Dom and Seb

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 5, 2022


Hey folks. Big Dom back here. Did you like seb's last chapter? I gotta tell you: I ran through a LOT of feelings after I read it: you probably figured out that boy worked himself into my heart. (You already knew that he worked his way into my libido, ha ha), and he kept on doing things that got him in deeper and deeper (and me, deeper and deeper into him. OK, I'll stop. Seb wrinkles his nose like that witch on old television when I make bad jokes about our private lives, and he'll read this, so now, that's enough. Ok, seb?)

So, let me go back to the tux, and tell you about that party because it was another one of those times I look back on now, as really making it clear that we belonged together, and we belonged together on two levels. That sales lady knew her shit, no question about it. I mean, I am NEVER gonna like wearing a tux, but when I came out of the dressing room and I saw the way seb was looking at me -- I mean, he was almost DROOLING -- I was about as pleased as I ever get. Eventually I DID get Madeleine to tell me who wore it before me and, HELL, you know, seb's going nowhere, and I'm not ready to start a harem, but if the prior owner of that tuxedo were available, DAMN seb would have to compete for my "attention." (Not my attention, and not my heart. But more on that). Still: you know that crude expression "I'd fuck that?" Well, it went through my head.

So we had a week or so before this big shindig happened, and I gotta say, I was nervous, and it showed. I mean, I know what I am: big, strong, dominant, blue collar, and not much of an intellectual, and I was about to go into a space where everyone was more educated than I was, most of them knew each other, yadda yadda. So I mentioned it to seb one night when we were sitting on the sofa, cuddling. I had stripped down to a wife beater and I hadn't showered yet because I had found out: seb loved burying his face into my pits (Let me just say I didn't object). I guess I had told seb the night before that he was due for a shaving, but my heart was not into it that night. I didn't want to embarrass him.

"Sir, is something wrong? You seem distracted. Can I do something?" I remember that I made a BIG sigh and I hugged seb closer. "Ah, boy, you know: I'm just thinking that maybe I shouldn't go to this gala with you." He looked at me, surprised.

"Sir, why not? I mean, we have the tuxedo, and we don't have to stay long." He tried to cheer me up. "We will DEFINITELY be the hottest couple there."

"Seb, it ain't any of that. I mean, you have all these smart, fancy friends and, well, I don't want them to see the meat head you're dating." I'm not a real good speaker and getting that one out hurt a lot. But then, seb said something that started me on a bit of a journey we're still going on (before you jump to conclusions, NO, it does NOT involve engagement or marriage. At least not yet...). He looked right in my eyes. "They're not going to see the meathead I'm dating, because I'm not dating a meathead, Sir." Then he grinned, and I felt his fingers at my zipper. "Now, if you had said MEATY head, I'd have to give you a different answer because yes, I AM dating someone with a meaty head," he began opening my zipper and when my cock popped out, he began stroking it. "But no one's gonna see it, because the only place it's going is in my butt or, as of right now, in my mouth." He had my cock released and damn it, without permission, that boy started deep throating me. And he was into it. I remember that I was trying to catch my breath, and he slid down on the floor, kneeling in front of me, and then he looked at me: yeah, the puppy dog eyes, and said "Sir, may I suck your cock? I mean, may I COINTINUE to suck your cock?" I began to regain my equilibrium and I said: "next time you do that without permission, boy, there's a caning in your future. And if you take it too far so some of what's going up your butt drips out, you'll get the clamps when we play cop submission."

"Yes Sir, I understand, Sir. Thank you, Sir," he went back to sucking me, stopping to lick my balls, and to tease my cock head with his tongue. At one point, he stopped and looked at me: "I love your meaty head Sir. I want it. All for myself."

Yeah, I needed to do something official. I had to get to work on getting this boy's name on a contract, and then collaring him.

