Dom and Seb

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 9, 2022


Hey readers. Everyone recovered from Master's bad jokes yet? It's seb back: my turn to tell you some more of our story. I'm trying to, but I'm a little sore when I sit down.

NO, it's not because of Master's cock, although I did get a really good reaming and it felt REALLY REALLY good. My "where you sit down" is sore because Master caught me playing with my nipples. It wasn't the first time I had done it since we've been seeing each other, it was just the first time he caught me doing it.

Sometimes you may think attorneys are really devious, and a lot of them are. Well, Master can be a REAL devious top, and he was when he caught me. At first, I thought it was gonna be one of his standard disciplines: he grabbed me from behind, around my neck and he pulled me away from the computer screen. I assumed I was going into the chair, for clamps on my nips or something like that, or into the bed for slow edging before he fucked me, and then shaved me (because shaving WAS on our list that night). He had something else in mind, and it fit into something ELSE he had in mind. He stood me up and said one word "STRIP." I answered, "yes Boss," still not expecting anything out of the ordinary. As usual, I was horny: I'm usually at least moderately aroused, and when Master is parading around in his wife beater, especially before he showers, I get super horny. He had me caged that day, too, for the second day in a row and I was desperate for a jerk. So, I was looking forward to what he would do. I didn't expect what happened. He sat on the edge of one of the chairs in the living room.

"You ever get spanked as a boy, seb?" I laughed "No, Boss. My folks didn't believe in corporal punishment."

"So you've never been spanked?"

"No...boss," my voice dropped, and I gulped. I had figured it out.

"Over my knee. This is one that I think deserves, 10-15 good whacks to each cheek."

You know how you love someone, but you wonder about the crazy moments they have, every now and then? That's what I was thinking. Master could get a little crazy during the sports he watched on television, and sometimes when he tortured my nips, he got a little out of hand, but this was new ground for him. I wasn't sure he meant what he said until he added:

"Every ten seconds you make me wait, boy, is gonna add another whack. And I'm not going easy." "Well," I thought, "He COULD put on the clamps and twist them, or tickle me for half an hour, or so many other things so" and I got over his knee.

Master chuckled "Trust me boy. When I'm done, you won't do that unless I tell you to ever again." The first whack came down. "OW. That hurt, Dom!"


"OW. It hurts Boss!"

"GOOD. Pain is good for you. And I'll add more unless I hear a thank you after each of the next five." I felt the third one come down. If I thought he was going to lose strength, I was wrong.


"GOOD BOY. You know why I'm doing this?"

"To teach me my place, Boss?"

"WRONG!" The fourth one hit home. "It was a trick question, stud. I'm doing it because spanking a bottom gets me fucking hot and even harder. Two more for getting the answer wrong."

So, we were up to fourteen. It was at the 8th one when I stopped feeling how hard he was under me because I could feel my balls churning. I was thinking it was a good thing I never got spanked as a kid because if I did, I'd probably have an "accident." The only reason I didn't have one was because I was locked up.

"You learn your lesson?"

"Yes, BOSS." The tenth one came down. "Thank you, Boss. I forgot that those are YOUR nipples not mine."

"GOOD. "The whacks continued. I thought Master was going to ask me if I were ever gonna do that again, but he didn't. I knew him well enough to know why: he could tell I was enjoying it. Yes, I would cry out when he hit my butt, but I was also moaning. What's the line one of the older lawyers used to say about his wife? "she was moaning like a 2-buck whore?" Well, I've never heard a 2-buck whore moan, but I probably was moaning that way. Of course, like I wrote, Master was enjoying it, too. Another way to punish me for infractions. And I loved it.

He finished. Master squeezed my ass cheeks and I whimpered. "Probably need to do something to take your mind off that."

"Yes, Boss. PLEASE Boss."

"Into the bedroom. On your back."

Well, Master came in and now I had my first good look at "meaty head" as I now called his cock. It looked like a small roast. I had taken Master's cock a lot of times, but the way he was engorged that night, I wasn't sure. He wasn't either. "I want to kiss you, boy. I wanna kiss the man I'm about to start a new part of a journey with." His lips attacked mine, and GEEZ, did I suck his tongue. I wasn't trying to escape, but I was wiggling a lot: it felt like every cell in my body was excited.

