Domestic Help

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Sep 20, 2014



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hours of erotic and entertaining reading. HWB

Domestic Help

Johnny Reilly was a runt, a skinny runt, at that. He stood 5'6" short, and barely weighed one hundred and ten pounds. He wasn't particularly good looking either. His eyes were set too close to his nose, which was not large, but it looked very huge on his skinny, pock marked face. His eyes were his best feature. They were a sparkling sky blue. He also had a pleasant smile, and on those rare occasions when Johnny was happy, his eyes glittered, his smile charmed, and people noticed.

He had another outstanding feature, but very few people ever saw it. His cock was tremendous for his size. It was six flaccid, uncut inches, and rose to nine when he was aroused. He was often aroused, and he masturbated as often as he could. Poor Johnny was a love starved gay man, and he never hid it.

Most of his peers could not get past his physical appearance, and shunned him. That was their loss. Inside of his inadequate temple, there dwelt a god. Johnny was the most loving, compassionate guy in the world. His charitable giving was legendary in the City of Miami, where he lived.

God may have short changed Johnny in his appearance, but he gave him a matchless talent. Johnny was the best sound engineer in the record producing business. Nobody could hold a candle to him, when it came to engineering and mixing sound. He was well compensated for his worth, and he became immensely wealthy. When he was thirty-two years old, he took a plunge and a huge gamble. He started his own record production company. He needn't have worried. Pop stars from all over the world, wanted him to produce their albums. His investment was repaid in less than a year.

When he was looking down the gun of his thirty-fifth birthday, Johnny took another risk. He purchased a home in Coconut Grove, Florida, for a cost of three and a half million dollars. The home belonged to one of his male recording artists, Bill Spenser. Bill had begun his career as a rocker. Early in his career, Johnny produced a crossover album with Bill. The songs were a good mixture of rock and country. The album was immensely successful, and Bill was invited to sing at The Grand Ole Opry, and at the CMA Awards. The album also won a Grammy.

Little by little, Bill successfully drifted into the world of country music. One day after a long recording session, he told Johnny that he was moving to Nashville, since he was there even more of the time than he spent touring the world as a singing artist. He was rarely in Florida anymore except when he was making an album with Johnny. He was thinking of putting his house in Coconut Grove on the market, and buying an even grander one in Nashville. Before he left the recording studio that day, Bill and Johnny struck a deal, and Johnny bought the house.

Another of Johnny's artists lived on the same street. When he heard that Johnny bought Bill's house, he made a little barbecue for Johnny to meet the neighbors. It was at this party, that Johnny met Larry Hanover. The minute that he and Larry shook hands, Johnny knew that Larry was gay.

Larry wasn't too tall either, just 5'9", but he was a very handsome, older man. Johnny figured that he was in his late sixties. In spite of the fact that Larry thought that Johnny was the ugliest man he had ever met, he and Johnny seemed to gravitate together. They were both slightly drunk, when Larry's tongue started to ramble. He confided to Johnny, that he had been a successful male model for many years. He was financially stable enough to retire comfortably, but he could no longer afford his home in this upscale neighborhood.

"I sold it just days before you bought Bill's place," he told Johnny. "Too bad. I think you would have liked mine better. My pool is partly indoors and partly outdoors," he added.

"Well," Johnny shrugged his shoulders, "what's done is done. Where are you going? What will you be doing?"

An old friend of mine, who was also a model, bought a small home in Scottsdale, Arizona. I have been visiting him, and I liked what I saw. The house is modest and Frankie lives prudently. We used to be occasional fuck buddies, and Frankie invited me to spend our golden years together. It was an offer I couldn't refuse."

Johnnie smiled inwardly. He wished mightily that he had a fuck buddy.

Larry continued to ramble, but his words were beginning to slur. "I only have one regret," he said. "Last year I hired a student from the University of Miami to be my houseboy. Conrad lives in with me, and my home is the only one he has. I hate to put him out of a job and a home, but I don't have a choice."

"Just what does a houseboy do?" Johnny asked. He truly didn't know.

"He doesn't clean the house or maintain the grounds," Larry said. "I have outside labor for that. He prepares my meals, runs my errands, drives me around, keeps me company, and stuff like that. He only takes two or three courses a semester, so I have plenty of his time, night and day."

"Night and day? There must be more," Johnny said slyly.

"Well, he sleeps with me, and you know, He makes me feel young again."

