Dom and Seb

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 29, 2022


Hey readers: Dom back to entertain you. Don't worry: no more bad jokes (well, some may slip in but hey, it happens).

So, seb was planning to write about the night I took him to his first D/s club but the more I thought about it, the more excited I got remembering it. Also, there was a little, well, let's say "inconvenience" at the club the night we went that had seb a little rattled. He says he's ok about it, but I don't want to make him remember anything he doesn't want to. That boy drives me crazy in a lot of good ways, and I'll be damned if I'll do something that might hurt him if I can stand in the way of it. I'll just reminisce for a minute: I'm as much of a sucker for a hot guy as any gay man is, and there's more than one guy that I put on a pedestal when I should have just escorted them out of my life. And there have been guys that left me crazy horny most of the time, and bored when we weren't having sex.

Well, seb has left me crazy horny since the night I met him. I'm serious: I am stiff any time I think about him, and I think about him a LOT. He reads me well too: if you're a DOM, you know the difference between PASSIVE, Passive and passive: sometimes you don't want a struggle, and sometimes, you want to feel like you've conquered the most sought-after stud in the world. I don't think anyone ever read my mood the way seb does and responds accordingly. When he does, I never get an argument about what HE's in the mood for. And ultimately, isn't that what you want in a sub?

But enough of that philosophical crap. I'm acting like that gal in Sex in the City and trust me: you'd never confuse the two of us, even if I shaved my legs. (I told you some jokes might creep in). Let me go back to our story. (Both of us hope you're enjoying it).

I still laugh about that first night, when I handed seb his harness. I shoulda taken pictures: he looked a little nauseous, and then scared, but the BEST was when he was trying to put it on. He's right: think of a young lady trying to put on her first bra. No, it was MUCH worse than that. My seb may be an academic genius, but he's mechanically inept. So, I showed him how to put it on, and I promised to help him the night we were going out. When I was tightening the straps, and adjusting things, of course my hands were all over his bare chest and I was getting hard. I knew seb's ass was in good shape again, and I was planning to have me some. I ran my fingers over his nips from behind, and I licked at his ear a little before I whispered: "Know where you're gonna be Mister?" He moaned: "underneath you, Sir?" I ran my nose over his lobe and whispered "Damn right. Now let's get this thing off you because it's awkward when you're getting cock up your ass. I'll hang it up for you. Just don't go anywhere, or I may have to tie you down."

"Promises, promises," he whispered. He tried to turn around to kiss me, and even though I DID want the kiss, I was gonna be in complete ALPHA DOM mode that night. Yeah, that's what he was doing to me.

So, when I took the harness back to his closet and made room for it, I saw a shirt I had never seen seb wear before: it was dark blue, almost black, and the thing about it that intrigued me even more was that it was a ribbed fabric. That meant it would stimulate his nipples even without my touch. WITH my touch: I couldn't wait. I took it off the hangar and brought it out where seb was sitting, bare chested.

"I never saw you wear this," I said to him, and he looked at it. Then he laughed. "Oh God, Sir. I didn't even know I still had that. That was my favorite shirt in college and law school. If it fits at all, it's gonna be wicked tight." As soon as he said that I could tell he wished he didn't.

"Try it on, boy. You know I love the way you look in dark colors."

"But... Sir," he looked at me with puppy dog eyes. Seb could usually get whatever he wanted from me when he gave me that look, but not when I was in full animal rut, as I was now.

"How long do you think I can keep you locked in the cage, boy?"

He gulped. "As long as you like, Sir."

"Right. And I may like to keep you in it for another week or so. Of course, I may change my mind if you try it on." When seb loses an argument to me, he always gives out this sigh of defeat. It's a turn-on, and when he gave that sigh, I was nearly nuts.

"Yes Sir," he answered. "I usually put on a t-shirt underneath it, Sir."

"Not tonight, boy." I gave him a big grin. "You want a t-shirt because of how it rubs. That's why you're not getting one tonight." He almost seemed to wince. But he was also wickedly horny. That I knew. And he knew that there was a good possibility I'd let him shoot if the sex was excellent (it always was); but if he gave me more trouble, he'd have to wait.

