Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on Apr 22, 2000


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations or power and surrender scenes, please exit this page. If you are under age please exit this story now.

Copyright 2000 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.

----------------------- Dog on the Loose 5 --

Mark was at my door somewhat earlier than I had expected on Saturday morning. He was dressed in loose shorts, a T-shirt and sandals. "Good morning, Sir. I'm heading to the lab early so I can get a few things done before the meeting. That way I can get away right after it's over, come home, take Bruno for a run and then be back here by 1 or so. If that works for you, that is."

That was a mouthful, and sort of rushed, but then maybe he was a little nervous about the afternoon. It sounded reasonable, and maybe he was especially anxious to have his balls hanging free again.

"Come in, Boy. That timing works fine for me." I noticed he still moved rather carefully. His nuts must be a little tender this morning.

"Drop your pants so I can fix you up and you can be on your way." He dropped his pants, revealing a jock strap with a significant bulge. He pulled that down and stepped out of them both, then stood with his legs apart and his hands behind his back, giving me free access. His cock was already half hard, and his balls were snuggly up against the bottom of the ball stretcher, the skin tight enough to be a little shiny.

I knelt in front of him and patted the bottoms of his balls again, like I had last night, though this time I kept it up for 15 or 20 pats, increasing the intensity as I did it. His knees wobbled a couple of times and he was making little grunting sounds and was panting a little by the time I finished that. Then I took them firmly in my hand and took his cock, now mostly hard, in my mouth. It quickly swelled to its full size. I swirled my tongue around the head a few times, getting a taste of his pre cum. "Oh, Sir." he sighed. I backed off, held his cock firm in my hand and gave the head a couple of heavy licks with my tongue. "Oooooh!!" was all he could manage.

I figured he'd be unstoppable if I did much more, so I backed off and carefully unsnapped the ball stretcher. He sighed as his balls pulled back to where they wanted to be. I took them in my right hand and squeezed firmly enough to get an "Uuuuunh!" out of him, kissed the tip of his cock, and stood up.

"Ok, Boy, get dressed, and off to the lab with you. I'll see you around one. And don't jack off!" I warned him.

"Yes, Sir." He picked up the jock and put it on, once again having to point his cock straight up. He carefully adjusted his balls so they were just the way he wanted them, like they might be a bit sensitive. He picked up his shorts and stepped into them. He looked at me shyly, "I'm looking forward to this afternoon, Sir."

"So am I, Boy, so am I!" I told him. I kissed him on the lips and got a big smile. I opened the door for him, and he headed out, moving a little more freely. "Oh, and don't bother to shower before you come back over."

I smiled, thinking of the afternoon. This time we wouldn't have to cut things short. And now I knew some marks that lasted a few days wouldn't be a problem, if they weren't too obvious.

The doorbell rang at about 12:50. I opened the door for him. He was dressed in a tank top, running shorts, shoes and socks. "Hello, Sir. I guess I may be a few minutes early." He had in fact been for his run, and smelled like a clean but sweaty male, an odor I definitely like. I was ready, but he was providing a reason for me to let his imagination work a bit. I like doing that.

"You're early, Boy. You'll have to wait a few minutes until I'm ready."

"Shall I wait here, Sir?"

"Yes, but we'll do it my way." I took his arm and turned him around so he was facing the wall. "Put your hands behind your back." He did so, and spread his legs. "Good, Boy." I pulled a bandana out of my pocket and folded it into a triangle and then into a long band and blindfolded him, tying it fairly tightly around his head. I stood close behind him to adjust it, making sure he couldn't see, then I let my hands drift down his body, tweaking his tits briefly, running lightly over his belly and then cupping his basket firmly and pulling his butt against me. His hands were not in quite the right spot for him to get a good feel of me through my cutoffs. He started to move them a little, and I squeezed his balls firmly. "Did I say you could grope me, Boy."

"No, Sir. Sorry, Sir." He took a deep breath and relaxed against me.

I let go of him and moved back slowly, giving him time to regain his balance. "I'll come back and get you when I'm ready." I told him. "Stay there."

