Doll's Eyes

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Aug 8, 2015




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


In the hottest months, sleep is something you do in the daytime, and that leaves you awake well after the sun has left the sky and only the moon and stars light the world. I had finished all my supper and put on my bestest smile for Momma. "Momma, can I go outside?" I begged.

"Will you stay in the garden?"

"Yes, Momma." I said dutifully.

"All right then, but don't go outside the garden."

"Can I take Harold with me?" Harold was sitting in the chair beside me and I looked at him with his sparkling eyes and happy smile that never changed.

"Yes, dear." she smiled at me and her hand curved itself around my cheek. I smiled and nuzzled it.

"I love you, Momma." I said.

"I love you, too, Marvin baby." she said.

I picked up Harold from his place at the table and looked at his plate. "Harold! You didn't eat your supper again!"

"It's all right, dear." Momma said and took away the untouched plate. "He can eat it after you come back from the garden."

"Okay, Momma." I said and went outside, carrying Harold under one arm.

Harold is my best friend, even if he is a rag doll. Momma sewed him up for me after my accident, to be my friend while I was in the hospital, and he's been with me night and day ever since. I was five when I had the accident, which hit me on the head and had me sleeping for about three weeks, and ever since I woke up, I've sort of just stayed five years old, even though it's been a long time and I'm now a lot taller than Momma. I stayed the same inside, is what she said, and not to worry about it. So I don't, I can always trust my Momma when she tells me things. But ever since, I stay home all the time and only go out into the garden when my Momma says I can.

It's not lonesome in the garden, because the garden is one that belongs to all the houses around this one big block, everyone helps keep it up and they share in the cool beauty of the garden in the hot nights. Everyone who does use the garden has known me for a long time, so I'm safe in the garden, and I can walk about and talk to people and they tell me jokes and sometimes they give me small sweets. As one woman said, I was really nice, and very handsome, even if I was touched in the head. That made me happy.

And when nobody was around to talk to, I would talk to Harold. He was always ready to talk to me, and he'd tell me jokes and I'd laugh and tell him a joke and he'd laugh with me. Momma said sometimes she wish I wouldn't talk so much to Harold, but Harold told me not to worry about it, I was the only one who could hear him so all I had to do was not answer him when Momma was around. So he talked to me more and more often and I had to pretend nothing was happening, and Harold told me a whole lot of amazing and secret things.

Nobody was in the garden just then, so I went to a bench and sat down and talked to Harold. That's what I was doing when someone walked up. I'd just asked Harold, "And so what do birds do after their eggs fly away?"

Before Harold could answer, the man said, "Their eggs don't fly away! They hatch into little birds like the big birds and the big birds feed them." I knew this man, his name was Roger and he had grown up in the house three doors down from mine. I hadn't seen him for a few years, though, he didn't spend much time in the garden, most young people didn't. He had grown up the same as I had, and I thought he looked really nice and strong and good-looking, it made my tummy feel funny inside looking at him. Like I had some years ago when we'd been young, and I'd sneaked through the garden to look at him through his window, him in his bedroom wearing only his underwear and my pickle would tingle so much that I'd shudder at how good it felt.

"That's not what Harold said." I argued with him. "Harold said that the eggs are warmed by the birds and they fly away and the next night, the eggs bring back little birds and put them in the nest so the big birds can keep them warm."

"Oh." Roger smiled at me, and put one foot up on the bench beside me. That put his middle part, the part where his "pickle" was, very close to my face. I couldn't help but look at it, I knew that the pickle grows on a man when he gets to a certain age (I know mine had) and after that, it did all sorts of funny things, like swell up sometimes, and that touching it the right way would make it tingle really nicely. Harold had told me not to touch mine too much, it wasn't the right thing to do and I actually was rebellious enough to ask Momma about it, and she agreed with Harold. So I hadn't touched mine, not unless Momma was in bed and Harold was sitting in another room and not calling out to me.

"So, Marvin, been a long time since you and me talked." Roger went on after a while. "What have you been doing all these years?"

"Talking to Harold." I said, showing him the doll. "Harold and I talk all the time. He's really smart."

I pushed Harold right up toward his face and Roger flinched back and pushed Harold away. "Don't put that in my face, you moron!" His face was dark-stormy with flashes of lightning-angry.

"I'm sorry." I said. "Harold just wanted to say hello to you."