"LICK THAT PIT" he yelled, as he shoved one into my face. OH GOD was I dripping pre-cum. There was a small puddle of it on my crotch and I couldn't stop. He was making me SO FUCKING HOT." He pulled his arm away and shoved a nipple into my mouth. "LICK ME. LICK MY WORKING MAN SWEAT, LAWYER BOY."

"MMMMMMMM," this was something I loved to do. I just LOVED it. While I did, Master played with his dick until it got even bigger than it was.

"Spit on my hand boy. A good wad of it." I did, and that was my lube, as he pushed my leg up and took what belonged to him.

"Corkscrew technique tonight, boy." That was one where he'd sort of manipulate his dick when he was in me. I got different parts of his cock on the same part of my hole, and it was HOT. VERY VERY HOT. Master was taking his time, and I was wondering what was going to happen: where were we going with the contract, the collar and everything else. He shot into me and then when he was done, he took my mouth again. I wrapped myself around him because I wanted him so badly, and I needed to cum so badly. He whispered into my ear "I wanna see you cum boy, I wanna really see you shoot." The key came out and he unlocked me.

"Do you want me to do it myself, Boss?"

"Yeah. Do it nice and slow. Think about your spanking. I KNOW you liked it. "I did. I wanted more. I had seen "spanking" on the contract, but I hadn't looked carefully. Now, I was just so involved in getting my jizz out that I forgot everything but Master's odor, his pheromones in the room, and how good, but sore I felt.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I screamed and shot a load that made Master smile. "Oh, boy. I think spanking is gonna become part of our routine." Now THAT made me happy.

Well, when you read the last chapter (the one that Master wrote), you learned about the book he gave me, and about our talk about contracts. Rather, HIS talk about contracts. As I read the book (and there were parts of that book, especially when they interviewed couples about their sex life, that really got me to wishing that I didn't have the cage on at work), I had to laugh: contracts for EVERYTHING. I mean, I work on contracts and agreements every day. I'd say that I spent a good 70% of my time doing that. So, of course it made sense that there were agreements for D/s couples (Incidentally, you'll never read anything by me referring to my relationship with Master as BDSM. Yes, there is PLENTY of bondage and discipline. I never considered Master a sadist, and I still don't. And I am NOT a masochist. No, one of the things we cleared away first was how neither one of us was interested in pain for pain's sake. When I finished the book and went to Master and said "Boss, I think I'm ready to look at an agreement, he had one ready. He handed it to me with that wicked smile he had that could always melt me (Master has developed an INCREDIBLE repertoire of ways to just overpower me, physically and psychologically. Fact is: when we started, he was clearly much stronger than I was; but I work out REALLY hard at the gym, and I could probably take him at wrist wrestling if he didn't smile at me and call me "Hot cheeks" or something like that. And of course, there are all the "spots" he knows about. If he gets his fingers on either nip, but especially my left one, I need to give up right away. Same thing with a touch to the part of my back right above my ass. Or if he nibbles an ear. I'm done. Completely).

Gee, I'm digressing as much as Master does. So he handed me this long document, and he used a word he hadn't used in a long time: "Tony, you probably see these sort of standard contracts, like leases all the time. Well, I asked some of my buds, and they told me this one is the standard. No one ever signs it without modifications. What you do is go through it and cross things out that are absolute "NO WAYS" for you, and you highlight things that are absolute requirements, and then you question mark something you're not sure of. I've already done it, so I want you to do it, too. Take as much time as you want." He reached out and squeezed my hand. "And if you don't want this at all, well, that's ok too. We'll figure something out." He got up from the table where we were sitting and kissed me before he went off to the living room. I heard the sounds before he put on the headphones: professional wrestling. No, he didn't believe it was real. He told me once "you fancy guys have opera. Guys like me, we got wrestling." I couldn't argue with that.

So, in my business you have clients who want you to do everything for them. They want their lawyer to just take control and decide for them. To be honest, to have a man take total control of me had been a fantasy for years. I just didn't want to face it. I know Master wrote about lip balm and deodorant. There were others, and I'll talk about some of them, but I had always thought that whatever he wanted was fine with me.

