Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on May 29, 2023


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations or power and surrender scenes, please exit this page. If you are under age please exit this story now.

Copyright 2001 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.

Dog on the Loose 16 --

Soon Mark was back with the water. "Thanks, Boy. I'm going to sit here a few minutes longer. Why don't you go watch some scenes? You might see something you want to try." He looked around.

"Yeah, I might."

In a very short time he was back. "You'll never believe who I saw!"

"Glen and Ramon." I guessed.

"Nope. Brad. It must be his first time, too. He's with some guy who seems to be showing him around."

"Did you talk to him?"

Sheepish look. "No. Seeing him sort of freaked me out for a moment. I didn't expect to see anyone I knew here."

"I think I'm ready to move around. Let's go see what he's up to." We didn't see him immediately, but when we did, his friend, a member I knew by sight, seemed to have finished the tour and was telling him to have a good time. When he walked away, Brad backed against a wall between two scenes and stood watching. I remembered keeping my back covered the first time, too. "Why don't you go over and say hello?"


"Yeah, why not?"

"Do .... slaves do that?"

"Mark, you're my Boy by choice. That collar implies to others that you're mine, but in my mind it doesn't deprive you of free will. If you feel it restricts you too much we can take it off."

"No, I like it, actually, and I like the feeling of being yours. It's just that I don't know the `rules' here yet."

"The `rules' about us are what we want them to be. Other pairs may operate differently; that's up to them. Now, Brad looks like he could use a buddy for a while, and there's no reason you shouldn't do that if you want."

"OK. Thanks, Bill, Sir." He winked at me and moved in Brad's direction. Brad looked surprised and then quite relieved when Mark walked up. Soon a comfortable conversation seemed to be going. I had a plan Mark might like, but I'd wait a bit and see if they were actually going to talk for a while. In the mean time I watched the electrical scene carefully. I needed to learn something about that.

I glanced at Mark and Brad occasionally, and they were moving around watching one group or another, making occasional comments. They were enjoying being first timers together, but I noticed that Mark was keeping track of where I was, too. It was his first time here and he wanted to know where his anchor was, and we were a couple. Eventually when he looked my way I tilted my head, asking him to come to where I was. He winked and in a few minutes gracefully exited from the conversation with Brad and came over. "This is neat, Sir! I like it."

"Thought you would, Boy. How's Brad doing?"

"He was really glad to have someone to talk to. He's less nervous now."

"Would you like to top him?"


"You did a great job with Scott. Why not?"

"I .... I hadn't even thought about it." He started looking around thoughtfully.

"Scenes here are usually shorter than what we do at home. If he's new, he probably wouldn't want anything very long. You could use some of the equipment over here where it's a little darker and a little less in the open."

"Would you help, Sir?"

"Why don't you go catch up with him again and drift over this way. We'll see what happens. He may provide an opening or I may just tell him I'd like to see you top him for a few minutes." Mark grinned like he'd found a new toy and headed off to talk to Brad again. Come to think of it, he had found a new toy.

I was standing close to the mummification scene, and the top was STILL playing with the guy's tits, cock and balls. Part of the time he was moving back and forth across the edge between pain and pleasure, and he still hadn't let him cum. The bottom was so tightly wrapped he could do little but groan or beg or yell and make little humping motions.

Soon Mark and Brad were standing a little behind me. I turned a little, acknowledged their being there by smiling at them, and continued watching the scene in front of us. Of course I was watching Brad and Mark out of the corner of my eye, too. One of the unused paddling horses was behind Brad, and soon he was resting his hands on it and leaning his butt against it. Mark spotted his opportunity almost immediately. Soon he placed a hand over one of Brad's hands, lightly holding it down, and started teasing the tit on the same side.

Brad started to move his free hand, then put it back on the horse and after a minute or so even leaned into Mark's hand a little. Mark took the hint and started playing a little harder. Brad flinched at times, but he didn't move his hands. Soon Mark moved in front of him, pushed his arms behind his back, and then started playing with both tits. Brad had his eyes closed; his pleasure showed on his face.

