Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on May 8, 2000


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations or power and surrender scenes, please exit this page. If you are under age please exit this story now.

Copyright 2000 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.

----------------------- Dog on the Loose 8 --

Mark rang the doorbell almost exactly an hour later. I opened the door. He took in my harness, black jock (just the regular one today), and boots and licked his lips appreciatively.

"You're prompt, Boy. I like that." He was sweaty enough so his T-shirt and shorts were clinging. He smelled delicious as he stepped by me coming in. He had the collar back on. I suspected it had been added when he dropped Bruno off, since I wasn't picking up the aroma of warm, sweaty leather. Anyway, I guess he liked what it signified for this afternoon, at least.

"Hello, Sir. I think I got the timing better this time."

"You're timing is perfect, Boy. Take off your shorts and T-shirt and leave them here." He sort of had to roll the T-shirt up to get it off his back then folded it carefully and put it on the floor. Next the shorts came down, and he did the same with them. He started to push his jock down, then stopped and looked at me. "Right, leave it on." I told him.

I led him to the kitchen and handed him the same large glass filled with water. "Better rehydrate some." I told him.

"Thank you, Sir." He drank it down and handed it back to me, maybe a little reluctantly. I put it on the counter and he looked relieved. I walked over to him and cupped his cock and balls in one hand and his butt in the other. His cock was pushing at its restraint, and it got harder while I massaged it.

When I stepped back, he started to reach for his jock. "Unh, unh, Boy, don't rearrange yourself."

"Yes, Sir."

"Now, Boy, I want you to go down stairs, look in the bathroom and decide if you need to use anything that's on the counter. If you do, go ahead and use it, following the instructions. If you don't feel you need to, you don't have to. After you finish in there take the bandana with you and go stand in the play area you want to start in. Blindfold yourself with the bandana, put your hands behind your back, and wait for me. I'll give you fifteen minutes."

"Yes, Sir." He headed down the stairs, giving me a slightly dubious look. He was learning that I like to give a boy's imagination time to do some creative work given whatever hints or misdirection had come to mind.

I'd left a prepackaged "bowel cleansing" kit (as they so daintily describe it on the package), a butt plug, some lub and the bandana on the bathroom counter. My bet was that he would still think he was pretty clean after yesterday afternoon, but it would be fun to see what he did. I didn't expect him to think he "needed" to use the butt plug.

I did hear the water run a little, but not enough to be the toilet flushing, then nothing more. I made sure I waited at least 15 minutes, then headed down the stairs. I went to the bathroom first. As I expected, he hadn't used the kit, and the butt plug was still there, but he had used some lub. I guess he was hoping for some ass work later. I got out a condom and put it over the plug. (I always put condoms on my butt toys when they go visiting. It's a lot easier to keep them really clean that way.) I left the plug on the counter for the time being; I'd use that later.

I walked out to the playroom. Mark was standing by the cross, the bulge in his jock looking quite full, and I could see a little wet spot near the outlined end of his cock. I walked over and stood beside him and again used one hand to massage his bulge, his stomach, and his tits. With the other I reached between his cheeks and played with his lubed ass hole. "Expecting some ass play later, Boy?"

"I'm hoping there might be, Sir."

"And you wanted to check to see if you found any reason to use the cleansing kit, too, didn't you?"

He blushed. "Yes, Sir."

"Show me how you did that, Boy." I stepped back to give him room.

"Yes, Sir." Bigger blush now. He knelt, putting one knee on the floor, and reached between his legs and put his finger on his puckered entry.

"Go ahead, Boy, push it in as far as you can." I moved behind him and knelt, too, to watch. He gamely contorted and pushed his middle finger through the tight ring, maybe two inches. "Let me help a little." I took hold of the back of his hand and pulled gently to get his hand a little further under him and used the heel of my hand to help push the finger in. He was a little past the second knuckle now. "Now wiggle it around." I could feel his hand flexing, and heard him sigh a little.

I let go of his hand and reached a little further to rub the end of his cock through the jock. The wet spot was bigger now. "That's good, Boy. Now, on your knees." He pulled his finger out and straightened up while I went to stand in front of him. He put his hands back behind his back. I pushed his shoulders gently so he sat back on his heels, then I grabbed his head and rubbed my crotch in his face. "Use your mouth on that, Boy." He started licking and mouthing my cock and balls through the jock. That was nice, but finally I stepped back and adjusted my cock so it could stretch out and enjoy itself more. His was pushing hard against his jock. I reached my boot under his balls and raised the toe and rubbed back and forth a few times. There was a wet spot on it when I quit.

