Doing the Gas Men

By Robert Barhorst / Rab2161

Published on Jul 6, 2017


The Gas Man Pt 2

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This is a true story.

It had been two weeks I was having some plumbing repairs done at my house and the plumber needed to fix the main shutoff which was leaking water a cup or two a day. I asked my plumber and he said he could if I could find the outside main turn off. I told him I would call the city and find out where it was and if he would be able to shut it off out there. He told me yeah, and I tried to call the city water department while he was there and was told that they wouldn't be able to come and shut it off till the next day. I told the plumber and he said he could come back the next week and take care of it. I called the city again and tried to set up an appointment to have the city to come and uncover the shut off and go ahead and shut it off, but the lady told me they don't do scheduling that I would have to call an hour before the plumber was going to show up.

While I was waiting to talk to the lady you know how they have you on hold and play either music or some stupid message, well this was a message and it said that you can schedule to have work done like shutting off the water or having it turned on. So, when they lady said I couldn't schedule it I asked why the message said otherwise. At that time, the lady got very rude and asked if she could help me with anything else and when I said no she hung up on me. I was pissed and told the plumber what had happened and he said it sounds like the city employees and asked who it was I was talking to and when I said her name he said yeah, I have dealt with her before and she is a bitch to say the least. I laughed and said I would have to call an hour before he arrived.

He did whatever work he could there were a couple of other problems that needed fixed. Then he looked up his schedule and said he could be back next Tuesday morning around 10am. I said that was fine with me. Then he left, and I went on with life. Every day after that I was enjoying everything working good and only have to go down and empty the pan under the main water shut off in the mornings and glad it was only dripping about one cup of water a day.

Thursday was one of those nights at work I didn't want to be there, everything and anything that could go wrong did just that. I was the supervisor in my area so I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to take care of everything and still do my own job. All I could do was pray for the night to be over and go home. I got home my feet were killing me and wearing the 10 pound boots didn't help. I got home and couldn't get into the house fast enough to get my boots off, once in the house my pet dog wanted to go outside and do her business.

I put down my lunch box and then took her outside to let her do her business. It took about 20 to 25 minutes and she was ready to go back inside. I got inside and started to put away my ice pack and put my dirty dishes in the sink. There was a note on the table I started to read it and it said the one thing I didn't want it to. Something that was going to cost me more money, but here is was the floor drain in the basement was overflowing and I needed to have the plumber fix the clog when he came back on Monday. I called my plumber the next morning and told him the problem and he said he didn't have the drain cleaner anymore and I would need to call someone else for that.

I used a different plumber when it came to redoing a floor drain broken pipe two years earlier so I still had his number do to he said the drain would clog up from time to time due to the pipes lying to flat under the floor. So, I called the other plumber and he said he could be there in an hour. I thanked him do to I had to leave for work in two hours. I figured he could run the pipe and I would still have time to get dressed for work and relax. Paul my roommate asked when the plumber was going to show up and I told him in about half an hour. Paul said he wanted to leave and go do some shopping for some stuff he would need on his trip up to the lake. Paul's friend was coming into town and was going to stay at his boat up at the lake and he wanted Paul to come up and help with some work that was needed to get the boat ready to put in the water and start it up. Paul's friend has had that boat for over 15 years and he was getting to that age when it was just getting to old and needed to sell the boat.

Paul left and it was only a couple of minutes before Chris showed up. He said hello to me and even remembered my name, he grabbed this cable and a couple of other things he was going to need. I led him down to the basement and he was shocked how great the basement looked with the new vinyl flooring. I always thought Chris was hot looking he was in maybe his early forties, clean cut and always clean shaven and wore Aramis after-shave which fit him. But here he was wearing a pair of sweatpants that were probably ten years old and his hair was a mess, he just didn't look like the Chris I remembered. But then I remembered last time he was over to do some plumbing work he said something about he wished his wife would get back.

Chris's phone kept ringing and he finally answered it and he talked to the person for a couple of minutes then he hung up. I asked if his wife wasn't home yet, and Chris told me that his wife left him when business started to dry up and finally she filed for divorce. I told him I was sorry to hear that and said that is like a woman when things are going good they stay around but when it gets tough they hit the road and take everything they can. He told me that was true and how she got the house and most of the money in the bank account. He said that he was living in a one bedroom apartment and running his business out of it. I asked about his help and he said they left when he had to cut back their time. So it was just him for now. All the time we are talking I was looking at Chris's ass that was sticking out the back of his pants. I noticed he wasn't wearing any under wear.

