Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on Feb 20, 2000


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations or power and surrender scenes, please exit this page. If you are under age please exit this story now.


Copyright 1999 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.

Dog on the Loose II

I slept well that night, after lying awake briefly wondering what Mark was doing. And why, after many invitations, did he finally came over, not to chat or to have a drink, but fully intending to get tied up and worked over. If Nancy was going to be out of town for a couple more days, maybe we'd have time to talk and I could find out more. Maybe this was a short fling on the wild side for him or maybe he was tapping into long suppressed desires he'd like to explore more fully. Only time would tell, I realized, and in the mean time I would enjoy whatever playing we got to do.

I was up at 7 as usual, and after pissing put on my ragged cutoffs and poured a glass of orange juice. I was about to walk out to the deck in back when the doorbell rang. It was Mark, dressed in slacks, shirt and tie, carrying a brown paper bag. Apparently this was going to be a long day for him, as he had said. I opened the door. "Come in." I invited.

He stepped in and handed me the paper bag. "Good morning, Sir. I brought your cuffs back as you requested."

There was a mischievous gleam in his eye, I thought, so I opened the bag to check it out. The cuffs were there, all right, and so was a pair of somewhat ragged white briefs. I pulled those out and noticed that they were a bit crusty in front. I put them to my nose and they definitely smelled of cum. "I thought I told you you couldn't cum until I gave you permission." I growled at him.

"You did, Sir. But I had a wet dream during the night." His eyes were downcast but I had the impression he was having a hard time not breaking into a smile.

"We'll have to have more obedience lessons I see." I said with a faked sigh. "Let me see if you followed the rest of the instructions. Drop your pants."

"Yes Sir." He unbuckled and released his belt and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and pushed them and his briefs down to his ankles, spread his legs as much as he could and put his hands behind his back. His cock was half hard already.

I cupped his balls in my hand; the cock ring was indeed there as I had instructed. I went down on my knees and sucked the head of his cock into my mouth and ran my tongue back and forth under it a few times before pulling it down enough so I could deep throat him. He gasped and moaned and bucked his hips trying to force more of his cock down my throat. I backed off his cock, grabbed his balls and pulled down sharply enough to make him bend his knees slightly. "Did I give you permission to move, Boy?" I snapped at him.

"No, Sir. Sorry, Sir."

I jerked on his balls sharply again. "I see we have several obedience problems to work on. Put that thing away and get your ass to work."

"Yes, Sir. Uhhh, Sir, could I possibly ask a favor today?" He asked quietly.

"What is it, Boy?"

"I have a bunch of important meetings today and I know it is going to be a very long day. I was wondering if you could give Bruno a little walk some time in mid-afternoon so I wouldn't have to come home. I can give you a key to the side door, and that is where the leash and plastic poop bags are."

"I could do that. Do you think he'll let me in?"

"He likes you. I'm sure that won't be a problem."

"OK. And remember, you're to stop here on the way home from work tonight."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir." He pulled up his shorts and pants, pointed his still hard cock straight up and finished dressing. He turned toward the door. "Thank you for your help with Bruno, Sir."

"No problem. And remember, Boy, no jacking off at work today." I reminded him.

"Yes, Sir." as he headed toward his car.

I had three sizable consulting jobs to work on and was a little behind, so the day passed quickly. I did remember to take Bruno for his walk, and as Mark predicted, he created no problems. "Seemed to obey better than his owner," I thought with a smile. After dinner I continued working on my projects until about 10, when I decided I'd had enough. I'd closed down the computer and sat back to relax for a moment, when the door bell rang. "He did have a long day!" I thought.

I was right; it was Mark. He looked really tired but seemed pleased, too. "Hard day?" I asked.

"Yeah, but the meetings went well. My project was approved in one and I got some changes in departmental policy I had wanted in another. Now I just want to go home, take Bruno for a run, take a shower and go to bed."

I had been going to ask him to drop his pants again, so I could check the cock ring, but I got another idea from his plan. "Let me check your ring, Boy." I said. I stepped close to him and groped him carefully through his pants, feeling around a little more than necessary to ascertain that it was still in place. He was tired, but his cock still liked that -- I could feel it rearing its head as I worked. "Good boy." I told him. "Now go home and take Bruno for his run, but come back here to take that shower."

He looked dubious and thought about protesting, then agreed. "Yes, Sir. It'll be about 30 minutes, Sir, maybe a little longer."

"Good. I'll be waiting." I told him.

He gave me a weak smile, "I'll stink even more by then."

"That's what showers are for." I assured him as he went out the door.

I went to the bathroom and got out two towels and made sure some lub and condoms were convenient. I was planning to introduce Mark to some new joys of showering with a friend. True to his word, he was back in about 40 minutes, and to my surprise Bruno was with him on his leash. He was sweaty and smelled rather strong, like a man whose had a long, difficult day.

"Nancy left a message on our answering machine earlier tonight." he told me. "A couple of clients cancelled their appointments for tomorrow, so she's coming home tonight. She should be here in another half hour or so. I should get home before long."

