Doing the All American Family

By Scat Boy

Published on Jul 5, 2005



Doing the All-American Family (or "Three Cheers for the Red, White and Brown") (M/bg, M/F, M/M, oral, anal, ws, scat) by Coproman

If ever there was the typical All-American family, it appeared in the form of my two white friends, Steve and Cathy, and their children, Trevor and Ashley. Sure Steve, Cathy and I had all gone to the same New York City high school together--we had, in fact, been pals throughout our high school years--but that was ten years ago, and now, with the three of us rapidly approaching 30, we were very different people.

After high school, Steve and Cathy had gone on to college, gotten married, and after graduating, moved with their infant son to the mid-west. Then Steve had gotten a dynamite job and Cathy had gotten pregnant again. Two years later they had moved into a big new house. As the kids grew up, the parents got more and more involved in the community. Cathy became the perfect homemaker as well as a soccer mom while Steve coached Little League baseball on Saturdays. The family also regularly attended church on Sundays, and in the last Presidential election, Steve and Cathy, both of whom were members in good standing of their local Republican Club, campaigned heavily for Bush.

Meanwhile my life had taken a completely different turn. I had not gone on to college and had never married or had kids because, given my "special" lifestyle, it was much easier to settle into the role of a confirmed bachelor living in Harlem and working as a janitor at the elementary school down the block. I also hadn't seen the inside of a church or voting booth in years, and didn't even know which Community District I lived in. In other words, I was about as far away from the All-American family as you could get.

But I did have one important connection: I was one of those people that the All-American family was told to keep their children away from, for while I had no kids of my own, I wasn't averse to temporarily "adopting" other people's children and introducing them to the pleasures of the flesh, playing on that natural curiosity children have when it comes to sex and bodily functions. And so far I had been careful--and lucky--enough in my choices of which children to seduce not to have things backfire on me.

There was, of course, certainly no danger of my corrupting Steve and Cathy's kids. After all, more than a thousand miles separated us, and even if they happened to visit the City to see their parents, I was sure that they had neither the time nor the inclination to try to locate me since I was now a part of their past. Indeed, after graduation I really never expected to see my two high school pals again.

But then came our ten-year reunion, and suddenly these people I hadn't seen in a decade were standing in front of me, filling me in on what their lives had become and showing me photos of their children. And it might have ended right there, with nothing more than a few hours' worth of pleasant chitchat, but the longer Steve, Cathy and I spoke, the more we realized how much we truly liked and missed each other, and that led to our desire to connect again and, ultimately, to their inviting me to visit them in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Can you imagine a black scat freak pedophile from Harlem getting on an airplane to visit his two straight white friends and their kids in Cedar Rapids, Iowa? No, neither could I, which was why I was so surprised to find myself in that very situation. And guess what? I was actually looking FORWARD to the trip, telling myself how I needed to get away from New York for a while anyway and breathe some real air. And, yes, I was also going to be as pristine as that air by leaving all of my sexual perversions at home in the dirty city, right where they belonged. I would be the perfect house guest.

And I truly was the perfect house guest for nearly my entire visit. It started even before I got to their house. When I walked out of the gate at the airport and spotted Steve and Cathy waving at me, I didn't even get a full hard-on when I saw that they had brought their kids with them.

"Jase! You made it! You're really here!" said Steve, giving me a hug that nearly cracked my rib cage. Next came Cathy, who hugged me so tenderly I felt almost as though we were doing something we shouldn't in front of Steve and the kids. Finally I was introduced to eight-year-old Trevor and six-year-old Ashley as "Uncle Jason."

The kids were the spitting image of their parents. Trevor had a mop of dark brown hair that looked exactly the way his dad's hair used to look in high school. And both guys had intense grey eyes that made you feel like you were being probed whenever they trained them on you. Ashley, on the other hand, had blonde hair just like her mom, a little lighter, maybe, but the same shoulder length and with that same silky texture. And both gals had haunting light-blue eyes that seemed capable of hypnotizing you. Both kids also had that smooth, flawless skin that nearly all children seem to have up until around the age of twelve.

"Well, let's get your bags and get a move on," said Steve, and as we all headed for the carousel, I kept reminding myself that for the next five days both I AND my libido were taking a hiatus.

Steve had put in for a week of vacation to coincide with the days I'd be visiting, and since the kids were still in school, he and Cathy used those hours of the day to show me around. They took me everywhere--the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, the Indian Creek Nature Center, the National Czech and Slovak Museum, Ushers Ferry Historic Village, and, much to my surprise, the African American Historical Museum & Cultural Center of Iowa, which reminded me a lot of the Studio Museum in Harlem. Each day we'd finish up just in time to pick up the kids from school and head home.

I was having so much fun that, before I realized it, it was Friday, my last full day in town. It was also Steve and Cathy's anniversary. This I knew because I had taken note of the date when they showed me their wedding book on my first day there. I had a feeling that they wanted me to watch the kids while they went out to celebrate, so instead of waiting for them to ask I approached them and suggested that they spend some time together that night while I babysat. They tried to talk me out of doing this, but I could tell by the glint in their eyes that they were really looking to take me up on my offer. So I refused to go back on my word and, after thanking me profusely, they rushed off to get dressed for their big night out.

Since I had given neither Steve nor Cathy any indication of what I was, they felt perfectly comfortable leaving me alone with their children. Not that I intended to do anything anyway. Making a move on Trevor or Ashley--playing it so close to home--would have been too damned risky, so my plan was to "get 'em fed and put 'em to bed," as a babysitter I knew used to say. Then, after watching a little TV, I would pack my bags and hit the hay myself, reading until I fell asleep. If I could hold out just one more day I'd be home free because I'd be heading back home. But that night Trevor and Ashley had something else in mind for me, and I wouldn't have gotten myself into such a pickle if I had just been more careful.

Having covertly kept an eye on the kids ever since I'd been there, I'd noticed that they both tended to go to the bathroom at around the same time, between 6 and 7 P.M., and judging by the length of their stays, I assumed they were both doing number two. I should have let things go right there, but those perversions I thought I'd left in New York had somehow made their way to the mid-west with me, and for the last few days I had mosied into the bathroom right after each kid had come out, sniffing the telltale odor that lingered in the air, confirming that the kids had indeed done their business. And every time I did this, it made me so horny that I barely had time to close the door before jacking off in the toilet, flushing, then dashing out.

What I didn't realize, though, was that Trevor and Ashley had been keeping as much of an eye on me as I was on them, and as soon as Steve and Cathy drove off, the precocious brats confronted me. I was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching TV, when the two of them came downstairs and stood right in front of me, blocking my view of the screen.

"What's up, guys?"

"Uncle Jason, we wanna ask you something," said Trevor.


The kids glanced at each other then Ashley said, "You promise to tell the truth?"

"Of course," I assured them.

"Then hold up your hand and say 'I promise,'" said Trevor.

"Okay," I said, holding up my hand, "I promise. Scout's honor. So what is it, guys?"

Again they glanced at each other; then Trevor asked, "Why do you go in the bathroom right after we poop?"

"Yeah, how come?" Ashley added.

As dark-skinned as I am, I swore both kids could see me blushing as I uttered a nervous laugh. "Whaa...? What makes you think I do that?"