When I felt myself at a point where if I let him continue, seb would get me to blow down his throat, I pulled him back. "Into the bed boy. You've got three minutes to strip." To this day I laugh about what happens when we get undressed. Seb is a bit of a priss: he needs to fold everything in a certain order and gets very non-plussed if he messes it up. I throw things everywhere. I had less clothes on that night, and I was ready in less than a minute. Seb was hanging up his shirt when I grabbed him from behind, threw him on the bed and shoved a pit into his face

"LICK IT. When you get them both nice and clean, you get the meaty cock. Not before."

"YES SIR," my pit pig was hoping for this, and he got it. "One second boy. I think tonight you deserve something of a reward." I reached over and got the key for his cage. I SWEAR I think I heard it go BOING when it shot up. "Remember that what Dom giveth, Dom can take away. You better do a good job." I didn't hear his answer. All I heard was the slurping. I kept my other hand busy teasing his balls while he did. When it was time to switch to my second pit, I moved my free hand up to his nipples. Seb always had sensitive nipples, but I had taken them to a new level. I know some DOMS pierce their subs so that there's more sensitivity in the pierced area, but seb's body is like a live wire. I think if I made any part of him more sensitive, he'd destroy me with his energy (Incidentally, after the party he gave to introduce me to his friends, one of his friends told me that I was the first person who ever made him feel that way. When I asked seb, he blushed and smiled but didn't answer. One of these days, he's gonna get worked over until he does answer).

"Sir, I REALLY REALLY need you in me tonight. Please. I know I don't have the right but...could you fuck me? I mean, REALLY fuck me?" And then I had a thought: seb was afraid I was going to do what I had just talked about doing: he thought I wasn't going with him. I looked down.

"You know, boy, there is no way in hell I'm letting you out of this apartment in that tux, unless I'm with you." He surprised me by wrapping his arms around me, tight and whining "Sir, Thank you. But the party is next week, and my man pussy is horny NOW. FUCK ME." I figured out later that I was being manipulated, and I loved it: seb gets mouthy a lot and he gets punished for it. He LOVES my punishments, and he was angling for one of them now. He got it too, but later. For now, he got a very engorged "meaty head" rammed into his butt. He sighed like he had just been given a plate of really superb food and smiled. "YES. YES. Push Mike into me as far as he can go." (Later, he explained to me. There was an old TV show where a guy named Mike had a father-in-law, he called him the meathead. Seb had just given my cock a nickname. Now, he'll ask "Is Mike available, Sir?" or I'll tell him "Mike wants to lay down with you," or something like that. Yeah, it's corny, and I know you're smiling).

Seb started using another name too, and I tell ya, I had no idea how freakin' hot it was going to make me. You know from the story that he calls me Sir, and Master. Well, those are titles I approved, but then one day, when I told him to get in the bedroom, he answered "Yes Boss." Before he went to get in position, I thought I saw a smile on his face. Maybe he saw the boner I threw, I dunno. See, seb had come by my job sites when he knew where I was working, and if it was close enough to his office so that he could slip out without being gone for a long time. He MUST have heard guys on my crew call me "Boss." I don't THINK he had any idea what it would do to me, but I guess, if I think about it, calling me "Boss" meant something to him, and it made me more convinced that I had the right idea about where our relationship was going. Anyhow, to get back to where the more "pervy" of you want to go, yeah, I did go into the bedroom with that hard on, and I climbed up on top of that sexy boy. He knew better than to open his shirt himself because I enjoyed doing it so much. I took my time, and I gave him a throaty laugh. "Looks like someone needs another chest shaving."

"Yes, Boss" he answered, and now I KNOW I saw the smile. "I wonder if the rest of you needs one too. Maybe we'll just do it all at once, whether you need it or not." He got one more "Yes, Boss" out before he started moaning. I got to work on his nip with my mouth, and when he was moaning good and loud, I moved my mouth up to his. When we began the kiss, something flashed through my head: time to start doing things that proved I was the Boss, and to get him ready for what I had planned.

