Dom Twink Revenge

By lukas gould

Published on Jun 26, 2024


This story is completely fictional and based on my own experiences and fantasies. Feel free to message me your thoughts or questions and encouragements (if you like it), as this is my first time publishing on Nifty! Long time fan, first time author!

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Dom Twink Revenge - Chapter 2

Freddie is staring at me, and I'm staring at him. The situation is strange, unexpected, but undeniably erotic. Seeing him stand there so confidently, his tiny, skinny body becoming unexpectedly imposing within the door frame. Kneeling right next to him on the floor was Tim, the man I was considering a muscle god. The man I thought was going to fuck me and take my virginity.

I pull at my restraints, but they don't budge. I try to ask what's going on, but the gag muffles me. All I can do is look at my captor in confusion and fear.

Freddie smiles at me, looks down to the floor, then to Tim, then back at me. "Luke, you really should be more careful. You're lucky Slut had the foresight to gag you. Otherwise you'd break rule number one of my Punishment Room." He spoke slowly, so deliberately. The kind of tone that makes you feel like you're about to be caught in a trap of some kind. I can feel sweat form on my forehead in beads.

"I'm sure you're confused." He says. Then he waits, clearly looking at me to answer. All I can do is nod as calmly as I can. "Good, then let me explain."

He takes his billowy shirt off and throws it over Tim's head- or should I call him Slut now? Without a word, Slut raised his arms and took the shirt and began to fold it neatly like he had done to his own and my clothes when we got in. I'm stricken by Freddie's beautiful skin. Pale but smooth and clear, soft and innocent looking, save for the heavy bush of surly armpit hair and the implication of pubes peeking from his belt line.

"When I saw you at Lucky's earlier, I thought I had to be dreaming. I thought to myself, now, there's no way that's Luke Gould. The same Luke Gould that terrorized me all through high school." As he says this he closes the gap between us. He's wearing these heavy black boots that thud hard on the ground as he steps towards me. He presses one of his boney fingers directly on my left nipple, and I wince.

The finger fully pressed into my nipple, he then begins to rub it in a little circle, but still applying far too much force to be sensual. It hurt, but not in a terribly painful way, more just annoying. Just enough pain not to be comfortable, and not yet enough pain to circle back to pleasure. Just uncomfortable.

"I was telling my boys I thought it was you. My boys, you know, I'm sure you saw them with me." He met my gaze and just stared at me with a calm, stoic, sick smile.

His boys? Yeah, he was standing with a bunch of other guys, I had assumed they were his friend group or something.

"I call them `my boys,' but really they're all mine. My slaves, my objects," he took his finger off my nipple and began to drag it across the word Tim had written across my chest not a few minutes earlier, "my fags."

Wait, what? Freddie, little Twink Freddie, little Twink Fairy Freddie who used to lisp and do musicals back in high school... Was a Dom now? A Dom with multiple slaves?? Fuck, that's as confusing as it is objectively hot. Almost as hot as it is that I'm bound and gagged in his dungeon right now.... Oh my god, I just moaned.

He laughs, not expecting that reaction. "Calm down, faggot." (I moaned again, but quieter that time) "Anyway, I told all of them how mean you used to be to me, you and your friends. And that's when one of my boys had a brilliant idea."

My heart was beating fast, still lightly terrified about this situation, but my head was spinning and my cock was rock hard. This was so kinky, so hardcore. Kind of like a fantasy come true, but not just a fantasy. Freddie wasn't just a Dom, this wasn't just a scene. He had plenty of reason to actually want to hurt me and humiliate me, and now he had every opportunity. And my pathetic cock leaked at the thought.

"See one of my other slaves suggested I get back at you a bit. Get some revenge for all the torment you put me through in high school."

I shivered hearing him confirm my anxieties out loud. I looked fearfully back at Slut on the floor, feeling a twinge of betrayal from this guy I thought I had a connection to. When his eyes met mine, he looked down and away.

Freddie resumed, "No faggot, don't blame Slut." He took his finger and put it under my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "Slut was actually against the idea. He wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. He was sure you probably were a whole different person."