"'Cause we saw you," said Trevor. "You always follow us in there."

"Yeah, but only when we poop," Ashley added.

"But you don't stay," said Trevor. "You just look in the toilet and close the door. Then you make weird noises and flush the toilet and run out."

"So what are you looking for?" asked Ashley. "Leftover poopies?"

I didn't know what to say. I thought I'd gotten away with what I'd done, but the little fuckers had caught me red-handed, and I couldn't even come up with a good lie at that moment. So after quickly sizing them up and deciding that they were more curious than vengeful, I figured I'd just swear them to secrecy then go ahead and honor my promise to tell them the truth.

"All right," I sighed. "I'll tell you, but you've got to promise not to tell your mom and dad ANY of what I'm about to say, okay?"

They quickly nodded.

"Do you guys know what a 'pervert' is?"

"Mom said Mr. Thomas was a pervert 'cause he tried to look under her dress," said Ashley.

"Who's Mr. Thomas?" I asked.

"He used to be our gardener," said Trevor. "But Dad fired him."

"So is that what you are?" asked Ashley.

"Yes, but I'm a different kind," I explained. "I don't care about looking under women's dresses, but I DO like to smell little boys' and girls' number two. That's why I got a job cleaning the bathrooms in a public school. And sometimes, when I know it's the time certain little boys and girls to go to the bathroom, I'll deliberately break the toilet, so when they finish going, wipe themselves, and try to flush, nothing happens. Then when they leave the bathroom, I'll go in, lock the door from the inside, and have their turds to smell all I want."

"Ewwwwww!" the two children said in harmony, their faces scrunched up into frowns.

"That's GROSS!" Trevor added.

"Yeah, GROSS!" aped his little sister.

Since I'd already let the proverbial cat out of the bag, I figured I'd go even further. "And guess what else I do?"

"What?" they asked in unison, more ripe than ever to be grossed out even further.

"Sometimes, when I see a nice long turd curled up and floating in the water, I'll get down on my knees and stick my head in the toilet so I can smell it better. Sometimes I'll even give it a little lick."

"Ewwwwww!" the cute pair again responded, their frowns even more severe. But I could easily see past their wrinkled noses and furrowed brows to tell that, really, both of them were more intrigued than disgusted. This was confirmed by Trevor's very next words:

"So when I poop tonight, will you smell and lick mine?"

I smiled. "Sure. In fact, I'll do more than that." The boy's face lit up, and there was a twinkle in his grey eyes as he anticipated what I was about to say. "I'll let you poop right in my mouth."

This remark elicited the loudest and longest "Ewwwwwwwww!" yet, both kids frowning so widely, with all their teeth showing, that it looked almost like they were smiling, but Ashley managed to cut hers short long enough to ask, "So can I poop in your mouth, too? Huh? Can I? Can I?"

"Sure," I said, my dick getting harder by the second as it responded to this unexpected treat. "But remember, guys, don't tell your mom or dad anything about this, 'cause they'll get really mad at me, maybe even mad enough to call the cops and make them take me to jail, and we wouldn't want that to happen, would we?"

"No," they said together.

"Good answer. Now let's go to the bathroom. Who has to go first?"

Despite her quick tongue, Ashley seemed a little reticent about volunteering and looked relieved when Trevor said, "I do."

The most awkward moment for me came when we were all in the bathroom and it was time to strip. The kids, though, either weren't old enough yet to be shy about their nudity or their parents were relaxed about it around them, because they casually pulled off all their clothes then stood there butt naked waiting for me to do the same. The two of them looked so cute as their pale little figures gleamed in the soft light of the bathroom. There wasn't a single hair growing anywhere below their curly eyelashes, and except for Ashley's tiny slit and Trevor's inch-long weiner and marble-sized balls, their figures looked nearly identical; secondary sexual differentiation was still years away for both of them.

"Come on, Uncle Jason, take your clothes off," Trevor said.

When I finally did, they showed the most interest, of course, in my genitals, but more, it seemed, in their color than their size, as they both kept commenting on how dark my pubic hair, balls, and semi-hard dick were. And had I been straight-up pedo in my proclivities, I'd have already had the young brother and sister sucking me down there while I prepared to penetrate them. But I was much more interested in what was lurking inside their small white bodies.

"Trev, you get in the bathtub with me," I said. "And Ashley, you come over so you can watch us."

With my heart racing, I climbed in the tub and lay on my back with my knees bent. I then directed Trevor to face away from me, put a foot on either side of my torso, and squat over my head, holding my thighs for support. Afterwards I adjusted his compact little ass to make sure his anus was directly over my mouth. Finally I glanced to the side to make sure Ashley had a clear view of us. When I saw her pretty face beaming in anticipation, I knew we were ready to proceed.

"Okay, Trev, anytime you're ready," I said, and I waited, staring intently at the little white boy's pink asshole, which was so close to my face I almost had to look at it crosseyed as it slowly dilated, opening up like small pair of puckered lips. Then, just as its strong odor curled up into my nostrils, I spotted it--the beginning of Trevor's turd, a thick brown mass that was stretching his anus open by more than an inch in diameter as it made its way out.

"Oooooo!" Ashley said, excited. "I see it! Your poop looks like a big brown hotdog comin' outta your butt!"

As her brother's turd pushed into my mouth, I considered how apt Ashley's description was. This girl definitely had the makings of a writer, and at that moment she was getting exactly the kind of unique life experience a writer needs to produce great stories, and she was getting it at a nice early age.

"Ooh, it stinks!" she suddenly said, frowning and moving out of my field of vision.

"But Uncle Jason doesn't think so," said Trevor. "He likes the way it smells. Don't you, Uncle Jason?"

"He can't talk right now," said Ashley. "His mouth is full."

She was right. The little eight-year-old had dropped quite a load on me, filling my mouth up to the point where the end of his turd was sticking out of it. I watched Trevor's shit-smeared little anus wink a few times more before he turned around to look at what he'd given me.

"Ewwwwww! Gross!" he screamed with delight, but as he and his sister continued to stare at me, and I continued to just sit there, a look of uncertainty came over their faces, because now that my mouth was full of shit they weren't quite sure how things were supposed to proceed.

"So whatcha gonna do now, Uncle Jason, spit it in the toilet?" asked Trevor.

"Nhn-nn," I said carefully shaking my head. Then I winked at them and, as both kids watched dumbfounded, I began to chew, smacking loudly on the bulky bowel movement as I attempted to soften it up enough to get it down my throat. This time the two children were too stunned to utter a sound; they just stared at me in disbelief as I steadily worked my jaws, grinding the smelly mass up into a semisoft pulp. Finally I closed my eyes and swallowed hard, smiling as the big lumpy mouthful slid down my throat. I then opened my eyes again and stuck out my tongue to show the kids that my mouth was now empty.

"Ewwwwww! He ATE your poop! GROSS!!" Ashley said, now frowning as if she were smelling the worst odor on earth.

Trevor, however, had already gotten past his shock and disgust, and now, instead of frowning, he was smiling devilishly, apparently turned on by what he had watched me do, for his one-inch weiner had suddenly become a three-inch stiffy. Seeing this, I urged the boy to squat over my face again and, holding on to his thighs, went to work on his shit-smeared anus, tonguing it as clean as I could while he hummed in satisfaction.

