Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on Jun 4, 2000


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations or power and surrender scenes, please exit this page. If you are under age please exit this story now.

Copyright 2000 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.

----------------------- Dog on the Loose 9 --

After the intense weekend sessions, neither Mark nor I was really in the mood to play too seriously for several days, but we still got together every evening that week. Monday and Tuesday we both needed to do more work on our real jobs so we only chatted a few minutes and went our separate ways. On both Wednesday and Thursday we relaxed with a drink and fixed dinner my place. During these times it was clear our friendship was growing.

Wednesday after dinner, I said something like, "I think we need to do a little work, Boy."

His immediate response was, "Yes, Sir!" with a smile. I liked his enthusiasm.

I ordered him to strip and then played with his tits and cock and balls enough to wake them up. It was a beautiful night, so I had him suck me off out at the tree again, but forbade him to get off until we got together the next night. Thursday night I ordered him to strip again then turn around, bend over and pull his cheeks apart. I teased his asshole, getting several sighs from him, then eventually sent him downstairs to make sure his ass was clean, using an enema bulb I'd had him buy earlier in the week. When he had done that, his orders were to lub his asshole well and then assume a spread eagle position on the bed.

When I went down stairs a little later he was on the bed as ordered. I put on a condom and lubed it, knelt between his legs and entered him slowly. He was much more controlled about relaxing his sphincter now, and it all went smoothly. That is it went smoothly until he came so hard just from my stroking across his prostate that I thought he was going to buck us both off the bed. Maybe that old saying should be "Abstinence makes the cock grow harder."

Nancy came home Friday night, and he wanted to spend most of this weekend with her nurturing their friendship in its new form. That worked well for me. I had in fact called Clay, my friend with the place in the country, and he had agreed that I could bring Mark out there for a session some afternoon, but he did have a price -- I had be the bottom for a session with him. I told Mark I would be out of town most of the day Saturday to visit an old friend.

I wasn't thrilled about being a bottom for Clay. I knew from my previous experience with him that his sessions sometimes took turns I didn't much care for, and he had little finesse. On the other hand they had never been dangerous and had never gotten out of hand, so I felt it was worth the price and agreed. He had ordered me to appear at his door at 11 on Saturday morning, naked except for my boots.

Saturday was a beautiful day. About 5 minutes early I pulled into his drive, stood beside my pickup and stripped and reveled in the feel of the sun and wind on my body. The air even smelled good out here in the country. I put my boots back on, and walked to the house and rang his doorbell at 11 on the dot. The door was opened by a young fellow I didn't know. He was about 25 I guessed, and stood about 5'8" with a good but not over developed young man's body. He was wearing ... well, as far as I could see, nothing except a wire cage padlocked shut around his cock and balls. A ring fit firmly around the base next to his body and there was a little basket for his balls, and an attached tube just long enough for his soft cock. There was a little hole at the end he could piss through. He had no hair except for his eyebrows. He looked me up and down. "Come in, Boy."

"Clay didn't tell me there would be anyone else involved." I stayed on the porch.

"My Master asked me to be his assistant today. Are you coming in, Boy?" So Clay had a slave now. He'd wanted me to be his slave years ago, but I wouldn't consider it, even then. And since this fellow was calling me `Boy,' it was clear where I was going to stand in the proceedings today. It was also clear that he didn't have a lot of experience at being a top.

I finally stepped into the foyer and the kid closed the door behind me. "Follow me." and he led me down the hall and down stairs to Clay's dungeon play room. "Remove your boots, please."

"He really is a novice." I thought, but I did as he requested. While I did that he had gone to a rack at the side of the room and picked up a short rope.

"Hands behind your back, please." I put them behind me in a comfortable position and the kid tied them somewhat awkwardly and not too securely. He then went to get a bandana and folded it into a long strip and applied it as a blindfold. He did that well. "Wait here." and I heard him climbing the stairs again.