Slut on the floor was still not looking at me, and when I looked down at him to confirm that, Freddie grabbed my face and demanded my attention back to his cold grin, "That's why I made him be the one to trap you for me."

My stomach knotted at the sadistic grin on his face as he said that. Cruel and humiliating and dehumanizing. Frightening, really. But my cock was rock hard anyway. I close my eyes as they well up with tears, and I nod. This must have pleased Freddie, since he then reached down and grabbed my balls in his fist. He gripped hard and I moaned, loudly. His thin, pale wrist was lazily against my hard dick head as he gripped my balls, and I could feel myself leaking onto him.

He just smiled at me and stared at me. I'm sure I looked a mess. Bound, gagged, sweaty, shivering, hard, leaking, desperate, terrified, excited, trapped. He gripped hard and I moaned in a sick mix of agony and perverse joy. My balls were crushed before I ever even got my first kiss. I could feel another leak pulse out from my powerless cock onto Freddie's thin wrist. He must have noticed, because he smacked his lips in a `tsk' released my balls, and snapped his fingers. Slut crawled over in a start and got his beautiful lips licking his wrist clean of my precum. After a few licks, Freddie snapped again and pointed to the small puddle on the floor between my legs and Slut jumped into it head first licking it up. For such a huge, muscular, superior-looking man, he was so eager and fast to obey even non-verbal orders. Honestly all the anxiety I was feeling was damped by one, much louder thought: Freddie is one hell of a Dom.

Once his wrist was cleaned off, Freddie reached back down to grab my balls again, this time puling them away so my pathetic cock wasn't resting on his bony wrist. I tried to thrust out a little to get that sweet, sweet contact, but that only made him squeeze tighter and pul back. Another drip of leak fell down right onto Slut's face, who was actually still licking the floor despite it almost all having been licked up. I guess he didn't want to stop without order.

At this Freddie begins talking again. "So you're here tonight because I want to torture you." Squeeze. Moan. Drip. "I want to humiliate you." Squeeze. Moan. Drip. "I want to break you." Squeeze. Moan. Drip. Twist. Scream. Pull. Trapped. "And if you're lucky. Very, very lucky. If you're very lucky and I'm very nice. I might just build you back up. Keep you around. I might just decide I want to own you, so I can use you however I want, whenever I want."

He lets go of my balls and I shiver. Half from pain, half from animal-lust. I want to break out and run. I want to see where this goes. I want to scream at him for being a psychopath. I want to taste his cum. I want to beg his forgiveness for what I did as a stupid teenager. I want to loose my virginity to him. I want to get out of here. I need to stay. Fuck.

Freddie lifts and foot and brings it down on Slut's face, pushing it to the ground. Slut barely makes a noise as Freddie lifts himself up by the foot on Slut's face, putting all of his weight on his slave, look down at me. He leans in. I swear he's about to kiss me through the gag. But at the last moment, he inches slightly over so his lips are against my ear. Fuck. He's leaning in to whisper something in my ear, his arms on my shoulders the balance himself. Feeling his weight and warmth and breath. Fuck.

He whispers, "Slut told me you're a virgin. Is that true."

I shiver with a tinge of betrayal. I told Slut that in confidence. Fuck, that's so humiliating. I try to answer into the ball gag, and he swats down smacking my hard cock. I wince and moan, but his weight and the bonds are keeping me in place. "Rule one. Don't speak."

I moan, I think there's a tear in my eye. Don't know it if from pain, fear, or overstimulation.

"Are you a virgin, Luke?"

I nod.

"No one's ever wanted to fuck you?"

I nod.

"No one's ever loved you?"

I definitely tear up at that, but my cock flexes. I nod.

"Good. I was gonna fuck you tonight as part of my revenge. But I think it's much funnier if I don't."

I open my eyes wide, and I mumble out a begging plead, which is met with another swift cock slap. Freddie stepped of Slut's (earning him a rather pathetic whimper of relief), and steps back from me. "No way, faggot. I still plan on using and abusing you. And that hole is definitely getting wrecked tonight. But not by cock. No, I think you should be a virgin forever."

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