Johnny's ears perked up, and his body grew a little taller. "Do you think he would want to work for me, when I move in? That way, he'd have a place to stay, and wouldn't be out of a job."

Larry looked at Johnny and thought, no way would Conrad want to sleep with this ugly twerp, but maybe he'd like the job. "All we can do is ask him," Larry said. "He'll be home all day tomorrow. It's Sunday. Why don't you drop in?"

Promptly at 10 AM the next morning, Johnny rang Larry's front doorbell. The door was answered by a young boy, who didn't look older than fifteen, or sixteen at the most. Johnny figured that this was Conrad. Larry had said that his houseboy was in college, and he had been with him for a year, so Johnny reckoned the lad to be at least nineteen or twenty. He certainly wasn't jail bait, in spite of his appearance.

Johnny noted, with some smug satisfaction, that Larry's houseboy was not much taller than he was, and nearly as thin. He wondered if Conrad was as well-endowed as he was. But Conrad had it all over Johnny in the looks department. He had the face of a cherub. Johnny's juices were beginning to rage.

The front hall was loaded with boxes. Obviously Larry had begun to pack. He was moving in with someone, so Johnny figured the boxes were full of personal stuff, and he probably wouldn't be moving any furniture. He was correct. Larry had sold the house fully furnished. That made for a relatively simple relocation.

"Hi," he said. "Are you Conrad? I'm John Reilly. I hope Larry told you why I'm here."

Conrad was silent. He was eyeing Johnny from his toes to his hair, and making Johnny totally uncomfortable. He didn't particularly like what he saw. Johnny looked a little creepy to him. Finally, he spoke.

"Mr. Hanover came home yesterday evening totally bombed out. He had several more drinks, and was beginning to pass out. He was talking gibberish, so I hustled him off to bed. I'm afraid he's still asleep, and he never mentioned you. Would you care to come back another time?"

"Not really. It's you I came to see, actually. Larry told me you'll be out of a job when he goes to Arizona. I'm moving in just up the street in a few days, and I was wondering if you would like to work for me."

Conrad remained expressionless, and Johnny could not tell if he was pleased or disinterested. He seemed to be weighing his options.

"What would my duties be?" he asked.

"The same as they are here, I suppose. In addition, I might even ask you to help me out at my studio."

"Your studio?" Conrad asked. There was a tiny look of interest on his face. "What kind of studio is it?"

"A recording studio. I'm a record producer." Now Conrad's face displayed fully positive attention.

"What would my salary be?"

"You mean besides your room and board?" Johnny asked.


"I've never had a houseboy before. I don't know what you guys get paid. How about this. I'll pay you what Larry is paying, plus 50% more because you'll also be working at the studio, when it doesn't interfere with your school work. I want you to continue your education."

"Sure," Conrad said, but now his face was beaming with pleasure. He didn't even mind the fact that he would have to make this ugly little penguin happy in bed. He consoled himself with the thought that he didn't have to look at Johnny's face. He would concentrate on his dick. He hoped it wasn't as small as the man was. He had no idea what was in store for him.

"When would I start?"

He asked this question eagerly, like he wouldn't mind starting immediately. His intent left no doubt in Johnny's mind. "Larry will be moving in two days," he went on, "but he's all packed, and he doesn't need me anymore, that is, if he can stay sober."

"I'm not moving until Thursday, but I sure could use help immediately. My mover is coming over to pack up most of my apartment, but I have a few precious items, I want to do myself."

"I don't have much stuff," Conrad said. "I can be ready to leave with you in fifteen minutes."

"What about Larry?"

"I'll leave him a note."

As they left the house, Johnny asked his new hiree, "Would you like to have brunch before we go home?" It was a simple question, but when Conrad looked in Johnny's face, he somehow saw the inner beauty of Johnny's soul. It came out in the sincere and warm way that Johnny asked the question. It sounded like he was really concerned about Conrad's welfare.

"I'd love to have brunch with you, Mr. Reilly, and I'd like it if you called me Connie."

Johnny smiled at Connie. He was happy, and his blue eyes sparkled. "I'll do that, Connie," he grinned, "and please call me Johnny."

With that simple question and simpler exchange of words, the two men became friends. Although Johnny had fifteen years on the young student, Connie thought, well, he's not that bad looking.

At lunchtime, the two men chatted amicably, but on the drive home, they were silent. It was mostly Johnny's fault. He was suddenly apprehensive. He wanted desperately to take the young man in his arms, and make passionate love to him, but he didn't want to force him. It was putting Johnny in a quandary. He didn't know how he should act when finally they would be home alone. He decided that he had just crossed one bridge, and he would cross the next one when he approached it.

