Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on May 29, 2023


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations or power and surrender scenes, please exit this page. If you are under age please exit this story now.

Copyright 2001 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.

Dog on the Loose -- 17

After we got the space where we'd played with Brad cleaned up and Brad brought the butt plug back and put on his pants and shoes again, Mark and I took a break. We went upstairs for a few chips, some cookies and conversations with other members, but soon we headed back down to the dungeon and watched what was going on. Finally I felt like we were ready. "Go get our bag and stand by that sling and wait for me, Boy." I said, pointing to the sling near where we had played with Brad.

"Yes, Sir!" Big smile. He was definitely ready. Like this afternoon, there might be more to this than he expected. I had spotted Ben sitting on an unused table and Brad was back leaning on the wall where Mark had first approached him, still without his shirt. I went over to Ben.

"I want to fuck Mark in the sling over there." I pointed out Mark who was watching us. "I was wondering if you and Brad would be interested in undressing him and getting him situated."

"Is Brad the fellow Mark was playing with a few minutes ago?"

"That's the one. He's leaning against the wall behind you. I think he's noticed Mark waiting, too."

Ben grinned. He liked the idea. "Can I do a little more than just undress him?"

We stared into each other's eyes for a while. "Yeah, but be careful. I really like that boy."

Ben shook his head. "No, Bill, you don't `like' him. You're out and out in love with him. You can be sure I'll be careful of your boy, but I don't mind leaving a little red skin here and there, given the chance."

"I had noticed that." I commented dryly. "Do you want to recruit Brad, or shall I?"

"Let's do it together." We walked over to Brad, said hello, and I introduced Ben. He got right to the point. "Bill asked me to help his boy get ready to be fucked in the sling and he suggested maybe you'd like to help. Interested?"

"Sure!!" Knowing Ben, Brad was going to get something more before the night was over, too, but he'd be in good hands.

Ben looked at me. "Give us a few minutes." They approached Mark and there was a short conversation. Mark looked across the room at me, I guess to verify what Ben had told him. I winked, and he looked back to Ben and nodded. I watched as Ben stood in front of him while Brad moved behind him to slip the vest off his shoulders. They laid it in the sling. That would reserve the space for a while, anyway. There were two others and they weren't in use, so it wouldn't be a problem anyway.

Ben stroked Mark's stomach, tugged the strap attached to his balls a few times, and played with his tits. Eventually I saw him cup Mark's crotch in his hand and press lightly. After just watching for a while, Brad started stroking Mark's back. Mark was clearly enjoying the attention. At a command from Ben, Brad knelt and pulled Mark's jock down, worked the straps around his boots and helped him step out of them. Now he was just in the harness and boots, and he really looked hot. Ben was in my line of sight, but I would have been willing to bet Mark's cock was hard and that the other two were at least firm.

After more caressing, pinching and stroking, Ben unbuckled the strap that held the cock ring in place. From Mark's facial expressions, I gathered he was having a little problem getting the ring off. Suddenly Mark flinched and I saw his mouth open. Ben had apparently decided to use a little force. After that they removed the harness then positioned Mark so he could sort of sit/lean back into the sling. I saw Ben say something. Mark glanced quickly at me, than back to Ben and shook his head. Ben grabbed him by the arm and they headed in the direction of the restroom. I could guess what that was about. Ben sent Brad to pick up his bag.

They didn't go to the restroom directly, but to the examining room' right across from it. Mark glanced back at me again before they disappeared and I smiled at him. I'm sure he was a little worried but probably excited, too. I drifted over to the sling to maintain our reservation.' I wondered exactly what Ben's fiendish mind had come up with, but I was sure Mark would fill me in on the details later.

"I'm surprised at you, Boy. A really thoughtful boy would have been prepared for his Master to fuck him."

I wasn't at all sure I liked this turn of events. I knew Bill trusted Ben, but I wasn't sure I did yet. "I just wasn't .... thinking .... I guess, when I packed last night."

"Well, I'm sure you will next time. Get on the table on your elbows and knees. We'll help you get clean enough for your Master, and give you something to help your thought process the next time." Brad walked into the room with Ben's bag.

"Yes, Sir." I was nervous. I was sure I could handle a reasonable enema; Bill had taught me how to do that, but what else? He'd looked pretty rough when he was working on Bill. He got three little prepackaged enema bottles out of the bag and put them under my nose.

He got out a bottle of lub, dribbled some on my asshole and rubbed it around lightly. He picked up one of the enema bottles. "Now let me explain the process we're going to use here, Boy. They suggest you hold these things for five minutes. You do know that, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir."

"So I'm going to give you the first one, and at each ten second mark I'm going to smack your butt with this paddle you're kissing and licking." He held a leather paddle in front of my nose. I decided it was safest to do exactly what he was describing. "That means you get 30 swats with my paddle if you hold it the full time. Right?"

