Dom and Seb

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 15, 2022


Hey all, Dom the Big Dom here. Miss me? Miss us? DOM DA DOM DOM. Yeah, remember when we wrote the last "episode," we said we'd be back when we had more to tell ya? Well, we do. Seb doesn't wanna tell the story but, as I reminded him, I make the decisions. He's had a little bit of trouble with that lately because of what I'm gonna tell you about, so we're having a few, well, I wouldn't call them "time outs," but maybe something that I remember from my old history classes. I remember the phrase "struggle sessions." They were pretty awful as I remember, but I thought "struggle session" was something that could be pretty hot. That's what seb is undergoing right now while I'm writing. He's tied up in the usual chair, and while I thought about giving him the ball gag, I'm not really THAT stern. I gagged him with a cleave gag, but before I did, I shoved one of my work socks in his mouth. He's also wearing his cop uniform, which fits him very tightly these days (I'll tell ya about that. It's part of this story), the one with the short sleeves, and I put his right arm band on to "remind" him. His shirt is opened so that I can yank the clamps every now and then, and then there's the hitachi, which is on low, but is positioned so that it touches his guiche. He's trying to pretend it isn't doing anything, but every now and then, a whimper comes outta him and I can see the juice at his crotch. He's gonna stay like that until he has a full orgasm and then, I'm gonna fuck him silly. OH, one other thing. I set a timer. He has to try to hold back for an hour. If he cums after 45 minutes, he gets 15 whacks when I spank him pre fucking. Thirty minutes? Thirty whacks. All part of reminding him who's boss.

For the most part, seb settled into his role as my sub without any trouble. He really seemed to enjoy it and, for the most part, he still does. He's pissed off at me about the guiche but read on. See, I didn't write much about it, but I always thought that if I had a sub -- one who was going to go the distance with him- I wanted him to have a reminder that he could look at, or touch, and be reminded that he belonged to me. So, I thought about tattoos for seb. A lot. I didn't mention it to him because I knew he didn't want one. I also thought about piercings, and if seb didn't want a tattoo, he REALLY didn't want a piercing. If I brought up the topic, he'd whine. It was always along these lines: "Master, PLEASE. I have a collar. Everyone who needs to know, knows what that means." Now, he had a point. But on the other hand, when my smart-ass lawyer sub signed the contract, he didn't make a single comment to the part that said I owned his body and if it wasn't something that would disfigure him permanently or cause physical damage, I could do whatever I wanted. I needed to remind him of that.

My wanting sebby pierced was also catalyzed (like that? Heh, heh. Some of seb's vocabulary is rubbing off on this old dog) by what was going on with seb's body. He had always gone to the gym, and he liked it, he didn't love it. Well, when he saw the bodies that some of the other subs had at the club, he began to REALLY get into the whole gym thing, and he began to really love it. And it showed. Seb and I are both mesomorphs, but he's more extreme than I am, and he's younger. Once he started reading up on bulking and putting on muscle, he did. Remember what I wrote above about how tight his police uniform was? That was true of all of his clothes: it's a little funny, but there was more than one time when he'd be getting dressed and I'd hear a tear and seb curse: another button had popped or, in one case, the shirt just tore to pieces. So, we got more. And then we had to size up again. "Bottom line," no pun intended (you don't believe that do you? You know me well enough) is that he's getting bigger and bigger, and we got to a point where he got stronger than I was. Now, given seb's submissive nature, and my natural aggressiveness, PLUS my knowledge of his hot spots, it wasn't a big problem: if I got my fingers on his left nipple I could just whisper "put your hands behind you boy," and I'd have him nice and under control. Still, I wanted to know that I COULD control him physically, and I wanted him to know I was in charge, every minute. So, guess what old Dom did?

If you guessed that I started going to the gym, you're right. I did. When I started, I did something that sounded like a good idea, but it wasn't. Seb and I would go to the gym together. What could go wrong? HAH, HAH. First, I spent most of my time looking at seb work out and trying to hide my hard ons. Second, there were a few times where, after we got home from the gym, I'd say something like "if that curly haired queen stares at you one more time, I'll deck the priss," and seb would put his hand on my arm and say "Master, don't overreact. Yeah, he's checking me out, but the queen is afraid of his own shadow, and his wife would cut off his balls if she knew." We'd have that discussion after, well... I'm sure that more than one of you gets "in the mood" if you see your boy exercising. And, as I learned, while I was checking out seb, he was checking out me.

