Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on Feb 21, 2000


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations or power and surrender scenes, please exit this page. If you are under age please exit this story now.

DOG ON THE LOOSE III: Lust in the Garden

Copyright 1999 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.


With Mark on his way home to meet his wife, my cock was still demanding attention. I thought about a shower and a quick JO session, but I needed more than that. I wanted something slow and special.

It was a warm night with enough moonlight to let me see fairly well in the back yard. I went to the bedroom to kick off my cutoffs and grab a bag of toys I might like to use on myself while I stroked toward a ball-wrenching release in my moon lit garden. My back yard is fairly private on the east and south, less so on the north, but a widower lives there, and I'm on good terms with him, so even if he sees me there won't be a problem. He goes to bed fairly early by my standards, so it isn't likely he'll even be up. I turned off the motion detector lights, and walked out the sun room door to the patio. (I forgot those lights once and was a little embarrassed when I walked out the door with my hard cock bouncing and pointing the way, and suddenly there was light everywhere. I don't think anyone was around to see me, but it is a well remembered lesson.)

Putting my bag of toys down on the patio table I rummaged around and found some tit clamps connected by a chain and a cock ring with a ball stretcher attached. I adjusted the clamps so they were tight but not so tight I wouldn't be able to stand it for half an hour or so, and carefully attached them to my tits, gasping a little as each one bit in. If someone had me restrained so I couldn't take them off, he'd probably have them tighter. Then I snapped the cock ring around my already hard and drooling cock and carefully pulled my balls down and, one by one, closed the three snaps on the leather tube, forcing my balls down a little further than they wanted to be. I found some lube and massaged some of it into my ass hole. I found some clothes pins and put them on the table in case I wanted to tease my body even more later.

Then I walked off the patio onto a garden path and started stroking my straining dick as I moved around the various beds. It was very tempting just to stand and take myself over the edge, but I resisted. I wandered, stroking my meat and feeling the textures of lawn and path and dirt under my bare feet. I teased my ass hole, rubbing over it and occasionally sticking a finger in and moving it around while breathing in the night air, tasting it, smelling the mixed scents of the soil and flowers and foliage. I waved my cock wildly and danced in the moonlight, feeling the air on my body. I was a part of all nature, it was part of me, and we were building erotic energy to dizzying heights.

I don't know how long I was Pan in my garden, but at some point I knew a mind-blowing orgasm was very close. I put the chain between my tit clamps in my mouth so I could tilt my head up and pull on my tits and used my other hand to pull my balls down even harder. I moved to the brightest moonlight, spit in my hand for a little more lub and mixed it with my precum and started stroking in earnest. After only a few more strokes I threw back my head, groaned loudly, shot wad after wad of cum over the flowerbed in front of me. I fell to my knees in the sudden weakness that followed, breathing deeply, almost feeling like I was floating, immersed in the energy of the garden all around me.

Off to the side, I heard someone say softly, "That was awesome, man!"

I was still so caught up in the intensity of the feelings, the energy of the space, that I wasn't even particularly startled. I looked off to my right and saw a young man standing in the opening of my back yard fence. He was probably 5 foot 8 , solidly built, medium length blond hair, and his shorts were down around his ankles and he was stroking his cock gently.

"Yeah, it certainly was!" I said quietly. "Kick off those shorts and come over here and shoot your cum over my garden, too."

He hesitated only briefly, then stepped out of his shorts, and walked over beside me, spit in his hand and started stroking in earnest. His other hand strayed up to his tits. I turned a little and reached up and rubbed his butt with my right hand and took hold of his balls with my left. That was all it took – he bucked, threw back his head and hissed, beating his meat wildly, while his cum flew all over the place. Then he ended up on his hands and knees beside me, panting hard. After a bit he shook his head and summed it up: "WOW!"

Shortly he took a deep breath and sat back on his heels and gave me a small, embarrassed smile. "I've never done that before."

I grinned. "What, cum in my garden?" I asked.