"Right." I was really nervous now. I'd seen how hard he could swing a flogger and thought he could probably deliver just as well with the paddle.

"Now, you don't really have to hold it the full five minutes. If you think you just can't hold it any longer, tell us, and we'll help you to the toilet across the hall. We don't want you making a mess." I relaxed a little. I could handle that. "BUT!!"

"Oh shit, here's the catch" I thought.

"If you don't hold it for the full count, we'll come back here and do it again, and the extra time will be added to the next round. So if it takes you two rounds, it'll be a total of ten minutes and 60 swats. Three rounds, 15 minutes and 90."

"I understand, Sir."

"OK, here we go." He uncapped the first bottle and moved behind me. I felt his finger find my pucker then the slim plastic tube slip through. It didn't feel like he squeezed much fluid in, but I know there was some ingredient that made it hard to hold these things for the full five minutes. "Why don't you reach under his stomach and hold his cock and balls out of the way of my paddle, Brad?"

I was sure my balls weren't in any danger, but I guess Ben wanted to give Brad something to do. Brad took my balls in his hand and gently pulling them forward. He started playing with them a little and lightly stroked my cock. I moaned my appreciation. Then the first swat hit my butt. I jumped, not because it was so hard; but because I was surprised. The second swat, ten seconds later, was a little firmer, but not much. I started to relax. "I can do this!" I thought. After two minutes, I wasn't quite so sure. My gut was cramping and I felt like I had to concentrate to keep that under control, and Ben's swats were starting to grab more and more of my attention.

"You're moving too much, Boy." Apparently he signaled Brad somehow, because he stopped playing and circled my balls with his thumb and forefinger and pulled down hard enough to keep me from jumping. Another six swats passed. I was pretty sure I had another two minutes to go, but that seemed like it would be an eternity.

"May I go now, Sir?" They stopped immediately, helped me off the table, hustled me across the hall and got me seated on the toilet. Then they stood there and watched. And listened. I felt myself blushing, but finally I let go.

"Sounds like you really needed to do that. Boy."

"Yes, Sir!" Eventually I thought I was finished and reached for the toilet paper.

"Don't touch that, Boy. Brad, you do the paper work."

"I, errr, uhhhh, .... yes, Sir."

Brad reluctantly approached and got a big pad of paper in his hand. "Lean over." I bent forward, and he mopped at my hole. No one had done that for me for years, but it felt sort of good, actually. He dropped the first batch in the toilet and got another and finished the job.

"OK, Boys, back to the table."

Brad flushed the toilet, washed his hands and we went back across the hall. As we crossed the short space it seemed like every man in the room was looking down the hallway at us.

Ben tilted his head toward the table and I got back in position. "This time will be six and a half minutes." He explained. The process was repeated -- lub, thin probe in my ass, some fluid, more this time I thought, Brad pulling my balls down and the swats from Ben's paddle. But the swats where getting harder and burning more, and I think Brad was squeezing my balls harder. By really concentrating I was sure I could hold it this time. I was just having the experience, not even counting. After a while I realized nothing had happened for some time. I looked up and he grinned. "You did good, Boy. You've held that for an extra minute already. Ready to go?"

I nodded. "Yes, Sir!" I was certainly ready, but the need wasn't all consuming this time. We went across the hall and that scene was repeated, too.

"Now, I think you're ready for your master." He turned to Brad. "Clean up the examining room, get my stuff and meet us back at the sling."

"Yes, Sir." Ben grabbed my arm again and we headed back. Bill was waiting with an amused expression, gently rubbing his cock through his jock. I wondered if he'd set the whole thing up, but somehow it felt more like Ben's idea.

I couldn't quite read Mark's expression as he and Ben came back. It had taken about 20 minutes and two trips to the bathroom, so I knew Mark was cleaner than he had been before. Ben positioned him in front of the sling and asked him to sit down. He did so gingerly and quickly leaned back. It was then that I saw his red butt. "Did you misbehave, Boy?"

"Ben wants me to remember to clean up when we do this again, in case you want to fuck me, Sir."

"That's very thoughtful of him. Did you thank him for the lesson?" A flash of fear went across Mark's face.

"Uhhh, no, Sir, I'm afraid I didn't. Thank you, Ben, Sir for helping me clean out and for giving me a paddling so I'll remember to do that in the future."

"I think such oversights should be punished, don't you, Boy?"

He eyed me suspiciously, wondering what I had in mind. He was a little tentative, "They probably should, Sir." While we were talking Ben had been attaching leather cuffs to his wrists and clipping them to the chains at his shoulders, high enough so his arms were held almost straight up. When Brad arrived the two of them put his ankles through the loops on the other two chains so his butt was exposed and his legs held apart. His asshole was going to be an easy target for my cock, and it would be easy for me to play with his cock and balls while I fucked him.

