Dom Bottom

By naughtyboy

Published on Oct 3, 2023


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I'm not your typical bottom. Let's get that clear right now. Yes, I like sucking a nice dick and getting my hole filled, but I only do it on my own terms. I'm going to get what I want, how I want it. You better obey or suffer the consequences. Some call me a bossy bottom, but I'm more than that. Much more than that. I'm an alpha male, a dominate bottom. I'm an apex predator, and my pray? Unsuspecting tops.

I'm five foot, eight or so. I have short jet black cropped hair. My skin is a natural golden brown from a mix of the sun and my Latin heritage. My body is muscled and toned from my daily gym visit and proper eating. My skin is lightly hairy on the verge of being smooth. My face is clean shaven, aside from the cultivated scruff on weekends. I got an average dick, six and a half cut, and just thick enough to fill a mouth. I keep my cock and low hanging balls smooth as well as my pride and joy.

My pride and joy? That would be my muscled fat ass. It's hot huge, but it's more than a handful and makes me buy a pants size larger just to get it covered. It's my bait for all those unsuspecting tops who think they're not going to play by my rules. Oh, I play the part till its time. Then I snap the trap shut, and there's no turning back.

Tonight I'm staying in. I've got a trick coming over. I took my time vetting him. He's twenty, half my age. He's my height, maybe a little shorter, with cafe ole brown skin. He's smooth with a naturally fit body. He's got small Hersey kiss nipples I'm going to enjoy. He's got short black waved hair, and more importantly an eight inch spear I'm going to impale myself on. He's got a small high and tight ass. Yes, I required an ass pic.

I watch from my window as he walks up. His pictures don't do him justice. He's wearing baggy, sagging jeans, a white tee shirt and ball cap. I like his swag walk. He better enjoy that strut now. He won't be walking out with it. I'm instantly hard in my red rugby shorts. He rings the bell and I wait thirty seconds before opening the door and letting him in. I pounce as soon as the door shuts.

I press him up against the wall, my lips on his, my tongue snaking into his mouth. I held his head to mine with one hand, the other took a firm hold of his tight juicy peach half. He relented to my power, running his hands down my broad back to the small of my back. I growled with sexual dominance into his mouth. I released him, taking his shirt and pulling it over his head exposing his taunt chest.

I launched myself at his right nipple and he bowed to my tongue lashing. I took firm holds of each cheek, squeezing and kneading them. I'm sure the shock of my aggressiveness bewildered him, but I did warn him. I moved to the left nipple with equal enthusiasm. I could feel his hard cock press against me. I pushed his already sagging pants down his thighs. He kicked his shoes off, knowing soon he'd be naked. I moved back to his mouth, my left hand moving to stroke his elongated snake.

I press him hard against the wall. My hands move to his waist. He's trying to take my shirt off, but I refuse to raise my arms. I push his arms away and grab the front of his tight boxer briefs and lead him to my bedroom. I guide him to the bedside and thrust my tongue into his mouth again. He melts into, thinking he's going to take charge. He moves to get my shirt off again.

"No." I growl, pushing him down onto the bed with a bounce. He's in shock, about to voice his anger, but I'm on him, covering his body with mine, his mouth is filled with my tongue. I take his arms and pin them above his head. He struggles against me and I pull back. "I told you. My body. My place. My rules. Relax and enjoy or get out." He stopped struggling.

"Fuck." I heard him say while I kiss and suck on his neck. I keep his hands pinned. I move to his nipples again and his body arches as I flick my tongue over the tight and tasty skin. "Get naked man, let me feel you." I ignore his request. I continue down his long hard body, kissing his stomach, circling his skin with my tongue. I slip off him, off the bed onto the floor, letting his hands go. I rub my face in his crotch, feeling the hardness, scenting myself with his musk.

His hand runs through my hair. I allow him that one trespass. I run my hands down his legs then stand, flipping him over onto his stomach in one quick move. I pull the top of his boxer briefs down over his ass. He gets up on his knees, thinking I'm pulling them further, but I leave them at the crest of his ass cleavage. Each hand takes a firm smooth globe and spreads his cheeks. Before he can protest, I'm in his ass.

