Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on May 8, 2000


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations or power and surrender scenes, please exit this page. If you are under age please exit this story now.

Copyright 2000 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.

----------------------- Dog on the Loose -- 7

"Ding-dong. Ding-dong. Ding-dong." I slapped at my alarm clock.

"Ding-dong. Ding-dong. Ding-dong." I turned over and glared at my alarm clock and saw it was only 2:30. What??

"Ding-dong. Ding-dong. Ding-dong."

It was the doorbell. I hopped out of bed and padded naked through the dark house and peered out the peephole. The motion detector lights were on. It was Mark, naked and shivering. What the....??

I opened the door "Come in Ma..." Nancy was there, too, standing in the shadow closer to the house. She was holding a leash that ran to the collar around Mark's neck. He was looking down, avoiding any eye contact. "Uhhhh, ...." My sleep addled brain was having problems taking all this in, let alone making any sense of it.

"Hi, Bill." she said brightly. "Your dog seems to have gotten loose and ended up at my house somehow, so I brought him home for you." She handed me the leash, seemingly taking no notice that I was totally naked.

"Errrr, uuuh, thanks." I pulled on the leash lightly. "Come on in, Boy." Mark stepped into the house.

"Bill, we don't know each other very well. Why don't you come over for breakfast tomorrow? Say about 7? And bring your dog with you." She emphasized the "dog" a little.

"Uuuuh. Sure. OK." I was totally perplexed about what was going on.

"Great, see you in the morning." She waved and headed down the driveway. She was just too cheerful. I couldn't figure it out.

I shut the door and turned on the entry way light and looked at Mark. He was still shivering and looked scared. I unclipped the leash. "What..." I started.

"I don't know, Sir." He looked down at the floor.

"You're OK here, fella, but let's get you under some covers." It was a cool summer night, and he was in emotional shock I was sure. I led him to the bedroom and made him get on the bed. I took his sandals off, and put a cover over him. "I'll be back in a second." I went to get the key to the lock on his collar. When I got back he was curled in a tight ball, completely under the cover, and still shivering.

I put the key on the nightstand and got in bed behind him and spooned as well as I could with his ball. "You're OK, son." He started crying. I knew he loved Nancy, even if only as a best friend, and he would certainly be worried about what was going to happen to that. I held him, ruffled his hair from time to time, said "It's OK." once in a while. After a while he stopped shivering, but still sniffled occasionally. Finally he started uncurling out of his ball. He had his back to me, so we ended up in spoon position. I held him for a while, still having no clue about what had really happened.

"Let's take this collar off." I got the key, and he sat up and helped me get to the lock and then the buckle. I put the collar on the nightstand. I guessed we would need it again in the morning, if I understood Nancy's emphasis of "dog" in her invitation.

"Want to talk about it, Mark?" I asked him. He nodded, but started to shiver again. "Let's get under the cover first." I told him. I laid him down and he spooned into my front again and we pulled the cover up. When he got over his shock this was going to be too warm, but we would deal with that when it happened.

"I went to bed soon after getting home." he started. "I was really tired and fell asleep with the lamp still on. The next thing I knew, Nancy was sitting on the bed beside me.

"Mark, honey, what happened to your back?" As I turned onto my back she saw the collar and padlock. "And whose is this? Is this Bill's?"

I was still so startled that she was there at all I wasn't really thinking. "Uuuuh, yeah."

"And did Bill do this to you?" she was pointing to the marks on my chest, since I was now on my back.

"Uuuuuh, Yes."

" Why!!"

I thought a moment, going back to that first night. "I asked him to."

"Oh." She shook her head and looked .... thoughtful I guess it was.

"How long has this been going on?"

I had to think a little. "Since .... Monday."

"Were you going to tell me?"

I hesitated, probably blushed. "I hadn't really thought that far yet."

"Yeah, right!!" Then she got up and stomped out of the room, but as she went out the door she said, "Put on your sandals, Pup."

I wasn't sure what I'd heard, but I sat up in bed. Then she was back with the leash. "I said Put your sandals on, didn't you hear me, Pup?" She walked over and clipped the leash to the ring on the collar.

"What .... "

She pulled hard on the leash and I stood up. I wished I hadn't gone to bed naked, but she didn't seem to care. "Sandals!!" pointing at them. I slipped them on.


"Oh, quit barking, Pup, you'll wake the neighbors." She pulled on the leash and we headed to the door. When she opened it and went out I held back, I really didn't want to go outside naked. "Oh, it's OK, Pup, people don't expect dogs to wear clothes." I still held back. She stepped back in the door, took a short hold on the leash and then used the free end to slap my butt. I yelped and she shoved me out the door. "It's OK, Pup, I'm just taking you back to your owner." By then she had the door closed.

