Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on Apr 22, 2000


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations or power and surrender scenes, please exit this page. If you are under age please exit this story now.

Copyright 2000 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.

----------------------- Dog on the Loose 6 --

"Down on your hands and knees, then put your head on your arms on the floor." I told him. He took the position quickly after carefully feeling around to find out how much space he had. Maybe he still felt the need to piss pretty badly after all. I grinned.

I got a new enema bag out of the closet (I make sure things like this aren't shared between boys) and took my time opening the package. I stretched out the hose, checked the nozzle to make sure it was smooth, and closed the clamp. This was supposed to be a quart bag, but I knew from previous testing of this brand that if it was really full it held slightly over 5 cups. I ran water in the sink, carefully adjusting the temperature so it was neither too hot nor too cold, knowing the sound of running water was probably making Mark even more aware of the pressure in his bladder.

I filled the bag and hung it on the shower rod. The hose was just long enough to reach the desired target, Marks cute little pucker. I opened the clamp and let water fill the hose and closed it off again. Then I found the KY and carefully lubed Mark's asshole, feeling it twitch under my finger, and the nozzle. I gently inserted the slender 2-inch plastic tube.

"This isn't going to be an enema you like much, Boy." I smiled, wondering if he would like any enema much. "I'm going to open the clamp on the hose and just let all the water in the bag flow into your gut. You may have some cramps and you may not think you can possibly hold it all, but you will, Boy, if you know what's good for you. You certainly won't like the way I make you clean up any mess." I'd let his imagination work on that one.

I opened the clamp most of the way, he'd think that was bad enough this time. "Let your belly muscles relax. Breathing deeply will help, too."

After a short time, "Uuuunh." Forehead on his arms, deep breath. I think one of those cramps was hitting already. Probably a little over a cup of water had made its way down the hose, and more was running in all the time. The height of the bag gave it good pressure. I massaged his stomach for him.

"Let these guys relax." I encouraged.

"Ooooh. Nnnnnnh. Unnnnnh!" His sphincter was clamping hard on the nozzle. A sigh. Another cramp had come and gone.

"You're doing fine, Boy. About half of it is in." It was about two thirds, actually, but I didn't want him to get `over confident'.

Another cramp hit, a bad one, apparently. "Unnnnnnnnhaaaaaaaaah." his head moving first to one side then the other. It ended about the time the bag was empty. A small trickle of water ran down from his asshole, but apparently he felt it and clamped down hard enough to stop it.

"OK, Boy, that's all the water. Now I want you to hold it like that for at least 5 minutes." I slipped the nozzle out and then teased his pucker with it. I doubt if his mind was on his need to piss at the moment, though all the extra water would add to his need soon.

He moaned a little occasionally and was turning his head back and forth and trying to breathe deeply. I decided to add to his sensations a little. I reached between his legs and unsnapped the cock ring/ball separator then played with his balls. I reached under his chest and pinched a nipple firmly. "Aaaah!!" I saw his asshole pull in as he clamped it more firmly.

When five minutes were up I thought about waiting a little longer, but I really didn't want him to make a mess when he stood up, so decided to let him call it. "OK, Boy, that's five minutes. Any time you want you can ask me to help you to the toilet."

He wasn't in the mood to wait any longer. "Please help me Now, Sir." There seemed to be a bit of urgency in the request. He was already moving to stand up.

"This may be the hard part, Boy, holding it until you are sitting all the way down." I stepped in front of him and used the collar to lead him forward a few steps and then used his shoulders to turn him and back him up until his legs touched the toilet. "OK, sit down, but don't let go until I tell you." He sat and pushed his mostly soft cock down between his legs. His face was tense. I waited ten, maybe 15 seconds, but to him it probably seemed like forever. "OK, Boy, do what you want." There was a big gush and his face relaxed considerably. I stood back in the door and watched and pondered what I wanted to do next.

