Dog Days Are Beginning

By Henry Wolf

Published on Jul 4, 2021


Dog Days Are Beginning Chapter 8: Final Test Henry Wolf

I hope everyone has been keeping well and safe? We're almost at the end of the first cycle of this story. Thank you to everyone who has been reading and keeping up with each chapter. Let's see what's in store for Steve and our applicants as they face their final test! If you would like to get in touch, you can email me at

Note: Warning: this chapter contains violent behaviour and explicit sexual scenes. The events in this story are purely fantasy. In real life, please show respect and practice safe and consensual sex.

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On Day 7, the applicants each had a mock test that emulated their final test, which would need to pass in order to become a certified sub. The mock test examined each of the areas that they had had lessons in: reciting the mantra, sub positions, humiliation, punishment, sex, objectification, pet play, and finally serving. The mock test would ensure they could get some final lessons in any area that they were faltering in so they could pass their final test.

There was a nervous but excited buzz about the training facility. Each of the Doms took an applicant into their own room to go through the mock test. Everyone was anticipating what the tests would be like, how they would do and whether they would pass. After they had gone through the tests, the applicants chatted about how they had gotten on, what they had done well on, whether they had passed, and what they needed to improve on.

Greg needed to hold his composure more. Because he enjoyed submission, he had a habit of smiling or showing his pleasure whenever he was degraded or punished or talked down to. This didn't make for a presentable sub as a sub needed to remain neutral and poised at all times. If he lost his composure and appeared to be enjoying himself in the final test, he'd end up failing.

Malik did well overall in each of the sub lessons, but his excitement about being a certified sub made his behaviour appear too eager and giddy. He needed to tighten up his stature and regulate how he moved, particularly when serving. He was advised to move and stand as if he were a soldier. "Too excited to be a sub?" he complained to the others after they had finished their run through. "As IF that's a bad thing." There was never a dull moment with Malik.

When Paul joined the others, he was massaging his neck. When asked, he explained that his gag reflex had made it difficult when trying to give a blowjob. It was ok to choke on a dick, but if that meant he was concentrating more on not gagging than on pleasuring the Dom, that could jeopardise his chances at passing.

Ben was cool and collected. He'd done well and was pretty confident he'd pass. There were just one or two instances during the sub mantra that he'd tripped up but he wasn't in any danger of failing because of that.

Thiago needed to be more on his feet. He had a natural tendency to daydream, which made it seem like he wasn't paying attention when in fact it just took him a bit longer to react. He'd have to be quicker in his response time or he could fail.

Kev was advised he needed to be more engaged when pleasuring his Dom. Naturally, it was more difficult since he was straight but he just needed to think about what he had enjoyed when he was being pleasured by women in the past and apply that to the current situation. He also needed to show less displeasure at being fucked as this didn't reflect well on his composure.

Steve explained to the others that he had struggled with being objectified and ignored. He found it hard when his Dom was sitting at the table carrying out work while he was serving or sucking his dick under the table. He knew all he needed to do was concentrate on the needs of the Dom but he was caught up on being acknowledged. If he seemed distracted or wanting for attention in the test, he was warned he'd surely fail.

"Get out of your head, man," Ben told him.

"Yeah, we're nearly there, bro. Don't fall at the last hurdle," Kev encouraged, his optimism lifting the atmosphere.

"Remember what I said, I want all of us sub bros to leave here full subs," Malik smiled at each of the others.

The applicants spent the rest of the day with their Doms going over any areas or lessons that they needed improvement on.

Steve woke on test day with butterflies in his stomach. He was excited about putting what he had learned to the test but nervous about slipping up, particularly in the areas where he had fell short yesterday. He just need to keep his head straight and concentrated on the examiner. The Doms who would be examining the applicants wouldn't be those who had taught them throughout the week. The examiners would need to be impartial to prevent any bias or favouritism.

After breakfast, the applicants were taken one by one for their final test. They were then brought back to their cages and their results sent off to be evaluated. Some of the other applicants looked dejected upon their return, others were pumping with adrenaline.

Soon it was Steve's turn. He thought he'd throw up but he breathed deeply and calmed himself. He'd gotten this far, all he had to do was apply what he'd learned and trust his instincts.

The examiner Steve had been assigned brought him into the hall. He was physically imposing and militaristic in his efficiency. Steve could tell the Dom just wanted to get through the test and sign off on the result. Steve was just another applicant to him.

Steve got off to a good start; he recited the mantra perfectly and displayed his body correctly in the various positions. Similarly, the humiliation section went well; Steve wasn't fazed by it and the Dom wasn't particularly vindictive. Steve struggled slightly during the punishment portion; the Dom was a lot rougher than the previous Doms with the swats and whips as he lashed into Steve's body, but Steve managed to hold himself together. Pet play went really well; Steve flew through it, enjoying it as had done before. The objectification and serving were the most difficult parts. He concentrated on being objects like a footstool and table, trying to hold it together while being ignored. He knew he had to pay attention to every handle signal or body movement while serving to ensure the examiner had no cause to dock him any marks. Steve was glad once he was allowed to climb out from under the table, finishing the serving portion of the test.

