Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on Jun 15, 2000


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations or power and surrender scenes, please exit this page. If you are under age please exit this story now.

Copyright 2000 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.

----------------------- Dog on the Loose 11 -- In the Woods

At that point Clay and Troy walked into the clearing. "Hey, you can't come in here!!" I was surprised and angry. I'd agreed that they could see Mark naked, but at a distance. As Clay went to stand in front of Mark, I went to my bag of toys and got out the big, heavy wooden paddle then moved to the side so I was slightly behind Clay. Troy was hanging back, looking worried. Clay grabbed both of Mark's tits and pinched and twisted hard.


I acted. I swung the paddle hard and hit Clay squarely on the butt.

"OUCH!!" He swung around to face me. "You asshole!! You'll pay for that!!"

"Back off, Shithead!" I yelled at him. "I'm the Master here. You walked in here without my permission and you touched my boy without permission." We glared at each other briefly, and apparently what he'd seen in my eyes last week was still there. He backed up. "First you owe me an apology for walking into my scene, then you owe my boy one for touching him without my permission." I took another step toward him.

Clay's eyes wavered and then dropped. "I'm sorry, Bill. I should have known better."

"I'm Master' and he's Sir.' to you, Fuckface. Now, try that apology again!"

He looked me in the eyes briefly, but couldn't hold it, and dropped his eyes again.

"I'm sorry ..... Master." It was clear he didn't like that much. He looked at Mark. "I'm sorry, Siiirrr." The `Sir' was pure sneer. I'd get him for that later.

"Now, Numbnuts, over against that tree." I pointed at a nice straight tree at the side of the clearing. My voice was low, full of menace.

He looked at the tree and looked at me. "Yes, Sir...Master." and walked tree. I took a short rope from my bag and walked over to stand beside him.

"Take your shirt off." I commanded. He looked at me and then did so. "Now, give me your wrist." He held his arm out and I tied the rope firmly around it. Not too tightly, I hoped. I stepped behind the tree, pulling his arm around the tree with the rope. "Now, give me your other wrist." I tied it carefully, too. The tree was big enough so he could move back a little, but not much. I went around behind him, reached around and unbuckled his belt and pulled it out of his pants. "Here, kid." I handed it to Troy.

"Now here's the deal. You clearly need to be reminded of your manners. You can tell Troy that he's to obey me for the rest of the afternoon, and he'll administer the punishment as my agent, or I'll do it when I'm finished with my scene."

"You ain't telling my slave what to do!" he snarled.

"Suit yourself. I was going to have him use your belt. I'll use my paddle."

"Uuuuuh, Bill ...err ... Sir ... errr... Master," he was having trouble with this role, "maybe my slave can help you out."

"Tell him who's in charge."

"Uhhh, Troy, uhhh, Bill's the Master now." He was angry and wouldn't look at me.

"Yes, Sir." Troy said. He looked at me. "What would you like me to do, Ss... Master?"

"First, kid, I want you to finish stripping him." Troy grinned, like maybe he was going to enjoy doing this. While he started taking off Clay's boots and then his pants and shorts, I found two items in my bag I thought would annoy Clay a lot. The first was a rope long enough to go around him and the tree so we could force his belly against the tree during his punishment. The second was a tube of Fire & Ice. After he was naked, I handed the tube to Troy.

"Now, use a big gob of that and massage it into his cock and balls and all the way back to his asshole. Then massage some inside, too. Rub it in well."

He looked at me strangely, but did as he was told. I don't think he knew what it was, even from the odor. Clay did, though. "Noooooooo!!!" he yelled. Troy stopped. I grabbed him by the ears and pulled him up from his knees and held him face to face with me.

"Who's in charge here, kid??" I barked at him. Clay was moaning.

"You are, Ss ... Master."

"Did I tell you to stop?"

"No, Master."

I turned to Clay. "If you really want this stopped, you have to ask me, not him. And if you do that, we figure out something else to continue the punishment. Got that?"

"Yes, Master. Get to work, Troy." Good. He didn't want to know what else I could come up with.

"Rub it in really well." I reminded Troy as he went back to work, trying to ignore Clay's grumbling.

While he was doing that I went back to Mark and checked his hands. "I'm sorry that happened, Boy. You OK?" I asked quietly.

"Yes, Sir. What's...."

I took his blindfold off and pointed off to the side where Troy was still massaging the ointment in. Clay was swearing and sweating and twisting as it started to take effect. Mark looked at me with a question in his eyes.

"Fire and Ice." A grin spread across Marks face, but I think he looked a little wary, too, as he looked back to me. "Not today." I told him. I'm not sure that was exactly what he wanted to hear. I unhooked Mark's hands from the chains. "Rest your arms and hands." I suggested.