Shortly two people came back down. "Welcome, Boy." It was Clay, and he was standing directly in front of me.

"Thank you, Sir." He pinched a tit roughly. I jumped.

"His technique hasn't changed much." I thought, a little disappointed.

"Here, drink this." He rubbed a straw against my lips and I sucked on it. It was good iced tea. I took several sips and released the straw. "Drink it all, Boy." Oh, oh. I knew where this was probably headed. "You met Troy. He's a nurse when he's at work, but here he's my slave. For today, to you, I'm Master,' and my slave is Sir.' What I tell you to do, you do, and what he tells you to do, you do. Got that?"

"Yes, Si--Si-- Master." I wasn't used to a slave role any more than Troy was used to being a top.

"Now, Troy, take him to the bathroom and shave his crotch."

"Yes, Sir." So to Troy he was `Sir.' That also told me something about the dynamics for the day.

Troy led me carefully to the bathroom, maneuvered me into their huge shower stall and had me stand with my legs apart. He used a pair of clippers to trim my pubic hair. This would be interesting. I hadn't been bare down there for a long time. After he finished pubes, cock and balls with the clippers he applied something soft and wet, shaving cream from the smell. He went over the entire area carefully with a razor, checking frequently to make sure I was smooth. His careful and frequent handling of my cock and balls had gotten me hard, and he stroked me a little from time to time, too. I was enjoying this.

Using a showerhead on a hose he rinsed me off and flushed all the hair and suds down the drain. Clay came back in and put something on the counter then came into the shower stall, too. "Got him smooth, Boy?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir." Clay roughly rubbed his hands over the entire area to check anyway. He apparently didn't trust his slave much.

"I'll wash him now, you go that stuff ready." I heard Troy step out of the stall and Clay rubbed some sort of sharp smelling soap on my cock, balls, belly and legs. It was apparently a little strong; it was stinging a little where I'd been shaved. He stroked me a little and then rinsed it all off. He then grabbed my cock and I felt something blunt forced into my piss hole. He pinched the end of my cock closed around whatever it was, and suddenly I felt something cool being forced into my urethra. And it stung!

"Uuuunh." involuntarily I moved back a little.

"Stand still, Slave!!" Clay commanded, and roughly pushed me back against the stall wall so I couldn't move. He always had had problems matching his commands and his actions. More and more of the cool, stinging goop was being forced in.

Every once in a while he ran his finger along the tube on the bottom of my cock, forcing the stuff toward my bladder. By now it was well behind my balls. "Uuuuunh!" I just couldn't help groaning a little at times.

"Got that stuff ready, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir."

"OK, bring it in and do your job." I heard Troy came back.

The blunt thing was removed from my piss slit and replaced with something else, which seemed even larger. A firm nudge, and the new thing started sliding in. "Uuuuuunnnnnnnnnh!!" This was really hurting now. It was like there was a fire in my cock. And the fire was spreading, going deeper as Troy pushed the new object deeper. I was sweating and groaning, but they didn't pay any attention. Finally it seemed to run into an obstacle and halted briefly.

"OK, Boy," Troy said, "I can force it through or you can make like you're going to piss and it won't hurt quite as much." I took a deep breath and tried to relax my sphincter like I was going to piss. It must have worked; I felt the whole thing move and then something odd inside. "Close the clamp when the hose is full, please, Sir."

Shit! I'd been catheterized. Now they controlled when I could piss. As I said, Clay did things I didn't care much for at times. They did something else then tugged on the hose a little. It seemed firmly lodged. I guessed all that washing and then the stuff in my cock had been some sort of antibacterial soap and lub. No wonder it burned. It still felt like there was a fire in there and I was groaning and sweating.

"OK, Boy, out here." One of them led me out of the stall into the bathroom. "Lean over." A hand in the middle of my back urged me to lean forward and put my chest on the counter. One of them applied something cool to my asshole.