"It's okay." he smiled, sunny-bright again. "You surprised me, is all." He blinked. "I swear, that doll has the funniest-looking eyes of anything I ever saw."

"Harold's eyes are special." I said. Momma had made Harold's eyes out of some buttons she had, buttons with big almost-jewels set into the middle of them, so that they shone and flashed in any kind of light.

"I can see that." Roger agreed. "But why don't you put Harold down and you and I can talk."

I set Harold down and Roger urged me to get up and follow him. He led me into the area between two rows of flowering bushes, a pathway used usually only by the gardeners when they worked on the plants. "I've been away at school for the last four years." he began.

"So that's why I haven't seen you around!" I marveled.

"Right. But I've been thinking a lot about you. You don't have much fun, do you, Marvin?"

"I have fun, I talk with Harold and we play in the garden...."

"But you're all alone." Roger cut me off before I could explain the games that Harold and I played. "And that's no good. You ought to have some fun now and then, fun with other people. Your mother keeps you shut up in that house of yours all the time."

"She's trying to keep me safe." I argued.

"But you are safe here, with me." Roger pointed out. "Your mother is getting older, she can't take care of you forever. I could take care of you, if you'd let me."

"I have Harold, he'll take care of me."

"Not the way I can." Roger said and his hand caught hold of mine, put it on his crotch. I could feel his pickle in there, it was all hard and firm like mine got sometimes when I'd touch it, and sometimes when I didn't. "I'll take care of you and you take care of me. I've been thinking about you a lot lately, living here all alone in that house with just your mother and your doll. You deserve better than that. You deserve me!"

And before I could answer that, he caught hold of my shoulders and pushed down on me, so hard I had to go down on my knees in front of him. His hands fought at his pants and pulled at his fly, opened it and brought his pickle out for me to look right at.

"Here it is. Waiting to take care of you. You were always trying to look at it through my window when we were younger, do you remember that? I remember it real well. I figure it's time you got some of what you've been wanting, so go ahead, do it!"

"Do what?" I wanted to know.

Roger made an exasperated sound. "Are you that stupid? Open your mouth and suck on it!"

I opened my mouth experimentally and Roger shoved his pickle into my mouth. I was startled but he held my head and wouldn't let it go.

"Keep it in your mouth, dummy! Get your mouth wet and suck on it like it was a big, fat lollipop! That's what you're supposed to do, get me?"

Well, if that was what I was supposed to do. I began to suck on his pickle and his hand made me slide my mouth up and down on his pickle while I sucked on it. "Oh, ah, ah, yeah, ah, uh, that's the way, you got it!" he grunted after a time when I stopped sucking and just held onto it while he moved my mouth. "That's the way, oh, yeah! Now, you move your mouth for me, and fast as you can move, you got me! Oh, fuck, yeah!"

Ooh, his pickle was getting harder and harder now! And warmer, too, really warm. So warm, it was almost uncomfortable. And Roger had gone back to using his hand to force me to move back and forth again, while he was grunting real loud and thrusting his pickle hard into my mouth and it was so hot, so hot, that....

Roger groaned real hard, "UH-HUUHHHHHHH!" and suddenly his pickle was spurting some hot, salty stuff into my mouth! I would have pulled off and spit it out, but he held my mouth and head in place, all I could do was let him shoot in into my mouth. I choked when he stabbed his pickle in real deep on me, and then I swallowed, and all that salty slimy mess slid down my throat on me.

"Ah-huh, ah-huh, yeah, uh, swallow it, drink it down!" Roger grunted. "Drink that man-juice, ah-huh, ah-huh, uh, uh, hhhuhhhh!"

I did, because the salty stuff was making my tongue feel funny. I got it down and that got rid of it, and Roger panted some more and then he pulled his pickle out of my mouth, it was now limp as mine usually is and sticky wet.

"Yeah, that's what you do with it." Roger gasped out, his chest still heaving. "I'll take care of you and you take care of me. That's fair, isn't it?"

"I guess so." I said dubiously. "I'll have to ask Harold."

"Ask Harold?"

"Harold can tell me if I should take care of you like this or not. Harold knows everything."

"Yeah?" Roger considered that while he tucked his pickle back inside his pants. Then he laughed. "Like what happens to bird eggs when the little birds come along, eh? Sure, let's go ask Harold what he thinks about it!"