When I was done, Trevor stood up and I sat up. First I glanced at Ashley, who was still wearing that funky frown, then I looked at Trevor, who by this time had turned around and was again staring at me with that naughty-boy smile. For a while everything was quiet. Finally Trevor broke the silence:

"So how'd it taste?" the eight-year-old asked me. "'Cause it really stunk."

"Not to me," I replied. "Like you said, I like it like that. And it tasted good, too."

"Yuck!" said Ashley. "How can stinky poop taste good?"

I looked at her and smiled. "You're right, Ashley. Yours probably tastes terrible."

As I expected, the six-year-old immediately got defensive. "It does not! Mine tastes just as good as Trevor's!"

"Does not!" Trevor replied.

"Does too!" Ashley countered.

"Well, Ashley, since you're so sure it does, why don't you let me taste it, so I can see for myself?"

As I looked at the little blonde, I could tell that, despite her vehement assertions, she was still reluctant to go as far as shitting in my mouth to prove she was right. But I also knew she wasn't going to allow her older brother to have the upper hand by not following in his footsteps, so it wasn't long before I was again lying down in the tub, only this time Trevor stood outside watching while Ashley squatted over my face.

Before I got a crumb of shit out of the little white girl, I got gas, and lots of it, as she farted right in my face, not just once or twice but several times, her tiny anus pursing out with every putrid puff, filling the air with her foul odor, forcing both me and her brother to smell it.

"Hey," Trevor said after a while, "you gonna poop or just fart?"

"I can't help it!" Ashley protested. "I have gas!"

"It's okay," I said as I deliberately stuck my nose in the girl's ass crack and sniffed. "I like smelling little boys' and girls' farts, too."

I was afraid, though, that, as Trevor had said, farts were all I was going to get out of the cute child. That's why I got so excited when I saw her asshole begin to stretch open and spotted her turd.

"I'm ready to poop now, Uncle Jason. Can I go?"

"Yeah, Sugar Pie, go ahead," I said. "Poop right in Uncle Jason's mouth."

Ashley's shit was softer than Trevor's, so instead of exiting her anus as a series of individual turds, it plopped out in one long sloppy rope, quickly filling my mouth and forcing me to gulp it down at the back of my throat to keep from choking. On top of that it had a strong smell and a bitterish aftertaste, so eating this pretty little girl's shit was turning out to be much more of a challenge than I'd expected.

"So how's my poop, Uncle Jason?" Ashley asked. "Does it taste as good as my brother's?"

"Mmm-hmm," I lied while trying desperately to keep up with the horrible-smelling glop the little darling was feeding me.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Trevor said, mimicking his sister, who had probably been mimicking their parents. "Just eat."

And eat I did, grunting and groaning as I slurped down one mouthful after another of Ashley's nasty shit, marveling at the impressive bowel movement the six-year-old was dumping in my mouth while wallowing in the vileness of what I was doing. I kept reminding myself how my two good friends had invited me to their house and had entrusted me with watching their children, and how I was betraying that trust by using those children as a means to satisfy my perverse appetite, with no regard for how having them do something as depraved as shitting in my mouth might ultimately affect their impressionable minds.

"Okay, I'm done," Ashley said, and she immediately stood up and, leaning outside the tub, reached for the toilet paper, just as I was swallowing the last mouthful of her shit.

"No, don't do that," Trevor said, stopping her. "Let him lick it outta your butthole like he did to me."

For some reason, Ashley seemed more horrified by this prospect than she did by the idea of my eating her shit.

"Nooooo," she whined. "I wanna wipe!"

"But I TOLD you, he's gonna--"

"Go ahead and let her wipe, Trev," I interrupted, figuring she was so adamant because she had probably only recently mastered the art of wiping herself without her mother's help and didn't want to pass up this opportunity to prove her independence. "But, Ashley, since my mouth was your toilet, after you finish wiping you have to put the toilet paper in my mouth, okay?"

While the girl gave me a wrinkly-nosed frown/smile, she nodded in agreement and proceeded to tear a length of the pink toilet paper off the roll. Trevor and I both watched closely as she carefully reached behind herself and cleaned her asshole, making sure to wipe from front to back, so as not to transfer any poop to her vagina. After a couple of passes, she brought her hand back and looked at the paper to see what Trevor and I had already seen--a big brown smear. This time she frowned for real, and even more so when I sat up in the tub and opened my mouth wide. Looking at me with an expression that let me know what a disgusting freak she thought I was, she tossed the shitty toilet paper in my mouth and watched as I chewed it into a wad and swallowed it.

"Eww, gross!" she said quickly, almost as if she felt obliged to say it out loud for the record. I started to stand up, but she quickly put her hand on my shoulder. "No, wait. I'm not finished wiping yet."

Smiling, I watched and waited patiently as the little girl wiped her ass three times more, each time popping the progressively less soiled bathroom tissue in my mouth and frowning as, each time, I chewed up and swallowed it.

When she was done, she surprised me by facing away from me and bending over, allowing me to do what she wouldn't before she'd wiped. Fortunately, despite the care she'd taken to clean herself, her shit was so soft that my nose and tongue easily detected everything she'd missed and, spreading her asshole wide open, I licked away the last of her feces, along with the tiny fibers of toilet paper that had gotten stuck in her ass crack when she'd wiped.

When I was done I had no trouble at all getting Ashley to let me eat her pussy. I also offered up my ass to Trevor, who was elated at the idea of poking his peter in an adult's anus. So there we were, the three of us, on the bathroom floor--Ashley sitting with her back against the side of the bathtub, her knees bent and her thin legs spread open, while I lay down in front her, clutching her little ass and sucking her six-year-old slit; and Trevor on top of me, bouncing and panting, pistoning his three-inch pecker in my asshole, surrendering all eight years of his virginity to me--and all of us moaning like mad.

While neither child was sexually developed enough to ejaculate, they were both able to orgasm, and after several minutes I was treated to a little girl pulling my hair and gasping as her body spasmed and her pussy tugged at my tongue, and a little boy clutching my back and squealing as his body trembled and his prick throbbed in my rectum.

Afterwards, as I lay there with Trevor lying on my back and my face resting in Ashley's lap, I was ready to bust my nut. But before I did, there was one last thing I wanted from the children, something that, for me, would be the next best thing to the ejaculations they couldn't produce. Fortunately Trevor and Ashley both had to go anyway, and by now they had no qualms at all about going in my mouth.

So I edged over to the toilet bowl. Sitting right in front of it, I tipped my head all the way back until it lay just inside the porcelain rim. Then Trevor stood up over me and, weiner in hand, began to pee, his fresh boy-piss splashing all over my face before finally finding my mouth, which he quickly filled and I just as quickly emptied, swallowing it in loud gulps.

"Hey, Uncle Jason, you know those things in the boys bathroom at school that we pee in?"

"Argh-harh," I gargled, my mouth wide open as I continued to receive his golden flow.

"Your mouth is just like one of those 'cause my pee is goin' straight down."

I guess most guys wouldn't feel especially flattered having an eight-year-old compare their mouth to a urinal, but coming from Trevor it was a dick-stiffening compliment.