I looked at him and said that with his looks he wouldn't have any problem replacing her, he laughed and said that would be easy if he had the time to even look or the money. Then he even said that if it wasn't for his hand, peter wouldn't have any exercise at all. Joking I said if he gets my pipe cleared in time I would clear his. He looked at me and said something that really throw me for a loop. Chris said he had a load that could choke a monkey. I said If I couldn't swallow it I could always take it up my back door. Chris said we will see what we can do. It was only a couple of minutes and he ran water through the pipe and it went straight down and didn't back up. I told him I was happy and glad he got it fixed so fast. He said well your pipe is cleared now what about mine.

I said well my word is as good as anyone. I walked over to Chris and went down on my knees and pulled down his sweatpants. Saying Chris was hung is an understatement. He had about 7 softs and when I started to suck on his cock his cock grew to about 8 or 9 inches. Chris grabbed the back of my head and was starting to fuck my mouth like he hasn't had anything on his cock for over a year. I was loving sucking on Chris's cock it tasted so nice and I didn't want it out of my mouth. I pulled his pants all the way down around his ankles and then had one hand grabbing and playing with his ass while my other hand was up his shirt and playing with his chest. I never knew Chris had a hairy chest but I was loving running my fingers through it.

Chris was enjoying me sucking on his cock and playing with his chest, then before I knew it he had taken off his shirt and his hands were holding my head in place while I sucked his cock. Chris asked if I enjoyed the taste of his cock and I sucked harder on his cock and he was moaning more. Chris asked how much time we had and I stopped sucking his cock and said I had to look at the clock to see what time it was and to do that I had to stop sucking his cock. Chris said just the time, last thing I want to do is make you late for work. I got up and walked around the wall and checked the clock we had an hour yet before I had to leave for work. I told Chris we had an hour and he said that he loved the blow job but he said he had a request if I didn't mind. I said if it wasn't going to take too much time. Chris went on to tell me that his hot water went out in his apartment and it would be a day or two until the landlord got it fix and he wanted to know if he could take a shower in my bathroom. Then he went on to invite me to suck him off in there.

I said okay that would be fine, and that way if he decided to slide that beautiful cock of his up my ass soap makes a good lube. Chris pulled me close to him and gave me a kiss. We went upstairs to the bathroom and I asked Chris if he liked any scented soap and he looked at me. I showed him my collection of soaps on rope that my aunts have given me over the years. Chris grabbed a bar of Aramis soap and we headed into the shower. Chris first stepped into the shower and got all wet and then he told me to join him and we could lather each other up if I liked. I didn't answer but just hoped in and got wet and we started to lather each other up.

I pulled Chris to me and kissed him this time while we lathered each other and it was fun. I went down and sucked on his cock and balls again and I knew Chris was getting closer to cumming. Chris pulled me up next to him and kissed me again and said he has never done anything like this before and he didn't know if he could fully do it but he wanted to try.

I knew what he meant and I turned around while holding on to Chris's cock and then lead it into my ass opening. I pushed back and Chris's cock slowly entered my asshole, it hurt some Chris's cock was thicker than any cock I had every taken in my ass and the soap was stinging my ass also. But I enjoyed Chris's cock in me once I was use to it. Chris started to pick up his pace of fucking me and I was really enjoying it but then all the sudden Chris shoved every inch of his cock up my ass and pulled me close to him. I felt his cock explored in my ass, and the warmth of his cum filling me. Once Chris was done we stood there with the water flowing over me. Chris's cock slowly went down and popped out of my ass, I turned around and thanked him and gave me a French kiss. I told Chris I would step out and let him clean himself and also the soap was good as shampoo also. Chris thanked me and gave me a kiss back. I stepped out of the shower and started to dry off while Chris finished cleaning up. Once I had completed Chris was done with his shower and turned off the water and pulled back the shower curtain. I handed him the towel and he stepped out and started to dry off. I told Chris I was going to get dressed for work and if he wanted he could shave also. Chris did and I finished dressing and got my lunch together for work.

