Dom and Seb

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 9, 2022


Hey. It's your favorite bad gay comic: Dom da Dom, back again? Ha ha. What can I say? I'll stop telling jokes because ya know where we are? We caught up to the present. We're just about at the point I opened: remember when I introduced you to seb and I, with him tied up and gagged, with the clamps on his nips? Yeah, you remember it now. Well, now that you know about how we got to where we are, let's jump back in.

I gotta say: breaking tony was one of the highlights of my life as a DOM. You heard me say and you've heard others say: a lot of subs look exactly the same. It's not that often that you find a bottom, let alone a sub, who looks like he could turn around and fuck the shit out of some guy. That's my boy: he's got that look. And that's why he gets in trouble. That and the fact that while seb is a good boy, tony is a flirt. He flirts constantly.

He was in the chair that night because of his flirting the night before. It was the second time I had caught him flirting since he surrendered, and I'll tell you about both of them because I'm sure you wanna know.

First time it happened, I had decided to surprise tony by picking him up at the gym after he worked out. Yeah, I let him go to the gym because, well, because I figured if he continued to work out, he'd continue to challenge me when I pinned him down, or wrestled him, or any of those things where I'd take physical control of him. He lost every time, and you could see he was frustrated because I won so easily. But his guns were good, his legs were strong. He just wound up with a guy who's stronger, and who knew his weaknesses.

But I digress. I was waiting in my car outside the gym. We had set a schedule and he knew enough to stick to it, so I was waiting at 6:15 when he walked out. He was SO FUCKING HOT. He hadn't bothered to change back into his lawyer duds, which was fine: he had on these tight red shorts (not my favorite color on him, but I could check out his ass), and a tank top in powder blue. He had showered, and I could see he remembered to put his collar back on (seb will tell you about that when he writes). So, I'm sitting there in the car, and I see him walk out with this tall, muscular blond guy: sort of a smaller version of Dolph Lundgren. Guy wasn't wearing a shirt, and he's walking with my boy, and I see they're chatting and laughing. Now, I'm already getting jealous but then I see them stop and they give each other a hug. On the one hand, my cock was getting really, REALLY hard because I was thinking it would be great to screw them both, but on the other hand, well, you know. So, when blondie walked off, I got out of the car, and slammed the door.

"SEB, OVER HERE." He looked around. He knew it was me: no one else called him seb and I saw a little bit of concern go over his face but then he turned around and gave me a smile.

"Master Dom! What a nice surprise." He picked up my arm and put it around his shoulders. Like I said, he's a flirt, not just with other people, with me, too. I was already thinking about what I was gonna do to him when we got home. He saw me smile.

"I know what that smile means, Master. You're thinking about..."

"Damn right I am, seb." I squeezed him tight and pulled him close to me. "Who's blondie." I felt his body tense up.

"Oh, Erik. Yeah, he's really fit and he's friendly. He saw me having some trouble with my workout and came over and gave me some tips."

I had to. "He give you any `tips' from between his legs?" I could feel him get even more tense. "Sir, nothing like that happened. We just work out together."

"And then hug it out when you leave the gym." He knew I had caught him.

"Master, I didn't initiate it. He did."

"You also didn't seem to be that interested in pulling away."

"Sir, we're just friends at the gym. I promise."

"What did I tell you about flirting, seb? And don't deny you were flirting."

He didn't say anything, so I add it. "I told you there was punishment for flirting, didn't I?"

"Yes Master, you did."

"Well, you're gonna have to take some of it tonight, and maybe you'll learn to be a little less of a would-be slut."

We got in the car, and he said, a few times, "I'm really sorry Master." After the third one I answered, "just spread your legs boy." He did and I took one hand off the wheel and squeezed his junk. "Was that hard when you hugged?" He gulped and then answered, "Yes Master."

"You know I have ways to make it not get hard. You want them?" A gulp.

"No Master. I should only be hard for you." I wanted to answer "Boy, you'll NEVER be as hard for me as I am for you," but I kept myself under control.

"When we get home, I want you on the bed, face down. Don't even undress. I'll take care of that when I'm ready."

"Yes Master," he said, and I could hear the nervousness in his voice. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx

Well, we got home, and after he got into position, I tied his wrists and spread his ankles, and tied them. I think seb expected that he was just going to get a hard fuck. That was coming. I reached underneath and put a penis gag in his mouth. He must've known he wasn't in THAT much trouble because those are his favorite kind of gags. Then I blindfolded him -- something I hadn't done before. I did it because I didn't want him to see what I was taking out of my toy chest. Two electric toothbrushes.