"Yes, Sir." Deep breath and he sort of settled in, adjusting his hands a little. His ass made a pretty picture through his running shorts.

I made a point of making significant noise as I went down the basement stairs. I walked through the "family room" and through a door to the room behind it -- my playroom. I checked it out again. There was the place I could tie a boy spread eagle standing up in the middle of the room, or I could tie him to the bed in the corner any way I wanted. The bed had an old sheet over a plastic mattress cover, but no other covers. It wasn't used for sleeping much. Then there was a horse. It had a fairly narrow but well padded top. Boys could be bent over it, ankles tied to the legs one side and wrists to the legs on the other, or they could be made to straddle it so it supported their torso and their legs and arms tied on opposite sides. Either way their ass was a prime target for a paddle, and it was always easy to imagine other ways to play with a hot body restrained that way.

A friend who didn't have space to make a playroom of his own had provided a couple of things, too. There was a St. Andrews cross with plenty of I-bolts for tying things to, and a table made of spaced 2 x 4s which allowed a boy to be totally restrained in nearly any flat position you could imagine if you had enough ropes. You could have him lay his torso across it while keeping his feet on the floor, too, of course.

Everything seemed to be ready, so I fiddled with a couple of things until Mark had been left alone for at least 10 minutes. I picked up a slave collar and took off my shoes and moved slowly and quietly up the stairs and then around the corner to the entryway. Mark was fidgeting a little, but otherwise didn't seem to have moved. I grabbed his butt in my hands.

"Aayyh!" He jumped. "Sorry, Sir."

"You stayed where you were told, Boy. You did good." He smiled. I put the black leather slave collar around his neck and buckled it fairly tightly. Actually, it's a dog collar, but it looks just like a collar you can find in leather toy stores, and it was a lot cheaper. I had added a little loop that let me padlock it on, and I made sure the lock snapped clearly when I closed it. "Let's get you out of these clothes." I told him.

"Yes, Sir." I pulled his tank top up and he moved his arms up so I could get it all the way off. He checked out the collar carefully before he dropped his arms back to his sides. I think the bulge in his jock expanded a little, too. Then I hooked my thumbs in the sides of his shorts and jock and pulled them to his feet, letting his cock spring free.

"Put your hand on the wall to balance." I suggested. Then I put my hand on one ankle to show him which foot I wanted him to lift and slipped the shorts and jock off, then did the other side. That left him with shoes, socks, slave collar and blindfold. Since I wanted him down stairs, I decided the blindfold was not the best idea, so I took it off.

"Fold your clothes and leave them in a stack there." He bent to do so, and I caught sight of his cock and balls from behind. (Pure accident, you understand.) That was too much temptation -- I reached between his legs fondled his balls while he was folding his clothes. He sighed in appreciation. He was mostly hard by this time.

"Would you like a drink, Boy?"

"That would be good, Sir."

I led him to the kitchen, got a large glass and filled it with water. "Drink that down." He did and handed it back. I filled it again and handed it to him.

"I don't think I need that, Sir."

"I didn't ask. Drink it."

"Yes, Sir."

That was probably a quart I'd given him. He'd remember that later. He handed the glass back when he was finished. I thought about doing it again, but that might be too much all at once. I'd give him some more later if he "needed" it.

"OK, hands behind your back again." I tied them with the bandana. "Now, follow me." and I led him to the basement playroom. He'd never seen it, didn't even know it existed, so I let him look around for a bit after we got through the door. Just looking around he got harder; he was excited by what he was seeing. I liked that.

I walked over to him and started running my hands all over his body, teasing his tits, rubbing his belly clear down to the root of his cock, pulling his pubic hairs a bit, cupping his balls, using the heel of my hand to press his cock into his belly, cupping his ass cheeks. Once in a while I'd slap an area lightly, just waking it up a little.

