Doggy Style

By Happy Penelope

Published on Jul 6, 2001



Dedication: Brian baby, I love you. Please don't stay mad at me long. You know I love you. Aaron, hmm I love you even when you do ream my ass majorly for something I deserve. (I'm about to email you about that too)

Disclaimer: So far from being true it isn't funny. I made this all up in my sick little mind. This is fiction folkes, look it up if you don't know the definition.

*notes: Juju's thoughts are still in //\. I think it's that order, whatever you're smart you can figure it out. ::grin:: I've had a couple people ask me if this is going to be an Nsync bestiality story. The answer is no. Justin will become human before there is anything sexual going on at all. I promise. I've already got the first six chapters done so you should get them fairly quick, as long as I remember to post them. LOL.

"What the hell are you talking about? What addition to the tour?" Wade squeaked, watching the dog cautiously. Joey laughed, "Juju, is JC's new dog and he's going on tour with us. Aren't you boy?" "Uh uh, no way! That mutt is not going on this tour. There's no way in hell." Wade yelled, pressing his back to the wall as Juju continued growling at him. JC crouched next to his dog, "Wade shut up, you're just upsetting him more," he ordered. "Oh god forbid I upset Cujo. Jesus JC, lock the fucking mutt up or something." Wade whined, moving behind the sofa. \\Grr!! Don't talk to my Josh like that, you nasty human. I'll get rid of him Josh. He won't ever come back and try to separate us again. Just stand back Josh, I'll get him good.// Everyone looked on in horror as Juju tackled Wade to the floor. Nobody could really see what was going on but they knew the dog was not biting Wade. "AAAHHH, JC get this fucking dog off me! He just pissed on my god damn head!" Wade screamed, shoving at the offending animal. JC stopped mid stride toward the dog, laughing so hard he couldn't move. Lance collapsed onto the sofa laughing, Joey fell half way on top of him. Chris sat in the recliner JC had vacated, tears were streaming down his face. "Somebody get this fucking dog off of me!" Wade shouted. JC moved toward the growling dog, "Come here Juju. Leave the bad man alone baby." he said, gently pulling the dog from his irate band mate. \\No, come on Josh. I wasn't done. Let me go back over and get him good. I' ve got one more number left yet. Please Josh.// JC coddled his whining pet, "It's ok baby, he won't bother you anymore. Are you hurt? Did he hurt you Juju?" he asked the whimpering dog, as if he expected him to answer. Juju continued to whine and nuzzle JC's neck. JC glared at Wade, "Did you fucking hit him? You better not have laid a hand on him you son of a bitch. If you even swear at him again, you'll be dancing on your fucking elbows because your head will be shoved so far up your ass you can't move your legs." he warned. "You're blaming me because that psychotic beast you call a pet pissed on me?" Wade asked, in total astonishment. JC sat on the floor with Juju curled up beside him, stroking the silken head in his lap. "Yes, I am blaming you. If you hadn't come in here and upset him he wouldn't have attacked you." JC informed Wade. Wade growled in exasperation, "How the fuck did I upset him?" "You upset me, and that upsets him." JC stated, as if it were a known fact. The doorbell rang interrupting before Wade could reply. Lance headed for the entryway to answer the door, grumbling the whole way. "Jesus, we're never going to get this meeting finished at this rate." Joey and Chris groaned as they heard the voice of the newcomer. Wade glanced at JC with a smug grin. JC focused on smoothing the fur on top of Juju's head. Wade got off of the floor heading toward the bathroom to wash and disinfect his hair. "Josh, darling where are you." Called a shrill female voice. JC sighed, "In here Bobbie. which I'm sure Lance already told you." he added the last under his breath. Juju's ears perked up at the sound of the nauseating voice. He growled when she addressed his love as Josh. JC pressed the dogs head back into his lap. Caressing his back, comforting and calming him. Bobbie squealed rushing over to JC as she entered the room. "Joshy, when did you get this cute little guy?" She asked, patting Juju's head. \\Josh, what is the squeal girl doing touching me? She smells funny. Get her away from me. She called you Josh, I don't like her. Does she have puppies Josh? My mama only left her cha-chas stick out like that when she had puppies to feed. Oh, what's that sound she's making. She sounds like the Thompson's cat when she's in heat. Oh no, is she in heat Josh? Does she want you to breed her? Make her go away Josh. I'll make her go away.// Juju crawled completely into JC's lap and began growling as Bobbie continued petting him. "Oh Josh, he's so cute. Look he's purring for me." Bobbie cooed, caressing the growling dog, much to JC's horror. Joey buried his head in his hands in an attempt to contain his laughter. Lance watched the clock on the wall, not daring to glance at Bobbie in case his mirth became evident. JC stared at his girlfriend in dismay. Chris being Chris couldn't remain quiet. "Bobbie, he's a dog. Dogs don't purr." "Joshy, tell Chris that the little puppy wuppy is purring for me." Bobbie whined, still stroking the growling animal. "Bobbie, Chris is right. Dogs don't purr. He's growling at you. You may want to quit petting him. He's already pissed on Wade tonight. Are you sure you want to take any chances. That outfit looks new." JC said, brushing her hand away from Juju. Bobbie frowned, glancing at the dog in JC's lap and decided it wasn't worth risking her clothing. \\Aah, thanks Josh. I knew you'd save me. I can't wait until I'm human. I just have to figure out how to become human. I wish it wouldn't freak people out if I talked to them. I'd ask Chris how he changed, there's no way he was born human. I'll be the most beautiful human ever. You'll want to breed with me all the time. You won't need the Boobie Monster anymore.// "I'm out of here. We obviously aren't going to get any work done tonight. I' ve got better things to do." Lance complained, heading toward the door. Chris, Joey, and the newly washed Wade agreed and followed Lance. "Ooh Josh, this is so great. We can have the rest of the night alone. Go lock up your little friend there and then we can play." Bobbie purred, into JC's ear. Juju growled, rising from JC's lap. JC wrapped both arms around the dogs chest, stopping him from attacking. "Umm Bobbie, I think you better just go on home. Juju isn't used to other people being here all of the time like this. He needs to get accustomed to his new home before there are new people around." JC said, knowing that Bobbie wouldn't be happy. Bobbie stood with a huff, "Are you saying, that you'd rather spend time with that dog than with me? " "I'm sorry Bobbie, it's just for right now. He'll be ok soon. Just give me a little while." JC said, to his retreating girlfriends back. Juju sighed contentedly and laid back down on JC's lap. tbc

Next: Chapter 3

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