He was right: the shirt WAS tight. Very tight. My boy sucked in his gut to get the buttons closed, and of course, it pushed his chest out. "No need to tuck it in, boy. I just like the way it looks. It looks..." Then I remembered: seb has described the sound I make before I jump on top of him as a growl. That night, it was more like a wolf howling. He's a big boy, but lust was just pouring whatever makes you strong into me, and I just lifted that stud off of his feet and threw him onto the bed. I grabbed his wrists and pinned them, and then I gave him a stare.

"Remember how I worked you over until you surrendered, seb? When you went from being tony to seb the sub?" He squirmed a little under me, but he knew. I got into the position where I pinned one arm and pressed my body on the other one. Then I began working his left nipple through the shirt, letting the fabric help me. He began to moan. And to beg.

"Sir, please. I gave you my submission." I said nothing and just kept working on his nipple. Then I whispered: "move your head. I want that neck and ear." He moaned and I saw the look of desperation on his face as he let my beard get in. I rubbed gently, probably more gently than I ever had. I could tell that the lock on his prick was frustrating him and making him squirm even more. He kept on begging.

"PLEASE SIR, YOU WANT ME TO SUBMIT AGAIN?" I made him wait for my answer.

"No." I laugh now as I remember how he tried to squirm. He was clearly trying to figure out what I wanted, and he was frustrated that he couldn't figure it out. He was overthinking: I was getting what I wanted: my boy was struggling, getting harder and harder and more and more desperate, and he couldn't do anything.

When I torment seb sexually, he struggles before he calms down. Then he gets a little wild: he fights like a fish on the hook and then, when he realizes that I'm not stopping, he just sort of relaxes into it. The sounds that come out of him change too: from moans, to whimpers, to desperate moans and then a soft, almost purr. His eyes close, and he'll occasionally mutter something like "oh, yeah, that's the spot," or "that's right Daddy, work your boy." Well, we got there in about half an hour. "You're gonna wear that shirt around the house, but you are NEVER wearing it outside."

"No Sir..." I could tell he was recovering when he joked "I think getting fucked on the sidewalk will hurt."

"No more hiding your sexy outfits from me either, boy." I saw a smile on his face. I KNEW that meant there were more I didn't know about, and that meant a little tickle torture was in seb's future. For now, though, the only immediate thing in his future was a big, swollen, Dom cock. I got his pants off and I pushed up his legs.

"You've been a good boy tonight, seb, and I'm a little hungry." I bent my head down and I ran my teeth very gently over his loose ball skin. "OH GOD SIR THIS ISN'T FAIR." I chuckled as I just ran my beard scruff all over his balls and his cock. Then I pierced him with his tongue, and the yowl that came out of him was almost scary. I kept up at it. I wanted him nice and wet because I knew I was HUGE, and the few days I didn't want to ream his ass were hard on me.

"Get ready, boy. I got LOTS of man meat for you."


"Your wish is my command," I joked, and began sliding in. By now, I knew exactly where to stop to make seb absolutely crazy, and I touched every one of them. If he saw the mischievous look on my face, it was because this was the first time I had fucked seb while he had the cage on. Lingering on his sensitive spots made it even worse, and it made me harder, and harder.

"SIR, I THINK YOU'RE UP AT MY TONSILS!" He screamed, and I just pushed harder. And harder.

"You've got such a hot ass, boy. And we know who's it is."

"Yours, Sir. You have absolute ownership."

"Don't forget that boy" I began to pound him faster. "Don't. You. Forget. THAT." Then I screamed as I bred my boy. I saw the look on his face: the smile, the expression that showed that ultimately, whatever I thought, HE was enjoying this even more than me.

"Let me get that key," I smirked, and he shook his head yes.

"YES SIR, THANK YOU SIR. YOUR BOY WANTS TO IMPRESS YOU." He reached for his cock, but I wouldn't let him tough it. I was gonna edge him tonight, and edge him I did. We had been doing this for long enough that I knew how his hips bucked when he was close to climax, and I would back off, every time. I always got something along the lines of "OH PLEASE SIR. LET ME CUM THIS TIME," and I just went back to edging him. I brought him to the brink six times before I did something that always brought him over the edge: I squeezed his cock head very gently. Another big scream from my boy, and jizz went flying everywhere. (One of the things I tease seb about, is that while he's extremely organized and neat about everything else, he is a very messy guy when it comes to orgasms. That night was no exception.). I took a little bit of it, rubbed it on my lips, then I took some more and pressed his jizz to his own lips.