"Know what, seb boy? We haven't investigated something you told me. You told me the back of your knees were the most ticklish part of your body. Well, let's find out.

"MMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" snuck out of the gag. I saw him turning his head in a "no" motion and I just laughed. "That's not gonna stop me." I saw him tense up. He was anticipating my fingers, and then he heard the buzz.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!! PLLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" he was trying to beg me not to, and I just said "Hmmm. I heard you say please Master, use a high frequency."

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" I chuckled and brought a brush down on the back of each of his knees. I barely touched the brushes to his skin, and he began to squirm. I was glad I had strapped him down tight because the barest touch was clearly agony for him. (Next time I use them, I won't gag him. Seb laughing turns me on. More than other things he does.)

I pushed the brushes in deeper. I didn't increase the frequency, but I kept them at the same spot until he started to go numb, and the laughter and moans died down, then I moved them, and his helpless laughs got louder again.

"No more flirting, seb, you understand me?"

"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" I could hear contrition in his voice.

"Now, you better understand stud. If I catch you again... remember that pube hair that I didn't shave?"

"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph," he sounded like a scared kitten. "Off it goes. And very possibly, a cage goes on. Now, damn it all to hell but even when you're a naughty boy, you get me hot. "I pulled his shorts down. I was about to fuck him, and I thought "he needs a spanking." And he got one. I pulled out the paddle and whacked him a good fifteen times on each cheek. His moans were mixed with a few light sobs, and that was ok to me. He couldn't see what I was doing, he could just feel it, and the next thing he felt was my tongue licking at his ass. Now he was moaning, and I gave him my next order. "You better not cum, boy. If you do, the punishment is gonna get much, MUCH worse. Those brushes have enough power to do your feet AND your pits. You understand me?" "mmpppppppph mstr" was accompanied by an ascent with his head. I got back to work. He still had that salty, gym flavor in his butt, and I lapped it up. I wanted him nice and wet because, I wasn't just hard, I was MEGA hard, and I was throbbing. Just before I took him, I took off the blindfold and the gag. He thanked me and began to moan.

OH GOD SIR. I thought about your cock all day. ALL DAY. I wanted it. I wanted it from the minute I got to work." I pushed harder and he yelled. "YES. OH GOD SHOW ME WHO'S THE MASTER. MAKE ME PAY. FUCK ME SIR. FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK ME!"

I should say here, that one of the best parts of being seb's first DOM, was that he hadn't learned how to fake things. (He hasn't either. Not even now). I mean, if you're a DOM, let's face it: you've dealt with a sub who knows YOU'RE enjoying something, and he fakes it. His head goes elsewhere. He starts thinking about texts he's going to send, or what he's going to use your money to buy, or the guy he's cheating with that he thinks you don't know about. No, that wasn't tony/seb: he was INTO this. And on the few occasions when I did something that didn't excite him, he'd say, very meekly "Master, this isn't working for me, I'm sorry." I LOVE that about him. I love that he didn't try to lie about what I had seen, and I LOVE fucking his ass. I blew a load in him that night. Then I felt underneath to make sure he hadn't cum. I was pleased that he hadn't. He was learning. Then he made a request.

"Please Master, do you think we could cuddle for a little?" That was new to me, and I was good with it. It took about ten minutes of kissing him, and rubbing his ears, when he said "It gets me so excited Sir, when you get jealous. I can't explain it but it just, well, it makes me feel tingly all over and... OH MASTER PLEASE HOLD ME TIGHTER."

I did, and I said to him "Look boy, I'm always gonna be jealous, no question about that. But you have to stop flirting because if you don't, the discipline level is going up."

"Yes Master, I'll try."

Well, he didn't try enough because I caught him out on breaking the rules again, and that's what led to the scene you saw when we started.

When seb came home from work, like we both said, I was usually there at his place. It was another one of those days when he had a "wear a tie" meeting, so when he came in, wearing his favorite color (white: my favorite color on him is blue), with his sleeves back and his tie loosened, I gave him a greeting kiss. Usually when I did that, I'd push my knee into his crotch to tease him. He was always hard. ALWAYS. That night, when I moved to push my knee in, he tried to get away. I pulled him closer, and he squirmed some more. I stopped kissing him.

"What's wrong boy?"

"Nothing, Sir, it's just that... I'm chafing and it hurts a little."

I didn't believe him. "Well, let's take a look. Unzip. Pull it out. I know something about taking care of those problems."

