Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on Mar 13, 2023


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or male/male relations or power and surrender scenes, exit now. If you are under age please exit this story now.

Copyright 2001 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.

Dog on the Loose 13 -

Mark's story:

Bill had just told Scott that I was going to take him down to the basement and 'entertain' him for a while. I tugged gently on the cord I had tied around his balls, "This way, Boy." He followed me into the house and down the stairs, voluntarily keeping his hands behind his back.

The cord was a little short to negotiate the stairs easily, so I probably jerked a little harder than I meant to once or twice, but he only grunted and kept his hands where they were. I led him to the side of the bed. "I want you on your back in the middle of the bed with your legs spread toward the corners and your hands behind your head."

"Yes, Sir." I let go of the cord and went to find some ropes while he positioned himself. I was really glad now that Bill had made me help clean up after our play sessions down here. At least to Scott it would look like I knew what I was doing.

I went back to the bed with four lengths of rope that were probably ten or twelve feet long. I untied the cord from around Scott's balls and then tightly tied the end of one of the longer ropes around them in its place. From there I ran it around the smooth post at the corner of the bed and then back to loop his ankle a couple of times. I tied it off so there was a slight bit of tension in the rope. I used a second length to do the same thing on the other side. "You doing OK, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir." Scott was holding his head up to watch me part of the time and part of the time he just laid back and closed his eyes. He was hard and dripping precum, so I knew he wasn't unhappy yet.

I stood at the foot of the bed admiring his compact form and how his balls were pulled away from his body now. I wanted him to appreciate the position he was in, so when he wasn't watching I drug my thumbnail up the bottom of his left foot. Reflexes took over, and he jerked his foot back, which jerked on his balls. "Aaaaaa!" Before he could really understand what had happened, I did the same thing to his right foot, maybe a little harder. "Unnnnnnh!"

"You really don't want to move your legs so much, Boy."

"I understand that now, Sir," he said, watching me warily. His breathing got a little faster as I put my thumbnail against the heel of his right foot again. We stared into each other's eyes for several seconds, then I quickly ran my nail up his foot again. "Unnnnnnnh!" His eyes got wider and his leg moved enough to tug on his balls lightly, but most of the grunt was from the effort to control his leg. Before he had a chance to recover, I did it again. "Unnnnnnnnnnh". His leg jerked harder this time and his hands came from behind his head before he caught himself and put them in position again.

"Good, Boy." I moved to the left foot and put my thumbnail on his heel. Again we made eye contact and I held the position longer than the first time. When I thought I saw him relax just a little, I made my move.

"Aaaaa!" Again he did pretty well, but on the second pass his leg jerked more and he jerked his torso up a little, tending to lift both his legs. "Aaaaauuunh!" His balls were jerked harder that time, but he did keep his hands in position.

"Good job, Boy." I leaned between his legs and licked his balls lightly. He was rock hard, so I knew he was doing OK.

"Thank you, Sir."

As I straightened up I realized Bill was standing in the doorway watching. I immediately got nervous, but he just winked, gave me a thumbs up and stayed where he was. The fact that he was there threw me off balance, made me shy, made me hesitate to do what I'd been thinking about.

Finally I realized that if I were doing something seriously wrong Bill would intervene. In the mean time he seemed content to let this be my scene. I looked up at Bill again, winked back, then looked back to Scott. "Put your arms above your head, Boy."

He complied and I got on the bed and knelt across him so my balls were hanging over his face and started playing with his tits. "Lick my balls, Boy." He started licking, tentatively at first, then with more intensity. Finally he lifted his head so he could suck them into his mouth. This was great.

"Good, Boy, that feels really great." I was a little surprised when he started using his elbows against my feel to pull himself along the bed so he was licking closer to my asshole, tightening the ropes on his balls to do it. "Mmmmmmmmm!" I liked that. I thought about making it easy for him but decided to let him find the balance between his desire and the pain in his balls. He kept inching and licking, inching and licking, until it looked to me like his balls would be pulled off. But he was still hard and leaking.