I pulled those tiny cheeks apart, exposing that tight pucker. I could smell the fresh scent of soap mixed with his booty sweat. He obeyed well. I dug into the tiny feast before me, my tongue swirling and darting across the tight seal. Each lick and lash of my tongue, broke down his wall, relaxing him, allowing me just tiny bit further into him. I could tell by his moans and exasperations of pleasure that no one had ever taken the time to truly admire his ass.

I felt him clawing the bed, and I pulled back and took a quick nip of his left cheek before kissing and smacking his other cheek. He jumped at the sudden smack then pushed back against me. I dipped back between his crack, my fingers digging into his flesh. I gave his other cheek a quick smack and he opened up for a moment.

I took advantage and pushed my tongue deep inside. "Holy fuck." I heard him gasp. He began to squirm. My tongue wiggled deep inside. Our mixed juices dribbled down my chin. I toyed with his hole with rigor, methodically examining those tight lips. I pulled back with a wet smack. I flipped him onto his back, yanking the stretched off boxer briefs in one quick motion.

I took in his throbbing thick length, fighting the urge to suckle his leaking pipe. I covered his body with mine. Our cocks rubbed against each other, separated only by the cloth of my shorts. I mashed my mouth against his, allowing him to taste himself. "Get naked, baby." He urged softly between kisses while I rutted against him.

I sat up, my legs straddling his firm belly, my voluptuous ass resting on his cock. I made a show of pulling off my shirt, revealing my muscled sculpted frame. He tentatively ran his hands up my torso, feeling the careful hard work I put into my body. I took his left hand in mine, bringing it to my mouth. I swallowed his index finger, giving him a taste, a tease of what I was about to do. "Oh, baby." I felt him grind against my ass below me.

I knew he wanted me on his cock as much as I wanted on it, but I could not waiver in my rules. I couldn't have these tops thinking they were in control after all. I took his finger from my mouth and slide the spit soaked digit down my chest to the waist band of my shorts. I felt his finger hook into the band, trying to tug them down. "Are you going to be a good boy?" I asked slowly gyrating my hips.

"Yes." He answered breathlessly. I smiled wickedly, sliding down his legs. I was on my knees, between his legs, his cock mere inches from my mouth. I took the achingly hard cock in my hand and brought the tip to my lips. I swirled my tongue around the tip, gathering the pearl of precum that had formed there. "Mmmmhhhh." I rand my tongue down his cock then back up. I could hear him beg for more. He wasn't getting it yet.

I took one of his balls into my mouth then the other. I could feel the fullness of them. He's please for more fell on deaf ears. I rolled his balls in my mouth. I slipped my hands into my shorts and pushed them down over my ass. I was ready for him but I wanted to taste more of him. I rose up on my knees, allowing my shorts to fall further down. I trailed my tongue up his shaft, allowing my tongue to wrap around him as I rose up on my knees.

I teased the tip. "Please." He begged. I smiled then took him down like a python, taking him down slowly sliding him in my mouth and down my throat. "Fuck!" He exclaimed when I bottomed out. I rested, nestled in his curly black pubes, for a moment before slowly rising up and back down. I repeated this over and over. Ten minutes into it I heard the tone in his voice I wanted. "Dude." He was almost weeping with desire. "Please."

I stood up, revealing my own smooth jutting cock for him to admire. I stepped out of my shorts. He shot up, his hands wrapped around my waist and he began slobbering over my body, kissing and licking the fine delicate muscles and ridges. I broke from his grasp and laid on the bed, my head resting on the pillow. "Come here." I commanded. He scurried up my body. "Show me how much you want me."

He didn't need to be told twice. Our tongues intertwined as he showed his appreciated for me and my body. He was slow yet urgent in his kissing. I could feel the burn of lust in him as he moved to my pec and flicked his tongue with expert care over it. "Show me how much you appreciate me allowing you to fuck me."