"Now what?" I wondered. I hoped this didn't burn, too.

"Did you clean yourself this morning, Slave?"

"Yes, Master." I knew Clay was likely to do something that I'd want to be clean for.

"Good!" I felt the broad tip of something pressed against my puckered hole. They had made no attempt to loosen me up and hadn't lubed inside at all. I hoped they'd lubed the toy well, whatever it was. "Push out, slave!" I did as he asked and felt the tip spread my hole a little. Then all at once he just slammed the whole thing through and all the way in.

"Shit!!!" I screamed. It hurt like hell. My sphincter knew how to relax, given a chance, but it had been ambushed, and it was spasming big time. I started some deep breathing to relax and calm down. Finally it seemed to work, and the pain level in my ass dropped to a dull ache. For a couple of minutes there I hadn't been noticing the fire in my cock, but I remembered it now. Maybe agreeing to be a bottom for Clay had not been such a good idea. But I was here; it was too late to back out.

"OK, Boy, let's take him out to the barn." Clay left the room.

"Yes, Sir. Stand up, slave." Now they were both calling me slave. I didn't particularly like that, but this way I would at least know who they were talking to. Troy slipped my blindfold down around my neck and untied the rope on my wrists. "Go put your boots on."

"Yes, Sir." I walked out to where I'd left my boots, very aware of the butt plug in my ass and the tube that hung to my ankles from the end of my cock. I put on my boots, as ordered. I stood up carefully, not wanting to stand on the tube while I straightened up. The fire in my cock was dying down; it felt like glowing coals now. Troy had picked up some wrist restraints and put one on each of my wrists.

"Hands behind your back!"

"Yes, Sir." I did as he asked, and he clipped the rings together with a snap of some sort. This restraint was tighter and more secure than before. He reached between my legs, grabbed the tube and tugged it down a couple of times, then pulled the end back between my legs and put it in my hand.

"Don't want you stepping on this while you walk, Boy."

"Thank you, Sir."

"OK, up the steps."

He headed up the steps ahead of me. He had donned black leather boots, too, but still wore nothing else. When we came to the kitchen Clay was waiting for us. He was about 5'10", overweight for my tastes, probably by at least 75 pounds. His salt and pepper hair was cropped short. He was wearing a black leather jock, a harness with a strap running down under the jock, black leather boots and a black leather cap. He took a wide, heavy black collar and put it around my neck and buckled it tightly. It didn't restrict my breathing, but I knew it was there. Finally he clipped a leash to the ring on the collar.

He picked up a big glass of iced tea from the counter. "Here, Slave, drink up." He held the straw to my lips. I certainly didn't need anything to drink, not with Clay in charge of my pissing, but again, it wasn't an offer. I drank the whole thing. There were going to be some uncomfortable times ahead.

"To the barn, Slave!" He grabbed the leash and headed out the door. "Bring the cooler and glasses, Boy." Troy grabbed an insulated drink container from the counter and a stack of glasses, including the one I'd just used.

Clay led me across the yard, and again I enjoyed the sun on my body and the light wind drying my sweat and bringing the country scents to my nose. When we entered the barn it was much as I remembered it - a large open space with a few ropes hanging here and there, a horse much like mine, stanchions for cattle on one side, and a variety of whips and paddles hanging on one wall. It smelled like an old barn, a little dusty, old hay in the mow, but no livestock had been here in years.

Clay led me straight to one of the stanchions. Troy had gone to the other side, and Clay handed him the leash. "Bend over and put your head through there." After I'd done that, Clay closed the bar tightly against the sides of my neck and Troy attached the leash to a ring in the manger so I couldn't straighten up. Clay used his feet to get me to spread my legs more, took the tube from my hand and dropped it on the floor.

"Need to piss, Slave?"

"Yes, Master." I told him. It wasn't urgent yet, but it would be soon enough.

