Dog on the Loose

By moc.oohay@J_fo_sdnaH

Published on Feb 20, 2000


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or man/man relations or power and surrender scenes, please exit this page. If you are under age please exit this story now.


Copyright 1999 by Hands_of_J. All rights reserved.

Neither this story nor any parts of it may be distributed electronically or in any other manner without the express, written consent of the author. All rights are retained.


Mark and Nancy moved in down the street from me in the fall last year. I was on my usual walking loop around the neighborhood and they were in the yard watching the movers unload the moving van. I stopped and introduced myself, told them I lived four houses down the block and invited them to stop by for a drink or something when things settled down. I would have done that for anyone, but Mark made it doubly pleasurable

Mark is about 35, in good shape, about 5'10", maybe 160 pounds, black hair and moustache, an easy smile, with brown eyes which seemed to flick ever so briefly down my body every once in a while. He seemed quite friendly. Nancy was maybe an inch shorter than he, plump but still attractive, but she was much more reserved and distant. They were busy and distracted, but I found out that he was on the faculty at the university in town and she was a sales rep for a large medical equipment company. I knew after that short interaction they wouldn't be down for a drink, or at least not together. They'd be pleasant neighbors, and he certainly improved the neighborhood scenery.

Over the next few months, even on cold winter days, I saw him out jogging with his dog, a medium sized German shepherd named Bruno, with some regularity. He always waved and smiled, and occasionally when we were both on foot we'd stop and chat briefly. I like dogs, so I made friends with Bruno, too. I always liked standing down wind from Mark on these occasions, since he had a strong but not unpleasant male scent when he'd been exercising. I still had the impression that his eyes strayed down my body at times, but he never followed up on any invitations for a drink or anything, so I assumed he was content at home, and that nothing would come of these encounters.

Me? I'm 59, 5'10", 155 pounds, blue eyes, black hair with a few gray ones sprinkled in, and a mostly gray moustache and goatee, and I exercise enough to be in reasonable shape. I do like leather and try to show that in subtle ways. I wear a black leather braided belt most of the time and usually a black watch with black leather band. Much of the time I wear black sneakers or boots and black jeans or faded Levi's, and occasionally a leather cap. I'll be a top or bottom, depending on who I'm with, or just have vanilla sex if that's what the guy I'm interested in wants.

On the first really warm day this spring I was on my back patio giving some of my leather goods a good saddle soap treatment when Bruno ran into the back yard chasing a squirrel. They ripped right through a bed of tulips and daffodils to a big tree. I yelled at him and started that way with the paddle I happened to have in my hand. Just then Mark ran into the yard wearing running shorts and shoes and quite a bit of sweat, and yelled at Bruno until he got his attention and called him back to his side. He turned to me and apologized, and quickly took in that I was wearing only my short, ragged cutoffs and carrying a paddle. "You weren't going to use that on Bruno were you?" he asked, eyes a little wide.

"I was going to do whatever it took to get his attention." I said.

"Well, I don't want you beating Bruno."

"I like Bruno, you know that. If he stays out of my garden there won't be any problem." I told him. "If it happens again maybe we need to see about some discipline for his master." I added with a little arch to my eyebrows to imply a question and a slight grin so he could take it as a joke, though I would have been happy to follow through.

Mark blushed deeply. "Uhhh, well, I'll make sure he behaves." he stammered. "See ya. Come on Bruno!" and he headed back to the street rather more quickly than he needed to. But he had been there long enough for me to take in what he looked like with fewer clothes on -- nicely developed chest, a just-right spread of hair over his pecs and a line travelling down his belly, disappearing under his shorts, well muscled legs, again with just the right amount of hair. His back and firm butt were great to watch as he left the yard.

Over the next couple of weeks I saw Mark jogging three or four times, and we waved and he smiled as usual, so I knew the incident in the back yard hadn't caused any problems. Bruno was with him but in a good "heel" position each time. But then one day I drove past them and Bruno was out running ahead of him again, so I shook my finger at him. He laughed but I heard him yell at Bruno to heel after I got past. In the next week I saw them from my window occasionally and Bruno was running ahead but always staying fairly close and seemingly under good control. I fantasized about what I would do if he got his owner in trouble, but didn't expect it to happen.