"You got precum on my boot, Boy. Lick it off, and do a good job."

"Yes, Sir." He leaned forward, found my boot (I'd put it almost under his nose), and started licking carefully. He did do a good job, continuing well after all the precum was gone, I'm sure.

"OK, boy, stay like that." I moved to his side and knelt so I could play with his ass and his tits. I moved the straps on his jock so they framed his cheeks, and started slapping his butt, and at the same time I was twisting and pulling his tit. After a while his butt was getting a nice pink glow, and I just couldn't pass up this opportunity to wake up his ass hole some more, too.

I straddled him and started slapping right in his crack, making sure my fingers made good contact with the sensitive skin on and around his puckered hole and down onto his perineum. The first time he jumped, but after that there were only occasional grunts, but he was definitely breathing faster. When it reached a nice shade of pink in that area, I stepped behind him and reached between his legs to play with his cock and balls again. He signed when I made contact and spread his legs a little to give me even better access. The area of precum was now quite wet.

I grabbed the ring on his collar and pulled lightly. "OK, Boy, stand up, slowly." He straightened up and got to his feet a little awkwardly, since he still hadn't moved his hands. I moved his hands to his sides and moved up behind him so I could reach around and play with his tits again, giving both of them firm treatment now. I was also in position to steady him if getting up left him a little light headed. I'd had men completely black out when standing up from that position.

"Let's get you on the cross, Boy." I told him after it was clear he was OK.

"Yes, Sir."

I led him to the St Andrews cross, using the collar, then turned him around and backed him up to it. I wanted to finish waking up his front side before I got to more serious stuff. "Move your arms up." He raised his arms, and I guided them to the right position so he could grab chains hanging from the I-bolts. "This time I'm not going to tie you that way, but I don't want you to let go. Got that?"

"Yes, Sir."

Next I moved his feet apart a little so his arms were pulled up firmly. I wasn't going to spend a lot of time this way, so this should work well. I played with his bulging jock a little, enough to get a sigh from him, and got some precum on my fingers to reward him with. I put them to his mouth, and he sucked them in eagerly. I got my fingers back, though his head followed them as far as he could reach and not let go of the chain. "Thank you, Sir."

I found my small, flexible leather paddle and used it to rub his stomach and chest and tap the bottoms of his balls. Finally I started a pattern of overlapping strokes on his stomach and chest, paying particular attention to his tits. I then did his legs several times, then went back to his chest again. His skin was quite rosy by the time I finished all that, and he was breathing heavily. He had made few sounds so far, though. I guess he was saving them for more serious work later.

I decided to end this side with a little attention to the area his jock packaged so securely. I started slapping his cock very lightly with the paddle, working up to strokes which hurt enough to make him grunt a little. Then the same on the bottoms of his balls. Now he was twitching and groaning, but he still held onto the chains. I thought about hitting hard enough so he'd let go or at least yelp, but decided his real ball workout would come later.

I grabbed his collar again. "OK, Boy, come over here."

"Yes, Sir."

I led him to the slatted table and turned him to face it. "Bend over and put your chest on the table." He did. "Now move your legs as far apart as you can and keep them on the floor." He experimented a little and found a comfortable place for his feet -- now most of his weight was on the table. The color had faded a little from his ass hole area, clearly a situation to be remedied. I picked up the paddle again. "Pull your cheeks apart for me, Boy, and don't let go."

The paddle didn't fit the shape as well as my fingers, but it was still making firm enough contact to get him to jump and groan a little, especially when I hit right on his pucker. "How you doing, Boy?"

"Just fine, Sir! Thank you, Sir!" He sounded happy.

"I'll be right back." I told him, and headed to the bathroom to get the butt plug and lub. When I got back he was still holding his cheeks apart, so I poured some lub directly on his hole. It must have been cool -- he jumped a little. I lubed the condom-covered plug well and pushed the end against his rose bud.

"Remember, that butt plug in the bathroom?"

"Yes, Sir."

"I'm going to pop that in your tight little hole and then you're going to wear it the rest of the afternoon."

"Yes, Sir."

"I'll go slowly, but this will feel a lot better to you if you push out like you did when I fucked you yesterday." He pushed back a little and I started teasing his hole. He finally relaxed enough so I could get the end in and start stretching him for real. Yeah, I could have helped him a little by using my fingers first, but he'd done that earlier, right?