Soon, though, his pee began to dry up, and when it did I slowly lifted my head, following the dwindling stream until I grasped the head of his leaking penis between my lips to suck out the last drops of urine, making the boy swoon. When I let it go, he backed away and Ashley took his place, climbing onto my face, settling her pussy over my lips, and just letting go, flooding my mouth with girly-piss, which I greedily guzzled down.

"Doesn't my pee pee taste like lemonade, Uncle Jason?" she giggled.

"Mm-hm," I agreed, as I swallowed another mouthful of the rank liquid, but I was really thinking how lemonade couldn't come close to tasting as good as a six-year-old girl's urine, especially when you had the kind of perverse thirst I did.

It took longer than I thought it would for Ashley to empty her bladder, but I swallowed every last drop of her pee then tickled her urethra with the tip of my tongue, making the little girl giggle.

My own orgasm was now imminent but I didn't want to upset, frighten, or hurt the kids in any way, after everything else had gone so smoothly, so first I asked them in they knew what "come" or "sperm" was. When I got two blank stares, I began giving them a brief lesson in sex education, ending it with a little white lie:

"...but sometimes, when the man and the woman don't want to make a baby, the man will come in the woman's face instead because the sperm keeps her from getting pimples."

Trevor looked at me confused. "You mean our mom doesn't have any pimples 'cause our dad did sperms in her face?"

I smiled, thinking how even engaging in oral sex would probably be a radical departure for Steve, much less showering Cathy's face with come. "No, your mother has always had naturally clear skin, so your dad never had to do that," I explained, trying to discourage them from approaching their parents with embarrassing questions. "But it's not so much moms and dads anyway as it is guys and their girlfriends."

"So did you do sperms in your girlfriend's face to keep her from getting pimples, Uncle Jason?" asked Ashley.

"Yes, I did," I lied. "And guess what? Today she doesn't have even ONE pimple." The kids seemed impressed by this; then I added, "And guess what else? It doesn't even have to be his girlfriend. If a guy comes in anybody's face--even another guy's--it'll keep them from ever getting pimples."

"For real?" Trevor asked.

I held my hand up and said, "Yes, for real. Scout's honor."

"Uncle Jason, will you please do some sperms in my face so I won't get pimples? Pleeeease?" Ashley pleaded.

"Me too," said Trevor. "I don't wanna get no pimples, either."

"Okay, okay," I said, waving my hands to quiet them. "I'll do both of you. But you've got to promise again not to tell your mom and dad. It'll just be our little secret, okay?"

Pulling the lid down, I sat the children side by side on the toilet and had both of them spit in my hand. As soon as they did, I carefully placed that hand on my seven-inch erection and began to jack off right in front of them.

Trevor and Ashley watched in fascination as I stroked myself, eagerly anticipating the moment their faces would receive the magic elixir that would keep them from getting pimples. The didn't have to wait long.

"Okay, guys, get ready," I panted, frantically pumping my prong. "Here it comes! Aagh! Aagh! Take it!"

Half a second later, a stream of come spewed out of my cock and splattered all over Ashley's face, causing the little blonde to gasp and jerk back in surprise, and before Trevor had time to react to what I'd done to his sister, he himself had to contend with the second stream, which splashed into his face, making him also gasp and jerk back. For the next several seconds I continued to spurt my load all over the kids and they continued to sit there silently taking it, their eyes closed tight and their faces screwed up into the strangest expressions. They looked as though they were torn between following their natural instinct to escape the slimy shower and bravely enduring it for the sake of avoiding a future filled with pimples. Fortunately for me they chose the latter, and I didn't hesitate to seize this opportunity to paint their faces with semen.

When I finally ran out of spunk, I moved closer to the two children so I could wipe my come-dripping cock off in their hair. I had made a complete mess of their faces, as stringy gobs of goo covered each child's forehead, eyelids, nose, lips, chin, and neck.

"Okay, now open your eyes and go look in the mirror," I said, and the cute brother and sister instantly jumped off the toilet and scurried over to the bathroom door to gaze at themselves in the full-length mirror.

"Ewwwwww! Gross!" they sang in unison as they reacted to their scuzzy mugs.

But I could tell that they were also absolutely awed by what they were seeing.

"Now, guys, take your hands and rub it in. That's how you keep those pimples off your face."

Glancing at each other through the mirror, the kids brought their hands up to their faces and began to massage the semen onto their skin, wearing those toothy frown/smiles the whole time while I watched them and grinned. When their faces were covered with a sticky mask of come, I again invited them into the bathtub, where we all took a shower together, laughing as all evidence of our sordid activities went swirling down the drain.

As we walked out of the bathroom, I was struck by the perverse irony that while it was my hearing the kids flush the toilet that had gotten this whole nasty ball rolling, not once during our obscene encounter did we ever get around to flushing the toilet!

By the time Steve and Cathy got back home, Trevor and Ashley were fast asleep in their beds and I was back on the living room couch watching TV.

"So how'd it go?" I asked. "Did you guys have a nice time?"

"Yeah, we had a great time," said Steve. "Thanks again for watching the kids."

"No problem."

"They weren't any trouble, were they?" asked Cathy.

I smiled. "No, no trouble at all."

About an hour later, after packing my big suitcase, I was lying in bed trying to catch up on some reading--but, really, only reliving again and again what the kids and I had done in the bathroom--when someone tapped on my door. Before I could ask who it was or give an okay to come in, the door opened and Cathy slipped inside, quietly closing the door behind her. She was dressed in a pink satin nightgown that hugged every sensuous curve on her svelte figure. He blonde hair was in wonderful disarray and her blue eyes sparkled. I was about to say something, but she put a finger to her lips then tiptoed over to the bed.

"Don't say anything," she whispered, and she took the book out of my hands, put it on the nightstand and clicked the reading lamp off, leaving the little night-light as the only light in the room. In the dimness of that light, I watched her pull her gown over her head and toss it on the chair next to the bed before snuggling under the covers, pressing her warm body next to mine. Even though I had never slept with Cathy in high school, I was somehow not shocked by any of this, so I remained amazingly calm through it all, telling myself that at some point she would let me know what her intentions were.

"Steve and I just made love," she finally said, "but then he turned over and fell asleep."


"I haven't come yet."

I smiled. "Let me guess: You want me to remedy that situation, right?"

"Well, you had a hell of a reputation in high school. In fact, at the reunion, I was talking to one of my girlfriends when your name came up. She said they probably named 'Mr. Pussy,' that character from 'Sex and the City,' after you. She thinks one of your old girlfriends must've been a producer on that show."

"Flattery will get you everywhere," I said. "But you said you and Steve just fucked. What makes you think I'm into 'sloppy seconds,' even if it does happen to be my friend's come I'm eating?"

She giggled. "Because from the day I met you, I suspected you had a freak streak." She paused. "So was I right?"

I smiled. "More than you know."

"Then prove it," Cathy said, and she dramatically threw back the covers, propped her knees up and spread her legs.

As I maneuvered around to kneel between Cathy's legs, the unmistakable fragrance of fucking wafted into my nose, instantly filling my head with images of the many enjoyable "sloppy seconds" I had enjoyed throughout high school. Even though she hadn't mentioned it, I suspected that Cathy knew about my reputation in this department as well. Maybe that same girlfriend she'd spoken to had been one of those I'd made arrangements to see after she'd had sex with her boyfriend, so I could suck his come out of her.