"Tastiest juice in the city." What I had just done was one of seb's pet peeves. He's getting over it, but for a while, he had a real aversion to any kind of body fluid of any kind on his body for too long. I knew that if I came on him, and kept him tied down, he'd get really fretful. I used to tease him and ask if baby needed changing, which po'd him even more. He's getting better about it but he's not there. I think the time I just wrote about was when he began to get better about it.

So, as the night I was presenting my new boy got closer, I could see seb getting more and more jittery. He kept on insisting it had nothing to do with going to the club. I didn't believe him until one night, well, I may have been exceptionally horny, or in an exceptionally dominant mood, when I just grabbed him, cuffed his wrists, and then tied his ankles close together. Of course, he couldn't stand up at that point, but I put him with his butt against the wall rather than a chair. Then I put the dog collar on him with the leash. He looked at me with a mixture of fear, of anger, of surprise and also, a lot of frustration. My insistence on seb keeping to his gym routine was beginning to show results, but when I tussled with him, he was a pushover, and he could not accept that. It WAS true: it was as easy for me to handle seb as it was the first day, and it still is. My boy can be stubborn, and he doesn't quite believe me when I tell him that all I have to do is get one of his "spots," and he's helpless. Anyhow, there he was on the floor. I had on my work boots and as I stood over him, I pressed my foot against his crotch. I knew it hurt, because the moan that came out of him was not one of pleasure.

"You better listen up, seb," I began, and pressed my foot down harder. "You DON'T have anything to say about this. I told you we're going, I want EVERYONE to know who your DOM is, and that's the end of things." He was gritting his teeth and I was getting hard.

"I know, Sir. I know. I don't have a problem with that, I really don't. I'm your sub. I do what you tell me."

"Then what's going on?" He got quiet and then, when I pressed even harder, he yelled.

"OKAY OKAY. Just let me get my breath, Sir, please?" I looked at him. "I'll move my foot, but you better come clean."

"I will, Sir, I will." As he spoke, I could tell he was really getting emotional. "When you found that shirt you like so much, did you see the tuxedo next to it?" I had to think for a minute: I'm not a formal kinda guy and I wouldn't have looked for something like that. I snickered. "You're not going anywhere, let me go check." I went back to his closet and yup, there it was: full tux, bow tie, cufflinks, everything.

"Yeah. So? "

"Sir, every year my company has a formal event and attendance is kinda mandatory. But I know how you feel about formal stuff, and I know I can't go without your permission so..." He began to cry. "I'm so confused about it, Sir."

"What's confusing you?" I asked. "All you had to do was ask me if you could go." There was a pause.

"Sir, I wanted you to go with me but, well, I know you'll say no." Now THAT was a shot to my heart, it really was. I mean, seb was right. I was NOT a big fan of formal stuff, although I'd be lying if I said I had never been intrigued about tying up a guy in a tux and dominating him. And now that he mentioned it, I was seeing my boy spread out in formal ware as I slowly took his measure. But no, there was no way I was going. Seb continued to talk.

"When I was with Henry, we'd go every year. One year we even won some kind of stupid award for handsomest couple. But since he disappeared, I haven't gone. It hasn't gone over well at work and, well, this year my boss told me "you're out of excuses Tony. I expect to see you there. With or without a date."

I looked down at him, sitting there all hot and mussed up, and looking absolutely adorable and fuckable. "Let me think about this, boy. There are two questions. One is whether I'm going or not, and that's an easy one: I'm not. But whether I let YOU go on your own or not, that I have to think about." He wasn't totally pleased with that answer, I could tell. "I understand, Sir. Thank you for thinking about it." I gave him a big grin. "How about I go caveman on you and give you a good solid conqueror's fuck?" "Going caveman" was a code for us: it meant I'd haul him over my shoulder, toss him on the bed, and then use him hard. He loves it, still.

"Sir, that would be SO damn hot. Thank you, Sir."