When the tension in the ropes finally stopped him he could just touch the front side of my pucker with his nose. I scooted forward enough to give him the option of licking it if he wanted to. He did!! He started licking the whole area fairly gingerly, maybe to see if he ran into anything . well, something he didn't like the taste of. Apparently everything was OK, because he started using the flat of his tongue in long smooth strokes that felt wonderful. "Mmmmmmmmmmm!" Finally he very tentatively licked my pucker, then licked it more firmly, then started putting some real effort into it. He was soon probing the center with his tongue. "Wow!! That's wonderful!" I was gradually relaxing and letting him get deeper, and he kept thrusting like he really wanted all the way in. Scott wasn't the only one who was hard and leaking precum at this point.

Finally his tongue started getting tired; he wasn't thrusting quite as firmly as he had initially. I got up, turned around and leaned in to kiss him. "That was fantastic, Boy." The thought of where his tongue had been did cross my mind, but I decided if it didn't matter to him, it shouldn't matter to me. After a somewhat lingering deep kiss, I sat up and looked at his body for a minute, then back to his face. He was watching me with a mix of curiosity and lust. "Put your arms out toward the top corners of the bed, Boy."

"Yes, Sir." He moved his arms out above his head. I looped one of two remaining ropes around his wrist. He cooperated and when I was ready stretched his arm out toward the corner so I had no trouble tying it. It was the same on the other side. I stood at the base of the bed and looked at his spread eagled form, his cock hard and dripping, his balls pulled down so tightly the skin was shiny and almost translucent. I really wanted to tease his cock a little, but suspected that if I did he'd cum again, and Bill didn't want that.

"You look really hot this way, Boy. Are you ready for the next step?" Even as I said it I wondered how he would know; I hadn't told him what was coming next. He didn't hesitate.

"Yes, Sir."

"Now that's trust." I thought. I found a towel and placed it over his face so he couldn't see what I was up to then got a short, narrow paddle and started rubbing it over his chest and stomach and then down his legs. His cock twitched. He liked it.

Then with no warning I whacked his stomach with it. He jumped and in the process jerked on his balls. "Unnnnh." Now he remembered how his feet were tied. I worked over his stomach pretty well, and when it was pink I put the paddle down and started teasing his tits with my finger tips. "Mmmmmmm." I moved from light rubbing to light pinching, then to light pinching and rolling. "Mmmmmmmmmm!" I picked up the paddle again and started on the inside of his thighs. The first one startled him, and maybe was a little too hard. He jerked his leg and pulled on his balls again. 'Unnnnngh!" I remembered when Bill did that to me our first time that it really stung, so I backed off a little and went up and down his thighs several times, inside, top and outside. He was breathing heavier now but was keeping his legs still and only occasionally making any noise.

Then I went back to his tits, starting with the light pinching and rolling and progressed to firmer pinching. Occasionally a little heavier pinch got an "Unnnnnh!" out of him, but not much more. Finally, I did some continuous heavy pinching and rolling. His head came off the bed. "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!"

"Good, Boy." I lightly kissed him on the lips. I picked up the paddle again and quickly went over his stomach and then moved up to his sensitized tits.

"Aaaah! Unngh! Aaaah!" Heavy breathing now. His cock was bobbing in the air and drooling precum. He was clearly into this. I took the towel off his face, got some of his precum on my fingers and held them in front of his mouth. He quickly lifted his head and took my fingers deep in his mouth, licking and sucking on them, getting them very clean, his eyes locked on mine. I gave him a couple more servings.

"Good boy."

I glanced up at Bill. He was still standing in the doorway with a grin on his face, gently stroking his mostly hard cock. He held his cock down sort of like he was pissing and cocked an eyebrow at me. I nodded; I could certainly piss again. That iced tea was running through me. He winked at me then came over to the bed to take over again.


"Let's get you untied, Son." I said, taking over from Mark. I untied the ropes on one side and Mark on the other. When his wrists were free he rubbed them a little, then when we untied his balls he sighed and started to reach for them. "Careful, Son." and I held his hand back. He looked at me. "I don't want you to cum yet."

"Yes, Sir." I had the feeling that if he even touched his cock he'd set himself off. Apparently he thought so, too; he carefully reached around his cock and sort of fluffed his balls a bit, not even doing much of that.

"OK, Son, get up and come over here." I looked at Mark and tiled my head toward the bathroom then led Scott into the large shower area. "Down on your elbows and knees, Son, and put your head on your hands." He quickly got in position. I positioned Mark near Scott's shoulder and made a motion with my cock like I was hosing down a driveway or something. He grinned. I stood behind Scott and concentrated, trying to relax enough to pee through my semi-hard cock. Finally I let loose a stream that washed across his butt. Mark started soon after that.