The final section was sex. He aced this part of the test, managing to get a lot of moans out of the examiner. Steve himself entered the subspace so he was flying high during the final parts of the test. The test culminated in an explosive orgasm from the examiner. He shot his load all over Steve's body, who was only glad to gather it up in his hands in lick it off. The examiner smiled, elated, both at Steve's response at cleaning himself up and also the immense pleasure from the orgasm. The examiner took a few minutes to recover from the experience. Steve knew the pleasure he'd managed to provide for the examiner would earn him some extra marks in his favour. Once he had regained composure, the examiner thanked him and led him back to the cages.

Once everyone had completed their tests, the applicants were taken to get their possessions from the lockers. Their collars, chains, plugs, and cock cages were removed and they were allowed to dress in their clothes. It felt strange to be in clothing again and out of their restraints. Being without the restraints felt like they were missing a piece of themselves, and the clothes on their bodies felt foreign to them. It was amazing what a week could do to change one's normality.

The applicants were then herded out to the waiting area they had been only one week before. They had come full circle only now they changed. They had been Norms and now they were on the precipice of becoming subs. Their friends or family who had come with them were there waiting for them.

Steve saw Mark over in the corner. He ran to his husband, tears in his eyes at seeing his husband for the first time in a week.

"Good to see you," Mark laughed, hugging Steve, his large arms engulfing his husband.

"I missed you," Steve kissed him.

"Me too, I love the new hairdo by the way," Mark rubbed Steve's buzz cut. It had grown a bit since it had been shaved off but was still short.

"It's one of the many things that are different," Steve smiled.

The applicants were all getting acquainted with their respective family and friends until they began being called into the office to get their results.

It was soon Steve's turn. Mark went with him, keeping hold of his hand as a support. Steve felt a cold sweat pass over him. He breathed deeply to calm himself.

The two men sat themselves down at a across from a clerk. It was the woman from the week before. She was shuffling through papers on her desk.

"Well congratulations are in order. You passed your final test so you're now a certified sub," the clerk smiled.

Steve nearly leapt from his chair with elation. He had been through so much hardship over the past week, but it had all paid off. He'd managed to rise to the top and prove himself as worthy of being a sub.

Mark squeezed his hand. "Well done babe," he said smiling and hugging his husband.

"I have all your paperwork here," the clerk placed some papers in front of the two men. "This certificate proves your accreditation as a legal sub, you are now legally a second-class citizen, your rights as a Norm are now revoked and your freedoms and restrictions are at the discretion of your owner. Please sign at the bottom, Steve." Steve signed his signature on the paper. The clerk photocopied it, giving a copy to Steve and filing one away. It was overwhelming. With a signature, his life had changed. He was now lesser than what he had been. He hadn't much time to ponder over it as the clerk efficiently continued.

"This is for you, Mark," the clerk handed a sheet to Mark. "It is a proof of ownership of Steve, your sub, please sign at the bottom." Mark signed it and the clerk again photocopied it gave and a copy to Mark. "Keep that safe. From this point forward you have full ownership over Steve, mind and body. Steve is your property. Any finances, assets, or possessions that Steve once owned are now legally yours." With that Steve now belonged to Mark. He was a piece of property owned by his husband. His life was changed forever.

Steve chatted with the other applicants as they each got their news. Of the 16 applicants who had done their final test, 12 of them had passed. And to their delight, all the sub bros had passed. They cheered in a circle, hugging each other and patting each other on their backs.

They were all excited to go back to their lives, but now as full subs. They chatted about their plans. Greg was going to explore his new life a straight sub. He was going to look for a female partner who would become his Mistress.

Ben's boss had promised a promotion (with conversely enough a salary increase) if he completed the sub training. His boss was on the kinky side and wanted a certified sub as a personal assistant and now he had gotten it. Ben was looking forward to returning to work to fully explore working as full sub under his boss.

Paul couldn't wait to go home with his wife and embrace his new certified position as a sub.

Malik, like Steve, was taking part in an internship programme for subs. They weren't at the same company, but it was interesting to see that Steve wasn't the only one following similar career paths.

Thiago, true to his personality, was going to hit the road for his next adventure. He didn't know where it would take him but he was going to bring everything he had learned about being a sub with him. Maybe he'd find a group of like-minded people on his travels?

Kev was going back to college to his frat bros. Completing the week's training meant that he had completed his part of the bet he had made with his frat bros. They'd probably start another bet to see what their next challenge would be between them. The others laughed at Kev's light-heartedness. They'd miss his optimism. Kev would probably go back to his normal life as a college student. He was still straight and being a sub wasn't on his list of things to embrace in life, but who knew? "I might try out what I've learned this week with the bros if I'm bored," he laughed.

With that, the sub bros wished each other well, promising that they'd meet each other again sometime in the future. Steve waved goodbye and left with his husband, through the same doors that they had entered a week ago, but things were different now. They were no longer equals. Mark was his owner, and he was his sub.

There we have it! A happy end to the training for everyone! The first cycle of the story is now complete. The next cycle will focus on Steve and Mark at home as they explore their new dynamic, as well as Steve in his job. There will be new settings, new characters, and new storylines. But who knows, we may bump into some familiar faces! I'll be taking a short reprieve (to work on some other shorter works) before jumping into the second cycle of this story, but I'll be back soon!

Next: Chapter 9

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