"Let's move over here, Boy." With a hand on his shoulder Mark guided Brad to what looked like two big metal door frames, one set behind the other, connected every foot or so by rods about four inches long. You could have a boy stand under the frames and tie his feet wide apart and have lots of places to tie his hands. Mark glanced at me and tilted his head to the space behind the frames. I moved over there to watch my boy unfold his scene. Mark positioned Brad in the frame facing away from me and placed his hands on rods a little above shoulder level. "Leave them there, Boy." Brad nodded. "I didn't hear you, Boy."

"Yes, Sir!!"

With Brad `restrained,' Mark circled him slowly, teasing a tit or outlining an ear; running his fingers down his back then massaging his ass, or running a finger lightly and slowly from the middle of his chest clear down the line of his fly. On each circle his targets varied and his touch grew firmer. Finally he stopped in front of Brad and ever so slowly unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it from his pants. He spread the shirt open and slowly ran the backs of his fingers up Brad's stomach then played directly with his tits for the first time. "Mmmmmm!!"

"I think you should let Bill take your shirt, Boy." Brad lowered his hands and let me slip it off his shoulders and down his arms, then he put his hands back where they had been. "Good boy." Mark used his feet and gently nudged Brad's feet further apart. He circled him some more, again touching, now leaning in and exhaling his hot breath air on the back of his neck and finally adding some firmer touching of his crotch and butt.

"You still wearing my jock, Boy?"

"You mean that smelly old thing you gave me this afternoon?" He emphasized the `gave'

with a little grin. "I'm not sure I remember, Sir."

Mark narrowed his eyes and grabbed Brad's crotch a little more firmly. "You seemed to like the gift this afternoon, Boy. I'd think you'd remember if you wore it tonight."

"Oh, I liked it, Sir. I always appreciate gifts from older men." Mark's eyes got still narrower and he squeezed a little harder. Brad gasped and gripped the rods more firmly. "Your playing with my body has sort of addled my brain. I'm afraid you'll have to check what I'm wearing yourself, Sir."

"If you make me do that, Boy, I may not stop with just checking what you're wearing."

"I guess that's a risk I'll have to take, Sir."

"Do we have some tit clamps, Bill?" I got the toy bag and found the clamps and gave them to Mark. "Thank you." Mark adjusted them a little, but I suspected they'd be pretty tight. He gently put one on Brad's right tit.

"Sssssssssss!!" Brad inhaled as he clenched his teeth. Then Mark put the other on his left tit. "SSSSsssssssssss!!" Brad gripped the bars tightly to keep himself from grabbing them.

"Now, Boy, I'll take those off as soon as we have you naked. Keep your hands on the bars, but you can help us a little if you want." Brad quickly pulled his legs together and stepped on the back of one shoe with the other and pulled it off. He got the other one off the same way. Any worry about being naked with a bunch of men watching was gone, and several were watching. I took his shoes and put them neatly with his shirt. Mark unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. He gently pushed them down and I held them while Brad jerked his feet out of them. I folded them neatly and put them with his other clothes. Mark started playing with Brad's jock, turning the waist band inside out in a couple of places, looking at it carefully. Then he spread the pouch tighter over Brad's cock and looked at it carefully. "You know, I think this is my old jock. Bill, do you remember this spot?"

I stepped around in front of Brad and played Mark's game, checking the pouch carefully, fingering it and the toys it covered. "Yeah, I think I remember you making that spot one day at my place. I guess you did wear his smelly old jock tonight, Son."

"Yes, Sir, I guess I must have, Sir." He was still anxious to get the tit clamps off, but he didn't seem quite as desperate as earlier. His tits were getting numb. I walked around behind him again while Mark slowly pulled the jock down, letting his cock spring up toward his stomach, and helped him step out of it. He sniffed it, handed it to me, and I sniffed it before folding it and putting it neatly on top of his other clothes. Then I stood behind him and put my hands on top of his on the bars.

Mark stood in front of him and jiggled the clamps. "Ready for these to come off, Boy?"