Chris came out of the bathroom smelling better and looking as hot as I remembered. He thanked me and said the work he had done was free. I knew my roommate was going to leave in the morning and I figured if Chris didn't have hot water how was he going to do his wash. So, I decided to be nice and offer the use of my washer and dryer this weekend before the water was turned off. He thanked me and asked if it was possible he could stop by Saturday night, to do his wash, I said that would be fine. Chris thanked me and he went down in the basement and got his equipment and as he was walking out the of the back door he said he would call me tomorrow about what time he could stop by. I said okay and then Chris told me that my ass was better than his wife pussy even when he popped her cherry. I was kind of surprised he would say something like that, but I did enjoy the compliment also.

Chris left and I went and got everything for work and locked the door. I got home from work that night thinking my roommate was in his room asleep as usual but there on the dining room table was a note saying that he left and would see me on Wednesday when he got home. I went to work and had a bad night if anything bad could happen it did. I was glad when eleven o'clock came around and I was able to clock out for the weekend. I had decided to take Monday off and use one of my PTO days. That way I wouldn't have to hurry with the plumber or leave the dog in my room until I got home from work. Saturday morning, I got up and did some of my house work then decided to cook a pot roast in the slow cooker and that way I would have a nice dinner to serve and could get some work done while it cooked.

I went and mowed the lawn and did some other yard work that needed to be done but never had the chance with my roommate around. There were several jobs that he was supposed to do but never got around to them and I figured I could get them done faster without him around then it would take for him to do by himself. I had just finished doing all the choices and come in the back door when my cell phone rang. It was Chris and he was calling to tell me that he had just finished his last job for the day and asked if the offer to use the washer and dryer was still good. I told him yeah and if he was hungry I had a pot roast in the slow cooker and he is more than welcome to join me for dinner. Chris said okay and he just needed to stop by his apartment and pick up his dry clothes and he would be over. I figured I had enough time to hop in the shower and get cleaned up and be ready for Chris to arrive. I just finished dressing and just got back into the kitchen to check on the pot roast when I saw Chris's truck pull up in the drive way. My dog decided to announce there was someone in the driveway by barking her head off and I told her to be quiet and be nice. Chris come in the back door and ginger (my dog) went up and smelled him and started to wag her tail. This was odd for her to do but there was some people she just liked right off the bat and Chris was one of them.

Chris had a big basket full of clothes and a box of laundry soap. Chris said that he would take the laundry down stairs and load the washer. It was a couple of minutes when Chris yelled up the stairs asking how does someone start the washer. I laughed and said I would be down in a minute, I went to my room and grabbed one of the bathrobes hanging up behind my door and made my way downstairs and Chris asked what was with the robe. I told him to strip down and put the clothes he has on in the wash and go up and take a shower and shave, I would take care of the wash and he just had to relax and let me handle it all. Chris thanked me and did just as I said and stripped off his dirty work clothes and put on the robe. I grabbed them and threw them in the washer and put in some of the laundry soap and turned on the machine. Chris and I headed upstairs and Chris asked if I was sure about letting him clean up and dinner and I told him to shut up. I said it was all just my way of saying thanks and he was not being held to doing anything but relaxing and enjoying someone taking care of him for once. Chris looked at me and I said there were no strings attached so just go in and get that shower. I went into the kitchen and made two small salads to go with the roast dinner. I was adding the tomatoes, when two arms wrapped around my waist and a voice whispered into my ear. Something smells great, and then I felt a set of lips kissing my neck. I turned around and said I smell something nice also and gave Chris a kiss on the lips. He pulled me closer to him and said "and the dinner smells good also".

We both laughed and I told him to remember there is no strings attached with the dinner and everything. Chris looked me in the eyes and said he wouldn't do anything he didn't want to do and gave me a kiss and I said well let's eat.

I took Chris's plate and put some roast and potatoes and carrots on his plate and handed it to him. Chris thanked me and I asked what he liked to drink and told him what all I had to drink. He said a beer and I got him one. Chris took a bite of the roast and said it tasted great and we eat our dinner and then I heard the washer beeping and that was it telling me the wash was done. After we were done eating I told Chris to go into the living room and turn on the television and relax, I would load the dish washer after I put his clothes in the dryer.

