Dom Bottom

By naughtyboy

Published on Oct 17, 2023


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It's Saturday and I don't feel like being bothered. My not so little twenty something keeps texting me. He wants to see me again tonight. I haven't decided if I'm in the mood yet. I can't let these tops have what they want when they want it. I give him coy, I'll think about it responses. When I'm in the gym he sends me a pic of his hard dick, and my hole twitches.

"All for you, however you want it." He tags it. I smirk putting my phone down, not responding. I do a set of squats and find he's texted again. "Come on man, you can't leave me like this. You've ruined me for other men." I smile my devilish grin. Two guys walk into each other behind me, they're staring at my ass so hard. Idiots. There's a mirror wall in front of me dumbasses.

"Okay, you can come over, wear a jock. You'll strip at the front door." I have a plan in mind. He thinks I've ruined him, wait till tonight. "I ain't got no jock." I roll my eyes. "Then I'll put you on a leash and collar." I like that idea. "Dude, I know you're kinky, but that's kind of racist. Come on." I admit it, it is. "Fine you can wear one of my jocks."

He comes over at seven as directed. I'm dressed only in a robe, synched so you can just see my chest and nothing more. He pushes toward me, trying to kiss me, but I stop him with a hand to his chest. "Rules." I dangle the purple jock in my other hand. Before he can protest, I take fist full of his shirt pull him in for a kiss. I'm rough and forceful then move to a gentle tenderness.

He tries to grope me but I push him back against the wall. "Time to change." I toss him the jock. "I need to see how willing you are to go." I turn my back allowing him to strip in some privacy. "I don't want to see your cock till I'm ready." I run my tongue over my lips. He's got a bit of stubble and my lips are a bit scratched. I love that feeling.

I hear him take off then fold his clothes. I hear the snap as he slides the jock to his waist. "Ready, baby. He's snuck up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. His breath his cool on my skin. I'm trying not to let him get to me. I reach back and feel his hard covered cock. I step away, letting him trail behind me like a puppy dog.

I take him to my living room. I've pushed the coffee table out the way and a pillow sits on the floor in front of the couch. I untie my robe and sit down, my hard hairless 6 jutting out. "Get to work." I say waiting for it to register. He gives no fight this time. He's on the pillow between my legs eagerly. He's sucking my dick with rigor. "Slow down." I instruct. "This is a walk not a marathon." He does.

He works my cock like the pro I knew he was. He slides his lips up and down my cock, slathering it in his spit. He pulls off a moment and dives into the cleft between my groin and thighs. "Fuck." My hands grip the sofa with the sudden pleasure. He slides his long tongue up and down, before giving me a moment of rest. He looks up at me with a satisfied grin. I slit my eyes at him and push him back down into my crotch. "You're not done."

He attacks the other side and my legs spread for him. "Yeah, baby." I moan, throwing my head back. "Please your bottom. Make me want that dick. Get me hot for you." He's working my balls with his snake tongue. He takes one delicate orb then the next. He begins flicking his tongue up and down my cock. Fuck he's good at this. I feel his finger sneak under me trying to get to my hole.

"Not yet, baby." I admonish playfully. "You don't get desert till you're done with your dinner." His hand moves away reluctantly. I know he wants his cake. He returns to his cock worship, sliding my cock in and out his mouth, cupping my balls. My crotch is drenched in saliva. He's worked hard to bring that load out of me. I don't have the heart to tell him that no matter how good he is, only his dick in me will get me off.

I pull his spittle covered face up from my crotch. I lean in and kiss him, the musky scent of my crotch fills my mouth. I like the way I taste on him. "Hhmm." He moans into my mouth. He rises up, and those damn muscled arms are on me. I let him enjoy his little treat of touching me. "Fuck, baby." He gasps. "You going to let me hit that?"