"Good. Get another glass of tea for him, Boy." Troy went to the cooler and filled my glass again and held the straw to my lips. I tried to drag out drinking it, but that got me a hard crack across the butt with some sort of paddle.


"Drink it, Slave!" I drank it.

When I'd finished with that, Clay stood to one side and started warming my butt good with the paddle. "Aaaaaa!" I jerked on the first one. No warm up with this guy. After that I just moaned occasionally, or yelped when he hit same spot two or three times in a row and kept breathing deeply. I was a little light headed from hyperventilating when he paused.

"Count'm for me, Slave." A hard one struck my right cheek. He'd upped the intensity.

"Aaaaaa! One, Master! Thank you Master!" I yelled. Another on my left.

"Aaaaaaaiiaa! Two, Master! Thank you, Master!" We went through 20 that way.

"Get another glass of tea for him, Boy, he must be thirsty." Troy went to the cooler and filled my glass again and held the straw to my lips. I was panting and drank it between breaths. The tea was doing its job; I was starting to hurt now.

"I really need to piss, Master." I told him.


"Please, Master, I really need to piss!!" I begged. Clay liked his boys to beg, and I had a feeling there was going to a lot of that this afternoon.

"You can piss in an hour, Slave." He slapped my butt hard with the paddle again.

"Oh, no, Master, my bladder'll bust before that," I whined. I hate whining, but I knew he liked it.

"Tell you what, Slave, you can piss any time you ask, but you have to drink it and each time will cost you 10 with my flogger."

Shit!! This was worse than I expected. I thought a moment, and knowing Clay, he wasn't going to let me piss until I gave in, so there wasn't any point in waiting. I was not going to like this. "Yes, Master. May I piss now, please, Master?"

"OK, Boy, use his glass." Troy got my glass and put the end of the tube in it and opened the clamp. I could feel the pressure subsiding in my bladder. "Stop!" Troy let the clamp close.

"Master, I wasn't finished! Please let me finish!" I begged.

"Maybe later, Slave. Now, drink it." Troy put the straw to my lips and I half-heartedly started drinking it. At least I was drinking so much tea the urine wasn't very strong. When I finished, Troy went to the cooler and got another glass of tea. "Drink up, Slave." Clay said gleefully.

"Damn!!" I thought, but I drank it. Clay's techniques had gotten down right fiendish. When I finished the glass, Clay released the stanchion and Troy released the leash and they let me straighten up. Clay grabbed the leash led me to the horse. "You know the position." he barked. I bent over the horse and they pulled my legs wide, looped a chain around each ankle and clipped them tight. They released the clip on my wrists and repositioned and tied my arms so I was pulled firmly against the bar, which of course, pressed on my bladder.

"That's hard work." Clay said when they were finished. "I'm thirsty. Get us all a glass of tea."

Troy went over and filled the three glasses. I didn't even know if I could drink in this position. He took one to Clay, put one down, and brought mine to me. He bent a flexible straw so I could get it in my mouth. "Damn, they think of everything." I thought. Well it was odd and slow, but you can drink when hanging almost upside down.

"Please, Master, can I piss again." Clay just nodded his head, and Troy brought my glass over, put the tube in it and opened the clamp. I pressed as hard as I could to get more out this time, but Clay was watching carefully.

"Stop!" Troy closed the clamp. It felt like I was left fuller than last time, even. This was going to be a pain! Troy brought it to me with the straw again, and I dutifully drank it. But thank god he didn't get me another glass of tea.

When I finished that, Clay was returning from the side of the barn with several things in his hands. He handed a little box of some sort to Troy, who went to the side and set it on the horse beside me. Clay took a rawhide lace, walked behind me and looped it around my balls a couple of times and pulled it tight enough to make me groan, then tied it off. While he was doing that, Troy had laid cool strips of something over my back so they hung down my crack. Clay picked up one of them and made an adjustment of some sort and stuck something to one side of my hair-free scrotum. He repeated the process on the other side.