"Push out." He did and I moved it in a little. "Squeeze." He tightened his sphincter and I resisted, letting the plug back out very slowly. "Push out." He did, and I pushed in a little further. "Squeeze." I let it back out a little. I kept adding more lub, taking the plug all the way out occasionally to keep the tip well lubed, too. We did it over and over until one extra nudge sent it home. His sphincter snapped closed around the neck and thrust it deeper into his gut.

"Unnh!!" A big gush of precum formed on the jock at that point. I got it on my finger and walked around in front of him.

"Good Boy." and fed him my fingers. He sucked my fingers, but was wiggling his butt a bit, still getting used to the feel of being well plugged, I guess.

"OK, Boy, stand up." He leaned up and then straightened up slowly. I knew the plug was making its presence known to new areas in his gut as he moved around.

"Do you think Bruno would like to go for a walk?"

"He always likes that, Sir." He was standing a little stiffly.

"Good, let's go."

"Like this, Sir?" He sounded a little panicked.

"I'll take your blindfold off, and you can put your clothes on when we get up stairs." I didn't need the neighbors knowing too much about what was going on. When we got to the door, I left him to put his clothes on while I went to put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and a pair of sneakers instead of my boots. When I got back to the door Mark was dressed but still looked a little he had a rod in his ass. "Stand up straight, Boy." I told him.

"Yes, Sir." He looked a little strained as he did so, but finally decided it was OK. I looked for a moment and decided the collar was a little too obvious. "Let's take the collar off, too, Boy. We don't need to give the neighbors too much to talk about."

"Thank you, Sir." A little sigh. I guess he'd worried about it a little, too.

"OK, let's go." He walked a little funny for a while, then sort of got used to it, I guess, though his concentration wasn't on the conversation yet. By the time we got to his house and he had Bruno on the leash he was doing better. Whenever he moved so his running shorts were pulled tight against his crotch the bulge was impressive. I'll bet his cock was thinking it was never going to get free.

We walked a few blocks and headed into a small park. "Why don't you take Bruno for a run around the edge of the park, Boy?" I suggested.

"I took him for a run earlier, Sir."

"I know, Boy, but I think he'd like to do it again."

"Oh. .... Yes, Sir." They set off around the park at much slower pace than I'd seen him use before. I guessed the extra weight was slowing him down a little, maybe.

When they got back to me Bruno looked happy and Mark was a little distracted. "Sir, if I move much more right now I think I'm going to cum."

"OK, Boy, I don't want that. Let's sit down here for a little bit." I sat. He sat, and inhaled sharply and closed his eyes for a moment, as the plug was forced even deeper into his gut. It probably pressed on his prostate again, too. After a short time he was more relaxed. "Let's head back."

"Yes, Sir." We dropped Bruno off at this house. I thought he looked somewhat accusing as we walked out the door, like we were having more fun than he was, but he didn't verbalize it, even in dogeese. We walked on to my house, still a little more slowly than usual, I thought.

As soon as we got the door closed, "Take your shirt and shorts off again, Boy." He did, and I shed my shorts, shirt and sneakers. When Mark had finished folding and stacking his, I handed him mine. "Take these to my bedroom and bring my boots back." I assumed they'd be in a neat pile, but if they weren't that would be another excuse for a few strokes of the paddle. He brought the boots back, and without my asking tried to help me put them on. We were pretty awkward, but if we practiced it we could do it better, probably. "Good boy!!" I patted his head while he was still on his knees. I got the collar and put it back on him.

"OK, downstairs, Boy." As we headed through the kitchen I decided I needed a drink, and stopped to get myself some. "Want some water, Boy?" I asked. He looked like he wanted some but wasn't sure if he should. "OK, Boy, you can have a glass, and you can pee, but if you do you have to take those 15 strokes I owe you without any warm up." My plan was to do it that anyway, but hey, let him decide if he could take them that way.

"Yes, Sir. I'd like some water, please." I filled his glass and handed it to him, and he clearly enjoyed it.

"OK, downstairs, Boy." We walked into the playroom, and I palmed the end of his cock through his jock and got it quite wet, then let him lick it clean. "Give me your jock, Boy, then you can go pee." He pushed his jock down, and stepped out of it and handed it to me. His cock was straightening and stretching as he stood. It might take him a while to do what he wanted. "Come back to the cross when you're ready. And don't lose that plug." There wasn't much chance of that, of course, but I thought he'd have fun trying to pee and keep his anal sphincter tight at the same time.