"What do you think would help you remember your manners better in the future, Boy?"

I could see him calculating. His butt was pretty red, but I'd seen it redder. "Maybe another ten swats with Ben's paddle would help, Sir."

"That sound OK to you, Ben?"

"If he counts them out for me, Bill." I nodded, and Ben fetched his paddle and stood so Mark's butt would be an easy target. "Count'm for me, Boy." He swung and there was a loud smack.

"One, Sir. Thank you, Sir. May I have another, Sir?" Ben delivered another.

"Two, Sir. Thank you, Sir. May I have another, Sir?" The strength of Ben's strokes probably started about where he had left off earlier, and Mark was definitely wincing on each one. While Ben was doing that, I slipped my jock off. When Ben finished I moved up and rested my cock beside Mark's balls and pulled his butt against my body. It was HOT.

"You did that very well, Boy. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Ben, Sir. I appreciate your efforts to make me a better boy."

Ben looked down at my hard cock, and I grinned and nodded. He got his lub and a condom from his bag. He nodded toward my cock and handed the condom to Brad. "Get him suited up, I'll take care of his boy." I stepped back and Brad knelt in front of me and played with my cock and balls, then he carefully opened the package, put the condom against the tip of my cock, squeezed out the air and rolled it down the length. During this process Ben was working a bunch of lub into Mark's hole, knowing that the enemas would have washed away most of Mark's natural slickness. Then Brad borrowed the lub and generously coated the outside of the condom. When all was ready, I put the tip at my target and looked Mark in the eyes. "Ready, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir! Fuck me, Sir! Ram it into me! All the way, Sir!" Apparently he was ready. I took him at his word and used the chains of the sling to pull him toward me and sink my cock to the base in one fell swoop. "Unnnnh!!" Mark's head snapped up. I held still long enough for his ass to get used to the invader, then started some very slow strokes.

"What did Brad do for you in there, Boy?" I knew he just wanted to float on the sensations my cock was giving him, but he pulled his attention to the question.

"He held my balls so Ben wouldn't hit them, and part of the time he used them to keep me from jumping, Sir."

"He did something else for you, too, Boy." Ben said quietly. Mark looked up at him, perplexed. "He wiped your little boy ass in the bathroom, too."

"Oh, uhhh, yeah, he did a good job there, too, Sir."

"Did you thank Brad for the help he gave you, Boy?"

The look on Mark's face had to mean, "OH, SHIT!!" but his words were a subdued, "No, Sir, I'm afraid I forgot to do that, too, Sir."

"These memory lapses aren't like you, Boy, but we do have to address them. I have your butt pretty well covered at the moment," I pulled him firmly onto my cock again so his hot butt was against my body. "Maybe you can think of another way for Brad to remind you to mind your manners."

"Unnnnh!" Mark's eyes closed for a moment, lost in the sensation of my cock sliding across his prostate. "I'm not sure I can think very well with your cock planted in me, Sir." At least he was honest.

"Brad, I have a small leather paddle with holes in it in my bag. See if you can find it." Brad moved to the bag and soon came back with the implement I had in mind.

I looked at Ben. "Why don't you show Brad how that feels when it is used on tits, Ben?"

"Sure." Ben, grinned, took the paddle, backed Brad against the wall behind the sling and gave his tits a few light swats. He finished by giving each one two firm ones.

"Ooooh!! Ouch!! Aaaaaagh!!" Brad was getting the idea.

"Now, why don't you reverse roles so you can tell Brad if he has it right?"

Ben looked at me from the corners of his eyes. "You're pushing, Bill." Then he grinned, handed the paddle to Brad and stood against the wall himself. Brad pushed Ben's leather vest out over his shoulders then tried several light swats on each of Ben's firm little nubs. "You've got the motion right, now make it sting a little." Brad put a little more speed on the next one, and I saw Ben start slightly. Brad practiced several times on each side, but Ben hardly acknowledged that it was going on. Eventually he looked at me and nodded.

"OK, Brad, now come give each of Mark's tits 5 firm ones like you were using on Ben." Brad came and stood at Mark's head and rubbed his crotch against it, then reached between the chains and gave each tit a few playful taps. Then using the same technique he'd used on Ben, he swatted each nipple firmly.

"Unnnnhh!! Unnnnh!!" Red outlines of the paddle appeared on Mark's chest. Brad did two more in quick succession on each side. "UUUUuuuunnnnnhhhh!!!" Then one more on each side. "Aaaaaagh!!" Mark had his eyes closed, breathing heavily. I probed him deeply with my cock, aiming right at his prostate on each stroke. "Oh, Yessss!!!" Then Brad did one more quite, firm swat on each side. "AAAAAaaaaaaaagh!!" I stabbed at his prostate again.