I couldn't believe it. SOMEONE WAS CHECKING OUT ME. DAMN did I hit the jackpot. My sub, my lover, WAS GETTING HARD WATCHING ME WORK OUT. Folks, I have to tell you, I AM more than a little insecure (you figured that out, didn't ya?), and having a hot lover/sub, who had way more education than I do, makes way more money than I do, was taxing. But he wanted to be with me. So, of course, at first, we'd shower, get back home, and then have the most AMAZING post workout sex you could imagine. And then we'd clean up again. So, finally, it was seb who said "Master, didn't you say once that my hole was nice and easy to screw if it was sweaty?" He gave me a look and began backing away. Seb is the best flirter I know. He took two steps back, smiled, and said "Excuse me, Master, I have to tie a shoelace." He turned around, bent over, and his shorts nearly tore right there (I tore them off him when we got back). So, yeah, we started working out at different times. Seb would go on his lunch break at work, and I'd go after I punched my card and before I got home. On weekends, though, we still worked out together. Especially on Sundays. Seb had been an altar boy (weren't they all, at one point), and he'd insist on worshipping my feet and cock. Who was I to argue? It's great. I may have to "remind" him this Sunday, like I did last Sunday, but that's okay. A sub needs a firm hand sometimes, right?

Well, seb's chest growth was getting me hornier and hornier. I love a hot ass, but a good chest: I see lunch. It took longer to shave him and, since he was getting bigger and really looking much more macho, I told him to grow a beard. It looked REALLY hot on him: not very long, but he has that dark, Mediterranean type of hair, and he just looked like a Roman god with it. Tying him down for his shaving just keeps getting more and more fun, especially when I'm all done, he's all cleaned up, and I grab his ankles. He'll whisper "Master, will you fuck me, please?" Sometimes, I'll play with him and make him beg for it. Seb begs for dick SO WELL. And then there are times when I just wanna plunge right in. So, after one of those sessions, after I had just dumped a HUGE load in his ass (and he had nearly cut off the circulation to my dick with his massively strong glutes), we were laying there. I had him pinned down, and I was playing with his RIGHT nipple. Even though his left one was more sensitive, the right one was still fun to play with. I crooned "Know what'd make this nip as sensitive as the other one? I piercing." As soon as "piercing" came out of my mouth, he began pushing against my hands. When I switched to his left nip and squeezed, I heard a big sigh and he fell back. I didn't stop squeezing, but he pleaded "Please, Master, no pierings, PLEASE." I smiled and said, "Who makes the decisions about your body, boy?" He gulped and answered, "You do, Master." I continued: "So, if I decided you're getting pierced, you're getting pierced, right?" He paused, and sighed before he responded, "I guess so, Master." I smiled and straddled him as I took both nips in my hands. "I'll make a deal with you, boy. You know what I want, so don't piss me off. But think about it. We'll talk about why you don't want one in a few days, and nothing will happen unless you change your mind, ok?" I saw him smile. "Yes, Master. Thank you." We had a long kiss and then we realized we were both hard again. DAMN for two older guys, we were really like freaking rabbits when we were with each other. And I got my devious mind to working.

"Master, can we talk about the piercing thing tonight, please?" seb asked me that via text. I was still getting up and going to work before him and getting home before him. I knew he was serious because unlike most of his texts, it didn't include a "butt selfie." "Sounds good to me," I wrote back. I had a feeling that I knew what the issue was, so before I got home, I took a visit to a friend who runs an "adult store," and does all kinds of piercings. "Jerrybob" is what his name tag says, but most people call him either "Sir Rob" or "Master Rob," including his three boys. I have to tell you: the man must have the stamina of a camel and the sex drive of... I don't know what. All of his boys seem happy, they're all collared, and I don't think any of us know their names: we know them as alpha beta and gamma for their place in his universe. He also has a family of about six lizards. He's got a little side business: perfectly legal, where he breeds the critters. Seb and I visited once. It was funny to see the face seb made when Rob put one on his knee. Me? DAMN I love them. Let's just say that one time, seb said to me, when we got home: "Master, this isn't a request. Please brush your teeth and gargle." That's because I had kissed one of the lizards and she had kissed me back.