Seb suffers from very chapped lips, so he's applying lip balm all the time. He was using one that had this weird fruit flavor: I think he said it was passion fruit or something like that. Frankly, it didn't make that much of a difference to me, but something else he wore did. I figured I'd start with the lip balm.

"Why do you hide your flavor from me, boy?" I asked. "That chap stick. That's all I taste, I don't taste you." I had seb's wrists pinned down and he tried to shrug his shoulders, but that didn't work very well.

"Tomorrow, you get the unscented variety. It works the same and I'll taste you." (See, here's a little side note for you guys who are wondering how to show your DOM side without getting too severe. Telling your boy to walk around the house naked all the time, keeping him caged, yadda yadda, that's all good stuff. But do something like tell him he has to change his chap stick? Well, it sounds like a little thing, but trust me: he'll know who's in charge. By the way, no charge for the advice LOL).

The lip balm was something that gave me an "in" though, to something I wanted to do, which was REALLY going to let seb know who was boss. Remember up above how I told you I learned my boy was a pit pig? Well, yeah, I use deodorant: always have. Before seb, I'd refresh it a couple of times during the day, because I sweat like an ox. Always unscented. Well, seb used a deodorant too, but his?

"You ever want me to dig into your pits the way you do mine, boy?"

"That'd be sexy, Sir. I think I'd love it."

"Yeah? Well if I'm gonna do it, I don't wanna feel like I'm lost in a freakin pine forest."

"Sir, I can't not use a deodorant. I'll stain all my shirts." I looked at him. "What flavor do you think mine is?

"I know what it is, Sir. You use the unscented kind."

"Yeah, and you're gonna start using unscented too. Because you smell so damn good and I wanna smell my boy, NOT what some shitty company thinks my boy should smell like." I knew that one was going to be harder for seb: he LIKED that scent. I saw his wheels turning and then I scraped my beard on his neck. "Unscented antiperspirant from now on." He sighed. "Yes Boss." Yeah, he switched back and forth. Still does.

"Good boy. Now good boys get rewarded, and Mikey needs a warm dark place to visit." I pushed his knees up and spread his legs. The thoughts of my two little "victories" and the sound of seb calling me "Boss" were going through my head and I guess I didn't slide back and forth much, because at one point he whined "Sir, you're hurting me. Can you..." To be honest, I never wanted to hurt seb sexually. I was just thinking that if all went right, this boy was going to accept his role as my complete sub very soon. THAT thought charged me up and I pounded that boy's ass. I pounded it HARD.

Well, the lead up to seb's black tie event was inconsequential except for one other point that I knew was going to be important. (Incidentally, I know I'm teasing you all, or most of you: some of you know what's coming). I sat seb down at dinner one night and I asked:

"Boy, as far as I know, some of your friends know you're in a relationship, and some of them know it's with an older guy. They may even know you're bottoming. Am I right that none of them know that it's a D/s kind of relationship?"

"That's right Sir. I haven't talked about it." He blushed. "I guess I've been too scared." I asked a question:

"Scared, seb? Or embarrassed?" I'm glad he was honest with me. He took a few minutes. "A little of both, Sir. Actually, more scared than embarrassed. I think most of the folks at work are probably in D/s relationships and just don't know it." I laughed at that.

"Ain't that the truth, boy? Well, this is what I would like to suggest because you know, however bad this thing is going to be, we do have to talk to each other. I'd like to make a proposal. No, I'm giving an order, now that I think of it: if we're aware from `our people', you call me Dominick. I'll call you Tony." The way he looked at me let me know that a great weight had just been lifted. Sometimes, seb would come back looking totally defeated by work, and he had that look since I had told him that I was willing to be his date. He spoke in a very quiet voice. "Thank you, Sir. Dominick, or Dom?"