"Test it." I felt nothing at first, then a soft tingle, then a sharper tingle, then sharp pin pricks, then real pain, then...

"Aaaaaaeieeeeeaagh!" then the pain subsided back to nothing again. The bastards had a transformer of some sort and apparently some sticky saline pads now adorned my scrotum.

"Good." Clay was pleased. Next he attached one of the things to the top of the head of my cock, and I felt the butt plug being jiggled as he did something to it. "Test."

The same sequence started between my cock and the butt plug. "Aaaaaaiiiieeeeaaa!!!" The one on the head of my cock hurt a lot and my ass hurt in a way it had never hurt before. The butt plug apparently had metal strips on it.

"OK, Slave, here's the deal. We can switch the current to any combination you want -- cock and balls, balls and ass, through the balls, we can do'm all. You tell us your choice, and we take the setting up to 5, where we just had it, for 15 seconds. If we choose, we take the setting up to 8 for 20 seconds. You'll have 2 seconds after I ask you to choose, and anything you leave out we'll take care of our way."

"Master, I need to piss, please."

"Later! Choose!" I was so surprised I couldn't think for a moment. "Too late. Cock, balls." I heard a switch flip, and

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!" Pain blocked any thoughts, any restraint I might have had. I screamed until I totally ran out of breath. 8 was a fucking painful setting.

"Choose!" I barely inhaled when Clay said "Balls ass." Two switches, clicked, and

"AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEGGGH!!" I hadn't even gotten a full breath.

They kept up the sequence, never giving me a chance to get a breath and choose, and I don't think I could have after the first few anyway. They ran through the entire set of combinations several times. And after a while pain was all I was, I wasn't conscious of anything else about my body or my surroundings. Then it stopped, and gradually I became aware of more than the pain in my cock, balls and ass. First I noticed sweat and tears were dripping off my face, then my need to piss and then my position, and then I remembered I had to ask Clay to let me piss.

"Now, Slave, we're going to do you a favor." I was still trying to catch my breath and sobbing and only half capable of listening. "We're going to do cock and balls at 10 for the entire time it takes you to empty your bladder."

"No, please Master, please, no, please no!" but I was ignored. Troy brought a big jar over and put the tube in it. I heard two switches click.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Pain I hadn't imagined. I don't think I could even breathe. Then, suddenly, I was inside the pain and bigger than the pain, both at the same time. My body was still making every attempt it could to get away from the torment, but a new level of consciousness was filling my head and my awareness flashed far beyond my body. The pain became only a small part of that new universe, and I relaxed. I stopped even trying to scream, started deep breathing, and opened my eyes to see the jar filling rapidly. From somewhere I was totally aware of Clay and Troy watching the strange transformation in amazement and some concern.

Troy turned off the box when the urine level in the jar was no longer rising. "Thank you, Sir." I said as well as my body could manage. My head, though, was perfectly clear.

"Let's get rid of all this stuff then take him down to the clearing for his flogging." Clay seemed flustered. He went behind me, grabbed something and yanked the butt plug out.

"Uuuuuuuuunnnnh!!" My sphincters weren't any happier loosing it all at once than they had been getting it all at once. Troy released my wrists while Clay pulled off the four patches they had used with the electrical box, and then released my ankles. Troy helped me stand up. I was a little shaky for a few moments, but that passed in a short time.

"Get rid of that." Clay said, pointing at my catheter tube. Troy did something and some water streamed out, and I felt something inside get a little smaller.

"Better lean on the horse." Troy pulled me gently so my stomach was against it again and then took the tube in one hand and my cock in the other and slowly pulled the tube out.

"Oooooooohhhhhh!! Oh, shit!!" Not only was something solid moving out of my cock a very odd feeling, the fire in my cock came back.

"The more you piss the faster that burning will go away." Troy suggested, pointing at the jar of almost clear piss. He was looking at me with awe in his eyes.

