairless... He didnt even have any hair in his armpits and when I asked him about it he said that a lot of swimmers shave their body for less resistance in the water, and a better feel for the water.

The first time I saw him without any clothes on though came after at least a year since I first met him. It was summer and that means no school, and my mom had to be away for a week for the first time ever... She was worried about letting me steying with only my 16yo babysitter for that long and considered instead taking me with her or worse sent me to my fathers sister in a small village in the country but I didnt want to go, and since I was always responsible having never caused any trouble, and John was well trusted too since my mom knew his parents really well and we considered him familly she let me have my way... In the mornings most of the days we would have a house keeper though to cook and keep an eye on stuff but from the afternoon through the night we were alone

Now by that time I had already started getting erections often and had discovered the art of jerking off, although no cum yet for me, so I knew that John would have to be doing it too... And since I would jerk off everyday at least once I was pretty sure he would have to do it sometime through the whole week he would be spending with me. Anyway the firt time I saw him naked was the first day we were alone, and it wasn't even that hard or tricky to do it, we had a swimming pool, and since he hadn't brought a swimsuit and after a bit of pleading he relented and agreed to swim naked... I was already naked immediately after the house keeper had left, and from the moment he said yes my dick rose to its full length at 13cm... I had seen plenty of other boys in the school showers to know that my length for my age was obscene and it caused me to be a bit embarrassed... It wasnt the first time that John had seen my dick hard though for the past few months since I started to get totally naked around him (i guess i wanted to get a reaction from him, a sexual one probably) he had seen me plenty of times but now it was different... Even a stupid person would understand what was the reason for my excitement, since my eyes were glued on him in anticipation. He kinda seemed that he was having second thoughts but in the end he just lowered his shorts and underwear and the thing I wanted was in front of me: flacid average length i guess, with a good amount of trimmed pubes...

I wanted to touch it right then and there but he didn't make any suggestion that it was something more than just being naked for swimming so I left it there too... Inside the pool there was some horseplay of course and my hands would sometimes "accidentally" touch his dick for fleeting moments... Nevertheless it had the reaction I was aiming for and after all the contact we had I managed to get him hard! I wanted to see him out of the water of course so i got out to work on a suntan and he followed me soon after... I liked how he didn't make a show of being embarassed or trying to cover his dick like getting a hardon was something bad... His was 15cm give or take and pulsing every now and then... I couldn't stop looking at it though and that made him somewhat self conscious but still he let me be. I knew i had to touch him so I got the sunscreen lotion and told him to lie on his back so I could apply it to him... I spent a lot of time feeling him up more than just doing my job, but again he didn't say anything, when I got to his lower body I started with his legs and slowly went up towards his butt, which I massaged thoroughly spending many more minutes than necessary. At last feeling more bold I parted his asscheecks to get a glimpse of his hole. To my surprise it was completely hairless, and it kinda pulsed I guess the same way I d seen in the many gay porn videos online with boys playing with own holes or about to be fucked... It was even more beautifull and it excited me more than his dick my mind went to the thought of what it would feel like to push my dick inside, I squeezed more lotion on my target and I "accidentally" put way more than needed so I had to get it out that gave me the cause I needed to touch it... I thought he would tell me something then like what am I doing or to stop or anything, but instead I only heard a soft moan and he even involuntarilly bucked his ass towards my finger, that gave me all the courage I needed and slipped my finger in... It went in way easier than I thought it would from what I ve read at least, so that gave me the idea that his hole had seen action before so I started to do what it felt like natural and started to finger fuck him but I guess that was a bit too far for him cause thats when he "woke" up and asked me to stop.

I wasnt going to give up that easilly though so after I eased from his hole I told him it was time to apply some sunscreen on his front too, he said to just pass him the lotion but with as much stern voice as I could muster I told him to just relax and I would do it for him... When he turned he was flushed like a beet and his cock was really wet from all the precum I had made him leak. I also noticed his nipples were pointed and erect and his breath was a bit shallow, which made me jump to the conclusion that just with my finger up his sweet boyhole he was on the verge of cumming! I went to work immediately starting at his shoulders and moving slowly down. When I arrived at his nipples I played a bit with them and observed both his face get more aroused and his dick jerk so I kept my work there for about 5 minutes till he couldnt control his moanings... My own dick was at the verge of cumming from having the object of my desires in front of me in that situation, and it also fueled my ego so much, the fact that I had him there completely submissive, me a boy four years younger than him that was the click my brain needed to know that in the future I would get my way even when it came to sex.