I walked back to Clay. "OK, kid, that's enough of that for now. Now help me with this." I handed him one end of the longer rope and I walked around Clay and the tree twice, keeping the rope at Clay's waist. I worked the slack out so Clay was forced against the tree, and tied it firmly. The bark wasn't too rough, but it was tougher than his skin. Now he had two things to cuss about.

"Now, Kid, take his belt and start warming his butt. And remember, I'm in charge here, not him."

"Yes, Master." He still looked a little worried.

"Clay," I grabbed his nose and turned his head my way. Tears were running from his eyes. From experience I knew F&I on a guy's scrotum really stung. Clay was feeling mostly Fire at the moment. "When my Boy and I finish playing, I'm going to check out your butt, and if it isn't hot enough and isn't red enough, I'll make you wish it had been. And I'll use my paddle to do it."

"Yes, Master." He looked down. "Troy, you heard your Master, make sure you do a good job!" He sounded like he meant it. Troy grinned and picked up the belt and swung it around a few times, then landed a solid blow on Clay's butt. Clay yelled; I gave a thumbs up, and went back to Mark. There was a big wet spot on the ground in front of him. I looked at that and then at him. He managed to keep from grinning, but his eyes had a sparkle in them. He knew he had won on that particular issue.

I squinted my eyes, "You ready to continue, Boy?" voice flat.

"Yes, Sir!!"

I reattached the wrist cuffs to the ropes, repositioned the blindfold, and picked up my flogger and started lightly on his back, standing first on one side and then the other and then in the middle using sort of an `X' motion. I worked his shoulders up to a bright pink and then did the same to his chest, standing only to the sides here to avoid the wet spot.

Eventually I changed to a flogger with longer, harder tails, and at that point had an inspiration. I would let Mark punish Clay. I grinned. I liked the idea of seeing Mark in a top role; I hoped he'd like it, too. That did mean, though, that I wouldn't take him too much further this time. Delivering a good flogging takes energy, and I wanted Clay to remember Mark's work. With that in mind I started working on Mark's back again, concentrating mostly on making good `thud' strokes, not ones which hurt much. Even that excites the skin and it does sting. I quit when his shoulders were red, though not as red as his butt. Mark took all this with barely a sound. I finished with two sharp blows, one to each red cheek. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!" Good, they were still sensitive.

I moved in front of him, wrapped my arms around him and kissed him deeply. Releasing the hug, I drug my fingernails lightly but slowly down his back. He held the kiss and yelled into my mouth.

"Good boy!!" I ruffled his hair, pinched his tits firmly a couple of times, collected more precum and let him lick it from my hand. Finally I untied his hands, and took off the blindfold, unclipped his ankles from the spreader bar, took off the wrist and ankle cuffs, and took the parachute off his balls and put all that stuff back in the toy bag. When all that was done I took off my leather jock and held it up so Mark could lick my precum out of it. He took the job seriously and worked on it eagerly. When I felt it was clean enough I put the jock in the bag and then pulled him into another embrace, using his sore butt to pull his crotch into mine, letting our hard cocks grind against each other. After we were kissing well, I drug my fingernails across his butt. He held me very tightly and yelled into my mouth again, and pushed his crotch even more firmly into mine. "Good boy!!"

I released him and backed up. "OK, Boy, I have a job for you."

"Yes, Sir?"

"Remember when Clay, the guy getting his ass belted over there, called you `Siiiirrr'? It didn't sound like he respected you very much."

"It sounded like a sneer to me, Sir."

I handed him the flogger with the long, hard leather straps. "Think you can make his back red with that?"

His eyes widened as he took the handle in his hand. He held it like he didn't quite know how to wield it, but his grin told me he was willing to try. "I may need some pointers, Sir."

"Good. Let's give the kid a break." We walked over to where Troy was still whacking Clay's very red butt with determination. Clay was yelling once in a while, but just moaning most of the time. "OK, Kid, let's see if you've done a good job."

"Yes, Master." I ran my hand over Clay's butt lightly. It was indeed hot, but not as red as I would have had it. Mark could land a few there, and if he just used the ends of the tails, it would sting a lot. I knelt and drug my fingernails firmly down across his cheeks.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SHIT!!!"

I smiled at Troy. "Seems like you did a good job, Kid."

"Thank you, Master."

"OK, Numbnuts, that's the punishment for when you walked into my scene. Now, my Boy is going see if you can learn to address him with respect, too."

"Whhhaaaa... No Way!!" Clay wasn't ready for my boy to top him. That was good. He wouldn't learn to express respect too quickly. I held out my hand and Mark handed me the flogger.