One day we stopped and talked for a few minutes, and Bruno was wondering up and down the street a little. "You gotta be careful where that dog goes." I joked. "He might get you into trouble."

Mark blushed a little and called Bruno back. With just a tiny twitch at the corner of his mouth he asked, "So how do you discipline owners of bad dogs?"

"Wellll," I said, hooking my thumbs in the front pockets of my shorts to emphasize my crotch just a little and putting on a show of looking thoughtful, careful to let him see me looking him up and down, "I'd probably turn him over my knee and spank his bare butt. And if he wouldn't hold still for that, I'd tie him naked, spread eagled on my bed and use my paddle on him. Why? You know any bad dog owners?" I asked with an arched eyebrow and a grin.

"Oh, no, not really." he answered a little too quickly, "I was just, uhhh, wondering."

"Well, gotta get back to the run." he said after a few seconds of silence. "See ya. Come on, Bruno."

I smiled to myself. His running shorts always showed a nice bulge in front, but had seemed to puff up a little during our conversation. He was at least playing with my bait in his mind. I wondered if he'd find a way to follow through somehow or if it was for his jack off fantasies when Nancy was out of town on one of her frequent sales trips. I hoped I'd seem more of him one of these days.

Then on a warm evening a week or so later my doorbell rang. I was a little surprised; I wasn't expecting anyone. It was Mark. He was wearing his running shorts, a tank top and his running shoes but was only slightly sweaty. I think he'd done a short warm up run so he could put on a good act for his reason for being here. Again the front of his shorts bulged a bit more than usual, I thought, and he was definitely nervous.

"Hi, Bill, errr, Sir. Uhhhh Bruno ranawayagaintonightandgotintoyourgarden." He said it so quickly, even before I had a chance to invite him in, and so fast, that it took a moment to understand what he said. Apparently he didn't want to lose his nerve before he got it out.

"Sir?" I thought. There were a couple of seconds of silence as I shifted gears mentally and took in the sight of the hot man before me. "Boy, didn't I warn you about letting that dog run loose when you are out running?" I growled, hoping this was leading where I thought it might be.

"Y..y..yes, Sir." he said quietly, looking down. He apparently didn't mind being called, "boy." Good sign!

"Didn't I tell you I'd discipline that dog's master if it happened again?"

"Yes, Sir." he said again, quietly. "I'm here to accept that." His voice sounded more even, but he still wasn't breathing too evenly.

"Come in here, Boy." I said and opened the door wider so he could step past me. I closed it and made a show of locking it behind him.

First I had to find out a couple of parameters for the evening so I could figure out what I was dealing with. "Nancy know you're here, Boy?" I asked.

"She's out of town until Friday, Sir." he answered, still looking down. So we didn't have a particular time limit tonight, and apparently he could go home with a red ass (or maybe more) and it'd be OK. This was looking better and better. He'd apparently planned this for a while.

"Take off your shoes and leave them here, Boy. I don't want dirt and mud in the rest of the house."

"Yes, Sir." He said and used his feet to shove his shoes off, leaving them where ever they happened to be.

I slapped his ass, "Be neat, Boy!" I snapped. I realized he didn't have socks on, so he hadn't run far. .

"Yes, Sir!" he said quickly and bent to arrange the shoes neatly beside each other and along the wall. No jock lines under the running shorts. Good!

"Now come in here." I said, grabbing him by the arm leading him into my den. He followed meekly. Once there, I needed to do a little rearranging. "Here, stand in this corner and put your hands behind your back. Don't even try to look around until I tell you!" It was a corner I could see from the doorway.

"Yes, Sir." he mumbled.

I grabbed his hair and pulled his head back, "What did you say, Boy!" I asked, slowly and distinctly.

"Yes, Sir!" he barked out clearly.

"Good boy." I told him, and set about my rearranging. I pushed my chair back but left the footstool where I could sit on it and Mark would have room to turn over my knees. I turned on a dim side lamp and turned out the reading light. Then I went into my bedroom opened the "toy box" and got a small paddle, some rawhide, and a bandanna and also sorted out some rope and cuffs in case he wouldn't stay still for a spanking and I needed to tie him to the bed. I was hoping he planned to be a very unruly boy.