"She has a cleaner mouth that you do."

"Yes, Master," he answered. "And I have sharper teeth" (that wasn't true but, after all, his teeth were going to be very close to one of my most sensitive body parts and Sheena's weren't. I laughed as I gargled that night).

So, when I visited Rob's store, it was pretty quiet. It would get busier when the younger ones and the guys who worked until 5 or 6 got out of the office. After an embrace, he asked me about seb and smiled when he asked "why the hell haven't you brought him in for a piercing? Those nips of his are BEGGING for it." I laughed and told him I couldn't agree more, and that I thought seb REALLY needed a piercing, but I thought he really didn't want it to be visible to the public.

"Well, Dom, I always thought you were dumb as a rock and now you've proven it. Not all piercings are ear and tit, you know. Let me show you some other variations." He showed me the Prince Albert which I knew about, and I knew that one wasn't going to fly. He should me some others and then...

"Now this, this is what we call a guiche. Don't ask me why, we just do. (Folks, if you don't know, look it up. NOT QUICHE BUT GUICHE). "Only one who's gonna see that is you. Maybe seb but if you think about it, it's gonna be hard for him to see too." I thought about it and thinking about having a little loop down there that I could play with when I had seb on his back (or belly), was almost intoxicating. "Rob, thank you! I think I decided. I'll give you a call when we're ready to come in. Just one request, Sir?"

"I try to comply," he laughed. "I want you to do it. Not your staff, but you. I don't want seb to think for a minute that anyone other than a true DOM gets into his taint."

"I was hoping you'd say that Dom because I'm like any other guy. I want a look at that ass, and I think this is as close as I'm gonna get." I laughed. "Take care, stud. Give your boys my best. Especially beta." I had a "special fondness" for beta. If I hadn't found seb, I was going to ask if Rob were willing to give him up. Now, it was moot.

So, I know my boy well enough, and the reasons I thought he'd give me were the ones he DID give me. When we sat down to talk, after dinner, I had to turn away because of the smile on my face: seb had changed into light colored chino pants and a snug blue shirt that showed "every nook and cranny" as they say. He wanted something. When he dressed like that, he usually got it. Tonight, though, I had other ideas.

When seb finished, I put an arm around his shoulder, and threw one of my legs over one of his. "Well, seb, I did some research, and you know, there are at least a couple of piercings that no one will ever see unless you invite them to see them. Take a look." I had the pictures that Rob had given me and, cagey guy that I am, I put the Prince Albert right up front. I knew seb would get skeevish, and he did. I felt him shake, and then I saw his head turning in a "no." There weren't many photos, and the guiche was at the back. "Now THAT'S the one I like. See?" I took his hand off the book and put it on my crotch. He couldn't help himself. He squeezed. "I suppose that if you made up your mind there's nothing to discuss, Master." I could hear the defeat in his voice. "Now, now. I TOLD you that we weren't going to do this unless you asked for it. "He looked at me. "Master, are you sure?"

"I'm sure," I told him. Of course, I didn't tell him that he WAS going to ask for it, and that's the part that's pissing seb off. Too bad. This was going to be the start of me stepping up my DOM game, and that meant that my sub was coming along with me.

Seb would work at home sometimes, and he'd have to leaf through tons of documents: paper everywhere. He used something to protect his fingers, especially his thumbs, from paper cuts. "Finger tips" was what he called them. They looked like little plastic thimbles, but they were covered with little nubs all over their surface. There had been one time when I tried to put one of them on my finger and broke it because it was too small. Seb had laughed about that -- it was before he had taken my collar -- and had said "well, you know what they say: big fingers, big...." I remember smiling at him and saying "Too bad. I can't imagine what this could do to your left nipple." He blushed and I realized: he had already tried it. Well, the next day on my way home, I stopped at one of those office supply stores. I got a box of them in MY size. Then I put them away and forgot about them. Now, though.