"Ooooooh!" Mark was doing his back well, so I moved directly behind him and started hosing down his crack. "Ooooooooooh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Uuuuuuuuuuu!" Scott took his hands from under his head and spread his cheeks giving me a more direct shot as his asshole. I complied with that silent request, while Mark moved his stream so it was hitting the back of Scott's head. "Nnnnnnnnnnnng!" He shook his head sort of like a wet dog would. He may not have liked having his head pissed on, but he was loving the feel of the hot stream hitting his asshole and running down his crack and off his balls. He was soaked by the time Mark and I ran out of piss.

I winked at Mark. "OK, Boy, rinse him off and get him dry without getting him off if you can."

Mark unclipped the hand held shower head. "Stand up, Boy, and face the wall. Scott got up, turned to the wall and even leaned on it with his hands up about shoulder level. I saw Mark turn the water control all the way to cold and turn it on. I grinned, and left the room. I heard several gasps as Mark rinsed him off.

I heard the water turn off. "Hold on, Boy, while I dry you off." A couple of minutes later Mark led Scott out of the bathroom. Mark's cock was fully hard again, but Scott's was only at about half mast at the moment.

"OK, Son, Mark did a good job of punishing you for cumming without permission, don't you agree?"

"I guess so, Sir."

"Now when you came in Mark's mouth, you didn't warn him. Remember that, Son?"

"Yes, Sir." He had a small grin. I don't think he felt too sorry about it.

"I haven't asked Mark about this, but I think having him fuck you would be a good repayment for that oversight." I looked at Mark, "Would you like that, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir!!"

I looked at Scott. "Does that seem reasonable to you, Son?" I really would have let him back out if he wanted to, but I was pretty sure he wouldn't.

He looked at Mark's inflated member and swallowed a couple of times. "Yes, Sir." He wasn't showing quite the level of enthusiasm Mark had. He was having trouble imagining that pushing into his ass.

"Ever been fucked before, Son?"

"No, Sir." He looked down at the floor.

"You've had things that big come out, haven't you?"

He looked up, arched an eyebrow a bit. "Well, . yes."

"It'll feel good going the other way, too. It doesn't have to hurt. Come over here, Son." I walked to the slatted bench and motioned Scott to stand beside it. "Bend over and lay your body across the bench then spread your feet as far apart as you can." This put his ass at a good height for Mark and it was a position Scott could maintain for some time if we wanted him to. Actually I suspected none of us would last too long.

Mark didn't need any coaching on this. He walked up behind Scott soon after I got him positioned with condoms and lub in hand. His cock was hard and I had the impression that it was trying to point him towards the bull's eye. Mark put the supplies down on the table and started playing with Scott's body. He ran his hands up and down Scott's back then pulled his cheeks apart and blew on his exposed asshole. Scott shivered. Mark leaned over and gently exhaled his hot breath on Scott's neck while he leaned on his back. He stood up and reached between Scott's legs and pulled on his balls. "Careful, Boy. You don't want him to get off too soon." I cautioned.

"Right. Thank you, Sir." He continued running his hands over Scott's back, rippled his fingers down his crack and down the insides of his legs. While he was doing all that I decided I could add to my pleasure (and maybe Scott's) by rubbing my cock around on his head. He turned his head to see what I was doing, and smiled and started rubbing his face against the head of my cock, getting smears of my precum on his cheeks, across his forehead and on his chin, though his stubble there made me jerk back a little.

"Mmmmmm!" He was clearly getting into the double stimulation. I started to wonder about his hair trigger when Mark landed a sharp swat on his ass. "MMMMMmmm!!" Mark worked on first one cheek then the other. Occasionally Scott would moan, but he kept rubbing his face on my cock.

"Pull your cheeks apart, Boy." Mark told him. Scott reached back to comply. Mark landed a swat directly on Scott's hole.

Scott jerked. "Mmmaaaaaaagh!" I knew that stung quite a bit, but as Mark continued he just closed his eyes and held still. Occasionally he'd grunt; occasionally he'd rub his face against my cock a little.

"He's living one of his fantasies." I thought and smiled. Mark moved Scott's hands out of his way and started on his cheeks again.

