Dom and Seb

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 12, 2022


Hey everyone! Your favorite topman is back. (Or at least one of your top ten tops, I hope). My turn to continue the story and let me just tell you: the next one is gonna be the last one. Seb and I are gonna tell that one together. You'll be able to tell when he's writing because the words'll be bigger, and the sentences'll be longer. The dirtier parts will be the ones I write, ha ha.

So, from seb's story, you got that russ was coming over that weekend. Well, we put that off for a week because I thought that since seb had been newly collared, we should have a little more time together. I don't know if seb agreed, but he didn't argue. I didn't give him the chance: I just told him the next morning: "I thought about it and russ should plan on next weekend, not this weekend." And you know how seb answered? I hope it doesn't disappoint you: he said "Yes, Master."

Collaring seb was one of the best things I had ever done, and one of the best things that ever happened to seb: he's gonna tell you that next time. What it did -- I hope I can explain this well -- is it seemed to make us both freer with our nature. I became more dominant, seb became more submissive. I'll explain. It was two nights after russ had come over. Seb was changing after he had come home from work, and I was just hanging out in the living room. We were just having leftovers for dinner, so it wasn't a big deal. He seemed to be taking a long time changing, so I went into the bedroom to check on him. I don't think seb heard me, and I saw him in the bathroom. He didn't have a shirt on yet -- just a pair of the tight jeans I loved on him (I made a mental note that my Italian stallion was getting hairy again and needed a shave), and he was staring into the drug cabinet mirror. He was fingering his collar, and he was smiling. That's when I spoke:

"Looks good on you boy. You like it?"

"I love it, Master." He was going to turn around, but he didn't get a chance. I had wrapped my arms around his middle, and I whispered into his ear:

"Good. Because I like it too. And it's not coming off."

"No, Master, it's not." I don't know if I pushed into him first, or he backed into me, but he was grinning like that Cheshire cat cartoon. I began rubbing my beard against his neck and I heard him gasp, and then moan. Gently, he moved one of my hands up to his nip and whispered "Please, Master," and when I started pinching it he murmured "OH YES. THANK YOU, MASTER."

"Feel that, boy?" You probably guessed I was hard. "See what you do to Meaty Head and I?"

"I do, Master. I do."

"Well, clearly there's something here that needs to be taken care of. Isn't that one of your jobs?"

"Yes Master, it is."

"In front of me, boy. On your knees. "I think he wanted to get fucked but, I didn't want to wait that long. I took off his glasses (I don't think I told you seb wears glasses, did I? Well, it's gonna come up again if you keep reading), and he looked at me.

"Master, may I open your jeans button, please? And your zipper?"

"Get to work, boy. Do your job."

"Thank you, Master." I was rock hard, and I knew from rubbing my knee against seb's crotch, he was too. And he didn't say anything about it. That was one of the changes: seb understood that as a sub, his role was to make sure that I was sexually satisfied. But of course, seb had his own way of doing it. His blow jobs were one of the ways he did it. See, you could probably tell from the start, that I'm not a subtle guy, and I'm impulsive and impatient. In the past, when I fucked a guy's face, I went all the way in, right away. Now, I'm good sized, but not huge and if a guy choked on my piece, that was the last date. Seb never choked on mine but also, his technique convinced me to stop deep throating him. He wasn't tied up, so he took my balls in his hand and he kissed each of them twice. Then he looked directly at my cock and said "I missed you, Mr. Meaty Head," before he started licking my glans (I learned that word from seb. I used to just say my cock head). He licked it until pre-cum started coming out, which didn't take long, and then he closed his lips and pulled the string of the stuff as far away from me as he could. Then, he murmured "mmmmmm," and took it into his mouth, and just a little bit more. He closed his lips so that I couldn't push into his throat, and he gave me his "look." He knew he was being mischievous. The corners of his lips were slightly curled. He was teasing me, and he knew that I knew it.

"Boy, if you don't want me to get the clamps, you're gonna open that mouth right now," I said in my deepest voice. He did and took my whole cock. He was making the same noises he did when he ate ice cream, so I knew he was happy. He began sliding up and down and then I began to growl like a lion. I was close to changing my mind about fucking him, but he had me so damn close that I wouldn't have made it into him. I just went along with his expert sucking. If I slid faster than he thought I should, he closed up his lips again. As I wrote that, I remembered someone telling me "don't kid yourself, Dom. The bottom is always in control." Again, I think seb knew it and knows it, although he tells me constantly "No, Master. You're in charge." (I guess that's a debate that will go on forever.