Sunday, when seb asked for permission to worship my cock, I was ready. I smiled. "Know what, boy? I think you need a reminder of how you surrendered. How you became my sub." I could see the look on his face. I knew he was hard and desperate: I had caged seb three days before, and he thought that today was the day he'd be released, after worship and fucking. Now he wasn't sure.

"Yes, Master," he said, and started walking toward the bedroom. I grabbed him and shoved my hand down his shirt. His nip was in my fingers as I whispered "This is gonna be a SPECIAL submission, boy. "He was already moaning as I pushed him onto the bed. As long as I kept his nipple teased, there wouldn't be any real resistance, and I tied his wrists very easily. His sneakers went off next, then his pants and his thong: a black one that day. Seb grinned when he scrunched up his neck and head to keep my scruff out. One firm pinch of his nip took care of that, and then I began the scruffing and stroking that I knew, and he knew, would do him in every time. I think I said that I had shaved seb recently, so he was smooth. He's more sensitive when he's been shaved, and that together with the longish time of the caging...

See how my mind works? Why be clever when you can be devious? He was moaning in a very, VERY short time. "Master, please. Please. I submit. Tell me what you want."

"I want to play with you some more, seb. I don't REALLY think you mean it when you say, you want to submit." I kissed him and then reached over and put on the fingertips. His eyes got big.

"OH SHIT MASTER. You know what they do to my nips."

"I do. But they're going somewhere else." I moved one hand down to his crotch and reached underneath him. I began rubbing the tip over his taint.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHFUCKKKKKKKKKK" was his response. I had one set of fingers on his nip, and the other at his taint. I began rubbing my scruff on his ear and I whispered, "Ask me to pierce you, boy."

He began to groan and tried to close his legs to protect himself. I laughed. "Did you forget the restraints at the bottom. Want them on your ankles?"

"No, Master. Please. Please. No...OOOOOOOOOHHHHH FUCK" he moaned again. I could feel the resistance going out of his glutes. I didn't need to tell him to spread his legs. He did. My touch was very, VERY light: Rob had told me to be sure he wasn't irritated down there, and I was being very careful.

"How's that feel, studmuffin? How'd you like to feel stimulated like that ALL the time?"

"I couldn't take it, Master. Please. PLEASE. Let me suck you. Get the huge dildo and fuck me with it, but..."

"Tell me you want to get pierced," I whispered. "Tell me you want to get pierced." Then I went silent. I just worked over his body, and I was enjoying every moan, every shiver. Seb's cock gets bright pink when he's caged and excited, and this was the pinkest I had ever seen it. I wish I had had the foresight to gag him because that would have made things even hotter. Then, I realized there WAS one way to make things hotter and to torment him even more.

I opened the cage. His cock flew out and stood at attention, and he tried to buck but... there was no friction. He couldn't cum, and I kept brushing the fingertip back and forth on his perineum.

"You're my Master, Sir. You can do whatever you want to me."

"Ask to be pierced," was all I said. He lasted for about twenty minutes more until it came out.

"PLEASE MASTER. PIERCE ME. PLEASE PIERCE ME ANYWAY YOU WANT." Then he began to cry. I moved my finger away and took off the tip. "I got this idea from you, stud. You know that."


"More than you want to cum?" He licked his lips and took a deep breath.

"Master, can you jerk me while you fuck me? It would be so intense. "

I couldn't argue with that. He was primed: very wet, and very desperate. I spread his legs and dove in with my tongue first. I wanted him as moist as I could get him. Occasionally, I would reach up and lick his balls too. I could see a bead of pre-cum. It was like one of those teardrop diamonds on the end of a necklace. Then I took his cock in my hand, as I shoved my dick deep into him. "HOLY SHIT SIR THAT'S THE HARDEST YOU'VE EVER BEEN." Maybe it was. I KNOW it was the hardest HE had ever been. I began sliding my cock back and forth, in syncopation with jerking him. If I pulled out, I stroked up. If I shoved in, I stroked down. He was closer to cumming than I was, but I was close. I slowed things down until we were pretty much in synch and then he yelled: "PLEASE MASTER. PERMISSION TO SHOOT?" I shook my head yes. He got one shot out before I started filling him. As his balls drained, I saw his face go from that look of almost pain to a smile. When he felt my last shot, he whispered "I'm your boy, Master. Your sub boy." I just smiled. "Don't forget it."