I moaned as he caressed my nipple with his tongue. He knew his role well as he maneuvered slowly down my body. I paused at my cock and I took it in my hand and guided his lips to it. These tops that didn't suck dick learned real quickly. His lips parted and he took that first tentatively lick then took me into his hot warm mouth.

Once in his mouth, I allowed him to go at his own pace. He bobbed up and down on my cock, his tongue exploring the underside of my cock. It always amazed me how these men who didn't suck cock were so good at it. "Good boy." I cooed stroking his face. "You might earn the right to some ass yet." He paused, looking up at me with questioning eyes and my dick still lodged in his mouth.

"You knew the rules before you came over." With that I placed my hand on the back of his head and skull fucked him. He gagged and sputtered, my cock disappearing between his lips, into the back of his throat. I could see his eyes water with my sudden attack, but he broke no resistance. I let go and he pulled off with a wet cough. I smiled with satisfaction. It was such a turn on having a top obey.

I flipped over and shoved my ass into his face. "Eat your desert, boy." When he took a moment too long, I reached back and pulled him into my cheeks. He struggled in my grip, but I held him firm. "You got to lick it before you stick it." I mused, rubbing my ass up and down his face. He began priming my hole, his obviously experienced tongue speared and lapped my hole

His first couple of licks were tentative, but then he realized I had a surprise for him. The passion fruit edible oil his tongue encountered obviously pleased his taste buds, evident by the fervor at which he dove in. "Fuck yeah, baby. Get me good and hot for your cock." I felt his hands on my ass cheeks, trying to pull the basketballs apart. He attacked my passive hole with the delicate ease of a man who knew how to treat an ass right.

I allowed him to continue his wondrous worship of my ass, occasionally twerking my hips to rub my ass across his face. He'd leave here with my taste on his lips and my scent on his face. He'd be smelling me and tasting me for days. I would be allowing him back if just for the tongue work. "Get that tongue out my ass, I want to feel your cock in me now."

I pushed his head back and moved off the bed. I bent down and kissed his ass juice covered lips. "Get up there, I'm going to ride you like you've never been rode." He didn't need to be told twice. I grabbed the lube and condom form he night stand and deftly latexed him. I could feel it pulsing with need under my fingers. I quickly prepped myself then slid my hand up and down his shaft, apply a liberal coat.

"Come on, baby." He begged. "Let me feel that pussy."

I scowled at him. I straddled his stomach, his cock resting in the cleavage of my ass. I leaned down and looked him right in the eye. "Call it a pussy again and you'll be out the door." I snapped. "Understand?" He nodded his affirmation. "Good. You wouldn't want me calling your cock an enlarged clitoris would you?"

I didn't give him a chance to answer as I slowly guided him into me. He felt so good filling my insides. I rand my hands over his chest as my ass met his hips. I twirled my hips, getting every last inch of him in me. "That ass is amazing." He eyes rolled back in his head as I manipulated my muscles to grip and release him. "Let me fuck it, please."

I leaned down and kissed him. "Maybe next time." I said as our lips parted. "Let me show you what I can do." Before he could answer, I flexed my ass and slowly rose up and down his cock. I allowed myself to adjust to his length and girth and once I was comfortable I went full throttle. I bounced up and down, fucking him into the mattress. His head bounced up against my padded head board.

I long dicked myself on him, using him as the fuck toy he was to me. His hands went to my hips, feeling my tight waist. He realized I wouldn't go by his guidance and his hand moved over my chest, lingering over each muscle as he explored. His eyes were in a haze of lust and desire. The hard slap of flesh on flesh echoed in the room. He'd be bruised tomorrow.

He moved his hand to my cock and fisted it. I rode he, he stroked. Sweat built up on both our foreheads and I knew the intense orgasm that was building up in my balls was also building in his. I could feel his cock begin to swell with urgent need. I quickened my humps, giving him short quick thrusts into me. "I'm going to blow baby." He cried before his head kicked back and his hips arched into me. I paused as my own cock exploded all over him, hitting him in the chin.