"No, Master, I appreciate it but it's ok. I'll put some powder on it."

I was getting suspicious. I glared at him.

"OPEN YOUR FUCKING PANTS." I saw the color drain from his face. He had been found out. He knew he had no choice. When he dropped his pants, his cock was shrunken. I could see half dried jizz too.

"You jerked off today, boy. What's my rule?"

"Master it was just, it was just, well, there was another lawyer at the meeting, and he looked just like you and I began thinking about you and"

"CHAIR. NOW." Whether he was telling the truth or not, I don't know. I suspect that he was, but I also suspect that every now and then, seb is in the mood to get disciplined. I do agree with the expression "Spare the Rod/Spoil the Boy," but I also think a DOM has to apply the rod judiciously. "Close up your pants, get in the chair, and wait. I'm writing that story we agreed to."

He sighed: "Yes Master." I sneered. "Just be glad I'm not using the ball gag because I have every right to."

"I know, Sir. I deserve it." And that's where we came in. Now, I'll tell you what happened after the nipple torture you already read about, because when you read the new part, you'll know part of why I'm so happy I have tony/seb as my sub, and why I'm NOT sharing him (I did get asked. It may have ruined a friendship, but we'll get there. For now, though...)

Let me be clear before I write this section: I do NOT see my relationship with seb as one of equals: he's the sub, I'm the DOM, period. What I say is the law. But where, I think, a lot of our D/s relationships go bad, is that we DOMS forget about our obligation to take good care of our subs. It makes sense, doesn't it? Well, I had that in mind that night because when I had taken seb's ass the night before, I noticed that it looked a little aggravated: perhaps a little overused. That made sense to me: I had been fucking him just about every night for months. And dare I say it, if you want to look at it from a selfish point of view, all that stress had weakened his muscles. Bluntly, he wasn't as tight as he used to be. So, I had decided to give him a break from being on his back or belly. That meant his mouth was going to get used a LOT in the next week or so.

When I finished the nipple torture and I took seb out of the chair, he began to move toward the bedroom. He was used to being brought into that room with his wrists bound before I tied him to the bed. That night, though, I just looked at him. "Get on your knees, boy. You haven't sucked me in a while and you're gonna prove you haven't forgotten how." My boy looked puzzled and hesitated. "I SAID GET ON YOUR KNEES."

"Yes Master", he answered, and I shoved his face into my crotch.

"You're gonna worship the dick that owns you with your mouth. Now get started." I grabbed him by the back of his neck first, and I stared into his eyes. "I'll explain later, boy, but now, DO AS YOU WERE TOLD."

"Yes Master." I unzipped and my cock, hard as it always was when I disciplined seb, popped out. He kissed it first. Then he began to make this sounds: "Oh yes Sir. You have such a great cock, Sir. I want it. I want it so badly. Please give it to me Sir." I DID give it to him. He opened his mouth, and I shoved his head forward.

Seb is a good cocksucker. No, he's a GREAT cocksucker and I was really enjoying how he got his tongue up and down my shaft, licking it, pulling it down his throat, adding saliva and getting me even more excited than I was. Then he pulled back and let my dick out of his mouth. I gave him a look.


"No, Master, but...I was wondering if I could do something to you tonight that I think you'll love. I'll stop if you don't like it." He looked up at me with begging eyes. "Please, Master, may I teabag you?"

I've told you, and so as seb, that this role of being a sub was new to him. He didn't know a lot about it and, to be honest, I didn't know he knew anything about teabagging or how he knew that I loved shoving my balls in a sub's mouth. Then I thought back: a few nights ago, I was on the phone with Tom. He asked me how things were going (we were setting up a date where I would introduce tony/seb to everyone. You'll hear about that in due course). I told him that it was great, but that I hadn't had someone teabag me in a long time. I remembered that seb was in the bathroom, but he must have heard. Later, when I asked him, he told me that he DID hear me, and because he didn't know what that was, he did what every lawyer does: he went on the computer and looked it up. Then he watched videos.

I learned all that later. What I knew at that moment, though, was that he was quite accomplished at what he was doing, and I was getting really, REALLY excited. My cock wasn't in his mouth, and I was about to climax.