Anyhow, I had been working on seb's nipples all the while and finally, he was overcome and opened his mouth completely. NOW I was in charge, and I fucked his face hard, for as long as I could. Just before I shot a load down his throat, I touched his collar gently and I whispered "Mine." He shook his head.

Fucking hot. If it hadn't been a little on the chilly side, I wouldn't have let him put on a shirt.

So, I mentioned seb's glasses up above. I didn't mention this because it wasn't important, but glasses are a turn-on for me. There's an old silly saying by one of the writers I love: "men don't make passes at girls who wear glasses." Well, this man makes passes at MEN who wear glasses. A guy I wouldn't give a second look to if he didn't have glasses on gets two, and sometimes three from me if he wears them. Seb wasn't wearing them when I met him, and he was nervous about wearing them when we first met. He alternated between contacts and glasses. I must have said to him at some point that I thought he was hotter in glasses than lenses, because after he took the collar, he never put the contacts in his eyes again. Someone told me that this was "passive domination," because I never told seb he couldn't wear the contacts, but he just reacted the way he did.

Then there was another way he did that I think a lot of you guys will think of as the ULTIMATE showing of submission: the television remote control. You could probably figure out that we liked different television shows, and we sort of divided things up, with me having the remote one night, and seb the next night. It was his night, but he turned the remote over to me. He didn't say anything, and I didn't say anything either. It just happened, and it's the way it is now: if I'm home, we watch what I want. Seb watches HIS shows if he's home and I'm not.

Something funny came out of that, too: call me silly, call me ridiculous, but I LOVE watching professional wrestling. Now, in the past, seb tried to be out of the room when I was watching a program. He'd sometimes shake his head and say, in a high voice "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WATCH THAT SHIT." Well, when he had to watch it, I saw that he was leaning forward in amazement during one of the jobber matches: it wasn't even close. There was this hot, clean-cut guy getting the crap kicked out of him by the villain. I stroked seb's back and said "That guy isn't half as hot as you are. More people would watch if it were YOU getting pinned." He laughed and said "Wouldn't happen. Don't get ideas, `Master'. I can kick the shit out of YOU now." Well, he knew what was coming: my hand went around his shoulders, and down his shirt to his nip, and he couldn't get away.

"Is that right, stud? Is that right?" I started chuckling. "Maybe I should make you submit all over again."


"Yup. It's called researching your opponent." I leaned over and whispered: "submit," and he whined "NO. I already did that. And I can take you in a fair fight."

I just answered with "submit," and started nibbling his earlobe. He squirmed and then he stopped. I saw his hand drop down to his crotch and I whispered "You touch yourself and you're going in the cage for a week. Submit."

He didn't want to. He really didn't. "OK. I KNOW I can take you but... I submit. I give."

"I'm gonna have to miss part of my show because you made me so hard, boy and I'm fucking you right now, but there are gonna be consequences of your insolence." I took him off to the bedroom, and even though I surely didn't need the restraints on him anymore, I tied them tight. As I pulled his clothes off, I said "Your punishment is gonna be wearing thongs. As of tomorrow, when you come home and change, you change into a thong too." He pulled against the restraints, and I pushed him back down.

"And if you keep giving me shit, you'll wear them to work, too."

He sighed. "Yes Master. I understand." I pushed his knees back and formed a pinch with my two fingers. Then I started massaging his perineum (that's another word seb taught me. I always called it a `taint'). I did it because it was yet another one of his hot spots.

"I want you to cum, boy. I want you to cum before I give you my cock. You gonna do that for me?"

"OH GOD YES MASTER." But he wasn't doing it himself: I got to work. I grabbed his cock and said in a low, dark voice. "fuck the hand, boy. Fuck the hand. Get yourself ready for russ." Yeah, we were both thinking about him. My boy's hips went up and he got really thick and really hard. He blew a huge load. I used some of it to lubricate my dick before I pushed into him. Three guesses if I made sure I rubbed his prostate really good or not...

There's just one other part of this passive domination that I wanna tell you about. Again, it was NOTHING that I required, but when it happened, I thought, "DAMN this is a good idea." Again, it was at night when we were being couch potatoes, and I was already on the sofa. One thing I HAD required (active domination, I guess), was that seb take over ALL the chores I hated. I liked cooking: we shared that. I hate dishes. He cleaned up after every meal: none of this "I cooked/you clean" game for us: he cleaned. I used to tease seb that it was keeping his hands nice and soft for when he jerked off. I remember he gave me some lip by answering "Yeah, once a week if I'm lucky." (It was more than once a week, but for a boy who was used to cumming at least once a day, he was restricted. And if I caught him...out came the cage). But anyway, he finished the dishes, and he came out to the living room. I made room on the sofa for him, but he came to my side, and then he dropped to his knees. I saw the look in his eyes: a puppy in need.

