Dom and Seb

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 20, 2022


Hey everyone. It's me, seb, or boy seb, or slave seb, or sub seb, or the one I like best, "beta seb." Sounds like I'm some kind of futuristic robot, huh, lol. (OH GOD. I just realized my jokes are beginning to sound like Master's. I better stop). So, this chapter may be a little long because it's gonna be our last one for a little while, and we're taking turns writing it. See, it's not that we don't love all our readers: we do. You've written such nice things about us, and wished us so many good wishes, we're both touched (Master said I should write that because I'm better at the emotional stuff). What it is, is that we both feel that we've told you everything about us (well, almost everything. We're trying to fix that here) in the relationship so far. It's not even a year! We want to come back when we have more adventures and exploits to tell you about. You'll know when we're back. Master Dom is not known for entering a room quietly (he just said I'll pay for that. I can't wait). Master told you about the wonderful weekend. It really was. I'll tell you what the highlight was for me. You read that Master had decided he was not going to take russ' ass: that was mine, for when I wanted it, and had Master's permission. I know that didn't sit completely well with russ, because he told me, before he came over, that he was hoping to get dicked by Master. Well, he did, and he didn't. Master's mind never stops working and he's always horny. So, the next day, when russ started to get dressed, he grabbed him by the arm and growled. "Who the fuck told you, you could get dressed, blondie?" Let me tell you, three cocks began to get hard at that moment, but for different reasons. Russ and I didn't know what Master had in mind. "Uh, no one, Sir," was russ' reply. "DAMN RIGHT. You're buck naked unless I say you can get dressed. And right now, you stay naked because you're getting on the bed. On your back." "YES, SIR," I saw a smile go across russ' face, but I also saw the fear when Master turned to me and said, "get the duct tape." I knew where it was, and I knew Master had three different colors of it. "The silver one. I only need one strip of it. Maybe two because russ here has a bit of a big mouth." He told me that while he was tying down russ' wrists. Then he tied his ankles too, so I knew he was keeping his promise not to fuck him: Master can find his way into an ass the way a mouse can get through a pin hole, but he NEVER fucks without having control of my legs. In a few minutes, he had russ tied down nice and tight, and he was pointing at his hard cock. "Did that grow since last night, rusty?" He was teasing my gamma and ran a finger down the back of russ' cock. Russ yelped and a drop of pre-cum was on his cock head. "Boy, you better get that under control. No cumming without permission. Not unless you want me to send you home in your own chastity belt." "I'll try, Sir. I'm just too excited. MMMMPH." Master had put two strips of tape across russ' mouth. Master was not cheap in any way EXCEPT something as silly as duct tape. He had the ability to rip a piece that was just the right size: I think it's because they were always running out of it on the job, and he had to make it last as long as he could. Anyhow, then he turned to me: "Get a chair from the living room, the handcuffs, and a long leather rope. And get naked yourself. " "Yes, Master." I hurried off. I didn't know what he had in mind, but it sounded hot. I stripped and sat down in the chair as he tied my wrists and gagged me. Then he tied the leather rope around the base of my balls. He had this "look" and then he ran it to russ' balls and tied it there too. He left no slack: you could've said our cocks were like the poles in between a high wire. "Know what's gonna happen, kiddos? I'm gonna start jerking on rusty here. And that's gonna make his cock jump. If it gets fatter, that leather is not giving a millimeter." He smiled. "A little pain is good for a boy. And every time his cock moves: he turned to me "You're gonna feel it too. But just get used to it because... oh, I'm not giving it away." Master put one of his hands on his own dick, and then he began to play with russ' nips. One thing I've never done, and I need to for when I go on business trips, is tape Master when he's talking dirty because he is REALLY GOOD at getting another guy roused. I felt my cock jumping when he started telling russ all the things he could do to him. He never said he was gonna penetrate him, but sometimes, don't you think penetration is the least interesting part? I mean, not always, but sometimes. He was stroking himself when he did this, and I could see how big russ' eyes were getting. Me? I had seen Master in what I call "full bloom fuck machine," and it impressed me then, just like it impresses me now. I was getting harder, and I felt the leather. If I felt it, I knew russ felt it. He had closed his eyes and Master noticed it.