"And now that you've put the idea of that tuxedo in my head, we're gonna use it one way or the other. Sort of like James Bond being captured and used." He liked that idea. I saw his big smile before I hauled him up and carried him off to the bedroom. Now I had a second idea because, well, Halloween was coming up too: the highest of all gay holidays. I already had a costume idea: seb was going to be superman, I was going to be Lex, and he was my prisoner, chained with kryptonite restraints and a green leash. But now, hmmm. My boy as James Bond? There were SO many villains I could be.

"I just wanna rip those damn pants off you and not waste the time," I said as I began mauling his nipples. He struggled out: "DO IT SIR. RIP THEM OFF OF ME. TAKE ME. TREAT ME LIKE THE PRISONER I AM."

Oh, he knew how to push my buttons, and he's gotten better at it. I found a little tear in his jeans and from that, it was so easy to rip them off him. Shreds of denim everywhere, with seb moaning "NO SIR NO. PLEASE PLEASE. DON'T RAVAGE ME." I had to struggle not to laugh when he said "ravage," but I guess what I did to him after that WAS ravaging him. He wore a turtleneck to work the next day because I REALLY went after his neck. I never asked him if he used a cushion as he sat at his desk the next day, but I bet he did: I don't like delayed gratification but that night, I fucked him for over an hour before I released. And then I decided he wouldn't. I can be a real hard assed bastard. Seb loves it too. He didn't at first but his tolerance for domination and his love for it have grown, the same way his guns and chest have.

So, it was the night of the big event where I would show off seb. I said, more than once and not without truth, that I couldn't wait to show off my prize. The boy has self esteem issues and hearing me call him my prize, did make him smile. And he had told me the truth: yes, he WAS very calm and very good about it. I had told him that the most I would do to him in public was play with his nipples, and I meant it. Call me a prude, but I'm not the kinda guy who puts his boy in a sling and works on him in front of other people. I guess, though, to each their own. One thing that I still tease seb about was how he reacted about that night. It was a Friday and he asked: "should I come home early, Sir, so we can get ready?" This is where the experienced elder (yours truly) and the neophyte (you know who), showed their differences.

"Why would you do that, boy?" I asked.

"Well, I saw the flyer and it said that doors open at 9." Those of you who have been at this a while know what was going on. Again, I tried not to show my amusement.

"Boy, no one is gonna be there at 9. You'll come home, we'll eat something, then we'll have a nap, maybe I'll bust a nut in you, and then at about 11 we'll start getting ready. That's how this works." He looked confused, so I gave him a front bear hug and kissed his forehead. I LOVED the fact that I was that much taller than him that he had to look up to me. "Have I not taken care of you from day 1, boy?"

"Yes Sir, you have. It's just..."

"It's new. I know. Once it was new to me. Go with it." He went off to work and I KNOW he was antsy. He texted me three or four times to ask if there was anything we needed, or anything he had to do. The only answer I gave him was "get ready for me to punish fuck you for this behavior." Once he got that answer, he stopped texting. I suspect that if I hadn't caged him that morning, he would've gone to jerk off. Seb loves the idea of being punished. I use it a lot.

So, when I got home late that afternoon, I got things together. I pulled out my own harness. I had had it so long that I had a pet name for it: I called it Bentley. I pulled out arm bands, and then a few other things, including a dog collar (seb would be wearing his lock collar but just in case...) and a leash, as well as a pair of cuffs. I could put them on my belt loop and give the whole outfit a look. I thought about the shades. Seb thought they were hot on me, but the room was gonna be dark, so I just had them ready too. I pulled out the new harness I got for seb: shiny, black, smelling like... well, leather. A true aphrodisiac. Yeah, I was busting a nut in him when he got home, but it would be before we ate. I heard his key in the door and then the slam. He saw me in full leather, and I saw his mouth drop.

"Oh. Sir." I moved over to one of the armchairs. I spread my legs and motioned for him to kneel in front of me.

"Get that cock in your mouth and get it wet, or you're gonna get screwed dry, boy." I had my riding crop with me, too. I had no intention of using it, but when I told seb what to do, I pushed his chin up with the end of it. Seb is a deliberate eater, but not when it comes to cock. I was very, VERY hard, and he took me in one deep throat motion, surprising me. When I said, "That's enough, boy," he didn't move. I eventually had to pull him off. Now, I was really, really needing to pound seb's ass, but I held back. I cuddled with him, shoved my tongue down his throat so far that I tasted my own funk, and when I felt his legs circling my back, I knew it was time. I had planned to show no mercy but... looking at my willing, sweet, handsome hot superman to be, I just wanted to melt. Fortunately, my cock didn't, and every time seb begged for more, I got harder.