I push him back on his knees. I give him a stern glare. "You don't hit nothing." I explain, my voice full of authority. "I let you have some or I don't. My ass is something you will respect and worship if you want to slide in it." He gives me a grin. I know it should piss me off but it doesn't. I shrug out of my robe and turn around, baring my ass for him. "Come on, boy. Desert time. Have some cake."

"That ass is amazing." He has a low rumble in his voice. His hands roam over my muscled bubble with appreciation. "You do an ass load of squats don't you?" He gives my left cheek a light kiss then the right. "Oh, man, my dick is brick just thinking about your wonderful ass and body." He swipes his tongue over my hole. "Passion fruit." I can hear the smirk as he tastes the edible oil I use. "I love your passion fruit."

With that he's digging his way into me. He's tongue fucking me and lapping at my sides. His tongue is everywhere and nowhere. I'm loving the feel of his scruff against my sensitive sides as he buries deep in me. "Fuck, yeah, baby." I let out as he flicks his tongue rapid fire. "Eat that cake." He doesn't need to be told, he knows what he's doing. He's getting my ass sloppy wet, I can feel his drool and ass juice dripping down my ball sack. Up and down, in and out round and round. He leaves no spot of my hole untouched.

He's hands are palming my ass, squeezing, feeling the firm roundness. "Fuck, baby." He moans into my ass. "These peaches are just so ripe and sweet." He dives back in slowly circling his tongue before darting in and out. I let out a gasp, almost a whimper. I regain control of myself and relax into his mouth. "Damn, that's some good ass." He pulls back, running a finger between my cheeks.

He strokes my soaked ass lips then pushes lightly. I reach back quickly before he can break the seal. "Tongue only." I growl.

"Come on, I just want to feel how tight you are after riding me last night." He whines proudly.

"Trust me." I snap back releasing his hand. "I'm tight. I'll let you know when I'm ready to ride again." I look back and give him a coy smile. "Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get rewarded."

"Word?" He gives me a cocky grin. I just reach back and pull his head back into my ass. He changes up his game. He's doing long hard strokes up and down, twisting his tongue into me. I grit my teeth, refusing to let him hear me moan. He flexes his tongue in me, and my inner bottom slut almost comes out.

I let him do it a few more times before I risk losing control. I pull off him with a wet pop. He's stunned for a moment. I take advantage of it, flipping around, lunging at him. He's on his back, me covering him. I'm kissing his ass glazed face. He tastes like a mix of ass juice, passion fruit and my cock. I can feel his hard rod straining against the confines of its prison. He's got his arms and legs wrapped around me.

I pull back and look into his smug face. "Don't get cocky." I warn. "Just because you gave me a lube job, doesn't mean you automatically get to drive it." His eyes narrow skeptically. "I'll admit you got my engine primed." There's that smug grin again. Before he can say anything I cover his mouth with mine. Oh, yeah, he's fucking me tonight.

My cock is coating his firm stomach with precum. He's got me leaking like a faucet. I move his arms from me and pin them above his head. "Use me, baby." He growls. I lick up and down his left bicep, kissing the long lean muscle. "Oh, God." He whimpers. I move between both, adorning them with kisses. "Damn man, you make me feel so good." I move to his chest and those tiny delectable chocolate chip nipples.

I release my grip on him, slowly running them down his sides. He releases his legs from my waist. He's humping up against me. I sit up between his legs. He's sprawled before me giving me that sexy arrogant grin. I run my hand over his aching cock eliciting a cry of sexual hunger. He's stretching my pouch out, filling it with his precum. I'll be sniffing that later.

I raise his legs straight up and push them against his chest. He thinks I'm going to munch his ass, but instead I pull the jock off him and toss it to the side. His cock thumps against his stomach once freed. It almost reaches to his belly button. I set his legs back down on either side on me. I lick my lips, hungry for his meat. I reach down, and pluck his hard cock from his abdomen and let it slam back down.

"Are you a good boy?" I repeat the action, splattering his chest with his precum. "Are you my good boy?" I emphasis the `my' so he knows who owns him.