"Oh, yes, Sir!!" He was more than ready. Mark carefully released them both at the same time and then pressed on both tits with his thumbs and moved them around. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Aaaaaaaaa!! Oooohhhhh!! Ooooooo.o.o.o..o..o...o." Brad was panting. His hands had jerked a little, but he hadn't really tried to get them out from under mine. I let go of him and backed up.

"Good boy!!" Mark moved in and kissed him on the forehead. "You did very well, Boy. That was pretty intense." Mark sniffed. "Did you fart, Boy?"

"Uhhh, I'm not sure, Sir. I was a little distracted there."

"Bill, I think the boy farted without permission. Do you have something that might help him control that?"

"I'm sure I can take care of that for him, Mark. Give me a couple of minutes to get ready." First I went to the supply cabinet for one of the adult diapers to spread on the floor. We don't like lub or other things on the floor in the clubhouse if we can help it. When I got back Mark had Brad's legs spread again and was tying his ankles to the frame.

"Will he use a condom, Sir?" Brad asked.

"He'll use a condom, Boy, but he isn't going to fuck you."

"Oh?" I wasn't sure if he was disappointed or not.

I spread the diaper between Brad's feet, then got out our inflatable, vibrating dildo and put a condom on it, including the base. With that finished I got out our lub and put on latex gloves. Mark had finished tying the second ankle, so it was my turn. "Bend over and put your hands on your knees, Son." Brad complied and tried to see what I was doing when he did so, but I had things arranged so he couldn't see much and then Mark moved in and started playing with his head and rubbing Brad's face against his new leather jock.

I put a glob of lub on my fingers and spread it on and around Brad's asshole. It clenched shut when I first did that, but soon relaxed a little. I massaged and probed, massaged and probed and soon he let me slide a finger in with only minor resistance. He wasn't a virgin. I continued playing until he let my thumb in as easily. Next I lubed the dildo and started probing with it. It took a little longer but eventually he let the blunt tip in about an inch. "Squeeze, Son." He did, and I let it slide out. We repeated that three or four times, then I held it in place while he squeezed. "Relax then squeeze again." He did. "Again, then relax." He did, and even pushed out a little, and I slid another inch in.

The dildo was getting a little wider, and I encountered a little resistance, so we repeated the whole sequence again, then again. After the squeeze and relax sequence the third time he was close to the widest part. "We're going to finish now, Son. Push out again." He did, and I slipped the wide part in. His sphincter snapped around the base of the plug pulling it in until the base was firmly seated against his asshole. I nodded to Mark, and he pulled Brad back to a standing position and put his hands back on the bars.

"How does that feel, Boy?"

"It was a little uncomfortable for a few moments, but it's fine now, Sir." Mark held his hand were I could see it and made squeezing motions. I closed the valve and pumped the bulb twice. Brad's butt contracted in surprise. "Oooohhh!" Mark waited a minute then signaled me to add more. I pumped three times. "Oooouuuumm." In a minute Mark asked for more and I pumped twice more. "Eennnnhh." A little discomfort, but not bad apparently.

"You're feeling pretty full aren't you, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir. Uuuummm. I think I may need to take a crap, Sir."

"You feel like you have to clamp your ass pretty tight to keep it in, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir!" Mark held out one finger. I gave the bulb one more squeeze. "Unnnhhh!!" I could see his buttocks pulling in. He was trying hard to hold it.

"Want to know a secret, Boy?"

"What's that, Sir?"

"You don't have to hold it."

"It feels like I'm going to .... well it feels like a bad attach of diarrhea, Sir. Are you sure it's OK?"

"You couldn't fart if you wanted to now, Boy, just relax." Mark started playing with Brad's tits again, and I could see his buttocks relaxing but you could tell by his posture he hadn't relaxed completely. "Relax, Boy." Mark leaned over and tongued and nibbled a tit, and Brad relaxed a little more. Then Mark bit hard enough so Brad's hands jerked off the bars, but he didn't quite grab Mark's head before he put them back.


"I said relax, Boy."

"Yes, Sir." Mark switched to the other tit. I could tell Brad was really concentrating on relaxing now, trying to avoid another bite. Finally his posture got much more flexible and he let out a big sigh -- he'd surrendered to the invader in his asshole.