I stopped playing with his nipples and moved furthur down but this time I was moving faster to my prize, skipping almost entirely his legs. I went between his legs and out more lotion in my hands and without any delay I dove in and just grabbed his dick in my hands and started examing it... The sense of power I felt having an older boy in my control, feeling his most private parts and having him react to my touch was breathtaking. Thats was the first time during all this time since I started playing with his front that I saw him looking at my with some defiance, but I was completely unfazed: the smirk on my face told him who was in control, and deep down I was 100 percent sure that he didnt mind at all. After watching me jerking his dick a bit more he lowered his head back in the towel and let me do my work... Now I knew he was pretty close but I didnt want my fun to be over fast so I slowed down to the best of my abillities just leaving his cock and playing with his balls then again back to his nipples trying to prolong his orgasm as much as I could... And I did it for a pretty long time it seems at least compared to what my hunky new plaything was used to cause in amidst of his loud moans I heard a "please man"! My heart jumped for both of these too very simple words for different reasons. First the please meant that I made him totally subordinate to my wishes and secondly the "man" mede me feel older and more confident in general.

Also it woke up for the very first time the sadist I have in me and I decided to give him what he wanted just so I could hear him beg me again for a whole different reason. See I knew from my own experiences that after I shoot my load my dick becomes extremely sensitive and I wanted to observe if that was only me or not... I spread his legs so I could access his hole again and I again pressed my finger inside him... This time I was sure I woudln't be stopped and since I saw he was loose enough I pushed a second one in. By now his moans were so loud that I knew he was mere seconds away from his release, that he tried to jerk on his own... Like thats was going to happen lol. I slapped his hands away and told him to look me in the eyes. It was only cause I wanted to see what a persons face is like when he cums since the whole experience was totally different from the porn I had seen, but of course without me knowning it added to my dominance and his humiliation but it was just a bonus that came without being purposeful. Only after I saw him comply and look me straight in the eyes all the while I was fucking him with two of my fingers as hard as I could I grabbed his cock and jerked it.

He came after only three or four strokes, and came like a fountain too! There was so much cum and it shot with such an intensity that the first few ropes went even over his head behind him! Of course that meant that the next few hit him straight in the face and into his open mouth (i even saw him swallow the ones that did) all the way down to his chest and pubes... Thats when the real fun started for me though. Still looking him in the eyes i slipped my fingers from his boy hole but my hand went immediately to his dick and more specifically on his glans and started rubbing... I was only watching his cum drenched face at that point and it was super fun to see the relaxation and elation from his orgasm turn to shock and agony which was of course was accompanied with his voice turning to the highest pitch than I ever heard him before in what can only be subscribed as screams and his hands trying to stop his ordeal without succeding though. I hit my orgasm there too, for the first time ever without touching my dick just from his face and voice and since I was only 10 and a half at the time and in this situation my dick stayed hard without going any softer. I stopped playing with him after two or three minutes but they were amazing for me, not so much for my new toy though...

Of course it wasnt the end since I did such a good job applying the sunscreen I figured it was his turn to return the favor right? Without further ado I just passed him the sunscreen and asked him if he wanted to start on my front or my back... He looked at me like I had asked him the most difficult math problem there is but I pressed on with just a stern "So?" and he finally said my back. He applied the sunscreen as normal as he could on my back without any incident but still it was the first time I was touched by a guy like this so my dick stayed hard the whole way. On a way I was glad that he didnt try to be cocky and try to get some control over me by being a bit dominant too like trying to see my hole or something just so I could put him in his place of course, on the other hand it showed me that he was already in my control and that made things easier. When he started working on my front though I could sense him being more apprehensive after seeing my dick was completely hard still... It was also the first time ever that he showed some interest in that area although like I said he had seen me with a hard dick many times... I guess he never thought of me in any sexual way only cause of my age but after that day that changed... When he reached my nipples it felt amazing. I had never thought that nipples could provide pleasure and it showed in my face and my moans... I wanted to drive him, so I wasnt in the least trying to hide that I liked what he was doing. It seemed to work cause he put more effort to try to explore my body in a more sexual way... He began caressing my young body all over leaving my dick for last. I thought he was going to ignore it alltogether and I would have to tell him to put some lotion there too, but it turned out I didnt have to. He was going to do it on his own and the nice surprise was that even before he did his body was reacting again.

His breathing started to become more heavy, and his dick started to inflame too, but the biggest and nicest change was his face and especially his eyes looking at me with lust for the first time! As soon as his hand toucked my dick though it was over for me and I had my second orgasm. This was more intense than my first one, my whole body convulsed and shook and my voice in pitchy high note was making the most intense scream of my young life. He figured it out this time since he wasn't preoccupied with his torment and just eased on me, just caressing my young body in a way that made me felt warm inside.