Next I shucked out of the pants and shirt I was wearing. I thought about putting on my leather cod piece, but concluded that my cock was looking forward to this a little too much to be able to stuff it into that comfortably. I found my black jock strap and slipped it on, pointing my cock up toward my belly button, followed by a black tank top and the ragged cutoffs Mark had seen in my back yard. I picked up my equipment and headed back to the den. As I came back around the corner I caught him with his head turned trying to look around the room. "That'll cost ya, Boy. I told you to keep your nose in that corner."

"Yes, Sir. I'm sorry, Sir."

I sat on the footstool and said, "OK, come over here, Boy." He turned around, quickly took in my change of clothing, and came and stood in front of me, leaving his hands behind his back. He was clearly a little nervous, but the bulge in his running shorts was larger than when he arrived. "Take off your shirt and put it on that chair." I directed him. He slowly pulled his shirt off, folded it carefully, and stepped over so he could put in on the chair and then came back in front of me with his hands behind his back, as before. "Hmmm, must like having his hands that way." I thought.

This was the first time I'd seen him bare chested except for the brief encounter when Bruno ran into my back yard. I liked what I saw. The dark hair lightly covered his pecs was silky and I again admired the wonderful trail running down his belly and disappearing into his shorts. He was in good shape but not over-developed. He was a runner with a runner's strong legs and a runner's build, and apparently he did some work with weights to keep his upper body in good tone, too.

"Turn around." I directed. He did, and I loosely tied his wrists together using the bandana. His butt was a real turn on, but I didn't touch it. Not yet. "OK, come around here and get down across my knees." As he turned and came beside me I could see that the bulge in his shorts was definitely larger now. He liked having his hands tied. He somewhat awkwardly got down on his knees and leaned over my lap, then scooted forward a little so his butt was within easy reach and his hard cock was poking my leg. I massaged his butt through his nylon running shorts with my right hand, using my left hand to pull him toward my belly. His manly odor was a real aphrodisiac for me, and his warm body on my legs was turning me on even more. "You know you've been a bad boy, right? And this spanking is for your own good?"

"Yes, Sir," he said, quietly.

I gave him a few smacks across one cheek and then the other, massaging a bit in between each one. He sighed, but otherwise didn't say anything or move much. Then I gave him a series of harder slaps, and he groaned slightly. "What do you say, Boy?"

"Thank you, Sir." he said, and wiggled his butt a little. I could feel his cock straining against my leg and I'm sure he could feel mine against his side. I gave his butt a few more slaps and rubbed it some more.

"Let's get these shorts out of the way." I told him. The waistband was on top of my leg, but he sucked in his belly and raised his hips enough so I could slide them down easily. I left them so the elastic was around the middle of his thighs and the fabric was pulling his cock down a little. The odor of a hot, sweaty man was even stronger now. I rubbed his bare butt, trailed my fingers down his crack and briefly fondled his balls and fingered the base of his cock. His breath definitely got ragged when I did that, and he moaned a little. I started a series of firmer and firmer slaps to his butt and he started wiggling more and more. "Hold still!" I told him. "We're barely started."

"I can't help it, Sir." he said. "It hurts."

"I'll have to take you in and tie you to the bed if you don't stay still and take it like a man." I reminded him.

"I remember, Sir." he said, "I'll try, Sir."

But the next few blows caused him to wiggle even more; he almost slipped off my lap at one point. They hadn't been much harder than what I'd done earlier. "This boy wants to be tied up!" I smiled to myself. "Stand up, Boy!"

"Yes Sir." He was a little awkward with his hands tied behind his back and his shorts around his thighs, but he did make it up. His cock was straining but was held down by the elastic on his shorts.

"Let's get these off." I told him, and pulled his shorts down to his ankles. His cock snapped up when it was released. It was standing at full attention, jutting up from a dense mat of dark pubic hair. It was well proportioned, like the rest of him - probably seven inches, neither too thick or too thin, with a nice flared, mushroom head. "Step out of those and put them over with your shirt." I told him. "Neatly!"