I decided I'd like to see him looking more like a boy. "Follow me." I said, heading to the bathroom "Lean back on the counter and spread your legs." He did as he was told. First I took the cock ring off, which was no easy task, given how hard he was, but it was fun work. I didn't want to spend the time to do a real shave, so I pulled my beard trimmer out of the cabinet and started trimming his bush. He looked surprised but didn't object, not that it would have made a lot of difference. The beard trimmer actually gets the hair pretty short, so he was looking pretty naked where I'd worked. I held his cock and carefully trimmed the hairs along its side, then held his balls so the sack was tight and trimmed the hairs off of them.

I checked out my work by licking his cock and balls enough to get him breathing a little faster. "OK, turn around and bend over the counter." He did, laying his chest on the counter top. I used to trimmer to clip the hairs around his asshole and then the ones between his asshole and his scrotum. He was feeling pretty smooth all over that area now. "OK, stand up again." I told him. I untied his hands and got a hand vac out of the closet. "Now, clean up your mess."

He looked at me with a slight smirk, clearly thinking it wasn't really his mess. "Yes, Sir." and he carefully vacuumed anyplace he could see any hairs.

"Let me finish." I took the vacuum from him and ran it all over his crotch, down the insides of his legs. He shivered a little when it pulled on his nearly naked balls. His cock had stayed hard through all this, and was leaking slightly. I milked some of his precum onto my fingers and held them up to his mouth. He sucked them in and licked them carefully. My cock throbbed, remembering his tongue from the night before in the garden.

"OK, Boy, come back out here." I led him to the center of the room and put the leather cuffs on his ankles and wrists. I used double-ended clips to attach the rings on his ankle cuffs to rings on my spreader bar. His legs were held well over shoulder width apart now. Next I fed a rope through the ring on his right wrist cuff and tied it off, then across one of the hooks in the ceiling and down to a carefully positioned tie down. I repeated this is with the left arm. I didn't force him up on his toes, but he was stretched a little. I'd watch his hands to make sure they were OK.

"You look really wonderful that way, Boy." I told him.

"Thank you, Sir. I--I like this, Sir."

"Good. Now, I'm going to change the rules a little. I don't want you to say anything at all unless I ask you a direct question or tell you to talk."

"Yes, Sir." he responded automatically.

I slapped his butt firmly enough to leave a read mark. "I didn't ask you a question!" I reminded him. He opened his mouth, then shut it again.

"There are two exceptions. If your hands start getting numb and I haven't noticed, you may say Hand.' The other is if you just absolutely can't take any more of what I am doing, you may say Red light.' and I will stop. Got that?"

Slight hesitation, then he realized it was a direct question. "Yes, Sir!!" I liked his enthusiasm.

I went back to the bathroom and found the bandana and blindfolded him again. I like to keep boys guessing a little about what I am up to. When I finished that, I started feeling him up again, ending by again getting some of his precum on my finger so he could suck it off. I started slapping him here and there to warm him up a little, and this time I kept it up until I'd covered most of his body at least once, including his cock and balls. He was doing well, making little grunts but not saying anything when something like a slap to his balls really hurt.

It was time to get a little more comfortable. I slipped off my T-shirt and shorts, revealing my black leather jock and adjusted my own cock so it was more comfortable in its firm if not hard state, a state it would be in for most of the afternoon. I was in my boots and jock and Mark was in his running shoes and blindfold. We made a nice pair, I thought.

I walked over to my toy collection and picked up a short flexible leather paddle. Using it lightly I started on his butt then worked down the backs, sides and insides of his legs, came around to the front and came back up, not missing his cock and balls. I continued up through where his pubes had been then his stomach and chest, and especially his tits. Over his shoulders I went, and came back down his back to his butt. Now I started using it much more firmly on his butt and on his shoulders. A pink glow started to appear now. I used the flat of my tongue and licked up his spine between his shoulders. He shivered slightly.

I switched to the riding crop and pretty much repeated the sequence with the leather paddle. Again I ended on the butt and back, again working harder here. His cock was now rock hard and drooling. I collected some of that and fed it to him while I ran my other hand over as much of him as I could reach. "You're doing good boy." I told him.