I made the appointment to visit Rob. We'd go after work in two days. "Do NOT pull an `I have to work late on me boy' I said to seb the night before. "Or things will NOT go well for you. I don't think you want your office to see me in full leather, screaming for "My attorney bitch." "I won't Master. Tell me what time to be home." We set it up and then, on the day, we went to visit Rob's shop. He smiled when he saw us. "Hey Tony. Haven't seen you in ages. You keeping my bud happy?" (I think I told you: out of the apartment, seb still used Tony. Rob knew that I had my nicknames for him, but he honored that: I hadn't told him he could refer to my boy as seb, and Rob is old school. That's why, even though I know the names of his three "sons", I always call them alpha, beta and gamma).

"I'm trying to, Sir Rob. I think I gave him too much trouble about this piercing." I smiled and didn't say anything. "Well, Master Dom is going to be in there when it happens, so... let's go." I saw the look of fear on seb's face. "It's not going to hurt anymore than your dick does when it's caged, sebby. I know you looked it up. I did too."

"Yes, Master," he gulped. Rob had an examination table with stirrups set up. "Ok, Tony. I know Master isn't the first man to see you naked. Got to get those clothes off."

"Yes sir," he said very quietly, and then Rob put his ankles in the stirrup, spreading his legs. "First some alcohol, then a little anethesia. We'll be done before you know it." Seb told me afterwards that the anesthesia felt like a piece of ice was being rubbed over his skin. He went numb. He heard the piercing tools but didn't feel them, and he didn't feel the ring going through his loose skin."

"All done, handsome. Let's get your legs out of those things so you can relax." He looked at me. "Yeah, I know what you're thinking you dirty old fox. Not gonna happen. Not for seven days." I looked at seb "Well, I hope your jaws are in good shape because you're gonna be using them a lot. And that your squats have paid off with strong knees."

"Me too, Sir."

"Hey, by the way, Dom, I passed your remarks on to beta. He asked for permission to send you this." I opened the manilla envelope Rob handed me. It was a full nude of beta. He had a tattoo of a lizard going up his right thigh.

"Owner's mark," Rob smiled. "They all have one. Beta's is the medium sized one."

I need to be honest with you guys: seeing seb strung up like that, his hole just begging to get filled, well, I should've given him a rest that night. He didn't get it. When we got home, I said "get the handcuffs. Let me see if you remember how to put them on yourself."

"Yes Master," he responded, coming back with them. I saw him lock one on his wrist, and then put his hands behind his back and lock the second one.

"Good boy. Now for your reward. On your knees." When he got in position, I was proud: seb had always been in good shape but I don't think he could've gotten down on his knees like that without a support until very recently. I stood in front of him and opened my zipper. My cock popped out in front of him.

"Take care of it, sub boy." He nodded and curled his tongue around my snake. I didn't feel a bit of tooth that night, or for the week. I learned that week that if seb were the one doing it, I could cum in a boy's mouth twice, sometimes three times a day.

Now that I had the ring in his taint, I had to start thinking of another ring. See, I know that marriage was very much on seb's mind. We had recently gone to a wedding for some friends, and seb didn't hear me coming up from behind while he was talking to someone. He looked SO HOT in the tuxedo he was wearing. He had untied the bow tie because we were at the reception, and I just wanted to drag him off to the john.

"So, when are we going to watch you and Dom walk down the aisle?" the woman had asked innocently. I heard the sigh in seb's voice.

"Well, if I had the choice, it would have happened already but, you know the rules. Dom makes the decisions." And now that I had him pierced, which is what I wanted, I had to think about giving seb something he wanted.

But I'm going to have to cut this short. See, I just heard the moan sebby makes when he cums. Yup. I see the wet spot at his crotch and there are 18 minutes left on the hour clock. I think adding ten -- no, twelve -- because he was so noisy -- is appropriate. I'm gonna leave you readers now. Sebby will get his chance to talk about this next time.

Next: Chapter 14

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