I certainly didn't want to start a fight at that point, and she said we were headed here. I just prayed that we wouldn't meet anyone and that no one would be driving down the street at this hour. And you know the rest.

"Was she angry, do you think?" She hadn't seemed that way when I saw her.

"Not really. Perplexed maybe. .... Well, yeah, she was angry when she went to get the leash."

"Well, we're both invited for breakfast." I reminded him.

"Yeah, with me as `your dog.'" He'd heard the emphasis, too, and sounded dejected. "What do you think is going to happen, Sir." I guessed he wanted a Daddy for the moment.

"I don't know, son. You know her a lot better than I do. But she sounded downright cheerful when she was here."

"Yeah. I didn't understand that at all."

"All we can do is wait and see, I guess. Think you can sleep?"

"I don't know. .... But I like being here, Sir."

"OK, son, let's try." I moved down under the cover a little further. "Oooops, better reset the alarm. She serves breakfast earlier than you." He tried to smile, but it didn't really work, then he snuggled into me.

The alarm went off at 6:15. I got up and shaved then Mark came in and I inspected him, checking the bruises on his chest, back and ass. Only a few were visible at all, and most of them were looking pretty light by now. I took his cock ring off, figuring he didn't need more stuff to explain this time. We showered together, but neither of us was in a very talkative mood. He was wondering what was going to happen at home, and I was wondering if we'd ever get to play again or even if I would see him again.

I pulled out a couple pairs of shorts and 2 T-shirts. It was one thing to walk him over here naked last night, but it wouldn't be a good idea at this time of day. We put the collar on him, but I didn't lock it this time. I clipped the leash on the ring and we put the whole thing under the T-shirt. The collar would be sort of obvious if someone looked carefully, but the leash was out of sight. Even if we saw someone, I didn't think they would notice anything unusual.

We walked silently to his house. We stood on his fairly secluded front step and he looked at me with a question on his face. "Naked, I'd guess. She wouldn't let you wear clothes last night." I told him.

Sigh. "Yeah, I guess." He took off the T-shirt and folded it carefully and put it on the step and sighed heavily and took off the shorts and did the same. Even in these circumstances he was remembering to be neat. Deep breath, and he stood up straight, looked at me. "Thanks for last night, Sir." and rang the doorbell.

Nancy opened the door. "Hello, Bill. Good to see you. I'm glad you brought your dog, too. Ohhhh, and I see he's a short hair," she said looking at his crotch. Mark blushed furiously. I'd never seen him that red. I probably blushed, too. "Come on in." Bruno was there to greet us, and didn't seem to think Mark's predicament was strange at all.

"Bill, your dog doesn't get on the furniture, does he?"

"No, he's well trained." I looked at Mark and twitched a shoulder slightly. An "I don't know, it's your house." kind of sign.

"Hey, could you take Bruno out for a short walk while I finish breakfast?"

"Uhhh. Sure." I took the leash off Mark's collar and put it on Bruno. "Got a bag?" I asked.

She handed me a plastic bag in case he needed to drop a pile some place, and we headed out the door. Bruno thought this was perfectly normal by now. I walked him around the block and was back in 10 minutes, I'd guess. Bruno had done his thing and was ready for his breakfast, too.

I went in and took off the leash and hung it by the door. I wondered if Nancy thought it was strange that I knew where it went. I went in the kitchen. Mark was on the floor, on his side, under the table looking somewhat chagrined and embarrassed at the same time. Bruno thought it was great fun and ran over to lick his face. I winked and shrugged when he looked at me. Nancy offered me coffee, which I definitely needed by then, and then fed Bruno.

"I hope scrambled eggs and bacon are OK."

"That's fine, I told her."

She put out two plates and a bowl, added eggs and bacon to the plates and put the rest of the eggs in the bowl and put it on the floor near the table. "Here, Pup. Here's some breakfast." She put some water in another bowl and put it on the floor near the eggs. She seemed to be quite cheerful. Bruno looked at Mark's bowl and then at his own and decided not to challenge his master, even if he was eating on the floor.

Mark sighed, made sort of a grumble-growl sound, got up on hands and knees and went to the bowl. He made an amazing amount of noise trying to eat his eggs without using his hands. When he finished we heard him drinking some water, then he turned around under the table, not without some difficulty, and rubbed his head against my knee. I reached under the table and ruffled his hair, and he laid down again. Bruno had finished by then, too, and came over and laid down with Mark.