"OPEN YOUR EYES BITCH! YOU NEED TO SEE THIS. I WON'T BLIND YOU. MAYBE NOT." I wanted Master to move his hand from russ to me, but that wasn't happening. He just started jerking himself and I could hear the sound that his cock made as he slid it back and forth. He spat into his hand a few times. DAMN I was so hard! I had never seen Master do anything to anyone else, and it was FUCKING HOT. I wanted to see Master shoot, but I also wanted it to go on. Then I saw Master arch his back and he howled. The cum started flying everywhere. I was jealous: I thought I was the only one who could do this to him (Later he told me that he was thinking of me when he jerked off. He simply thought russ was acting a little cocky and he wanted to make sure he knew his place).

After he shot, and his jizz was all over russ, he looked at him. "I bet you need to cum rusty, don't you?" A high-pitched moan came out of russ, and a pleading kind of look was on his face. Master went back to stroking the back of russ' cock, saying "not yet," every now and then. I could tell from Master's face that he was going to edge russ, but russ thought that when his big meaty hand covered his cock, it was going to happen. When russ began pitching his hips up, Master stopped.

"Nope, nope. If you're gonna come, gamma boy, you gotta suck off beta boy first. "Master untied me and told me to straddle russ' chest. "Take the tape off. Feed his face. Deep throat him the way I deep throat you." Well, I was performing for my Master, and I got over my reluctance. I had my whole cock down russ' throat, and now I was the one talking dirty. "GIVE ME TONGUE BOY. LICK AROUND IT. MAKE ME SHOOT." Master turned away. I think he was amused at me repeating some of his lines. My voice is a little nasally, so it sure didn't sound as sexy as it did when he fucked MY face. Still, I got the job done. I came again and I came a lot. I could tell russ was close to gagging, but he was afraid that if he did, his teeth would scrape me, and he'd be in real trouble. When I was done, I heard Master say "kiss your boy, seb. Taste some of your own cum."

If I had done that before, I didn't remember it. It was a new sensation. I didn't think it tasted like Master's: his is musky, very masculine. Sort of like a good red wine, while mine was like a light white wine. Still...

"I think it's time we let russ show us how a gamma jerks off. What do you think seb?"

"Yes, Master. I'd like to see it."

"Untie his wrists. Rusty, give us a show."

"Yes Master," he said to me. "Yes Sir," he said to seb. I was pleased: he was learning. Then he got to work. "Tell us what you want us to do to you," Master growled, and russ did. Or he told us SOME of it. There was a lot, and he climaxed before he finished. He had to catch his breath but then he properly looked at Master: "Thank you Master Dom. Seb is a lucky boy." I didn't have permission to speak, but I said "Yes, I am," and Master smiled.

OK, I can see from the look in Master's eyes that he wants to write now. He's gonna tell you about a secret of mine, and I'll start blushing. You already know too much, readers.

HEY, so my boy told you about the early part of that weekend. And yeah, it was fucking great. It was the start of good times with russ. We don't have him over often, and I'm proud of how my boy knows his place. I know he had a great time that weekend, but after that few days, he never asked me if russ could come over. Instead, he waited until I would say something like "Hey, we haven't seen russ in a while. Invite him over." We're still working through russ' list. That boy is a pig.

So, seb told you I was going to tell you about one of his secrets. I am, and I'm gonna confess: finding out about it brought out a part of me I didn't know I had. We were in one of the "toy shops" one Saturday afternoon. I wanted to get us a present, and I knew just what I wanted: there was this new sort of butt plug that had just come out: it was multifunctional, because the tip vibrated, but the neat thing was that the stem part of it rotated like a clock. I was thinking that since seb has a faster recovery time than I do, I could fill him with it when he was ready to go, and I wasn't. I wanted to see the sizes because I didn't want to get one too big: the boy's a size queen, and I didn't want to have to compete with fucking toys. So, while I was paying for it, I looked up and he wasn't next to me. By that point, I knew that I could trust seb not to flirt, and there weren't that many people in the store anyway. I looked around and I saw him checking out the uniforms section. We already had our Halloween costumes: you read about that -- he was going as superman, I was going as Lex Luthor, and I had defeated superman and had him helpless on a leash. But the way seb was looking and the glaze in his eyes -- which I knew was a way of telling he was in a happy place, made me come over.

"I didn't know about this part of you, seb." He gulped.

"Oh, Master, I would never say anything about it."

"Why not? If you want me to suit up in some uniform, I could do that." He gulped again.

"Well, that's not it, Master. It' I fantasize about you tying me up and fucking me when I'm in a uniform -- like a police officer's uniform or something like that."

My boy surprises me all the time. This was one of the big ones. I had never seen him check out a fireman, a police officer, a janitor, not even a referee or a football player. Yes, he DID get off on watching wrestling with me, but that was for the physical nature of things.