When your friend's sub is an uber driver, you don't have to worry about standing out in a cab. Gary and his boy, and my friend Stan and his sub, the driver, got in the car with us. Off we went. It was 11:30.

It always takes a while for my ears to get used to the music at these events, and to learn to modulate my voice. It took longer that night because I saw my boy with his wide eyes, like a kid who was at the circus for the first time. Eventually, I told him "hands behind your back, boy. Show everyone that you belong to me." His voice was very hushed. "Yes Sir. OH WOW"

Remember when you got that feeling at a leather party? Experiencing it through my boy was almost as good.

All of the boys he had met at that first party were there, and of course their friends. They came over, smiling -- with their DOMS of course -- and what could we do? The boys wanted to dance, so we gave them leave to go to the floor and dance with each other. Most of them were wearing "owned" collars, so we weren't worried. I watched, nursing a beer. I don't dance, but seb certainly did: all that theater background maybe? He was having a blast, and I was pleased. I really, REALLY wanted him to embrace this lifestyle.

Then things took a turn. I must have looked away, just for a second, because when I looked up, I saw my boy by himself in the center of the floor, talking to this tall, thin guy with glasses, a band on his left arm, and the look of a hungry wolf.

"Henry," I thought. "What the fuck is he doing here?" I moved through the crowd, as quietly as I could but as quickly as I could too. When I came up on them, I put a hand on seb's shoulder.

"Boy, I think it's time to leave. Hang on a minute." Now I was glad I had the dog collar, because I put that on seb, as well as the leash. He put his hands behind his back, and I wasn't sure if the look on his face was relief or disappointment.

"Why don't you introduce me to this man, seb?"

"Of course, Sir. Henry, this is my Master Dom." I saw the look on Henry's face. He seemed to be very amused, as if he could sweep me away very easily. Physically, that wasn't going to happen. He looked a lot like a plant that didn't get enough sunlight, but seb was transfixed.

"Nice to meet you. I didn't know that tony had a new DOM." Now I smiled. "I recognize you. You're Henry. His first Top, yes?"

"Yup. I guess Tony told you his history."

"He did. And unless you lied to me, boy." I pulled seb's dog collar. "I'm not his NEW Dom, I'm his FIRST Dom." Clearly, Henry got the distinction. He didn't expect someone as "common" as me to get the first jab in. I'm used to that.

"Well, I guess TECHNICALLY there's a difference between being a Top and being a Dom, but, well."

"I guess if you want to call it technical, that's your choice. Seb calls me Sir or Master. He ever call you that?" A sour look came over Henry's face.

"Maybe I didn't need the constant reassurance, so we didn't use labels." He looked at seb. "It was nice seeing you, Tony. Maybe I'll get another chance." He tipped his cap at us and then he walked off. Seb's eyes never left him until he disappeared into the crowd.

"Just so you know, boy, Henry just violated a very basic rule of D/s etiquette. You are clearly owned. You're marked with that collar. He should have asked who your DOM was and got my permission to talk to you."

"Sir, he told me that since he never released me, I couldn't have a new DOM without his permission." I tightened my hand on seb's shoulder.

"Did you ever submit to him?" He gave me a look of fear and a bit of anger.

"NO, SIR. Yeah, he topped me but... you're the first man who ever got me to surrender and, no, I didn't call him Sir, or Master. Or anything like that." I began to feel a little more self-assured. But still. I remembered that Henry was well educated, like seb. I couldn't match that. But maybe, maybe I could do something. It was noisy so I bent down and whispered into seb's ear: "How about later this week, we go shopping for a tux for your DOM? And if you'll have me, I'll be your date at this gala thing." He turned around so fast he almost broke my nose.


"I'm doing it for us. If it does nothing else, it'll get me even hotter for your ass. Think about what a good spanking a pair of braces can do." He got smart mouthed "I guess you'll have to show me, Sir."

And I did. But when seb comes back with his part, he'll tell you about that, and about how the tables sort of turned, and I started meeting HIS friends.

Stay tuned.

Next: Chapter 8

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