"You can flush the toilet any time you want, and when you think you're really done the TP is on the wall to your right." He immediately searched for the handle and flushed. It was a little rank in there. I turned on the exhaust fan. Then he sat for quite some time, letting little pockets of water make their way to freedom. Finally he searched out the TP and wiped himself carefully and flushed again. What the heck, we had plenty of time. I took the collar and got him to stand up and moved him to the right position by the shower.

"OK, Boy, take the position. We're going to do that again." From his expression, I don't think he was pleased. He didn't know the second time wouldn't be nearly as bad as the first; in fact it'd be sort of pleasant if he had let go of the "shame" of taking an enema. I filled the bag again, relubed his asshole, inserted the nozzle, and opened the clamp. There was only one mild cramp this time, and he breathed his way through it easily. The bag was quickly empty.

I rubbed his belly. "Feel OK, Boy?" I asked.

"Yes, Sir."

"That's all of it. Shall I refill the bag and add some more?"

The sensations he was feeling must have been sort of pleasant, because he thought about it briefly. "No, Sir, I don't think so, Sir."

Well over 5 minutes passed. "You can ask me to help you any time you want." He actually waited another minute or two before asking for help, and this time he didn't look nearly as strained when he sat down. "Do whatever you want, Boy." He must have held it for another minute or so, though he looked a little strained a couple of times. Finally he sighed and let it go. After a few more minutes he wiped and flushed.

"Want a drink of water?" I asked.

The corners of his mouth twitched. "Not right now, Sir."

I used the collar to stand him up and lead him out into the playroom next to the bed. I stopped him in good light and looked over his ass carefully. No serious bruises yet, though it was red and hot, still. I took his hand and led him to the edge of the bed.

"OK, I want you on your back in the middle of the bed." He got on and positioned himself, somewhat gingerly, pretty well in the center, even blindfolded. I adjusted his position a little and stripped off his shoes and socks. Using the chains and clips attached to the bed's legs, I spread eagled him fairly tightly. He was hard again. I found two firm clothespins and then leaned down started tonguing his nipples. When both were taut nubs, I attached the pins, again using plenty of flesh. He whimpered a little, but forgot that when I started kissing him. He liked that. My tongue asked his lips for entrance, and he was happy to comply. He was leaking precum again, and I used my thumb to spread some around the head of his cock and provide some pleasure there, too.

Enough of this. I stood up and found my medium leather paddle and started in on his thighs and inner thighs. I started lightly, but kept making it firmer and firmer. When they were red, I put the paddle down and ever so sloooowly pulled both clothes pins off at the same time.

"Ohhhh." Pant, pant, pantpant, pant, ... trying to breathe past the pain. sssssssSSSSSSS. "OhhhhhhhhhoooooHHHHHH!!!!"

I got another chorus when I started pinching and biting them to get the blood flowing again. "Good, Boy." I told him finally, and kissed him again. He really got into that kiss, the intensity of the pleasure almost matching the pain, I think. I gathered some of his precum on my fingers and offered them to him, and he sucked them in eagerly, being careful to get them really clean. I think he liked sucking on fingers, actually. I thought about letting him clean up my cock a little, but decided against it for the moment. I could get totally distracted too easily at this point.

I found a short rope and tied it firmly above his balls; the skin stretched over them was shiny again. I found my medium flogger -- medium size, but the tails were firm leather. I got on my knees between his legs, moving one knee up so it pushed firmly against his bound up balls. No pain, I just wanted him to remember what was going on there, too.

And I started working over his pecs, first lightly and then with more and more force. They were red and he was rolling his head from side to side and whimpering when I quit. His cock was at most at half-mast. I rubbed his chest and tweaked his nipples, and it started inflating again.

"I think we need to work on your back again."

"Yes, Sir."

"I owe you ten for that, Boy. I haven't changed the rules." No comment. Maybe that one was an accident, but I doubted it. I untied the rope around his balls and then unclipped the restraints and helped him turn over. I reattached the clips, but not to tightly.

"Does Bruno need to be walked, Boy?"

"He'd really like that at some point, Sir." He sounded like he liked the idea of a break.