"He's right." I thought. I shrugged my shoulders and picked up the jar and started drinking. This had practically no taste it was so dilute, but the temperature was still a put off. Clay went to pick up some floggers off the wall.

"Let's go, Slave." He said, sounding confident again and headed to a door on the opposite side from where we'd entered the barn and down a path into the woods. I looked at Troy and then the jar. He shrugged, so we left it there and I followed Clay while Troy headed toward some ropes.

My universe was shrinking some, but it still felt very large, even though it was all inside me. At the same time it felt like ... well, my senses had expanded, too. I wondered if this was what a wolf experienced; the smells and sounds were sharper, clearer. I could hear insects in the grass and smell the dry trail separately from the warm tree leaves. My view of the path seemed like it came from two levels, and I was seeing details I would never have noticed before as well as the over all picture. It was a little disorienting, but it gave me a great sense of wonder and ... power.

We arrived at the clearing and Clay positioned me somewhat roughly under two rings hanging from chains wrapped around a large tree branch. He glanced into my eyes and visibly jerked. Apparently "it" was visible in my eyes at least. He quickly took the blindfold from around my neck and placed it back over my eyes. I could smell nuances in his sweat, and hear some raggedness in his breathing, things I would never have noticed before. The sun felt good on my body, and the breezes were drying my sweat and cooling me off. Clay looped the leash around my balls and pulled them out, down, and back and forth. He was doing it hard enough to hurt and keep me a little off balance, but he was just filling time. Finally Troy arrived with the ropes and Clay let my balls go and unclipped the leash from the collar.

"Arms up, Slave." he said gruffly.

"Yes, Master." I held my arms up toward the rings while he and Troy tied loops through the clips on my wrist cuffs and then fed the ropes through the rings.

"Get the spreader bar on him, Boy." I could feel the second rope being passed to Clay, and heard Troy heading off to the side someplace. He picked up something and brought it over and placed it behind my feet.

"Spread those legs, Slave." He was remembering our respective roles again. I did it. Troy pulled on one ankle to get my legs spread a little wider, and clipped the cuff to the ring on the bar, then did the same on the other side. My feet were further apart than I wanted them, but it wasn't too bad.

"OK, pull him up." They pulled the ropes tight enough so only part of my weight was on my feet, but I resisted any temptation to stand on my toes, not that that would be easy with my feet this far apart anyway. They tied both ropes off without losing much tension. Now if I wanted I could sort of stand on my toes to take a little weight off my wrists.

"Now, Slave, by my count we owe you 50 lashes for the times you asked to piss." I thought his counting ability stunk, but knew enough not to argue.

"Yes, Master."

"And we owe you another 50 for that piss you didn't drink."

"Yes, Master." That wasn't part of any rules that I had heard, but I still didn't argue.

"And I think we'll give you 50 just to warm you up."

"If you wish, Master."

They both picked up floggers and then stood so Troy could hit my chest and belly (and I hoped not too much lower), and Clay could do my back and legs. I couldn't see any of this, but it was as clear as day to me. As soon as the leather struck me the first time my consciousness started expanding again, maybe even more than before, and I "watched" as they worked over my back, butt, legs, stomach, and chest in random order. My body groaned, twisted, yelled and shook, but I was much larger than just my body, and the pain was only a little of the totality I was experiencing. It was odd and a little scary, but it was fun, too.

"Count'm off, Slave." Clay demanded. They both hit me, one on my chest one on my back.

"One Master, thank you Master, thank you Sir." I sensed their surprise, then they struck again, both on my legs.

"Two Master, thank you Master, thank you Sir."

They continued through a hundred and got tired. I knew I was tired and would be sore, too, but it was more something I sensed than an actual feeling. My universe was too big >>>>>>to feel any single pain or exhaustion very clearly at this point.