"Yes, Sir." He carefully stepped out of them, used his toes to straighten them and fold them over once as best he could, and then slipped the toes of one foot under them and lifted them to put them on the shirt.

"Come stand in front of me." I directed him as I pulled the length of rawhide from my collection of goodies on the floor. When he was in position with his legs spread (his idea) I cupped his balls in my hand and rolled them back and forth. They created quite a nice handful, and were heavy and felt hot. I firmly wrapped the rawhide several times around the tops of his balls, pulling them down from his cock a little, and tied it off, leaving myself a enough length to lead him with. A bead of precum was forming at his piss slit. "Follow me." I said as I stood up and used the rawhide to pull him along into the bedroom. He followed quietly. I stood him at the foot of my king-sized bed and found a beach towel and spread it on the bed where he was going to lying. I had a feeling he might be leaving some tracks. "Now, get up there on the bed and spread your legs." I told him.

"Yes, Sir." he said. His cock was still fully hard and the precum was almost ready to drip now. He got on the bed on his knees and worked forward a bit and then leaned forward and got his head down on the bed and then sort of pushed forward to lie out flat. Before he got all the way down I reached between his legs and pulled his cock back so it would be pointing toward his feet when he flattened out.

"Thank you, Sir." he said and spread his legs toward the corners. I had been right; precum was flowing out of his dick now. I fastened an ankle cuff around each of his ankles and then threaded a rope through the d-ring on the cuff, tying it off to the legs at the corners of the bed, pulling his legs maybe just a little wider than he wanted them. He grunted slightly didn't complain. I stood back and enjoyed the view of this naked man tied to my bed.

"Now, I don't think you'll squirm quite so much." I told him.

"No, Sir. Thank you, Sir." he said.

I knelt beside him and ran my hands up and down his legs and across his butt a few times and he sighed his appreciation. Then using my hand I started spanking him, lightly at first, then more and more firmly, pausing once in a while to run my hands over his butt, down his legs, down his crack. Sometimes I teased his balls and cock a little. During all this he was turning his head from side to side, grunting and moaning, sometimes letting out a little cry when I landed a particularly firm one. "I want you to count off 10 for me, Boy." I told him. "Understand?"

"Yes, Sir." he said firmly. I landed a firm one on his right cheek. "One." he counted.

"One, what?" I asked slapping him more firmly on the left cheek.

"One, Sir!" he said loudly.

I landed another firm one on his right cheek. "Two, Sir."

"Good boy." I was landing very firm strokes now, but he counted them off with only a little gasp occasionally. "Good boy!" I told him at the end. I massaged his ass a little and noticed there was a pool of precum at the end of his cock. I used that to slick his glans, rubbing it around carefully, enjoying the feeling of spongy velvet that the head of a hard cock has. That got a big moan from him. I was pretty sure he was having a good time, but I also wasn't sure how far he was really ready to go. "Think you've learned your lesson yet, Boy?" I asked him.

"I'm afraid not, Sir." he responded meekly. "Ahhh. This boy is into this." I thought.

"Maybe we need to work on a bigger area." I told him. I untied his hands and used this break to strip down to just my black jock, too. "Stretch your arms out toward the corners of the bed." I told him.

"Yes, Sir." He worked his shoulders just a little and then reached out toward the corners. He even worked his body up just a little more so his legs were pulled a little tighter. I put padded leather cuffs on his wrists and then used ropes to tie them to the legs at the head of the bed. I noticed that he was staring at the bulge my 7 inch, fairly fat cock was making in my jock as I tied his arms tight.

"Good boy." I told him again. I ran my hands over his back and down over his butt, savoring the feel of his firm, hot body. Then I picked up my small leather paddle and held the end down near his nose. He inhaled the leather smell. "Lick it." I commanded. He licked and slurped and moaned. "You like that, don't you, Boy?"