We both smiled after that so I took it as a sign that things would progress really good from here on. I knew there was one more thing I needed to do for my first sexual experience to be over perfectly so I leaned over to his face and just planted a soft kiss on his lips. I'm pretty sure I took him by surprise cause his eyes shot wide open but at the same time I felt his tongue trying to get past and inside my mouth. I realized what he wanted and I open my mouth and let him explore my tongue and later I did the same to him... It was amazing: in all my search for sex the thought had never occured to me for this simple thing and I was taken aback completely with my first real kiss. I knew I was hooked so I lied down and pulled him on top of me and we continued exploring eachother for what felt like hours, but in truth it was only a few minutes maybe 20 to 25.

I lost track of time in his smell and taste. I think thats when I felt romantic love for the first time, my cock started to harden yet again and nature took hold and I started to hump against his hard dick. Thats when he slipped his hands between us and starting jerking us together all the time while we were lip locked. Again I was the first to cum but this time he wanted some revenge for earlier. He didn't let go, stopped kissing me and with the same arrogant smirk I had given him he continued jerking me along with him, It was obvious he enjoyed the sight om me writhing in agony from his experienced touch. Since I was happy in his arms and seeing that he was on the verge too I let him do it, thankfully he didnt last that long either and he shot another big load of cum all over my body. Again it was a forcefull one and his first ropes reached my face and some managed to get inside my open from my moans mouth. I wasn't sure what to do though. I had never had the urge to taste cum honestly, it even kinda grossed me out in the porn I had seen of guys drinking it. I must admit though that when I felt his warm load in my mouth I wasn't grossed out or discusted at all! Still I wasn't sure I wanted to swallow it.

After he calmed down and figured out what had happened he gently smiled at me and once more leaned in to kiss me. Thats the push I needed to make me taste his cum for real and I must admit I liked it a bit! It was a mix between sweet and sour and it was definetely better than what I thought it would be. What he did next amazed me though even more: I saw him bring his cum covered hand to his mouth and lick his cum juices off, it was extremely hot as i watched him with a face that i'm sure showed my age for the first time through this whole thing and it was his time to put himself in the drivers seat for a bit I guess, he leaned in to kiss me again so we could trade his cum between our tongues. Next he started to lick his cum off me. He started with my face and went slowly and really sensually lower and lower... The new experience made me melt even more and gave me an instant hard dick yet again! He felt it poking in his chest as he was licking my nipples, I saw him smile at me and started sucking at them more eagerly than before. He went on to even chew them a bit while with his hand he started pinching the other one. After a while leaving me in a state of total arousal he continued lower in my stomach my tummy and finally stopped before my hard 13cm dick. I could feel his hot breath as he was really close and I could also see that he was considering if he should finish what he startted or not...

Finally I saw his face changing expression to a determined look, and locking eyes with me he lowered his mouth on my dick. Thank god for my two recent orgasms or I would have blown the moment his tongue touched my dick. I immediately started moaning yet again and I could see his face taking a proudfull? expression for having that control over me I guess... Anyway it was obvious he knew what he was doing, as he first started to circle my glans with only his tongue, then down the shaft eating away the cum he had left there. Then His tongue went to were my pubic area is (no hair for me yet though), and then to my balls. I had seen meny blowjobs in the internet but the feeling was nothing like what my mind could imagine! I knew then and there that this was probably going to be my favorite thing in the world (and I was right: as much as I enjoy a nice tight boyhole to fuck, I'm still more af a throat person! Nothing I love more than throatfucking a guy making him gag on my cock). It was so amazing and I still hadn't felt what I knew would come soon after. He grabbed my dick in his hand, I heard him murmur how beatifull and big it is and dove in, all the way down to the base. He started giving me my first ever blowjob and he was doing an amazing job too! Even after all my years of experience I have had I can honestly say he was amazing! He wanted me to enjoy it as much as I could so he took it nice and slow... I wanted the feeling to last forever so I tried to delay my orgasm as much as I could! After about 15 minutes though It was the end of the line for me. I saw stars convulsed violently through my third orgasm for the day and lost consciousness.

I woke up in my bed after a few minutes and saw John with a really worried look on his face and to lighten the mood I said laughing "That should be a new power in a comic book. Imagine being able to put guys in a coma with a lick! Just like lickitung " That did the trick and he eased up... He looked a bit nervous still though and asked me if I was ok and that he felt kinda bad he didn't control himself, I told him he had nothing to be bad for and that it was the best day of my life and just to hold me. He did and through his caresses in my body and head I drifted to sleep

That was my first ever sexual experience with another person the events here are mostly true but not everything hope you enjoyed it I d love to hear comments and I have more to write about...

Next: Chapter 2

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