When they entered Johnny's apartment, the scene was similar to the one at Larry's. The front hall was loaded with packing boxes.

"I'll show you to the guest room," Johnny said.

Connie was confused. "But, I thought..." His voice trailed off.

"I'd like that," Johnny said. "I'd like that a lot, but I'm not forcing you. It's not part of the job requirements. When you are ready, if ever, you'll know where to find me."

Conrad had not expected that. He was liking Johnny more and more, but he still wasn't physically attracted to him. Johnny led the way to his guest room and Connie dropped his suitcase on the floor. "What would you like me to do?"

Johnny started to laugh. "Certainly not any cleaning. It'd be crazy to clean this place. We're moving out in a few days. Let's just concentrate on packing the stuff that I don't want the mover to touch. After the place is emptied out, I have a cleaning crew coming in to make the place sparkle for the next tenants. I bought my new place with most of the furnishings, so I'll be giving a lot of my old stuff to my favorite charities."

Larry had never been charitable at all, so Connie asked, "And what charities would they be?

"Abused and abandoned children's charities. There are several." Connie was impressed. He himself had been abused by his father. His mother died when he was a baby, and his father had treated him like Cinderella. He had to cater to his daddy's every demanding whim, or feel the whip.

When he was sixteen, his father found out that he was gay, and that he was having sex with a neighbor. The neighbor was paying Connie, but his father didn't know that. One night, shortly afterwards, his father burst into his room. He was terribly drunk, and he tried to force himself on his son, but Connie successfully beat him off. The man was so drunk, he passed out, and when he woke up the next day, Connie was gone from his life forever.

The young boy earned a living cleaning houses, and selling his body to hungry men. That was not all he earned. He got his high school diploma on line, and then a full scholarship to the University of Miami. As soon as he arrived in Coconut Grove, he got his job with Larry. He was panicky when he heard that Larry was moving, but another savior came into his life. True, he was an ugly little twerp, but his soul was revealing itself to Connie, and he knew he liked it. Besides, some of his johns had been much uglier.

In order to break the silence, he asked, "Could I see what's in the fridge? I'll whip up something for dinner."

"Nonsense," Johnny said adamantly. "I've cleaned out most of the fridge. We'll eat out until we move."

Connie did not seem pleased, and that surprised his boss. "I don't have any real clothes, just what I wear to school, and Larry made me work naked in the house," he explained. Johnny was shocked when he heard that. What kind of pervert was this Larry?

"Well you aren't much bigger than I am," Johnny said. "I'll lend you something of mine for tonight, and tomorrow we'll go on a shopping spree."

Connie did not see that coming. He started to cry, and Johnny took him in his arms. "What's wrong?" he asked, fearing that Connie wanted to leave him, even before he began the job.

"Nothing is wrong. Why are you being so good to me? So nice? You don't even expect me to sleep with you. I don't understand."

"There's nothing to understand. I see you as a fine young man, struggling to make his way in the world, working his way through college. You aren't expecting any handouts, and I truly respect that. Nobody ever helped me on the way up."

"But it's way too much. You really don't have to do anything for me, except pay my salary."

"How true. I don't have to, but I want to. It'll give me great pleasure." Johnny realized that he was still holding Connie tightly, and he discreetly let go.

Johnny took Connie to a five star restaurant. The houseboy was shocked at how the whole staff treated Johnny; like an A-list celebrity. Johnny amazed him even more. He knew everyone in the restaurant, from maître d' to busboys, by their first names. When he introduced everyone to Connie he said, "This is my friend Conrad Dayton." Not once did he say, my houseboy.

If ever a young man wanted to cry, this was the time. Connie had never been treated with such respect in his life.

Nor did he ever have so lavish a meal.

Over the next few days, the two men did some more packing, and ate out a lot. Johnny never demanded anything sexual from Connie. The houseboy was confused. He began to wonder if Johnny was straight, or worse, impotent. They confined their relationship, and their conversations, to getting to know each other, and truly becoming friends.

Johnny took Connie to his studio, where he met some pop stars, some of whom tried to hit on him (male and female). He ran errands for Johnny and his staff, but basically, he spent his time studying the routines of the studio. He became fascinated watching Johnny and the other engineers at work.

Driving home from work, on the evening before their move, Connie asked, "Do you think I could ever learn to do what you do? It's fascinating."