"MMmmmmmm!" He kept his eyes closed, but started moving his head again and I felt him tentatively lick the head of my cock then put his lips around just the tip of it. He started using the tip of his tongue to probe my piss slit, apparently liking the taste of the precum he was finding there. He soon slid down a little further, clamping his lips behind the ridge, using his tongue to explore more of the head.

Mark picked up the condom, ripped open the package and rolled it over his cock, then he uncapped the lub and applied a good sized gob to his finger tips. He used one hand to pull one of Scott's cheeks to the side and applied the lub directly to the puckered hole. It was cold; Scott shivered again, but fortunately he kept his teeth to himself. Mark was still patient. He massaged the lub around Scott's hole, probing gently from time to time. Finally one of his fingers slid in easily. "MMmmmmmm!" Scott hummed to my cock. Some more teasing, massaging and probing and then a second finger joined the first. "MMMMMmmmmm!!" I liked this as much as Scott did.

Mark gently pulled his fingers out, quickly lubed his cock and placed the head against Scott's hole. I knelt so I was almost at eye level with Scott's head. "Look at me, Son." Scott lifted his head enough to lock eyes with me. "This will feel better if you push out like you're trying to take a crap as Mark pushes in." He took a deep breath and pushed hard. "No, no, relax, Son. Keep breathing and push gently." He let his breath out and relaxed a little, keeping his eye contact. I motioned Mark to push a little harder. The head of his cock popped through Scott's sphincter.

"Unh! Unh! Ohh!" Scott's squirmed in pain, and his eyes watered a little, but his gaze didn't waver.

"Jeezz, Boy, I'm glad you don't have teeth back here!" Mark exclaimed.

"If you want he can pull out and let you relax for a minute." Scott shook his head, breathing deeply. "Keep pushing out gently, keep breathing. He won't move until it feels better."

After a minute or so his ass muscles relaxed and Mark sighed. "Phew. That's better, Boy."

Scott smiled and nodded. "Give it to me, please, Sir."

I stood up and put my cock against Scott's face again, and he immediately took it into his mouth. Mark was patiently feeding his 7 inches into Scott's chute a little at a time. Scott groaned a little at times, but didn't stop plying my cock with his tongue. When Mark was all the way in he just stayed there and let Scott get used to the feeling. Mark and I locked eyes, and by some sort of telepathy started a synchronized fucking of our guest. We pulled out a little, pushed in a little, pulled out a little, pushed in a little. "MMMmmmmmmmm!!" Scott loved it. I was so connected to Mark that I imagined I was feeling my cock slide into Scott's ass at the same time I was feeling him playing with it in this mouth.

Gradually Mark lengthened his strokes. I was more restrained, I didn't want to gag the boy. He wanted more though. He reached around my butt and kept pulling me in further on each stroke. After he gagged himself he didn't pull quite so hard.

Gradually, even though we never lost eye contact and we stayed in synch, I could tell that Mark's attention was moving inward. He was becoming absorbed in the feelings in his cock, the feeling of his balls pulling up, in the energy his sexual plumbing was gathering. I was feeling it, too, but I wasn't sure if it was mine or his or both. Then I realized Scott had been 'Mmmmmmm'ing' around my cock more and more often, and when I let my attention drift more fully to him it was clear he was close to the brink.

"MMMMMMMaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmm!! MMMMmmmmmmmmmmm. Unnnnnnngggggggghhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm!! MMMMmmmm! MMMmmmm!" He was trying to keep his mouth closed around my cock, and the vibration was driving me wild. Apparently the spasming of his sphincter around Mark's cock sent him over the edge, too.

"OOOOOOOOooooooooooooohhhhhhhh! UUUUUnnnnnghhhhhh!!

UUUUUnnnnnghhhhhh!! UUUUUnnnnnghhhhhh!! UUUUUnnnnnghhhhhh!! Ooooooooohhhhh. Ooooo."

I have no idea what kinds of noises I was making, but I was pumping my hot cum into Scott's mouth while all this was going on. Mark and I both leaned on the table to keep from falling and ended up with our foreheads together. Scott was panting below us on the table. One or another of us moaned with great satisfaction from time to time. After we'd recovered some sensibility, Mark and I looked at each other, smiled, and leaned in for a soft, slow kiss.