I came back up the stairs and there was Chris loading the dish washer and I told him to stop and I would take care of it. Chris said he was going to help some and he couldn't figure out how to turn on the television. I laughed and said I should have told him how to do it, and we finished loading the dish washer and turn it on. I told Chris it would take an hour before his clothes were dry so let's go into the living room and watch some television. Chris grabbed me and said he had a better idea, I looked at him and he kissed me and we headed to the bedroom.

Before we could say a word to each other are lips were locked together and what clothes we had on was sitting on the floor and we fell into the bed and started to make some hot loving. Chris took control and he started to work his kisses down my neck and work on down. Before I knew it, he had my legs spread and butt in the air and was giving me a rim job like a pro. I was in seventh heaven moaning and begging for him to shove his tongue deeper in my ass. Chris ate out my ass like he was eating out a pussy, his tongue had me moaning and groaning but he suddenly stopped and he pushed my legs up over my chest iand his body was moving on top of mine. Chris spit on his hand and lubed up his cock and pointed at my ass, I knew what he was about to do and wanted it.

Chris slide his cock into my hole and was doing it nice and slow, then when it was fully in I pulled his face up to mine and before I kissed him I told him to fuck me and don't stop. Chris kissed me and said he was going to fuck me and if I was lucky it would take us all night. Chris and I made love for over two hours and before I knew it we were cuddled together falling asleep. The next morning Chris woke me up to a hot cup of coffee and a kiss. I took a gulp of coffee and asked if he was ready for a repeat of last night. Chris smiled and we were at it again. It only took us an hour this time but we laid there afterwards and I said we better get something to eat and started to get out of bed. Chris said he was full and pulled me back into the bed next to him and we started kissing again. I was five o'clock before we got up and I said I needed to go to the bathroom and get a shower then I could make us something to eat. Chris agreed and while I was sitting on the toilet Chris started the shower and was waiting for me. We both hopped into the shower and started to clean up but we got to excited soaping each other up and as we all know soap makes a good lube also.

Once we were all done and clean we hopped out of the shower and dried off. Chris said he needed to shave and I said I do also but he could go first and I would go and get his clothes out of the dryer so he had more to wear then just a bath robe. We both laughed and I headed out of the bathroom and Chris started up the water in the sink.

I went into my room and got my other bathrobe and headed downstairs. I pulled out Chris clothes and put them in the laundry basket and headed upstairs and was folding Chris's clothes when he came out of the bathroom and came up behind me and asked if I needed a hand. I told him I just finishing and bent over to pick up the last piece of his clothes. Chris lifted up my robe and before I could say anything he had his cock sliding in my ass. I was shocked and thrilled at the same time, plus my ass was starting to hurt from all of the fucking. Little did I even think Chris was such a sex hound but he may be that way because he hasn't had any pussy in such a long time, I didn't know and to tell you the truth I really didn't care. It only took Chris fifteen minutes this time to cum but I figured he would be running out of cum soon.

Once we were done I told Chris I needed to get to get to the grocery or I wouldn't have any food for this coming week. Chris asked if he could come along because he needed to buy some stuff for his place. I said that was fine and he dressed and head to the store. We both had grocery carts and was going through out the store getting what we needed. It only took us about 45 minutes well it took me that long I had to go through the store and hunt down Chris but I found him and I looked into his grocery cart and there were four cans of whipped cream and three of shaving cream. I asked Chris what he could make up his mind what he wanted to shave with or did he know some secret I didn't know of. He just told me what till we get home and he would see what was going to happen. We had just gotten home to my house when Chris's phone rang and he was talking to the person for a couple of minutes, and then hung up. I asked if it was a client and Chris said yeah, he has two sinks to unclog in the morning and it shouldn't take him to long. I reminded him that I had the city coming and then my regular plumber coming in the morning. Chris said yeah and it would work out great for us.

We started to put away the groceries and Chris's phone rang again, and he was talking to another client and was giving me a signal to give him a pen and paper, I grab it for him and he started to write down a address and phone number then a name. Once Chris was done he hung up and said man this is weird two phone calls in one day, I thought that was an odd statement to make then I figured out his business was really doing bad. Chris and I finished putting up the groceries and then Chris said he had to use the bathroom, then walked out of the room.