But slurping Steve's sperm out of Cathy's cunt meant even more to me because there was something extra special about feeding on the very substance from which Trevor and Ashley had been created and doing so from what had been the birth canal though which both of them had passed on their way into this world. And those thoughts, added to the idea that Steve's sex cells were swimming down my throat to mix with what his own children had fed me from their bowels and bladders, were so stimulating that I damn near came prematurely.

"Yeah, Jason, suck my pussy," Cathy sighed. "Lick that come out of me."

As I ate Cathy, every so often my tongue would hit a certain spot on her clit, and her whole body would jerk. Noticing this, I tried to hit that spot more frequently, sometimes substituting the tip of my nose as I moved my face up and down and in little circles, stimulating the blonde beauty to no end. I knew it had become too much for her when I felt Cathy's hands on the back of my head, pulling my face into her snatch while she squeezed my head between her slim thighs.

"Oh, shit! Oh, shit! I'm coming!" she moaned, trying her best to keep her voice down as an orgasm rippled through her body. Pressing my lips over her box, I stuck my tongue as far inside her as I could, so far I could feel every contraction of her vagina on it as an acrid liquid squirted into my mouth. I eagerly swallowed it, but when I went searching for more, swabbing my tongue inside her, she shivered and pushed my head away.

"Too sensitive," she gasped.

I moved back up and lay beside her. I wanted to kiss her, but she declined.

It wasn't because she was one of those women who won't kiss you after you give them head; she just didn't want Steve to detect the smell of pussy on her breath since it would prompt the kinds of questions she wasn't prepared to answer.

"But there IS something else I want from you," she cooed, nuzzling me.


"I want to see what anal sex feels like."

Having always been blunt with Cathy, I asked, "Are you saying you want me to fuck you up the ass?"

She chuckled. "Right."

"You mean you and Steve have never done it that way?"

"Nah. He's never even mentioned it. I think he's too conservative to go for something like that. He probably thinks it's unnatural. So we just fuck. Sometimes I'll get on top but usually it's in the missionary position."

"Well, that's no fun," I said in an exaggerated voice.

She giggled. "So will you do it?"

"Sure, I'll fuck you up the ass," I said. "Think of it as my anniversary present to you. But before I do it, you've got to promise me two things."


"First of all, I want you to promise that you'll at least approach Steve about anal sex. The most he can say in no; then again he might surprise you and be all for it."

"Okay, I promise. So what's the other thing?"

"Promise me that after I come in your ass, you'll squat over my mouth and give me back everything I gave you...and more."

"Uhh...when you say 'and more,' what exactly do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Just relax and don't hold back. That's what I mean."

She was silent for a moment, then, "Wow, that REALLY sounds freaky...but I have to admit it has me tingling all over thinking how you might be eating some of those things I only get to see floating in the toilet bowl. I just hope it doesn't make you sick."

I chuckled. "How could anything that comes out of a beautiful chick like you possibly make me sick?"

She giggled. "Okay, pervo, don't say I didn't warn you."

Having sampled her son's and her daughter's shit, I figured it was only fair to add Mom's to the menu. Besides, I also wanted to see if it was possible to taste whatever she and Steve had had for dinner.

"So what do I do?" asked Cathy.

"First just get on your hands and knees and keep your head low while I give you a natural lube."


Despite the sparse light in the room, I was easily able to sniff my way to the right hole, as even the pussy juice that had oozed into her ass crack as I was eating her wasn't pungent enough to mask the shit odor radiating out of her asshole. And when I speared my tongue into that smelly hole, her reaction let me know that she was a virgin back there in more ways than one.

"Oh, my God!" Cathy moaned. "That's so crude! But it feels so damn GOOD!"

Speaking of "crude," I was right in the middle of reaming her out when I discovered that, apparently, certain things ran in the family, as Cathy suddenly farted right in my mouth, her oniony gas sputtering out loudly and enveloping my whole head in a fetid cloud.

"Oops! I'm SO sorry!" Cathy quickly said. I could almost feel her blushing, so I decided to allay her embarrassment by pressing my nose against her anus and breathing in her funky fumes as loudly as I could while humming my approval.

"Goddamn!" I finally said. "Whatever you guys had for dinner must've been really good."

This made her laugh, and soon we were right back into things as I went back to sucking on her asshole, transferring as much spit into it as I could. After doing this for another minute or so, I pulled my face back.

"Okay," I said, "that should do it. Now YOU need to give ME a natural lube."

I didn't move. I stayed right where I was behind Cathy to see if she understood what I meant. I knew she did when, in the dim light, I saw her turn around and begin to search for my dick. Finding it, she carefully slipped it into her mouth then reached around me to hold on to my ass. I sighed and placed my hands on her head. Our position made it easier for me to fuck Cathy in the mouth than it did for her to impale her mouth on my rod, so I began to rock back and forth, gently, trying not to give the blonde more dick thah she could handle.

"Mmmmmmmm," Cathy moaned as I fucked her mouth a little harder with each stroke. I knew my cock was getting nice and wet because I could hear the spit sloshing around in Cathy's mouth, and this sound, along with the fact that my friend was giving me such good head, assured that my dick would be nice and hard when I put it in her butt.

"Okay, we'd better stop now," I finally said, withdrawing my cock from Cathy's mouth. "I don't want to accidentally come."

Again there was just enough light for me to see Cathy turn around again, once more presenting me with her ass. I decided it would be best if I got some additional lubrication while, at the same time, priming her for the ass fuck, so grasping my dick, I rubbed it up and down in her ass crack, confirming exactly where her openings were, then jammed it almost half way in her pussy.

"Oooh!" she gasped in surprise, and for a moment all her muscles tensed up, trapping my cock in her cunt. But I just held my ground, gently moving my hands up and down her back in a sensual massage as I waited for her to relax. When she did, I eased the rest of my dick into her then bent over, putting my mouth to her ear.

"This is just a little warmup," I whispered, and I proceeded to "quick-stick" her, my crotch slapping her ass in a rapid rhythm as I speared her snatch. Within seconds she was nice and juicy, and as soon as I felt this I pulled all the way out of her, again making her gasp. I again grasped the shaft of my dick, using my other hand to pull her ass cheek to the side, and pressed the knob against her anus, steadily, steadily until it finally popped inside and her sphincter closed around it, prompting her to gasp a third time. Right away she reached back and placed her hand on my torso, employing that universal "pause" button women use.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think so," she said breathily, "but it hurts."

"I know. That first penetration is always a bitch. But don't worry. The pain'll go away, and since the head is in, the rest'll be easier. Just remember to push out like you're taking a shit and you'll be fine."

"Okay, I'll try."

And she did. Apparently Cathy was determined to get her ass fucked tonight because I'm almost sure she was still feeling some pain when she gave me the signal to go ahead. Holding her hips, I eased forward, carefully pushing my prong into her unexplored asshole as she uttered a long, low moan. Soon my boner was buried to the balls in Cathy's anus, upon which I stopped and took a nice deep breath, savoring the hot snugness of her rectum.