"One way to use this is to stand here and use it like this." I stood to one side of Clay and swung the flogger so the ends of the tails hit his opposite shoulder. "You can do that from both sides. Then you can stand here and use the `X' approach." I stood behind Clay and hit first one shoulder and then the other a couple of times each. I was doing it hard enough so pink stripes were showing. "You don't want to hit the kidney areas, but the shoulders, butt and legs are all fine." I matched my deeds to my words. Clay was yelling his outrage. I think Troy was watching as carefully as Mark.

I handed the flogger to Mark, and he made some tentative swings from various positions, sort of getting the feel of the thing. This wasn't hurting Clay at all, and I could see his disdain growing, but I could see what Mark was doing and stood back and watched in amusement. After maybe 15 or 20 swings Mark was pretty sure of what he was doing and Clay was totally complacent. Mark put a little muscle into the next one. Clay's mouth dropped open and he sort of lurched into the tree. It still wasn't hard enough to hurt much, but he knew things were changing.

Mark looked at me, eyebrows arched. I gave him a thumbs up. He grinned and spread his feet a little and launched one meant to hurt. "AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaiiiii!!" It did and Clay was astonished. He did maybe twenty from this side across Clay's shoulders, then switched to the other side, using a great backhand delivery, and repeated the set. Clay was yelling and groaning, but Mark was unimpressed. He moved behind Clay and used the criss cross approach. Not quite as much muscle now, but still making Clay yell from time to time. I had wondered if Clay would ask me to stop the punishment at any time, but he seemed determined to tough it out.

Mark moved to Clay's side again. "Count'em for me, Slave." he instructed. He landed another good one on Clay's shoulders.


Mark's eyes slitted and he put some real muscle into one on Clay's butt. Clay yelled loudly. "One? One, What, Slave?" I didn't know Mark could get that much menace in his voice.

"One, Sir!" Clay said.

"I think you're a little slow on the pick up here, Slave, I think you need to show Real Respect." Another real zinger landed on Clay's butt.

"AAAAAAAaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!! Ohhhhh!! Sir, Yes, Sir!!" Clay shouted.

"That's better. Now, start over, and if you miss one we go back to one." He went back to the shoulders, and put real effort into the swing.

"He must have read at least a few stories." I thought. "I haven't made him do that."

"Sir, one, Sir!" Clay yelled. He was beyond sneering now. He did fine until he got to ten.

"Ten, Sir."

Mark smiled, "You slipped, Muddlehead!" and landed a scorcher on Clay's butt.


"Start over!" Another good one to the shoulders.

"Sir, one Sir!!" Clay put real emphasis on them now. He got through the set without any errors.

"Now, we do the other shoulder, same rules." Mark backed up so the tips of the tails were hitting Clay's near shoulder and swung again.

"Sir, one, Sir!!!" Clay was really yelling it out now, and got through that set fine, too.

"Good, Slave." Mark told him. Then he took aim at Clay's tortured butt and landed 10 more strokes there, putting some real muscle into the swings and alternating cheeks where the major force landed. Clay was yelling and crying and twisting as much as he could. Mark stepped back when he finished that and looked at me.

"Want to try that apology again, Slave?" I asked mildly.

"Yes, Master. I'm sorry, Sir. I shouldn't `a walked into the scene at all, and I shouldn't a' touched you neither. I'm sorry if I hurt you, Sir."

"I accept your apology, Slave." Mark said.

"Sir?" Clay asked.

"Yes?" Mark looked surprised.

"You handled that flogger real good, Sir." I was totally astounded. Maybe Clay wasn't quite as dense or quite as arrogant as he seemed at times.

"Thank you, Slave."

I turned to Troy. "Kid, go get some water for us." Troy ran to the jug and brought it and the glasses back. I opened the top and pulled out two ice cubes and handed them to him. "I think you need to cool his back down a bit." He looked confused. I mimed cupping the cubes under a hand and running them around Clay's back. He got the idea quickly, and started doing so.

"AAAAAAAAAAAA SHIT!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Clay was caught totally off guard.

Mark and I shared some water then I pulled Mark into an embrace. We were kissing deeply and both of us were hard when the noise stopped. Clay shivered all over when the ice finally melted. "I think you need to strip, Kid." I told Troy.

"Yes, Master." He shed his clothes quickly, picked up a boot and looked at me. I nodded, and he put his boots back on. His cock was not caged and was hard, maybe 6 inches long and fat, and it was dripping.

"Untie him and put the ropes and flogger in my bag." I said, tipping my head at Clay. He did as I asked, coiling the ropes carefully. Clay was gently touching his shoulders and butt to see if there was real damage. There might be some bruises, but that was the worst he could expect.

"Clay, I think you should give Troy a reward for being so nice to you today. He clearly needs a blow job." Clay opened his mouth, probably to object, then closed it again, closed his eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, and then went and knelt in front of Troy and looked up at him.