"No, errr, none of it, actually. I've never cum with another guy. I've never had anyone touch my balls except a doctor. Just....just....none of it." Then "Wow!" And another deep breath.

"Why don't you go get your shorts and we can go sit on my patio?" I suggested.

"Yeah. OK." We both got to our feet and he tried to cover his still engorged cock with his hands.

"Hey, don't worry about that," I said, "we've both seen each other at our best." He laughed and dropped his hands and went over and picked up his shorts. He started to put them on. "Don't bother with that." I said quietly. "We may want them off again later." He hesitated, then shrugged, and we walked over to my patio bare-ass naked, feeling the night air on our bodies, feeling the breezes blowing around our cocks and balls. He was still mostly hard. I knew I could get that way again soon if the right situation developed.

He sat down and sort of covered his crotch with his hands. I stood so he could see me and slowly took off the ball stretcher and cock ring and then the tit clamps. Even in the somewhat broken moonlight here I could see he was watching intently. I handed him the tit clamps so he had to move his hands. He was fully hard again. He tried one of the clamps on his finger and looked a little surprised. "Unless you're experienced you wouldn't want then that tight on your tits." I advised him.

"Uhh, yeah." he said and put them down on the table and dropped his hands back to his lap.

"So, who are you?" I asked. "I don't think I've seen you in my back yard before." I added with a grin.

"I'm Scott. Nial is my grandfather." Nial is my next door neighbor on the side where my yard is least private. "He went to bed after the news on TV, but I couldn't sleep. I came out the basement door to sit on his patio and saw you moving around the yard, dancing or something. I came over so I could see what you were really doing, and then just couldn't stop watching. You got me pretty hot, too."

Ooops. I'd seduced my neighbor's grandson? I wasn't at all sure he'd like that. "I don't think I've seen you visit here before."

"Yeah, this is my first time. I'm going to go to college here in the fall, and he suggested that I come visit and he'd take me on a tour of the campus and introduce me to a few people. He's a professor there, you know."

I knew that. Nial and I were pretty friendly. We stopped and talked on the street or when we were working in our yards regularly. We'd had drinks occasionally at his place or mine. I knew he had a grandson but didn't know he was this old. "He doesn't know you're over here?"

"No, and don't worry, I don't plan to tell him about, .... about,.... well, you know, any of this."

I could see he will still hard and was now was playing with his cock a little, too, probably unconsciously. Probably. We were quiet for a few moments and I noticed he was looking at the stuff on the table. "Want to try the tit clamps?" I asked, since I'd seen him play with his tits when he was close to coming.

He picked them up again, and again tried on one his finger. "You'd want it looser than that." I said. I took them and adjusted the thumb screws and handed them back.

He tried it on his finger again and said, "Well, I guess." He tried to put one on and didn't quite know how to do it. "Would you do it, please?" he said, handing them to me. I put on one and released it slowly. He hissed and started to reach for it.

I took it off. "A little looser, right?"

"Yeeah." I adjusted them again. As I reached for his chest again, he said, "If you tied me to that tree," pointing to one of my tall, straight trees, "I'd have to take whatever you wanted me to, wouldn't I?"

"Well, you could ask me to change it but you wouldn't be able to grab it."

He was breathing a little nervously and I could see his pulse was fast. "I ..... I think I'd .... would you do that to me? .... Please?"

"You want me to tie you to that tree?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, please."

"Yes, please, what?"

"Yes, please .... tie me up."

"Yes, please, tie me up, what"

"Yes please, tie me up .... uhhhh .... sir?

"Good boy. You want me to tie you up and then use the tit clamps?"

"Yes, Sir."

"You want me to tie your cock and balls up, too?"

Pause. Then very quietly, "Yes, Sir."

"You want to get your rocks off again, Boy?"

No pause. "Yes, Sir!"

"OK, Boy, go stand with your back to the tree and I'll find some ropes." Hey, this was going well. He was still fully hard.