Nancy and I talked about my work, her work, my garden, and the weather. Nothing at all about last night. I didn't know what to do; it was her party. Finally she said, "Bill, thanks for coming for breakfast and bringing your dog over. I think Mark and I have some things to talk over." That was a shift in his status, at least for now.

"OK, I'll head home." I got up and stopped where I could see Mark and send him an encouraging look. "Thanks for breakfast. See you later. Bye, Bruno. Bye, Mark." Bruno wagged his tail; Mark sort of waved his hand. And I escaped out the door, picked up the T-shirt and shorts, and headed home.

Once I got there I was so nervous I couldn't do anything but pace the floor. Whether it was love or not, I had gotten very fond of Mark in the last few days. I wanted him as a friend, and preferably in one piece, whether we got to play again or not. I finally went out to the garden and started pulling weeds. That didn't take too much concentration and it occupied my mind while the time dragged by. I was hoping I would hear something, but wasn't even sure I should expect that.

I guess it was about 11 when the doorbell rang. I ran into the house and opened the door. It was Mark, dressed, looking.... well, happy, somewhat amazed, relieved, and nervous all at the same time. He stepped in, and we gave each other a big hug even before I closed the door. We both had tears in our eyes when we let go of each other. "God, I'm glad to see you."

That made him look a little happier. "Thanks for being such a .... well, a good sport this morning, Bill .... Sir. And for the help last night."

"You're welcome, Mark." I wanted to keep this on a friends basis for a while.

"I don't know how I would have gotten through that without you."

"Can you stay a while?"

He nodded. "Yes. Nancy's on her way back to St Louis."

"Coffee? Juice? Water?" I asked?

He grinned at the suggestion of water, but declined them all.

"Want to tell this old man what's going on?" I prompted.

He took a shaky breath. "Yeah." He shook his head. "I hardly believe it myself. Let's go sit someplace."


"Sure." and we headed out there, me with a cup of coffee.

After we were settled in, he thought for a moment, then laughed. "As soon as you were out the door...."

"Mark, go clean up your face and put on some clothes while I clean up the kitchen."

"Thanks." I crawled out from under the table, stood up, and headed to my bathroom. I took off the collar, washed my face and shaved. When I was dressed I went back to the kitchen and she was at the table and had two cups of coffee poured.

"So you and Bill have only been doing .... whatever you do since Monday?"

"Yeah." I hesitated, not quite knowing how much to say. Finally I added, "I've been thinking about it longer, though." Long silence, at least it seemed long to me. "I'm sorry, Nancy. You're my very best friend in the whole world, but we just don't have a sex life."

Sigh. "I know. I feel the same way." Now it was her turn to wonder what to say. "You're my best friend, too, I think you know that, but there hasn't been any sexual chemistry between us for a long time, Mark. Maybe there never was."

"Well, our parents sure thought there was, or at least that there should be."

"You know, I told my mother once when she was pushing the marriage idea, that I just didn't feel very sexual about you. She said `Oh, just wait until you do it the first time. You'll think he's fantastic.'"

"I don't know about you, but my thought was more like, `So what's the big deal.'"

She laughed. "I think mine was, `That's it?'"

Long pause. Finally she asked, "Are you gay, do you think?"

I felt a moment of absolute panic. "NOOOO!" part of me screamed. But a part of my mind that I hadn't been listening to for a long time sort of opened up and said, "Of course, Dummy, that's what men who feel the way you've been feeling are called." I finally looked up at her, "Yes, I guess so." I felt a lot lighter, all at once.

She cocked her head, apparently amused at the sequence of expressions I must have had. "You just figured that out?"

"I'd never applied the word to myself before." I shrugged, "I knew I was attracted to men, never did anything about it and never named it."

"And last Monday was your first time?" She had sort of a strange expression now.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well..." Big sigh. "A year or so ago I finally figured out I was attracted to women. Last Monday I slept with .... had sex with one of my clients -- a woman. I was exhilarated and well, ..... horrified at the same time. I was wondering what I had done to you.... to us. It wasn't those other clients that cancelled those appointments, it was me. I just had to come home and.... well, see if things were still the same, I guess. And they were the same, except you seemed to be in an exceptionally good mood. That puzzled me. I wanted to tell you, but was afraid to then. That's why I was really pissed last night; I'd agonized over all that and you hadn't."

I just sat there and looked at her, probably with a dumb expression on my face. "You, too? Monday?" I sort of laughed. She laughed. We ended up laughing until we cried. Then more serious thoughts hit us.

"But what about ...." She started.

"Us?" I finished. "I don't know." Now we both had tears in our eyes. We moved to the sofa and just sat and held each other.