"What's bothering you, boy?"

"Master, I'm not your equal. I shouldn't sit on the sofa when you're sitting. I want to sit at your feet. Please, Master. Do I have permission?" I didn't answer him at first: I just stared into his eyes. Before I kissed him, I said "boy, you should be teaching submission. You are REAL good at it."

"Thank you, Master," he said. And before I could answer him, he took my hand and put it on his collar.

"On the floor, but between my legs. You need to start figuring out when I'm hard enough to fuck you, because that's when we go to bed."

"YES, MASTER! THANK YOU, MASTER!" I saw that big, seb smile I loved. I spread my legs and he sat on the floor, in between them. He had one hand on my shoe. "Does Master want a foot massage?" he asked.

"Yeah. After I see you take a good whiff of my socks." He did. Seb got my work shoes off, pulled off my socks, and inhaled good. (Remember, this is my boy the pit pig).

"I got an idea," I said. I grabbed the socks and knotted them together. "Open your mouth. You don't need to speak when you're massaging my feet."

"No Master, I don't." He opened his mouth and took the knotted sock as a gag, and I got an awesome foot massage. He got an awesome fuck in return.

So, ok, now we can get to the weekend with russ. Seb came home one night and after he changed, he told me "Master, russ wants to confirm that everything is set, and he wants to know if he has permission to call you to set it up.

"Yeah, tell him we'll do a zoom call. The three of us. Set it up for an hour from now." Then, 45 minutes later, I put seb in a chair in front of the computer, and I tied his wrists behind him. I opened enough buttons so that you could just barely see his nipples. That's what russ saw when he got on the call: seb in the chair, and me standing behind him. I had put on one of my leather gloves and I had seb hand gagged.

"WOOF! I mean, uh, good evening, Sir. How are you tonight?"

I slipped my other hand down seb's shirt as I answered him "I'm doing just fine, boy. You on for Friday night?"

"Yes sir. Should I be at your and seb's place at 7:30?" As soon as he said that he blushed. "I'm sorry, Sir. That was impertinent. What time should I be there, Sir?" I squeezed seb's nip just hard enough for a big moan to come out of him.

"7:30 will be fine. No playing with yourself between now and then. Understood?" I saw a smile break out on his face.


"You'll get spanked -- 10 whacks -- for every minute before or after 7:30 you get here."

"Understood, Sir. May I sign off now?"

"Indeed, you may." After I took my hand away from seb's mouth, he said "Geez. You wanna guarantee russ is late?"

He wasn't. That sexy guy showed up right on time. He wore a long-sleeved knit shirt that showed off his arm muscles REALLY nicely. It was dark brown, and he had on a pair of camel colored corduroy pants. Yeah, he was a FINE contrast to seb. I gave the boys each a drink and told them we'd have a late dinner after we all "got acquainted."

"Now, the first part of getting acquainted, is you pups playing on the sofa. I'm gonna film it, and I wanna see some serious making out. Like a hot first date. Which it is." Russ looked nervous: he didn't know how far he could go with seb, with his DOM in the room, but my boy handled it. "He learned from the best," I thought, as he put a hand on russ' thigh. "Relax sweetie. You're gonna have fun. Scoot over here."

"Yes sir," russ answered. Just before seb gave him a kiss, I heard him say "Remember russ. When you're here, you're the gamma. I'm the beta. Master is the alpha. Don't ever forget that." Russ didn't get a chance to answer. He was in lip lock with seb, and I could see the tongue wrestling going on.

"Master, can I take our boy's shirt off?" seb asked me.

"Yeah. Then work his tits. Pretend you're me."

"Impossible, Master. But I'll try." From russ' reaction, either seb was being too rough or he hadn't had his nips worked all that much, but then when seb moved his knee into his crotch and russ moaned, I knew we were going to be ok."

"Continue it in the bedroom" I commanded, and the two of them really did look like puppies as they scurried to the bed. They needed no encouragement, and I began to feel both like an old, and a big dog. The energy was mixed up, but I was decidedly hard. It was better than professional wrestling. Hell, it was better than porn.

Seb was on top of russ and he was growling "You're gonna have a hickey the whole damn weekend, blondie."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO. WAIT." Russ tried to squirm free, but seb was right: he had gotten VERY strong from the gym. Russ was in terrific shape, but so was seb, and seb was bigger.