"Yes, Sir." he said. Then I started working over his shoulders and sides with the paddle, being careful to miss any bony areas. I was working firmly enough so they started turning pink. Then I moved down to his thighs and inner thighs and worked first one side and then the other until they matched his sides. I'd land a firm one on his butt occasionally. That always got a gasp out of him but he didn't pull at his restraints much through any of this. I used more of his precum to stroke his cock during little breaks. His moans made it clear he really liked that. I went over his thighs and sides and shoulders again and then again, until they were turning red. "Learned your lesson yet, boy?" I asked.

"No, Sir, I'm afraid not, Sir." He replied.

"Wow!" I thought. I picked up my riding crop, spread his cheeks and used it right on his ass hole.

The first stroke got a loud "Agggh!" from him, but the following ones were accepted with little more than an "unnnh."

"Well, this doesn't seem to be working real well." I told him. "Maybe I need to see if I can fuck can sense into you." I said as I fingered his puckered hole

"Oh, no, Sir. I don't think that would help, Sir." he said rather loudly. I detected almost a note of panic in his voice.

I didn't know what that was about, so though I would have liked plugging his ass with my hot and eager cock, I decided to let it go. "Well, maybe I should put a butt plug up here and then turn you over and work on your front for a while. We'll see if you can learn anything that way."

"Please don't do that, Sir. I didn't know you were going to have to go that far this time, Sir. I don't think I'm very clean there, Sir."

"Ahhh. There's the hang up." I thought. "And he said `this time.' Maybe there'll be more training sessions." I grinned to myself and hoped there would be. "Are you saying you're full of shit, Boy?" I asked.

"I might be, Sir." he said.

"Well, you be more careful in the future, Boy!" I told him with a sharp slice of the crop across his ass.

"Yes, Sir." he gasped. "I will, Sir." I noticed a tear running down his cheek. The area I had hit turned an angry red.

"I think it time to turn you over and work on your front, Boy." I told him.

"If you think so, Sir." he said.

I went to the corners of the bed and untied the ropes. "Turn over." I told him. He carefully rolled over, looking a little surprised as his tender ass hit the rough beach towel, and again spread his arms and legs toward the corners of the bed without being told. I retied the ropes, pulling them tight once again. I ran my hands over his chest and belly, stroked his cock a couple of times, getting another big moan out of him. I leaned over and licked his balls and licked along the length of his throbbing cock while I teased his nipples with one hand, getting almost intoxicated by the scent of his male musk. Switching positions, I grabbed his cock with one hand and started licking and biting his nipples until they stood up nice and hard, just like his cock. He was trashing as much as the ropes would allow at this point, getting too close to cumming, I though, so I grabbed his bound up balls and squeezed firmly. That got a loud groan as he pulled his head up sharply.

I went to my toy box and got some clothes pins and started attaching them to his chest, one on the right, one of the left, another on the right, another on the left, getting closer to his hard nipples as I went. He held his head up to watch, and each one got a little gasp as I released it. Finally I attached one to each nipple. Those each got an "Ohhhh." and a strong exhale while he dropped his head back to the bed. Then I picked up the crop again and started working on his thighs and inner thighs, using my other hand to protect his balls when I got too close to them. Once in a while I'd cup his balls in my hand and slap them lightly. He jerked his head up and yelled when I did that. Guess they were sensitive. Then I wrapped my fist around his cock and held it straight out from his body while I worked the crop back and forth across his belly. Through it all he made a lot of noise -- hisses, yelps and moans -- but he never asked me to stop. When his belly was red I let just the tip of his cock be seen above my hand and hit it firmly with the crop. He yelled at that, too.

I took the clothespins off and firmly rubbed feeling back into those areas. He squirmed and moaned a lot but didn't complain. I then went over his pecs thoroughly with the crop until they were as red as his belly. His cock stayed hard and leaked precum more and more. "I think it's time for you to suck my balls." I told him as I stood and shucked off my jock.