"I'm no boy." He retorts back, a bit of thug in his voice. "But I'm your good man."

I lay my body down on his again, till I'm face to face with him once more. Our cocks rub as I grind against him. "You're not a man yet. But I'll make you one." I slide my cock up and down against him, causing him to moan. I give him a quick kiss and return back up on my knees. "So are you a good boy?" I repeat. He mulls the answer in his head this time, knowing his cock will not get any release from me if he answers wrong.

"Yeah." He gives a curt nod. "I'm your good boy."

"Good boys get rewarded." I take his cock again, sliding my hand slowly up and down, teasing him. "Bad boys get punished." I rub my finger over the head. He answered me, just not in the proper way. "So I ask you again, my big dicked brown skinned boy, are you my good boy?" His face is contoured with blissful agony.

"I'm your good boy." He says without attitude this time. "Please, man, I just need to nut." I bring my precum laden thumb to my lips and suck the sweet juice. "I'm your good boy." He repeats almost pleading. "I'll be good. I promise. I'll do what you say, please." I release his cock and let it thump back down.

"Remember that." I smile lowering myself between his legs. "I like your balls, both figuratively and literally." I lick the left then the right. "They're so full and tangy on my tongue." I take one in and he reverberates with pleasure. I swallow one then the other swathing them with my tongue. He's whimpering above me like the man-boy I knew he was. He has potential. I may have him back, for now I'm going to eat that cock like the juicy piece of meat it is.

I pull his cock straight up and draw a line up his cock with my tongue. I lap at the head, digging into his piss slit to get what I can. He looks up at me with pleading eyes, but I slowly run my tongue back down to his balls. I move up and down his cock with my tongue, treating it like a large lollypop. "Please, man, I told you I would be your good boy." He pleads.

I stop at the top, swirling my tongue around his mushroom head. I lock eyes with him, he knows what I'm about to do. I give him a cheeky grin then without pause for ceremony, take him down to the base in one fell swoop. He gasps and contours at my anaconda ability to swallow his. I slowly rise up, feeling every bump and vein in this muscular cock.

He tastes as good as the first time, coating my throat and tongue as I move up and down him. I hear him saying, "Fuck, yeah, baby. I'm your good boy. Fuck, man, you're so good to me." I pay him no mind. I'm doing this for me not him. I flick my tongue over the head then slowly inch down him once more. I cup his balls, feeling their heft. They're full and their full because of me.

I teased him too much, I can feel him coming close already. I bounce his balls in my hand, tapping them lightly. The light pain subsides his climax if only momentarily. I pull off him, a sting of mixed precum and spit joining us for a few extra moments. I slide my hand up and down his cock one last time before I move back up to his lips.

He's panting heavy, unsure of what he's allowed to do with his arms. I straddle him. I kiss him hard and deep. I run my tongue over his teeth, wrestle with his tongue. I roll us over, him on top of me. He's confused, but he goes with it. I run my hands over his strong back. My legs intertwine with his. He ruts against me, his cock eager to get to its destination. I break the kiss. "I want to watch you fuck me." I growl, my voice husky and demanding.

He pauses, wondering if I'm lubed up enough with just his spit, wondering if I want him to bareback me. "Robe pocket." I breathe out heavily. "Condoms and lube." He's off me, going through the pockets till he finds what he needs. He pulls the condom from the already torn open packet, slides it on, shining it up with some lube. He looks at me, asking silently if he can prepare me. I give him a silently answer him with a smile.

He's dabs some lube on his finger and pushes between my cheeks, one finger at first. "Damn, you are tight." He says in astonishment. He finger fucks me adding more lube as he pushes two then three fingers in me, stretching me for him. I feel him spread his fingers, trying to get me ready. "Thank you for letting me do this." He says, removing his fingers and lifting my legs to his shoulders. I know he means the prep not the fuck. I see it in his eyes.