His phone rang again and I thought I would be nice and answer it for him and in doing so I took on my professional attitude and Chris came out of the bathroom naked with shaving cream all over his crotch area and was surprised how I was handling the call. I was in shock seeing him with all the shaving cream around his crotch and wonder what he was doing and I decided to ask and Chris said it was going to be a surprise but he wondered who was on the phone and I told him it was a teller marketer and just hung up. Chris said that he heard how a shaved crotch was more sensitive and wanted to see if it was true. I laughed and Chris went back into the bathroom and I continued to put away the groceries. About ten minutes went by and Chris called me into the bathroom and told me it was my time. I looked at him and said okay and took off all of my clothes and Chris told me to sit on the sink and he covered my crotch with shaving cream and the feel of his shaving cream covered hand covering my crotch gave me a roaring hard on. Chris shaved my crotch and balls playing with my hard cock now and again, keeping me from shooting my load, but having fun doing it. Once he was done he told me to hop down and turn around he was going to shave my manpussy. I did and he filled his hand full of shaving cream and then he told me to spread my cheeks and then he spread the shaving cream on and around my hole and even cover both of my cheeks.

Chris asked if I was ready and I said yeah, then he started he shaved my cheeks first and worked his way to the center and once he was done he took a wash cloth to check that he got every hair and when he knew he did he put some more shaving cream on my hole and spread in around and even stuck his finger in my hole a couple of times making me moan and groan. I asked what he was doing and he just told me he missed a spot or two and enjoy it.

I said okay and Chris got some more shaving cream and I felt him smear it on me some and then he asked if I was okay and I said yeah. My head was down so I couldn't see what he was doing in the mirror but I felt it a second later when he pushed his cock into my ass hole and started to fuck me. I was in heaven and told him not to stop till my hole was full and his nuts empty. Chris said there was no trouble with that and really started to fuck me. Chris filled my ass with his cock and was going to town fucking me and kissing all over my back and neck he even slapped my ass a couple of times. I was moaning and groaning and I leaned up to see Chris in the mirror and he was enjoying the fucking as much as me. Then Chris pulled me back and he was leaning against the wall and thrusting his cock in and out of my ass. We were in heaven and Chris was just about ready to shot his load in my ass when we heard his phone ringing and I said ignore it and fuck me stud. Chris did and then he shoved all of his cock in my ass and blew his load. I could feel it filling my ass and I reached between my legs and felt his balls and he shot hard and more.

Once Chris was done and we were both catching our breaths, Chris's phone rang again and he pulled out of my ass, went into the kitchen and answered his phone. I heard him talking and said he would be there just give him an hour to clean up.

Chris came back into the bathroom and said that he needed to clean up and get home, there was a problem and he had to leave. We hoped into the shower and I kept asking Chris what the emergency was? Chris said that his wife called and said that she needed him at the hospital something about a family member dying.

I told Chris, I'm sorry and we finished showering and Chris kissed me and said he would be back, but he needed to go. We got dressed and Chris went into the bathroom and slapped on some after shave and kissed me again and left.

It was several hours later when Chris returned and it turned out that his wife's father had died and she wanted Chris there. Chris asked if his phone had rang and I told him I took care of his phone and written down all his calls. He thanked me and told me the story of why he had to leave, and that he would have to leave in the morning and he would call me later in the week. I kissed him and said that can wait till morning. We made love and then fell asleep in each other's arms. The next morning, I awoke to the sound of the shower and went to the bathroom to see Chris was taking a shower and decided to join him. We had a soapy fun time getting clean and then dried off. Chris was talking while shaving and said that he appreciated me answering his phone and how well I did it. I told him if he ever wanted a secretary I was free to do so and I could even do his bills for his customer's. Chris said he would keep that in mind and I would be at the top of the list. I asked if he wanted anything to eat before he left and he said no, he had to hurry up and get home and do some appointment to change around.

I said okay and he dressed and we kissed before he left. I called the city to have them come and turn off the water so my regular plumber could come and do the work in the basement. I called and was told that it wouldn't be till after 10 before someone could show up and I said okay. I called my regular plumber and told him and he said to let him know when they had the water shut off and he would be over.