"Damn!!" I thought. "Well, let's check a couple of things and then make sure you're home to greet her." I told him. "Leave all your clothes here by the door." He took off his shoes and socks, leaving them neatly together by the wall, carefully took off his sweaty tank top, folded it and placed it on top of them, then pushed his running shorts and jock down and stepped out of them and neatly added them to the pile. Bruno sat and watched this with some interest.

When he was finished I took him by the arm and started down the hall to the bathroom. Bruno started to follow, but Mark pointed at him and said "Stay." Bruno sat down, with sort of hurt look in his eyes, I thought. "Lay down." And Bruno did. I had a hunch, watching that, that when Bruno had run into my back yard it was Mark's idea.

I led Mark down the hall to the bathroom. "Stand here." I instructed when I got him to the middle of the room. He put his hands behind his back and spread his legs a little. "Good boy." I told him.

I checked to make sure the cock ring was still there. It was. Then I looked over his body carefully -- back, sides, insides of his thighs, chest, stomach. "Lean over and put your elbows on the vanity," I told him. I wanted a good view of his ass and a chance to play a little, since my plans for some fun in the shower had to be aborted for the evening. The only mark from the previous night was from the time I'd hit him a little too firmly across the butt with the shank of the riding crop. There was a slight straight-line bruise across both cheeks.

"There's a little bruise across here," I said, running my finger along the line. "Better figure out a way to explain that."

"She probably won't to see it. We don't see each other naked much." he added.

"Oh? I wonder what that means." I thought. I picked up a bottle of lotion, squirted some into my palm and started rubbing it into the skin of his butt. I didn't think it would help the bruise, really, but it gave me a reason to rub his butt a little. He sighed in appreciation, and then groaned as I slid my hand down his crack to cup his balls. Bruno whined.

"Stay, Bruno!" he commanded. I reached further under him and found his cock was rock hard.

"I see you're really ready for Nancy to get home."

He hesitated a moment, then said, "Nnno, Sir. That's--that's for you, Sir." He said it like he was groping for the right words.

"Thank you, Boy." I was back rolling his balls with my fingers but used my thumb to spread a little lotion on his puckered ass hole and massage it. He sighed again, and then grunted as I shoved my thumb in his ass as far as it would go. It was hot and his surprised asshole gripped me tightly. I played with his ass this way for a minute.

"Sir, I'm going to cum of you don't stop that soon." He was a little breathless.

"If you cum like this you have to lick it up." I warned him. "Do you want me to stop?"

"Oh no, Sir. Please don't, Sir." he begged. "I'll ... clean it up." Maybe he didn't really think I'd make him lick it up, but that was exactly what I meant. I moved my thumb around in his hot, tight hole, making sure to massage his prostate, and true to his word, after another 30 or 40 seconds, he shot his load. The first shot hit the vanity and splashed, the next few hit it and ran down the front and the rest fell to the floor. His knees nearly buckled under him. I let him rest for a few moments and then gently pulled my thumb free.

I let him catch his breath and then said, "OK, Boy, down on your knees and lick up your cum." He looked at me with his mouth open in disbelief. I slapped his ass fairly hard. "I gave you an order, Boy."

"Yes, Sir." He got on his knees and sort of gingerly stuck his tongue out to lick the front of the vanity. It apparently tasted better than he expected, because soon he was carefully cleaning the front of the vanity and then was down licking the puddles from the floor. When he finished he straightened up but stayed on his knees, licking his lips and mustache carefully. I noticed that he was looking openly at the bulge in the front of my cutoffs.

"Like what you see, Boy?" I asked.

"Yes, Sir." he said. He licked his lips again.

I stepped up to him and pulled his face into my crotch, rolling it back and forth, making sure he could feel my hard cock through the denim fabric. As much as I wanted to fuck his face right then and there, I also didn't want him in trouble at home. I wanted this hot man in my neighborhood for a long time. I mastered my lust with difficulty.

"Good boy. Now get out there and get dressed and get out of here so you can be home when Nancy gets there."

"Yes, Sir. You're right, Sir." he sighed.

"May I keep the cock ring?" he asked as he got up. I must have looked surprised. "I don't think Nancy will see it, and if she does I can explain it as something I read about once and decided to try."

"OK, Boy, keep it on." I said with a smile.

We went back to the front hall, and Bruno watched his master get dressed with as much interest as when he undressed. Mark again had to point his cock straight up to get his pants up. When he was finished, he said "Good dog." and Bruno got to his feet and wagged his tail. Mark turned to me and looked a little uncertain. I took him in my arms for a really good hug, and he wrapped his arms around me with a grateful sigh, and said, "Thank you, Sir. I'll ... see you soon, I hope, Sir."

"OK, Boy, go home and get ready for your wife." I told him as I opened the door and let him and Bruno out. "And brush your teeth." I told him. "She might think you taste a little unusual." He blushed a bright red. I watched him go down the driveway. My cock wanted to watch, too. I was clearly going to have to take things in hand a different way than I had planned tonight.

If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. I'll consider suggestions of things you'd like to see happen to Mark. Or to Bill, for that matter. Send them to I ignore flames.

Next: Chapter 3

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