We went back to the bench and Harold was sitting up on the bench. I'd left him lying down and that bothered me, when Harold moves himself, he's up to something.

Roger didn't notice, he walked over to Harold and knelt down, put his face right into Harold's and said, "Harold, I want you and Marvin to move in with me, so I can take care of him and he can take care of me. What do you think about that?"

Roger looked into Harold's eyes, then he wavered and jerked himself away. "Shit, for a moment there, I thought those eyes were spinning like pinwheels! You wore me out more than I thought with that blowjob you gave me. Anyway, Marvin, Harold said that it was fine with him. Ask him yourself and you'll see. I'll come by your house tomorrow after your mother puts you to bed for your afternoon nap, and you can take care of me again, okay?"

Roger walked off and I asked Harold, "Harold, did you tell Roger it was okay for us to live with him from now on?"

Harold assured me that he had, so I had to be content with that. I hoped Momma wouldn't get too lonely with me not staying with her no more.

Roger had made fun of my "afternoon nap" but really, it was too hot to think about doing anything the next day after lunch. I was more than ready after eating to lie down and sleep for a while. Harold was by my side, of course, I couldn't sleep without having him to snuggle up against.

But I'd no more than lain down when I heard it, a tap at my window. I went over and saw Roger's face at the window. Surprised, I opened it and said, "Roger?"

"Let me in!" he hissed. "Hurry, people are coming, they'll see me!"

I stepped back and he crawled into the window, awkwardly, then got to his feet and grinned at me. "Well, you ready to take care of me again, Marvin?"

"I guess so. Harold said it was all right."

"Good old Harold." Roger said. "Your mother's already in her bed and asleep, so we can take our time. A good thing, for I want to show you another way to take care of me, even better than the other way." And Roger started tearing off his clothes.

He stopped at his briefs and with his hands on them, said, "You, too, take yours off. We have to be completely naked for this. Come on, do it!" And he stripped his briefs down and was nude before me.

I was confounded by his masculine beauty, all clean lines and arcs of his muscles all over him in the right places, the skin shone with a luster all its own, and I grinned stupidly and said, "Wow, Roger, you look real good!"

"So do you, now get those off already! You have to suck me some here, but don't try to do anything but get me as wet as you can, okay?"

"Okay." I said and did what he said, skinning off my briefs. With some difficulty, my cock was as hard as his was, and almost as big. Roger even grinned at it and said, "You're a real man, all right, just stupid and ignorant thanks to your mother. Don't worry, I'm going to teach you everything you need to know to make a man happy. Now get down and suck on me some."

I obeyed, sitting on the bed and slurping on his pud like it was a frozen juice treat like my mother made for me sometimes. Roger let me suck away but then he stopped me and said, "Now, lay back on the bed and lift those legs up. I need to get in between them."

I did as he said and then I felt him pushing his wet pickle in at my butthole. I gasped and said, "Roger, what are you going to do?"

"Stick this up your ass, that's what. Don't worry, you'll like how it feels after a while, it only hurts a little at first."

I shivered but held still and he pushed at me, and it did hurt. Roger leaned down and then he grunted, batted at Harold, who had risen up and was pushing against his arm. "Damn it, get that doll out of my way. Shit, I swear the thing is staring at me."

"He is." I agreed and then grunted as Roger shoved at me again. "Oh, oh, that hurts!" I moaned as he got the head of it inside me.

"Only at first. You'll get used to it and then it'll feel great, you'll see!" Roger panted. "Oh, yeah, tight ass you got, Marvin. Real tight ass. Damn it!" Harold had pushed up against him again, and this time, Roger deliberately pushed Harold all the way off the bed.

I protested, but then Roger pushed at me hard and his pickle drove itself all the way inside me. "Oh, oh, your pickle hurts, Roger, it hurts, take it out, please, take it out!" I moaned.

"Shut up, you fucking idiot! You have to get used to it, that's all. Now lie still and let me get it working, that'll make it easier on you!" His face, his handsome, wonderful face, was twisted into a snarl of anger and concentration. It made him look hard, uncaring, cold.

But he kept moving like he said, and after a time, it did hurt a lot less. I began to moan softly and Roger laughed into my face. "You see, custard-head, you like it now, don't you?"

"Yeah, that's feeling good!" I was telling only the truth, his pickle was stroking my insides and something in there was turning that into the best feeling in the world! "Do it some more, Roger, do it some more."