"I think he loves you." she told me. I started sobbing. I hadn't known how much I wanted that until that moment. She held me until I got over that. I think I've cried more in the last week than in the previous 20 years. "How do you feel?" she asked.

"Fantastic! I've never felt this way before." She looked like she was going to press for more and then decided not to.

"And what about your.... girlfriend?" I wasn't sure what the right word was.

"We've been flirting with each other for quite a while. We've been out to eat, to movies. We certainly like each other a lot. That's what led us to bed. It's a little early to use the L word, but I'm floating, at least part of the time."

We sat side by side for a long time, not talking, just being with each other. Finally she sighed, "I have to go soon."

"But.... why did you come home anyway? I thought the conference was all weekend."

"We figured out late yesterday that the two boxes of handouts we need for a presentation this afternoon were shipped here instead of there. It is only about a three hour drive and we didn't need them until this afternoon, so I decided to come home, sleep, get them and drive back."

"It WAS something of a surprise to wake up with you sitting on the bed last night."

She laughed. "Well, it WAS something of a surprise, too, to see your back and butt last night." She looked at me seriously. "You really like that?" She looked a little concerned.

I smiled, remembering yesterday afternoon. "Yeah!! I have fantasized about this sort of thing for years. Then Bill .... well, he's even better than my fantasies." Then as an after thought, "I didn't like the `dog' bit much."

"I'm sorry I did that to you. ... At least a little sorry." We both giggled.

I thought a minute. "And in spite of how my back looked, I think he's really very careful not to ..... errrr, I guess the word would be damage' me. ... And when we're not .... playing' we're good friends. At least if feels that way to me."

"And when you are `playing'?" She had a little trouble with the word. I think she was still thinking of what she'd seen last night.

"He's Sir' and I'm Boy'." I suddenly felt very good, even proud saying that.

Another silence. A comfortable one.

A sigh. "Mark, I think we have to leave the question about `us' open. There's just too much we both have to figure out."

"True. I'll always want you as my best friend, Nancy. I hope you ..... I hope things go well for you and your friend."

"Her name is Kate. And thanks." A small smile. "And I hope you and Bill .... well, I hope things go well for you, too."


She jumped up. "Now, I'm outa here." She grabbed her stuff off the table. "I have to get those boxes back to St Louis." Wicked smile. "And Mark, I really am planning to be out of town for the rest of the week." I blushed again. Then seriously, "Now go tell Bill what's happened. He'll be worried sick."

"You think so?" I hoped so, but I wasn't sure how you'd feel after last night and this morning.

"He'll be waiting on pins and needles. You'll see."

We hugged. I walked her to her car, and we waved as she drove off. You know, we're probably even better friends now than before.

Mark looked at me nervously. He'd given me more details than he really needed to, telling me how he felt about us, and maybe testing where he really stood with me. That hug when he came in the door a while ago should have been some assurance.

"Your wife is a very perceptive woman, Mark." He looked at me, waiting for some clarification. "I was a wreck, wondering what was happening and not knowing if you'd even be back over to tell me. But I guess you knew I was glad to see you from that hug a few minutes ago." He looked pleased, but still uncertain. What more did he need?

"What would you like to do this afternoon, Mark?"

"I need to take Bruno for a run." Then, very nervous, "I think you still owe me 15 strokes for disobeying you yesterday, Sir. Maybe you could deliver those?" His eyes, at least, were begging.

Now I understood - he was afraid I wouldn't want to play any more for some reason. "OK, Boy, you be back here hot and sweaty in an hour." I tried to look gruff but I'm afraid it came off as a big smile.

"Yes, Sir!!" We got up and he threw his arms around me in a bear hug. "Thank you, Sir!!"

"You're welcome, Boy."

I walked him to the door.

"Oh, wait." I went and got the cock ring from the bathroom. "Drop your pants, Boy, you're missing something."

He grinned, pushed his shorts down, put his hands behind his back and spread his legs as far as he could. I again had to struggle with his cock getting hard while I worked. This is tough work, you know. I patted his balls, milked a little precum out to the tip of his cock and licked it off, then stood up. "There you go, Boy."

"Thank you, Sir!!" Big smile, then he kissed me, his cock poking me in the belly. Maybe that cock ring meant more to him than I'd realized. He pulled his shorts up, once again having to point his cock up.

I opened the door. "Remember, Boy, you've got an hour. And be sure to wear a jock on your run." He looked at me a little quizzically. He'd find out the reason later. This time he trotted down the driveway. At that rate, he'd be back here in 30 minutes. Whatever, I could settle down now and start planning our afternoon.

-------------------- If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. I do consider suggestions. Send them to

Next: Chapter 8

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