It took a while, but eventually I could hear his stream hitting the toilet. He really needed to do that, from the sound. While he did that I found the paddle I wanted and the wrist and ankle cuffs. He came back looking more relaxed, but a little apprehensive maybe. I put the wrist cuffs on him and then used his shoulders to position him, facing the cross this time. He held his arms up and let me clip the restraints to the chains. Again I used my foot to nudge his legs apart until his arms were stretched a little. "Do you need your feet restrained, Boy?"

"I'd like that, Sir." So I put the ankle cuffs on and pulled his legs a little further apart than was totally comfortable for either his arms or his legs. Then I found the bandana and blindfolded him again.

Now for his surprise: I wadded up his sweaty, precum-filled jock. "Open your mouth, Boy. Wide." He did, and I shoved the jock in. "Can you breathe OK that way?"

"Yefff srrr."

I folded another bandana and used it to hold the jock in place. "Still OK, Boy?"

"yeff, srrr." more muffled.

"If you need me to take it out, wag your head from side to side. Show me how you'd do that." He thought a second and then did a good job of tilting his head right and left several times, something I'd definitely notice. "Good boy."

I picked up the paddle, the larger one with the holes I had used at the end of the session yesterday and rubbed it around his butt. He wiggled a little in appreciation. I pulled it back and gave his butt a hard smack, hitting both cheeks.

"aaaaiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaghhhhhhhh!" then a deep inhale through his nose. His ass would still be sensitive from yesterday, so I was sure the pain was sharp. The gag was keeping the sound down a little, though.

"That's it, Boy, make some noise. That was one." And I hit him again in the same spot, maybe a little harder.


"That was two."

We worked through the 15, me counting for him, working up the intensity some, him making more and more noise. A little purple seemed to showing through the red when I finished. I gently rubbed his ass with my hand. "Good boy."

"mmmmmm" He was breathing hard through his nose and shaking a little. I rubbed his butt some more, played with his tits, ruffled his hair, and waited from his breathing to come back to normal.

"OK, Boy, now we need to even out the color on your cheeks." I rubbed his butt with the paddle again, and he tried to shrink away from it, but couldn't move much. I pulled back and hit one of the lighter spots quite firmly.


"That's it, Boy, yell it out." I struck another light spot.


After another 15 or 20 I was satisfied with the color and Mark was shaking pretty badly and breathing fast. "Good boy, good boy." I rubbed his hot butt gently. I think even that tingled, since he jumped. "Let's get you down, Boy." I unclipped his ankles, nudged his feet back together, and then released his wrists and helped him stand up. After he was steady on his feet, I released the second bandana and took his gag out.

"Thank you, Sir!" I wasn't sure what he was thanking me for this time. I turned him around and pulled him into a hug. He put his arms around me and put his head on my shoulder and sobbed for a while. His cock was no longer even at half-mast. Yup, that had hurt.

"You did a good job, Boy." I whispered to him. After a couple more sniffles he picked his head up and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you, Sir."

"Lean back against the cross and rest a little." I gently pushed him back and he leaned gingerly against it.

I got out an exercise mat and placed it on the floor near the horse. I fiddled around and watched until Mark seemed to be breathing normally again. "Like some water, Boy?"

Please, Sir, a little." I went to the bathroom and got him a small glass and took it back to him. "He sipped a little and swished it around his mouth; the gag and yelling had probably dried him out a little. He drank the rest of it slowly, savoring its coolness, probably.

When he'd finished I took the glass and took hold of the ring in the collar. "OK, Boy, over here." I led him to the mat and faced him the way I wanted. "I want you on your back right here." I took the glass back to the bathroom while he tried to get down without putting any pressure on his butt.

"Ssssssss, unnnnhh!!" I guess he didn't figure out how to do the impossible.

By the time I got back he was down, though, with his feet up close to his butt to take some of the pressure off. That was fine. That was where I wanted them anyway.

"OK, arms up in spread eagle again." He did, and I used some short chains to clip them to the legs of the horse. I went to the toys and got a parachute, a leather snap-on collar that fits tightly above a guys balls with three equally spaced chains around the edge leading to a single ring. It works very well to hang weights on a boy's balls and have the pressure pretty evenly distributed. I found a long cord and tied it to the parachute ring and led it over a hook in the ceiling slightly further away from his head than his feet were. I tied a three-pound weight on the end and lowered it gently then tugged slightly. Mark's balls were pulled up and away from his body and slightly in the direction of his knees. With the friction of going over the hook three pounds wasn't exerting enough pressure to make it hurt, but he knew it was there.