"I could teach you the technical stuff, but unless you have a trained ear, all the technique in the world won't help. I'll start instructing you, and we'll find out if you have the talent soon enough."

The two men were pooped on the first evening in the new house. The unpacking had left them exhausted, even too tired to get dressed and go to a restaurant.

"Tell you what," Connie said. "I'm taking you out tonight, and we won't have to get dressed up or go very far away."

"Where to?"

"You'll see."

When they got to Burger King, Connie ordered two whoppers, fries and drinks. The burger was sloppy eating, but Johnny slurped it down, "This is delicious," he said. "Who knew?" They lingered at the restaurant for a long time, conversing like old friends, reluctant to let the good time end.

When they got home, Johnny asked, "What do you say we try out the hot tub in the back yard? I've never had one before, and I hear it's great for sore muscles, and relaxing aching bodies."

"That's a great idea, but I don't have a swim suit."

Johnny laughed. "It's a secluded tub. Neither of us has to wear clothes."

Two emotions swept over Connie when he heard those words.

Fear! He feared that this was the night Johnny would come on to him and demand that he earn his salary.

Lust! He hadn't had sex since two nights before he left Larry, and he wanted it badly, especially with the man who had befriended him.

The two emotions clashed, and Connie's head began to spin. When he got himself together all he could say was, "Okay."

"Get us some towels," Johnny said, "and I'll check the water temperature and turn on the jets."

By the time Connie returned, Johnny was naked and lounging in the tub. He was only visible from the waist up, and frankly Connie was disappointed. He wanted to see what Johnny had.

"C'mon," Johnny waved at Connie. "Get your naked ass in the pool."

Connie stripped rapidly and purposely gave Johnny a good look before jumping into the hot tub. He was not nearly as big as Johnny, but for his size he was well endowed with an uncut cock. Poor Johnny sprung a boner, but vowed not to touch the young man. He had promised Connie that he wouldn't demand anything of him unless Connie wanted him to.

The houseboy sat down in the tub facing his benefactor, and they smiled at each other. Johnny's smile was heartwarming, and why shouldn't it be? He had never been so happy in his life. He had a live-in friend at last, and the boy had asked him to mentor him at his studio. Johnny was close to crying with joy, and then Connie made him even happier.

"Stand up, Johnny," Connie said. "You've seen what I have, and now I want to see you."

"I can't stand up. I've got a big fat boner."

"Better yet," Connie quipped, so Johnny stood up. When Connie saw him in his fully erect glory, all he could do was whistle.

"You like?" Johnny asked. Connie never answered. He just kept staring at Johnny's cock.

"I'll take that as a yes," Johnny said, and sat down again. He pushed his backside up against one of the jets and sighed.

"God, that feels so good," he moaned

Suddenly Johnny's world erupted into a huge display of fireworks. Connie jumped up and sat down next to him. The young man took Johnny's cock in his hand. He didn't quite make it all the way around, but he started to stroke it anyway."

"You don't have to," Johnny whispered. "I told you that it's not part of your job description."

"I want to," Connie sobbed. "I think I love you."

Johnny laughed. "You don't love me. You love what I have done for you, and what I can continue to give you. I swear, Connie, I don't expect repayment. For sure, I'm not demanding it of you."

"I'll be the judge of whether I love you, or whether I love that you saved my life. I think I'm mature enough to know the difference. Besides, can't I love you for both reasons?"

Connie leaned over and placed his lips on Johnny's. Johnny whimpered and started to cry. Nobody, not even his mother, had ever kissed him or shown him any love. Connie was forcing Johnny's lips apart, and soon they were kissing rapturously.

When they stopped for air, Connie said, "I think we should shower off the tub water and go to bed. It's been a long, grueling day."

Connie was inviting Johnny to share a bed this miraculous day, but the man was in such denial, he thought the houseboy wanted to break it up, and go to bed separately.

Connie got out of the tub first, and extended a hand to Johnny. They towel dried themselves, and went into the house. Johnny expected Connie to head for his room, but instead he walked side by side with Johnny into his room. Johnny finally got the picture.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"I am. Are you?"

Johnny smiled. "I've never been surer about anything in my life."

He led Connie into the master bathroom and turned on the shower. He let Connie adjust the water temperature to his liking, and the two men stepped in. In truth, Johnny was petrified. He could not believe this was happening to him. Young as he was, Connie realized that it was up to him to take the lead.