He lines up and slowly pushes into me, letting me get use to length once more. My velvet tunnel welcomes him. Electricity shoots through my body causing my cock to jump as he crosses my prostate. "Right there?" He asks knowing the answer from the blissful expression on my face. I feel his balls press against me. "This is a walk, not a marathon, right?"

"Shut up and fuck me!" I order pulling him down onto me for a kiss. He moves in and out of me slowly, his tongue is deep in my mouth. He pushes up and looks down at me, amazed that I can take him, how good my ass feels around his cock. He rotates his hips and my cock jumps again. Precum is pulling on my stomach. He's enjoying toying with my hole, but I'm enjoying it just as much.

I can tell he's holding back, holding back for me. I run my hand over his head. He concentrating, focused on one thing, one goal. I bring him down for a light kiss, and move my lips to his ear. He bites down, gently on my neck before I can say anything. His tongue is working circles around my skin. "Do it. Fuck me till you cum, shoot that load all over me, baby." He draws back, a fire in his eyes.

He starts pistoning into me without mercy. He's got my legs pinned to my shoulders as he picks up speed and force. I can hear his hips slapping against my fat muscled ass. "Fuck, baby." He shakes his head in disbelief. "You make me want to do dirty things to you." He keeps up his momentum and I flex my anal muscles, tightening and relaxing with each thrust in and out.

Whether by accident or on purpose he's hitting my spot over and over again. I claw the carpet, feeling the beginnings of rug burn against my back. "Damn, you're going to make me bust." Sweet is beading up on his forehead. "I'm so close, damn. I don't want to bust so soon." He says in pleasurable dismay. He shake his, knowing he can't hold back much longer. I can feel him begin to swell in me.

"On me." I say. "I want to feel your load on me." He nods, unable to formulate words. Then he pulls out and pushes up against me. He yanks the condom off and he's stroking his finish. His hand is a blur moving up and down. I watch his face squinch up. Volley after volley erupts from him, hitting me in the chin and coating my chest with his precious seed.

I count five huge shots from him before the last dribbles out onto my dick. I take his load and coat my dick before working my own load out. He's primed me good and it only takes a few moments for my own controlled explosion. My legs squeeze him tight and I violent spasm as I add six more protein laden bullets across my smooth skin.

We're both breathing heavy and I relax my legs. He falls down on top of me, propping himself up carefully to avoid our mixed genes. "We can't both shower if we aren't both dirty." I smile sinisterly, pulling him down onto me. His mouth finds mine. I allow myself to enjoy the tender moment, running my hand down his back. He breaks the kiss and nuzzles my neck.

He rests his head on my chest, no longer caring about the mess. He holds me close, running his hand up and down my chest, making swirls in the cum. It takes me a moment to realize he's writing his name over and over on my chest. "Really, trying to tag me with cum?" I laugh. He gives me one of those impish grins. "You better be glad you can lay down some good pipe." I give him a slanted glare. "Let's go get cleaned up.

I start the shower and his cum crusted chest is on my back, his lips on my ears, nibbling lightly as he holds me close. "My mommy always said if you find you a good one, don't let them go." He runs his tongue across the back of my neck. "I don't want to let you go." He pulls me close. "So when will I get to see you again."

I run my hand over his strong arms. I turn back and kiss him softly on the lips. "Who said I was done with you yet?" I pull him into the shower with me, the water spraying our bodies. I turn in his arms and kiss him, my hand running down to his perky buttocks. He pulls back and begins washing me, taking delicate care of my crotch and groin. I perk up as he lathers my balls. "He likes you." I joke.

Once I'm rinsed off, I do the same to him. He's rock hard already. I stroke his length in my hand. "Looks like he likes me too." I muse slipping a soapy finger up his crack. "Hhmm... what to do to you next." I muse. He relaxes against my finger. "Naw, I want that in the bedroom." I rinse him off and we towel off. He leans in for a kiss. I grant him the honor then pull him by his dick to the bedroom.

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Next: Chapter 3

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