"Shit, you are so fucking tight," I whispered. "I wish you'd given me some of this tight booty when we were in high school."

Cathy snickered. "But think about it, Jason. If I had, you wouldn't be getting tight booty right now. You'd be getting loosey-goosey booty."

I chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you have a point."

But now it was time for the banter to stop and the fucking to start, so holding on to Cathy's small waist, I began to withdraw my dick from her asshole, slowly sliding it out until only the head remained inside. Then I braced myself and pushed all the way inside her again. Our spit, her cunt juice, and my pre-come had created a great lube, and soon I was pistoning Cathy's poop chute at a pretty good pace, my balls bumping against her pussy with every in-stroke.

"So does it still hurt?" I asked.

"Uhn-uh," Cathy said, shaking her head hard, making her hair fly.

"So you like it up the ass?"

"Uh-huh," she responded, this time nodding her head as hard as she had shaken it, tossing her hair into further disarray.

"Then tell me what you want."

Pressing her faced into the pillow, Cathy began to scream, "Fuck me, Jason! Fuck the shit out of my fucking ass!"

Smiling, I stepped up my tempo, my crotch smacking her smooth buns and the springs in the mattress groaning as I repeatedly drove my dick to the bottom of her butthole. The very idea that I was fucking this gorgeous blonde up the ass while her husband and children slept right down the hall was such a turn-on that it became harder and harder for me to hold back my orgasm. In fact, I managed to get in just three or four more hard thrusts before I suddenly stiffened, plunging my cock all the way up Cathy's ass while yanking her hips back against my crotch.

"Fuck!" I moaned, trying hard to keep my voice down as my whole body began to quiver. "I'm coming! Take it, Cath! Take it ALL in that tight fucking ass!"

As Cathy's sphincter spasmed on my swollen shaft, I blasted bolt after bolt of hot sperm into her shithole, filling the narrow opening with the same viscous liquid I'd sprayed across the faces of her children only hours ago. I had now officially scooped her anal cherry and christened her colon, paving the way for Steve.

"Oh, fuck," I sighed, my body sagging on top of Cathy's as I attempted to recover from the incredible release I'd just experienced. And as my dick continued to throb in her asshole, I could feel her rectum contracting in response, helping to squeeze every drop of semen out of me.

But now I had to piss. I thought about holding it until we were done, but then I decided that I should do something to make this experience extra-special for both of us. Sure I would always be the person who took her anal virginity, but I wanted Cathy to remember me for something else as well, something that would confirm her image of me as a freak, so I relaxed as much as I could, and after my dick shrank a little, my piss began to flow into the blonde's anus. It took a few seconds for Cathy to realize that something strange was happening.

"Hey," she said, lifting her head and turning it to the side. "What are you doing? 'Cause it feels like...oh, shit, I KNOW you're not--"

"Shhh," I said quietly, leaning over and again placing my mouth next to her ear. "Just relax. I had to go but I didn't want to pull out, so I decided to give it to you so you could see what an ass full of piss feels like too. Besides it'll make it easier for you to give me whatever's up in there."

She gasped. "You mean you STILL want me to--"

"Yeah, of course. Don't be so surprised. After all, you yourself said I had a freak streak. I just want to show you how right you were."

At that point, "Chatty Cathy," as we used to call her in high school, was speechless. But she was also motionless, and the fact that she hadn't run out of the room was a good sign. She simply dropped her head again and waited for me to finish my dirty deed. When I was just about done, I again put my lips beside her ear.

"So how do you feel?"

"Bloated," she responded without picking up her head.

"Well, when I pull out, be sure to tighten up your asshole right away, so you don't wet up the bed, okay?"


I flexed my sphincter, squirting the last of my piss into Cathy's poop chute, then eased back, slowly withdrawing my deflated dick from her anus. As soon as it popped out, I put my fingers over her pucker and was pleased to feel only a tiny bit of wetness trickling out of her.

"Okay, good," I said, scrambling to crouch behind her. "Hold it just a little longer. Then as soon as you feel my mouth on you, let it go, okay?"

When I again located her asshole in the dim light, I took a deep breath and fastened my lips over it, making as tight a seal as I could while pressing my palms against her smooth ass cheeks. Two seconds later a stream of piss gushed into my mouth, filling it so quickly that I had to gulp it down at the back of my throat to keep it from overflowing.

"Mmmmmmmm," I moaned, knowing I was swallowing my own piss but thinking of it as re-swallowing Trevor's and Ashley's.

"Shit, that is so fucking nasty," said Cathy. "I can't believe you're actually doing it, and I REALLY can't believe I'm letting you."

Soon the piss flow slowed down considerably, but now a slightly thicker liquid, along with several small, slimy chunks, pushed into my mouth, nearly filling it before I finally got a chance to swallow the mess down. Then there was more liquid followed by another volley of semisoft shit, which again crammed my mouth quickly, again forcing me to scoff it down all at once.

"I KNOW more than piss came out of me those last couple of times," said Cathy, "and your mouth is STILL there. Shit, I'm going to burn in hell right along with you for enjoying this shit so much."

I smiled at that, thinking how the Devil himself would enjoy a taste of Cathy's ass candy, especially if, like this sampling, it was mixed in with my piss and come. And as I pondered this, more of the pretty blonde's smelly shit slopped into my mouth, and once more I slurped it down, sending it sliding down my throat and into my tummy. After breathing in through my nose, I was ready for the next mouthful but when Cathy pushed, only a little liquid dribbled out of her. I was sure she wasn't empty yet, just clogged, so I pulled my mouth away from her asshole long enough to tell her to hold up, and maneuvered myself around until I was sitting behind her. I then slipped my legs between her spread-apart knees and lay my head back on the bed.

"Okay, now move back and squat over my face," I said.

Turning her head to try to see exactly where I was, Cathy scooted back until she was on top of me in a sixty-nine position, her knees on either side of my torso and her ass right over my head. Then, with my guidance, she hunkered down until her asshole was right over my mouth before again relaxing her sphincter. As I'd expected, there was an immediate rush of fluid into my mouth and an ensuing burst of anal sludge that I nearly choked on. But I stiffened my resolve and within seconds that excrement too was on its way to my stomach. After giving me one last mushy mouthful of shit, Cathy began to fart, shitty liquid bubbling out of her butt as I licked it away. Finally I used my tongue to wipe her ass as thoroughly as I could before indicating that she could get up. When she did, I could feel more than see her looking at me.

"Wow," she sighed. "When you said your freak streak was more than I knew, you weren't kidding."

"So did I convert you?"

She didn't answer right away; I could almost hear her thinking about what to say. " the ass fucking, yes. As far as the other stuff goes...well, I'll have to think about it."

"Fair enough," I said.

"Gotta go," Cathy suddenly said, and without turning the light back on, she managed to find her nightgown, slip it on and, after giving me a kiss on the cheek, steal out the door.

When she was gone, I waited a minute then got back under the covers and turned the light back on, which transported me back to the guest room and turned me once more into the perfect house guest. Once I picked up my book and started reading again, it was almost as if the whole Cathy encounter had never happened.