"Feels better, doesn't it, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"Let's restrain his hands, Bill. He almost didn't control himself that last time."

"Right." I found two short lengths of black rope and we each tied one of his wrists to a bar in the frame.

"Now, Boy, I'm going to test your control again. You can pull on those as hard as you want, but I really don't want you to do that. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

Mark started licking and nibbling Brad's tits again, occasionally nipping a little harder, but not hard enough to really hurt. Brad was enjoying it but was on edge waiting for the big test. Mark stopped licking, "Relax, Boy. Stay with what's happening now. Worrying about the future just messes things up."

"I'll try, Sir." I pointed at Brad's armpit with my tongue. Mark grinned and nodded. Mark went back to playing with his tits and I started giving his armpit a tongue bath. I was really pleased he hadn't used deodorant. It had a nice young man taste, and I could tell he'd been a little nervous at some point. He was a little ticklish and was trying to control his reaction to my tongue, so with both of us working he had little attention left to wonder if a painful bite was in his future.

Then Mark reached down and started playing with his balls. They made a nice handful. I could see from the corner of my eye that his cock was quite hard, and I thought maybe his balls were pulling up a little. Just then Mark bit and held on. "Oooouuuuuuu!! AAAAAAAaaaaa!! AAAAAaaaaaa!!" I could tell Brad's hands left the bars, but as soon as he felt the ropes he put them back. "AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Mark must have made one final bite. Brad's knuckles were white, but he didn't pull on the ropes.

"Good!!! You handled that very well, Boy."

"Thank you, Sir." One of his hands pulled against the rope briefly before he grabbed the bar again. I think he wanted to check to see if there was any real damage, maybe even massage it a little. He would have to forego that comfort for a while.

Mark stood back thinking a moment. "Do we have two six foot lengths of clothesline rope, Bill?"

"Sure." I found them in the bag and handed them to him.

Mark knelt in front of Brad and grabbed his balls and started rolling them around, squeezing them a little at times. "This is what you exposed yourself to by not remembering what you were wearing tonight, Boy."

"Yes, Sir. I remember you said you might do more than check my jock." Finally Mark encircled the scrotum with his thumb and forefinger and pulled the balls down enough so Brad was well aware they were under tension. Leaving about six inches of free rope, he started wrapping it tightly around and around above Brad's balls, each loop below but against the one before it. This was gradually forcing the balls down, making the skin tighter and tighter, increasing the pressure Brad was feeling. When Mark felt the skin had the drum-head tightness he wanted, he drug his fingernails across the near- transparent sack. Brad gasped. Mark was satisfied and tied the two ends of the rope together.

Using his fingers he started tapping the bottom of Brad's scrotum. If the balls had been free they would have been bouncing. "uuuunnnnnhhh. uuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuuu." Brad probably wasn't experiencing pain exactly; it was more likely that dull/sharp ache that only testicles can register. Whatever, it certainly kept his mind focused.

When Mark was satisfied that the rope was going to hold, he picked up the other rope and wrapped it tightly around the base of Brad's cock, again leaving several inches free. His cock was rather broad and probably maybe six and a half inches long when it was fully engorged as it was at that point. Mark started wrapping the cock very tightly, like he had the scrotum, each turn of the rope against the one before it. The broad slightly flat head was getting very dark red as the blood flow was further restricted by rope. Mark stopped about a half inch before he reached the head and tied the rope ends together. He leaned in and ran his tongue firmly across the top of the head. "MMMMMMMmmmm!!" Brad's equipment may have been compressed, but the nerves were still working fine.

Mark stood up. "Do you jack off with your right hand, Boy."

"Errrr, normally, Sir."

"Good. I'm going to untie your right hand for a minute so you can feel what I've done here." He bounced Brad's balls a couple more times. "Then you can show me how you jack off." When his hand was untied, Brad reached down and gently checked out how he was tied."

"That's pretty thorough, Sir."

"OK, Boy, give yourself a few strokes so I can see how you do it." Brad only had about an inch and a half of cock to work with, but it was clear he wanted to grip the entire shaft in his fist when he stroked.

"Mmmmmm." Brad liked the feeling.