"Are the keys in your shorts?"

Pause. "Yes, Sir." He had figured out my plan.

"Think he'll let me walk him?"

"I'd think so, Sir."

"Good, I'll go do that. Don't go away." He snorted.

I noisily closed the door as I left. He was chained down, blindfolded and didn't know how long I was going to be gone. I hoped he would enjoy the break.

I pulled my leather jock off and licked up the puddle of precum I had been generating. Mmmmm, salty. I put on shorts and a T-shirt and sandals, found the key and headed out to take Bruno for a stroll. I didn't want to get back too soon.

When I got back to the house I was very quiet. I switched back to my leather jock and after about 45 minutes had gone by and I slipped quietly down the stairs and slowly opened the door on its well-oiled hinges and checked him out. Mark was slowly, gently hunching his cock against the bed. It was a very sexy sight, actually, and I watched while my cock got hard enough to want more room again. I reached in and adjusted it so it could expand to full size and not cause me discomfort. Soon enough I'd want it out anyway.

I slowly, silently walked over and firmly slapped his butt. "Aiiieh!" That was the second time I'd surprised him today.

"I didn't tell you to play with yourself! You'll pay for that."

"Sorry, Sir."

"And that, too. I didn't ask you a question!"

"No, Sir." This boy was getting confident.

First I went to each restraint and took a couple of links out of the length. He was now spread fairly tightly again. I found the flogger I'd used before and again got between his legs. I started working on his shoulders, starting lightly and working up to a level so he was grunting on each blow. I moved to the side of the bed. "Let's work on some of the ones I owe you. Count'm off." I wopped his ass firmly.

"One, Sir. Thank you, SIR." And again.

"Two, Sir. Thank you, SIR."

I took him up to 15 and felt his butt. It was HOT again, maybe a little purple, and showing a few individual marks. I had a larger flogger I'd liked to use, but the bed didn't lend itself to that. Oh, well, there would be another day. Or at least I hoped there would be.

I went back to his shoulders with the flogger, putting enough energy into it now so he was turning his head back and forth, biting the sheet, making little growling sounds. "You can make as much noise as you want, Boy. Let those sounds out."

On the next stroke he made a little more noise. "grrrrrr."

"Louder." I said and gave him another, harder stroke.


"Louder!" I demanded, and another stroke.


"LOUDER!" I almost yelled at him, and another stroke.


"GOOD BOY!! GO FOR IT!!!" And another stroke.


Another stroke.


It continued like that for another 10, with him yelling louder and adding more sounds. I was definitely sweating when I quit, and so was he.

"Good boy!!!" I told him, and started touching his back very lightly with just my fingertips. He was breathing hard but definitely on an endorphin high now. I leaned down with my hands on both sides of his body and licked and sucked his ear. "I want to fuck your beautiful ass, Boy." I whispered.

He opened his mouth and then closed it again. I decided to drop the no talking rule. "It's OK, Boy, you can talk now."

"Oh, Yes!! Please Sir, Please fuck me!!! Now!!!! Please!!!" Music to my ears.

I stood beside the bed and stripped out of my leather jock and boots, and got a condom and lub out of the bedside stand. I got back on the bed and positioned myself between his legs. The condom was out of the pack and on my cock as quickly as I could manage, and then I lubed it well and lubed his asshole well. The double enema had probably left him a little `dry' internally, so I used a couple of fingers to push as much lube up there as I could, though his sphincter didn't want to let me in. All this took only a couple of minutes, I suppose, though it seemed like longer than that. I wanted this experience to be part of his high.

Finally, I put the head of my now rock hard 7 inches against his pucker and started pushing. It felt like it was locked. "Relax, Boy. Push out, like you're trying to take a crap." A little twitch or two, then suddenly he let go and I was in about half way.

"Uuuuunh!" Well, it had been a little fast.

"It's OK, Boy. I'll just stay still for a minute." It was hot and tight, and I was getting my own rush. After a little while he sighed and I felt him relax again. I started pushing in again, slowly now. Shortly I had my pubes against his butt. I stayed there for a bit and then started pulling out slowly.