"My boy's gonna get his first facial!" I lost it and began squirting all over his face. Seb closed his eyes after the first squirt, and I just continued. Now, I had been thinking about what I was planning to do to him after we finished this, and maybe that was exciting me: teabagging is ok, but it's no substitute, in my view, for a proper blowjob: it's more of an appetizer before the main meal if you know what I mean. Still, there were a few things going on in my mind. First, I thought it was very sweet that seb had tried something new. I'd have to talk about it with him and explain to him that in the future, I expected my cock in his mouth AFTER the teabagging. I was also aroused by what was happening: all my jizz was dripping down seb's tie, and onto his shirt. If there was one thing tony/seb liked less than drool on his clothes, it was jizz. His face showed it. I mean, he was clearly happy that I was smiling, but I could tell that his submissive mind was thinking "next time I do this, I have to have my shirt off."

HA HA. A rookie sub and an experienced DOM. Guess what happened next time? But again, I'm not focusing on what happened next. I looked at my kneeling, bound, sub, and announced.

"We're not done, boy. Get into the bedroom. NOW."

"Yes, Master," he said, looking puzzled. He had seen the size of my orgasm "up close and personal" as it were. He was wondering:

did I have enough jizz to fuck him?

Nope. Instead, I got him on the bed, got him restrained tightly. I took off his pants and boxers, but I left his shirt on. I figured the longer he had to wear jizzed up clothes, the more punishment it would be. But I had something else in mind. His cock was standing up in the air. I knew he wanted to shoot.

"How badly do you wanna cum, boy?"

"Real bad, Sir."

"Well, let's see HOW badly you want it. "I began running my hand over his pubes. "You want it badly enough to get shaved?" His body "English" gave me the answer. Seb did NOT want to be shaved. I could see the words "please don't, Master," forming on his lips, but he didn't say them. Instead, he said "If Master wants to shave my privates, then they get shaved."

This was real progress to me. REAL progress. My sub was coming along quite nicely, and I couldn't disappoint him. So, I got the shaving stuff out again, and I had him lathered up really quick. I held his cock with one hand as the straight edge went up and down. This was bothering him more than having his pits or torso shaved, for sure, but my hand on his dick was stimulating him.

"No bucking, seb boy. If you do, I could slip."

"Yes, Master," he sighed. I saw him bite his lip and try to settle down. If I were a truly nice DOM, I would have worked quickly. I didn't. I worked slowly, patiently, savoring each one of his moans. But all good things come to an end and soon, I was wiping down his now clean pubes.

"We won't shave those as often as your pits and torso, seb, but when discipline is needed, keep in mind: shaving you there is fair game." He grunted, but he answered "Yes, Master, I understand."

"And I'm gonna get you to shoot now, boy, but not the way you're used to. Ever here of a hitachi?" He looked puzzled.

"Isn't that something for cooking, Sir?" I laughed. "That's a HIBACHI boy. THIS is a hitachi." I pulled out the one I had under the bed. "I guess this will be your introduction to it." I plugged it in, and turned it to its lowest setting, because that's all I was going to need. One touch to his balls, and...

"OH MY FUCKING GOD SIR THAT'S SO INTENSE!" The words spilled out of him and now, I let him buck against the ropes. I knew it wouldn't be long. Seb gets very quiet just before he shoots, and he got very quiet now. Then, there was one very small buck -- he was exhausted -- and his own jizz starting pouring out of him. The way he was screaming, I wished I had kept the gag on him.


"I guess you like discipline, boy."

"I like this discipline. Well, most of it, Sir."

"Yeah, I know what you don't like and maybe you'll learn that discipline comes when you don't follow my rules." He had jizz on his face, his shirt, his lower body. Seb likes feeling clean. VERY clean.

"You're gonna wear the mark of jizz for the rest of the night. If I'm in the mood, I'll let you take off the shirt and shower before we go to bed. But maybe not. I looked down at him. "No more flirting boy. Is that clear?" "I'll try Sir. I'll try REALLY hard." "Well, I'd try REALLY, REALLY hard if I were you, because... remember the paddle?" "Yes, Master." "Next time, there'll be paddling involved. And a chastity cage." I saw the fear on his face. "I won't flirt anymore, Sir." "GOOD. Then we won't need them." I looked at him. "You promise?" He looked at me pleadingly. "Yes, Master, I promise." "Ok. You can shower and change. Remember. You promised, sub boy." "YES SIR, THANK YOU SIR." Well, we spent the rest of that evening at home, in our usual positions on the sofa. Of course, as you'd expect, seb couldn't keep the promise, and I caught him. When I tell you that story, you tell me: you think he did it knowing I'd see him, or thinking I wouldn't? We'll get to it. My boy is gonna tell you the story of our meet up with my buds. And his first harness. GOD did he look HOT in it.

Next: Chapter 6

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