"How about I get you a uniform?" I saw his eyes go big. "I pick it. And we'll use it this weekend." He looked at me like he was going to cry.

"Master, you don't have to do that. You really don't." I took his hands and this time I didn't shove them behind him. "I have to be honest. I can't imagine you in a uniform, especially a police officer, but let's see. "I know I smiled. I called over to the manager.

"Hey, Jimmy, you have a cop suit that'd fit my boy."

He thought for a minute. "I don't think quite. He's just a little too big for the largest size we have now."

My cock stiffened. "Let him try that one on."

"Right away, Master Dom." (Jimmy was the sub of another one of my buddies. He's a good kid). Fifteen minutes later, "Officer seb" was out in front of us. Jimmy was right: the short sleeves barely covered seb's biceps. The shirt was straining at his chest, and there were puckers up and down his front.

"Turn around. Let me see that ass of yours." He did. How I didn't shoot in the store, I don't know. The fabric was so thin, and so tight, that I wanted him on the floor immediately.

"That's the one, Jimmy. Don't look for a bigger one." As Jimmy was wrapping it up, I leaned over to seb "I have the first scene all laid out in my mind. Silly rookie thinks he can take on a pro without backup. MMMM." That's when seb said something that opened something up in me.

"A pro who's well dressed, Master? In a jacket, and a fine shirt and a tie?" I know my head went back for a second. Seb saw it too. "I'm sorry, Master, that was too forward of me." I paused. "No, tell me about what you were thinking on the way back home. I'm curious." I'm trying to quote seb accurately because it was so cute, and so sweet.

"Sir, remember when you wore the tux to my formal thing? I have been thinking about how you looked since then. Sometimes, when you're fucking me, I close my eyes and see that tuxedo wearing hunky DOM and I just get harder."

I paused. "I never thought I looked good dressed up, seb. I'm still not sure." I remember sighing. "I think I have one suit and one tie and one white button down. Let me put them on when we get home. Let's see what happens.

I'm laughing as I write this. What happened is, seb's mouth dropped. "OH MY GOD SIR YOU"RE SO HOT." I could tell he was really a bit overwhelmed. No, he was a LOT overwhelmed. I had on dress shoes.

"I forgot to polish these this morning, boy. Let's see if you can do a decent job." He smiled. "YES MASTER." I sat down and he kneeled next to me. His tongue started working across one shoe, then the other. At one point, he whispered "Master, I wish you realized how FUCKING SEXY you look," before he went back to my shoe.

Honestly, I've never been much for the kind of thing seb was doing. Foot massages are great and having my boy polish shoes and boots is great, but this was doing nothing for me. I didn't want to discipline seb for doing something he thought was showing his submission, so after I thought about it a minute, something hit me: there's a small metal circle on the back of my boy's collar, and I hooked a finger through it and pulled his head up, so he was looking at me (THAT, let me tell you, always makes me feel like I'm in charge. Especially when seb does what he did immediately: he sat back on his calves and put his hands behind his back.

"You had a crush on one of your bosses didn't you boy? Someone who always dressed to the nines." I saw seb's face color.

"Yes, Master, I did. But he wasn't half as hot or attractive as you." I laughed at this. "Seb, boy, ever hear the expression `you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear," and what he answered just melted my heart.

"MASTER, would you just go look in the mirror? If you wouldn't fuck the guy you saw, well, I'll shave myself for you."

Hmmm. I never thought of whether making seb shave himself would get me hotter than shaving him on my own, and now I had some evil thoughts.

"OK, boy, let's go look." I pulled him to his feet, and we went to the full-length mirror.

My boy was right. I DID look good: sort of like the Daddy types in all those porn movies. I gave him a look.

"Hot, but this tie needs to come off because, it needs to go somewhere else. Get your hands behind you." He answered me properly and got in position as I loosened the tie. Some of my buds who have executive positions have told me that silk neckties are the best restraints they know. Since I'm not a big dresser, I didn't know. They were right. I pushed seb's arms up and began fondling his ass.

"Been too long since this has been filled. I think we have to fix that." Then I began nibbling his ear, and he couldn't answer: he could just whimper. I got his shirt unbuttoned and threw him back on the bed. I was dripping and raging hard when I got his pants off, and I fucked him like a demon. I still had the oxford shirt on, and I could tell it was a turn-on for my boy. Seeing his reaction was turning ME on. It was a no-lose situation. That new butt plug was going to have to wait for another time.