"Now, Boy, I want you to lift your butt off the floor. Lift high enough so your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees." He lifted some, sort of assessed how it felt, and then a little further, getting very close to that straight line. "That's good." The weight pulled the excess cord over the hook as he lifted. "Now hold that for a breath and lower your butt back to the floor and lift your feet enough so I can see light under them." He inhaled, exhaled, and started to lower his butt.

"Unnnnnnnggggghh." Now that weight felt more like 6 or 7 pounds, since he was using his balls to pull it up and overcome the friction, too. He lifted his feet a little and then put them back on the mat.

"Good boy!" I took his blindfold off. He blinked and looked at the setup. I knelt beside him and reached between his legs and shook the butt plug slightly. I wanted him to notice it again, instead of just his balls and butt.

"Ummmmm." I guess it was still appreciated.

"Now, Boy, I want you to do one of those `pull ups' whenever I tell you to." I got up, stripped off my jock and knelt across his chest and leaned forward so my cock was within reach of his mouth. He leaned up and licked at the head for a minute. "Pull up." He tried to do one, but my butt kept him from going very high. When his butt was back on the floor, I leaned across his head so my cock was pointing down at his mouth and my butt was out of his way. "Pull up." He did, with my cock in his mouth this time, and it worked. I got the benefit of his moan as his balls lifted the weight, too.

I started fucking his mouth gently and called for a pull up fairly often until I started focusing more on what was happening to my crotch than his, fucking his mouth harder and harder. I readjusted my position a little so I could fuck deeper, but not deep enough to make him gag. Well, not very often, at least. "Here it comes, Boy." I warned him.

"Ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnngggggggg!" I shot wad after wad into his waiting mouth while he tried to swallow. I leaned over and put my head on the floor above his head, letting my cock soften a little and to catch my breath. Finally, I took a deep breath sat back up, still a bit starry eyed, I'm sure. "Good boy." I told him. He smiled.

"Want me to get you off, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir!!" No doubt on that one.

"It'll cost you ten more pull ups."

"Yes, Sir. Please, Sir." He didn't know how much his sexual and endorphin high was masking the pain in his balls, but that was his problem. I moved to sit beside him and spit in my hand and rubbed it over his cock. I palmed some of his precum to add to the mix. I don't think I'd stroked his cock more than ten times when his cock suddenly grew fatter and harder, if that was possible, he lifted his butt off the ground and shot a volley, hitting himself in the face. He was jerking all around, yelling "Aaaaagghhhhh!" every time his balls got jerked by the rope and "nnnngggggghhhhhh, uuuuuunnnnnnhhh" at other times. Finally he quieted down and dropped his butt to the floor. "Aaaaaaiiiiiiiiighhhhh." I didn't know if it was the rope or his sore butt, which prompted that. Apparently he'd temporarily forgotten both.

I waited until his breathing was coming back to normal and he opened his eyes. I rubbed the cum all over his chest and belly.

Finally he focused on me again. "Thank you, Sir!!!"

"You're welcome, Boy. You can do the ten pull ups when ever you want."

"Yes, Sir." He rested a bit longer, then did one. From his grimace and concentration, I knew it hurt.

"Count'm, Boy."

"One, Sir." He did another. More concentration, and a frown.

"Two, Sir."

He got through 10, but tears were running from the corners of his eyes when he finished. "Good boy." I ruffled his hair and got up and took the weight off the cord. He sighed. I unclipped the chains, took off the collar and finally the parachute. He let out a big sigh at that point. I took hold of the bottom of the butt plug and tugged slightly. "Help me get this out, Boy." He closed his eyes and pushed out gently, then harder, and when it seemed close I popped it out. His eyes flew open again. His surprised sphincter clamped down pretty tightly and then relaxed again, at least a little. He closed his eyes, just floating in the total freedom of the moment and remembering all the sensations from the afternoon.

I pulled him up to a sitting position. He grimaced and quickly moved to his knees. We stood up and I pulled him into a hug. He held me like he never wanted to let me go. After he loosened his grip slightly I asked, "Shower, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir, I think we need it."

"Speak for yourself, Boy." I said gruffly, but grinned.

"Yes, Sir, I think I need one, Sir." he grinned, too.

While we showered I started thinking about a place an old master of mine owned out in the country. It had a good barn and an interesting clearing out in the woods. I might like to take Mark some day soon. I'd need to call Clay to see if I could use it. I wondered what his "price" might be.

-------------------- If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. I do consider suggestions. Send them to

Next: Chapter 9

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