Dominant Dave

By adam walker

Published on Apr 29, 2020


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Finally Dave's adventures came to an end when he abruptly announced "I gotta piss."

On his way out to the bathroom Dave turned around, and grinning, he directed "follow me boy"

Robert felt uneasy, he didn't understand what would happen next. Was he going to watch Dave piss? How can that be sexy he thought.

On being made to kneel in the shower cubicle facing the wall Robert grew even more confused. Only when the first stream of fluid hit the back of his neck did it become clear. 'Just go with the flow' he told himself, 'its's 99% water anyway.' What surprised him was how warm it felt. As the pressure of Dave's flow increased Robert's short mousy brown hair soaked up the piss which began dripping down his cheeks and forehead.

This humiliation went far beyond anything Robert could have imagined, but he felt powerless to resist, overwhelmed by the desire to please his master. He pictured Dave towering over him, thick cock in hand and pointing at his neck, a stream of golden piss gushing onto his back. His cock tingled as the blood rushed to it; Robert recognised that he was completely in thrall to his conqueror - and it turned him on.

As the flow subsided Dave turned his slave boy around so he could let the last few dribbles shower directly onto Robert's face. The plumber could tell from the younger man's euphoric smile that he had completely captured his passions. Like all good tradesmen he was conditioned to finishing the job. What still needed to be done? That ass needed to be fucked.

Dave turned on the water, initially ice cold it caused Robert to flinch. Dave scooped him up embracing him in his solid frame to shield him from the chilly waters. The warmth of Dave's chest and the comforting hand clasped around his back made Robert feel that not only was he Dave's possession, but a much treasured one and that no matter how much pain and humiliation might be inflicted on him no harm would come his way with Dave as his protector.

As the water warmed the couple moved under the erratic jets, although the reliability of the shower was the last thing on Robert or Dave's mind. Robert felt his governor's bear-like hands sliding up and down his body applying and lathering up the mango and ginger scented shower gel with a degree of gentleness he hadn't expected. He grabbed hold of the plumber's stiff rod while he nuzzled and licked his master's hirsute chest. A finger glided across his ass, slowly approaching his crack. Robert tensed up as the finger reached it's destination and pressed against his hole.

"Are you ready to be fucked, my pretty boy?" questioned Dave.

With barely a nano-second's hesitation Robert nodded in assent. Unexpectedly he found Dave's powerful tongue pushing to gain entry to his mouth. He quickly surrendered allowing Dave's tongue to investigate every corner of his mouth. They kissed with fervour intoxicated by their mutual passion and desire, as the plumber's finger teased the trainee slave's hole.

Eventually their lips parted. "I thought you were going to fuck me," pleaded Robert.

"Funny that, it had completely slipped my mind," grinned Dave sarcastically, before exciting the shower to retrieve the necessary items. Turning off the water, which was now running cold again the master handed a rubber (extra-large of course) to his servant.

Robert unwrapped the condom and placed it over the tip of Dave's cock before reverentially rolling the tightly stretched latex down his master's solid shaft.

The plumber smeared lube over his pole and then turned Robert round to face the wall of the shower stall as his hand greased up the novice's virgin hole.

Dave stepped behind Robert. He felt the plumber's stiff cock pressing against his hole.

Robert trembled, he'd never had a cock inside him and this one didn't look like it could possibly fit. Dave applied more lube and forced two fat fingers deep inside Robert's passage. He winced as his insides were gradually stretched in preparation for the final assault.

Dave positioned himself behind Robert, grabbed his hips and pressed his cockhead against Robert's waiting hole. A firm thrust, a cry of pain and the first couple of inches were wedged inside Robert's arse. The pain caused Robert to shudder, but he couldn't wriggle free from Dave's tight grip.

"Relax. Breathe deep" reassured Dave, "But you better get used to it because that thing is only going deeper. You want to feel me deep inside you don't you?" he added with just a hint of menace.

They stood motionless, tightly bound together, for a full minute before Dave dug deeper pushing his princely penis further inside his captive boy. Robert moaned as his prostate felt Dave's mighty member pressing against it.

Dave paused once more before finally thrusting further, going boldly where no man had gone before.

"Can you feel me hot and hard inside you?" questioned Dave.

Robert nodded.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes," Robert sighed.

"Boy. That's YES SIR"

"YES SIR," echoed Robert

Nibbling Robert's ears Dave whispered "I'm gonna fill you with my cum" as his hips began rocking and Robert groaned as the sensation of Dave's hot member radiated inside him.

Robert experienced the deep intimacy, not just of Dave's cock pumping inside him but also of the plumber's hot and sweaty hairy chest against his back and the hefty hand firmly pressed against his chest. He begun to really enjoy the stimulation of Dave's cock riding it to increase the pleasure.

Deep bass grunts emerged from Dave's mouth as he approached the point of no return. Robert trembled excitedly and then felt a sudden stab as Dave began to release the torpedoes. Three more vigorous thrusts followed before Dave squeezed Robert tight, licking the back of Robert's neck while his still hard cock rested deep inside Robert.

After a couple of minutes Dave slid his cock out and pushed Robert to his knees. Dave knew what he was expected to do next and cautiously tasted the cum covered cock before greedily running his tongue up and down it and sucking every last morsel of man-juice from the large purple cockhead.

Kneeling devoutly before his visitor's proud cock Robert had a new purpose in life: the worship of cock and the manly beasts who own them.

After an hour spent tinkering with the central heating Dave gave Robert his second lesson.

... the end (for now,unless you want to know more about Dave's second session)

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