"Ha ha, Dominick, boy. If you use Dom, some folks are going to make conclusions or what have you? No, stick with the full name. Just for that night. We're going to discuss a lot of different things after this gala, and we'll talk about this a lot more." He reached out. "Sir, can I give you a hug and a kiss?"

"Only if you're willing to have me lift you up and put you down in front of me. My cock can use a real good sucking. The kind that only seb can do. Tony doesn't do it right." He smiled.

"I'll tell Tony to go home. Seb can stay." Well, let me tell ya, seb had certainly gotten much better at cock sucking since we were together: MUCH better. Practice makes perfect, I guess. He didn't even look pissed off when I shot part of my load on his sleeve. He was smiling when he swallowed the rest, and I was thinking he had just given me another way of getting some of the things on my mind, done.

So, one last thing. You know these galas are boring as shit, and you and I know that seb had nothing to worry about. Neither did I, but I'm not used to being around people who don't respect me. To be honest, the tuxedo that Madeleine suggested had a lot to do with that not being an issue: someone once said, "every man looks better in a tuxedo," and I guess if you keep yourself in shape, and you look a little different from everyone else (I didn't know that there were so many thin blond men with receding hairlines who were attorneys. I woulda died of boredom). The best moment for me happened early on. We took a taxi to the hall, took the elevator and then, as we walked into the ballroom, seb slipped his arm under my elbow. He whispered "Boss, you don't mind if I show off my date to these folks, do you?" I'm not usually one to blush, but I did. I did get it under control as he introduced me, always ending with the phrase "and this is my lover, Dominick." GOD, every time he said it, I got harder. Seb made it worse by reaching under the table and fondling my privates any chance he could, while he carried on conversation with the other folks at our table. I am CERTAIN that some of the ladies knew what was going on, and I KNOW there was one guy at the table who DESPERATELY wanted to give me his number, but we got through that event unscathed. In the taxi back to seb's apartment, he scrunched up next to me and whispered "I have never been so happy in my life, Sir. And once we get into the house, I'm hoping I'll never have had a fantasy like the one we're gonna have where I'm James Bond, and I've been captured and sold as a sex slave."

The boy had a good imagination. So did I. There was just enough fabric in my bowtie to make a suitable wrist bond and I got seb tied up in the elevator. It was late, so I wasn't worried when I put my hand over his mouth (and found out that hand gags made my boy hot), and whispered: "you're gonna open that door, Bond, and then... you're gonna do everything I tell you to do." Seb "mmmphed" for me, and I used my key. "IN THAT ROOM. NOW." I ordered "Bond." He began to take off his jacket and I said "ON THE BED. FACE UP, BOND. I DON'T TRUST YOU SEARCHING AROUND THAT COAT." Seb caught on and gave me a defeated sigh. I made sure to tie his wrists especially tight, and because I had a long scene planned, I tied his ankles too. I haven't seen a James Bond movie where Daniel Craig gets his feet tickled, but my Bond boy did that night, right after his bowtie went into his mouth before I gagged him with one of his silk socks. Searching around the room for the shirt stays the next day was a pain in the ass, but it was a small price to pay for the fun of taking out one of seb's and running my hand over his chest, and then taking out one of mine, and pinching my nip right in front of him. When I got my shirt opened, I growled. "The gag can come out if your mouth goes right here." I pointed to my left tit. "Deal?"

"mmmmmmph?" He shook his head yes, and seb was trying really hard not to look as excited as he was. He licked that nipple as well as he had cleaned my pits earlier that week, and when I started working on his with my fingers, I swear he almost bit it off.

"I wanna make you cum in the trousers, boy." I thought it would be fun, and I shoved my knee into his crotch. Then I pulled back and worked it more gently, teasing him.

"You like that, handsome? You like being taken by the superior man?"

"Yes Sir. "seb was breathing hard. "Yes Boss, Sir, MASTER..." I just smiled and whispered in seb's ear "Sir is fine." I rubbed faster, and faster, and then I heard this little "yip" like one out of a puppy from seb and I saw the black stain on his pants.