He made a little "don't leave me" whine, probably one he'd learned from Bruno.

I pushed back in and then slowly set up a rhythm. He was groaning with pleasure, trying to buck his ass against me. I stretched out on top of him so I could release the clips on his wrist restraints. He immediately adjusted so he could buck against me better. "Pull your cheeks apart so I can get deeper." I suggested. He did, and I sank in another inch.

"Oh, Yeah!!" I guess he liked it. I stroked full length a couple of times, nudging his prostate on each pass.

"Ohhh! Ooooohhhh! I'm going to cum, Si...nnnngggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!"

The suddenness of it caught him by surprise. I wanted to continue stroking his prostate, but his spasms were enough to put me over the edge, too, so I just plunged in all the way, moaned, and held on.

I came back to my body a long time before he did, but I just lay quietly on top of him and waited for some evidence of local mental life again. It felt good just being in/with him that way. Finally he sighed and moved a little, and I pushed up and held onto the condom and backed out of his ass. By then I was soft enough it didn't feel like such a void for him.


"I laid the used condom aside and bent forward and licked his ear again.

"MMMMmmmmmmmm." Yeah, he was coming back. I unfastened the clips on his ankle cuffs, stretched out of top of him and then rolled us onto our sides with him in spoon position in front of me.


"Good boy." I whispered in his ear. He pushed back, trying to get a little closer to me, maybe getting another 2 or 3 square inches of skin contact in the process.

A little later a big breath. "That was wonderful ... no, that was awesome, Sir."

"Glad you liked it, Boy." He rubbed his butt against me, not seductive, just nuzzling, so to speak.

I grabbed a pillow and got our heads on it. I think we both drifted off to sleep for a while. I could tell he was awake when I woke up. Finally I got up the energy to suggest, "Time for a shower, Mark?"

"Yeah, I stink."

I took off his leather collar and restraints, then led the way to the shower, got out towels, got in and adjusted the water. He stepped in and jumped out again. I'd forgotten that this shower at full force on his back would sting quite a bit right then. I adjusted the force and the temperature and he eased in again, and stayed that time. We showered together, not as Sir and Boy, but as good friends. Well, very good friends actually, considering how careful we were to get each other clean all over.

I patted his back dry and wiped down the rest of him when we got out, then he did me. I turned around from hanging up my towel, and he stepped close and hugged me hard, "Thank you, Sir!!"

"You're welcome, Boy. I liked that a lot today."

"So did I, Sir. So did I."

We ordered a pizza and salad for dinner. We ate and talked and snuggled on the sofa and listened to some music. I asked him if he wanted to stay all night. He wanted to, but was afraid of what Bruno would do the their house if we was left alone all night. He got restless after too many hours alone, it seemed.

Finally he decided he had to go. "I need to get dressed. May I have the cock ring back, please, Sir."

"Of course. It's in the basement bathroom." We went down to get that and get his shoes and socks. He started to put the ring on.

"I think that's my job, Boy." He grinned and handed it to me. My handling his balls and cock was getting him firm enough so it was a little difficult to get it on. "I think you should wear the collar tonight, too, Boy."

"If you say so, Sir." He looked a little dubious. I put it back around his neck, but not too tightly, and padlocked it on again. It would be interesting to see how he got back over here in the morning.

"Would you like to come to my house for breakfast tomorrow? Maybe around 9 or so?" he asked. Maybe he'd already solved his collar problem. Smart boy. Bruno might get to go for his walk either very early or when I got there. We'd see.


We went back up stairs and he finished dressing. We had a good looooong kiss and hug, and I let him out. I think he floated down the driveway. I knew I was still on my own high. Was I falling in love?

"Careful, Bill, he's already married." I reminded myself. "Yeah, but..." another part of me thought.

-------------------- If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. I do consider suggestions. Send them to I ignore flames.

Next: Chapter 7

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