When I looked at the agreement, though, OH BOY was I glad that I did, and I was REALLY glad I had someone as solid as Dom to take control. There were different categories. There were choices like "fist-fucking" and "water sports" (silly me: I couldn't figure out what swimming had to do with D/s, and why did Master cross it out. I pulled out my laptop. OOOPS! Yes, I was adding my cross-out too. No offense to anyone who enjoys either of them. Just not my thing). There were other things he had already crossed out, like cutting, and sounding (OH, am I GLAD I looked that up). But I was glad Dom had marked things like "bondage" with three exclamation points, and less thrilled about things like tickling. He had left "dirty talk" alone, and I circled it. Why not? I had to ask him about "humiliation." I went into the living room and signaled to him.

"Boss, it just says `humiliation'. What does that mean?" He smiled and took a breath. "Well, for example, remember when I took you to the club in the harness?

"OH YEAH. If that's humiliation I want more of that, Boss." He laughed. "Well, there are other parts of it. Like, if I put a dog collar on you and walked you on all fours by a leash, are you good with that?" He must have seen my face.

"Uh, here, yes Boss, but in the club." He smiled. "I could go either way on that. How about we work out a list and then we add a phrase like `anything beyond this list has to be agreed upon by both Anthony and Dominick?" I really couldn't believe I was doing this. I was glad he crossed out "financial domination," because I had heard about that, and it was not for me. "Clothing domination" left me wondering. I LIKE picking pretty clothes for myself, and I like looking sharp. I DID know that Master and I had different views on how my clothes should fit: it won't surprise you that he thought I should wear everything so tight that I didn't leave anything to a person's imagination. I liked loose items. I went back to him again.

"Well, this is what I suggest, Tony: I make the decisions on what you wear at home. Mostly it'll be making you wear things very snug. You can wear what you want in public, but with my approval. That will be for things like color, but not for fit." I remember the smile he gave me. "I don't want you to look like a sausage at work, but since you WILL be wearing my collar, and you may need to explain who I am, I want you to look good. I want to be proud of my boy all the time. The way I am now." He got up and came over to me. I got this big hug and he whispered "You're so brave, Tony. I know I'm hard to live with, but you're doing this." I put my head on his shoulder and I got a little teary eyed. "I didn't even think about this stuff before you, Boss. Now I want it so badly."

So, little by little, we worked out the Agreement. Then we slept on it for a few days: we didn't SLEEP for three days, or anything like that, but you know what I mean. And then finally, we were ready. It shows you how much I didn't know about these things. "Should I be naked when I sign it, Boss?" He laughed. "Well, I was thinking about it, and I thought you'd be uncomfortable, but if you'd rather be nude." I surprised myself. "I would, Boss." I had something in mind for him that I wasn't talking about. "Well, OK. I guess I should be nude too."

"No, Boss. I think you should be wearing either your leather." I smiled. "Or your tuxedo."

"You are one kinky bottom, you know that seb? It's one of the things I love about you."

So, in a couple of days, we signed our contract. I went to work that day and there were butterflies in my stomach the whole day. We'd be signing it at home, and I knew that once it was signed, two things would happen. First, Boss would lock a collar on me: a metal one with a key that only he had. It couldn't come off unless he took it off me. And - something he insisted on in the contract -- once I was collared, he wasn't "Boss" anymore. I was to call him "Master" when we were together, "Sir" in a group of our tribe, and I could call him Dominick in public. I had to start changing anything that had the name "Anthony" or "Tony" on it to "Sebastian" or preferably "seb." Those changes would take time, but as you can tell, I was dying to call him "Master." I WANTED A MASTER SO BADLY AND I WANTED IT TO BE DOM." The night of the signing, he wore his tux. I was glad. It fit into my surprise for him. We sat at the table: me, nude, and he dressed to the nines. After we each signed, he smiled. "You'll look at videos showing you the proper way that a sub sits with his Master, seb, but for now, here: at my side, on your knees. Hands behind your back. That's my preference. Others say you put them on your thighs."

"Yes Master," I answered, and he looked at me. "Just another minute. Get over here." When I was in position, he told me to bow my head and I did. I felt the "click" of the collar and I felt metal against my neck. He looked at me and said "Boy" and I whispered "Thank you for collaring me, Master. I hope I live up to your expectations." He kissed me as he pulled me onto his lap. "Those expectations include a blow job, boy." I looked at him.

"Master, if you would let me, I had something planned for you. A surprise. I hope you like it. "He was piqued. "Well, let's see, because if I'm disappointed, it won't take long to put you on my knee."