I dug in my toy bag and found only a couple of ropes long enough to do any good in this case. I pulled them out and walked over to Scott. He was nervous, didn't know what to do with his hands, was breathing a little raggedly and moving from foot to foot. Hey, if he really meant it was the first time anyone but a Dr had touched his balls, he might be a virgin to any sort of sex. He seemed to have thought about this, though. It was his idea to get tied up.

I put my hand flat in the middle of his chest so he could feel my energy, and gently pushed him back against the tree so he would be more grounded in his own. "Take a deep breath, son" I told him. He did. "And another." He did, and seemed a little calmer. "You can tell me to stop any time you want, and I will. You can tell me to ease up, and I will. You can tell me you want more, and I will try to do that, too. Got that, son?"

He stood up straighter, squared his shoulders, looked me in the eye and said, "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir." He was OK now.

It turned out that this particular tree had two limbs on almost opposite sides that were just under shoulder level on Scott. "Put your arms on those limbs." I told him. He looked and then put first his right arm on one and then his left on the other. I put my hands on his arms, sort of symbolically holding them on the limbs, and bent and started sucking and licking his right nipple. He was soon writhing under the attention. I switched nipples, and his breathing was getting ragged again, this time from pure pleasure. He started to move his arms. "Stay." I said, and he did. I looked at his cock; he was rock hard and dripping.

I took one of the ropes and made two loops first at his right wrist, and tied that off, then two at the elbow and tied that and then two just above his biceps and then tied that. "Doing OK, son?" I asked.

"Yes, Sir." he whispered. So I tied the left arm the same way. Then I went back to his chest and licked and sucked on his nipples, enjoying the very hard nubs they had become. He was soon squirming again, at least as much as he could. I straightened up, grabbed a hand full of hair with each hand and forced his head back against the tree and slowly leaned in for a kiss. I think he was at a total loss as our lips met; he hadn't expected this. I backed off just enough to run my tongue over his lips a couple of times, and then kissed him again. His lips were more pliable this time, but he was still wondering what to think, how to react. I kissed the end of his nose and then his eyelids, then backed up. He was breathing heavily, and blinked rapidly a few times.

"I need some things from the house." I told him. "I'll be right back." He was new at this, and I didn't want him to panic. He took a deep breath and nodded. I went in to get some more ropes, and was probably back in two or three minutes. He was watching the door when I came out, his cock was sagging slightly, I thought. I walked to him and put the ropes on the ground and spent a little time playing with his nipples and leaned in for another kiss. This time he hesitated only slightly and then moved his head forward to meet me. It was very light, tender. His cock was fully hard again.

I bent and put my hands on his feet, "Move your legs apart." and showed his by a little pressure where I wanted his feet – wide enough and back far enough so the tree would keep him from moving his feet closer together. Then I picked up one of the ropes and tied one end around one of his ankles, ran it around the tree, and then tied the other ankle. I picked up a second rope and ran it around the tree and just above his knees and tied it. The third I ran low enough around his waist to keep hum from thrusting his hips, and tied it. I had another I could use around his upper chest, but I decided to let him have some freedom there for now, at least. His cock stayed hard through all this, and was leaking enough precum to be dripping again. I leaned in and started tonguing his nipples again while taking his balls in my hand and rolling them back and forth. Then I just held them in my fingers and pushed his cock firmly against his stomach with the heel of my hand.

Scott proved he was a teenager – he groaned and came all over his stomach. "Shit!" I thought, "I was just getting started." I straightened up to look at his face, and he was still glassy eyed, just starting to focus again. "I didn't tell you you could cum." I told him, tweaking a nipple firmly.

"I'm sorry, Sir." he gasped. "I didn't know I was going to."

I'd kept my hand on his cock and balls, and he wasn't getting soft. This was good news. I wiped some of the cum off his belly and brought it up to his mouth. "Lick it off." I told him.

"Uhhhhnnnhhh," he shook his head.