"Don't damage him, boy. I wanna see both of you nice and naked."

"YES MASTER," seb answered me, and he looked at russ: "STRIP, GAMMA."

"YES SIR. YES MASTER" he answered. Seb correctly didn't start undressing until russ was almost naked. Then he started.

"I want you two to 69 for a bit. You shoot, you're in deep shit." They both looked scared because I could tell: they were both very, VERY hard. I could tell that seb was the better cocksucker. (Russ has improved since that night, but he's still not a match for seb). I had them go at each other for about ten minutes, and then I asked, "who's sucking Master?" They looked at each other. Russ spoke.

"Should I start, Sir? And let Seb continue?" I smiled. Russ had clearly been trained by someone, and later, I'd get his whole back story. At that moment, though, I folded my arms and said "Get on your knees, boy. Right after I get outta these pants."

I have to admit: it was very odd feeling a new mouth around my dick. I realized that seb had been paying attention to what I liked and what I REALLY liked. Russ had none of that knowledge, but he was a credible cocksucker. When I pulled his head back and said, "Time for seb to take over," I saw the look of joy on my sub's face: he didn't want a drop of my juice to go in someone else's mouth.

"No fancy stuff boy. Just get me nice and wet."

"YES MASTER" he answered, and I signaled to russ to get behind seb and start eating his ass. He blanched, but the guy knew what he had to do, and he got his tongue into seb. (Later, seb told me he was almost as good at rimming as I was, and I tickled the shit out of him for twenty minutes. And I knew he was faking it in the future, because russ never really rimmed me the way I liked it. Still, he's a great fuck).

So, I was wet, seb was wet, and russ was the gamma. It was time. I figured it would be easier if we all got on the floor in something like a daisy chain. Seb pushed russ' cheeks apart and spat into his hole. "FUCK YEAH" was all I heard from russ, and then I saw seb's own "Mr Meaty Head" pierce an ass. GOD, guys. Trust me: there is very little hotter than watching your sub top someone when you're ready to fuck your sub. And I was. Seb clenched his glutes after I got inside of him, and I whispered, "tell your boy to pretend he's doing a squat."

"Yes, Master," he answered, and I heard him give the order and then moan. Seb was fucking and getting fucked. Not quite a spit roast, but we would do one of those before the weekend was over too.

I guess that not having topped for all that time had had an effect on seb, because it took a LONG time for him to cum. I was already finished and cleaned up, and I went in front of russ and told him: "get me hard again, boy." He did the best he could, but even your Mr. "DOM DA DOM DOM" has his limits. What's the nursery rhyme? "all the kings horses and all the king's men?" Well, that boy was working really, REALLY hard. He wanted to impress. I looked at him and said "you got the job. You're spending the weekend. Now relax. Except for your glutes. Tighten them again." I saw a look on my boy's face, and I knew that he just needed a little bit of a push.

"HOLY SHIT I'M GONNA EXPLODE" he yelled, and then he did. I saw the satisfied look on russ' face and when I saw the face seb made, I hoped that my expression didn't look as funny. Seb had never laughed when I fucked him, and I have to say: if I looked the way he did, he needed a medal (or a nipple ring or something), for not losing it.


"Kiss your bottom, boy. You know how it goes. Prove you were taught right."

"Yes, Master. Of course." He grabbed russ and began Frenching him. Russ responded. I took a look at his face, and I knew right away: the boy was conflicted. There was no question: he had a thing for my boy, but he was also eyeing me with a bit of a hunger. Now, for all of my taking control with seb, that was something I was NOT going to do without discussing it with him. Yes, as DOM I had the right to do whatever I wanted, with whomever I wanted. I've never been that kind of guy, though, and this was one where I was going to have to take seb aside and get a "Tony" answer from him, not a seb answer. (You may find out what that answer was when seb and I end this story).

"OK boys now let's all get cleaned up. Russ, you go first, and then seb and I are going to get a shower together." What russ didn't know was that after he got out of the shower, he was getting tied up until we finished. He didn't seem to mind. And he didn't seem to mind when, after we came back from dinner, he and seb got tied, back-to-back, and I ran a two pairs of tit clamps to join their nipples together. And because I remembered how seb reacted to my work socks. I had one for each of them.

To be young again! They both got hard enough to go at it a second time while I watched and jerked myself. It was the start of a wonderful weekend.

So, ok guys. Our next chapter is going to be our last one, so if there's anything you want seb or me to answer in the next one, let us know in the next couple of days. Hope you have enjoyed this ride so far. One more to go in this tale of depravity and sinfulness, ha ha.

Next: Chapter 12

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