Just after 10 a city truck pulled up in front of my house and I went out to explain what was happening and the guy who got out of the truck was the same guy I saw working up the street at my buddy's house. He recognized me and smiled, and he told the guys where the main water shut off was located and to dig it up and turn off the water. They proceeded and when they went to find the shut off the pipe was full of dirt and they said they had to blow it out. While they were doing that the head guy asked if he could use my bathroom and winked at me. I said yeah and took him inside and before we could get the front door closed he grabbed me and kissed me. Then pushed me down on the floor and pulled his cock out of his pants. I started to suck his cock and it didn't take that long for it to get hard and throbbing. He said he didn't have a lot of time so if I wanted it up my ass to stand up and drop my pants. I did and he slowly slide his cock up my ass and pinned me to the wall and started to fuck me. He was right he didn't have a lot of time because he shot his load in me after only a couple of thrust. He thanked me and pulled up his pants and kissed me then we walked back outside.

The crew said that the water was turned off and they were ready to go. I saw one of the other guys from before and he winked at me. The head guy asked if I wanted them to come back to turn back on the water and I said yes. The guy gave me his personal phone number and said that all I had to do was call that number and they would be back.

I thanked them and they got back into the truck and started to pull away. I took my cell phone out and called my plumber and told him the water was shut off and I was ready for him to come over. The plumber said he would be there in ten minutes. Freddy showed up and got straight to work and was finished in about two hours. I took the number I got from the city guy and called it and said that they could return at any time to turn back on the water. I said okay, I paid my regular plumber and then got ready for the city workers. I was hoping that they all would need to use the bathroom and lubed up my ass hole if I would get lucky.

My plumber told me to wait till they turn on the water then turn on the house water this way I could see if there was any leaks, and don't let the workers go for at least ten minutes in case there is a leak at the main turn off and they could make note of it and call in to get it fixed. Once the city truck pulled up I went out and talked to the head guy and explained what the plumber wanted me to do and he said no problem they really didn't have anything else to do. The crew got out and the head guy explained the situation to them, they had no problem with that. They turned on the water and I went down stairs and turned on the main value and watched for any leaks. There was none and the crew was all sitting on my porch and I went upstairs and started to turn on all the facets so the air could get out of them and the head guy asked if I needed any help and I said his crew could come in and get out of the sun and heat and enjoy the air conditioning. He told his crew and I was in the kitchen turning on the facets and the head guy asked again and I said he could turn on the bathroom sink and bathtub and he headed in. A couple of minutes we heard a loud, ah shit and then the guy coming out of the bathroom shaking his head.

We all started to laugh and asked what happened and he said the shower came on and now his head is wet. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a towel and offered it to him. He took it and said that he had his head wet maybe he should hop in the shower and finish the job. I told him to go ahead if he wanted and he said that he only takes a shower with someone else and that is to fuck them. Most of his crew said that was more than they needed to know. I said come one then and I would join him, and he followed me into the bathroom and turned on the shower and he got undressed and we hoped in the shower. He was fucking me and we were both moaning and groaning and the door was open enough that his crew heard us doing it.

We finished and walked out of the bathroom and I asked who was next and this big bald-headed guy said okay and we went back into the bathroom and he fucked me and then the next guy came in after him. Once we were all finished we went to the basement and checked the value there and no leaks then we went outside and checked there and no water. The head guy said well looks like we are done. Thanks, and see you later. I looked at him confused and he said that was his private number he had gave me. I smiled and said okay well if he needed another shower after work he was welcome to stop by. I told him that I took only today off of work and was usually at work by 1:30 pm. He said okay and they left.

At six that evening a car pulled up in my driveway and the head of the crew got out and knocked at the door. He asked if that shower was still free and I said yeah. We headed to the bathroom and lets just say my water bill is going to be huge. All the rest of the week went as usual until Thursday morning when Chris called and asked if he could come over this weekend and I help him get his bills up to date.

I said okay and Chris said that he would call me Saturday morning. That was two months ago and now I'm Chris secretary and handle all of his phone calls and business is picking up. Chris has moved in with me and life is great to say the least.

Hope you enjoyed the story and would love to see how hard it made you.


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