Time to get a little more serious. I picked up some weak clothespins and put one on each tit, making sure to get enough flesh so it wouldn't slide off. I wanted him to experience that when I was doing it. I switched to a harder paddle and warmed his ass pretty well. After about 5 minutes had passed, I took the clothes pins off and sucked and nibbled one tit and then the other. His breathing sped up, but he was still not hurting, not really. I switched back to the lighter paddle and went over the rest of his body. He was probably starting to feel a little cocky -- "I can take this without any problem." kinds of thoughts. I fed him more precum. He sucked my fingers hard. My cock noticed and twitched, wondering when it was going to get its turn.

I picked up a still harder paddle... no, I'd better check his hands. They were getting a little cool, so I didn't want to leave him in this position too much longer. I put the paddle down and found one of my cock and ball toys, the long strap that forms a cock ring plus ball separators. I fit it snugly around his cock and snapped that part closed, then pulled the straps that go between the balls and pull them sideways pretty tight. He grunted, but didn't say anything. "Good boy." I encouraged him. I knelt in front of him and took the head of his cock in my mouth.

"Mmmmm." but no words. I'd let that pass. We might do no sounds later. I reached up and played with his tits pretty firmly, and he squirmed a little. Time to up the ante a little. I found three stronger clothes pins and clipped them on the little ridge of skin that ran between his balls and asshole. (That doesn't hurt as much as you think when they are put on.) Then I found my light flogger and went to work on his belly, chest and thighs. Only when they started to turn a fairly bright pink did I stop. He was breathing a little fast, but was still not hurting much. I ran my hands over his chest and belly. "You're doing well, Boy."

"Thank you, Sir."

Caught him!! "I didn't ask you a question!" I snapped at him. I picked up the hard paddle and whacked his butt quite firmly. "The next time will get you ten of those."

He opened his mouth then closed it again. Not even a sound, just heavy breathing. Good. And he was still hard. Even better!

Now back to the clothespins. This time I didn't unclip them, I pulled them off. Slowly! "Ssssssssss." inhaling on the first one, then lots more heavy breathing on the other two.

"Time to move you, Boy." I unclipped his ankles from the spreader and pressed in on his legs so he knew to move his feet closer together. The ropes on his wrist cuffs might be needed, so I just untied them from the tie downs and slipped them off the hooks. Grabbing the ring on his collar, I led him to the horse. Good, it was a little high for him, so he would have only his toes on the floor.

"Lean over that bar that's against your belly, Boy." He did, but he wasn't quite high enough. I went in front of him and pulled on his arms a little, moving him so he could form a nice upside down "V" over the bar. Using the ropes, I tied his arms apart and down toward the floor, then found some ropes and did the same for his legs. His toes were barely on the floor -- not enough to do any good, even with his shoes on.

Back to those stronger clothespins, but not the tightest I had yet. I attached one to each tit, again getting a good hunk of flesh behind the tit, too. A deep breath for each one, but not much else. He actually couldn't do a lot more in this position.

I stepped back to admire the beautiful sight in front of me, went around and looked at his cute ass up in the air and cock and balls hanging down. I reached under and cupped and rolled his balls around.

"Thank you, Sir." he said.

"The rules haven't changed, Boy. That'll cost you ten." I growled. "Accident?" I wondered. I don't think this boy makes many mistakes.

"Yes, Sir." Nope, it was planned.

"And that's ten more!"

No response? Well, we were up to 20. He probably wasn't sure how many he really wanted. 20 of what I had in mind would leave his ass quite red, and I wasn't planning to stop at 20.

I picked up the hard leather paddle and rubbed it all over his butt, running it between his legs to tease his balls a bit. "Mmmmm." He liked this part, at least. I pulled it back and landed a firm blow on his right cheek. "Ssssssss!" again. I started alternating between his left and right cheeks, occasionally landing one on both. He didn't make any noise, but was breathing fast. After a good 20 or so I stopped and ran my hand over his butt. It was definitely warm!

I picked up a new paddle, one with holes in it so it wouldn't be cushioned by the air as much, and longer. "OK, boy, I'm going to give you the 20 I owe you for talking, and I want you to count them out loud for me." I landed a firm one so it hit both cheeks. I knew it stung more than the previous ones."

