Doggy Style

By Happy Penelope

Published on Jul 14, 2001


Here we go folks. Sorry about not sending this out sooner. Like I've said before, I'm scatter brained. LOL.

Feedback: or If you have AIM you can also just IM me at clowneygirl.

Disclaimer: Not true. Total ficiton. I do not know Nsync or anything about them unfortunately. Although I do plan on marrying Lance some day. ::grin:: j/k

Note: yeah this story is still on crack. Did you expect anything less from me? LOL Ok, stop reading this now and get onto the story.

"Morning guys!" JC exuberantly greeted his band mates, as he entered the bus. Joey jumped from the bench he was sitting on and ran to JC and Juju. "Hey boy. How are ya this morning? We're gonna have so much fun. I bet you're glad to be here aren't ya? If anybody gives you any shit, you come to me and I'll set em straight. We're gonna be buds." "Yeah, I'm glad my dog ranks higher than I do Joe. It's so wonderful to be put back in my place." JC said dryly, as he watched Joey talking to Juju. Joey laughed and continued to talk to the dog. "Yeah Joey, I think you're pretty cool too. You might wanna lay off the food with garlic though, ugh." Juju whispered, while Joey was kneeling down talking to him. Joey fell backward onto the floor, a look of complete shock written all over his face. "What's the matter Joey? You look like Juju just talked to you or something." JC asked, laughing at his friends expression. Joey glanced from JC to Juju and back again. He was sure he was losing his mind. He knew it wasn't possible that the dog spoke to him. "I . . . he . . . I . . . he just licked me and it caught me off guard." He covered, knowing his friends wouldn't believe the truth. "Joey, dogs do have a habit of licking people." Lance laughed, turning to walk to the back of the bus. Chris jumped to his feet and followed Lance to the back, shouting the whole way. "Lance do not unplug that play station just so you can watch your soaps. I'll kick your Mississippi albino ass." "Sure you will Chris. I know you've been eating your lucky charms, and they' re magically delicious and all but you still ain't man enough to take me." Lance said, just before Chris tackled him to the floor. JC grabbed his ringing cell phone from his back pack as he laughed at the idiots on the floor. "Speak" JC said, as he dropped his bag back on the floor. "Sweetie, didn't we talk about telephone etiquette?" Bobbie whined, from the other end of the line. JC headed toward the sleeping area, "Hey Bobbie, what's up?" he asked, ignoring her reprimand. Juju sighed, flopping down on the floor near Joey's feet. \\Why does the Boobie Monster have to keep intruding on my time with Josh? Uh oh, Joey's watching me. I wonder if I revealed myself to the wrong human. I was sure Joey would be ok with it. Maybe I should try talking to him again. I really think he can help me become human. I bet I can get him to ask Chris how he became human. Yeah, I'll talk to Joey.// Juju glanced up at Joey. Joey watched the dog warily. "I'm sorry if I scared you Joey. I really want us to be friends." Juju said, peeking up at Joey. "Holy . . . Oh my . . . Jesus . . . Shit, you really did talk. How is that possible?" Joey gasped. Juju snickered, "Chill out Joey. All dogs can talk, most of us just choose not to. It keeps the humans from freaking out. They tend to freak when confronted with the unknown." "Shit, I gotta get the guys. They're not gonna believe this." Joey stood, heading for the back of the bus. Juju blocked Joey's path. "Wait, you can't tell everybody." "You're kidding right? You expect me to keep quiet about this?" Joey asked, in disbelief. Juju sighed, "No you can tell Lance and Chris but that's it," he said. "Why not JC?" Joey eyed Juju curiously. "He just can't know yet. I'll tell him when I become human." Justin informed Joey. Joey looked at Juju for a moment and sat back down. "Alright, maybe you better explain to me how you're going to become human." "I don't know yet. I figured you could help me ask Chris." "Chris? He's not the smartest in the bunch Juju. What makes you think he can help?" Joey asked. "Well I thought maybe he'd tell me how he changed." Juju said, sheepishly glancing up at Joey. Joey scratched his head, "Changed? Changed what?" he asked. "How he became human. If I'm nice enough to him maybe he'll tell me how to do it." Joey suppressed laughter as he tried to talk. "Chris always has been human. I know that's hard to believe sometimes but it's true." Justin hung his head in disappointment. "I was so sure. I mean, I've seen sewer rats that act more human than he does. Now what am I gonna do. Josh will never love me like this." "Aww, don't worry little guy. JC loves you, if he didn't he wouldn't have brought you on tour with us." Joey said, stroking the dogs head attempting to comfort him. Juju frowned, Joey hadn't understood what he meant. "No Joey, I want Josh to love me and breed with me. He's so beautiful. I know he'll love me once I'm human. He can't not love me. I'm beautiful, funny, smart, and darned talented." He explained. "Yes and modest too." Joey said, chuckling. He watched Juju for a few minutes waiting for him to tell him he was joking. "You aren't really serious are you. You don't really wanna fuck JC. Tell me you're joking." Joey said, pleading with his eyes. "Who's joking about what Joey?" JC asked, as he walked back into the front. Joey jumped, startled by JC's entrance. "Oh I was just talking to myself." He answered, picking at his sleeve nervously. JC flopped down onto the floor beside Juju. Patting his lap for the dog to lay on. Juju happily complied. \\Ah, JC smells so good. I wonder what he'd do if I just stick my nose in here. I think this is where his pleasure spot is. I'm gonna try it. Here goes. Oh god, it's heaven. Smells so good.// JC gasped, jumping slightly when Juju burrowed his nose into his crotch. He lightly pushed on the dogs head. Juju wouldn't budge. JC laughed in embarrassment. He glanced up at Joey, wondering why Joey was frowning at the dog. He soon forgot about Joey as Juju began moving his muzzle around in his lap. He sat horrified as his cock began to harden from the dogs movements. He prayed that Joey wouldn't notice. \\Hmm, I think Josh likes this. He's getting hard. This is so cool. He's getting hard, just like I do when I rub against him in bed at night. I know it's wrong, but I can't help it. He sleeps like the dead. He doesn't know that I get freaky with his leg sometimes. Oh I better stop. He's pushing me away. I don't wanna get him angry.// "Are we going to leave any time today?" Wade asked, walking onto the bus an hour late. JC groaned half in frustration from Wade's arrival, half in horror that he got hard from his dog rubbing his head on his cock. "What's wrong Chasez? Bobbie keep you up too late last night?" Wade sneered, taking a wide step around the dog. "Fuck off Wade." JC retorted, standing up and moving to the back of the bus. \\Josh! Where are you going? You want me to go on him again? He's sitting down. I'll get him for you Josh. He's taking off his shoes. He's laying down. Perfect. I'll get him now.// Juju approached the small sofa that Wade lay on quietly. Wade snored softly. Juju leapt onto the sofa straddling Wade, stroking his genitals all over the sleeping mans face. The remaining members of Nsync came running at the blood curdling screams. Stopping in horror at the sight of the dog getting off on their band mates face. Joey lay across the bench tears streaming down his face. tbc

Next: Chapter 4

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