About half an hour later, there was another knock at my door. At first I thought Cathy might be back for one last quickie--a nightcap--but when she didn't come in right away, like she did before, I knew it was someone else. When I took too long to respond, there was another knock, followed by Steve's voice, asking, "Hey, Jase, you still up?"

"Yeah, come on in," I said.

Steve came in and closed the door behind him. He was wearing a pair of green and white flannel pajamas and looked very much like a typical TV dad. Before walking over to the bed, though, he began to sniff the air, frowning in confusion as he did.

"It smells funny in here."

"Yeah, sorry about that," I said with a chuckle, though my heart was racing.

"I just farted. I guess it hasn't cleared out yet."

Steve seemed to accept this explanation because first he smiled then he put on an overexaggerated frown and began to fan the air as he sat down on the side of the bed.

"Yeah, yeah--I know," I said. "So what's up?"

"Oh, I just woke up and I was horny," he said. "But when I saw that Cathy was out like a light, I figured I'd come in here and see if you were still awake."

I chuckled. "So does that mean you want to put that thing in ME, now, instead of her?"

"Whoa, Jase! What made you go there?" Steve quickly asked with a nervous laugh. "I just wanted to talk."

I smiled. "I don't know. It's just you want to hear this?"

"Hell, yes, if you're questioning my masculinity. I want to know what about me would make you think I'm anything but straight."

"Actually, I never really questioned that. I always knew you'd end up married with kids and living in the house with the white picket fence and all. But I also always thought that you were, like, bi-curious. So was I right?"

Steve just stared at me with those steely grey eyes then looked down at the floor, and this was enough to give me the answer to my question.

"Hey, listen," I said. "It's okay. It doesn't mean you're gay, if that's what you're worried about. Shit, I KNOW I'm not gay, but every now and then I get a taste for dick."

"And when you get that 'taste' what do you do about it?" asked Steve.

Again I smiled. "I satisfy it. That's the only way I can get it out of my system."

He sighed and lowered his head. "Shit, I probably wouldn't even feel the need to experiment if Cathy and I would do something different every now and again."

"Like what?"

"You know, like anal sex."

Well, I'll be damned! I thought, but I only said, "Well, have you discussed it with her?"

"Nah. I never mentioned it. I think she's too conservative to go for something like that. She probably thinks it's unnatural. So we just fuck. Sometimes she'll get on top but usually we just do it in the missionary position."

I couldn't believe my fucking ears! If I had been real friend, I'd have simply told him that Cathy would probably be very open to something like that and that he should get up, go back in his bedroom, and approach her with the idea. But being the selfish pig that I am--and being very bi-curious myself about what sex with Steve would be like--I took the same low road I'd taken with Cathy.

"So what do you want to do, Steve, fuck me up the ass?"

Again he just looked at me without answering then lowered his head; and again that was all I needed to see to know what his answer was.

"I don't mind, you know," I said as encouragingly as possible.

"Really?" he said, looking a little surprised.

"No, not at all. Whenever I get that 'taste,' sometimes it's on the AC side and other times it's on the DC side."

"So you mean you REALLY wouldn't mind if I..."

"If you fucked me? No, I really wouldn't mind. Think of it as my anniversary present to you. Besides, I'd consider it an honor to get ass fucked by such a good-looking guy."

"Don't bullshit me," he said, chuckling--and blushing as well, though it was hard to tell if it was from that particular remark or our whole conversation up to this point.

"I'm not. But if I let you do it, you've got to promise me two things."


"First of all, I want you to promise that you'll at least approach Cathy about anal sex. The most she can say in no; then again she might surprise you and be all for it."

"Okay, I promise. So what's the other thing?"

"Promise me that after you come in my ass and pull out, you'll let me suck your dick then, after that, you'll squat over my mouth and give me a good healthy taste of whatever you're cooking up back there."

"Uhh...when you say whatever I'm 'cooking up back there,' what exactly do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Just relax and don't hold back. That's what I mean."

Steve was silent for a moment, then, "Wow. I heard you were freaky, but I never dreamed it was so far off the scale. But I must be just as sick as you because as soon as you said that, my dick got harder."

"So you'll do that for me, right?"

"Sure," said Steve. "I just hope it doesn't make you sick."

I started to use the same "beautiful chick" line I'd used on Cathy, but I figured Steve was already confused enough about his sexuality, so I just said, "Let me worry about that, okay?"

"Okay. So how do we do this?"

"Well, first let me see what you're packing down there. I need to know what I'm dealing with."

After a strained laugh, Steve unbuttoned the fly of his pajamas and pulled out his penis, which, although only semi-hard, was a good six inches long. I figured his full boner would measure out at about eight inches, and the thought of that much dick driving up my ass had my asshole itching in both anticipation and apprehension.

"Whew! Now I know why you were so popular with the ladies when we were in high school," I chuckled. "I don't want you to hurt me with that thing, so we need to lube you up as much as possible," and I promptly bent over and took Steve's meat in my mouth. The unexpected move made him flinch, and for the first few trips up and down his shaft, his whole body was rigid. But he eventually relaxed enough to put his hands on my head, and that stiffness was gradually transferred from his body to his dick until, with every downward stroke, his cockhead pushed into my throat.

"That's enough," I said, pulling my mouth off his erection with a pop. "Now take off those stupid pajamas and let's get to work."

Meanwhile I opened the drawer of the nightstand and retrieved a little jar of Vaseline that I had brought with me. Scooping out a gob, I turned on my side then reached back and greased myself liberally. After wiping the remainder on my own hardening cock, I got on my knees, pressing the top of my head into the mattress and looking between my legs at Steve as he mounted me.

"Okay, Babe, go ahead. Stick that big white dick up my black ass."

My handsome friend needed no further urging. Right after I spoke, I felt his left hand pulling my ass cheek to the side and the knob of his prick pressing against my anus. I pushed at my sphincter, as if I were taking a shit, and two seconds later his cockhead slipped into my asshole.

"I'm in!" Steve said as my ass ring closed around his glans. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, I'm okay," I panted. "Just give me a minute before you put the rest in. It's been a while since I've taken one as big as yours." Yeah, I thought, a LONG while, because elementary school boys don't have dicks as big as yours.

Taking a deep breath, I relaxed my sphincter and told Steve to go ahead. Bracing his hands on my waist, he eased forward, slowly pushing his rod into my rectum. It seemed to take forever for him to bottom out in my butt, but eventually he did and I could feel his balls pressing up against my ass. The feeling of fullness was incredible as Steve's thick tool pulsated inside me.

"So how's it feel, big man?" I asked, turning my head to the side in an attempt to glimpse Steve's expression.

"It's so fucking tight!" he hissed between clenched teeth. "Tighter than a pussy!"

I smiled. "Well, just be sure to go slow at first. I still need a little time to get used to that stud muscle."

As I lay there I suddenly turned into Cathy and imagined that this was what she'd felt when my dick was up her ass. Then, as Steve began to slide his cock in and out of me, I wondered if she also felt the same smidgen of fear I was now feeling about having an oversized schlong rammed up my rear. But Steve was as gentle with me as I had been with Cathy, increasing the speed and depth of his strokes by small degrees, causing me only a modicum of discomfort.

Soon, though, Steve was fucking my ass like a gay porn star, grunting like a bull and shoving my whole body forward every time he drove his dick into me.