"More and faster." he agreed and began to hunch at me harder. I clung to him as he moved, feeling the power in those muscles, the strength in that back and arms, my legs fastened onto his buttocks, with my heels fitting in the indentations of his buttocks like they were made to go there.

And Roger grunted, and moved, carrying both of us around so that he could get up onto the bed and he began to fuck me again. I looked into his eyes and he was glowing with pleasure, mischief, power and command, and his grin was shining like it had its own light.

Then his eyes shifted to the left and I looked over.

Harold was back on the bed and sitting up beside the two of us.

"I threw him off the bed."

"Harold wants to watch us." I said.

Roger hesitated only a moment. "So let him watch." He began to fuck me again, and I closed my eyes and moaned.

I felt Harold touching my arm and suddenly I understood, even without the words he often uses. I reached down and caught hold of Harold's arm and swung him over so that I could catch his other arm in my other hand, holding him onto Roger's back, making him a part of this. Roger didn't notice, I think, he was getting into this, hard grunts of animal-like pleasure slipping from his lips. I felt the heat building in his pickle, knew that he would soon be squirting more of that salty spunk into my asshole. And suddenly, I wanted that more than anything!

"Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, uh, uh!" I gasped. "That feels good, so good, harder now, harder, please! Harold wants you to do it harder, and faster, faster, too!"

"Yeah, yeah, for Harold, yeah!" Roger was too caught up to understand himself, I think, he was moving frantically now, and I saw a bit of panic slipping into his eyes, he was moving fast, fucking me so hard, and he wasn't doing all the moving anymore.

Both of us were caught up in this, whatever it was. Moving as one being, our spirits connecting with each other, Roger was there with me, in that spot in my mind where Harold lived and talked and told me things, and I saw Harold looking over Roger's shoulder at me, and his eyes were glowing bright, bright white!

"Oh, oh, I'm coming, I'm coming!" Roger gasped out. "I can't, I can't, oh, God, I have to come now, OH-HUHHH-UHHH-GUHHHH-HUHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"Oh, oh, OH, OH-OH-OH-OHHHHHHH!" I threw my own head back and moaned, and I felt in that wild chaos that was the most intense pleasure I'd ever had that I and Harold and Roger were all mushed together somehow, that this pleasure wasn't just mine, it was Roger's, too, and he was sharing in mine, becoming a part of me, a complete and eternal part of me. Just like Harold.

I finised my climax and sagged back onto the bed, and everything was suddenly completely still and quiet. I breathed hard, then realized that I didn't have Roger on top of me anymore. I opened my eyes and looked, and Roger was gone. Only Harold was lying on my stomach, my spunk sort of gluing him to me. I sat up and looked around the room. Roger's clothes were still on the floor, and I wondered if he had run back out the window or out the door without getting his clothes.

Harold told me to get rid of the clothes, and I did, I dressed and took Roger's clothes and shoes and pushed them into a trash can next to a neighbor's house. Then like Harold told me, I went back inside and got back into bed and took my nap.

I didn't hear anything about Roger for over a week, and that was my mother. She asked me one day at lunch, "Marvin, have you seen Roger Belsen lately?"

I knew Harold had told me to keep quiet about Roger. "No, Momma." I said carefully. "Why?"

"He's gone missing, son. Nobody's seen him in eight days. His mother and father are very worried, so if you know anything, you need to tell Momma."

"I will, Momma." I promised.

"Well, finish up your sandwich and then go get in bed and take your nap. I'm going to go over to Mrs. Belsen's house and see what I can find out."

Sometimes its nice being like me. Nobody ever expects me to have any of the answers and never asks me very many questions, either.

So I finished my lunch and went to my bedroom, and once I was in bed and naked with the curtains drawn, I laid Harold beside me on the bed so he could watch everything.

And like he always did, slowly Roger appeared on top of me, lying in bed with me, holding me in his arms. As he grew up and out, his cock got hard and when he was full sized, he slid his cock into my ass, already lubricated and wet and warm and so, so firm. His eyes weren't mischievous anymore, only warm and tender, and his voice was now a small whisper. "Marvin." he sighed. "It is time again, Marvin."

"Yes, it is time again." I agreed. "Love me, Roger."

"Love you." he whispered. "Always love you. Always."

"And I'll always love you." I looked over at Harold, who had sat up and was watching the two of us making love, watching us with the bright beautiful jewels of his eyes.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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