"OK, Boy, let me have your hand." Brad indulged in two more strokes before he reluctantly let Mark tie his hand down again. When Mark finished, he held his hand were I could see it and make pumping motions and then held out two fingers. I pumped the bulb twice more.


"That's for those two strokes you tried to sneak in after I asked for your hand back, Boy."

"Yes, Sir." Then Mark made a shaking motion with his hand; time for the vibrator. I started it out on slow and gradually moved up to the speed that gave me the most intense sensations.

"Oooh, shiiiitt, ooohhh, uuuummmm, aaaaahhhhhh!!" Brad's eyes were closed and he was rolling his head from side to side and licking his lips. Mark picked up the lub and put some on his hands and started playing with Brad's cock. He rubbed the head with the flat of his hand in every way the could think of, then stroked it a few times, then made some motions like he was juicing a lemon on its head. Brad was moaning and trying to thrust into Mark's hand. When Brad was close to an orgasm, Mark totally let go of the cock and motioned me to turn the vibrator off.

"Oooooooo nh nh." Brad continued thrusting his hips, almost whining in frustration, but there was nothing there for him to rub against. Soon his eyes were open pleading with Mark.

Mark grinned. "What do you say, Boy?"

"Please, Sir. Please get me off. Please, oh please make me cum." Mark started playing with his tits and scraping his nails across his bound up balls. He signaled me, and I turned the vibrator back on, but not at the best frequency. Brad was enjoying all this, but he still wanted more. "Please stroke me some more, Sir. Please!"

Finally Mark started stroking again, and I adjusted the speed and tilted the butt plug so the vibrator was in stronger contact with his prostate. "Oh, yes, thank you, Sirs, thank you!!" Suddenly his body went rigid, and he let out a long strangled cry that sort of died off as he ran out of breath, but the binding was so tight, he couldn't ejaculate.

Mark kept stroking, slowly and firmly and I left the vibrator on. "Aaaahh! Ohhh! AAAAhhhh!! Unnnhhhh!! Unnnnnnnhhhh!! Oh, please stop, Sir, please. Please!"

Mark kept up the slow stoking. "This is my scene, Boy. I get to decide when it's over."

"Unnnnh! Aaaaaagh! Ummmmm. Ahhhhhh!" Brad's noises gradually changed from the pleasure/pain of super-sensitivity to pleasure again. After a few more minutes of stroking, Brad went rigid again. "AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.a.a.a.a..a..a..a...aa!"

This time Mark stopped and I turned the vibrator off and Brad went limp, panting, and moaning. If his hands hadn't been tied to the frame he probably would have fallen to his hands and knees. Mark let him catch his breath. "Oh, God! Oh wow. Ohhh! Mmmmmm!!"

"Like that, Boy?"

"Oh, Yes, Sir!!! Ohhhh, ummmm, that was awesome, Sir!!"

Mark started gently unwinding the ropes from his cock and balls and I let the air out of the butt plug and gently pulled it out. By the time we finished that Brad was standing normally again. I peeled the condom off the plug and the gloves off my hands so all the "used" surfaces were inside. We untied him and he hugged Mark and then me. Can I see that thing you had in my ass, Sir?"

"Not only can you see it, I want you to take it to the restroom and wash it with soap and water. You need to wipe your ass, too, Son. It's a little slick at the moment."

"Yes, Sir!" I handed it to him and he looked it over carefully and played with the controls. "That's an amazing toy, Sir. Uhhh, where's the restroom?" I pointed out the door at the other end of the room. "Oh." He hesitated, apparently realizing he was completely naked and most of the men along the way were not.

"Go ahead, Son. You may make some friends along the way." He looked dubious, took a breath and set out. He may have been disappointed, but no one paid any unusual amount of attention as he made his way across the room. He wasn't the only naked man around, after all, and interesting things were happening to some of the others.

"You did that very well, Boy." I told Mark.

"Thank you, Sir."

"How about a short break, then we'll put you in a sling so I can have my way with you?"

"I'd like that, Sir. I'd like it a lot!

-------------------- If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. Send them to

Next: Chapter 17

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