"No, Master, I know you won't be disappointed." I kissed him and hurried off to the bedroom. "Please wait here, Master. I won't be long." When I came out, I had put on the tightest black slacks I had: I KNOW they made my ass look good, because my secretary said they did. And a REALLY tight white oxford shirt: so tight I couldn't tuck it in, and I couldn't button the first two buttons if I tried. I pushed my sleeves back. Then -- I can't believe I didn't tell you this before -Master has a thing for me when I wear my glasses. He thinks I look hotter in glasses than with contacts. So I changed. Then I came into the living room, leaned against the wall like a call-boy, hooked a finger in my belt loop, smiled and said, "Mr. Sophisticate: you look like you know how to please a boy." I ran my tongue over my lips.

I heard the chair fall, I felt his arm around my middle, and next thing I knew, my newly minted collared sub body was on the bed pinned underneath a growling, scruffy, tuxedoed stud with a meaty headed cock, who was pouring a stream into my ear like "you fucking hot mother fucking stud. You're gonna get cock up your ass all night." That was until his tongue went down my throat and stayed there before Master turned his `attack' to my ear. And my neck. OH, did he work my neck. He worked my neck so much that I stayed home the next day. I didn't want anyone to see the hickey he left. It meant of course, that I was tied down with my legs in the air for most of the day, and I can remember few times when I was as sore as I was that day.

It was all worth it. The contract said Master pledged to be faithful to me. We could open the relationship with our mutual agreement, but we could only play in groups.

And that's what happened next. Do you remember that Master and I were talking about a party where he could meet MY friends? I had already gone to the D/s club he loved, and a party with his DOM friends, and I had liked everyone I had met. Each time, Master had warned me about which guys would get "handsy" and of course, he defended me when Henry showed up (which was one of the earliest signs that I was going to become Master's sub). So, I began to put together a list for the party: no more than ten people. Fellas I worked with, guys I knew from my past, and also my dear gal pal Lucy. She was the one whom I spoke to the most. I guess all the guys were on the make so I felt I couldn't discuss things with them. She noticed the collar right away. I remember how she smiled.

"It's like a big engagement ring" she said, and I was embarrassed. We had lunch and I didn't even have to show her. She saw it right away.

"About time. Why'd he wait?" she asked. I think I blushed a little. "He was waiting until I was ready. I mean, I didn't even know I WANTED this until Dom brought it up." As soon as I said that I looked around. I hadn't said "Master," and, well, I grinned because I'd tell him. Maybe I'd get a spanking for it. (The way that spanking made me feel stayed with me. Master hadn't given me another one yet, but I wanted it. Badly).

Lucy was dying to come to the party. She wanted to meet, as she put it "this Greek god you put on a higher pedestal every time we meet." I got to work on picking other folks to invite. Most of them were easy to choose, but one took some care to think about. Master had reminded me more than once to think about getting, as he put it "your Top Man Jones" exercised. Now, it had been months since I had done any topping -- probably more like a year. My sex life with Master was so satisfying and I loved satisfying him so much that I hadn't even thought about it. But now that he put the idea in my head, I started thinking about it because I knew I had to pick someone whom we both would want to control. For me, it was just the fucking. For Master, who had no intention of putting his cock in anyone but me, it was dominating him.

"RUSS!" I thought to myself. I had met Russ some time ago, and we had "gay-dated" as we put it. That meant dinner and some "frolicking" (I love that word), because it was very clear that we weren't each other's types, or more pointedly: he wasn't mine. Russ was a bottom, whom you'd never think was one. He was a chemical engineer. Nice head of blond hair, brown eyes, a good complexion, and a really compelling build. When he was an undergrad, Russ had rowed crew for one of the better teams in the country. He had kept in shape: very fit, nice biceps, strong-looking legs. Not the best dresser, but he's handsome. He says he never learned "gay lingo," and when he talks, he's very straightforward, doesn't really get puns, or inside jokes.

He'd be perfect for Master. (Later, Master told me he reminded him of what happens when twinks become men, but in a good way).