We panted as out respective orgasms overcame us. I was breathing heavy, still in the zone. I scooped up the dribble from his chin and brought it to his lips. Without hesitations he sucked it off my finger. I'd have him back, I decided. I slowly rose from him, his spent cock plopping onto his stomach. I carefully removed the spent condom from him and deposited it in the waste can by my bed.

"That was amazing." He panted breathlessly. "I've never cum so hard."

I smiled, knowing he'd be sniffing around my tail for at least three weeks. "Wait till I give you liberties." I ran a finger in the cum splatters on his chest. "I told you, follow my rules and you'd be rewarded. I may even give you a round two."

His eye widen at the thought. I leaned in and kissed him. "Come here and coat us in my cum." I pulled him on top of me, giving him some semblance of dominance back. Tops were a moody bunch. You couldn't just take all the power from them during sex and not give some back. "Next time you come over, I'm going to sit on your face for an hour." I pulled him into a kiss.

We continued our make out session as my cum cemented us together. His kisses were gentle, passionate. He stroked my face lovingly and I cupped his buttocks. I reluctantly broke the kiss, rolling us over so I was on top. "Let's get you cleaned up." I gave him a quick pec before pulling him off the bed with me. He instantly pressed his chest to my back, his hands took hold of my hips and his half hard cock nestled in my crack.

"You feel so good." He whipped his tongue across the back of my neck. Shivers went down my spine as I leaned back into him. "Maybe one of these times you'll let me take the lead." His body felt nice pressed against mine like this. "Letting me explore your body. Having you under me, letting me go slow deep into you."

I shuddered at the thought almost imagining it before I shook free of the thought. I pulled him along with me into the bathroom and freed myself from him. I turned the water on in the walk in shower. His hand was back on my hips, his excited cock rubbing between my cheeks. I liked the way his cock thought. I straightened and dragged him into the shower with me, pressing him against the cold tile and kissing him.

I ran my hands over his wet body, the warm water pounding on his. I grabbed the soap and pushed myself away. He moved to take me back in his arms, but I stopped him with soap laden hand. I ran my hands over his body, soaping him up. I took special care of his pride and joy. He groaned as I slowly stoked him. I left him breathless, turning him around and soaping up his back.

He arched his back, his hands pressed against the tile. I spread those cheeks and took a quick lick before sliding a suds slicked finger into his whole. "Hey!" He gasped. "I don't get fucked!" I ignored him, finding that spot in him. His legs shook as I toyed with his internal button. "What the fuck, don't stop." His breaths were short and labored.

I rose up and pressed my lips next to his ear. "Stroke it for me baby." He moved a shaky hand down to his cock and obeyed. "Don't worry, I don't top." My voice was low and husky. "I just want you to know the type of pleasure you're going to be giving me." He let out a low murmur as my hand ran across his chest. I liked the feel of his long lean muscles. "Milk that cock for me baby, splatter my bathroom wall."

It didn't take long before he was doing just that, warm milky fluids joined the trailing soap suds down my wall. His sphincter tightened around my finger and I slowly drew it out. I saw his legs going week, and I pulled him back into my arms, his back to my chest this time. "Feel good baby?" I asked smugly, nibbling on his ear.

He couldn't speak. I turned the water off and pulled him out with me. He regained the use of his legs and I toweled him dry before drying myself. "Fuck man, where did you learn to do all that?" I just smiled and kissed him, cupping his chin. I pulled him by his cock back to the bedroom and laid him down on the bed. "Another round?" He asked hopefully.

I laid down beside him, my head on his chest. "Maybe." I ran a finger slowly down his chest to his spent cock. "Are you sure you can handle another?" He pulled me close as I toyed with his cock. I kissed his chest. "How are you about being tied up?" I looked up as his smug face, his full plump swollen lips breaking into a smile.

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Next: Chapter 2

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