They untied the ropes, and let me down, unclipped my ankles from the spreader bar, removed the blindfold and the collar. I was a little shaky, but that soon passed.

"Suck our cocks, Boy," Clay told Troy. "We've earned it." Troy immediately knelt in front of me and sucked my now soft cock into his mouth, and Clay came and stood next to me.

"Better let me go piss first." I told him. I walked over to the edge of the clearing and after some giving the muscles a little time to figure out normal function again, a small stream started to flow into my urethra. I really had to grit my teeth not to yell -- the fire was starting all over again. It got better as the flow really started, and by the time I was empty, at least momentarily, it was feeling better. Flushing it out was helping.

I walked back to Clay, and Troy immediately switched from his chunky, hard cock to my soft one. He was a good cock sucker and in a short time I was hard again, and he started switching back and forth between us. Finally Clay grabbed Troy's head and started fucking his mouth in earnest. Troy kept jacking my cock while he was being roughly face fucked. Shortly I felt my balls pull up into firing position, and I got a little nervous about what this was going to feel like. A few more strokes, though, and I was over the edge. "Unnnh aaaaaa uuunnnnh aaaaaa uuunnnnnnn aaaaaa unnnnnnhhhh!!" The feelings of stinging and cumming were competing for attention.

That sent Clay over the edge. He started grunting, slammed his cock into Troy's mouth as far as he could get it and held his head firmly against his belly. I knew Troy was a little panicked before Clay let him back up and get a breath, but he was probably used to being treated that way. Troy's cock was trying mightily to expand beyond the boundaries of the cage it was in, and having no luck. I hoped Clay would let him cum sometime soon.

When Clay and I had caught our breaths, he smiled but refused to meet my eyes.

"Thanks ... I guess." I told him. "I'll be bringing my boy out one of these days." That had been the reason for setting this up, after all.

"There's one more thing." Clay said.

"And what's that." I was looking at him with slitted eyes now, ready to be royally pissed, but he only briefly met my eyes.

"We get to see your boy naked."

I was not pleased. I didn't want Mark subjected to this character in any way, but I did want to bring him out here, and Clay might renege on the deal if I didn't agree. "OK, when I bring him down here you and Troy can walk past on that trail." I pointed to the trail that ran past the clearing.

"Deal." Turning to Troy he said, "OK, Boy, clean up while I take our guest back to the house." Troy was sort of cradling his cock and ball cage in his hands - about as close as he could come to stroking himself at this point. "And don't touch that thing."

"Yes, Sir." He was a little down cast. I felt sorry for him, but he had chosen Clay as a Master, so he must get something from the arrangement.

As we walked back toward the house my senses were still sharper and larger, and the feeling of power I had was a little intoxicating. It would be interesting to see how this played out over the next hours and days. By the time we got back to the pickup I needed to piss again and told Clay. He pointed to a tree in the yard, so I watered it generously. I dressed, and shook hands with Clay and eased gently into the seat. Both my butt and back were far too tender for comfortable sitting. I contemplated how I would explain all this to Mark, since I wanted the destination of our first "outing" to be a surprise.


Please, if you play Power and Surrender games, make them safe, sane and consensual.

While Clay has little finesse and subtlety in his technique, he and Troy did some things right in this fantasy.

Catheters are medical devices and should be used by skilled personnel using sterile techniques. Troy was a nurse, and it can be presumed that he knew what he needed to know about using one. They did use sterile technique. Extended urine retention can cause serious kidney problems, but in this case for the most part Bill was in charge of just how bad that situation became.

To be safe electrical devices should have limited current and voltage ranges, and a hand held device like the one used here could easily have been a medical TENS unit modified with a couple of switches. It was also used below the waist, which minimizes the possibility of it interfering with other electrical devices, like the heart. Anyone using electrical devices for real, should be aware they can cause real damage and burns. Use them with care.


-------------------- If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. I do consider suggestions. Send them to

Next: Chapter 10

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