Let's just say that Master and Russ hit it off at the party. I had told Master that if we were going to do a three-way, I wanted to do it with Russ. "Well, we'll see about that, "he said, doing what I guess a DOM is supposed to do. I knew that to some extent, Master could be putty in my hands. He wanted this to happen, Russ looked physically acceptable, and I have to be honest: there were times at night when I rolled into Master's arms, and felt his hand on my nipple, and his leg thrown over me, that I imagined Russ was in the bed.

The party was ending. "Hey, Russ, do you think you could stick around to help us clean up?" That was Master's pick-up line. It worked: give a sub a chance to be of service and, well, he's hooked. I had been watching them interact all night and the circling was: interesting. Russ had spent some time in the military, so he was used to guys who had Master's personality. I didn't know he was drawn to them but, to tell the truth, you didn't have to be drawn to Master's personality to be drawn to Master: he has this "air" about him that honestly makes you think "I want to do what he tells me to do." He always expresses surprise when someone says that, but he knows. Oh yeah, he knows.

When the other guests had left, all of whom had seen my collar, thanks to Lucy, Master turned to Russ.

"Sit, Russ. Have a drink with us." I knew that tone of voice: it was an order. Apparently, Russ had enough experience, either with tops or with the military to know it too. He gave a scared little grin and answered, "Yes Sir." Then he sat quietly.

"seb, get in another chair. Bring your ropes."

"Yes Master," I answered. When Russ' eyes showed he was nervous, Master raised his voice: "I didn't say you could leave, bottom. SIT. The ropes aren't for you." Russ looked a little disappointed when I came back, and Master tied me to the chair.

"I don't think there's any question in your mind as to who's the boss around here, is there, Russ?"

"No, Sir. I know that Tony is your boy." He chuckled. "Here, his name is seb."

"My apologies, Sir. I didn't know that."

"Well, pay attention to it now because, well, let me get right to the point: my boy has a thing for you." Russ blushed. "The feeling is mutual, Sir. But I respect boundaries." Master got up and came behind me, digging his knuckles into my shoulders. He was right at the point where the pleasure would become pain, but he didn't cross the line, and I was melting.

"Tell russ what we propose, boy." I took a breath. It was hard to concentrate with Master working my shoulders, because he usually followed that kind of thing with some serious nipple play, and his hand did lay on my left nip. I did the best on explaining myself, and as I did, I saw Russ' hand move to his crotch.

"Let's have none of that, russ. In this house, bottoms play with themselves only after they get permission." Russ moved his hand away immediately. I knew that pleased Master, and I knew, it was a done deal.

"Tonight, Sir?" He asked.

"No, not tonight. Too late. This weekend. Plan on spending it with us. I don't give a crap if you have plans. Keeping my boy happy is more important to me than your plans."

"I understand Sir. Should I wait to hear what I should bring?"

"Yeah, seb will let you know. Just understand, this isn't going anywhere romantically. You're the bottom boy in a trio. Nothing more." Russ smiled.

"Sounds good to me, Sir."

"Good. Now you're gonna get a chance to do something I have a feeling you've wanted to do. My boy's all tied up. Can't do nothing. Go kiss him. Kiss him anywhere you like. I'll be...watching." Master unzipped his cock and I saw Russ smile.

"YES SIR." He looked at me and pressed his lips to mine. I opened my mouth right away. It had been a long time since anyone other than Master had kissed me like that, and to be honest, it left me unsatisfied.

"OK, that's enough," Master told Russ. "Time for you to get some sleep, jerk off, whatever you want, boy. Sow your wild oats because over the weekend, you're not gonna get a chance." Russ got up, shook Master's hand and then he came over and ran a finger over my lip. "I'm looking forward to spending some time with you two," he said, before he left. (Next day, he called and told me that what had happened and what was going to happen had made him so hot, he almost came in the cab he took to get to our place).

"Ok, now, did that make you hot, boy?" Master asked me.

"Yes, Master, but not as hot as the idea that, maybe." I didn't get to finish. NOW I had a REAL tongue going down my throat. Master wasn't tentative in kissing me, and he wasn't tentative in shoving his swollen meaty head into me right after. I fell asleep happy. And I wondered how the weekend would go.

Master is going to tell you all about that. I'm going to have to go because he just came into the room with a pair of handcuffs in one hand, and a roll of duct tape in the other.

"Time to play captured detective, boy."

As they say, "I'll get back to you. I'm gonna be tied up for a while."

Next: Chapter 11

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