He took a bar of soap and wrapped himself around Johnny. He crushed their erect cocks together and began to soap Johnny's back. Johnny was glad that the water was running all over them. It prevented Connie from seeing the tears in his eyes.

Connie reached lower and began to soap Johnny's ass. Occasionally he let a soapy finger enter Johnny's crack. Johnny was moaning softly. Connie knew how much pleasure he was giving his boss, and he was happy. He whispered in Johnny's ear. "Larry and I never did anal sex, and he's the only one I've been with since my last test. I'd like to go bareback if it's OK with you."

"It's more than OK. I'm healthy too," Johnny declared. The truth was that he had paid for sex once about three years ago and hadn't been with anyone since, but he didn't want to admit that to Connie. His most consistent lover was his fist.

Connie turned Johnny around, and pressed his hard cock against Johnny's ass. He soaped his cock really well, and inserted the crown. He pushed in ever so slowly. Johnny flinched, but refused to admit he hurt.

"Please," Johnny begged, "don't stop, but go in slow."

"Too late, lover. I'm all the way in." Johnny hadn't realized that Connie had completely penetrated him. He pushed back hard against Connie's body, hoping that his young friend could go in even deeper.

"God, this feels so good. Try not to cum too fast."

Connie began to pump slowly, but youth betrayed him. He screamed out that he was cumming. "I can't help it," he yelled, and Johnny could feel Connie's seed gushing up his innards. He nearly fainted with joy.

When Connie finally fell out, he turned Johnny around. The two men stared into each other's eyes. It was not only the beauty of Johnny's eyes that gripped Connie. He could see the kind and compassionate soul which lay within. He saw Johnny's real beauty, not his ugly face, and love for Johnny filled his heart. It was his turn to cry.

"Why are you crying?" Johnny whispered in his ear.

"Because I'm so happy, so damned happy. Where did you come from Johnny? Why is God being so good to me? Are you one of his angels?"

"Hardly," Johnny laughed. "I could ask where did you come from, but it doesn't matter. I love you, Connie. My home is your home for as long as you want to be with me, but not as my houseboy, as my apprentice at the studio."

Connie was at a loss for words, so he just began to kiss Johnny.

"Do you think I could fuck you now?" Johnny asked.

"Yes, but not now. You're so big, we'll have to stretch me out. Let's do it in bed with lots of lubricant. For now, I want to give you a blow job. I can't wait to taste that beauty."

"Before the night is over, I'll taste you too, and I'll fuck you. We have all the time in the world. For now, I'd love for you to suck my cock."

The water was still running, but Connie fell to his knees. He was very talented, and was able to get half of Johnny's cock in his mouth. He kept sucking the underside of the shaft, and it didn't take Johnny long to cum. Connie took it in his mouth. He was forced to swallow a little bit of cum, but he shared most of it with Johnny.

"That was so nice," Connie said, "but now let's dry up, get into bed, and prepare me to receive you."

"That's a very generous offer, young man, but I need a lot more recovery time than you do. How about first thing in the morning, and after that we'll go to the studio and start your training."

Connie began to spend most of his days at the studio. Johnny couldn't be more pleased. He was also beginning to believe that Connie had the ear to make him a first rate sound man.

As the new semester approached, Connie received his reduced class schedule, and presented it to Johnny so they could set up his work schedule around it.

"This isn't good enough. I want you to take a full schedule, and complete your education in regulation time," Johnny said adamantly. "Get your degree in music. You'll be way better rounded than I am. Maybe after you graduate, we can branch out into producing classical recordings as well as pop and country."

"But I want to work with you now," Connie protested.

"You'll see, Connie. The time will go by fast, and we'll live and work together forever. Please do this for me."

Connie didn't look happy. "I don't know about that," he mumbled.

"Look at it this way. You'll meet people at school. Maybe they will be successful one day, and a source of business for us. If you're in the studio all day, you'll never meet new contacts."

Johnny made a good point, and Connie reluctantly agreed to do as Johnny asked. He completed school in two and a half years. The most important thing was that he was happy for the first time in his life. He had good friends at school, a stress-free, steady home life, a man he loved, and a promising future.

Johnny was happy too. He smiled all the time now, and his infectious smile attracted people to him. He began to make friends, and to enjoy a happy, busy social life, along with a happy, busy professional life. The house was constantly visited by Connie's school friends, as well as Johnny's new friends. The sound of laughter reverberated throughout the small mansion, and the two men who lived there, were happier than they had ever been in their lives.

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