Mark looked up at Brad, though I thought his eyes looked a little unfocused. "Thank you, Brad, Sir, for helping Ben and for taking care of my balls and for wiping my ass. And thank you for helping me with my memory problems, too." I stabbed deeply again. His eyes snapped back to me. "I love feeling you in me, Sir. Take me!! Fuck me!!"

I started fucking in earnest now, deep strokes meant to make both of us feel the pleasure. I was starting to feel the electricity in my nuts. I held my hand out toward Ben. "Lub, please." Ben poured a nice gob in my hand, and I spread it over Mark's cock and started stroking in time with my fucking. I could tell it wasn't going to take Mark much longer.

"mmmmmMMMMMMMaaaaaAAAAAgggGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!! His head whipped back and forth and I saw his first shot go over his head. The way his ass clamped on my cock brought me to the very edge. I stroked into him one more time. He hit himself in the face with his next shot, while stars exploded behind my eyes.

Eventually I opened my eyes and realized I was hanging on to the leg chains to keep from falling down. Mark's eyes were glowing as he watched me. "Mmmmmmmm." was all I could manage at that point. My eyes were glowing, too. I just stood there, embedded in him, watching him watching me watching him watching ..... Finally I got soft enough that his muscles nudged me out. That seemed like a good signal to lean over and kiss my favorite boy. "I love you, Boy!" I whispered in his ear. He responded by licking my ear like a pup would. I stood up again and thought he looked very beautiful, tied up and vulnerable, glowing from Ben's and Brad's paddlings; glowing from sex. "You ARE beautiful, Boy!" I said quietly, my eyes misty. He blinked rapidly a few times.

"Thank you, Sir." We just looked into each other's eyes for another minute or so.

Finally, "Time to let you up, Boy?" He nodded.

I looked up, and saw that Ben and Brad were lost in a kiss. With one hand Ben was lightly holding Brad's hands behind his back, with the other he was teasing one of Brad's tits. I looked back to Mark and tilted my head toward them. He looked and grinned. "Guess you have to do it yourself, Sir." I unclipped his hands first, then slipped his ankles out of the loops, and he tried to get up without putting any weight on his red butt. When he was standing, we embraced while I licked his cum off his face and rubbed our bodies together to spread the rest of it on our skins. I realized that at some point my condom had fallen off and was between our feet on the floor. I picked it up, wiped the floor where it had landed and disposed of every thing. Mark took off the cuffs and put them back in my bag.

Ben and Brad were still in their kiss. I wasn't sure they'd even noticed us moving around. I picked up my paddle and positioned myself so I could swat both their butts in quick succession. I put some muscle in it, since they both had Levi's on. Both of them jumped. "Hey!" Ben yelped, but I noticed that he did not let go of Brad's hands.

"I just wanted to get your attention so I could say `Thanks,' guys."

"It was great, men. Thanks for your help!" Mark chimed in, remembering his manners. "My body will remember you both tomorrow." They laughed. I lightly kissed Ben and then Brad. Mark knelt and kissed the bulges in their Levi's. They both laughed, but Ben still held on to Brad's hands.

"Have fun, men." I told them. Mark and I picked up our stuff and the bag and headed to my locker. I glanced back before I started up the stairs, and Ben had pushed Brad against the wall, had one thigh pushed firmly into Brad's crotch and was playing with both his tits. Brad's hands were still behind his back; his head was tilted back and his eyes closed. He was having a good first night at the club, too.

Back at the B&B Mark and I took a shower -- warm water, gentle flow. I put lotion gently on his butt and chest; he did the same for my back, then we fell into bed, both tired puppies after a great day. We were on our sides, Mark spooned into me.

I was about to drift off. "Bill?" Mark's tone caught my full attention.

"Yeah, Mark?" I nuzzled his neck and ear.

A sigh; silence for a while. "Do you think we could ever live together?"

That was a question I had been thinking about a lot for at least a month. I thought I had an answer, too. "Yeah, if we had the right house." I let him process that for a minute. "You?"

"Yeah." Some more time for him to get his nerve up again. "Do you want to?"

"Yeah. Very much."

"Me, too." He snuggled his still hot butt so firmly into my crotch it must have hurt. "I love you, Bill. Very much!"

I pulled him against my chest more tightly. "Yeah, me, too." I whispered in his ear.

Then we did drift off to sleep.


What Mark didn't tell Bill that night was that Nancy had just told him she wanted to sell their house so she could afford to buy one with Kate.

Bill also didn't know that when they got home there'd be a call from Troy on the answering machine. He was letting Bill and Mark know that he and Clay wanted to sell their country property and would give them first crack at it.

What Bruno hadn't told either of them, because he didn't understand it all that well himself, was that he often dreamed of running through forests and across fields, sniffing out game trails and smelling all sorts of other neat stuff. He dreamed of being

A Dog on the Loose.

The End

-------------------- If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. Send them to

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