"One." he counted.

"One, whaat?" I drug it out.

"One, Sir."

"OK, start over." I landed a second.

"One, Sir."

"Aren't you going to thank me, Boy?"

"Thank you, Sir."

"OK, Boy, you're doing better. Now let's start over and see if you can do it right." I landed another, a little more firmly.

"One, Sir. Thank you, Sir." I landed one on his right cheek.

"Two, Sir. Thank you, Sir." Another on his left.

"Three, Sir. Thank you." It must be hurting enough so he's a little distracted. Or he likes this better than I expected.

"Three, Sir, Thank you, SIR!" I reminded him. "Start over." I landed one firmly in the middle.

"One, Sir. Thank you, SIR!" he repeated. Another

"Two, Sir. Thank you, SIR!" Another.

"Three, Sir. Thank you, SIR!"

He got through 20 correctly, and his ass was a nice dark red. I ran my hand over it and it was definitely hot. He was breathing heavily now.

The clothespins had been on longer than I had intended. Time to take them off. I put my hand on his back and pulled the first off, slooooowly. "Aaaaaa! Oooooh! Aaaaaaa! Unnnnnnngh!" I squeezed and rubbed the circulation back. "Aaaaaaaaaaaoooooooo!" I walked around to the other side and he almost shied away from me, what little he could tied the way he was. I pulled it off half as fast. "A.a.a.a.a.a.aaaaaAAAAAAAA!!! " It came off, finally. "O.o.o.o.o.ooOOOO!!!" as I rubbed the circulation back. He was breathing really hard now.

"Good boy." I held his head and rubbed his face. There were tears dripping off his nose. His breathing was slowing and he rubbed his head into my hand. "Good boy." I kissed the back of his head.

"May I use the bathroom, Sir?"

"I didn't tell you you could talk, Boy" I reminded him. "I owe you ten." Deep breath, but no further comment. "You should have thought of that when you drank so much water earlier." I felt him turn his head as he tried to look at me. He remembered it had been my idea for him to drink that much. I was sure the pressure of the horse was making the need obvious.

"I'll trade you. I'll put a butt plug in your ass and then I'll let you take a piss. And if you dribble on the floor while I'm putting the plug in you have to lick it up." I let him think about that for a few seconds. "It will come out clean, won't it?"

Hesitation. A direct question, he knew he could answer legally... Finally, "I'm not sure, Sir."

"Then you can choose, Boy. An enema, then you can piss, or the butt plug and then you can piss. But if the plug comes out dirty you get to lick it clean. Tell me which you want." I'm not really into water sports or skat, but he didn't know that, at least not yet.

He was thinking. Sigh. "I'd better take the enema, Sir." I don't think he liked either option much.

"OK. First you have to take those ten strokes. This time, I want you to ask for them, one by one. Start out `Give me one, please, Sir.'"

Before I even got my hands on the paddle he ask for the first."

"Give me one, please, SIR!" I gave it to him, quite firmly.

"Give me two, please, SIR!" I waited for a while, lone enough to make him wonder what was wrong, and then gave it to him.

"Give me three, please, SIR!" I landed it almost before he was finished with the request.

Gasp. "Give me four, please, SIR!"

And we got through the 10, me keeping him wondering when and where the next one would land.

I rubbed his butt. It was HOT and deep red. He might be showing some of this tomorrow. "You're doing a good job, Boy!" I encouraged.

"OK, to the bathroom." and I started releasing his ropes. I knew as soon as the pressure was off his belly the need to piss wouldn't be as pressing, but then I wasn't going to let it happen too soon either.

He was a little shaky when I helped him stand up. I held him until he was steadier, then took the ropes off his cuffs and led him by the collar to the bathroom.

"Down on your hands and knees, then put your head on your arms on the floor." I told him. He took the position quickly after carefully feeling around to find out how much space he had. Maybe he still felt the need to piss pretty badly after all. I grinned.

-------------------- If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. I do consider suggestions. Send them to I ignore flames.

Next: Chapter 6

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