I grabbed some hair again, and held my cum-covered fingers against his lips. "You cum without my permission, you eat it!" I hissed at him. He resisted for a few moments longer, then opened his mouth and tentatively stuck his tongue out and licked a little off my finger. It apparently wasn't at all what he expected. After a few seconds he was licking them carefully and didn't object when I went back to his belly and pubic hair for whatever hadn't dripped off to the ground.

When we finished that, I moved in for a good wet kiss. He seemed ready for that this time. He moved his head to meet me and his mouth opened as soon as mine did. His tongue played vigorously with mine. I played with his nipples and they got hard again and he groaned into my mouth. His cock was hard again. I held it in my hand. "Can you cum again?" I asked him.

"Sure!" he responded. Oh, to be a teenager again.

I decided to let him rest a short time at least. "I'll get us some water." I said, and went in the house. This time I stayed a little longer. He was watching the door when I came out, but gave no sign of being worried that I wasn't coming back. I had had my drink inside, and gave him some water from a plastic water bottle. "Thanks." he said.

I pinched one of his nipples pretty hard. "What?" I asked.

"Thank you, Sir." he stammered.

This time I wanted to have a chance to use some of the toys, so I decided to skip any further foreplay. I picked up the tit clamps, played with his tits until they were hard again, then attached the clamps. I released the springs slowly so I could get a reading of how much it hurt. He groaned a little but didn't flinch and try to twist away, so I figured they were OK for a while.

Then I picked up a six-foot length of soft cord, doubled it, made a loop at the center, and put the loop over his cock and balls. I tightened the loop firmly, and adjusted it so the loose ends hung down behind his scrotum. I pulled the cords forward, between his balls and then up and over his cock, one cord on each side, bringing them back down the opposite sides and then wrapped each one around and around above each ball until they were well separated, then finished off by wrapping the cords all the way around his scrotum, pulling his balls down a bit further. I tied it off firmly. Scott was looking down, trying to see what I was doing, and his cock was hard as a rock at this point.

I couldn't do a lot of ass play with him tied to the tree this way, but with his inexperience even a little might be pretty exciting. I found the lube I had used earlier and put some on the tips of my fingers. I reached between his legs and started massaging behind his balls and forcing my fingers between his ass cheeks, closer and closer to his rose bud. After a couple of minutes of indecision about this he finally started trying to spread his cheeks as much as he could while tied up like he was. I found his pucker and started rubbing it.

After a very sort time, actually, it relaxed a bit, and I pushed in about a knuckles length of finger. He moaned and would have bucked his hips if he could have. His cock was dripping steadily again, and I took its head in my mouth and swirled my tongue around it a couple of times. He gasped in appreciation. I held his balls with my other hand and then deep throated him. I moved slowly up and down his cock, giving full attention to the bottom and the head with my tongue. I didn't think it would take much to take him over the edge, and I was right. "I'm going to cum!" he croaked out, and then blasted several hot shots of cum into my mouth. I held on until he finished, then stood up to kiss him with his cum in my mouth. He was still too out of it to realize what was going on until we were kissing and he suddenly realized what the taste in my mouth was. He stopped moving ever so briefly, and then went as wild as he could, tied up like he was, and tried to suck it all out of my mouth.

After things calmed down, I untied his cock and balls and took the clamps off his tits. He had no idea how much that was going to hurt. He yelped and tried to twist away as I massaged the blood and feelings back into them. After that I finished untying him, and as I got his second arm loose he caught me in a bear hug and just held on for what seemed like several minutes. I held him for a while and then started rubbing his butt and back and neck and head, up and down, up and down. Finally he took a deep breath, let go and stepped back. "I can't believe how ... how ... hot that was." He was having a little trouble with finding words to express it all. "Thank you. .... uhhhh .... Thank you, Sir."

"We're out of that scene now, Scott." I told him. "That's the only time I call you Boy' and expect you to call me Sir'."

"Can I have some more water, Sir? ...... oooops." He sort of grinned, and so did I'

"Sure." and I handed him the bottle.