It was almost as if his own "taste for dick" had lain dormant inside him for so many years that it had turned into a voracious hunger, and now he needed to make up for everything he'd missed by gorging himself, which meant banging my butt as hard and as long as he could.

"Yeah, fuck my ass, Steve," I urged him, once the pain of penetration had passed. And my friend seemed determined to do just that as he continued to roughride my rump, ramming me so hard that I was soon lying flat on the bed.

I've always preferred an extra dash of punishment while on bottom, so I convinced myself that Steve knew all about my fucking Cathy up the ass and was fucking me the way he was to get back at me for taking his wife's anal virginity before he got the chance to. Imagining this made me so horny that I began to lift my ass to meet Steve's downward thrusts, further impaling myself on his manhood.

At the rate he was going, though, I knew Steve wouldn't last much longer, so I wasn't surprised to hear him gasp, jam his pile driver as far up my ass as he could, and press down hard on me with his muscular body.

"Shit, Jase, I'm coming!" he panted. "Take it right up your black faggot ass!"

The name-calling turned me on even more, so much that, at that moment, I wanted very much to be Steve's bitch and take everything he held in those precious balls right up my "black faggot ass." However, I knew even better than Cathy what a shitload of sperm he had shot in her snatch earlier, so I doubted he'd have much left for me. But that night I discovered that the horses I'd seen on some of the ranches we'd passed as we were driving around weren't the only studs that resided in Iowa, for I could feel Steve's dick steadily throbbing in my rectum, flooding my guts with come.

For several minutes afterwards Steve lay on top of me, his only motion coming from the deep, steady breaths he was taking and the occasional pulsing of his prick as it spurted the last of his semen into my anus. I was afraid that he was becoming so relaxed that he'd wind up falling asleep on top of me. But after a while I felt him easing himself up, pulling his shrinking penis out of my asshole, and when it was finally out, I could tell by the cool breeze I suddenly felt behind me that he had seriously stretched me open.

I turned over and sat up and, true to his word, Steve allowed me to suck his dick. Even before I put it in my mouth, I could smell it, and the light from the desk lamp allowed me to see how heavily soiled it was with my shit.

But, of course, this didn't stop me, and I was soon holding on to my friend's muscular ass and slurping away at his penis, happily licking it clean. Steve, who was holding on to my head, seemed to enjoy the cock wash, sighing at the end of each long, easy breath, but as I was finishing up, his breathing changed and he seemed to get a bit tense.

"Hey, Jase, hold up a minute," he suddenly said. "I have to take a leak." But when he tried to pull back, I gripped his ass more firmly, making him snicker. "No, really, Jase, I gotta go." Again he tried to back away from me, and again I held on tight to him. This time Steve remained silent, as he suddenly realized what I wanted.

"Whoa! Hey, man, you sure you want to do that?"

To answer him, I licked his piss slit. It took Steve about a minute to relax enough to give me what I wanted, and I flinched with excitement when I felt a warm stream suddenly hit my tongue, slowly increasing in strength until it was gushing into my mouth, forcing me to swallow it at the back of my throat the way I had done with the kids but MUCH faster and MUCH more often, like I'd had to do when I was drinking my piss out of Cathy's ass.

"Drink that piss, you fucking freak!" Steve sighed loudly. "Drink every fucking drop!"

Of course he didn't have to tell me twice, and my frequent gulps let him know that I was indeed keeping up with the super-flow he was delivering to me, showing him that as long as there is piss to be had, a pervert's thirst is never quenched.

"Damn! Your mouth is like a fucking urinal," said Steve, and I felt a chill hearing that, thinking how little Trevor was truly a "chip off the old block."

When the last of Steve's urine squirted into my mouth, I swiped my tongue over his piss slit a few times before pulling his penis out of my mouth and lying back. Steve moved up until he was holding onto the headboard with his ass hovering over my head. Before going any further, he looked down at me.

"You still sure you want to do this, Jase?"

"Yeah, big man, go ahead. Give me everything you've got."

Right away Steve lowered his ass onto my face. Despite what I'd told him, I was a little concerned about my ability to take whatever his bowels held for me. But the idea of having the piss and shit of every member of the household sitting in my stomach was such a turn-on that I vowed to do whatever I could to swallow Steve's as well.

It took a little while but soon I could feel Steve's anal lips swelling up against my mouth as if they were kissing me. Even though he'd pissed in my mouth, I couldn't believe that my friend--this All-American Husband and Dad--was really going to do something so much more perverted to me. I half expected him to suddenly come to his senses, gasping "Oh, my God! What am I doing?!" and jumping up to retreat to his bedroom. But when I felt the tip of his turd touch my tongue, I knew that, like his wife, he was going to stay the course and had no intention of bailing out at the last minute.

"Shit!" Steve moaned, and the moment he said it, he did it, as a thick column of crap suddenly pushed into my mouth, filling it to the point where my cheeks bulged. "Eat it, you sick bastard! Take it all in that fucking toilet mouth!"

Once more his verbal abuse stoked my libido, and I eagerly choked down my friend's smelly shit, excited by the thought that I was now re-eating his portion of whatever he and Cathy had eaten for dinner. I had to swallow his turds practically whole to keep from strangling on them, but I was thoroughly in my element, getting a tremendous kick out of being so thoroughly used. Soon Steve was pushing in vain at his sphincter, and I knew then that I had eaten my handsome friend's entire load, which gave me such a feeling a accomplishment that I could feel pre-come leaking out of my hardening cock.

After burping loudly, I went to work on cleaning Steve's anus, first drilling my tongue into it then sucking on it to remove all traces of the leftover shit. Only when the odor had disappeared and I found myself licking up my own spit did I stop. Once I was done, Steve lifted his ass off my face and inched back until he was sitting lightly on my chest. He then looked down at me and shook his head.

"Damn, Jase. I had no idea you were into stuff that heavy."

"So did I convert you?" I asked.

He smiled on one side of his face as he though about this. " the ass fucking, yes. As far as the other stuff goes...well, I'll have to think about it."

Now where have I heard that before? I asked myself, smiling.

It took Steve only a minute to put his pajamas back on, and after I assured him that I would keep mum about our little pas de deux, he saluted me and slipped out the door. As I lay there, it was almost as though I'd dreamed what I'd done with him, Cathy, and their children, since the notion that it had all actually happened seemed so preposterous. Yet there I lay, my stomach abnormally distended as it held the bodily wastes of each member of the family, and when I burped again and tasted that awful taste in the back of my mouth, there was no denying what had happened, and I smiled as I thought about the massive bowel movement I was destined to have before we left for the airport the next morning.

Twelve hours later I was on a plane headed back to New York. I recalled the sendoff Steve, Cathy, Trevor and Ashley had given me at the airport. After passing through the security station, I turned to see them standing there--the typical young white middle-class family--smiling brightly, waving enthusiastically, and saying "bye" and "have a safe trip" over and over again. I smiled and waved back, eyeing each of them individually and wondering what those dark seeds I had planted in each of them would eventually grow into. All I knew for sure was this: While they may have still looked like the All-American Family on the outside, on the inside they were now much more like me, and with that sexual Pandora's Box having been opened, there was no going back to close it again.

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