Ok, I'm letting seb take the controls now, because I'm sure you're all interested in hearing about his police uniform. I think he's also going to tell you about his favorite role-play with me dressed up (It's mine, too).

Guess who's back? Your favorite submissive lawyer (I hope). So, let me tell you more about this stuff. When Master caught me looking at uniforms, I thought I was in real, REAL trouble because I had never told him about that fantasy. Like a lot of guys, I grew up with all those westerns, and police shows, and other stuff, where the hero gets tied up at some point and then escapes or gets rescued. Anyone remember CHIPS? Those guys wore such tight, tight uniforms, and they weren't tied up enough. I always wanted to be one of them: sometimes the dark guy, sometimes the blond: but I wanted some villain to kidnap me and keep me tied up and gagged all the time. And then, yeah, Master's right: my first boss -- back before everyone went completely casual -- dressed to the nines every day. He was straight as they come, with a wife and four kids, but he worked out every day, I think his shirts were custom made, and his selection of ties... There was one time when we were in a meeting and the air conditioning died. When he loosened his tie, I had to go to the bathroom and jerk off. Yeah, I had been fantasizing and I got to the point where he had taken off his tie and did exactly what Master did to me.

So, he mentioned my favorite fantasy. Here it is: he's the businessman, still dressed in his shirt and tie when I come by: I'm the cable repairman. He takes a look at me and when I'm not paying attention, he grabs me. I struggle, but he's much stronger than he looks and soon, I'm tied up, and gagged, struggling. And yeah, he uses his necktie to bind me. He rubs his knee in my crotch and says he'll take the gag off if I blow him. I refuse, but then when he opens my shirt and works my nipples, I can't take it and I give in. He fucks my face but then he stops and says, "I want that ass." I get off one scream before he gags me again and takes me, struggling to the bedroom and has his way with me. Again, and again, and again.

DAMN I'm getting hard thinking about the last time Master, and I did that one. Then the police uniform: I LOVE the way it fits, and Master didn't tell you something he did to it: when we got home, after I tried it on, he cut the top three buttons off the shirt, so my chest was always exposed. He could sneak up behind me, take my gun and tell me to get up against the wall, where he'd paw my ass, and then tease me about my shirt before he tied me up. Sometimes he uses the clamps, and sometimes he just throws me on my belly and pounds me yelling "TAKE IT COPPER. MAYBE I SHOULD FUCK YOU WITH YOUR STICK? NAH. MINE'S BETTER." I cum every time he does that one. Then there's the one where I think I'm surprising him, and he's sitting there, all dressed up and holding a gun. Soon, he has the rookie cop at his mercy. It doesn't take much for Master to put me at his mercy. I'm hot for him every day.

One other thing I have to tell you about: remember when Master started making me wear thongs? I hate them. They cut into my butt, and I'm always chafing. Well, I made the mistake of complaining to Master. Let me tell you: I paid for it. He just smiled and said "well, I'll take care of that tomorrow." He did. The next morning, he had his poker face on as he threw them all out. When he came home, though, he had replacements in a smaller size. "Put on the yellow one, boy," he told me. When I squeezed into it, he smiled. "Now, am I gonna use your new toy (we hadn't used it yet), or am I gonna fuck you?" I knew by then that when Master gave that kind of comment, it meant I was getting both.

THAT BUTTPLUG! OH MY GOD. Master had used vibrators on me before, so I knew what to expect, but a rotating trunk? CHRIST, it was a good thing I was caged that day because I would've shot without permission. The battery ran for about half an hour before it died down. Master came into the bedroom, where he had tied me and said "Know what I like about you in a thong, boy? I can just push a little fabric to the side. I don't have to undress you." Well, I was already stimulated from the vibrator and when he went in, he went right for my prostate. He had to stop because I was moaning so hard. He shoved a sock he had been wearing that day into my mouth and then he kept on pounding me, stopping to rest his cock head against my prostate. I'm not sure if I fainted, but I sure thought I did. And I learned, as I learn every day: Master's in charge. And I love it.

So, gang, seb wanted me to finish up here. That's all we got for you now. Like we said at the start, this relationship is just beginning, and I know we'll have much more to tell you. For example, I'm giving serious thought to a tattoo for seb. What do you think of that? Or a nipple ring? Or both? You readers have any thoughts? We WILL be back, I promise. For now, though, I hope all you DOMS find a sub as great as my boy is (and he says that you subs should make sure you keep an open mind about your DOMs). Take care and be well, folks. Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 13

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