"May I suck your cock, Sir?" he asked. I think you could have knocked Troy over with a feather, he was so astounded, but he knew the answer.

"Yeah, suck my cock, Boy." And Clay did just that. I watched briefly. He started playing with himself while he teased and sucked Troy's cock and licked at his balls.

I guess that went well, but I sort of lost track as Mark and I started kissing and then got even more involved. We ended up in a 69 with me on the bottom after Mark found he didn't want to put his butt on the ground. I remember someone yelling, "I'm cumming", and it wasn't one of us, so it must have been Troy - I don't think Clay could have yelled with his mouth full of Troy's fat cock. Then Mark and I dissolved completely into our own space, cumming into each other's mouths. Finally we refocused, and Mark turned around and looked into my eyes then kissed me, the taste of my cum still in his mouth. He laid out full length on top of me and we just enjoyed the contact for a while. "Thank you, Sir. It was a fantastic afternoon."

We heard a grunt from off to the side and we both turned to see what it was. Clay still had Troy's cock deep in his mouth and was cumming; long heavy strands were shooting out of his cock. When he recovered and opened his eyes again they stared at each other for a while. Eventually Troy pulled his cock free, found Clay's belt, formed a loop by putting the tip through the buckle and started to put it over Clay's head. Clay jerked back and held up his hands to stop him. They stared at each other for a while longer, then Clay put his hands on his knees and bowed his head. Troy put the belt over his head and Clay lifted his chin while Troy tightened the loop gently but firmly around his neck. "Good boy." Troy said, and rubbed Clay's head. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Ready to go, Boy?" I asked Mark.

"Yes, Sir." We got up and finished putting our things in my toy bag.

"Put on your boots and then take Master's bag and cooler up to their truck, Boy." Troy told Clay. "I'll bring your clothes."

"Yes, Sir." Without a comment or a grumble Clay pulled on his boots, picked up my bag and the water cooler and headed up the hill.

"Thank you, Master. Thank you, Sir. We had a great afternoon." Troy bowed to us in a vaguely oriental way. "We hope you will take advantage of our facility often."

"Thank you ... son. " I looked from Troy to the retreating Clay, shaking my head in some confusion.

Troy read my thoughts. "I don't know, Master, but if it lasts long enough I may teach him some manners."

"If you want to stay on top, Son, " I told him" don't let him forget for one minute, night or day, that he's your slave. Good luck!" I meant it. "Let's go put on our clothes, Boy, and head home." The three of us headed up the hill, all naked except for boots and Mark's collar. I stopped at the barn to put on my shorts and T-shirt. At the pickup Mark put on his shirt and added the shorts gingerly. "You can take the collar off if you want, Boy." I told him.

"Thank you, Sir, but I think I'll do that when we get to town."

I looked at Clay. "Thank you for bringing our stuff up, Slave."

He bowed his head. "Thank you for letting me be of service, Master."

We got in the truck, Mark trying to do it lightly, and I backed up far enough so I could turn around and head back to the road. We waved at the confusing pair we were leaving behind.

As soon as we were out of the driveway Mark turned to me, "Can you explain to me what all happened back there."

"I really don't know, Mark. I really don't know." But I did fill him in about how I `bought' our access to the play space the previous weekend.

When we got home we took the toys inside and Mark took off the collar. He invited me to his place for some grilled chicken. It sounded good, but we realized that Bruno needed an outing and neither of us was really in a mood to cook, anyway, so we took Bruno for a walk and then ordered a pizza. We managed a quick shower before it arrived. I noted with a grin that Mark opted for a soft pair of shorts for the evening.

After finishing off the pizza and a couple of glasses of wine we were both very mellow. We cuddled on his sofa for a while, Mark ending up sort of on his side sort of on top to keep his butt happy. We kissed and he looked into my eyes. "Your eyes are so.... so deep. I feel like I'm looking into .... I don't know .... infinity .... and they're so .... warm. I feel like I'm lll....." He faltered, squeezed his eyes shut and held me tightly.

"Loved?" I asked.

He opened his eyes and looked at me. They were definitely moist. He nodded his head.

"You are, Boy, you are. And so is Mark." We kissed again, hard, and he hugged me even tighter and snuggled even closer to me, if that was possible. I had a wonderful warm glow inside, and it was probably shining from my eyes, too. I hadn't felt this way about a man in a long time. That's the way we fell asleep.

I have ideas for at least two more chapters of `Dog on the Loose' and Bill and Mark's story. Unfortunately my writing time is going to be quite limited for a while, so it will be some time before any further installments are posted. I want to thank everyone who has encouraged me to keep writing and also those who've made suggestions. Happy reading.


-------------------- If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. I do consider suggestions. Send them to

Next: Chapter 12

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