"Well, I better get a cloth," I said, "because we're gonna have a lot to do tomorrow, and if I don't get this shaving done now, it's not gonna get done. And tonight, we're starting down low first." I got my razor set, and the lubricating agents. I don't know how many times I've shaved my boy's pubes since we started, but it never gets old. I love seeing how exposed his flesh is, and that night, since even seb couldn't recover that fast, there was no worry about him exploding in the middle.

Of course, with both of us relieved by the night being over, a good solid ass fucking was in order. So was a good reaming: I had been teasing seb about his flavor all week, and as I pushed up his legs I said "Some people prefer the drumstick, others like the breast. This is the part of my boy I like to eat best," and my long tongue started to work on him. Even with his balls empty, I got a rise out of him. "OH GOD, SIR, YOU DO THAT SO WELL. IT JUST MAKES ME MELT."

"Well don't melt yet boy, because I want those walls nice and firm." He expected my cock to shove into him next, but no. I licked one, then two fingers, and got them up into him. "OH SHIT, I THINK I'LL DIE IF YOU DO WHAT I THINK YOU'RE GONNA DO, SIR." I just laughed. "Then you'll die with a smile on your face." I found it. And I squeezed it. His prostate was much too far up in him for me to get it with my tongue, which was a shame, but my fingers did an adequate job. He began to writhe

"You ready for me, boy?"

"Always, Sir. 24/7." Other people at that party were probably celebrating with night caps. We were having our own celebration and dare I say it, seb's "cup runneth over" when we were finished.

I didn't sleep well that night. I knew that there was some important work in front of me, and I didn't really know how seb was going to react to it. See, from my point of view, everything we had done up to that night was foreplay. Yes, tony had submitted and became seb, but I needed something more permanent. Remember: I was staying at tony's apartment most nights, and he had the right, always, to just kick me out, however much I was taking control of him. He didn't seem to have any problems with what I was doing, so it was time. I let the lad sleep in the next morning, and I made breakfast.

"Is Sir making coffee?" I heard him croon as I felt his chin rest on my shoulder. I laughed because I knew that he liked doing that, but if he did it, he was standing on his tippy toes and could lose his balance if I did something like, oh, reach behind and grab his cock (Yup, I had done that). "And do I smell you cooking breakfast, Sir?"

"Yeah, I wanted to eat in today. There were a few things I wanted to talk about." I handed him coffee and he looked at me strangely. Most mornings, seb served ME.

"Something's going on, Sir. Is everything ok?"

"I think it is, boy." I took a deep sigh. "First, let me say that I'm not going to get down on my knee and propose to you. Not yet at least. It's too soon, but... how committed are you to this relationship?"

He seemed confused by the question. "Sir, I think I'm in love with you. I can't be more committed than that."

I answered "And I KNOW I'm in love with you tony. Maybe my question was poorly phrased: how committed are you to this LIFESTYLE?"

"You mean being the submissive partner, Sir?" He sighed. "You know, occasionally I wonder if I could top someone and..." he blushed. "I thought about trying to top YOU once or twice, Sir, I think I'm seriously committed to it." His answers told me I could proceed.

"Do you know what it means to wear someone's collar, seb?" He looked confused again.

"You mean like puppy play, Sir?"

"Not exactly. Listen my little stud. I want you to read something." I had a copy of a book that was all the rage in the community: >From Boyfriends to D/s." Please read this babe. Especially the part about contracts. I think we have a lot to talk about because..." I gulped. I didn't think I'd get here. "It would be an honor to me if you'd agree to wear my collar."

Ok, I'm getting choked up now, so I'm gonna let seb take over and tell you what happened next. He's reading this, over my shoulder, and he just started pinching his own nipples: he did NOT have permission to do that so... well, you'll find out what his punishment was when he writes his piece.

Next: Chapter 10

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