Mark took a deep breath and stood up and gently, slowly pulled his semi-soft cock out of Scott's ass. Scott sort of whined, like he didn't want to let go of it. I knelt in front of him and ran my fingers through his hair and pulled his head up so we were looking into each other's eyes again. His weren't focused very well yet. "I gather you liked that, Son."

"Ummmmm." He nodded and didn't even try to form words. I massaged his head and kissed his ears and the back of his neck.

Mark let him rest until he took a deep breath and seemed to refocus on the room, making motions like he was ready to stand up. Then he slapped him on the butt firmly.

"Aaa!!" Scott was surprised.

"We didn't tell you you could cum, Boy. Get down there and lick your mess up off the floor."

"Yes, Sir." He didn't sound enthusiastic and looked a little confused, but he obeyed.

"Make sure you get those spots where you let Bill's cum drip out of your mouth, too."

Lick lick. "Yes, Sir." Lick lick lick.

Mark came around the table and we hugged tightly and then just held each other. Eventually I felt like we were being watched and looked down. Scott was sitting back on his heels looking wistful. "Come on up here, Pup." He stood and we included him in a three way hug, the three of us touching heads in the middle. Then I backed up a little and pulled him between Mark and me and reached around him to pull us together, making him the middle of a 'hug sandwich.' He looked up at Mark and they exchanged a soft kiss while I nuzzled the back of his head. He tightened his grip around Mark and buried his face against Mark's shoulder.

"That was great!!" he said softly. "Thank you, Sir." Then he wiggled his butt against me.

"And thank You, Sir. I hadn't expected .. anything like that."

"You did great." Mark told him. "Now, don't you think Bill needs a shower?"


I was rather suspicious as they led me to the shower, but Mark adjusted the temperature so it was pleasantly warm and then they soaped me all over, both of them making sure my cock and ass were quite clean. We hugged and slid over each other in every possible combination until the water started to cool off. Mark turned the water off, grabbed two towels, gave one to Scott, and the two of them made sure I was dry all over, again both making sure my cock and ass were well taken care of.

When they were both dry, too, Scott sighed. "I need to head back to the dorm."

I looked at Mark and cocked an eyebrow. He shrugged. "You could stay here, Scott."

"I'd like that. I'd like it a lot, but I just don't think it would be a good idea yet."

"OK. Your clothes are still were you left them." We started up the stairs.

"And I need to walk Bruno. Uhhhhh, do you think maybe I could borrow a shirt and shorts from you?" I guess Mark didn't want to wear the wet ones I'd left on the patio.

"I can do that. Do you think if I found a couple of old blankets to put on the floor Bruno might like to sleep here tonight?"

Mark broke into a big smile. "I'm sure he'd like that. I know I would."

Later, when Bruno had been walked and bedded down, Mark and I were in bed, lying spoon fashion and I was drifting off to sleep. Mark suddenly turned over so he was facing me. I could barely see his eyes in the dim light. "You certainly surprised me tonight, Sir."

"I try to keep you on your toes, Boy."

"Would you ever let some one do that to me?" He must have sensed my confusion. "Top me while you watch, like you watched me and Scott?"

I thought carefully about how to phrase exactly what was in my mind. He was watching me closely. "Not unless I know you totally trust me and .. trust my intentions in doing it."

Mark was silent for a minute or so, long enough so I wondered what was going through his mind. Finally, "Did you really mean what you said earlier tonight? That I should never doubt that I was your First and Best Boy?" He even used the same emphasis I had earlier.

"With all my heart, Mark."

He buried his face in my shoulder and held me tightly, breathing a little erratically, riding some sort of emotional roller coaster. Finally he mumbled to my shoulder, "I can't even imagine what else you'll get me into, but I do trust you most of the time. I got pretty . I got sort of scared tonight that . that you'd found a new boy."

"Look at me, Mark." He backed up enough so we could see each other's eyes. "Neither of us can guarantee that this is forever, Mark, even if it feels like we're moving that way now. I hope it is, but we both know life doesn't come with guarantees. If there is ever a change on my part, I will NEVER use a scene to tell you about it. We'll talk about as Mark and Bill."

"I love you Bill," he whispered in my ear. "I think I fell in love with you that first night you paddled me then held me and let me cry."

"I love you, too, Pup."

We kissed gently, then he turned over and snuggled back against me again. Our contentment flooded through me. That time we did drift off to sleep.

If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. I do consider suggestions. Send them to

Next: Chapter 14

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