"Yes, Sir. Please, Sir." he said. I straddled his head, facing his crotch, with my balls hanging just above his mouth, and he went to work on them like he was starving. He licked them and licked as far as he could reach all around them, then sucked them into his mouth. I leaned forward and rubbed my hand in the pool of precum and then started stroking his cock slowly. He moaned loudly; that felt wonderful on my balls. Then with one more stroke he tried to yell (that felt good, too), thrust his cock up into my fist and shot a huge wad against my chest, and then continued to moan and thrust and shoot volley after volley covering his own chest and belly with cum. I was surprised by the suddenness of it and the force of it, but the show was wonderful. I continued to stroke his shaft and massage his balls until he was no longer having after shocks from his forceful orgasm.

After catching his breath for a minute or so, he pulled back from my balls enough to plead, "Shoot your hot man cum all over me, please Sir. Mark me, Sir, please. Please, Sir." and he went back to sucking on my balls. Well, I was pretty close myself, so I only had to stroke myself a few times before I yelled and shot all over his stomach and crotch. I moved off to his side and just collapsed for a couple of minutes. "Good boy." I told him as I finally leaned up and looked in his still glazed eyes and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Mmmmmm." was all he said. He had a very contented smile. I got a cum rag and wiped him down, went around and released the cuffs from the ropes and then laid back beside him and pulled him toward me. He turned on his side and buried his head against my neck and burst into tears.

I put my arms around him, held him, kept telling him, "That's OK, Boy, just let it all out." and, "You were a good boy, a really good boy." After a while his crying slowed down and then there was just an occasional sob. I kept stroking his hair, telling him, "I'm proud of you, Boy. You're a really good boy." I'd have to find out what that was all about later.

Finally he leaned back from me a bit so he could look me in the eyes, and said, "Thank you, Sir. Thank you." and then we hugged for a while longer.

"How about a shower?" I finally asked him.

"If you don't mind, Sir, I think I want to smell like this all night."

"Sure, why not?" I grinned at him, wondering where he wanted to spend the night.

"Can I wear the cuffs tonight, too, and bring them back later."

"Damn! Well, maybe another night." I thought. "Sure, but I want them back in the morning," I told him. I sat up and untied the rawhide from his balls. "Stay there." I went to the toy box and found an o-ring about the right size for a cock ring for him. I sat by his legs and pulled and pushed first one if his balls and then the other through the ring, then pushed his cock back into itself (though that was a little difficult, since he was getting at least firm again) and worked it through the ring, too. He watched all this intently.

When I was finished, he grinned like a kid with a new toy. "Thank you, Sir."

"I want you to wear that all night and all day tomorrow and then come by on the way home from work and show me you still have it on."

He looked serious at that. "I have a faculty meeting tomorrow evening which will run very late I'm sure. Will that be OK, Sir?"

"I need to work here at home tomorrow evening anyway," I told him, "so I'll be here whenever you get home. Now, you'd better get out of here before I tie you up again and rape you."

"Yes, Sir!" He said jumping off the bed. He headed into the den to put his clothes back on. I almost called him back to pick up the mess I'd made, but then I thought, "maybe that'd be a good subject to bring up in our next session." I put shorts on and met him at the door where he was putting on his shoes. He straightened up from tying his shoes, moved in for a hug and nestled his head against my neck again, and said, "Thank you, Sir, thank you very much."

I held him while we took several deep breaths together then grabbed a hand full of hair with each hand and pulled his head back so I could look directly into his eyes. "Remember, Boy, bring those cuffs back tomorrow on the way to work and don't even think about taking that cock ring off." I growled.

He tried to look serious instead of deliriously happy, and partly succeeded, and he snapped out a sharp "Yes Sir!! I'll try, Sir!!"

"And!! ", I said. "And, I don't want you to cum again until I tell you it's OK."

He looked surprised and a little dubious at that, looked down and said "Yes, Sir." quietly. I think he'd had other plans for when he got home or maybe for tomorrow morning.

I let him out the door and watched him walk down the drive. "That boy is going to take some serious training." I thought happily. The cuffs looked hot on him. Next time I'd add a slave collar.

The characters in this story are fictional, darn it, but Mark will be back for more training and Bill is thinking of more things to do. I'll tell you about that later.

If you have comments, I'd be glad to hear them and will try to answer all e-mails. I'll consider suggestions of things you'd like to see happen to Mark. Or to Bill, for that matter. Send them to I ignore flames.

Next: Chapter 2

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