"How long are you going to be here?"

"Well, we visit the campus and meet some people tomorrow morning and then Granddad and I are going to Chicago for a couple of days and then I'll fly home."

"I had fun tonight. I hope you did." I told him.

"I sure did!!" he said enthusiastically. "Maybe I could call you when I get back to town?"

"Sure." But I knew he'd be busy getting to know the campus and meeting new friends there. I got one of my cards for him so he'd have my name and phone number in case he really wanted it. I'd just wait and see. And if things continued with Mark, I'd have my hands full anyway. It had been a great evening, first Mark and then Scott.

"Now, you'd better get those shorts back on and go home to bed, or Nial will wonder why you're so tired later this morning."

"Yeah, I guess." He started to put his shorts on.

"Wait!" I handed him a towel. "Better wipe the lube off your ass or it'll show on those shorts."

"Errr, yeah, thanks." He was embarrassed again, but he did it and did it thoroughly. Good kid. Then he put his shorts on. I stepped up to give him a hug and he responded fully and openly and held on again. "That was great, thanks again, Sir." he said, stepping back and grinning. With that he headed home. I watched him go, and as he was going in the house, he turned, saw me watching, waved, and closed the door.

Now it was time to collect my toys and get to bed myself. There were consulting jobs to work on tomorrow.

The next evening Mark stopped by on the way home from work. I invited him in, but he demurred. "I can only stay a minute, Sir. Nancy's expecting me home for dinner soon. She came home last night because some clients cancelled their appointments for today. But her company assigned her to do a trade show in St Louis, and she leaves Friday for that and then she'll call on some clients near there next week, so she'll be gone most of the week, too. Do you think we could do some more ... training during that time, Sir?"

"I think we can work it in." I said with a mental grin, thinking of the double meaning even if Mark didn't. "I'll be around all that time." I wondered if I'd get any work done on my consulting jobs.

"Thank you, Sir." He was clearly pleased. "I'll come by Friday after work to see what you think is needed." The front of his pants was tenting noticeably. He was clearly looking forward putting himself in my hands again.

"Great. See you then." I said. He headed down the driveway with a little spring in his step. As I watched him I was already planning some extended time in the basement playroom he didn't even know about yet.

Nial saw me working in the yard the day he got home from Chicago and came over to talk. He had a real twinkle in his eye, and I couldn't figure out what he found so amusing. After a while he got around to it. "You know, that night when Scott was here I couldn't sleep very well for a while, and I came down stairs. The back door was open, so I looked out, and Scott had his pants around his ankles and was watching you doing something in your yard." I must have turned bright red. His grin got even broader. "You know, I had no idea my grandson was that well hung. Well, I watched until I saw him walk into your yard. When he stood by you a couple of minutes and then just collapsed, I knew what had happened. Anyway, I knew he was in good hands, and I went back to bed. He was a little tired the next day, though." Nial guffawed. I must have been looking at him with my mouth hanging open.

"Bill, I figured you out shortly after you moved in, and seeing how you dress and seeing some of the company you have, I knew you were into leather, too. I've known you for several years now, and I couldn't ask for a better neighbor. If my grandson swings your way, I couldn't imagine a better, more caring teacher. Now close your mouth. I'll never ask for details of what you two did, from either of you. If you impressed him like you do me, he'll come back if you let him. If he does, tell him I don't care if he's gay or straight or what, I just want him to be happy. It can be pretty lonely if he happens to be gay and thinks no one in his family knows or would understand." He clapped me on the back. "See you later, Bill. Have fun in your yard." and he headed home. I blushed again as I wondered exactly what he meant by that last crack.

Tomorrow, Mark would be over to see what the next training steps would be. I would like some answers about what's really going on with him so I know a little what to expect, but no matter what, I thought we were going to enjoy things for a few days.

If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. I'll consider suggestions of things you'd like to see happen to Mark. Or to Bill, for that matter. Send them to I ignore flames.

Next: Chapter 4

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